Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 18, 1903, PART FIRST, Image 1

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    21st YEAR- .... OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1903 :, - Nn a, :
, .
. .. j
uty aw Capturing fye Mtiuakers I
Get That Habit !
Irresistible Attractions in Bright, Beautiful Presents for Jill
Dm 7 ss a ffira Christmas Opportunity
. . . . j
Cwr Display or bonaay uooas is a popular success
it Pltasts because It Is tresl), new and novel. It satisfies because It anticipates pour every want.
7t Saves because the prices are right and reasonable. fi
Silverware Neckweat. Toys . '
Jewelry Clothing Fancy China ,
. . Silk Waists Dress Vases
Shopping Bags , Knit Shawls Toilet Sets
Slippers Work Boxes Table Linen g
Babies Shoes Albums Handkerchiefs
Fancy Hosiery Mirrors Fancy Collars
Perfumery Pillow Tops . Lace Curtains
Golden Rule iiazaar
. Oregon City's Big Cash Stor ;
9 5?
" m V?
Absolutely Pure.
St. Jackson's Day
lobe Celebrated
By the Clackamas County Democrats
With a Great Banquet.
On St. Jackson's Day, January 8, the
Democrats of Oregon City and Clacka
mas county win give a grana oanquei in
CiYtxciMx nit.vr and At.lv PAlaViratA t.hih .
casion. The committee having charge of
tne arrangements nasjust reported at.
Jackson's day as the moBt suitable occaa
sion for holding the banquet, and every
- Democrat in the county ia cordially in
vited to be present and participate in
the festivities.
It is expected to make the affair one of
the ' greatest ever held in the city or
countv, and it is hoped that Beveral bun
dred of the"Untemne"'will be present
and participate in the festivities. Plates
at the banquet will be 50 cents each.
The price, therefore, will bar do one. A
galaxy of the most prominent speakers
in the state will be invited to attend and
it is hoped and expested that the ban-
J nnof ifcill nrnva a mpnna nf -.rinoirK. to
gether all elements of the party who in
tbe past years have seen fit to follow
different paths.
The banquet will be held in the eve
ning. Every believer in the dectrines of
the Democratic party in Oregon City
and Clackamas county should attend if
it be possible for him to do so. The
toasts that will be drank, ihe speeches
that will be madeand the songs that will
be sung, wilt no doubt have a tendency
to strike confusion to the hearts of tbe
common enemy and preesage a victory
in the county election next June and
prepare us for that greater victoiy on
the Ides of November next. Further
particulars will be given next week.
Cupid Cuts
Queer Capers
midnight marriage of Washington
Girl and Itlarion County Ulan.
There was a marriage out of the ordi-
The marriage differed from many others
. . i . i Ai . ii - i :
only irom me ibci mat iu. i.ueueo was
seoured att 11 o'clock in the evening
and that the wedding took place still
later. The contracting parties were
Eifohhflth A. Storms, who bails from the
. . . wrr 1 . 1 Mr A II7.
State Ot wasningiqn, am n.a.. uuub,
a prominent young larmer irom toe
northern part of Marion county. The
turn had nnrnar) t.n meet in Oregon CitV
last Saturday and be married. White
was to come in on the California over
land and his intended expected to come
in on the Albany local from Portland.
By this arrangement Miss Storms' train
would arrive something more than an
hour before the train bearing the groom.
When Mr. White arrived in town Miss
Storms was not waiting for him. She
bad failed to make connections with the
her train, and did not arrive until after
the groom. As a reeult they did not
sncceed in finding one another until
nearly 11 o'clock. Notwithstanding th
lateness of the hour they concluded to
be married that night if a license and
minister could be procured. They ac
cordingly routed the county clerk out of
bed and when be found the predicament
of the young folks he consented to is
sue the license. The necessary papers
having been secured the bridal party
repaired to the home of Rev. E. 8. Bol
linger, who got np out of bed and tied
the nuptial knot. This occurred near
the hour of midnight, and this was per
haps tbe only "midnight marriage"
ever performed in Orego City
Jin Evening
of Pleasure.
Stanford University Glee aud Wan
dolin Clubs at Jlrmorp, Dee. 26.
in U 3 0 0 mm a
O00S1ES i
We handle nothing but the
purest and best.
We carry everything imagin
able, foreign or domestic.
