UKEGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25i 903. ' i . i WE ARE SOLE AGENTS HERE FOB Iff! The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep aration known to medicine. Contains ALL the medicinal element of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. Delicious to the taste and recognized throughout the world as the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR for old people, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers and af ter a severe sickness. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronio Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and i Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create an appetite and to make those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. Y Try It on our guarantee to return I your money if you are not satisfied. KO VP4BS' ! EXPPRIENCF x rade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c. Anvone sondlnff a nketcta and descrlntlnn idm quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Com muni ca UonsHtrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken tnrough Munn & Co. receive ipecuu notice, witnout coarge, mine Scientific flmericaiu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnrtrest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,B'al"y- New York - 'Woe F auWaehiiiMtOii. H a FRESH MEATs The Citij Meat Market at Canby, Oregon, Pays the highest price for all kinds of cattle. The best of fresh meats are handled at most reasonable prices. I have been in bulsness In Canby a number of years, and have tried to treat everybody right. I solicit your patronage for the future and intend to deserve it. S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon f A Positive Statement f Huntley Bros., Druggists, are! f agents for Oregon C'y for Kellett's Oil of Eden I I : S Sweet Sprits of Eden j S Remedies that will positively cure any case of Rheumatism, no matter t how severe or how long standing, 1 S In case anyone is nut cured, the . J California Co-Operative Medical ' t Company, of Oakland, will refund f ( the purchase price. $ S Call at Huntley Bros, for free booklet. S caaaosoooeoeooaoQaf BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00, WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. i showing the dlf i ferent styles of QCWIll illiVUUIUUI We manufacture and prices before purchasing TEE HEW HOKE SEWING MACHINE GO. ORANOC, MS. (8 Union Sq. N. Xn Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga, BL Lools.Ho, Dallas,Tex.,San Francisco, Cal FOR 8ALC BY C. S. CRANE, Agent, 350 Morrison St., PORTUND, ORE New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Caufleld Block OEEGON CT i t llllal'llllliaf lllllll'lti'lflllltiUl' fx. ?fy7:!frS 1 w 21 -i . .FwS1 SHNK & BISSELL, Undertakers 4 Phones 411 at. i34 BURMEISTER ANDRESEN. Magnificent Display at Their Jewelry Store. Oregon City has rtason to be prond of many of its splendid stores and the remarkable display they have made and are making daring this Christmas holiday. Burmeister & Andresen, who occupy the corner store rocm in the Garde Block next to the suspension (bridge, have made a display that has been noteworthy in every line. In jewelry, in cut g'ass, in diamonds, in cold watcoes for both ladies and gen tlemen, In musical instruments and in the magnificent stock in all lines they carry they have exhibited to the public a"lioe of toxlstba' can not be surpassed for variety and excellence in any metro politan city on this coast. For twenty years they have devo'ed their eneraies to the building up of this most splendid store and the people of Oregon City are deservedly proud of the showing they have made and that they are apprecia tive of this magnificent store is evi denced by the fact that all during the holiday season their store has been crowded by holiday purchasers and hat their sales have been phenominally laree.t It is such progressive people as Burmeister & Andresen that make Ore gon City one of the liveliest and best cities on the coast. A Dangerous Month. This 1 the month of coughs, colds and acute catarrh. Do you catch cold easily? Kind your self hoarse wi th a tickling in your 'hroat anil an annoying cough at night? Then you should al ways have hanly, a bottle, of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup. J. A. Anderson, 354 West 6th 8t. Salt Lake City, writes: "We use Ballards's Hore hound Syrup for coughs and colds. It gives Im mediate relief. We know It's the best remedy for theee troubles. I write this to induce other people to try this pleasant and efficient remedy," 25c, 50c and SI at Charm an & Co. "Cure the cough and save the life." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup oures coughs and colds.down to the very verge of consumption. CA8TOHTA. Baantha ) The Kind You Have Always ror tne letest novelties in all kinds of laces and dress trimmings there is no store in Oregon City like the Fair. They sell men's underwear at the Fair at Rediculously low prices considering the values. An investigation will prove the truth of both the above statements. T7 .1 1 . . .. . The Fair Store CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. I Ue Kind You Havs Always Bought Bears the ASTZ. Signature of CVL Sick headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels jstipated? Tongue coated? i your liver ! Ayer's Pills 5 liver pills; they cure dys- psia, biliousness. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard ft beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMers ' .lA. 'J CitUGUM!. OR R. HALL Co. , NBHUA, H.rt, THE M0RN1N0 TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason oi G'e ' eplumbioE or heating apDaratna. To have both put a thorough working order will not prore expensive if the work is done by F C.GADKE We carry tbe only complete line of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Linings in Clackamas County. We bave the only First-Class Eearre in tbe County, which we will famish for less than can be had ilsewhere. , , Embalm ins a Specialty. Cm prices always reasonable. Sat'sfactioo guaranteed. Main Sr., Opp. Huntley'. ' Price of Packed Meats Goes Lower Union ritat Company Announces De cline of One-half cent in Breakfast Bacon Regular Clears and Clear Backs go Down Cent Eggs Lower Again ' Portland Market. " Front Street, Dec. 23. The principal items of interest in the local markets to day were: Provision pricts lower. Local lard off cent. Eggs down again . Poultry aot moving. PROVISIONS ARB LOWER. , t The Union Meat company announces eeverol changes in the local prices of provisions. Breakiast bacon is quoted about 1-2 cent lower, while regular snort clears, clear backs.smokei and uu smoked, are quoted 1-4 cents' a pound lower, both kettle leaf and steam ren dared lard of local manufacture are 1-4 cent lower today. The new price list takes effect at once. EGGS TUMBLE AGAIN. ,As was exclusively predicted in Tbe Journal on Saturday the price on fresh Oregon egga weit down today. This morning tound the market weaker than on Satarday and everywiiere could be seen stocks of eggs that refused to be sold. Although the receipts of eggs in this market at present are not very large still the present high price is causing the demand to be small and as )a con sequence the few arrivals are hard to 8f 11. Today the price went down to 32 1-2 cents a dozen fiat and still the market remained auiet. Home of the dealers on the Btreet expect the price to go down to the 30 cent mark within they next few day 8, IS THE POULTRY MARKET, mere wereano very tieavy arrivals in the poultry market today but the mar ket is still badly overloaded with the large receipts of Friday and Saturday. In tbe clean up ou Saturday some mixed chickenB were sold as low as 8 1-2 cents a pound but the average sales were made at 9 cents. The call for straight hens is now off, tbe dealers preferring to buy the mixed stocks at the lower price. The receipts of dressed poultry are beginning !o pile up larger but there seems to be a fairly healthy demand. Some turkeys are arriving and are being sold all the way from 19 to 20 cents for tbe dressed stocks. No live birds came in today but as yet none are wanted. The future of tbe turkey market remains a mystery and will probablr remain so until after Christmas. Larger receipts will have a disastrous effect and the present rate of arrivals will bring about the same prices as on Thanksgiving. - NOTHING DOING IN POTATOES. . There is absolutely nothing doing iq the potato market as far as shipping demand is concerned but in the local market tbe demand for nearly all grades seems to be sligthy improved. Today's reports from Ban Francisco say that the market there has no signs of an advance and none are expected until after the holidays if