Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 27, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Opened Monday morning at 9 A. M. During the
pale no samples cut or mailed. Materials and prices
will be a revelation to those who shop at other stores.
mcfflkn & McDonnell
Good potatsos now bring 60 cents a
Born, to the wife of P. J. Winkle,
Uov. 22, a boy. V
Beatie & Bealie, Dentist, Weinhard
building, rooma 16, 17 and 18.
Three additional candy and tobacco
shops opened in the city this week .
Dr. C. S. Seamann, physician
Offices over Harding's Drug store,
Take your butter and eggs to I. E.
Seeley's People's Grocery and get top
A license to wed was issued Monday
to John A. Ferschwiler and Theresa
Miss Hainz, teacher in the Barclay
school, has resigned on account of poor
The water in the Willamette reached
a high stage the first of the week but is
now receding.
On Saturday, Ohria Bittner'a team ar
rived from Elwood with 81 sacks or two
' tool of spools for the paper mills.
For a pleasant nhysic take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy
to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
There is no more exhileratlng bever
age than Red Top Eye or the Planet
Whiskey. Kelly A Ruconich, in the
Garde Building.
Services of the M. E. church South
at the Congregational church in Ely
next Sunday morning and evening,con
ducted by J. W. Craig, pastor.
I wish to employ at once, six or more
active trusty persons, male or female, in
Clackamas county. Cash salary to be
paid for services. Call at mv office in
the Jaggar building, opposite Huntley's,
Oregon City. 0. A. Cheney, Agent.
Georg"? Lazelle will have 700 cords of
wood to cut during the winter, Along
with the ricks of cordwood that others
intend to pile up, and the thousands of
cords to be cut in the West Side camp
on the motor line, there seems to be
considerable work hereabouts for the
men of muscle.
My method for tilling
teeth is practically with
out pain. Thoroughly
scientific. Eminently suc
cessful. .Pleasantness and
satisfaction combined.
The motto of this office is,
Cleanliness, Modern
riethods and Consider
ation of Patient's Feel
ings. Open evenings from to 8. Sun
days from 9 to 12 m.
Office next door to Courier.
Last week Mr. Gregory, of Carus,
shipped to Xew York live bosea of tea
sels ea:h weighing something over 400
Prof. Qrav, for years principal of the
Parkplace 'school, owns a residence at
Dawson and has a permanent position
at a good salary, as bookkeeper for a
large company.
The P. of H. will give a sheet and oil
owce maqnerade in the Spiritualist
Tabernacle November 25. An oyster
supper will be served in the Grange
hall. All are invited to attend.
Hon. H. E. Cross will attend a meet
ing of the various Chautauqua of the
Pacific Coast on the 10th of December,
which meets in San Francisco. The
meeting is for the purpose of arranging
for talent for the four Chautauquss for
which Mr. Cross is secretary for the
coming season. The Chautauquas are
located alOrfgon City.Ashland.Or .Long
Beach, Cal., and l'aciflc Grove. All ot
Cuutailj Ucd exceplivua.i-i-fcle
meetings tot 7? .
n W Riroham has nnaned a Cftndv
store in the room recently occupied by
Cleo Symith
8. R. Green has filed the articles of
incorporation of the Crown Mining and
Miiling company. ,
All hats reduced. Some one-half
price. Call ana see wnne stock is com
plete. Mrs. H. T. Sladen.
The Viola plank road is all completed
except a section near the middle. The
uncompleted part reseinDies a iaae auu
is almost impassable.
J. B. McNulty has opened a candy
store and manufacturing establishment
in the building on Seventh street re
cently vacated by J. A. Tufts.
Prof. J. HI Mo ann, of the Parkplace
school, is critically ill in a Portland
hospital. Ills school is in cnarge oi
Superintendent J. O. Zinser during his
Policeman Nohlitt made another big
haul of hoboes Sunday evening. There
were about a dozen m the bunch and
ther were all released andtold to
depart for other climes.
