Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 08, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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W. W. Myers
Takes a Crack at Mr. Nelson
and Cther People.
He Believes That All Men Are Honest
But Will Steal a little at
The following letter from W.W.Myers,
the Socialist leader of Clackamas county,
finds its way to our desk and we publish
it ior what it is worth. Mr. Myers has
a cousiderable following and there are a
good many Socialist in the county who
believe in his doctrine?. While the
"Courier" does not emlorte all that the
gentleman says we believe be is right
in some respects and if lie will join
bauds with the Democrats next BUtn
mer we will turn me ra caU out.
"Mr. Nelson assumes that ihe Repub
licans are rascals and the administra
tion is very corrupt He failtd to give
us :ne reason and ci'e the cause now.
I don't think the Republicans are more
con not than the Democrats or the Demo
crate are more corrupt than the Social
ist. 1 know some Republicans that are
very bad men and have seen Democrats
that were not angels, also lime, seen
Socialists who did not have wing.
There must be a cause. Tliij is the
trutri we must seek now. In your next
pleahe give us "your idea of the cause.
Next you speak of the fundamental
principles of Democracy. This we will
cot object . to because the Socialists
claim to be the only party that is tryinst
to carry theBe principle': l.to efftct. Now
as to the policies of the Democratic
party. Do you claim thev are in keep,
ing with the principles? If so, you can
point with pride to st. LouiB, Saginaw,
Michigan. Tammany Hall, Child Labor in
the Smith and many other places too
OUhierous to uieuwivu. vuco uiuie i.
will mention after adopting a platform
dec-1; rim; for free coinage of silver elect
ing president and both branches of the
ley: ve department. Did they carry
it on' ? v i'l you answer? Next ynu say
thai Socialist deman !s. We surrender
our individuality. Let's see, I suppose
you mean we restrict the individual to
do c nam things be has a right to do
uoi i i this capiiative system. What are
the.v ?
Fi'hl.we demand that the labor or
pro Un or has the right to the full pro
duct i f his toil.
Sicund, what the people collectively
nee'i itey shall collectively own what
ire' "vlduals need We shall individ
ual! own, thereby doing away with the
exploiter, usury, rrut and profit.
1 uiUHt say that the article in the
Courier on the parcel post does not al
together agree with with you. Democ
racy, wherein it says when public .wel
fare conflicts with private interest. The
latter has, and always will have to give
away. This comes very near our de
mands doesn't it?
I would like to ask you where you are
going to draw the dead line on individ
ual! y?
The horse thief, gambler, hobo, high
wayman, confidence mail, exploiter,
UBei , landlord and men that live off the
toils of others object to the public wel
fare interfering with their individual
liberty here is one I clipped from the Ap
peal :
M inter editor; I have ben a makin a
Mint living ler ni '20 yers a peddlin
whir key and a steliu ho6ses. Now If
dariii d soshelizem gits in i want ter no
Whit i, e.l becum oy my bisnez. They is
a lot ov us in the biz in the territi ry and
ef yi nier to spilo our b z we will bust
yu u,i. Biz is darned dill here now.
Iloi'iti these few lines will find yu the
saini" vie are ycurs for suckees.
I. Jones.
Cu.i l-, Ind. Ter.
Non , 1 can't Bee the difference wheth.
er a ii n steals ynur horse or our la
bor ( i'ir government ttatiiticion tells
tin tin. average wage production is (24.51.
Tin -iw.age wage is H'i7. The man
who I vbors is the only producer. Will
you I'M ,ise tell me where Ihe other ''0l)5
80' i :
Now wha.dijou mean by turning
the t . iI.h out of the Democratic
parti'"' '.ell. if ynu do the Socialists
uiivji.i gvt some if not all your politi
cian od the Republicans do the same.
