Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 27, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Before Buying Vm?
Gun and Ammunition
See the new stock of guus at the
Onaon City Bkyck & 6un Store
Recently opened at McKittrick's old stand
New Shot Guns, from $6.00 up
" Rifles
Gun Cases
Hunting Coats
3.50 up
1.50 up
.75 up
1.50 up
Shell Vests, Cleaning Rods, (Jumpers, xm., at,
prices that are right.
Guaranteed Hunting and Pocket Knives.
A Ml line of ammunition for Rifles and Revolvers.
Shot-Gun Shells in stock and loaded
to order any shot any powder.
You Get What You Order and You Know It Is Loaded.
Gun and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty
Work Guaranteed
6th and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON
A Long String
Of Courier Boys Who Know
a Good Thing If hen They
See it
The Number of Seed Will be Ascer-
talned and the Piano, Awarded
t.hn naat week the Courier
office has been a hive of industry.
Dozens of our old subscribers nave been
in to see us and nearly all of'them have
.inuJ tlioir unhap.rintinnB to the
Courier. Many persons who have never
taken the Courier before in their lives
have been to see ns and put their names
on the roll of honer. We are going to
rat the nnmtikln on the hrst day 01
Tonno.it ncrt tho floaH in hl.A mOflSter
UftUIMIJ UUAV, .uw uwuw "
nrtll l.A Jnnn tori nnrl the Kimball oiano
in our office will be awarded to tne
an Englishman, leaving one son. whose
descendants are proud to trace back to
nera meir unwmrees. xier erory uas
been the theme of romance and poetry ;
artists have taken delight in perpetuat
ing ner ngure in painting and sculpture,
j i i j . i hi
buu uer act ui wo'kj ai u guuu win
frescoed on the walls of the rotunda oc
the CapUol at Washington. All that
gratitude and admiration for her heroism
could do for the preservation of her mem
ory has been freclv rinne. and the sava.
elements of the Indian character have
been veiled with a halo of romance by
her heroic action. Her name is a house
bolJ word, aecociated as it la with the
first settlement of the couutry and only
lees known than that of the discoverer
himself. This is all very well and as it
should be. We have a country with no
mjthology, with but little myth, and as
we grow older there is a seeking after
something of a mythical nature in our
history, just as there is a ransacking of
pedigrees among our gentler (ex for evi
dence which will entitle them to become
Daughters of the Revolution or Uolomai
The City Meat Market
at Canby, Oregon,
Pays the highest price for all
kinds of cattle. The best of
fresh meats are handled at
most reasonable pri ces. 1 have
been in buisness In Canby a
number of years, and have
tried to treat everybo dy right.
I solicit your patronag e for the
future and Intend to des erve It.
. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon
Quarterly Meeting of M. E. whurch
South at Currlnsvllle.
Last Saturday and Sunday was the
occasion of the quarterly meeting of the
M. E. church South at Cumnsville.
Good attendance and interest character
ized the meeting. Rev. Henry Spiesi,
of Halsey, Oregon, the newly appointed
plrter. made a favorable im
pression, both in the pulpit as a presid
ing officer and socially. He will be in
Oregon City soon after the Holidays to
o DO ;0t thn nnfiinr in a orotracted meet
ing at the Ely Congregational church.
Millionaire's Poor Stomach.
You can save from 15 to 20
per cent by trading here
10 Bars Savon Soap 25c
3 pkgs. Jumbo Mush. . . ,25c
2 pkgs. H. O. Buckwheat. 25c
The DumDkin weishs 96 pounds, and the
nearest guess as to the number of
seed it contains, gets the
$400.00 piano.
X Positive Statement 8
Huntley Bros., Druggists, are
. agents for Oregon Cy for
Kgllett's Oil of Eden
Sweet Sblrlts of Eden
Remedies that will positively cure
any case of Rheumatism, no matter
how severe or how long standing.
In case anyone is not cured, the
California Co-Oreratlve Medical
Company, of Oakland, will refund
the purchase price.
S r.n at Huntlev Bro. for free booklet.
lessee 3OO0oeoooeo3!
