Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 27, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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SMITl 1 If AW i y If
It - Ill
m ' m.hm- n;i, , inn tihi
.&egelablePreparationfor As
similating wiooa ana uee uia
ting the Stomachs andBoweis of
Promotes Digestion.Ckerful
oess and Rcst.Contains neither
Owurn;Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
W oouDrSAt-ruupimah
JiuAtUt Si, fa -4nije
ii pptniiint -iln
IlimSetd -ffanhd
Jirytir .
A perfect Remedy for Constitu
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh
e&ss and Loss OF SLEEK
fat Simile Signature of
Cuban Reciprocity
TIis Panama Canal Route Will
Certainly Be Adopted.
A Republican United States Senator
rnUlcted for Accepting a Bribe.
Washington. D. (1. Now. 1Q 'na
.4 wording to a decision reached some
a :vi auro. a vote was tnlir.n in tl a Unnw
of Representatives on the bill which is to
ivmier euective ine reciprocity treaty
iun.uua. ine oui was passed by an
ov r iK'lminir mai ritv Raai nf ti.n
Republicans opposed it, and most of the
a -ru uraiic metnoers voted lor it. As
the Kepublicans refused to allow the
consideration of amendments to th
bill, the debates ol the lastfew days
wre 01 a general political nature, and
svldreed to the country rather than to
te House. The Democrats at-acked
t tariff policy of their opponents and
d"larrd tha1; they woild vote for the
tea ty became it waB a step in the right
direction, b it that the concession
grmtbd to Cuba were by no means suf.
licient. The mlnorita complained some-
e ii
wii ti 01 me -gag rules" adopted by the
Republicans, but they were reminded
that when the Democrats were in power,
tbev did the same thing, and Mr. Clark
of Missouri deolared that when, next
ye.tr, bis party controlled the House,
they would outdo the Republicans in
eilnneing the minority.
The bill will of course pass the senate
ai ili d; body if already is on recird as in
favor of the treaty. The Democratic
.-n it.nrs show no great desire to pro
lon: the discussion and their speeches
Will be explanatory, rather than in op
position to the measure. The rules of
tim H.-nate do not give the majority
Buoii absolute power as in the House,
an t the bill can be held up for a long
tim by individual senators should they
Bj desire. It is believed, however, that
a (jui'Crtesful attempt will he mado to
p-s (lie bill before Thanksgiving so
t'it' tlie extra session my adjiurn be
fo e i hut holi lay.
J Knunda of th) Panama route are
pliM-ed at the news that Secretary ll?y
and Minister Varilla bave signed a new
c.uiU treaty, which gives to the United
8 lies every concession necessary to
n tke onr control of the waterway abso
ln . full sovereignity over a strip of
Ian 1 about teu miles wide was given
thi c miitry, as we'lasthe right to in
o r public order and sanitary condi
1 In the two cities of Panama and
I ii lO.iWO.OiU which was to be given
t p 'Voiubiu will bj p.tid to Panama, al
ti i'i ;ti some members of the adminis
t.i'ii.m believe thnt part, if not all.of this
t .. f hould tie iflven to the Bogota gov
1 1 1; ;neiit as an indemnity for the losses
,. . ! by the revolution. Tlie $10,000,
( ,;' i) ntlioi i.ed hp payment to the Pan
i tj Oam; uoiiipany for its right, title
fin' i liuri'nt in the isual, will he paid
I- .'iijiuully liiteiuKul. For tlie con
tiru iiuii of thd canal United Stales
1 will ba issued to the amount of
'M.OOo. In soma qntrtera it is be-
J t mt w.th liawing $50,000,000 casli
bo treasury will distuib business
ims, tit most of tlie cash balance of
i1 'I'niirv department ia deposited in
t' MiUkitml Imnks throughout the
tuu.ilry. It the Upiihliuans hesitate to
i i itiitliawing this money, the Deiu
,' is will be sine to point out the
a, knew of a linancial system, by
I. i tho treasury cannot withdraw
-mi money and will ba likely to
tun Secretary .Shaw more than
or placing such large sums in the
ii .j. However, this is one of the
;t I v problems which the Republicans
Bi a solve.
, 1 a recent caucus of the Djinoeratic
i i us it was made evident that most
m would not oppse a treaty with
ruama in case the President should
. no to the senate. A two-third
Ity would be neco'Cftry to pass it
h .! .consequently some Democratic votes
td be needed. Iu molt of the South
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
.- '-r-iimirtii
em states there is a strong sentiment in
favor of a canal, as it is believed that
after ita construction, higher prices
could be obtained for cotton, and cotton
goods. For this reason the Southern
Senators, although they condemn the
manner in which the administration
has dealt with Colombia, do not care
to go on record as opponents of any
measure which will hasten the con
struction of the water.
