Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 20, 1903, PART FIRST, Page 2, Image 2

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Bob Gardner Will Be Tiled Today
For Crime Committed.
Bob Gardner was arrested at Wood
burn last Sunday and brought to this
city to answer to the charge of mayhem.
Mayhem means the depriving of any
one of any of his members used in de
fense or for protection. The crime Bob
Gardner is charged with was com mi ted
some several weeks ago. It is charged
that be gouged out an eye of Martha An
drews, a eqaaT living on the hill above
Oregon City, and the wife of Joseph, an
Indian known to pretty near everybody
in this city . The crime is all the more
terrible from the fact that the woman
was already blind in one eye and Gard
ner's act renderered her totally blind.
Doctors say that an operation will have
to ' e performed and the eye taken out
in order to eave the rquaw s life.
Gardner was brought down on the
train Sunday evening, handcuffed, and
was lodged in the county jail. He had a
hearing before the Judge Monday morn
ing and pleaded not guilty. tiiB trial
was then set for Friday, today, nd he
was remanded tolbe county jail to
await the trial. Mayor G. B. Dimick
was appointed by the court to defend
This is not Gardner's first offense by
any means. lie has done time in the
county jail more than once and was at
one time sentenced to seven years in
the state prison but whs pardoned at the
end of three years. He was tried for a
penal offense a few years ago ane was
allowed to go free with the understand
ing that he would leave Clackamas
county forever. H failed to keep his
agreement to do and relumed here a few
months later He is considered by those
who know him to he a degenerate and
the state prison is about theonly place
bad enough to hold characters of his ilk.
Gardner has an aged mother in Oregon
City, who is a nice, respectable old lady,
and it is not her fault that she has
reared a son as bad as Bob.
The minimum punishment for the
crime of mayhem is 1 year in state
prison and the maximum punishment
is 20 years. It is probable that Gardner
will get a good, long term at his trial to
day. "EUD03ADO."
Billie Moore, our old neighbor, now of
Clarkes, visited with W. U. Jones and
family Monday and Tuesday.
W. King, of Portland, stayed over
night with his brother-in-law, D. E
Jones, Sunday night.
Willie Bany has gone to Sublimity,
Oregon to live,
Jim Fink has gone to Redding to run
the Dodge-Graves shingle mill engine.
George and John Helvey have return
ed from Wasco, where they have been
all summer.
A thief broke into Richard Schoen
born's barnlast week and stole.eight fine
Beautiful Clear Weather.
Horblne exerts a direct lnfluenoa on the boweli,
liver and kidneys, purllylng and strengthening
these organs, and maintaining them in a notmal
ooiulltlon of hoalth; rhus ramoflng a oommoo
caute of yellow, mothy, greasy skin, and mure or
less of pimples, blotches uiil Dlaokhsads. 60o at
Charmun & Co.
That the people of. Clackamas County are patronizing us. It is a common saying "Busch makes
money." Yes we are making money in a legimate, honorable way, by maintaining a large
circle of well-to-do, satisfied customers whom we have saved many a dollar and we will do the
same for you if you will only give us a chance to compare prices and quality on goods you
intend to buy,
To-day we come before you with
I ' iiETX t'f- S-'i"'i
A Woven Wire Bed Spring
With a Hard Maple Frame
Superior to any soft wood frame, no matter how good the fabric of the wire may be otherwise
but this one outshines them all in price and qua'ity, we offer this bed spring
And ask you td please call
TheQrandeat Spectacle Ever SUg-
ed, :
Klaw & Erlander'a massively ornate
spectacle, "Ben-Har," is to be staged at
the Marquam Grand Theatre, Portland,
Oregon, for five nights, starting Tuesday
December 1st. Matinees are to be given
on Wednesday and Saturday.
The dramatization of Gen. Lew Wal
lace's great novel has been seen only in
New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Brooklyn and Chicago and a few other
cities during the past four years. Wm.
Young, who made the dramatization has
succeeded most admirably in the produc
tlonof a drama which not only retains the
most absolute fidelity to Gen. Wallace's
great book, but which does not offend
the most devout Christian.
