8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1 903. I PERSONALS IMMHMHHUHI , M. U. Hall, of Mehama, is visiting friendsin this city, R. L. Westover returned Saturday from a week's trip to Seattle. T. R. Shockley, of Canby, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday . George Marr, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Dr. Seam ann, wife and child were in Oregon City Wednesday. Fred Warner will leave soon for Eugene where he will attend college. Sidney Smyth, of Portland, was in Oregon City on business Tuesday. W, H. Buruhardt, Sr., of Salem, was an Oregon City v sitor this week. J. W. Cochran was in Salem Satur day and Sunday mixing with old friends. Mrs. Gasner White, of Monitor, Or., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Purci ful. Mrs. . Secrest, of Portland, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Bruce Carlton Harding left Mondav for 'Tew York ?'tyt where he has accepted i position. Henry, Fos9, of Plsusant Hill, was a the city oa business the first of the veek. J. A. Knnpp left the first of the reek for Corvallis, where they will at end the 0. A. C. , Miss Blanche Hoi lea of thi' city i as accepted a position as tuacher in tie chool at LaQainas, Washington . Miss Bassie Armstrong, of Barlow, eturned home after a few days' visit nth tier cousin, Miss Echo Sampson. A. Fa'rclouijh loft Tuesday for his dines on Oile Greek to take in provi lion to the men. He wil1 be gone two veeks. -Mrs. J. R. Manny, who ha; been visit og her mother at Lswisson for tha lust everal w.ieks, returned h una the first if the week. Roy Mr Alpin, the clever young dry oods salesman of M. Michael's store, was a Salem visitor from Saturday until Monday . Mrn, T. A. Pope.MrB. F. T. Griffith, Misses Maria Pratt and Laura i'ope re turned the latter part of the week from Long Beach. The family of Ernest Matthies have returned from Seaside, where they have been occupying their cottage for the past mouth. Mrs. Chris Hartman, who has been spending four weeks with E M itthies' family at Seaside, returned borne Saturday evening. Miss Minnie Latourette, who has been visiting her friends and parents in this city, left Wednesday for her home ' in Harvey, Washington, W. H. Engle, of Forest Grove, wbb in Oregon City Tuesday, on the way to his old home at Molalla. Mr. Engle has gone back to Molalla to live. Dr. Fied R. Hedges, of Everette, Wash, is expected to arrive in the city the latter part of this week for a short visit with friends and relatives. Robert Lovelace, of Damascus, one of the prominent young democratic farmers of that part of the county, was an Oregon City visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Seamann, former ly residents of Oregon City, but now located in San Francisco, are the gaests of friend and relatives in Oregon. Merril and Gertrude Moores, Don Meldrum, Jack Latourette and Charlie Warner lelt Satur tay for ugnne wherj the) will attend the State Uni. varsity. -Mr. E. Williams left Monday even ing for Hot Lake in Eastern Oregon, where he will take mud baths for rheu matism, with which he has been alilet sd for some time. Mrs. W. J. Ourran, of lone, was in Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. Curran was accompanied by her sinter from Portland. She was formerly resident f the Ourrinsville country. F. S. L. Hig-w, in nit of Baby's W mill at Need, p.issel through Ofe" 3n City Wednesday aftemoin and took lis Ave o'clock train (or Oj'tao Grov 'here he has Borne Urge timbir in -areBts. Miss Florence Westoyjr left the 1 ittr p trt if last w.iak for S iUi B in I, VashingtMi, Mrs sin tia4 a puitnn s teacher lu the city soli ul. .Mrs. J. II. Vastovar a ico npinwd lor on tha trip tod returned the Urn of the weak. Mr. and Mrs. H off nan and daughter if The Dilles and formerly of this place vhohavbten vyiting friends in town tod vicinity left fort.imr no ne on M in lay, Miss Louie remiius over for a fa lays Intending tc visit a sister at St. ielens baford returning home. L. Rlankenship and wife loft venter lay afternoon (or Southern California, where they will join their ion, Frank rhey were accompanied by the small daughter of Mr. Kinuuv. Mr. Blanken ship goes south for his health but if he finds anvthlug to suit him will invest in California and make his home there. There la more Catarrh In thli aotlo of the ointry than all other dlanaaea put together, and uaiil the laat few jean waa luppoaed to be in earalile. For a great Tneny yea re doctor pro Bounced U alooal disease, ana prescribed local reinedloi, hart hy eorietantlr falling to eure with local trtvtment, pronounced it incurable, sci ence haa proven