There is much comment here over the
news that United State Senator, Charles
H. Dietnck, republican, from Nebraska
has been indicted by the . Federal grand
jury of Omaha on the charge of bribery
and conspiracy in connection with the
appointment of Jacob Fisher as Post
master of Hastings, Nebraska. It is said
that the Beaator accepted money and
property to the araoant of $1,300 in re
turn for urging Fisher's appointment.
Fineteen of the twenty grand jurors
favored the Indictment The Senator
declares that the cl arge is the result of
a political conspiracy and is doing all in
his power to bave W. 8. Summers, the
United States District Attorney who
prosecuted the case, removed from office.
From the different reports received here
it appears that the Senator erectea a
building in Hastings to wbicb the town
postollice was removed from a building
owned by the Grand Army, who also
owned tne nxtures of the othce. Sena
tor Dieirich rented the ottice for less
than it was thought he ought to receive.
A new postmaster was to be appointed
and Fisher supported his application for
the position by agreeing to buy the fix
tures from the Grand Army and to reim
burse tlie Senator for tbediffurence be
tween what be asked and wh.it be re
ceived as rent for the office. Snch pay
ments w.re made for several months,
when the Senator realizing the question
able character of the transaction return
ed the mony to Fisher and his assistant
postmaster. Fisher claims that the dis
appointed applicants for the place, back
ed by the rival section of the town which
wanted the post oilbe, and bv nolitical
enemies of Senator Dietrich have con
cocted the present charges. However,
it is evident that there were at least
soin" indiscreet irregularities in tha
transaction, and it is well that the
Senator has waived hie constitutional
minunltv to such a prosecution and will
return to Nebraska as soon as possible
to stand trial.
Senator Reed HmiHt nf Utah pnamp t.
have little fear of the great number nf
petitions against him, which continue
to come to the Senate from all parts of
the country. He says, "I am not fo
the least worried nhoit ft, in miii..
There is no just pretext for unseating
me, except uecauseiam a Mormon. I
am not a nolygamist and that featnre
which entered into the Knhorin t rial ra.
suiting in the loss for him of his sea't in
me nouso, cannot ugure in my cafe. I
have taken no secret oath or obligation
to the church recognizing it as superior
to my country. There is no secret oath
administrated and notMstinction is made
by the church regarding the allegiance
between upostleg and other members."
f ifr In
Doesn't Respect Old Ags.
It's shiinieful when y inth fails to show
proper re ject for old age, but just the
contrary In the case of Dr. King's New
Life Pills They cut off maladies no
matter how severe and irrespective of
old age, Dyspepsia, Jaumliae, Fever,
Constipation all yield to this perfect pill.
L'5c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
Tak Uvitlve Brorao Qitliilno TMots. All
drimKM rvtuml tha luomy if ii fall. ,c our, E
w . 9 iiKimltira m 0 toh box. 23o. "
Horse Shoeing.
Scripture A Peauliau having with
drawn f run the Horse Shoers Associa
tion believing that a part of the shoers
was excessive, we have made the follow
ing prices :
shops, Fo 5 and under .... $2 00
4 new shoe", No 0 g 5
4 new shoes, No 7 or 8 . 2 50
4 old shoes reset I'. 1 5
Littk Outlays
that Count
School Teachers, Railway and
Dry Goods Clerks, Stmogra
pliers, Dressmakers, Mil
liners, Mechanics and
Farmers Take Advan
tage of it.
To any one unfamiliar with our low
price, easy payment policy, it would be
a mater of little surprise to find on ex
amining our books, the names of scores
and scores of people working on com
paratively small salaries who are buy
ing choice pianos, instruments whose
names have always heretofore stood for
such high prices that the impression
ve.-y generally prevails they are within
the reach only of people of very consid
erable means. Tnis, than.s to our
email profit, easy payment policy is no
longer the case.
The great mass of the people of the
No 'th west are accustomed to good mu
sic. Nowhere is choice music so highly
appreciated. Our people readily r cog
nize the quality of a piano, and are con
tent with nothing but the best The pi
ano is therefore, frequently by far the
the most costly and most highly prized
article in the home. And rightly so.