then. The onion market remains the same nothing but dullness. Price iu both lines are unchanged. , LARGE HOP BALE REPORTED. The first large sale of fancy bops for several months was reported on 8atu day up the valley. It was that of Pat terson Bros, of Olequa to Tacoma parties (306 bales of fancy hops at 23 1-2 cents a pound. The Bales of the medium grades continue quite large with prices tuling touay lr, ni 18 to 20 cents. BUTTER BTILL DULL, The creamery butter market remains dull, with every prospect of its continu ance for some time. The Front-street houses are still piled high with the bet ter grades, and tbe movement is really nominal. Store and dairy grades con tinue to come in an oversupply and the price is weaker. WHEAT IS OFFERING. More wheat is now being offered than for several months, but the Bales report ed are small. The prices now being asked by tbe farmers holding are slight ly above those rulimr, and the millers do not seem to care to take hold. Up the valley some of the interior millers are paying a Bimill premium for immediate delivery, but bevood this the market re mains at quotations. BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. Butter Creamery, extra fancy, 27 1-2 to 30c; ordinary, 25c, cold storxge, 25c; Eastern, 27 l-2c; renovated, 20c; ordinary, 221-2c; store IS to 16c. Eggs Fresh Oregon, nominal 32 l-2c; old storage 30c ; baker 20 to 22c ; East rn 29 to 30c. Cheese Full cream, twinl3 l-2to 14 e : storage, 26c: bakers, 20c: Eastern, 27 to 28c. Poultiy-Chickens. mixed 10. to llc lb; hens 9 10c pei lb; roosters 7 to 8c lb -.broilers 10 1-2 to 11c per lb -.fryers 12co 1 per lb; ducks old 12cper lb; younge lie per ib; geese, 8 to Uu per lb; turkeys 15 to 17c per lb; young 14to-15clb; dressed 15 to 19c per lb. , MEATS AMD PROVISIONS. 1 Fresh Meats Inspected Beef, prime, 6.!4c ; cows, 5c ; mutton, dressed, SfSSc ; lambs, dressed, 6c, Ereeh Meats Front street Beef steers, 5 to 6zc ; bulls, 3c ; cows, 44)c ; pork, block, 66'Ac; packers, ti'Ac; mutton, dressed, 4J4 5c ; lambs, dressed 55c; veal, small, 8 8c; large, )i 7c. "Bams, Bacon, etc. Portland pack, (local) hams, 10 to 14 lbs, 14 3' 4c; cot tage, 10c; picnic, 9 l-4c; breakfast ba con, IS 1 219c ; regular short clears, onsmoked, 10 l-4c; smoked, lll-4c; clear backs, unsmoked, 10 l-4c; smoked, 111-4; Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, un smoked, 8c ; smoked, 9c. Eastern Packed Hams Under 14 lbs; 15 l-?c; oyer 15 lbs. 15c; lancy, 15(18 l-2c; picnics, 9Mc ..shoulders, 10llc dry-salted sides, unsmoked, llc :oreak. iai uacon, io l-ztgiec; lancy, 20c. Local Lard Kettle Leaf, 10s, 10c; 6s, 10 7-8c; 60-lb tins, 1I 1 4c; 60s, 10 l-2c; steam-rendered.lOs, 9 3 4c ; 5s,9 7-8 ; W)b, 9 7-8c ; compound tierces, 7 12c; tubs, 7 3-4c ' In Reply to "Socialism." Mr. Editor : In your last week's Cour ier you gave space to a correspond nt who asks "Is there any casue or need of the Socialist party in the Uniied States." Not wishing to antagonize, the writer, who is a good citizen and neighbor, I accord him the same privilege that he must grant me. We view matters from a different standpoint and quite natur ally see things differently. In the first place, it is a difficult matter to convince a man against bis will, especially when the will power predominates. Ag in, if our premises are incorrect our conclusions are lkely to be erron eous. While I must agree with tbe gen tleman in Borne things, yet I beg leave to differ with him in others. All well in formed persons who read and think.only know too well that they are living under a very corrupt administra ion. This much I readily admit. Consequently the correct thing to do is to turn the ras cals out and put good honest men in their place such men as composed the rank and file of the Democratic party when "Uncle Hill" was one of the num ber. The fundamental principles oj Democ racy are the same today they were in the days of Jackson and Jefferson. Un der these princlpledweclaim the inaliena ble right of liie.liberty and the pursuit of happiness ; in other words, the right to govern ourselves. Just here it might be well to remark that in the intelligence of the people lies the security of the nation, and univer sal suffrage should be restricted only by ignorance, crime insanity , Is this not good sound Democratic doctrine? Then why kick over the traces for light and transient causes? Return to the fold do your duty and your reward will follow. In conclusion, what does Socialism de mand? Well, my dear sir, it demands a little more than I and millions of others are willing to grant. It demands that we surrender our individuality all that independent thinking people hold dear; in other words it virtually destroys the incentive to honorable exertion. These lines are not wiitten for bun combe, but that the best interests of hu manity may be served. Fellow Demo crats, stand by your colors. