Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 09, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Before Buying Your
Sun and Ammunition
See the new stock of guus at the
Oregon City Bicycle & Gun Store
Recently opened at McKittrick's old stand
New Shot Guns, from $6.00 up
" Rifles 3.50 up
" Revolvers " 1.50 up
Gun Cases " .75 up
Hunting Coats " 1.50 up
Shell Vests, Cleaning Rods, Crimpers, Etc., at
prices that.are right.
Guaranteed Hunting and Pocket Knives.
A full line of ammunition for Rifles and Revolvers.
Shot-Gun Shells in stock and loaded
to order any shot any powder.
You Get What You Order and You Know It Is Loaded.
Gun and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty
Work Guaranteed
6th and Main Streets
Mra. A. Farr left Monday for a two
weeks' vieit at Salem and Mehama.
Mies Anna Penman, of New Era,
waa transacting business in Oregon
City Tneeday.
Mr. and Mm. J.T. Evans, of Mulino,
were transacting business in Oregon
City Wednesday.
Mru. Itento en'ertaineda few of her
friend at tea last Friday afternoon. A
very enjoyable time was pasted.
D. F. Warner, of Currinsville, no
tifies us to send bis paper to Silvei ton,
an he is now a resident of tbat place.
-J'.ia, tieorKe W. Bibee and Miss
Elbe! Graves left last Saturday for Sberi
dun wb; re they remained over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ringo and fam
ily, of Clarke, were visiting Mr. and
ilra. ti. W. Grace last Saturday and
Sunday. ' -
Mrs. Jobn Hendrekg, of Carlton,
wai tbe guest of ber sister, Mrs. Wil.
Ham Galloway, Sunday. She returned
home Monday.
Dr. 0. S. Beamaun has permanently
located in the Willamette buildine, op
posite the post office, where be can bel
found at all times.
Mrs. J. G. Pilsbury, of Portland,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Mary Barlow, for reveral days past, re'
turned to ber home Tuesday.
Mrs. L. P. Green, of Lincoln, Mar
ion county, was tbe guest of her uncle,
J. S. Puidam, last week. Mrs. Green
went from here to Whatcom, Wash., to
viFit friends.
Max Telford, an employe of the
Snoiualmie Falls electric poer plant, is
tbe gmiBt of triends in this city. Mr,
Telford is tailing a hunt in tbe valley
while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Clark left
M'UuliW i.T North Uond. Mr. Clark is
Buporiiiiiiiuleut oi the woolen mills there.
Mrs. Clark w'U remain with her
husband during the w inter.
Ira Dickey and bis nephew, Victor
Dickey, of Dickey's Pannes, passed
thnnicli Oregon City last Friday on
their way to Grant county, wuere tney
will remain two or throe weeks on pleas
me bent. They went up the Columbia
by loat as far as Celilo where they took
passage on the train to Sbaniko, From
Bhaniko the remainder of the jou'uey
was made by wagon. The elder Mr.
Dickey has been a resident of Clackamas
county for the past 411 years, and though
living within ten miles of Barlow station
says ho has never seen Harlow. In all
that time he has been to Oanby but
once, though Oanby is bis nearest place
of business. II bad never seen the
Columbia river until he made his trip,
though living within thirty miles of it.
The Dickeys are prominent democrats,
of the Mnlulla precinct.
Rev. W. S. Or mm Goes to Astoria
While Rev. Wood Comes
MrB. Krumm, of Portland, was in
Oregon City durin? the week visiting
her daughter, Miss Besse Krumm.
John 0. Bradley who has been out
with a surveying party in Eastern
dabo1 for tbe paet four months, returned
home on last Thursday looking as fine
as a two-year-old. He is enamored
with the fine climate of that part of
Idaho, and says that he has been purely
on a water diet for. tbe past three
months, and he looks it.
Hon. E. D. Olds, the bridge builder
of Clackamas county, who has his office
in tbe'Stevens' block, returned on Wed
nesday from Cathlamet, Wash., where
he put in a bid on the construction 'of a
bridge for tbe county court of that
county. Mr. Olds' bid was tbe lowest
but all bids were rejected by the court,
as they claimed they were all too high.
