Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 18, 1903, PART SECOND, Page 10, Image 10

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"""' :1-:V--. .ii :r .'r...-..i.w. .a '
When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing,
Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY
and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply.
stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con
tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the
lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that
retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and
lung troubles.
The Doctors Said Ha Had Consumption - A Marvelous Cure.
L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said rtad con
sumption and I got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR.
It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the'
pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well.
THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, arid $1.00 .
Corvallis & Eastern
CHARMAN & CO., Oregon City, Oregon.
ij.htwiii li, i inmwi,pfni
nti.iki.nk.liMiMi.n .
What Does All This Mean?
Republican Discord of a Pronounced
Tbe Cincinnati Commercial Tribune is
one of the leading Republican papers of
th Middle Went. It is able and fairly
edited. Here id some very plain talk in
it arent President Noocevelt and the com
ing flection. It looks like thee are
forentters ahead .
1 "Impressed by what eeenn to be the
false security in which the Republican
party is resting, lulled to repose by the
overwhelming triumphs of 181)6 and 1900,
it would be treason to the organization if
attention was not called' to the actual
conditio lb inside and outside the party's
lines .
In the words of the immortal Lincoln,
"With malice toward none, with charity
foe with firmuenB in the right," dim
ply and solely t advance the interests of
tbe party and to keen it upon the broad
rotei of success ; for the ake of the mil
iums of voters who seek no reward but
th establishment of their principles in
tbe Kepu'jlic and who have 1 yally sap
ported tbe nominee) of the part?; we
caH upon our leaden throughout the
Union to Awake, to arouse themselves
ul to prepare for the closely contested
conflict that will ba waged next year.
They owe it to the Republican party to
do this. They owe it to themselves to
e that no mistake is made, no chances
tafaMi that will invite defeat
lolitical tides are measured in Wasli-
lature or a cyclone has torn up a score of
congressional districts The soothing,
eoporitk treatment of continued re-election
and the pleasurable occupation of
voting appropriations and distributing
Federal patronage are apt to prove a fatal
anesthetic and result too frequently in
sleeping death, even to eminent men.
Tee herops of the Republican party knew
no such flowery beds of ease.
Chanes Sumner voiced the noble sen
timents of the patriotic sons of Massa
chusetts, not 'he silly babble of Wash
ington oliiceseekers.
Thaddeus Stevens stood for the veter
an Republicans of Pennsylvania, enuncia
ting their thoughts and putting th.sir
ideas in party nominations and plat
forms, and was not to be silenced by
patnnage from' any Government depart
ment. Bluff Ben Wade was ever to the front,
filled with the enthusiasm oi his Ohio
people forthe party of liberty and lo -alty,
and was not made deaf by Demo
cratic thnnder nor rendered speechless
by awe of Presidential ofllie or any occu
riant of the White House.
Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana, had the
courage of his convictions, with a force
and vigor that knew no limit, kept him
relt in line with the yeomanry of the
party and made his state a power in the
These are among the founders of tbe
partv, and following them came that
glorious galaxy of popular Republican
leaders, tbe gifted Conkling, the able
Blaine, the calm and eloquent Garfield,
the wise McKinle", each and all of them
free from subserviency, ready at all
times to plead the cause of the masses of
the party and to stand boldly and firmly
for that which they deemed right, re
gardless of opposition. The power of
these men was in their unswerving de
votion to the interests of the party, their
close touch with and quickness and u lei
iimon tintil waves of public sentiment
tmve submerged other Darts of the coun
try. The desires and wishes of the peo- ily ,nat tribunes of the people find their
pie liave little effect upon the atmos-1 boldness in asserting those sentiments,
plwireof Senate r Houce until a cold regardless of fear or favor,
wave or a hot blast has destroyed a Legia-1 These great men believed that the
power ot ine party rested w:tn the peo
ule, and ttiey spoke for the party and
for the people. They were neither sup
pliants for patronage nor sycophants to
tempo ary power. They pointed ou'.
clearly the dangers to tbe partv, regard
less of person nl consequences They
upheld their opinions with the firmness
ii ml fidelity that tribunes of the people
should always possess.
