c OREGON CITY COURIER, FRlDAYt JANUARY t, 1904 The Panama Treaty Is the Bone of Contention Congress. In War With Colombia Possible. Remotely i Wabhington. D. C Dec. 24, 1903, During the present recess of Congress members of each party are making plane for renewing the struggle over the Pana ma treaty which is under consideiation of the Senate. Senator Hoar's speech against the policy of the administration Bud Senator Gorman's attempts to block the ratification of the treaty, have aroused the Republicans, who are de termined that the administration Bhall be upheld at all costs. If the two -thirds majority of the Senate cannot be ob. tained for the approval of the Treaty, the republican House plans to come to the aid of their party in the Senate by adopt ing a joint resolution authorizing the payments of the $10,000,000 to Panama and the President to proceed with the construction of the canal. Such a reso lution would pass by a majority vote and the assistance of the Democrats would not be reauired. There is pre1 cedent for men action in the admissiou of Texas and of Hawaii. H -wever, the ioiDt resolution is hard ly considered necessary, as Senator Gor man s plan may be dropped owinu to the fact that Bomeof his Democratic col le cues are in favor of the treaty . Sen ators McEnery and Foster of Louisiana havw received instructions from the legis. lature of their state requesting them to vote for the treatv. and Governor Ter rell, of Georgia, has declared that he approved the course of the administra tion in the Panama affair, although in little else. The action of the Louisiana legislature is important as it relieves the two Senators from that etate from obu gut ions to be bound by the Democratic caucus, in case it decides to oppose the treaty. Similar action by other state legislatures would have the same effect on their own senators. The Hepu di cans claim that at least seven Demo crats favor the treaty and that its ratili. cation is thus assuied. Senator Hoar will vote for it, in spite of his hostile a - titnde toward the manner in which the treaty was negotiated. It is generally thought here that the attempt to make a cany issue out of the ratification of the treaty will fail, and that the agree ment ith I'd nam a will receive the ap proval of both parties. War with Columbia is reaarded here as remotely possible. General Reyes, who ie still in Washington, strongly ad vises hie countrymen against such a fool ish course, land the Euronean nations have counseled the Colombian govern ment against any act of hostility toward the United States. However, it is not safe to take for granted tnat South Americans and especially a government which was foolish enough to reject the canal treaty and to drive their own peo ple to rebellion, will adopt a wise course in anything. It is known that the Latin Americans are sentimental, reckless, enthusiastic and live under conditions in which was ia hardly an abnormal state. In Colombia many men have volun teered their services to the country to retake Panama, much depreciated money baa been offered, President Marcquin in apite of the fact that he was not reelected has placed his private for tune at the disposal of the government, and even the women are offering then services. News of Democratic opposi tion to the canal treaty has been exag gerated in Colombia and has raised false hopes- General Reyes says he cannot answer for his people, although he is head of the army and the newly elected President. The Navv department is prepare! for any emergency. There is a neet on eacn side of the isthmus and the ships carry many marines, some of whom have al ready been landed. The War depart ment holds troops in readiness a'though the administration does not care to use them. The order of the Navy Depart ment to prevent the landing of any force with hostile intentions is still in force', although the naval officers are instruct ed to wait for Colombia to. fire the first gun. Admiral John G. Walker, who re presented the President on the Isthmus has returned here and will make a full report to Mr. Kooeevelt. W. I. Bucha nan, the American Minister to Panama has arrived on the Isthmus and will pre sent his credentials. General Reyes' proposition to submit the question of the recognition of Panama"'o trft Hague Tribunal will not be accepted by our government, although he might have better success with a proposal to submit the question of Panama's assuming a portion of Colombia's del,t. This last question is still an open one; Panama's independence is an accomplished tact recognized by the countries of the world. make him one of the most busy men in Washington. News baa been received here that the Governor of Alexandretta has made an official call on American Consul Davis and offered formal apologies for the indignities offered him by aome Turkish soldiers. Attarian, the Armenion aod naturalized citizen of the United States, whose arrest caused the trouble has been liberated. The Consnl was taken back to Alexandretta in the United Stales cruiser San Francisco. Officers of the &tate Department are somewhat concerned over the fate of the Chinese Oonimarcial Treaty which has still to be ratified at I ekin