Mr. Olds has built more bridges in this
part of the world than any man who
has lived in these parts in many a day.
Additional Local.
A marriage license was issued Wednes
day to LydiaLivesay and Edw. Cleveng
er. The Presbyterian Y. P. S. O. E. willl
give an entertainment and social at
Sbively's ball Wednesday, Oct. 21.
The Daughters of the King of the
Episcopal church will give one of their
popular socials at Willamette hall,
Hallowe en, Uct 31.
Mrs. Willey, the wife of Adolnh Wil
ley, tbe telephone man.died at Universi
ty Park Wednesday night. Cause of
her ailment not learned.
Herman Vorpahl. a prominent citizen
of Oanby, and MrB. Rebekah E. Seeley,
were married by Rev, K. Hammond in
this city Wednesday afternoon.
J. K Walker, a resident of this coun
ty, anived from North Bend. Coos
county, this week. He has bought
property there and will return with bis
P. B. Jones, of this city, was scalded
in a collision between the pony engine
on tbe new road being built on the East
side of the river by tbe O. W. P. & Rail
way Company, last Wednesday. Jones
is in tbe Good Samaritan hospital.
Ed. Shaw, the night policeman, was
agreeable surprised lHt Wednesday
evening by a host ot friends win poured
into bis residence on t tie hill and pre
(tented him and his wife with a beauti.
ful glass set. The occasion was tbe 15th
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw's
wedding, or their crystal wedding.
Policeman Ed L. Shaw was notified
Wpiltipflitnv niirlit. I lint a. nninhpr nf Rrrtull
boys were aiding t a Chinese melon
patch in the vicinity of Green Point and
be immediately went to tbat place with
eMii.tf Ittlrna anil P.'tl iiamnn Nntllit.t
About a dozen boys were arrested with
the stolen fruit on them. They were
lodged a jail and later released with the
admonition to be good and keep out of
melon patches in tbe future.
Tbe district conference in session last
week at Salem has assigned Rev. W. S. 1
Grimm, who has for the past two vears
presided rer the destinies of tbe
Methdoist flock in this city, to Astoria
and Rev. Henry Wood has been assum
ed to this charge. Tbe following
ministers have been assigned to the
Salem district, several of tbe churches
of which are in Clackamas county :
Salem district Beaverton, S F Clemo ;
Brooks, J M Seveuey; Canby, J L
Stratford ; Clackamas and Oswego, A 0
Brackenburg, Cornelius, V. B Wilkins;
Dayton, R T Dunlayj Dilley and La
Fayette, J G Alford; Forest Grove, LF
Belknap; Hillsboro, E F Zimmerman; ;
Highland and Clarks, supply; Lincoln.
D II Leach ; Marquam.CA Stockw 11;
McMinnville, 0 L Hamilton; Nebalem
and Bay City, Wilford Smith ; Newberg,
Hiram Gould; North Yamhill, W B
Moore; Oregon City, J Henry Wood;'
Salem. First church, W H Eppe; Salem j
Leslie, W 8 Gordon ;Sellwood, C A Lewis i
Silverton, E B Lockhart; Tillamook, A '
J Hollingsworth ; Viola, supply ; Wood-,
burn, S H Greenleaf, D A Waiters, pre-!
siding elder. - !
Rev. Grimm is a young man who has
done a good work in the religious field
in Oregon City and . there are many .
people, both in and out of his congrega- I
tion who are loth to see bim leave and
hope that he will be equally successful :
in bis new field of labor. Rev. Wood
comes highly recommended, having
formerly presided over the Methodist
church at North Yakima, Washington.
Oregon Baptists will meet in Oregon
City next Monday and will continue in
se sion five days. The meetings which
will beheld here are, The OregonjBaptist
Ministers' Conference, the Oregon Bap
tist State Convention, the Oreuon Bap
tist Young Peoples' Union, the Women's
Baptist Foreign Missionary Society and
The Women's Baptist Home Missionary
Society. The program was outlined in
these columns last week. Leading
Baptist divines from all over the state
will be present as will many members
of ibe church from outside counties, and
altogether a very large number is ex
pected to attend. .