The worn-out stomach of the over fed
millionaire if often paraded in the public
nr;nn 11 n hnrrihlnexamole of the evils
attendant on the' possession of great
wealth. But millionaires are not the
.ni,, mlin am pfflicted with bad
stomachs. The proportion is far greater
among the toilers. Dyspepsia and in
digestion are rampant among these
i ,i .V.QJ. onffar far worse tortures
than the millionaire unless they avail
themselves of a standard medicine use
Green's August llower, wnicn nas ueeu
i -u kcohnlrl remfiflv tor all
-tnmach troubles for over thirty five
years. August i lower louses uie lurpiu
f. . 1 nnnatitA QTlil 1 fl
lver, vuuo U00UU5 -
vitalises the system and make life worth
. ... u n t nmiv ofatinn.
living, no manor ui on-..--..
Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. At
Cbarman and Co.
son mamng tne nearest correc l bhuuiuio
ut)on the number of seed in tne Dig iei-
lnu,. Hnvo vou naid vour subscription
o. oat 1 nntwhv not. DO not DUl 11
rnma in ar, nnr.
UH VIA. - '
W have out two solicitors woo are
liRfc. Mr. W. R. Gar
the country and Mr,
U7i ium Manlhlt 1H nilHCtinz D LUt3
town and the villages. We don't want
anv good man to escape. We are going
to have 2,000 subscribers by the first day
of January next. We want you to be
one of them. Tne fallowing is a iibi ui
tlmaa rohn hflva naid their subscriotion
during the past week and made a guess
on the number oi seea in me oig puiuy
Oscar Fosberg, Oregon City $1 50
B.U. Sarver, "
Mo T T. Painn. " " 1 50
n PMVi Anrnra 1 50
Mm S P. Pnnman. Oregon CitV. . 1 50
P.b WiUnn. " " . . 1 50
T.B.Hankins " " .. 1 50
Rnonn. Hnhhard I OU
For Infants and Children.
TTi3 Kind You Have Always Bought
But Pocahnnt.an is not thn onlv Indian
woman who m rils recognition. Those
who have rend the thrilling Btory of
Lewis and Clark's expedition to the
Pacific in 1804-06 cannot but have been
o4wtiil. nitK .Via nrnnlarfnl ucrilina rancor
Per" ed the party of exploration by the young
Tnrllan n-ffa nl fhaVinnnnan. t.hn half
breed interpieter. It was not as that
of Pocahontas, a single act unattended
with personal danger and hardships and
heightened in interest by the beauty of
the heroine, but the exhibition of forti
tude and fidelity extending for more
than a vear, under circumstances un
paralleled in ntstory. in me spring oi
1804 Lewis and Clark started up the
Mioannri rivor with a Rmall hnflv Of men
in light boats propelled bv oars and sails
and proceeded as far as the Mandan Na
tion, about 15U0 miles, wnere iney weni
into winter Quarters on friendly terms
with the Indians. IIer they met sever
al Indian traders from the Hudson Bay
r!rmnw in tha far TCnpi.h and hardv
adventurers, among whom was loussiani
Chabonpeau, a French hallbreed, who
had been higr.er'ip tne river anu wuoiu
they engaged as an interpieter. His
wt'e, Sauajewea, belonged to an inaian
tribe of Shoseones, or Snake Indians,
who lived oi the western slope ot me
Rocky Mountains. She had been
captured when a child by the Minne
tarees, from whom Chabonneau had
purchased her, and at 15 had become
his wife. When in the loiiowing spring
she and her husband started up the
Hvnr with the exnedition she bad a boy
babv bat 2 months old. The leaders of
the expedition teareo sne wouiq oe an
incumbrance, but took her ahng.hopina
that oho mitrlit. hA nf Hprvice when thev
reached the mountains from which she
name. From the start, however, the
Bird Woman, as she was called, demon
Qtratarl that aim wufl an invaluable a&
quistion. With her papooe strapped
.in her hank she labored with the men
coith narlHla and tnw rnnA. cheered the
company with her vivacity, and in many
mava TAnnftfAH vftiiianin aHHiBLancu .
