Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 18, 1903, PART FIRST, Image 5

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K m as Shopping and Xmas Suggestions
rnhte-IfJ op now, but that jam later on! Wisdom and
"fTX. v winuiiie m ine arrairs of early shopp ng. Our Xmas
stocks - were never handsomer U "?s
bolidav sunnli altA , u " . "' '"J.flu,c U1C ..c 01 vour
pMr' ' ulff j "uw aausractoruy you will be
NQVdti e! U S ladCn With Xmas Goods and
Bl ack French Dress Goods
Purchased exrh
tr ade. will be Dlaeed nn u rnn ,t
cut-rate price, irom now until Xmas.
!Lt!ere ? a S'ng'e'hlngln DressGoods
that we haven'r got, it cannot matter
much to you.
Black Peau de Soie Silk.
We have great values in Black Silk,
French and American manufacture, from
the best loom in the world, purchased
exclusively for Xmas and Holiday
presents, and you can buy them for less
than ever before at cut-rate prices from
now until Xmas. See us for gilt-edged
values in silks and dress goods. The
great silk and dress goods house of the
Cloaks and Suits a Specialty.
With this offering of Tailor-Made
Suits we expect to surpass all records
for value-giving in up-to-date Suits.
Tailored In a manner beyond reproach,
in all the fashionable shades and pop
ular colors, ranging in prices from J9.5o
to $25.00 and upwards. Exceptional
values and bargains in our new and
and spacious Cloak Department
Cloaks and Jackets.
Those swell sleeves that Fashion
decreed are in our new Coats; the latest
ideas of skilled garment makers are to
be found here. Big sale today on
Cloaks, Suits, Capes and Jackets, for
ladies, misses and children. You can
save money. Come and see us.
mcJIIkn & McDonnell
Business Transacted at Regular
December Term.
Beatie & Beatie, Dentist, Weinbard
building, rooms 16, 17 and 18.
Dr. 0. 8. 8eamann, physician
Offices over Harding's Drug store,
The newestj and finest creations in
hats at Miss C. QoiJamith's. Don't for
get the place
"A. dollar saved is a dollar made.'
Buy yrur millinery at Miss C. Gold
smith's and save the dollai fo? Christ
mas candy . ,
The difference in temperature between
Chicago and Oregon City thin w eek is
5 d-i reea, Oregw City being 75 de grees
warmer than Chicago.
Don't forget the annual dance of the
Fountain Hose Oonapanv, to be held
Thursday evening, Dec. 24th. It will be
a hummer in every respect.
Judging by the number of Mineral
Companies organized here during the
past few months Oregon City is likely to
become a mining center next summer.
There is no more exhileratlng bever
ge than Red Top Rye or the Planet
Whiskey. Kelly & Ruconich, in the
Oarde Building.
The finest and best display of seasona
ble millinery in Oregon City can be seen
at Mien-0. JoMsmith's, Main street,'
Oregon City.
In Italy a wooden shoe is hung in 'he
chimney on Christmas evening. The
little Dagoes are made to believe that an
angel from heaven fills the shoe with
presents. v
' Now is the time to par your subscrip
tion to the Courier. If all our sub
scribers wilt pay up before the first of
- the year they will assist ns materially
in making a better paper.
The new building for the Oregon Oity
Woolen Mills in being rapidly completed
and will be much -more commodious and
convenient than the building destroyed
by fire last July.
By having your teeth filled by
old fashioned methods when you
can have fillings inserted with
practically no pain by the
methods 1 now have in use.
By making special study of
each case 1 am able to insert
permanent fillings that will stay
and are absolutely guaranteed in
those so called '-soft teeth" that
are usually allowed to go to ruin
through the insertion of temp
orary fillings that soon wash out
and crumble away.
Remember all work done In this
office has an absolute guarantee
behind It.
Office next door to Courier.
Miss Goldsmith is the m illinery sav
ings bank. Try her. You will have
money left after you have made your
When it comes to trimming hats in
the newest and latest designs Miss Gold
smith is away in the lead. Her goods
are all up-to-date, and please the care
iul and painstaking bnyer.
' Some of oar correspondents continue
to write that "news are scarce," and
William Brown "made a flying trip" to
Oregon City. If the latter had actually
happened news would not be so slow.
The dance given by the Fraternal
Brotherhood Tuesday night was well at
tend ei and was a most enjoyable affair.
There was a large crowd present and
danci ng was indulged in till a late hour.
"I have dreamt five times about the
eeeda in that pumpkin," said a farmer
on Monday, "and each time I dreamt
the number was 1515. 1 told told a
neighbor about it and be said that was
the ffnees he would mike on the pump
kin." The reader needs a caution here,
if ha U a believer in dreams it won't
do tn cive a (rood thine dead away. The
nnmhar 1515 is a multiple ol the num
ber th e dreamer saw with hia mind's
Born, to the wife of A. W. Ward, of
Mount Pleasant, on the 15tl., a boy.