' The Rev. Dr. Gibbony, of Spoaane,
Washington, formerly pastor of the
Presbyterian church of Oregon City,
recently received a call to a Presbyter
ian church in Indiana an tendere I bis
resignation to his Spokane congregation,
who, by a vote of 120 to 18, refused tj
accept his resignation and unanimously
agreed to raise his salary from $'2000 to
The Oongregationalist convention
which was in session as we went to press
last weak, aajourntd Thursday evening.
The large number of ministers and dele
gates who were in attendance departed
for their Beveral homes. Resolutions
were adopted thanking the people of
Oregon City for hospitality during the
meeting. The next convention will be
held in Portland.
Mountain View.
rcqon Citi)NacbineSbo
Having First-class Machinery
Doing First-class Work
Kivps in Stock a Line Slutting and Pulleys, New and cecond
Haiul. Also Engine and Saw Mill Machinery
COGOCK-"- oooacrt..xar-.KJCKHXKQaaa
Or a horse or anything pertaining to a first
class livery stable. If you do Gross & Moody
the liverymen, will furnish it to you at a rea
sonable figure from their barn near the depot.
First-class service. Priver furnished if required.
We have Gold Filled (h
watches like this for
Not a cheap gold-plated watch but, a watch that is
guaranteed to wear for 20 years, and it is fitted
with a reliable movement of Watham or Elgin
make. We have others at $16.00, $20.00 and $25.00
If yon are thinking of buying a watch you ought .
to learn all about our watches, especially the gold
filled watches, as these are as pretty as solid gold,
will wear the same and are much stronger. We
have them in all sizes and in large variety of pat-3 S3
terns and we would be pleased to show you how they are made.
Wedding Gifts
Solid Silverware. Small, Medium, and Expensive pieces. Spoons, Forks,
Ladles as low as $1.50. Set of tea spoons at $4.00, some
larger piecec$8 and $10.
In Cut Gla&S we have LIBBEY'S and several other makes. , Small pieces nicely
cut for $2. Larger ones for $3 and $5 and as high as $20.
I 847 RoqerS BrOS Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles and many fancy pieces.
Our prices are right on these goods. We just received
another shipment direct from the factory.
We take pleasure in calling your attention
- to the fact that our Opticle Department is now
equal to any in the State. Dr. H. J. Ingersoll
of Cleveland, Ohio., who is a competent opti
cian, has taken charge of this department.
urmeister & Andresen
The Oregon "City Jewelers
Classified Advertisements.
Wanted Boys ai d girls.
Woolen Mills, Oregon City
Apply at
Wedding bells are reported as in the
near future.
Sickness has again entered this peace
ful burg.
Mrs. Craig and Miss Hattie Ringo
are both seriously ill.
Frank llingo has gone to Eastern Ore
gon for a two weeks' visit.
Nxt Sunday, Oct. 11, the Mount
View Sunday school will have a rally
day for the beginning of a New Year.
Evau Williams has gone to the Hot
Springs for his health and his wife, Mrs.
Clara Williams and daughter, are stay
ing with her mother, Mrs. F. A. Kly,
during Mr. Williams' absence,
g Mr. Dixon has sold his farm and they
ave possession last week and are now
Mving with their eon, Elmer, who has
built a new barn and will keep a horse
and buggy.
J. W. Oraig and family will move
into E. Story's house near the United
Brethren church, as 60on as Mrs. Craig
is able.
Mr. Vanover and family, of Maple
Lane, have moved into the Giuther
Mrs. Clara Williams is on the sick
list this week.
John T Frsncis, who went to Klon
dyke or Dawson, last March, returned
home thiB week well pleaded with his
trip. Frank Saner, who went with him,
expects to remain in Alaska all winter.
Elwood Frost is at home again hav
ing returned home Tuesday evening.
Mist) Ntta Pierce is attending school
in Portland. She is taking a course in
Improvements are still going on iti
th s little burg.
F. A. Ely is having his "ew wood shed
painted and new walks mavie.
J. , Ciirrin is building a new side
walk on the Ikckart pioperty. He. will
also give his bam a cunt of paint next
Hunting birds Beem to be the order il
the day.