by re ceiving the Imperial eal of China. In. structions have been sent to Minister onger to obtain this ratification as quickly as possihle as it is thought here that Russian intrigue at the Uhmese Court may oppose the treaty. The Czar's government ie believed to objmst to the opening of the ports of Mukden and Antung in Manchuria, as our treaty rights there might give us occasion to in terfere in the Russian-Japanese dispute. until th treaty is finally ratified the State Department cannot send consular agents to the ports and thus block Rus sian opposition by pointing to the open ing of the ports hb an accomplished fact. State Department officers regard a con flict between Japan and Russia as in evitable, but believe that each side is playing for time. The United Stales will of course be strictly neutral but will send a large fleet under Admiral Evans to protect American interests. Secretary 'Tav who has been ill for the past two weeks with a severe cold is now able to leave bis bed room, and penda most of the day in his library where he transacts much of the im portant business which calls for bis personal attention. In spite of his busi ness the Panama and Russian questions A Prisoner In Her Own House. Mrs. W. H. Layha, of 1001 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several years been troubled with severe hoarse ness and at times a hard cough, which she says, "Would keep me in doors for days. I was prescribed for by phvsi cians with iiO noticeable rusults. A friend gave me part of a bottle of Cham bertain's Cough Remedy with instruc Hons to closely follow the directions and I wish to state that after the first cay I could not ce a decided change for the better, and at this time after using it for two weeks, have no hesitation in saying I realize that I am entirely cured. This remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding. HACKSBTJRG. Christmas has come and gone. A very beautiful Christmas tree was appropriated by the German Lutheran church on Christines Eve. An elabor ate program was rendered by the young folks, and a very pleasant time was en ioved bv the old and young. Appropri ate service was rendered by Rev. Mertz. The Misses Anna WeBifa'.l ant Helena ' Kloss, of Germany, have arrived in our burg and are visiting the Blasky fam ily. The latter came from the same vi cinity across the waters. The new mutual telephone line is nearing completion and the new thing will be "Hello honey 1" "Hello Sweet heart I" Since Will Heinz wen East all the girls are wearing crepe veil, even the Oak Grove school bell seems to have a mourning sound. Fred Walch and his princess were out riding this week. Miss Helena Kloss and August Blas ky were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in Portland on the 26th. The bride 1 one of the most charming and amiable young ladies of this place, who recently arrived here from Germany. She has won the high eneem and le spect of all with whom Bhe came in con. tact during her short stay here. The groom is one of our most energetic and highly respected citizens, whose char. acter is beyond reproacn. ine young couple left for Camas, Wash., where they will make their future home. Thup we will lose one of our beBt citizens while Camas ia one the gainer. May success, prosperity, happiness, and our best wishes accompany them through their journeyof life. Poley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right- o) ru :IN- Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, , Wall Paper, Sewing Machines. Bring your Cash and see how far it will go the dousefurm'sbet Jfarkploce. Now that Christmas baa passed, and the New Year is here, now ia the time to make resolutions only to be broken. Miss Ruby 'Cook, who has been at tending school here and stopping with Mrs Holmes, is spending the holidays with her parents at Damascus. William Rivers, who is attending the Portland Boslne-s College, spent Christ mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers. The cantata given by the Parkplace Sunday school Wednesday night was a a real success in levery way, and every one was so well pleaded that by request of the public, it will be repeated on next Wednesday evening. New features have been added and a full house is expected. Mr. and MrB Wm. F. Brayton, of this rlace, spent Christmas with their dauah ter, MrB. Inez Kellogg, !of Oregon City. V r. and Mrs. Paul Freyta and daugh ter, of Oregon City, ate Christmas din. ner with Mrs. Freyta's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Smith. A good many Parkplace people attend ed the Christmas exercises given by the various churches in Oregon City. Miss Myrtle Holmes spent Christmas with friends at Clackamas. Mrs. Brannon and son, Johnnie, and Mrs. Forbyan are spending the holidays with the latter's s u ner Borings, Or. One of the latest industries of Park" place worthy of special mention is the new meat market which Mr. Dauchey has opened up near the Clackamas bridge, whifch is not only a great con venience but also proves that Fa'kplace is not behi d the times. Don Holman went to Napa vine, Wash., to spend the holidays witr0his parents, who moved from here hst fall. Our very latest "sensation" is the rtory