Pr fetaor Edgar Stillman Kelley! has
heightened the solemnity of "Ben-Hur"
wita music that is a positive delight to
the ear. The stage settings provided by
Klaw & Erlanger have never been
equalled in this country. The pictures
of "The Star of Bethlehem," 'The City
of Jerusalem from the Terrace Garden of
the Palace of Hur," "The Interior of a
Roman Galley ,""The Grove of Daphne,"
"The Fountain of Castalia," "The
Chari?t Race," "The Vale of Hinnom
and the Mount of Olives," are remark
able exhibits of the scenic art. To thess
are added some wonderful effects in light
ing, as iu tne Star of Bethlehem, a id in
stage mechanics, as in the famous
chariot race. The contrivances used to
make the chariot race, cost no less
than $15,'JO0. Eight horses race in full
view of the audience. Each animal
runs on a separate tread mill, and the
effect of Ben Hur's quartet of horses
winning is produced by electric power
concealed beneath ttie stage. An im
mense cyclorama representing the in
terior of the arena with its- multitude of
painted people in whirled across the
stage in the opposite direction from that
the horses are headed greatly. increasing
enily going with the horses. This is
not only a spectacular but a dramatic
success as well.
The greatjBcene which closes the play
is the healing of the lepers on Mount of
Uuves. Here hundreds of people are
arranged in picturesque groupings, the
whole forming one of the most beauti
ful pictures which has ever been pu- on
a stage. The personality of the Naza
rene is not;ehown in the play, but in
this scend the nearness of His presence
is indicated with the most intense im
pressiveneBs by a shaft of the purest
white light.
The dramatization is carefully con
structed so as to remove it from the
domain of the so called passion plays,
and while the Saviour is only 'referred
to, lyet his tremendous dominating
power is felt with thrilling effect.
To the Public.
Allow me to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
had a very severe cough and cold and
feared 1 would get pneumonia, but after
taking the second dose of this medicine
I felt better, three bottes of It cured my
cold and the pains in my cheBt disap
peared entirely . I am most respectfully
yours for health, Ralph S. Meyers, 64-
Thlrty-seventh St., Wheeling, W. Va.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
a household article that we bought
ft 'n i I I . . .. - f l: 'tf
::: j
1 (N i h
. 1' .!
For $2.25
and inspect this marvelous offer,
k :
-in in i. ., ., " ' "' ' ' ; ... W?.v.yfaW.W.:-.v. .;.iir'ii In
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BBJSCD1, SSoasefurnisher
Mining Party Which Left Last Week
Left Outfit oa Banks of the
Last week P. A. Fairclough headed by
a party earring supplies to for the Ogle
Mountain Mining Company to Ogle
Creek. Because he feared the snow
would be too deep to render travel
pleasant over the Red . Rock trail the
party took the lower trail, crossing the
Molalla river . They proceeded as far as
the Molalla river and found that stream
to be past fording. They camped on the
banks of the stream for a while, then
le iving one of the party to guard the
remainder returned home to await the
falling of the river.
On their return they discovered that
the heavy wind f-torm that had occured
since they went in, had laid low many
of the big trees which had fallen across
the trail in such a manner as to render
travel over tbetrail exceedingly difficult.
The party left again the first of this week
and expect to be able by this time to ford
the river. Fairclough says they will get
across even if tbeg have to build a raft.
It is said that snow has already fallen
lo a depth of two feet on parts of the
Red Rock trail. Consequently travel
over this trail is practically stopped.
Fairclough says they tound considerable
snow on the lower trail but not enough
to impede their progress.
The Ogle Mountain Mining Company
will work a force of several men this
winter doing development work and they
expecr to be ready for a big clean up in
the spring when r. stamp mill will be put
President of Willamette Pulp and
' Paper Company Died in California.
Oreate Pierce, president of the Wil
lamette Pulp& Paper Company, died in
Oakland, al., last Saturday morning.
Hisdealh was the result of kidney
trouble, and he had been in poor health
for the past year. He was 52 years old.
Mr. Pierce naa maae several inps iu
Oregon City and was held in high es
teem by all who knew him. He was a
brotber-in-law of Mrs. N. R. Lang. Mr.
and Mrs. Lang were at his bedside
when death occurred. The Willamette
closed down Monday afternoon in
respect to his memory. The funeral
and burial took place from the home in
Oakland Monday. .
The deceased was born in Maine, and
was admitted to the bar in his native
state, where for a time he practiced law.
He came to Ualitornia auout u years
ago, and in 1888, together with others,
be organized tne wuiameuo jtuiu a.
Paper Company. Mr. Pierce has been
president of the company since its or
ganization, and it has grown into one of
the largest manufacturing establish
ments of the State of Oregon.
In 1890 Mr. Pierce married Miss eai.
lie McKee, of Oakland, by whom he is
... Kind You Have Always
in car lots from a large factory-
' " v ,,wwp
k s - s s 'I
"I wm tronbUd with rtom
h trouble. Thedford'i Blaok.
