KfDPiTIAM riTV 011 ID P PART TWELVE css a win DAftFS l OLV. Uliw in 0 21st YEAR OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY; DECEMBER 18, 1903 NO 32 HI V H El jW 11 VS. I VI V W II II II IJ 3 II W 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work wramtd and satisfaction guarantee Crown and Bridge work a specialty Canfleld Building OREGON CITY OBBGON JJ C. STRICKLAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Does an Up-To-Date General Practice Bpecial attention given to surgery and dtsewiss oi women. Office in Garde Building, 7th and Main OREGON CITY, OREGON QSTEOPATHY DR. C. D. LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Successfully treats both acute and chronlO an eases. Call for literature. , Consultation and Examination Free. I 8 to 12 A.M. Office Hours: J 1 10 4 P- h, lOr by appointment at any time. Booms oyer Dr. Morris' Dental Parlors, next dwr to CourlM Offlc. OREGON CRY. 0BE00. W. 8. U'RKN 0. gCHUEBXL TJREN & SCOEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW fceiiticber aboolot Will practice 'In all courts, make collections nd settlements of estates, fnrnieh abstracts ol title, lend yon money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OBBQOP D, & D. 0. LATCURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and bate out Specialties Office In Commercial BankBn n OREGON CITY OREGON OBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW motherhood," says the doctor. Some times he qualifies the statement, and says: "Impossible without an opera tion." Yet both these "impossibles" have been made possibles by the uso ot Dr. lJierce's Pavonte re' scnption. Many times the hindrances to mother hood are to be fouud in womanly diseases or weaknesses, wuicn are perfectly and permanent ly cured by "fa vorite Pre scription." This A " great u v, Ki medi- '! M,A Ji- f cine , i ' 4 tor f & S regularity ''I'll V JT A Jri.. debilitating drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. It makes weak women strong and sick ii I wish to add tnv testimony to hundreds of others as to the vnlne of Dr. Pierce's medicines,1 writes Mrs. Ida M. De Ford, of Latona, Hubbard Co., Minn. "Have doctored with a great many tihvsieians some specialists: have twice been in a hospital for treatment. My case has been recrnrdfd as a noneless one. and thev knew not what the trouble was. Heart was bad ; stomach II rait nf order: tired out : severe rains in all parts of the body ; sinking spells, and nearly every ailment a woman could have. I took manv a bottle of 'patent medicines' without effect. I beean takine Dr. Pierce's Favorite P scription, and ten mouths aftenvard 1 gave birth to a ten-pound boy. All physicians had slated as a fad that I never eould bear a child. Both the babv and myself were strong, anil I got along splendidly thanks to your medicine. EDITORIAL NOTES. M ' 'A r raff i lk, j P J E i! J 1 l til i3hJ 1 i r 7 fli'i The Common Sense Medical Adviser. iro8 lare-e Daces, in paner covers, is sent fr:r. on receiut of 21 one-cent stamps t.c tav expense of mailing only. Addrss? Or. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Head About to Burst From Severe. Bil ious Attack. "I had a severe bilioun attack and felt like my head waB about to burst when I eot hold of a free sample of Chamber Real Estate bought and sold, money iona lam's btomacD ana Ldver lamew. i liles examined anaaosirauw muuo, took a dose 01 tnem alter supper ana ine eountv warrants. Probate ana commission. court business and insurance. BOOM 8, WTOHABD BTTODIN8 OREGON CITY, - - - " OREGON QRANT B. DIMICK Aitobnky and Cotjnsklob at Law Will practice In all Courts In h State, ClrcBlt and District Courts of the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy, Offloe in Garde Building, Oregon City, ot. COMMERCIAL BANK jor OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 TranBaots a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts WUs fcuysand sella domestlo and foreign exchange and recedes deposits subject to oheck. Open from Km. to i p. m. F, next day felt like a new man and have been feelinR happy ever since," says Mr. J. W. Smith, of Juliff, Texas. For biliousneBa, stomach taoubles and con stipation theBe Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. D, C. liATOnBKTTK, President , J. Meyib Cashie t N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1866) vmmnt rlpllverv to all parts of the elty ii n--rw mTV REGON CANBY PACKING - - COMPANY - - CANBY, OREGON. Headquarters for Fresh Meats. Highest prices paid for butcher tock. R.P. Blazier & Co., Props Fair Dealing Is Our Motto And we live up to it Our store is headquarters for Fancy and Staple Groceries, Our stock is new. Our goods fresh. Uur prices are are 'RIGHT." We aie not selling below cost but are giving our customers groceries as cheap as they can hp hrvucrht anvwhere else in 0 Oregon City. Orders promp' lv filled. Goods delivered anywhere in city limits. We solicit your taade. Horton & Jackt th St., Opp. Opera tiousc Ph.