Nothing is a better index of culture and
refinement in a family than a good
That a great proportion ol the homes
of the Northwest are supplied with the
very best pianos is largely due to the
fact that lor years there bave been
placed before buyers by us, the very
choicest pianos, at prices and on terms
tnatanyone caa attord. Prices that
have enabled them to possess such re
gal instruments as the great western
make, the Kimball of Chicago ; the
Weber of New York and the Cbickcring
of Boston j the Vobp, also of Boston, the
Hobart M. Cable, Bush & Gertis, Doll,
Haddorff, etc., etc.
These pianos, and they are the finest
and most reliable made, are the favor
ites of the people of the Northwest.
They are universally found in our
schools and colleges, our lodges and
theatres, and in the studios of our lead
ing musicians
A man makes bis purchase, paying
all the way from $350 to $750 or more.
He then has a piano that will be a source
ot satisiaction to nim tor a htetime. It
affords himself and his family thebebt
social and domestic enjoyment, as well
aa giving to bis chbildrec opportunity
for the very finest musical education,
while our system of easy payments en
ables him to meet bis monthly payments
without any ii,c tnvenience whatever.
Young ladies ho are Belf supporting
purchase their pianos in the same man
ner securing choice and dainty instru
ments, and while they are making their
payments, they are able also, to study
music with the best coachere.
In case of sickness or misfortune, all
necessary extension of time is cheer
fully granted by us.
We are more than glad to have any
one, whether it is with an object of pur
chasing or not, examine onr entire
stock, and learn our prices and terms.
Catalogues 'giving all details cheei fully
supplied for the asking. Send a postal
card . Eilera Piano House, the leading,
most popnlrr and reliable piano concern
on the coast. Big, busy stores, Wash
ington street, Corner Park. Portland,
Or.; and also at San Francisco. Cal.;
Spokane, Wash., and Sacramento, Cal.
fyd Trout Prices
17-Ibs Dry Granulated Sugar gl.OO
Arm and H. soda, bulk, 3 for
10c; 8 lbs 25c
Arm and H. soda, packgs, 2
for 15c; 4 for 25c
Blueing, bottle 8c
28 ounces warranted Baking
Powder ...2oc
10 lbs. Table Salt, 10c, 5o lbs. .45c
Green Coffee, 7c; fine grade 12c
Roast Coffee, equal to Ar-
buckles 11 y2
Best Roast Coffee 20
This equals 30 to 35c
coffee. Sample free.
3 qt Tin Coffee Pot 13c
4 qt Dinner Pail 20c
Saxony yarn, all colors 5c
VVaisting goods, i2Jc up
Specials in Towels, 5c up
Specals in Ribbons, 50 cent values
25c; 10 cent values, 5c; 5 cent
values, 3c.
Ladies' Taimmed hats, the most
stylish and becoming all rea
sonably priced.
Ready-to-wear hats, Soc up.
Come and see our assortment of
hats and ribbons, the prettiest in
Men's 50c underwear 40
Men's sample overshirts, good
grades, off price.
New Stock of first classjShoes just
Trade for Produce, paying J30C for
Eggs, 50c for good butter, )
fyd Tront Store
g Ji superb blowing or fms suns
1 ...JInd Overcoats...
See to it that your
unmistakable stamp
g tailored article has the jingle of the
genuine the1 ring of Tightness. Such
only are the offerings that'bear this cele-
brated name Men of dressy ideas now
look to" the Hart, Schaffner & Marx for
their clothes. A look at our stock will
i a. a 1
I m Mi Ii
Hart Schaffner
6? Marx Jtep Wfe
Hand Tailored pV
The Crop That Did Not Fall.
Is there a good, big fat, corn crop, a
"husky" crop, if we may so call it and
live? So it seems , bnt it is not the fault
of the prophets who send their divina
tions from Chicago to the newspapers.
By the way, is there much farming in
Chicago now? The. place was pretty
thickly settled the last time we were
there, but it must be a fine corn coun
try. This fall, as in previous falls, Bad
tales of the condition of the corn came
from Chicago. The frost, the crpel
froBt had nipped the greatness of the
corn crop. Nebraska, Illinois, Kansas
and other states too numerous too men
tion were all severely frostbitten. AU
was over with the corn . The conntry's
apprehension was a little relieve 1 by the
remembrance of timilar dispatches in
other Septembers and early Octobers.
There must be Some people in Chicago,
with equally culpable backers in New
York, who make a practice ct pulling a
long mouth about the corn crop. Not
with any view of affecting the market.