catarrh to be a conelttuttoual dlneeee, and, therfore require couetltutlonal treatment. Uall'a I'atarrh Care, uiauufectured by F. J. Cheney A Co, Toledo, Ohio, li the only enetllutloual cure ou the market. It la taken Internally In iosce from 10 drops to a tMipoonnil. Ir acta directly on (he bluud and mueoui aurtaeei of the y!tem. They otftr one one hundred dol lars for any case It falls to cure, geud for circu lars and ieatlmoulali.. Ail dross T. J. Oil KN KSf & CO., Toledo, O. Boldhv rnirTll"e. Hall's Family I'llli ale the belt' Raised From the Dead. C. W. Landle, "Porter" for the Orleutal Hotel OhanuU Kun., nv: "I knew what It waa to aaSer with neuralgia tudced I did, and I gut a bot tle of Ballard'i ttuow Unlmeut and I wai 'railed from the dead." I tried to fret aome more, but before I had "dlpoeed' of my bottle, I wae oured entirely. I am tellln' de truth too," 34o,60oaud n at Charman ft Co 'a. . The Old Settler. BY AN OLD TIMER. I'd wandered all over the country, Prospectins and hunting for sold ; I'd tunne'ed, bydrauliced and cradled,. And 1 had been frequently sold . For one that gets riih by 'mining, Perceiving that hundreds get poor, I made up my mind to try farming, The only pursuit that is sure . So rolling mv grub in my blankets, I left all my tools on the ground, And started one morning to snank it To a country they call Puget Sound. Arriving flat broke in mid winter, I found it enveloped in fog , And covered all over with timber Thick as hair cn the back of a' dog. As I looked on this prospect so gloomy The tears trickled over my face. For I thou ht that my travels had brought me To the edge of the jumping off place. I took up a claim in the fotest, And set my sell down to nara ton. For two years I chopped and I nigtrnred , But I never got down to the soil. I tried to get out of the country, But poverty forced me to stay, Until I became an old settler, Then nothing could drive me away. And now tbat I am used to the climate. I think that if man ever found A place to live eaay and happy That Eden is on Puget Sound. No longer the slave of ambition, 1 lauh ai d and its shams, And think of my happy condition Surroijnded by acres of clams Chautauqua Elects Officers Tuesday afternoon there was a meet ing of the directors of the Chautauqua Association and also a mee ing of the stockholders of the association, which was called for the purpose of electing new officers and for the purpose of get ting at the financial standin of the as sociation. There are 500 shares of stock held by various Clackamas county peo ple, and 300 Bliares of this stock was represented at the me 'ting. The elec tion oi olficers resulted as follows: President, W. O. Hawle.y, Salem; viie-pri'sident, C. II. Dye, Oregon City: secretary, H. E. Cross,-Oregon ; treaa uier, E G CaufiVId, Oregon ity; direc tors, George A. Steele W. A.Huntley, G. A Harding, E E Charman, J.T. Ap person and C. B. Moores. The report of the committee on fi nance showed that the association had had a successful meeting this year The receipts aggregate' $5127, with disburse ments of $4314 leaving a balance in the treasury of $813, the total outstanding indebtedness of the association is $213, and a surplus remains in the treasury. Altogether the last seed iru was one of most successful in the history of the association. Mountain, View. Hop pickeruand coasters are all home again. Those who went to Lincoln came last Friday. Improvements still go on F. A. Ely finished bis new wood shed last Satur day. W. H. Godfrey is building an addition to bis house which he lately purchased from G E. Hayes. ' Mr. Haywood and family have moved to Parkplace and Mr Buss and family of Maple Lane have moved into his house. Oscar May and family have moved in to W. W. May's house, lately vacated by Mr. Geo Ware and family. Miss Gavern Cra g is visiting relatives injunction City this week, Mrs. Craig's sister from California visited her 'en days this month. Mr. Linn is putting up a house on his lot which joins Mrs. Ringo's pnperty. flarrlagea. At the Congregati ,nal manse on Tues day. September 22nd Charles Frank Ranch and Jemie Nelson were united n matrimony, Rev. E. S. Bollinguer being the olliciating clergyman. Both partes are well and favorably known in the Canbv community. Aftera brief honey moon Mr. and Mrs. Ranch wiil make their future home in Banbv. Mr. P. A.Nelson and Ida Nelson were married at tiie Congregational Manse on the 22nd by the Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Classified Advertisements. Wanted Bovs and girls. Woolen Mills, Oregon Oity. Apply at Wanted Situ atiou as clerk by a lady who has had several years