Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 15, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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'Given to the Public by "oar
Local Druggist.
We want the public to know that
the most valuable and delicious tasting
cod liver oil preparation known to
medicine is Vinol.
Vinol contains ALL of the medicinal
elements of cod liver oil, actually taken
from fresh cods' livers, but not a drop
of oil.
, For this reason it is recognized
throughout the world as the greatest
health restorer and strength creator
known to medicine, and we do not
believe there is a man, woman or child
In this vicinity but what Vinol will
benefit them.
. It makes health and strength for old
people, weak, sickly women and chil
dren, nursing mothers, and after a
severe sickness.
Cures hacking coughs, chronic colds,
bronchitis and all throat and lung
troubles. Unequalled to create an
appetite, and to make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
Try Vinol on our guarantee to return
your money if you are not satisfied.
HUNTLEY BEOS., Druggists,
Ortgon City, On.
Senator Eodge
Defends Roosevelt
In Connection with Panama-Ths Pres
ident's Panama Message a
Long Document.
WASiiiNaTon, Dec 7, 1904.
On the 6th inst,, before a crowded
Senate, Senator Lodge of Mass., made
a long ami rather tiehnical speech de
fending tne President's action in con
nection with PanHma. He spent much
time and cited many authorities, from
interrational law. from the dicta of
former secretaries of state, and from de
cisions of the Supreme Court, to sua.
tain the proposition, that it iB tlie func
tion of the Executive, as provided for
in the Constitution, to receive ministers
from other countries and thus recog
nize the da. facto government. When
this is to be done is a mere matter of
Btate policy, and the President is to de-1
cido. Mr. Lodge said all the world
knew a revolution was impending in
Panama; he read about it while in Lon
don, and of course all this information'
flowed in upon the President, and he
did not exceed his duty in taking prompt
measures to protect American citizens
and interests -trnd prevent bloodshed.
Only one man, paid Mr. Lodge, was
killed "the unfortunate and inevitable
Chinaman" who was struck by a Col
ombian shell while in his bed. This !b
not a party issue he contended, and he
charged hit opponents with "hating the
sinner and embracing the sin." Secre
tary Hay was eulogized ; and the pre
diction made that future historians
would give a high place to Preeident
Roosevelt for opening the gateway be
tween the two oceans. He admitted
that men from his section of the coun
try New England opposed the Louis-
ania purchase, bnt said they were mis :
taken. When charged with incons.st
ency in voting for the Cuban resolution
declaring the people of that island "free
and independent," the Maes. Senator
said that in hie opinion it was a small
matter whether a man was consistent')!
The President's message of explana
tion and defense in reference to I ai araa
was a very long document and gave a
circumstantial account of what took
place from his point of view. It waB re
garded by the Republicans as a complett
vindication, but did not convince the
Democrats. The gut of the whole matter
is: Was there a revolution of the people
of the department of Panama, and was
there a government of any kind at tne
lime independence was acknowledged
by the President? The discussion of 'his
question may continue a week or more
before a vote ib reached on the treaty.
Not much new or important l gielation
is expected at this session of Congress.
The usual appropriation bills will be
passed, the PeDsion heading the list.
The Panama treaty will be rifled with
votes to spare J Gen. Wood will receive
bis promotion ; and the probabilities
are that Reed Smoot.senator from Utah,
will be allowed to hold down his seat.
Both patties are looking for iseueB which
will give them political capital for the
coming Presidential campaign. - Owing
to the falling off of ciiBtomB receiptt ai.d
internal revenue, economy will be the
watchward. The subjects of irrigation
and pure food will receive some atten
tion. It is possible that four new states
may be admitted to the Union. A civil
pension list is talked of, but has no
chance at present. The status of Mor
monism ip likely to be discussed. Bills
Cave been introduced to amend the emi
gration laws, for which there is pressing
need ; to create a bureau of good roads
which is sensible ; to provide for the
promotions in the army aB a reward for
notable services; and to build a
palace for the departments of State and
The unusually cold wave swept over
the country the fir-it week in January
covered Washington with a sheet of
glare ice about an inch thick, which re
mained intact for a number of days.
The result was new and pictureque; the
broad avenues, the wide 6treets, and
the parks became Bkating ponds, crowd
ed with all conditions of men and
women; safe walking was well nighim
possible, and in time the town was cov
ered with ashes as if a small Mt Pelee
eruption had taken place. The mercury
reached zero, and there was much suf
fering among the poor-
The Chicago fire has called forth a re
solution of deep sympathy from the
House of Representatives, while the
Senate has passed a resolution ordering
the District Commissioners to inspect
all places of amusement in Washington
and report. A modern fire alarm system
is to be installed in the White House at
once and the employes of that mansion,
something like 150, are to be drilled as a
fire brigade. There was a rumor that
the Preiident would do the drilling, but
this is unlikely.