Just recived, Malaga Grapes
from Spain.
Our line in this department
is one of our strong points.
Others may make cheaper
prices but when you buy them
here you get the real thing.
You don't pay for empty hulls.
Olives, Olive Oil, Catsup,
Shrimps, Lobsters, Clams,
Salmon, Petit Pols, Asparagus,
Tender Melting - Peas, Wax
Beans, Peaches, Apricots,
Pears, Corn, Tomatoes, etc.
The Seventh Street Grocer
On Saturday night, December 26th,
the Stanford TTni
- - - .uanuwiu IIUU
Wee Clubs will give a concert in this
CitV at the Arninrv llndar tha Hioi
- ' J . vuw VIAADhlUU
of Miss Mary Conyers. These organiza
tions are made up of the best talent of
the University, and the Cchege boys
have been accustomed Kor several years
pas. to make a tour of Oregon, Washing,
ton, California and British Columbia
during the holiday weeks. Last year
the Stanford Clubs apj eared in Oregon
City under the auspices of Clackamas
Council, Royal Arcanum, and several
hundred people were treated toa feast in
the musical line. The well known corr e
dians. Bush and Bailey, who were with
the Stanford Clubs last season, are again
with them this year, and are a full of
fun as ever. Tt-ey have a lot of new
jokes and stunts that are side-splitting.
Ihirtv-uva nnnnla am in thi.
organization, and there are 22 pieces in
.u .uuunu vjiud. xne instrumental
numbers are new, bright and catchy,
but are not cnniino.t tr n '
line, varying from the comical and light
t) the classical. New operatic aira will
ba heard, among them "The Prince of
rilsen." '
MitR Convem Ha i'nrtimj .u. x j-
.. C i. "utw kilo 1UU1JUD-
lin Club to consent to furnish the music
lor a noD. whiith win f,.n,., . i.
ine Hoor ot tbe spacious Armory will be
wuuul, HI1U ,ne ,wo nourg 0
dancing will entice many of tbe younger
people to Come. Thu .in'i..
- -u-JlODIUU Will UO
50 cents, and this will also include the
ii iv iiege oi uancing.
Th Ntanfnrii Ma,i,.i; j r-,
the night after Christmas, December 26.
1 he patronesses will be: Mrs. Chas.
Cautleld, Mrs. T. A. Pope. Mrs. O. D.
b"Uu,-m' -,r9 Ge0- A- Harding, Mrs.
b. h. Williams.
Will Be Qeld In Chicago Junt
21st, 1904.
The National Committee of tbe Re
wuuuuau FBr.y met in tne city of Wash
ington on the ninth of tbe month and
Chicago as the place and Jane 21st,
rm,mm w. viuie oi noiaing toe next
Kepublicsn Convention to nominate a
Presidential ticket and enunciate a Re
pablicu platform for the year 1904. The
meeting was largely attended by all of
the Eepubllcen Committee and many
prominent Rennhlimna
- waM VUUUUO ui
the committee. Delegates were present
from Alaska, Honolulu, Puerto fiico and
all 01 the nntlvins nna.u.1... ni.
' pvDovpaiuu-, ug
sentiment for renomination of President
Koosevelt was very strong in the West,
in the more Eastern states tbe senti
ment is largely against him. President
Koosevelt is using all of tbe power of his
great office to bring about his own re-
uuiuioauon ana will likely succeed.
King's Daughters Tea.
church gave a linen sale at the Willam.
ette hall on Saturday afternoon from 2 to
0. lea V..1I HervpH htf tho r .
A beautiful nnlnk lo.o
raffled off aud Mrs. Lin wood Jorei held
the loony number. A -,.
There was never an ornnrrnni
as bright as is at present to de
velop some good mining properties
that would add to the interest of
Oregon City and Clackamas coun
ty than to develop and put upon a
paying basis some of the good
mines that are located in the Mo
lalla Mining District.
The Molalla Central Minrnor Cn
i i . . .
owner or a claim and a frac
tion on which is one of the finpsr
ledges in the district, and all th
ore which has been taken out shows
that it is 95 per cejit free milling
and very rich. In order to satisfy
the owners that the ledge was a
true ftshure vein, they sent an ex
pert into the district who,examined
the ledge very carefully, and re
ported that in his forty years
of experience in mininc h hart
- " o
never seen a better nrraiwr n
took ore from the surface, also
from other parts of the ledge, and
it run from $ 1 6.76 to $2,773. 3
per ton. . ' ... ; , , ,
The mine was then inenrnnraterl
under the laws of the state of Ore
gon by Otto F. Olson, Linn E.