8oni.' 'hink the Socialist will have a ma
joiii it the next election. Don't do it,
Bio i r.ilin'tdo it ! When you go to the
IvHiiq i ion the 8th, let me eugeta toiu-t
"lie . s tj Democratic members of Con
Kren imt tide on passes and charge the
peop JO cents per mile for traveling
ex in- "
To I'n Socialist, let me suggest, as
So manv oeoole
P with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that
121 and unable to resist
K 1
not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they
will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with
some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates.
I had a bad case of La Grippe about ten years ago which left my Lungs G. VACHER, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: "My wife had 1 very
so weak that I have been troubled more or less every winter since until I used severe case of La Grippe, and it left her with a very bad cough. She tried
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and my Lungs , bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and it gave immediate relief."
no longer trouble me.-J. H. BROWNING, D.D.S., Orrick, Mo.
The 50c bottles contain two and on-hIf times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottles almost six times as much.
Kir ii('M'1
banquets are in order, we get op a din
ner conwutinn of pow bosom and boiled
beane and call it Abraham Lincoln din
ner in benor of the first great emancipa
tion as be, by bis proclamation.emai ci
pated the bUck slave. Our proclama
tion the liberation of the wage elave and
the producer
W. W. Myers.
Among Republicans that Roosevelt
Can Not be Elected President.
Phildelphia RecorJ.
The adherents of President Roosevelt
are takin great comfort to themselves
from the ffict that there is no candidate
openly in the field against him. This is
intruih a more dangerous condition
thau if the Republican opposition to
Roosevelt were united upon a known
candidate whose strength coal J be rea
sonably estimated. It is the unexpected
that frequently happens in the best re
gulated national conventions. Garfield
was not a candidate for President in
1880, arid yet be carried off the prize
from b th Urant and tiiauio rout arm
Pierce were hardly dreamed of as Demo
cratic candidates ior the Presidency un.
til they were nominated. The adher
ents of Rooeevelt are Hghtii'g in the
dark against an invisi le but portentous
five in the arowiou conviction of ihe Re.
publicans of the country that the hero of
f anama can never ne eiecteo rresiuent.
Bv the meeting of the Republican
National Convention events in their
rapid progress may have this convic
tion so formidable that nothing will re
main but to uivw it embodiment in the
choice ol a candidate, whether he be
Hanna, Fairbanks or Spooner. From
all appearances Spooner's would be a
name to conjure with in the next Re
publican National Convention.
Of tbe Republicans in New York State
is Desperate.
New York Evening Post.
Extracting sunshine from cucumbers
is easier than extracting comfort for the
Republicans from the New York State
vote of last November. The State Com
mittee, however, is equal to the task.
Taking the votes for Assemblymen out
hide of Greater New 1'ork, and the vote
for Mayor in this metropolitan district,
it Amis a plurality of 2ti 547, and con
eludes, "The showing is flattering to
Republicans pros', ects next year." The
flattery lies iu assuming that "up-state
counties can be relied upon, it is believ
ed, to increase materially tbe majorities
whii b they gave last November." Ex
actly who holds this pleasing belief is
not revealed: certainly not the members
of the committee ".certainly not the Trib
une, which displays the statement.
These eminent political authorities know
that through the the ap.stale vote will
lie heavier, tne Democrats are more
than likely to beat it by swinging into
line thouaands of tiieir party who have
been supporting fusion here In brief,
the figure! compiled by the Republican
committee are prima facie evidence that
the situation in this state is desperate.
To overcome thesu heavy odds the Re
publicans are bnsy quarieliug over the
leadership and the distribution of pat
ronage. Plaving chess when the house
is on lire is wisdom compared with Buch
a performance.
Mr John II. Cullom, editor of tbe
Gailand, Texas, News, has written a let
to i of congratulations to the manufac
turers of 'Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy
as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our
first child was a baby be was euoject to
croupy Bpells ana we would be very un
easy about him . We bejran using Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, in 1886, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have never been
without it in the house since that time.