Surely thete are men in the Republi
can party toda-i as faithful and sincere
as those who have gone before.
Why are they silent in this time of
Do they not hear the murmurs of party
discontent in New York, Rhode Island,
In Massachusetts, in Indiana, in Ken
tucky, in the South and in the West?
Do they not know of the steadily grow
ing Republican anxiety as to the result
of the Presidential election and the fear
for New York aud other states?
Cnn they not perceive the massing of
the Dem icratic forces for the battle and
the npproarhine union of their discord
ant factions? Why this sluggish supine
ness, this lethargic slumber? Why this
(altering speech, these hesitating tongues
and these ominous whispers of faint
hopes of success when New York is
mentioned? Why this paralysis of in
dependence when some plain, blunt man
wishes to discuss a-Preeidential nominee?
If the leaders forget, the voters will re
member, the relief in the New York del
egation when Mr. Roosevelt was trans
ferred from the thestor of state pilitics
to the broader and stronger structure of
tne national stagj.
The anxiety then displayed to relieve
their state by bestowing Mr. Roofevelt
on the nation is not foreotten by the
hundreds of delegates and thousands of
Republicans who at 'ended the Philadel
phia convention. Is the Republican
party in New York in better condition
todiy than it was in 1;)00? No! a thou
sand times, no! and every thinking man
is awa-p of it.
Toe Republican partv cannot oonnt
upon the New York Democrats in. 1904
who supported Mckinley in r.H)0
Have the Now York antagonisms to
Mr. Roosevelt which were soopnlv dis
cussed at the last national convention
ceased to exist? Is Mr Roosevelt now
stronger beuire the people of New York
ban be was when voted oat of the Gov
ernorship of that great state by New
York's sons at tbe national convention?
The Republican party wants no surmises,
no guesses, no gambles upon these vital
The Republican psrtv demands a
leader who can carry New York and se
cure to the party the electoral vote of
that state.
There are veterans who cm do it;
there are tried and trusted men who can
make it a certainty. There would be no
question if our candidate should be
Northern Ohio's son.who stands so firmly
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
f he most milk, his pigs to get
Ihc most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
, But how about the children ?
Arc they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
arc soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
fond if there is anemia?
Scott's Emulsion is a. mixed
fond; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes ilesh, blood and muscle,
(he Lime and Soda nike bone
and brain. It is the
scientific food for
for the(right9 of labor and works so con
stantly for the expansion of trade and
commerce, who is faithful to every prom-
is.) and loyal to every frisnd. tie could
carry New York and doubt would never
enter the contest. '
If the party should choose the soldier,
the statesman, the eloquent Foraker,
the Republican voters would rally as one
man to his support and no Bhadow would
darken tne campaign.
His magnificent defense of the judi
ciary against the attacks of Tom L. John
son in the last Ohio campaign called
forth the highest encomiums from the
New York journals and marked his legal
acquirements as of the hiphest order and
the widest range. These are Ohio chief
tains, but each state in the Union can
furnish some man whose name will unite
the par y in New York and give strength
all through the republic.
Hale or Frye, of Maine; the veteran
Hoar, of Maesachusetis; Allison, of
Iowa; Spoonei, of Wisconsin; Cannon,
of Illinois; and a Bcore of younger men
could be mentioned who would insure
New York. Indiana has many sons who
could bring triumph to our cause, and
their nomination would be equivalent to
an election.
The situation is plainly stated ' Facts
are stubborn things that often block a
pathway. If, in view of all tbeBe facts,
the party says it shall be Roosevelt, then
bo say all of us."
Send for free
tie Mire (!i;U thi pL-iure tn
the lonn (it a l.ibol is on tlie
wrappir ,it rvi'iv Ivtlle "f
KmuUion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
59c and $1 1 til druggists.