Once when a canoe containing the most
valuable. nfTants of the cantains of the
expedition, their journals, st ientiflc in
struments and medicines, was nuea wiiu
wat.rtn mirifit.rpam I lhahnnnnaii anan-
doned it is cowardly alarm, but the Bird
. . i . i. 1 Y 1
lbs pure
Frost) . . .
lb can Royal Baking
Powder 45c
lb can Cream Baking
Powder 35c
I lb new crop walnuts . . . 1 ;c
1 doz. Deviled Ham
10 lb Sweet Potatoes 25c
1 doz. Lemons 15c
100 lbs Granulated Su
gar $5-CS
6 pkgs. Parlor Matches, 25c
Zva&z for Produce
33e for Gqqs, 55c for Good Butter.
Cor. 7 th and Center.
j. V, DOffSn, nUDDRru iwi unuou l in liuwoiuij "i, iuii o
t:.i a cunn-v,n Pooim 1 Fid Wnman savnil tint nnlv hnmnlf and babv
AlCUIiru ni;uiTOUwm, vb.uo - 1 w.ww - ,, j
ti..; ii:ium xjfAlnlln 1 fill kl ..a..iiu.l tti. no nuh a narirn Btld latin
IulB Xjivira iu lUci , iuuiniia. ...... iuu. icdvuwi
n.iii. Pnttino " ' 1 OU
y.uuvv', .......
Txtin Hnmlanrl TlvaCA. Wash 1 50
- . . ' . IA
J. A. Thayer, woaeBta, njaiu x ou
1 .T Hnoo flanhv 1 00
August nuDert, uregon vuy j. u
Bears the
Do not be deceived by those who ad
vertise a tsewing macniuo iw
120.00. This kind of a machine can
be bought from ua or any of our
dealers from $15.00 to $18.00.
rri.n T?,Wl rlofprmlnpfl fTiA fitrGHflth Of
weakness of Sewing Machines. The
Double Feed combined with other
strong points makes the New llouie
tne Des6 eewiug juacmuo w "jr
showing the dlf
fnrent atvles of
' Hpvlntf Manhlnea
We manufiioture and prices before purchasing
B TJnlon Sq. N. Y, Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga,
t. Louis.Mo., Dallas,Tex., San Franolsoo, Oat
0. S.CRANE, Agent,
350 Mor rison St., PCRTI.AND, ORE
Sick headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
jstipated? Tongue coated?
S your liver I Ayer's Pills
S liver pills; they cure dys-
tfpsia, biliousness.
r 25c. All druggist.
D. Harmes, Aurora 1 ou
A. M. Klrchem, Logan 1 50
August Funk, Redland 1 50
H. L. Kelley, Gregon City 1 50
CM. Bonney, Hubbard, 2 50
Umo K. nickev. Molalla 1 OU
.TimM Shannon. Beaver CreeK.... 1 OU
P Ponrilntnn. Hnhhard 1 50
T TJ Tnno irMhAtn 1 OU
J. O. Morris, Liberal 1 50
n W. Rixlnv. Milwankle 1 50
P. P. Mnmhv. Mulino 1 60
.T A Tnrnir. Rtnfford 1 60
Jobn Staidham, Ely 1 50
Pan Pot or Unit. P.rknlace 1 50
BnosCahill, Oregon City 1 50
W. U. vaugnan, woiana x uu
James G.Boe, Hubbard 1 68
Mihb M. Mclntire. Oreeon City.... l ou
J.A.Howland, " " ...160
Mrs. K. A. Uray, Marquam i ou
Many Oregon City People Fail to Realize
the Seriousness.
Backache is so deceptive,
It come and goes-keeps you guessing.
Learn the cause-then cure it.
Nine times out of ten it comes from
the kidneys. ' I
That's why Uoan's liiuneys nils enre
Cure every kidney ill from backache
to diabetes.
Here's a case to proven:
MrB. D. Murphv, widow, who liveB at
395Ivon St Portland, says: "Years
ago, when living in Kansas I was great
ly troubled with kidney complaint. At
tuat time, l was, l migni say, porieci
ly helpless for months, bnt in time it
vnrft aav mi rnVflunnnn v an It came.
