Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 18, 1903, PART FIRST, Page 6, Image 6

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Y. M. C.A. Opens.
iiHiniiiiiH'iiii)iiiiHiimn 11 11111111111,1111111 mi .u ii i Min'n
nffiitMiWiilliiil'liMiM.l.i imilliiilillliilH UP II'WL
1 AVeeefablcPrcparationforAs-
tiiig tlie Stomachs aruLBcrwels of
ness andRest.Conta'ms neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Jirvf4cu Seed"
JiAlU S.la -
fimierrmnt -
Jli OllionclcSaia' '
Wtrm Seed -
fanua Jugrrr .
Anerfect Rcmcdv forConslipa
tion. Sour Storoach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .revensrv
ness and Loss OF Sleee
Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
fight Will Be Bitter.
Those who will persist In closing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a lung and bitter
fight with their troubles, if not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Read what
T. R. Beall of Beall, MisB, has to eay:
"Last fall my wife had everv eymptmn
of coinsi.mption. She took Dr. King's
New Discovery after everything else had
ailed. Improvement came at once and
our bottles entirely cured her. Guar
anteed by Cbarman & Co, Drugitint .
Price 50o, and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
Who would keep their children In good health ,
hoiild watch for the first Bymptonn ol worms,
nd remote, thn with White' Crem Verml
n ge. It la the children' bent tonic. It xeti ut
stlon at work io that their iood does I hem
od, and they Krow up healthy aud ttrong. 2So
Uharman & Co.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner
vousness, hlHcplesBness, or stomach up
sets. Jilectric Uitters will qnicsiy uis.
member the troublesome causes. It
never fails to tone the stomac1"', regu
late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate
the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run
down systoms benefit particularly and
all the usual attending aches vanish U'i
der its searching and thorough effective
neHS. Electric Bi'ters is only 50c, and
that is returned if it don't give perfect
satisfaction. Guaranteed by Cbarman
& Co. Druggist.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion of Oregon City has again opened
its doors this week for the .winter's work
and wiil offer a place of amusement,
rest, recreation and self improvement to
the men of this city.
For some time past there has been an
urgent demand for a free reading room
nnd n'ace where a young man might en-
tur t.i xoerid the evening without going
to saloons or other questionable places
of resort. '
The lines of work to be carried on will
be ai follows :
A public reading room eouipped with
a goodly number of the latest and bet
newspapers of the Northwest and lead
ing magazines of the United States also
a number 01 stanaaru uuu uj yuyuioi
authors, books of reference, etc. All
men are welcome to mis room wuiuu
will be open from 8 o'clock in the morn
ing until 10 o'clock in the eveuing.
A game room will be supplied witn
ping pong, cness, cnecaerB, urucmuuie,
chrolard, etc.
The evmnasium consists of an excel
lent floor, and sufficient apparatus to
suit the needs of the young men oi tne
city for some time to come. Uasees in
pbvs'cal culture will be carried on ior
the business men, young men, boys and
loflioa Alrwudv a number of patientB
have been sent to this department Dy
physicians of the city.
Fine showers and a tub bath are ex
tenaivelv used and are free to memhets.
Last year this c'er.artment, was aetrong
drawing mrd and the outlook seems to
indicate a Btiil larger patronage this sea
Educatioual work is also a ve'y im
portant factor and one not to be over
looked by the young man who is work
in? during the dav and wishes to im
prove his opportunities during the eve
r.ings Immediately after the holidays
classes will be organized in book-keeping,
shorthand, typewriting and arith
metic and possibly in vocal music. All
work except the music will be taught in
the same manner as in a busines col
lege. Any student may go as fast or as
slow as time and ability will permit. All
work will bs individual pnd no one will
he held back or crowded anead to ac-
commoda e another.
n.tartninmfint,s of various kinds wil
be a feature of the work but only those
of real value and merit will ne offered to
n.o nnhlii. Rasket ball and indoor
baseball will be an interesting part of
this work. '
The religious work of the Association
hm nnt heen fuliv outlined but it is
known that bible classes will be organ
ized Btid made a specialty. Other lines
will be taken ud as they are considered
All men are welcome to the room3 and
will be shown through the roomB with
the unmost courtesy and may have the
work fully explained to them.
. Beautiful Clear Weather.