., has
Logan Lodge No. 832, M. B A
elected tbe following officers for
President, O. D. Robbins: vice
dant, Geo. 8pees: secretary, 8. I
8 m ; tre iner, L. E. Robbins ; chaplain ;
Khoda Kirchem ; conductor, Fred Moser,
Sr. ; watchman, F. P. Wilson; sentry,
Wm. Sprague.
We are hustlers in Logan; we have our
potatoes dug already.
Willard W. Austen, well known in
Clackamas county and a pioneer resilient
of Logan, writes to Fred Brown from
Grant county that he is married and
thinks of going to Montana.
Rev. Roeder, of the German church,
expects to pave a revival meeting soon.
Howard Gill is home from Portland" t
while his parents are gone East. .
Henry Babler's youngest child came
mar being seriously injured by swallow
1 ig lye.
Mts. Trullinger is very ill again.
Oregon City Residents Know it Well.
There is the stamp of truth on a state
ment endorsed by people we know, by
our neighbors. The following experi.
ence of a citizen is but one case of scores
right here at home.
B. Meredith, the Portland brick ma
son, contractor and builder, who lives at
fitil 21st street, savs: "Doan's Kidney
Pills ib one of the best remedies I ver
used and I cheerfully recommend t em
to anyone suffering with kidney tioublo.
I was bothered for years with attacks of
kidney complaint, and no medicine gave
me permanent relief until I procured
Doan's Kidney Pills. I can o well
pleased with it that when my wife had a
severe attack a short time ago and could
hardly get around to do her work, I had
her take Doan's Kidney Pills. In two
or three days they straightened her up
in fine shape We both endorse the
claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills
and have nothing but the highest terms
of praise for such a valuable remedy."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people, (.'all atC. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what his cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c
Foster-.Milburn Co.
Remeniber the name Doan's aud take
no other.
No. 2 For Yaquina: '
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
" Corvallis 2:00 p. m.
Arrives Yaquina 6:20 p.m.
No. 1 Returning: ,
Leaves Yaquina, 6:45 a.m.
Leaves CorvalliS. . 1 1 :30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:15 p, m.
No. 3 for Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 3 :00 p. m.
Arrives Albany 5 :55 p. m.
Train No; 1 arrives Alb ny in time to
connect with the S. P. south bouDd
train, as well as giving two or three
hours in Alhany before departure of S.
P. North bound trrfin.
Train No. 2 connects with the S.
trains Corvallis and Albany givin
direct service torNewport and adjac en
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany ut
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit about noon,
giving ample time to reach the Springs
same day.
For further information apply to
Edwin- Stone,
1'. Cockrell, Agent, Albany.
1 wo e&m
Beaver Lake.
Here I am, Mr. Editor, to sav a few
words for tbe welfare of Beaver Lake and
its people.
Mrs. M. A. Nicholson, who has been
sojourning in Eastern Oregon the past
year, returned home Monday last.. We
welcome her smiling face.
A number of our voune folks a'tended
the dance at Mr. Bowman's last Satur
day, ye scribe in the lot; he light fan
tastic was tripped till a late hour. All
reported it a decided success.
George Groshong, a well known youne
man of this section, has his new resi
dence completed, which adds much to
the looks of his farm and gives evidence
that he is prospering.
La grippe and bad colds seem to he the
the ruling element.
Frank Holt, one of our enternrisinc
young bachelors, has gone into the goat
Orlan Thomas is busy building a new
wood shed.
Rhys Guyin's new residence is nearing
Notice of Special School fleeting.
Notice is hereby given to the legal vot
ers of School District No. 62 of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, that a spe
cial school meeting for said district will
be held in the county court room in the
county court house in Oregon City, o
begin at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M.
on Monday, being the ?8th day of De
cember, 1903
This meeting ia called for general pur
pose, and for the purpose of levying a
tax upon each and every dollar of the
assessable property, both real and per
sonal, within the district, to raise a fund
for payment of general expenses and in
terest on bonds of the district for the en
suing year.
Dated this 19th day of Dec., 1903.
W C. Oahll,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest C. O. T. Williams,
District Clerk.