-ue No. 1964. The Railroads eet three timas as much revenue from freight as from passenger receipts. The New York papers are diccussing whether to send a faBhion expert or a musical ciitic to report the grand opera. The Panama treaty Iibb been sent to the Senate. That body will consider it little longer than did the Panama jun ta. . John Bull is the only one who refuses to speak to Panama. He will recognize toe new government wneu H agrees to share Colombia's debt. "To stand Blill means to go back," says President in epeaking of the Navy. This is a strenuous argument lor increas ing a strength of (he fleet. Republican Do-Nlhingism is well il- lustiatedby thdextia session of Con gress which ended without h single act, not even a resolution to adjourn. It is said that Senator Manna believes the Piesident made a political mlstakn in publishing the Bristow report. No doubt Perry S. Heath agrees with the beuator. Despite the accusations made againBt him in the Bristow report, it is now praciically certain that Peiry S. Heath will remain secretary of the Republican National Committee. TheTexas chapter of the Daughoers of the Confedetacv adopted a resolution of thanks to the Pf-eiuenl tor indorsing tt e principle of eecesaion in his recent action toward the Panama revolution. William Randolph Hearst has been made a memberof the Hou e Commit tee on Labor. Mr. Hearst declares that Democracy is Labor's natural ally. The labor leaders are pleased that he is on the Committee. Senator Hunna's friendship for Perry 8. Heath, who is involved in the postal pcandaia, is as great as the President's friendship for Congressman Littauer, who is involved in the glove contract scandal. ' The President tells Congrees that the integrity of our currency is beyond question and the next sentence recom mends that the Decretory ol tne treas ury be allowed todeposit customs receipts la the banks the same as be ddpostts re ceipts frm other sources. Accordidg to the President's message The Government of the United States would have been guilty of folly and weakness, amounting in their sum to a crime against the Nation, had it acted otherwise than it did when the revolu tion of November 3 last took place in Panama " The Tumors of gigantic hnd frauds were declared by the Republican press to be exaggerations. The President says in his message to Congress; "By various frauds and by forgeries and per juries thousands of acres of the public domain, embracing lands of different character and extending through various sections of the country, have been aii- honestly acquired." Chief Landvoight. whose resignation from postoffice department was requested because his son was employed in a firm which furnished supplies to the depart ment over which his father presided, declares that the Bon of Assistant Poat- master General Bristow spetit his vaca tions drawing a salary from the post of office where he did nothing Out read detective stories. Mr Bristow refused to be interviewed on the subject. the post office they would be far more convenient than the present system of mony orders. These are expensive end cause inconvenience to the sender and the receiver . Postal checks would also P'event the present excessive ue of etamps as money. Where Brrall offices sell many stamps for this purpose the salary of the postmaster.hasto be rained, and the large quantity -of stamps whicti has to be kept constantly on hand in creases the number of robberies in small Post offices. In each case it is a loss to the Department. A parcels post office would be conver. ient, especially o those who do not live near large cities. In Germany, for in stance, it is possible to order almos' anything by post and to have it sen collect on delivery. Moat of tbe Euro pean countries have a parcels post, bit' in America the opposition of the privat express companies have prevented it adoption United States Senator Piatt i President of one of the largest of ther compames, and their influence in Uon gross haa been great enough to prevent a parcels post. The entire post offio department is now under public ecrutin) and this is the time to advocate these useful reforms which are prevented only by the selfishness of private corpora tions. UBEBAXk "Inside each pound package of Vwill be found a FREE game. 160 different games. All new. At Your Grocer!. If the present scandals in the post of fice department aroue public attention to the general abuses and possible ire forms in our postal Bervice, the evil doers in the department will have unintentionally performed a Bervice to their country. Much has been done toward curing the tecond class mail abuseB. All al leged periodicals which are really booka or simply advertising mediums, or have a free circulation, or aouse tne sampi copv privilege, have been Farmers are all busy plowing. A few are still sowing. The frosty nights have prevented the grass from growing and the cattle are going to the st:aw stacks in good shape. The fruit treeeB seem to be very bad with some kind of dieease. The bark i turning black. Several of the farmers are going to spray with concentrated lye and see if that will kill the pests. Our Bcbool teacher, Miss Cora Rubs, was visiting friends in Portland Saturd y and Sunday. Well, Effle, youjhad to batch. That is all ngut, Some day perhaps you won't. Roy Graves is visiting the Dibble fam ily at Molalla this week. Dee Wright is working for S. Wriaht this week. He is is afraid of the girls, and has to be nearer the phone. We are going to have a peculiar wad ding here soon.. It is the latest and up to-date. There's nothing like keeping up the advancement ot tuts civilized age. Our merchant is selling lanterns since the basket social at Lone Piae school house. Several lost their lanterns from this side of the river Saturday night Dee, Silas and Lydia Wright were in Oregon City Monday on a business trip William Morey, our horBe jockey "got it in the neck" last week. He traded for a Percheron mare and he has to put br on the wash rack and give