It did not bother me again until last fall
wnen tuere was every sympton oi its re
turn, and knowina what I had suffered
formerly I began to look around for
something t check it, and on looking
over tne tne naner l noticed uoan s
Kidney Pills highly recommended so I
procured them and took them as direct
ed. Itonlv required a few day's treat
ment to ward off the attack. Since then
I have recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills to a number of my friends."
rienty more prooi line tnis irom ure-
gon Uity people, urn at U. li. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what bis cus
tomers report.
hot sale Dy an aeaiers. rrice ouc
Foster-Milburn Co.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
ror the letest novelties in
all kinds of laces and dress
trimmings there is no store
in Oregon City like the Fxr.
They sell men's underwear
at the Fair at Rediculously
low prices, considering the
values An investigation
will rirnve the truth of both
the above statements.
The Fair Store
WTKW nrvrjTK.TerYM' d
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Owneld Block OREGON CITY
Want your moustache or beard beautUul
Drown or ncn uwtn
r-iniinnuBU'O nVCfprthe
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
.onnnt tut enloved in a basin of limited
capacity nor whre the water supply end
temperature ii uncertain oy reason m
aHv nlnmbintt or heating apperatoi.
UVwva - r
To htTe both put in worougn wording
order will not prove expemWe 11 the
work is done by
MiBB Katie Jones
Win Nickleaon,
Fred Myers,
George Birchet,
J. B. Nelson,
Joe Jackson,
Ida Comer,
B. M. Adams,
T. O. Ridings,
Unnst liiger,
A J. Hodge. Canby
W. B. Cased 1, Oregon City.
M TTuriaa Nw Era
J. C. Baker, Oregon City. 1 50
Dr. J. W. Welsh, Portland 1 50
limoi Wilsnn PlnnkamaH 1 50
D. B. Kimmel, Oregon City 1 t0
Frank Fosberg, " " ...... 1 50
M. Justin, Oregon City 1 50
M. P. Chftpman. Oreiron City 1 60
Charles T. Pembroke " " 160
Bteve Coleman, Bandy..: i ou
n V rtisoar Oawpfm 1 50
g'. w'. Grace, Oregon City 1 50
. xayior, - - v
Wo nrnmiiA In a( uftnftA that the
(IV .wu..uw '
PnnvW will hn a hotter naner next year
than It haa ever been before. We want
tn nnt it in everv home in the county.
v. want til mhKA lr nRATii . nexc vear
we will ba-e two elections in Clackamas
pnnnrr nnnfnr rnnntv officials and On for
President, xou win want to snow wnai
onino nn nrl if von ar a BUDBcriDer
to the Courier you will know beyond
ed it safely on shore.
After four months of hard labor up
fnr 1800 miles, the expedition
reached the headwaters of the Missouri
and the leaders were filled with appre
hension at the difficulties which lay be'
tween tuern ai.a me raciuc. it wb
4W.an tar.hoHirH Wnmftn nrnvfld tneir
orotector and deliverer. She recognized
WHO giriiau gieo evouoa ittixiiiim m
chiWhooa ana uiipwws . . oh!lmhar,a,n,. rnh .,..
been captnrea oy tne iviinneiareee. .".... UBu hcuiouj
Soon Indians made tneir appearance,
creating alarm, but Bacajawea leanessiy
,.i fiirmaril tn meet tnem ana iouuu
iViaw aura har nwn t.rih and that its
chief was her brother. There ensued the
mnot frinnrllv relations between tue
nipmhurs of the ex
Tnrtians. who furnish
enabled them 10 make
the mountains and at the mouth ot the berlain-g Oonuli Remedy with mv child
t....:. -!.... n'Vionna riAfnro winter. alter - 1 . . J. .
lit. lO 1 IV"' , i.i'w-t"
many thrilling adventures.they deecend-
o.i ilia (in iimtiia. in canoes auu mkij
reached the Pacific. The Indians every
where, through the intiuence oi me oiru
Woman, who proved a mascot to the ex
them with everv
of friendBhin. The brief
nntlinehere eiven of the valuable ser
1 hv this Indian heroine 18
TltCO umiii"..