C. A. Davenport now occupies the
Carey Johnson mansion. As his family
consists of ten people all told, it is not
much too bia for him. The forest trees
intha amnle erounds. which the old
lawver valued, are being cut down for
Th Webfoot servant lady who told
her ma with pridi flashing from her eve
that she was working for a very tony
family, for "they had napkins every
meal and invalid butter dishes," is evi
dently of t e i opinion that a healthy
butter dish is as large as a soup plate.
The morning theme at the Congreea1
tional chnrch will be "A Need That
Never Grows Old." In the evening the
nastor will deliver a lecture on "The
Samples We Carry." The evening ser
vices at this church are becoming more
and more interesting. The music is a
special feature.
proposition has been made Seth
Leavens to Uke charge of the Y. M. 0
A. building in th'B city, llie rooms
have been closed for the past two months
on account of the want of an attendant
Mr. Leavens will let the Association
know what he will do about the matter
Final timber proof was made at the
lonH nfflcn vpntBrtlav bv Charles C
IHairfr. of Clatsop County, to 160 acres in
'section 9, township 4 north of range 9
west. Original homestead entries were
filed by Meyer Wax, 160 acres in sec
tlon 31, towmhip 8 south of range 10
west: Charles N. Thompson, land io
sectien 12, township 12 south, of range
8 west. '
First Chnrch of Christ (Scientists)
Garde building, Cor. Seventh and Main
St. Services begin Sunday at 11
o'clock a. in. The subject of the sermon
is "God the Only Cause and Creator.'
Children's Sunday school meets at 1
a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday
evenings at 8 o'clock. Heading room
open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
ot eacb ween "om '& to t p. m.
After a married life extending over
period of 32 years, Mrs Alice Wood, of
iVia ; haa fi!art Qilif. fur a ilivnrift
from her busoand, John M, Wood. Th
parties were married in the Wolverin
state on the 24th day of October, 1871
The complainant alleges that her bus
band has treated hercruelly'and refused
to support her. Plaintiff is represented
by Attorney Gordon E. Hayes, of this
Hal Bogus, of New Era, who was bus.
pected of not being quite right in his
mind, bought a ticket for San Francisco
on Monday and left. He declared that
three men were determined to kill him
and h had to flee for his life. "They
will kill you too," he said to a neighbo
"if vou don't itrt out of here." What
will become of the old man now, so fa
avt a Iromfriends and relatives, is har
to guess.
The goat raisers are getting it in t
neck from Secretary Wilson ot tho ag
ricultural department. He Bays that
there is no profit in goat raising uow'
hut with a oroner subsidy from the gov
eminent to make good the loaees of the
goat-raisers and give thein a bonus for
all properly chartered goats carrying
the American ting; that there is no rea
son why the lost prestige of the Ameri
can deep-wa'er goat should not be re
stored to tbelloited States.
The Thanksgiving market of the Sat
urday Club was held in the basement of
the Congreational church on Tuesday
afternoon. The donations were mont
liberal and the patronage all that could
be desired. The handsome mm real
ized will probably be given by the trus
tees for expenditures deemed most ad
visable by them. The Saturday Club
is an organization principa ly of youug
ladies. The woikthey have accomp
lished duricg the j ast year is si ea in
...c J.x-:u;o:.is .r lumuwuegg
of the auditor am.
A marriage license was issued to Ed
Aittner and Amelia Kaysar Wednesday
There is to be a social at the residence
of Mrs. Fred Myers on December 4th,
7th and Jackson street. Given by the j
rresDyierian young people.
Frank Freeman, the champion litht
weight boxer of Orepon, and Miss Lnlu
Bowers were united in matrimony in
this city Wednesday evening.
E. B Smith and Miss Emma May
Wade were married at the home of Mrs.
Jones, of Canemah.Wednesday evening.
Rev. P. K. Hammond officiating. About
thirty invited guests were present..
There is a new barber shop in town.