Dr. Wiley, chemist, after feeding a
number of youngmen some months upon
food prepared with salicyic acid, has
abandoned the experiment for the pre
sent, Bince it baa been demonstrated
that such food seriously injures the
health. One man may claim that this
peculiar food cured him of 'heumatism .
Food prepared with borax also proved
to be unhealthy. 'I leel as if my in
sides I ad been tanned with the staff,"
was the way one of the subjects express
ed it.
A Representative in Congress from
Mont, has opened tbe Chinese question
He wants the government to build a wire
fence along tbe Canadian boundary to
keep the Chinese out. Of course the
wires are to 6e kept alive with electric
it,. The very wise optimistic Secretary of
Agriculture says no panic iB possible in
this c uiuy so long as tne farmer Cfn
pr. dure gocd and saleable crops. Our
surplus crops sold abroad last year
amounted to $S78,000,000. He adds
that the state of Iowa alone sent sixty
millions of dollars in 1Q03 'o Canada to
puicbatf grpzii g and farming lands.
But panics have taken place without re
gard to the condition of the crops ; there
is little coi Tu ction between them.
It is getting to be dangerous for a
Well-preserved widow to i-how friendship
(or a piepo:StSHig man considerably
her junior, epjecially if she happens to
be a rich countess. At least tl e Coun
tess Eettrhf.zy has bt en sued for $100,
000 damages b - a won. an who fels that
the Countess has won her huobnm.'j
affections. The Countuns objected to
taking tbe papers when they were ser
ved, but as they came with a lot of os
tensible ChriBtmas presents the.yieldej,
protesting. She is a prominent society
woman in Washington, and did not even
know that her male friend was mar
ried. No. 1. Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin L.
L. D.
Of Waverly, Texas, writes: "Of a morn
ing, when first arising, I often find a
troublesome collection of phlegm, which
produces a cough and is very hard to
dislodge ; but a small quantity of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup will at once
dislodge it, and the trouble is over. I
know of no medicine that is equal to it,
and it is so pleasant to take . I can mos-1
coidially recommend it to all persons
needing a medicine for throat or lun g
trouble." 25c, 50c and $1. Charman &
A Prisoner in Her Own House.
Mrs. W. H. Layha, of 1001 Agnes
Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several
years been troubled with severe hoarse
ness aud at times a hard cough, which
she says, "Would keep me in doors for
days. I was prescribed for by physi
cians with, uo noticeaDio rusuits. a
fiiend gave me part of a bottleof Cham
bertain's Cough Remedy with instruc
Hons to closely follow the directions and
I wish to state that after the first cay
I could not ce a decided change for the
better, and at this time after using it
for two weeks, have no heailation in
saying I realize that I am entirely
cured. This remedy is for sale by G. A.
Pleasant and Most Effective.
T. J. Chambers.Ed. Vindicator. Liber
ty, Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: "With
pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear
testimony to the curative power of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have
used it in my family and can chierfully
affirm it is the most effective and pleas
antest remedy for coughs and colds I
have ever used." 25c, 60c and tl, at
Charman & Co.
Tirst Stamp mill
in Old Clackamas
Carpets, Rugs,
Wall Paper,
Bring your Cash and
see how far it will go
Trank BliSCh zht doustfurnisbtr
.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimiimmmmmim ii "imm mi.nn.i.i mmim limn. I. 'iw '"'""' " ""J JJI""- " -"' m"'''!"!l!'"'!X
Tbe first stamp mill ever erected in
Clackamas county wuVbe installed by
tbe Molalla Central Mining company on
its claim near Ogle Creek, in the Cas
cade mountains, juet bo soon as the
weather will permit in the spring. This
action was decided upon by the board of
tljrectorB of tb? company at a meeting
lielJ on Friday evening. This action
upon the part of th ecompany was de
cided upon after an assay of the latest
samples brought out of the mine by Mr.
Welsh, who returned from the moun
tains laBt week. The assay was as fol
lows: Lowest grade ore, $16.76; next
grade, $75 94; full test across the ledge,
H10.33; selected samples, $2,773.31.
Just so soon as the snow goes out of the
mountains the people of the Molalla
neighborhood w ill begin the building of
a road from the foothills into the mines,
and for that purpose have subscribed
$700 in labor. The residents of Molalla
Prairie have great faith in the Ogle
Creek mines, and say these mountains
will be prospected from one end to the
other next summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moehnke and
grandson, Rea Graham, returned from
Seattle, Wash., Sunday, where they
have bem visiting their daughters, Mrs.