Draught did me more good
In one week than til the doo
tor's medicine I took in
yer.MR8. 8ABAH E.
i flHIBFIELD,EllettwUle,Ind.
Thedford 's Black Draught
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases of
indigestion. If you will
, take a small dose of Thed
ford 's Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
More sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedford's
Black-Draught not only re
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhoea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All druggists sell
tt-cent packages.
"Thedford's Black
Draught is the best medi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have ever used." MRS.
A. M. GRANT, Sneads
Ferry, N. C.
The Coming Campaign.
To the Editor. In the Courier two
weeks ago, I noticed that the Democrats
of Clackamas county held a meeting in
Oregon City to arrange the preliminaries
for the coming campaign. That they
lso decided to "go it alone" this time,
that is they intend to run a straight
Democratic party ticket. ' Though not a
Democrat, I wish to say, "Well done."
For the first time in ten years will the
iasues before the country be represented
in their simplicity again. There is to
be no confusion. The Democrats nra
tired of it, and every decent man ought
to be.
The great principles of human govern.
ment will be explained from three dif
ferent sides. The Republican view, or
government by the few, and the "public
be damned." The Democratic view, or
government by the few, for the many,
and the "devil take the hindmoit:"
and the Socialistic view, or government
by all the people and for all the people.
in me contest wnicn is about to begin,
the Republican politician have the sd-
vantage silently, because they have the
"rnrranpt'' and (ha "n.otAni" nnA
the "brass band."
The Democratic politicians have the
next best at present, because they have
some "change," a little "oratory." some
music," and plenty of oil."
The Socialists have the third and last
chance at present, for they can only ap
peal 10 lue conscience ot man to medi
cate the justice of their cause. But who
will deny the possibility of a radical
change of public opinion by June 1904?
It will not be the Brat sudden change of
i is .
puuucui acHun id our uiaiory.
To my fellow Socialists, let me sav.
do not become discouraged. Let us per.
severe. Let ub labor earnestly for our
cause, and when politicians come to us
ana tell us tiiat our votes are only
wasted. Let us reply that 'no vote ever
cast for a sacred cuuse was ever thrown
away, and that every principle that has
DieBsed mankind bad only a small be
ginning. ,
Needy, Nov. 15.
Born, to the wife of Wm. Smith, an
eight pound girl. Mother and child do'
ipg well.
There will be a ball at John Martin's
Saturday, November 21st. Everybody
is cordially invited. Music will be
furnished by the Prune Hill orchestra.
The people of this locality are busy
with their apples and potatoes and the
ground is wet enough to suit them all.
John Martin's wagon ran offwith him
and landed him in Beaumaun Creek.
Prize Mask Ball
' Night.
$25.00 in Prizes.
Best Dressed Gent, Best Dressed
Lady, Comic Cent, Comic Lady,
and Door Prize. Everybody
gets a chance on the
door prize.
Tdr.o Laxative Bromo uininc Taiiets.
Seven M2ion boxes sold In past 12 months. Th!s Signature,
Announce that their Imported Pat
tern Hats and choke selecitons of
Millinery Goods and Novelties are
now on display
214 Third Street, Cor. Salmon
Who would keep their ohtldren In good health,
should watch for the first symptoms of worms,
and remove, them with White's Cream Verml
fuge. It lb the childrens' bout tonic. It get? (lis
geslton at work so that their iood does them
good, and they if row up health; and strong. 25o
at Cuarman & Co.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
TV J J j
' The only First-Class Second-hand
dealer in
. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock.
You will find a full line of new and Second-Hand Furniture
Stoves, Crockery, Hardware,
Highest Cash Price Paid
I. 1 VJr ULjlilVj
Brunswick House
Newly Furnished Room3, v '
Meals at All Hours
Prices Reasonable.
.Only First-CIass Restaurant in the City....
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable
FineRigstodtLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R.-DIMICK, Manager, ftTSr? '
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Dees not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Oregon City Planing Mills
All kinds of Building Material, Sash,
Doors and Moulding.
F. S. BAKER, 'Proprietor,
To Cure a Cold in One Day
I Oregon City's Leading Wine House
I? All the leadino- hranHs nf Pal. a
I fornia Wines kept in stock.
Come and see us.
a , E. A-BRADY j
Second Hand Goods.
i door north Commercial Bank
and Restaurant
' Open Day and Night
Oregn Gty, Oregon
Cures Grip
fa TwoDayt,
f w