The new shop is run by Oscar, better
known as "Keu ' Williams. Ked has
worked for some time past in Ed John
son and Parkei'B shops and has made
many mends around town. That the
new venture will be a success, there is
hardly a question for Red, is a first class
harber in every particular. His shop is
located on Main street next dodr "to
Shank & Bissell's undertaking establish
ment. The mutual telephone line of Macks
burg and Needy is to be extended to
Canby, Aurora and other villages in that
pari; o.' the county. This step was de
termined on at a mass meeting of the
stockholders recently held at Macks
burg. Each owner of a telephone is a
stockholder in the company, and it is
said that the service is all that can be
desired. The line will later be extended
to Oregon City and possibly to Salem,
connecting with the villages along the
routes, provided the present plans of
the company aie carried out.
will have, one of the
Oregon City will have, on
swelle:t"post offict a in the state when
the new quartets are occupied. The
new combination boxes have already
been installed and the carpenters nave
been busily engaged putting the place in
condition for tccupancy, and they have
nearlv hnnisbed their labors. It has cost
the Oddfellows abont three thousand
dollars to put the building in Bhape and
put in. the new boxes, bnt tbey will re
ceive an annual rental of $1,000 from the
government and it will not take long to
get their money back. The lease of the
room occupied by the post office is for a
period of ten years.
A marriage license was on Tuesday
granted by the County Clerk to John A,
Ferschweiler and Theresa Reiling.
iThe Shakespeare Club met on Tues
day evening at the residence of Miss
Eva Meldrum. This is one of the most
delightful clubs of the city and this wsb
its second meeting of the winter.
Fred Greenman and his bride have re
turned from Seattle and points on Puget
Sound, and are now at home to their
many friends in this city. Mr. Green
man is very much taken with the way
in which they do business in the Puget
Sound country, especially in Seattle,
which he thinks is a very live city.
Starwberries mature and in bloom the
first of December, is some'hing quite
out oi i ne ordinary, nut that is just the
kind of a specimen that Mr. C. W.
Swallow the Oregon City nursery man
brought to the Courier office Monday
laet. Mr. Swallow claims to produce
some of the finest and best strawberries
grown in Oregon and we have no reason
to aouDi nis wora. neaiso Drought in
some very hne specimens of prunes.
They were perfectly cured and in the
finest ot condition.
Holden Hargraves, a saw mill man of
Colton, this county, was in the city on
business Tuesday. He feels enthusiastic
over the prospects of his section of the
country, and states that although poor
transportation facilities have In the past
mnoerea development, tne Miu Ureek
valley is one of the most promising sec
tions of Clackamas county. Mr. Har
graves is the owner of the planing mill
atone time owned by Dr. John Mc
Loughlin , which the Women's Lewis
and Clark Club of this city purposed to
buy and place on exhibition at the Lewis
and Clark i air.
B Properly m
U repared "
This represents the foundation of our business the
corner stone of our success.
That word "properly" means something here, It
means that we are careful to have none but the purest
and freshest drugs careful that every prescription gets
just exactly what it calls for,
It isn't an easy thing to properly compound a pre.
scription. It requires care and brains; it requires accuracy
and practice.
No boy's work behind our prescription counter.
We make a specialty of putting up prescriptions.
We can do it better than the man who doesn't.
We have had experience, long and varied.
We want your prescription trad e
It has been estimate'1 by one conver
sant with the facts in the matter, that
the trio who cot the recent large biO'
graphical volume, gilt-edged, took out of
Multnomah and Clackamas counties
$20,000. They were up tosnuff in their
calling. Number 1 secured the con
tracts from subscribers and data for
their biographies; Number 2 submit
ted the copy of 'said biographies to sub
scribers and took orders for their por
traits, the latter coming mighty high.
Number 3 delivered the volumes and
raked in the shekels. Nothing beats
Charles F. Bollinger and Arthur Deute
both of Pacific University are (pending
Thanksgiving at their homes in this
The wife of John Baker who resides
som four miles out on the Molalla road
seems destined to have trouble. Re
cently in a fire when her husband's barn
was destroyey by fire. She wsb bo badly
burned that Bhe lost the use of one of
her arms entirely the arm being so
burned that it was a crisp and stood
straight up from the body. While it had
practically healed as much as it ever
could do she was always in pain and
trouble with it. On Tuesday she fell
and broke the wounded arm open again,
the wound opening some 1 1-2 inches.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker have the sympathy
of all kindly disposed people in this
their great affliction.