Mrs. Emery Noble received a fall last
week that resulted in a broken collar
The decline in steers and hgs has no
appreciable effect on the retail price of
beefsteak and pork chops. ,
Dwelling bouses are in great demand.
Everyone at al; inhabitable is gobbled
up for the oncoming immigrants. ,
Earl Latourette received a broken col
lar bone while playing football with the
West Side team Saturday afternoon.
The fraternal Brotherhood imva'a Sail
Tuesday evening at Willamette Hall
which was well attended and was a most
successful affair.
Now is the time to have that umbrella
covered or repaired. Just in a new
Stofik of Covers. Ribs. Rods and Handle
at Lamb & Sawyer's. We do repair
ing in an lines.
Christmas nrennnfn fnr th Tinun at,
Lamb and Sawyer's. Foot Balls, "Box
ing Gloves, Striking Bags, Air Guns, 22
xviutia anu nnot uuns. The goods are
right and the prices are right.
Don't make any arrangements for!
New Year's Eve until you have seen
what the United Artisans ore offering.
Look at the big show cards. ;(
Eugene Knox "entertained a highly
appreciative crowd at the Methodist
church Tuesday. evening by impereona-
nuuo auu recitations, air. unox tuny
lived up to his reputation ol being one of
the best impersonators on the Btage.
The advance in price of kerosene oil
at the stores is not hard to explain.
The Standard Oil Company' nas raised
the price in the East to (1.85 per bar
rel. Since September there have been
eight raises in urice, amounting in
all to 81 cents.
At the meeting of the beneficiaries of
the fire and life assurance association of
the grange, in this city on Friday last,
David McArthur, of New Era, was re
elected director for two years. A. F.
Miller has been reelected director for
Multnomah aDd Columbia.
All trial subscribers who were placed
on our liata by our agent a few weeks
ago will be dropped as soon as their
time expires unless the paper is ordered
continued. Of the 1B3 trial subscribers
placed on the list many have already or
dered the paper continued for a year.
First Church of Christ. Scientists,
uarae Duiiding, uor. Seventh and Main
St. Services begin Sunday at 11 o'clock
a. m. The subject is "Cbistian Science."
(Juiidren's 'Sunday school meets at 11
a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday
evenings at 8 o'clock. Reading room
open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
of each week 'mm 2 to 4 p. m.
Mrs. J. W. Ballou was at Green Point
last week to revisit some .friends at
ner 01a nome. According to the Ore
gonian of the 9th, her husband, who
sells stove polish, left their home in
Wcodstock on the 7th and had since
then not been seen, having "mysterious
ly aisappearea. "The police were
hunting for the missing man.
It is a noticeable Tact that the stores
that advertise the most liberally are the
Desc patronized, it uregon City mer
chants would Bpend more tnouev In ad
vertising, thereby furnishing' some of the
"sinews of war," which would enable
the papers to become more up-to-date,
tney would help themselves and the pa'
pers too. Holiday trade has not been so
brisk so far as might have been expected
but we opine that it will all come with a
rush during the next week.
Be it remembered, That at a regular
term of the county court of Clackamas
county held in the .court house in Ore
gon City, for the purpose of transacting
county busitesa cn the first Wednesday of
December, the same being the time fixed
by law for holding a regular term of said
court, present, Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
county judge, presiding, T. B. Killin and
Wm. Brobst, commissioners, when- the
following proceedings were bad, to
wit: . (Continued from last week.)
In the matter of planking the Spring
water and Dodge road. Ordered that
the county furnish the Bpikes to finish
said work, the plank and labor having
been furnished by residents.
In the matter of grading and improve
ment of part of Sbibley road. Ordered
that matter be laid over until taxes re
ceived for road work can be ascertained.
In the matter of finishing the fill and
trestle on the Nolan and Gribble Prai
rie road. Ordered that plank for a 75
foot trestle and for covoring 220 feet
of roadway be allowed and supervisor
ordered to put the same in with subscrip
tion work.
In the matter of road grader in district
No. 81. Ordered that Commissioner
Brobst look after the housing and caring
for same.
In the matter of petition for road,
known as the Fantnn road. It is hereby
ordered that the road supervisor open
said road with the labor of petitioners.
In the matter of the petition of Sager
and Wing, et al. for planking of Devil'B
cut off. Ordered that no action be taken
in said matter at this time.
In the matter of countv aid to Mrs.
Grindstaff, at present a county charge.
Ordered that further aid be discontinued
until further orders. '
In the matter of the keeping and care
ot William Stone, an indigent person
Ordered that this matter be taken under
In the matter of repairs to the Foster
and Winston road. Ordered that said
matter be taken under advisement.
In the matter of petition oi Fred Lin
den for rebate of poll tax and personal
property tax. Ordered that said peti
tion be denied. '
In the matter of petition of countv
road viewers to compel said Fred Brake-
bush to pay expenses of survey of pri
vate road, Ordered that this matter be
referred to district attornev to take steps
for collection from said Brakebush.