Ilerblne exertia direct Influence on the bewela,
liver and kidneys, purifying and itrengthenlnc
these orrfius, and maintaining them la a notmal
ooiKlltlou of healUi: rhiu nmovlng a eommoa
--( vl'nw moh. erwisv i;ln. and mor or
Don't run any . risk bv giving your
magazine subscriptions to strangers or
hv aendino-them awav. Take them to
Hiint.inv Rros. Book 8tore and get the
special club priceg they are making
Ynn will save monev. risk and trouble
Thev meet any advertised clubbing
prices, bet their cut-rate catalogue.
And we are anxious to dispose of our stock, that's why we are selling
during this overstock sale everything at prices that amazes the naked ,
eye. Our prices are so low that people who don't know us may suspect
us of stealing the goods. We don't want your money unless we can
give you perfect satisfaction. We believe we can please you if you
give us a chance it will cost you nothing if you are not suited. Our
stock comprises all the latest creations in - -
Clothing, Gents9 Furnishings,
Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Smoking Jackets, Etc.
Make your holiday purchases here, and you will enjoy your Christmas
dinner much better; thinking of the nice sum you saved by taking ad
vantage of our grand offer. . - ' - - - - - -
When You See It io ur Ad. it's So
Clothier and Haberdasher
6th and Main Sts.
In Making a Gift
to a Man at
nan 1 11110
There's nothing that's
more , appropriate or
that will be more ap
preciated than some
article to wear.
Wc present an immense display of Men's Indoor Garments, such as Smoking
Jackets, Bath Robes and Lounging Robes. Exclusivcncss and elegance define this col
lection, and our prices arc absolutely the most moderate.
SMOKING JACKETS-$4.50, $5.00, $6.00, 6.50,
$7, $7.50 to $15.00.
BATH ROBES-$4.50, $5. $6, $6.50 to 12.50.
LOUNGING ROBEvS-$7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50,
14, 15 to $25.00.
Entirely ntv. stocks of Haberdashery, Hats and Traveling Requisites for men.
The citizens' Industrial Association
which met in Dayton, 0.,last week, he
fore its adjournment, resolv ed against
members placing the union label on
articles of their own manufature. The
platform adopted by the association is
of great interest and reads as follows :
"Present industrial conditions have
become so deplorable by reason of the
indefensible methods and claims of or
ganized labor that the time has come
when the employing interests and good
i itizensbip of the country must take im
mediate and effective measures to reform
and enforce those fundamental principles
of American Government guaranteeing
(ree competitive conditions.
"In its demand for the closing of shop
oaganization, labor is seeking to over
throw Individual liberty and property
rights. Its methods for securing this
revolutionarv and socialistic change in
I our institutions are also those ot war
I lure. Because of this warfare, the in-
j dUBtrlal interests oi tne nation uurtng,
' the last few years have been injured to
an irreparable degree.
"Many firms have been driven into
bankruptcy, and many cases are in
' numerable in which workingmen have
been disabled, aud even murJured, while
numerous families have been rendered
, destitute by reason of the tyranny and
seditious attacks upon society by the
strike organizations. : A condition of
Hiitrchy has existed in "some slates, and,
; in fact, the lawlessness committed under
! the sacred name of labor are of suun
i frequent occurence that the public sense
; of their enormity has become blunted .
"The period of great prosperity brought
' about by the unrestricted operation oi
the law of supply ana demand is also
I becoming destroyed by the actB of vio
lence of organized labor, and, as a re
sult, we are now confronted with the
possibility of a period of depression.
" W hile we most emphatically object
to being classed as enemies ot organized
Ubur conducted upon lawful and bene
ficial lines, yet we are unalterably op
posed to the present programme of boy
cotting and tyranny now being carried
out by tht majority of labor uulons.
" We, therefore, urne the rapid or
ganization of those who believe in the
maintenance of law and order and the
perpetuation of our free institutions, to
the end that they may wield their full
and proper effect upon the destinies of
the nation. Since labor organizations
exist for the apparent purpose of defying
law and common Be use, and are able to
Intimidate the influence of men at d
municapal authorities, there is no altei
native left to those who deeire to pre
eervo bearable conditions in our body
politic than that f forming counter or
Ionizations. It in only thtough tin
machinery of organization that we ho(
to exercise a potent and salutary in
fiueiice ovei public thought and the con
duct of public officials to the end that
the rights of American citizenship can
be assured to free and independent labor
the rights of property maintained and
legis uion of a Socialistic nature pre
vented from being enacted into law.