I. A. LeBean and Mrs. A. V . Dickey, for
several weeks. Mr. -Moehnke thinks
that Seattle is not quite so lively as it
has been.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. B'rSnce and
daughter, Geneva, of Portland, cpeut a
lew days here visiting relativea ana
Maud, Salvia and Ray Marquam have
all returned to Salem where they are
attending school.
Geo. Kentley has returned home from
Portland after visiting his two sonB for
a week.
Miss Katie Dunlay has gone to South
eru Oregon to work.
Clay Larkins who has been visiting
his parents for the last week has return
ed to Salem, where be is going to school.
Miss Liston uom Salem has been
voting Miss Tessa Larkins this week.
There was a party at the home of Mr,
Strokwell. There was a large crowd
present a nd all bad a good time.
The only First-Class Second-hand
dealer in
' Ipllli
It is worth your time to come and examine the stock.
You will find a full line of new and Second-Hand Furniture
Stoves, Crockery, Hardware, Etc.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods.
T nnnT nnr D MAIN street,
It 1 UJjrUJjTl IV m door north Commercial Bank
"Itching hemorrhoids weri the plague of my
ife, Wn almost wild. Doan's Ointment cured
me quicklv and peinmnently, after doctors lntu
fal.ed." C. F. Cornwell, Valley Street. Saugertis
n. y,
The Home Friend of the
Farmer and His Family.
After the labors and toils of the summer time,
and harvesting of crops in the early autumn,
many of our farmers, their wives, daughters,
and sons, find themselves in a condition of
health demanding careful attention if suffering
is to be avoided later on. Many experience
kidney trouble in some form; with some the
I liver is torpid; there is biliousness, nausea, and
vomiting, with loss of appetite and depression
of spirits. Thousands who have been exposed
j to cold, damp winds and rains while toiling in
the harvest fields, now feel the twinges ol
terrible rheumatism; others run down bj
worry, overwork, and irregular dieting, are
tormented with the pangs of dyspepsia.
lo the thousands or run down, sickly, and
half dead men and women in farm homes w8
recommend with all honesty and confidence
the worker's friend, Faine's Celery Compound,
the only medicine that can quickly and fullj
restore strength to the weak body and vigor to
the muscles. Taine's Celery Compound tone!
the stomach; it removes poisonous acids from
the blood which cause rheumatism; it feeds
the weak and diseased nerves and banishes
neuralgic tortures; it purifies the blood and
gives true vitality and life. The use of Faine's
Celery Compound in autumn means the estab
lishing of a perfect physical vigor to withstand
the rigors of a severe winter.
for children's clothei are mot Krvlceable. They
color jackets coati cpe ribbons, stockings,
aa well as dresses No other dyes equal Dia
mond Dyes in variety of uses I they never
We have a special department of advice, and
w ill answer free any questions about dyeing.
Send (sample of goods wben possible.
direction book and 45 dyed samples free.
DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt.
Tbe City Meat Market
at Canby, Oregon,
Pays the highest price for all
kinds of cattle. The best of
fresh meats are handled at
most reasonable prices. 1 have
been in buisness in Canby a
number of years, and have
tried to treat everybody right.
I solicit your patronage for the
future and intend to deserve It.
S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon
Then your liver isn't acting
well. Vou suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Aycr's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
th, Standard' Family Pill.
Small doses cure.
All druirsists.
vvjui.'r ra..ta.-li or b.ii tuuliu
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is the Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Oregon City Planing Mills
All kinds of Building Matsrial, Sash,
Doors and Moulding.
F. S. BAKER Proprietor,
Oregn City, Oregon
Brunswick House and ItestaurHnt
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable.
..Only First Class Restaurant in the City.
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Elk Horn Livery Feed I Sale Stab I e
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. .R DIMICK, Manager, wThTy0
1000 Men and 5000 Women
To come to Wilson's & Cook's Hardware Store to get
Bargains in Graniteware, Tinware, Stoneware, Cop
perware, all of the best make. Also Woodchopers
Tools. Washing Machines, Wringers, Wash Boards,
Tubs and Clothes Lines. Also the largest and best
stock of Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors and
Shears, all of which is bought direct from the manu
facturers. If you are building a house or barn come
and see our stock of builders hardware and :: ::
Just look at and price our Carving Set, Roasters
' before youbuyr" 'l l-1-'
The same jirice to all men, women or children,
No. 5, Comercial Block I
Tor tne