Wu have five children and have giveu it
lo all of them with good results. One
goo.i feature of this reme.ly is that it is
not disagreeable to lake and our babies
really like it. Another is that it is not
dangerous, and there is no tisk from
giving an overdose. I congratulate you
upon the bucccbs of your remeily." fcir
sale by Geo. A. Havdiug.
y I..0 ,.,1,1
'M fi.'viyr 1 10
who have aDoarentlv recovered from an attack of La
lllilllf MbP
More About
Piano Clubs
The Best Advantages Piano
Buyers Have Ever Had
Now Offered by Eilers
Piano House.
Wholesale Prices on the Largest Line
of Strictly High-grade Pianos and
Organs Ever Carried by a
Single Firm Two Organ
Clubs Added Yesterday.
Piano pu chasers are now taking advant
age of the greatest buying opportunities
ever onered in any pan m mc umiuiy
The variety of pianos included in our
ebb sale is .practically lim.t.ess and they
are nut only the very finest pianos made
but the latest and best styles of case de
sign and finish.
No other piano dealers East or West,
'control anywhere near such a large volume
of business as does Eilers Piano House,
Buying and selling instruments in the gi
gantic quantities in which we do, to sup.
ply five immense retail stores, enables
us to name the reasonable terms and prices
which are made by us at ail times.
But to still further aid purchasers in se-,
curing tine pianos at low prices, without
sacrifice to ourselves, we have again inaug
urated the wholesale or club plan of piano
selling, which was so immensely popular
in 98.
Each club Is limited strictly to ioo,
members, and it occupies the same rela
tion to us as a wholesale purchaser, who
buys as many pianos in one lot. There
are five clubs in all, and in each one are
the very finest -pianos of their respective
grades. For instance, in
There are pianos of a great variety of
makes and styles that sell regularly for
S225.00, $25o.oo, $275.00 and $3oo.oo and
for e ery one of them other dealers would
ask a great deal more. But In the piano
clubs they can be obtained now for
$118.oo, $137.00, $i65oo and $178.00
Payments $5 down and weekly payments
of $1.25.
In this club are to be found the choicest
of Marshal & Wendel, Ricca & Son, We
ser and the beautiful Bailey pianos in great
variety at such prices as $186.00, J2H.00,
$226.00, etc. The payments are only $6
down and $1.60 a week.
CLUBS "C." "D" and "E."
In these clubs are pianos of such well
known excellence and popularity as the
Hobart M. Cable, Vose, Lester, Pease,
Schumann, Bush & Gerts and many oth
ers, graded in the three clubs according to
style and fin sh, the highest class, Club
"E," includes the very choicest Weber,
Kimball and chickering pianos, In both
upwright and grand styles. Payments
down In class "C" are $12.00 down and
$2,00 a week, in club "D," $2000 down
and $2 50 a week, and in club "E" $25.00
down, the balance to be arranged to suit
custumers, but to be paid within two
years. Payments may be made by the
month instead of week where desired, and
as much more as is desired may be paid off
at any time.
Two Organ Cubs are now in readiness.
In these are included our entire line of ele
gant organs, Such as the well-known and
popular Crown, the Burdette, the Kimball
and the Paciiic Que n, all in the very
latest styles; also odd styles of Mason
& Hamlin, Esty and other well-known
Members of this elub secure a fine new
organ by paying $3.oo don and finish
their payments in weekly installments of
only 60 cents.
Those who wish to secure organs in a
little finer and more elaborate finish may
do so by joining this cluband paying$5.oo
down and the small sum of $1.00 a week,
or $4.oo a month.
tvery instrument sold has our full,
unconditional guarantee of money back
if not entirely satisfactory, in addition to
that of the factory. Leliveries made Im
mediately upon first payment. Eilers
Piano House, No. 351 Washington Street,
corner Park.
The largest, most popular and reliable
piano concern on the Pacific Coast. Large
stores Spokane and Seattle, Wash.; Sac
ramento, San Francisco, Stockton and
Eureka, Cat.
Out of vn orders by mail, 'phone or
telegrahh promptly attended to.
the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened M
Residents or Oregon City ara Shown tf.e
Only one way to cure a bad back
Liniment and plasters may relieve it.