Mr. Snger, of Clarkts, was the gtnst
of J - M. Uillt tt Wednesday mornini.
Wanted. Wanted a good boy at
Schrader's bakery. Apply at once.
Wanted SitiiHtion as clerk by a lady
who has had several years experience.
Wanted To buy 15 to 20 acres of land
within 8 miles of Oregon City. Address
'Granger," care of Courier office, Ore
gon City
Fruit Trees, Rpses Berryplants, orna
mentals. Inquire C. VV Swallow, Ore
gon City
For Sale A few dozen half-lilood S,
C. Brown Leghorn pullets, just begin
ning to lay. For price, etc., inqui'e of
A. J. Lewis, Maplo Lane. Post office,
Ely, Or.
Money to Loan 7 pt-r cent interest hI
lowed on money left w'th me In loan.
Plineipal with accrued interest returned
upon demand. Abstracte furnished.
G. B. Dihick, Attorney-at-law, Oregon
City, Ore.
Lost Silver bracelet, betveen Beaver
Creek store anil Sbively's opera bouse,
on Saturdav, September 2dth. It had
8 silve bangles, 2 gold banleR and on
ne Canadian dime. Findero pleat-e
leave at Courier office and receive suit
able reward
Strayed Tn Angora goats from the
ranch ot.lohn Buckholz at Salmon post
office in Clackamas county, On gon. In
the lot were nine does and one hue.
Three of the band carried hells. The
finder of the s dd uoats pill please to no
tify me and I will send for same and
amply reward will be paid. John Buck
boll, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Your Banking?
No matter how small,
No matter how large,
the Bank
Oregon City
Will give it careful
attention. This mes
sage applies to the s
men and the women
S Positive Statement I
Huntley Bros., Druggists, are 1
5 agents for Oregon C. for X
KellcttVs Oil of Eden j
Sweet Shtrlts of Eden
Do You Want to Yawn?
Forkt cold sniTortiiff. Aching In the bones lack
of etu.K', hulii,-he,nnl firoiit ileuressiim? Those
8vmiumin nuiy be folloyed by violent liead
a'ches. IiIrIi fever, extreme nervousness, a con
ilitiun known as malaria. Herbine cures i(.
Take it betoro tbe i!iea!-e gets a fnlr hold, though
It will work a cure in anv sluue, J, A. Hopkins,
Manchester, Kan., writes: - "I have used your
great medicine. Herbine, tor sevi re 1 years.
There is nothing belter for malaria, chills and
fever, headache, billioMsness: and for a blood-
tmriivini; t-'iuo, there is uothina as good." 60.' al
Charman A Co.
For the lctest novelties in
all kinds of laces and dress
trimmings there is no store
in Oregon City like the Fair.
They sell men's underwear
at the Fair at Rediculously
low prices considering the
values. An investigation
will prove the truth of both
the above statements.
The Fair Store
i 1 &
Oregon City's Leading Wine House $
ft -
All the leading brands of Cal- sj
& fornia Wines kept in stock.
g Come and see us. it
Who would keep their children in good health,
should Wfctch for the tlrst symptoms of worms,
and remove, them with White's Cream Vermis
fuge. It is the ehiMrens' best tonic. It gets dis
gest'on at work so that their iood does them
good, and they urow up healthj and strong. 2jo
at Lharraan & Co.
w Vw b I1
Urn III. ! M:'
cannot be enjoyed iu a buain of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put ui thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Remedies that will positively cure
any case of Rheumatism, no matter
how severe or how long standing.
In case anyone is not cured, the
California Co-Owative Medical i
Company, of Oakland, will refund 1
the purchase price.
Call at Huntley Bros, for free booklet. j
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 years. Awroge Aivnual Sales vs? One and a HaSt t
potues. voes tms record of ner : nei o you ? No Cure, No ray.
LndiKte wua every bottle S JV, v..i fftVge of Crove's H'ack Root, Liver Pilis.
-- - ''""' r vxsBmzmzz
with TAYMP'C
. .
An aunoso imauibie remedy for dis
eases of the Throat, and Lungs,
known 85 used the world over for
il suuvai m Vjtriiiui y .
L,,i w.t.(