he a cleaning beiore n can ao anytnmg with her. Star tobacco wid sutler now Tbe more you have the more trouble follows. ' Gib, there are no more mooidteht nights to plow. ,tNine houra is enough for one to plow. John Rhodes is pushing bis addition to his house as fast as possible whie the good weather lasts. Born, to the wife of Lewis Wilson Dec. 0, a daughter. Mother and child doing well. Lewis wears a broad Bmile and may he be proud of a fine daughter. The young man that tried to hyno tize hie sweetheart failed,, and he got a 1 good lick in th face. That's right,siiiaBh bun again, some of those men wtio have legs the Bhape of hames gener ally gels them straightened sooner or later. ' Sylvia. Be Quick. Not a minute should be loft when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's (lough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack, It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For ale by (ieo. Harding. The Finest Fruit The very fintst fruits of the shoe manufactories have been selected to complete our stock. The swellest styles in all the varieties of lasts, tops, toes and trimmings. Every pair a beauty, with solid, substantial wear to back them and make them sensible bargains will be found at KRAUSE BROS. Oregon City Shoe House Baari the Signature jl" v II X -A. , tj. t;..j w... it ii n niu aiiiu vuu na.'rj Always Boiypi Foley's Honey and Tor of o 4 ffikntion The only First-Class Second-hand dealer in Furniture STOVES and UTENSILS 1 .V (.1: mmmJB raw It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of new and Second-Hand furniture Stoves, 'Crockery, Hardware, Etc. Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods. I. T0LP0IAR, i door north Commercial Baijk t t t t t Climatic Cures. Thousands say that McCLURE'S MAGAZINE is the best published at any price. Yet it is only JO cents a copy, $1.00 a year. In tverf numbtr 0 mcClurt's tbtrt art Articles interest on the greatest portance. of. intense subjects of national im- Six good short stories, humorous stories, stories of life and action and always good. Id 1904 McQure's will be more interesting, important ana entertaining than ever. "Every yearLbetter than the last or it would not be McQure's." Subscribe now for McClure's for 1904, and get. the IT W t- November and December nuabers of ioo4 free. The S.S.NlcClure Company, 623 Lexington Bldg., New York.N.Y. third class. News agents have been de nied the privilege of returning unsold matter at the Dound rate. The consolidation of thi'd and fourth clasB matter into a single class at the rate of 1 cent for every two ounceB has been proposed. In order to distinguish between printed matter and merchan dise which form the two classes it is now necessary to ask annoying ques tions of these who send the printed matter. A bill has been introduced in Congress providing for one cent postage and if the correction of second class aouses is thorough, a one cent postage would be possible without great, or even any, losa to the department. 8uch a reform would benefit tbe people, wHle tbe ex cessive privileges in second class matter benefit chleny the advertiser or puu-lisher. PoHtal checks have also been proposed. For Bending small sumt of money through The influence ot climatic conditions In the cure of consumption is very much ove drawn. The poor patient, and tbe sfch patient, too, can do much better at home by proper atteniion to food diges tion, and a regular use of German 8vrup nlacedinthe ree expectoration in the morning r . . ma. .An,,, n K.. J made certain by Uerman eyrup, so -is a good night's rest and the absence of that weakening coughing and debilitating ! night sweat. Restless night and the ex I haustion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, lean be prevented or stopped by taking 1 German Hyrnp liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer I clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who nae Germgn Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c : regular size, 76o. At Obarman & Co. Boy's Lire Saved fromMembranous Croup "My little boy had a severe attack of membraneous croup, and only got relief after taking Foley's Honey and Tar," eaysC. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen, of Winchester, Ind. "He got relief af ter one dose and I feel that it saved the life of my boy." Charman & Co. Brunswick House and Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms, Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night Prices Reasonable. eeeOnly Fir st-CIass 'Restaurant in the City.... Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore. Elk Horn Livery Feed: Sale Stable HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD FineRigstoLct at' ReasonablePriccs D. R. DIMICK, Manager, ftTrft-V oBOonsr city, obegon Time ."the of bmincyv and the LLC IM xr a t n M t the buj-ine man5) 1 timekeeper ( Etery Elgin Watch is fully pirmteed. All jewden hive Ejifl WltttaVl Timemaken and Timekeepers," an iUuitrated history ot th wtkh, ttal I free upon request to The Best Laundry is the Cheapest The Troy Steam Laundry is the Best Does not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Waeon will call for your soiled liflen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac tion assured. . . i E. L. JOHNSON, Tne uarDer, ABem. . n " jtiuuuutjim mm ii miuw Oregon City Planing Mills All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors and Moulding. F.S. BAKER Proprietor, OrcgnJGty, Oregon (L.IN RkTIOHUL Tt WO., CLSIM. IU.