.... A. a. ..A. ..A.. JA..rfti.Ai'AitAaA AiiiIWi 'A
- Jhtm
Tm .am tha nnlv cnmclnte line
nf Pankntfl. Coffins. Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Eearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction' guaranteed .
SHHK & B1SSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304. m,n -
Sacojawea, The Bird Woman;,
is Pleas
ant to Take.
The finest quality of granulated loaf
susar is used in the mannfapfnra nt
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the
roois useq in its preparation nive it a
rnn inr HHUurai war nan ....vr..i .. ...
11 is uie oest preparation of the kind
miow 01 inectiiidren like to take it
and it has no lnjtHons after effect. For
sale by Ueo. A. Harding.
Tha fnllnwino cnt from the COlumB of
the LoulBville Courier Journal and
written by that splendid scnoiar ana
nnnrn nlrllerJ. Stoddard Johnson is
worthy of reproduction in every news
paper 01 tne great iiuriuncii.
The romantic story 01 rocanontas, tne
drttniled. from dav to day
i ti.h h other incidents of this
wonderful expedition, in iiie urmnro
published flrBt in 1814. But of late it lias
been brought out in more romantic relief
in Mrs. Eva Emery Dye's admirable
imQ "The Conauest." in whicn
botli the history and romance 01 me ex
nt.ilit.il n are faithfully epitomized.
Aftnr unnndine the winter 0118UOUO
on the Pacific coast near the mouth of
the Columbia, Lewis and uiarx oegan
their long homeward journey over the
same route by whicn tney naa gone,
and as before, the Bird woman was tue
same good angel. At one critical junc
ture, when struggling through heavy
snows in the mountains of the western
slope of the Bockies, they lost tneir way
and death stared them in the face, and
they were only saved by the intelligence
of Bacajawea, wno puoieu mom
infn thn I ott trail tnrouun ner lununt-
tive knowledge of woodcraft. After
many critical adventures, In which she
1 1 A. I Al
renderd similar service, vuo py u'
thirty-three arrived safely in St. Louis
ftar a alx montha' iournev without the
Inn nf a man nn tha entire trio, except
in the death of Charles loyd irom sick-
nesswith n six months of their initial I i
!.. Uiiuiml Vvnt. a hrlef I V
notice of a traveler wno saw ner in ion,
nothing is known of what became of the
Bird Woman and her boy. Bnt now
that a centennial celebration of the
Tiaand Clark eiolorstion is to beheld
in Portland, Or., in 1905, steps bate
1 . 1 - RUnAin.i. tha Mamnrl nf
Deen wkcu w y1 'tji.uio j .
this long neglected heroine. An asso-1
elation has been formed lor tne purpose
statue 01 Bacajawea, the
'A dose In time save! Htm." Dr. Wood'i Nor
way Pine Synip; nmur remedy for oounh
coias, puimon ry .HfrsBes of evary sort
The Finest Fruit
The verv finest fruits of tlio t
manufactories have been st-v. :
complete our stock. The swell i I
In all the varieties of lasts, t'i, t' -and
trimmings. Every pair ..! 1
with solid, substantial wear m
them and make them sensible l..ii.i,s
will be found at
Oregon City Shoe House
J. W. COLE, T"
All goods bought in bond.
Puruy and quality guaranteed
Some famous Old brands S
. '"-Mcrui
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon
Id bam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
liR)tJiv Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main SI
J . . . ' I M Pr IMTLI II at M
daughter of the Indian cniei rownatan Jrd Woni8r)i to te piaeel In one of
the Darks of Portland, and its success
who saved the life of (Captain Jobn
Smith when, as a prisoner, ne was aoour.
to be put to Qeain, is laminar iu ou.
TVia inrtirlent ocenred in Yircinia nearly
300 years ago, yet it is as fresh in the
minds ol every one sb any evem m mo
history of America how she brought
about peace between the settlers and
the Indians, went to England and was
feted by royalty, was converted to the
Chrietian faith and married John Kolfce
is assured. It will be of bronze, of he
roic size and its cost will be 7000.
at Harris Grocery
And arc going to make special induce-
,1 4
ments to close buyers.
Gish and Small Profits is Our Motto. j!