'J hey wod'I cure it.
Backache means sick kidneys.
Doan's Kiduey Pills cure all kidney
Read a case of it.
Mrs. J. D. Kennedy, who resides at
780 Corbett St., Portland eayst "I have
been afflicted with kidney trouble for
thirty years, sH for the pit twentv
, ai.o T Intra 11 t loan pnl ta'i fftefrom t
jg.,D.UH.V H . J ---
iii some form or other. 1 suftjred ter
ribly from backache and could hardly
stoop over and get up again. Trouble
fiom the kidneys secretions exited. At
times I was greatly blouted, my feet
swelled to t wice their natural huh and
I was seldom without a plaster on mj
back to ease the pain. I doctored agre.it
deal and used mre medicines tlinn any
one person could curry. I had read so
much about Dian'a Kidney Pills that I
c ncluded to give them a trial and got a
box . I was a good subject with a casii
of such long s'.andinsr, an i I thought if
they hplped me I could safely recom
mend them to others. 1 used them
faithfuby and the results wre satisfact
ory in every way. DoanV Kidney Pills
are a wonder. They did ran more good
than any other remedy I ever used "
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon C'ty people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug afore and ask what his cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50e
Foster-.Vlilburn Co.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
A Very Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerye was racked
with pain," writes 0 W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa.
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all run down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters, and after taking it, I felt as well as
I ever did in my life." Weak, Bickly,
run down people;al ways eain new life,
strength and vigor from their me. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Char
man & Co. Price 50 cents.
No. 11,
Slate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Luc9 County.
Frank J. Oheney makna oath ttw. he is the sen
ior partner of tlin Una of F. J. C heskv & Ui) d o
ing bminuss in the Cit" of Toledo, county and
Bute otonmtd, and that said ttrra will pay the
sum of one hi'nivred DOLLARS for evch and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the uae
oi Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray pre
sence, this 6st day of December, a. D. lSdO.
A. W. GIiKA80N,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Uend for testimonial!, free. .
F. J. C TEXEI & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family fills ate the belt.
For Infant and Children.
TCb Kind You Hava Always Bought
Sears the
rtlgn&tare of
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason ol
de'e eplumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put .n thorough working
order will net prove expensive if the
work is done by
Grippe are stricken rj
m, rrtf
VS i'l-Pfr:ff .
- 1... " . N-'-""MvyW.
"When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's . Emul
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat
ment. We will send you
the penny, . e., a
sample free.
Be sure that tlvi3 rvicture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists.
New Plumbing'
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite'Oimfleld Block OREGON CTT
iff W
Have You Heard It?
If Not, Why Not?
We have REMOVED to corner next to postoffice,
where we are showing a complete line of Furniture,
Stoves, Hardware, Etc., New and Second-Hand.
I'lvnne tio. 1341
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed M9
Some hmous Old brands :
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
Cor. Railrad Ave. and Mo n 5!s.
I The 1 4th Street Grocery
Is now opened with a
goods at prices that will
Goods delivered to any
For the letest novelties in
all kincs of laces and dress
trimmings there is no store
in Oregon City like the Fair.
They sell men's underwear
at the Fair at Rediculously
low prices considering the
values. An investigation
will prove the truth of both
the above statements.
The Fair Store
The Finest Fruit
The verv finest fruits of the shoe
manufactories have been selected toj
lYvmnlMp nnrtni-k. The swellest stvles
in all the varieties of lasts, tops, toes
and trimmings, fcvery pair a Deauiy,
with nM sivhtrtantinl wear to back
them and make them sensible bargainsi
will be found at
Oregon City Shoe House
Headquarters for Fresh Meats.
Highest prices paid for butcher
R.P.Blazier & Co., Props
- - COMPANY - -
Bown & Welch
-Proprietors of the-
7th $t
A. 0. U. W. Building
and riisKc
Old Roxbury Rye ,
complete stock of fresh i
satisfy the closes, buyer. '
part of the city free.
M. HARRIS, Prop,