"We invite all associations, local and
National, that sympathize with the pur
pose of the Citizens' Industrail Associa
tion of America to enter into affiliation
with ub at the earliest pos ible time, and
we urge the immediate formation of
local brarches of the National organiza
tion in all cities and towns where on
organization now exists that are eligible
for membership in this association."
Gavel Lodge, No. 55, A. O. U. W.,
elected the following officers for the en
suing term : Past master workman, Otto
Evans; master workman. Adam Knight;
foreman, George Zeek ; overseer, Andy
Knight j recorder, Lewis Grazer; finan
cier, Wm, Knight; guide, Chap. Roth;
receiver, Reuben Fanton ; outside watch,
John Eckerson; inside watch, George
Mieses Kate and Grace Hampton spent
Sunday w th their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hampton. '
John Daly and Otis Morris, of Macks
burg, were Canby visitors Saturday.
Blaine White nnd Willard Knight
were Oregon City visitors Sunday.
Julius Rones, of Portland, spent Sun
day with relatives in Canby.
Bert Nelson visited relatives in Canby
last week.
Happy Hooligan was in town Monday
nii'ht. In spile of the rain quite a large
audien e was present and enjoyed the
how very much.
The Willamette Fruit Co. has sold an
other car load of Italian prunes.
The residence of Wm. Vorpabl was
entered Sunday night while the family
was at church. The thieves ransacked
the house thoroughly but found no
money. They collected the Bilverware
but did not take it awav. All they took
w as seme articles of clothing.
The steam shovel is once more in
Cauby. J. B. Howard has taken the
contract to load the cars.
The Rebekah Lodge of this place has
elected the following officers: Harriet
Bates, N. t...; Mrs. Ella Kocher, V. P.;
A. Knight, Sec. ; B. White, F. S. ; Mrs.
Wang, Treas.
Canby Lodge No. 156, I. O. O. F.,
elected the following officers for the en
suing term: Adam Knight, N. G ; H. A.
Dedman, V. G. ; E I. tfias, Sec; Andy
Kocher, Treas. This lodge meets in
Knight's hall every Friday evening.
Myrtle Lodge No. 75. D of H., A. 0.
U. W. has elected the following officers:
Past Chief ofJHonor, Mrs. Amanda Ev
ans ; lady of honor Mary Vinyard ; lady
of honor, Rella Zeek ;chief of ceremonies,
Cassie Evans; financier, Margaret Eck
erson ; recorder, Alice Armstrong; re
ceiver, Anna Dedman; inside watch,
Jesse Rosenkrans; outside watch, Chas.
Myrtle Assembly No. 55, United Arti
sans, of Canby, have elected the follow
ing officers ;for the ensuing term : O. R.
Mack, M. A.; H. 0. Gillmore, Supt.;
Warreu Kendall, Ins. ; E. 0. Shull, Sec. ;
Wm. Evans. Treas.; F. H. Hilton, Sr.
Con.; Ed Judy, Jr. Con ; Mrs. Wm.
twans, M. ter.; Mrs. Henry Smith and
James Pbegley, F. Commanders. The
Artisans meet in the city hall
Saturdav night.
Lone Pine Lodge No. 503, A. F. & A.
M., of this place elected the following
officers at its regular meeting on Dec.
12: C. A. Burghsrdt, VV. M.;A. M.
Kirchem.S. VV.; E. T.White, J.W.;
J. C. tiptague, Treas.; Geo. C. Arm
strong, Sec; W.J. Lewellen, 8. D. ;
A. E. Allspaugh. J. D. ; T. VV. Foster.
This lodge was organized in 1872 at
the old Norton plaoe. where it has re
mained until the present time. It has
had a useful and prosperous career, and
now for greater conveni nee to its mem
bers it has contracted with the Grange
for the use of its new and handsome hall
for a term of years. Where it is now lo
cated it meets during the winter months
at 10 a. m., and in summer at 2 p.
viBiuug oremren always welcome.
0. A
Geo. C.
Boy's Life Saved fromMembranous Croup
"My little boy had a severe attack of
membraneous croup, and onlv got relief
after taking Foley's Honey and Tar,"
says C. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen,
of Winchester, Ind. "He got relief af
ter one dose and I feel that it saved the
life of my boy." Charman & Co.
Bears trio
The Kind Von Ha Always Si ayic
The 14th Street (grocery j
Is now opened with a complete stock of fresh
goods at prices that will satisfy the closest buyer.
Goods delivered to any part of the city free.
M. HARRIS, Prop.