Beautiful Clear Weather.
Herblne exerts a direct influencs on the bowoli ,
liver and kidneys, purifying and strengthening
these organs, and maintaining thorn in a notmal
oondltion of health; rhui removing a common
cause of yellow, niothy, greasy skin, and more or
lens of pimples, blotches and blackheads. 600 at
Charmau & Co.
For the past two weeks we have been unpacking our
new Holiday goods. Boxes and crates are still arriving,
but almost our complete line will be on display for
e are Almost Ready for Christmas m
fclj YVe want you to arrange to visit us on this date. Not only will you see a charming display that will stir-
Twirtieularlv with the maiw new and exclusive articles, but we Are
prise you wmii ! , u.. , i - j - - vi
going to give away 300 beautiful 50c china cups and saucers. Beginning at 2 p. m., as long as they last,
cu.n n And saucer with every 25c. purchase or more. The supply is limited : don't be too late m
wv sua o" w "ir - ' - - - - - KSi
At 2 o'clock p. m.
t :
Our Holiday Opening
At 2 o'clock p. m.
We are Agents for the
Natural Body Brace,
Recommended by Physi
cians of all Schools
$5.00 Booklet Free
We buy our Bibles direct from
the publishers. This insures
customers not only lowest
prices, but clean, fresh goods.
Each year tbere are new dis
coveries in Bible Lands, each
year enterprising publishers embody these new facts
in their Bible Helps. We can show you the very latest,
Indexed and Self-Pronouncing. Prices, 10c up for
Testaments. Bibles 35c up. We are showing 54
different Bibles to-day. Better select yours now, and
let us put it away for you. If you are interested, in
Bible study, we want to show you a new book- Ex
plorations in Bible Lands."
Just now our book stock is
exceptionally complete. We
can give you most any popu
lar new book or old favorite
that you ask for. Later we
can't, nor can we be sure of
getting them for you. Why not select them now?
We'll put them away for you till Christmas. Good
cloth Books, 15c and 25c; Gilt Top Library, (250
titles), 40c; Popular Copyrights (published at $1.50)
75c ; New Fiction, 20 per cent from publishers' price;
Poets, good cloth edition, 40c ; Fancy leather bound
books, 75c to $3.50; In sets, $1.50 to $20,00. We
sell sets $ 1 .00 down, balance on easy installments. .
$2.50 jS8
There will be more Cameras given
this Christmas than ever be
fore. With our six year's experi
ence in the camera business, we are
in position to help you materially
in a selection. Come in and talk it
over anyway. We handle only
standard, well-known makes, and
teach beginners free. Prices run
from $1.00 to $40.00.
jb You have no idea of the goodness
that can be had in a $ 1 .50 umbrella
till you have tried oneof ours.
Of course we have others: as low
as a $ 1 .00, as high as $ 1 0.00.
Anyone can shave with our Safety Razor.
Let us make up an outfit for you now
during our special sale. Safety Razor
from 85c to $4.00. A lot of odds and
ends lines we want to close out full hol
low ground razors, regular prices from
$1.00. to $3.00. Special 50c to $1.50.
Our Carbo-Magnetic razor is always sharp;
we guarantee it, $3.00. Razor strops 1 7c
to 25c.
We get all the new, popular games
as they come out, and are sel
dom out of the old standbys.
Flinch-Pit or Panic 50c
Educational games, 15kinds...25c
Card games, 10 " ...10c
Chess sets 4 25c
Checkers and Dominoes 10c
Prrtlrinrtlo nniifle CI tf tn. C( Crt
Parchesi set, complete.. 1.00 Q
2. rv
No more wet or cold feet. Hair
insoles are a necesssity and a de
light to all who wish comfortable
feet and good health. Better than
medicine for Rheumatism. Try a
pair at 10 cents.
Huntley's White Pine Balsam
will cure that cold, 25c, 50c
and 75c.
Huntley Brothers
Huntley's Headache Tablets
have cured thousands of head
aches. They will cure yours
if you will give them a chance,
25 cents.