Jones. F. H. Welch nnrl P. R
Dimick, all of Oregon City, at a
capitalization of $25,000 , with the
Put tfalue Of the Stock at tpri rente
a share. " -
The company has installed a
blacksmith ' shop and a house for
its workmen to live in during the
winter, and has a crew of men at
work openine up the mine and nut.
ting the ore on the dump, and will
continue 10 work all during the
winter, and in the sorinc a stamo
mi r. -o - -r
mm win pe installed, wh ch w
mako the mine pay its own way,
ine company is determined tn
make a success out of their mine,
ana tnis can be-done for the reason
that they have an abundance of
ore. The last assay made from
across the Iedee eives us M9.ak.
in eoia Per ton. Ihe rnmnanu
firmly believes that their mine is
iar aDove tne average when they
take into consideration that the
AiasKa ireadwell mine is paying
uig uivtaenas to its stock-holders.
and all of their ore onlv mflkps an
average of 2.38 per ton, and the
pig mines- located m the Black
runs, aoutn Dakota, are navincr
large dividends to its stock-holders
from ore which averages only $4.00
per ion.
The company is stllin? its stoc
for the purpose of raising monev in
Keep us employees steady at work
unui me spring or the year, and
when the mill is installed no more
stock will be sold. There is an
element of risk in every mining
enterprise, but the risk is much less
when trie stock-holder is acquainted
wun tne omcers or the company
and is familliar with the manage
mentofthe business. The losses
are usually sustaineH hv
ot the tact that a great many com
panies are organized by men Who
endeavor to sell stock and convprt
the proceeds of the sales to salarip
for themselves and the stock-holder
thereby loses.
The officers of the Vola lla P.en.
tral Mining Company pledge their
honor t the public that all moneys
received from the sale of stock uill
be used solely for the purpose of
opening up the mine ani for no
other purpose.
Otto F. Olson,
Linn e. Jones,
G. B. Dimick,
' Directors.
Be Qulok.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup.
Chamberlain's Cohl-Ii K.mi oivan .1
soon as the child becomes hoarse, or
even after the croupy coogh appears,
1 will nrevent thn a't
, ana ti pleaeant and safe 10 take. For
ale by Geo. A. Harding.
It is any easy mark to convince
the public that the prices we
are asking for our smart goods
are real values
, and must be sold out by Feb
ruary 5th. Hence, we are of
fering goods at actual cost.
'Real vdlues,f so say those
who have already grasps the
opportunity we are offering 6
David fi arum's Tamous Saying
and we apply to our ready-to-wear
Garments. Why? Because
they are the most perfect fitting
cio in inn ever placed on the
market, and the flniwria f inn
' " r r - w-w-w&v-a
1 .t . . . . 1
snown oy tne trade generally tor his high-art work
manship' is of the most substantial nature.
,.. Regular $15.00 to $24.00 Suits 'rSS
Sale Price $9.50 to $16.50
Every detail in our Gent's Furnishings
are correct smart and tasty. Fresh
line of Gents Stiff and Soft Bosom Shirts
(Lion Brand) in all the new Vaiden
patterns. Just as fetching as you please. i
' ' . Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts
- Sale Price 99c each.
Color guaranteed.
! " i
j Smart
In all the riehest M.A.A. colorings.
Fancy weaves, perfect styles. A
whole whirl-wind of values, for
men, boys and the little fellows.
Sale price 35c to $3.00. """
AUshapes and l colors. Pan,
Yale, Arizona and Empirest-apes
J the rage. We have 'em, at
a very small' price too. Also a
complete line of stiff hats.
At Actual Cost
Real novelties in leathers snappy
lasts. Star Brand Shoes are
Better for Men, Women and
At Sale Prices.
Hundreds of other articles too numerous to men
tionand the sale will last until every article is sold.
Buy now and get the best of these values. $i 2,000
stock must be sold by February 15th.
Get that Habit-Trading at
Successor to fl. H. ftichael
Main Street OREON CITY, OR.