Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 27, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Pe-pu-na Promptly
Saved Her Life.
Jbout Fo-r'a-j:a us a Kome'ly for All DUousos of Winter, Coughs,
CuhU and Catarrh.
That Verona cures catarrh, coughs, colds, is well known to both the
dBtiical profusion and t!ia pcoplo generally. It is undoubtedly the most
jr;:tllar remedy i-.v this class ': diseases in existence. Koad the following s
Vru-na Cure a Cold at the Outlet.
3f2s K. M. Isaacs, Armstrong, Pa.,
' ; Tf 4-PrcsIdcat of the Fortnightly Club,
writes .
Sb one who ha9 tried the comforts
yernna brings would ever bo without it.
. I rod to dread the slightest cold, as its
twnsequences were so lengthy and so
-measant, and the catarrhal condition
'tfeich Invariably followed so hard to
Sstrid of, but since I have known of the
fcaasert relief secured through the use of
JPnsuna, I am free from all this unploas-
i. uno6s and suffering.
throw oft
any relief
wat n
"A few doses never fails to cure mc
of a cold and I keep well through its
use." Miss . M. Isaacs.
Hon. W. J. Purman, ex-member of
Congress from Florida, writes from 1428
Q street, N. W., Washington, D. 0., as
follows :
"From representations ' to me and
my own experience I feel Justified In
recommending your Peruna to any and
all persons suffering with catarrh,
nervousness or stomach troubles. 1
, regard It as a great tonic and remedy
Ia li to t Holiday Fkwnl Yon Waal Md, i hn
Goods that are made by a reliable factory and
sold by a firm with a long established reputation,.
We have teen in the jewelry business in this city for over twenty years and certainly have stood the
test of time Our business is built on honor, and sustained by appreciative patrons Our stock
has always represented a higher standing each year Our customers have the assurance of standard,
unvarying quality, and as you do not pay any more than you do at other stores without an equal
reputation, the matter of choice should be easy & We have been preparing for months for this year's
holiday rush, and in looking over our immense stock,
You Will Hot Tind it Difficult to Select Jlppropriate &fts
Our assortment of Diamonds and Rare Gems, Watches,
Jewelry, Pieces of Rich Gut Glass, Fine Chinaware,
Optical Goods, or something in the line of Silver
is absolutely complete in every particular Such gifts as these are
handed down from generation to generation. We invite you to see our
now, and a small deposit will secure any article until the holidays.
Miss Alice O'Neil, 812 Adams street, Brooklyn, K. T.,
writes :
' cannot say too much In favor of Peruna. About
a year ago I was completely worn out, had a serious
cold and a bard cough which seemed to be In danger of
affecting my lungs. If my system had been In a stronger
it wouia nave been much easier to
this cold, but I could not seem to set
until 1 took Peruna, and I must say
aid tne work thoroughly. Within a
week I coma see a wonderful Improvement,
and I took Peruna four weeks and am In perfect
for such afflictions. I, and others to
whom I recommended It, are using
it now with beneficial results." W.
J. Purman. -
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you bis valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Burmeister & Andresen.
Mrs. Millie Martin, of Aumsville,
Oregon has been visiting her daughter
Mrs. noy ruson uunng me paBt ween.
M.Hnrias a tirominent farmer of
the New Era neighborhood was in Ore
gon City on business on Tuesday of last
week .
C. M. Bonney, of Hubbard, was a
visitor in Oregon City on Monday of
this week. He went from here to Port
land .
Steve Hutchinson's brother together
with bis wife and two child'en, are
his guests at bis home near Shubel and
will remain over for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. J.T. Ross, of Marquam, has
been visittng the family of 8. T. London
in Oregon Uity during the past ween.
Mrs, Ross returned home on last Mon
day. ' A. M. Kirchem, of Logan, was in
Oregon City attending to business early
in the week. Mr. Kirchem is one of the
county's most substantial citizens and
clever gentlemen.
Orene Cutting, of Molalla, a pros
oerous farmer of the Molalla prairie was
trading in this city last Satur
day. Mr. Cutting reports every ing and
everybody in and near Molalla aB being
. A. J. Hodge, of Canbv. while in
Oregon City on business Monday en
rolled himself on the list of Courier sub
scribers. He is a solid substantial
citizen and the county would be better
off if we had more like him.
John Harmes, who lives out from
Aurora on the road to Macksburg was
attending to legal and otber business in
Oiegon City on Monday. Mr. Harmes
lives in one of the very best sections of
the county and is proud of the fact.
James Howland, of Ilwaco, Wash
ington, has been visiting his old home
near uregon (Jity, during the past ten
days. He has been workiiig in a wod
camp at Ilwaco and iB getting good
wages. He will shortly return to the
August Funk, of Redland, who
claims the distinction of coming to
Oregon City but once in twelve mouths,
was in town on Monday meeting old
friends and making new ones. Mr.
Funk is a prosperous farmer and is a
webbfoot who believes in his country.
James Wilson, of Clackamas, who
is one of the old time farmers of Clacka
mas county, was in Oregon City on
Tuesday and . paid the Courier office a
pleasant visit, renewing hia subscription
to the Courier for another year. Mr.
W iUon has the distinction of being one
of the oldest subscriberslthe Oourier has
on its books as he has not missed an is
sue of the paper since its beginning
twenty years ago- "
Mr. N. R. Lang, resident manager
of the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co. ,
who with his wife attended the funeral
and interment of Orestes Pierce, presi
dent of the Company at Oakland, Cal.,
last week, returned to Oregon City on
Wednesday morning and resumed his
duties as manager and resident director
at the Willamette Mill. Mrs. Lang will
remain in California during the winter.
a Choice.
Ed Olds has moved with bis family
from the West Side to Oak Grove.