Miss Hattie Ringo is about to start for
Tulare county, Calif., to visit hei brother
Bert, t irst she will sojourn at Stockton
to visit trie, ds there.
We promptly obtain It. H. ami Korean
fA'iiU model, skeU'U ur jlioto ol iiiveiitiou lor f
f frwrvport on iwtontatutitv. Kot five book f
I Kt;rTR A DE-M ARKS wr,' j
I Opposite U. si" POl
Paine's Celery
The tortures and evils of dyspepsia and
indigestion are experienced by thousands at
this time. The dyspeptic's train of evils
may be enumerated as follows: feelings of
dizziness, languor, nervousness, sleeplessness,
headache, distension of the stomach, loss of
flesh, difficult breathing, and the action of the
heart is-seriously affected.
All forms of dyspepsia are quickly banished
by the use of Paine's Celery Compound.
The use of this marvelous medicine allays the
inflammation of the nerves centred about the
stomach; it opens up the sewers of the body
and removes all waste matter; it cleanses the
blood; it makes new nerve fibre; it restores
digestive power, and promqtes bodily strength
and activity. Mr. Fred. Koss, Clarendon,
Iowa, briefly writes about his happy experi
ence with Paine's Celery Compound as
" It gives me great pleasure to testify to the
merits of Taine's Celery Compound. I can
candidly and honestly say it is the best medi
cine in the world. Two years ago I was suf
fering from indigestion and nervousness, and
was so run down that I could hardly walk
without help. I used two bottles of Taine's
Celery Compound and got better almost from
the first dose, and have had no use for medi
cine since. I was completely cured."
When a hat, a good dress, or other
garment is a little faded and old in
fashion it need not be thrown away.
Color it with DIAMOND DYES.
W have special department of advice, and win
anawer free any quentlona about dyeing. Send
ample of goorf a when possible.
Direction book and 45 dyed eamplea free.
"The Best
by Test"
A transcontinental traveler says:
I've tried them all and I prefer the
western Limited
"It's the best te be found from coast
to coast."
It's "The Train for "Comfort"
every night in the year between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago.
H. L. SISTER, Gen'! Agent.
i32 Third Street, Port land.
Before starting: on a trip no matter where
write for Interesting Information about com
oriab le traveling
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
an Union Pacific
To the EAST
THE 0. R & N. CO.
Gives the choice of
To Chicago and all points east;
Louisville, Memphis, New Or
leans, and all points south,
See that your ticket reads via
Thoroughly modern trains con
nect with all transcontinental
lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your friends are coming
west let us know and we will
quote them direct the specially
low rates now in effect from all
eastern points.
Any information as to rates,
routes, etc., cheerfully given on
Commercial Agent
142 Thitd St, Portland, Or.
T. F. & P. A.
i42 Third St., Portland, Or.
F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wh.
DUis First
"The writer regrets the necessity of lodging
complaint conrerning your usual excellent service,
but in a friendly spirit begs to submit the follow
ing: Yesterday you sold. me lower nine, car
three, on the Pioneer Limited. But you ne
glected to advise me that it would be necessary
to have the porter waken me in the morning,
and as there was so little motion to the car I
overslept. I have covered a large era on some of
the other famous trains of the United States and
this is the first complaint of this character 1 have
made. I trust you will see to It in the future
that passengers are advised-"
The pioneer Limited runs daily from St.
Paul to Chicago via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Lm"T,;g.r. 134 Third Street, Portland
bid mmt WBBiW
Through SairLake'Ctty.'Leadvills," Tueblo, Colorado Springs
Denver, and the Farm is Rocky Mountain Scenery
and by Daylight to all points east, "
Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist
' Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service
For rates, folders and other
Information address
Step overs Jlllowed
42i Third Street, Portland,
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half ri!Illion
a. a jk
rotues. foes uos recora or nserrx appeal to you c no cure. No Fav.
Enclosed wfth every bottle h Ten Cent, packase of Crove's Black Root. Liver Pills.
50c S