Oh, no I They just want to surprise the
countr? when their little joke is ex
posed .Everybody's Magazine for De
cember. Damaged by Water and Wind.
H.C. Bonaker, who lives on Wood
cock Creek up in the foothills of the
Cascade mountains, was in Oregon Citv
on Tuesday attending court He re.
ports that great damage was done by
Woodcock creek on last Saturday night
by high water. Two mill dams, the
dams of Russell & Co., and the dam of
Standinger & Co., were each entirely
wished away. Two bridges crossing
this stream went out with the flood and
another bridge and dam were each
badly wrecked. The watar was higher
than known in recent years. In addi
tion great damage was done by the
wind, dozens of trees being blown across
the road, and many fences blown down
and washed away.
Mad and Bad.
Kind Ilearted Citizen Tut, tut, tut!
Don't worry over it, little boy. Xou
didn't break your pitcher, and there's
no use, you know, In crying over spilt
Little Boy-Do I talk as If I was cry
In', mister? (Resumes his violent lan
euage.) Chicago Tribune.
A Myoterr Explained.
"I don't understand," said the Igno
ramus at tlie academy, "why they al
ways put the baldheaded men up in
the front row."
"That's easy," butted In the usher.
They put 'em up there so they'll be
near the files." Boston Herald.
Good Is rosltlve. Evil Is merely
privative, not absolute. It Is like cold,
which Is the privation of heat. All
vil is so much death or nonentlty.
Emerson. fp...JST: .T.
Fall Suit bears the
of the true hand-
our ad it s so.
School days are here
and with them the
need of good, strong,
Dependable clothes for
the Boys. We have
put in months of pre
paration for this event
and striven to obtain
for you not only the
handsomest, but also
strongest and best that
the fabrices and best tailoring could produce. They (Q
are here for your inspection and approval. Our prices i
are as low as good make and quality will permit. Our (g
stock to choose from is the largest in the city.
Clothier and
New Wayof "Using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. '
nfr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As
a proof that Chamberlain's Congh Rem
edy is a cure suitable for old and young,
I pen you the following: a. neighbor
of mine had a child just over two month
old. It had a very bad cough and the
parents did not know what to give it.
I suggested that it they would get a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
put some upon the dummy teat the baby
was sucking it would no doubt cure the
child. This they did and brought about
a quick relief and cuied the baby."
This remedy is for sale by Geo. A.
Wiles WcGJasban, Props
Sack Marvel Flour, Walla Walla
Bement's Best Flour, Wallr Walla
Pound M & M Blend Coffee
. 35c
Pound Mack's Fine Blend Coffee
Can Good Salmon
Large Bottle Blueing
We have a nice line of tin and
granite ware at reasonable prices.
Just received a fresh stock of
mince meat for Thanksgiving.
Or a horse or anything pertaining to a first
class livery stable. If you do Gross & Moody
the liverymen, will furnish it to you at a rea
sonable figure from their barn near the depot.
F irst-class service. Driver furnished if required.
U Marx
Hand Tailored
I t 1S V .1
1 H n( &f
Co;jtl(ht 1S0I b, Hut ScltaOntr Mux
WM. Mt'nlnX
ny J k iv
Iky IS " ' '" ,
Sole Agent for
Hawe's $3.00 Hats.
Hives an a terrible torment to the little folks
ft nil to some older ones. Eaiily cured. Doan's
Ointment never fails, Instant relief, perman
ent cure. At any drug store, 60 cents.
Fair Dealing
Is Our Motto
And we live up to it.
Our store is headquarters for
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Our stock is new. Our goods
are fresh. Our prices are
We aie not selling below cost
but are giving our customers
groceries as cheap as they can
be bought anyvvhere else in
Oregon City. Orders prompt
ly filled. Goods delivered
anywhere in city limits.
We solicit your taade.
Horton & Jack.
7th St., Opp. Opera House.
Phone No. 1964.
How'8 This I
We offer One Hundred Dollws Reward for any
crtee of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO,,, Props. Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, havekhnwu F.J.Che
ney for the last 15 yeirs, and believe him perfect
ly honorflble in all business transactions and
financially able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm,
Wi'i a Trtux, Wholeale Truifirists, Tolelo 0
WALPiNe, Kinnah & Mabvis Wholesale Dm"
g!s:g, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internnlly and acts
dlrectly itpon the blood and mtu'otu surfaces of
the system. Price, 75"!. per bottle. Soli by all
dnigins. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family fills ie the best.
an & Gross