0. W. Riseley. of Milwaukie, was
in Oregon City on business on last Satur.
Leo J. Rosenstein U borne from the
Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis
to spend Thanksgiving.
L. T. Harris, speaker of the Oregon
House of Representatives, was the guest
of Ex-Sheriff J. J. Cooke. Sunday.
I. S. Miller, of Hubbard, who op
erates a large sawmill in that neighbor-1
hood, was in Oregon City on business ;
early in the week. Mr. Miller is one of
the old and most respected citizens of
Clackamas county.
Among the boys of Oregon City that
are attending the various colleges who I
are home for ThankBgiving are: Jack
Latourette, of the Kate University at I
Eugene; Gord' n Moores.ofO A. 0 , nt I
Corvallis; Merrill Moores, of State Uni-I
versity and George Sullivan, of Mt.
Angel .
J. A. Thayer wrib formerly resided
in Oregon City and for a time was in the
real estate business here but who is now
located in Modesta, California, was in
Oregon City winding up his business
affairs in thin part of the world last
week. Mr. Thayer is in the real estate
business in his adopted town in Californ
ia and is very mnch pleased with the
state of his adoption. He lived in
OlackamaB county for twenty-eight
Rev. Father Hillabrand who left
Oregon City last spring for an extensive
trip to Rome and a visit to many of the
chief points of interest in the Old World
arrived at borne in Oregon City on
Wednesday evening. The Rev. Father
has had a very enjoyable trip abroad
and has added much to his vast store of
information. He comes back to his
people better equipped for hia life's work
and will take up at once bis charge of
the church at this place. J
James Fegles, of Bull Run, Or., was
in town on business on Wednesday. Mr.
Fegles does not come to Oregon City
very often especially in the winter sea.
son. be says there is considerable ex
citement in Lis neighborhood just at
the present time as some company which
so far has refused to disclose its name
is making surveys for a water plan! at
that place. The new company, whirh
is namele s, has taken options on very
considerable property and claims that
it is going to expend two millions of dol
lars in developing the water power of
the Sandy and erecting mills, etc.
Mr. Charles T. Pembroke and family
passed through Oregon City on Wednes
day bound for the Dalles in Eastern Ore
gon. Mr. Pembroke has resided at
Canby or near there for the past twenty
years and married bis wife in that
neighborhood . He has rented out his
ranch and expects to find a desirable
location East of the mountains and there
permanently reside. He makes this
change on account ot bis health. For a
number of years be has been an acute
sufferer with Asthma, and the damp
climatic conditions of the valley seems
to aggravate the disease while the dry
atmosphere of the eastern part of the
state is almost a sure cure for istbma.
He has the good wishes of Mb mauy
friends for his success and prosperity in
his new home.
substantial, lasting, frequently
line. Selections may be made
P. P. Murphy, of Mulino, apromin t
and .respected citizen of that parti cf
th county was in Oregon City on 1 ast
Saturday attending to business matters.
Mr. Murphy thiuks of disposing of his
fine ranch at that place and locating in
Oregon City. He is an Ohioan by birth
and regularly sends the Oourier to his
brother atNe v Comers town in that
state. While Mr. Murphy never expects
to return to the state of Oh io to live, he
is loyal to the place of his birth and
thinks Ohio is one of the greatest Btates
in the union.
Steve Coleman, of Sandy, was in
Oregon City Wednesday on business
connected with the Barlow road. Mr.
Coleman has operated the) Barlow road
across the Cascade Mountains for many
years as a toll road. In the summer
season the roa J'is kept in a fairly good
condition but in the winter and rainy
season the road is abandoned on account
of the snow and the winter storms, the
snow at mis season oi tne year being
from five to ten feet deep on this old
trail. The recent wind storm blew some
two hundred trees acrosB the road, and
blew all the planking off of one the
bridges, so Mr. Coleman will have
enough trouble on hiB hands next
spring when he begins to get his road
in condition to charge toll again. For a
wagon and a two hof se team to cross
the mountains on the Barlow it costs
$2 toll. The road runs within three
miles of Mount Hood.
It's folly to suffor rim that horrible plugue ot
the night Itohing piles. Doan'a Ointment oures
quickly and permanently. At any drug store, 69
Classified Advertisements.
For Sale Thoroughbred shoats, boara
and sows. Also two good short horn
bulls, high grade. I live on the farm of
George Clark near Logan, Or. Address
Peter Smith, Oregon City, Or., R. F. D.
No. 2.
Money to Loan 7 per cent interest al
lowed on money left with me to loan.
Piincipal with accrued interest returned
upon demand. Abstracts furnished.
G. B. Dimick, Attorney-at-law, Oregon
City, Ore.
A Snap to an Immediate Buver 20
acres well-improvod land, 4 1-2 miles
from Oregon City and 3 1-2 miles from
car line ; good house and barn, etc ; fine
new school house on place, 1 1-t miles
from a creamery ; good range ; must bo
sold now.
For Sale at a Bargain. Homestad re
linquishment to 160 acres, open but un
improved land in Clackamas county.
Good soil and finest stock range in the
county for either cattle or sheep. Will
sell cheap or trade for Oregon City prop
erty. Address Box 64, Oregon City, Ore
For Sale I have for sale four miles
from Oregon City on the Aberrathy
crek, a nice little farm of 20 acres.
Twelve acres improved and will pro
duce from fifteen to twenty tons of hay
each year. Also a few. acres for the
plow. We desire to sell this place to
pay our debts and will Bell it for $800,
cash in hand. L. Oollette, Oregon t ity,
When you tak Grove's Tastelew Chill Tonlo be
cause 'he 'ormula Is plainly printed on erery
bot le showing uiatit is slmpfy Iron and Quinine
In t ueiws form, N Care, no pay. Sue.