of the tramp win walked into the house of George Hamilton on Sunday last, thereby causing a small coinmo ti n," till George . collared him and walked him out of doors. He next en teied the house of W. A Holmes, where oi ly the children were home, bnt Mr. Hamilton was watching and soon he was forced to move on again. He has . hi been heard oi since, and we hope such unceremonious visit will not be repeated. Perhaps Mrs. Holmes was a little the happiesi. woman in Parkplace when on ( hristinrtS morning her husband pre sen'ed her with a uw kitchen range We extend congratulations. , . i ' Itching hem irrh t1 weri th plaeua of my lite, a almost wild. Djan's Oiiumen t cured m quickly and oeimanentiy, after doctors lmd fni.tul." U f Corutfell, Valley Street Snugertlea N. Y, Mothers. Who would koep their children In good health should watch tor the first symptom of wornie, and remoTe, them with White Cream Vermi f ii pe. It ig the childreiis' best tonic. It gets dis positon at work no ihnt their lood does them pood, ami they urnw up healthy and strong. 2So at? barman & Co. Bodilv p In loses Its terror If you.ve a bottle Of Dr, Thomas' Eoleotrlc Oil In the house, In" unnl ri'llaf in roues of burns, outs, ipralns, aocld e's f y port. Marvelous Escape from Death! PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND , Does a Wondrous Work for a Lady Who Was Almost Crazed with Pain and Suffering. ' It is well known that terrible rheumatism, sciatica, and neuralgia cause more helpless ness, acute suffering, and agony, than any of the other diseases that afflict humanity. The great medicinal virtues of Faine's Celery Com pound make it the only trustworthy specific for the cure of all forms of rheumatism and neuralgia. Thousands of strong testimonial letters from the most prominent people of the land, prove that Faine's Celery Compound has banished these terribly fatal troubles when all other treatment has failed. Mrs. Mar garet Bethel, of Brainerd, Minn., alter thirty years of agonizing tortures had a desire to end her life, if it was the will of Heaven; she al most prayed for the time to lay it down. Heaven-directed, she made use of Paine's Celery Compound, and is enjoying true life once more. She says: " For thirty years I have been a great suf ferer from neuralgia in the head, and also with rheumatism in the whole body. I began taking Faine's Celery Compound and soon found I was much better. Before taking the Compound, my life was such a burden that I almost prayed to lay it down. I was bedfast every two weeks with horrihle pain in the head, back, and neck, until I was almost crazed. I am able to do harder work and more of it today than for twenty-five years. I am really enjoying life again, thanks, to Paine's Celery Compound. I am satisfied that my lile has been prolonged many years by its use." Attention The only First-Class Second-hand dealer in Furniture i o O STOVES and UTENSILS . U -rl t t t It is worth, your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of hew and Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods. T TOT POT A ft MA1N STREET- ! 1 JlJr JLnlt , door north Commercial Bank 1 The Best Laundry is the Cheapest The Troy Steam Laundry is the Best Does not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home"" Perfect satisfac tion assured. E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent. Oregon City Planing Mills All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors and Moulding. Diamond Dyes Color Anything Any Color There are many ways in which Diamond Dyes will help you. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons coats, feathers, stockings, every thing wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new. Diamond Dyes are the perfect home dyes; they are SIMPLE, STRONG, SURE. Wt tiav a uprrtal department of adrlca, and will aimwer Ire any unetiona about dreuis. Send sample of goods wlieu possible. Direction book and 45 dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYKS, Burlington, Vt j F. S. BAKER Proprietor, Oregn Qty, Oregon Brunswick House and Restaurant Newly. Furnished Rooms, Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night Prices Reasonable. .Only First-Class Restaurant in the Citye Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore. Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD Fine'RigstoLet at Reasonable Prices D. .R DIMICK, Manager, SrK.1.'. OEEGOIT CITY, OIREGrOnST WANTED ! 1000 Men and 5000 Women To come to Wilson's & Cook's Hardware Store to get Bargains in Graniteware, Tinware, Stoneware, Cop perware, all of the best make. Also Woodchopers Tools. Washing Machines, Wringers, Wash Boards, Tubs and Clothes Lines. Also the largest and best stock of Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors and Shears, all of which is bought direct from the manu facturers. If you are building a house or barn come and see our stock of builders hardware and :: :: SAVE FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT. OYER ALL OTHERS IN THE STATE Just look at and price our Carving Set, Roasters, before you buy. The same price to all men, women or children : WILSON & CBE No. 5, Comercial Block OREGON CITY, - - - - 5 OREGON i