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Hur rah for the 8th of January. N . F. Nelson. Bllllous Colic Preventer. TaHe a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appears and a threathened attack may be warded Dff. Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by Geo. A. Harding- , Report from the Reform School. J. G. Gluck, superintendent, Prnnty town, W. Va., writes: "After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have decided to use Foley's Honey and Tar exclusively in the West Virginia Reform School. I find it tbe most effec tive and absolutely harmless." Char man h Co. "I had a running ltchi ng Bore on my leg. Suf 'erea tortures. Doan'8 ointment took away the buruing and Itching Instantly, and quickly -foeted permanent cure." f). W. Lennarl, Bowling Green, O. Boars th llw Kind You Han Always ajlt Fair Dealing Is Our Motto And we live up to it Our store is headquarters for Fancy and Staple Groceries. Our stock isnew. Our goods are fresh. Our prices are "RIGHT." . , , . , . v We aie not Celling below cost but are giving our customers grweries as cheap as they can ' be bought anywhere else in Oregon City. Orders prompt ly filled.' Goods 'delivered anywhere in city limits. We solicit your taade, 1 1 1 Horton & Jack, 7th St., Opp. Opera House. Ph ne No. J964 ' ' All Dizzy-Headed, Constipated fcrid full of dull aches and pains?' Take J AX W CURES the rgtaras: SVfhTT Tcks Laxative Bromo Quinine isms. Seven M3D?on Vw" '.sM It fvst 1 2 montbs. . Thh Signatrare, i - . ... OVER-' rnouoi.Ec "I And Thedford't Black-Draught ajtood medicine for liver diseus. ; It cured my r on alter be bad apent yw wnn noexon. ilia ail the med icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE! MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg-' ularly go to your drmrgist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated boweis. stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid- nevs. A torpyl liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and con tagion . Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent package of Thedford's Black- pra,ujflit should always be kept in tke house. "I used Thedford't Black Draught for liter and kidney cora- laints and found nothing to eicel . blebead, 111. THEDFORD'S BLAflt- SPECIAL 30 At Bradley's Second All Goods in Hardware Line Greatly Reduced, you money if you wa"nt anything we handle, second hand goods kept in stock. Examine before buying elsewhere. rtHdnzary 1 Oregon Citij Machine Sho BUCKLEIN & KLEINSMITH. Props. ' Having First-class Machinrey Doing First-class Work Iteeps in Stock a Line Shafting and Pulleys, New and Second v; ' Hand. Als6j Engine and Saw Mill Machinery I WfMMH ffiWilT Until) J. W, COLE, .''All gocJds bought in bond. Punry and quality guaranteed Some famous Old brands 1 James E., Old Sam 0 9 Old Roxbur'y Rye Cor. Railrad Ave. and Mkfn Sts. Em We Want Your Trade at Harris Grocery I i.l ' i . ,' : I l! M.' ' 'it''' 1 1 t )f ., . , , ' . ,' ', And are 6ing to' make 'if tcial . induce ments to close buyers. ;"7,''r - ',' ".,uCash , and Small; TTT tiJXbAW ATI Most STUBBORN lc B"g'j"wa - To Lure a Cold in One Day GANBY PACKIN G -- COMPANY -- CANBY, OREGON. Headquarters for Fresh Meats. Highest prices paid for butcher tock. R.P.Blazier & Co., Preps The Finest Fruit The very finest fruits of the shoe manufactories have been selected to complete ourstock. The swellest styles in all the varieties of lasts, tops, toes and trimmings. Every pair a beauty, with solid, substantial wear to back them and make them sensible bargains win De rouna at KRAUSE BROS. ' Oregon City Shoe House DAYS SALE Store We can save s New and our stock W. W. BRADLEY PEtj Tine V ...I , r Whiskks, and rtiW - . i Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon Harris' Kentucky Bourbon ' 4 jProfctsis Out Motto.,; t. YE " P ILLS wB''w - 1 oi every ii 8