In the matter of the resignation of J.
H. Revenue as supervisor of road district :
No 6. Ordered that said resignation, be
accepted. ' -
In the matter of the report of viewers
of Pasold road. Said report read first
time and continued until tomorrow for
second reading.
In the matter of the petition of A. M.
Shibley and others for a county road.
Ordered that said petition be denied. .
In the matter ol the petition of Dix
Brothers, Wallace and others for the
planking of a road in district Nos. 18 and
19. Ordered that said petition be laid
over until there are funds on hand for
that purpose. i.
In the matter of the claim of R. L.
Morris for extra work on the Bstte Creek
bridge. Otdered that said claim be dis
In the matter of report of viewers': of
the Pasold road.' Report read second
time, and papers referred to the district
attorney for an opinion as to legality of
In the matter of aid to Mrs. Valentine.
Ordered tbat she be allowed $7 for this
In the matter of election precincts.
Ordered that the final denning of boun
daries be continued.
In the matter of the petition of George
Rambo and others for improvement of
Thayer road. Ordered that same be
taken under advisement.
In the matter of the petition of Mills
and Austen and others for the improve
ment of Wiles road. Petitioners having
subscribed $104.75, it is ordered that the
county contribute a like sum, the same
to be charged to next years apportion
ment. , -
P eel Freej Free!
Call at Block's store Wednesday and
Thursday before Christmas and get
handsome souvenir free.
Dow is the time,
tbis is the Place
The Best of Everything for Christmas
liiht to the front of all Combetition
We place our elegant new holiday stock, the
. best of everything shown in this locality.
Popular Selections ci Popular Prices
are features of this magnificent stock which particularly recommends it to holiday buyers
We Extend tO All a Cordial invitation to visit our wonderful display of new and Beautiful
Holiday Goods, especially selected with a view to meet the every requirement of the gift makers of
' this locality. Our magnificent stock includes innumerable attractions perfectly adapted to meet the
requirements of people who are in search of gifts for old and young, expensive or inexpensive ; in fact
now is the time and this is the place to get just what you want, and just what will please the per-'
son you desire to remember. " ., ... -.1: ....,.,, -
Don't Fall to See Qur Holldai) Display,
Everything you can wish in the line of
Be certain to see our line of Ladies' Wrist Baes. We are headauarters fnr Fan Cffio... .
ij ... . ..wj uiauwcir, navinz
H purchased the , entire display of a large eastern establishment, we can show you all the latest dwnt
111 nam, vuiuicu, 1 iciii-sjin-ncu auu i au.y iimuig rayci, auu envelopes. UOITie HI and look Over nn r
It's Where You Get Your Prescriptions Filled
ii,lA-...iltU li,...JirBi,....jfti. ,uA....iltw..rtllu.Hillflbur.iffth -.SV jH. . a a
m m " - - J a 1
1 " ' ' -v lift
I T'k? ,v h k V
A" i
v 1 5
Classified Advertisements.
Money to Loan At 6 and 7 per cent an
Real bstate Security. U. U. Dir.
Money to Loan 7 per cent Interest al
lowed on monev left with me to loan.
Principal with accrued interest returned
upon demand. Abstracts furnished.
Q. B. Dikick, Attorney-at-law, Oregon
City, Ore.
, V. uianders, an 01a resident 01
Clackamas Station, this county, met
witn an accident last Monday evening
which might have proved fatal. Ue
had been in town all day and report says
had taken several drinks of "the cup
that cheers" and alsi inebriates, so tbat
when he started borne be was consider
ably the worse for wear. When he
reached the Clackamas depot of the 0.
W. P., he was in a state bordering on
drunkenness and lay down beside the
track to take a nap. An
electric car came along and caugbt
the clothing, tearing it into
shreds and painfully injuring him. An
other revolution of the car would have
cat him in two' The car was stopped.
the old man taken aboard and brought
to this city where bis injuries were
patched np Dr. W. E. Carll, after which
he was taken to the kL Vincent
hospital in Portland. His ' in-1
juries are not supposed to be ser
ious. A few minutes later snotber man,
presumably a sailor, judging by his 'ap
pearance, wag walking across the trestle,
when toe headlight from s freight car
flashed upon him and be became so ex
cited tbat he fell from the trestle. He
suffered no injury save a bad shaking
We issue drafts 'payable in all
the principal cities of Europe and
make them payable in such
money as is used in the place
where the drafts are to be
cashed. Whenever you have
i J
occasion to sena money aoroau
you can do it through this bank
both easily and cheaply.
The Bank
j of Oregon City
if '-or .
771 !
1 1
C .-. 1.. 4
Jan. 1st,
1 9 0 4
With every purchase of SIS or
over, made from my
I will pay your ROUND TRIP
City or any intermediate station.
My Prices are trie Lowest
for Tirst " Class Clothing
Have your railroad or steamboat
a?ent stamp this coupon here and
present same aftei you have made
your purchase.
(Oregon's Leading Clothier.