experience. Lost Thursday, Sept. 17th, between Mulino and Oregon Citv, a lady's black jacket. Finder please leave at Mulino Flour Mi'l. Fruit Trees, Reaes Berry plants, orna mentals. Inquire C. W Swallow, Ore gon City 18-2m. Monty to Loan 7 pr cent interest al lowed on money left w'th me to loan. Principal with accrued interest returned upon demand. Abstracts furnished. G. B. Dihick, Attorney-at-law, Oretjon Uity, Ure. Strayed Ten Angora goat from the ranch ofJohn Buckuolx at Salmon poet, otlicein Clackamas county, Oregon. In the lot were mue does and one boon. Three of the band carried bells. The finder of the said goats pill please to no tify me and I will Bend for same aud amply reward will be paid John Buck hols, Clackamas county, Oregon. y fZ CHILDREN and MEN. SHXVELYS OPERA HOUSE dPne Manager Shively announces that he has secured for' the above date the famous Grand Stock Company ''THE PINACLE OF EXCELLENCE" The largest most brilliant and complete, stock organization touring the West: Pre senting high class royalty productions in an admirable manner, offering Oregon City play goers a massive and supberb production of the beautiful drama. DOCUMENTED ORCHESTRA, NOVEL SCENIC EFFECTS. , Notwithstanding tue enormity of the produc duction, prices have been placed at 25, 35 and 50 cents. SEATS NOW QN SALE. Instruction In Music Piano Organ. and Weekly lessons, 1 hour term for four weeks . , $3.00 Examinations in six weeks and re citals in three mouths. For information concerning time and method of instruction or other pa'rticu lars, call at studio 13th and Washing ton, Oreaon City or telephone No. 1751. Miss Veda Williams, Instructor. , Before Buying Your Gun and Jlrhtnunithn See the new stock of guus at the Oregon City Bi cycle & Sun Store Recently opened' at McKutrick's old stand New Shot Guns, from $6.00 up " Rifles " ' 3.50 up " Revolvers " 1.50 up Gun Cases " .75 up Hunting Coats " 1.50 up Shell Vests, Cleaning Rods, Crimpers, Etc., at prices that are right. ' , Guaranteed Hunting and Pocket Knives. A full line of ammunition for Rifles and Revolvers. Shot-Gun Shells in stock and loaded to order any shot any powder. You Get What You Order and You Know It Is Loaded Gun and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty Work Guaranteed LAMB & 6th and Main Streets v KIDNEY COLDS. Easily Recognized and Easily Cured, as Many Oregon City Folks Know You've had a cold , so has everyboky. Rid it ever settle in your back In the "Bmall"' just over the bins? Klay there, with h e'eily Hch, Mak- lifts miserable? That's a "Kidney Cold" You can stop it. H. R. McCarver, of 291 Cherry Ht., Portland, inspector of freight for Hip Trtns-Continenlal Co , a man who ic well known auion the railroaders "f Portland, ays; "loan's Kidney Pill? are amonir the fen patent remedies which do all that is claimed for them, j and they have my thorough confidence. I used them for headache and other ver" marked symptoms of kidney troub le which had annoyed me for months. I think a cold was teeponsible for the whole trouble. It seemed to settle in my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills root ed it out. It is several months since I used them and uu to date there has hi en no recurrence of the trouble. I Iirvm recon.mended them to a number of the bovs about the freiiiht houre and I know i if they give them a fair trial tbey cer 1 tainly must have been pleaaed with the j results." I Plenty more proof like this from Ore ; gon Oity people. Call at C. Q Hunt. , ley's drug store and ask what his cua 1 tenters report. ; For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. i Foster- Mil burn Co. I lifiuembei trie name D )n's ami take no other. iin your Strength j K JAYNE'S a pleasant, potent, and permanent GET IT FHOU TOUR LA0DY AUKEY'S SECRET A Communication. Mr. Editor Allow me to speak a lew words in favor of -t-Hjatnberlain's Cough Remedy I suffered for thre years vitli the bronchitis and rould not sleep at niirtit-. .1 tried et-vural doctors and various pitent medirint-s, hut could get nothing to uiv" me an relief until my wif got a bot'ln of thin valuable , medi cine, which liBfi completely relieved me. W . S R'oi'kinan, B gnell. Mo This reuifd) is for sule by G A. Harding. SAWYER OREGON CITY, OREGON Choicest Meats ' AT R. PetZOldS Meat Market BUY THE - SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who aV ! vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from ub or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WC MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The I)ouble Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. WritelorClRCULARS bowing tns Olf- S.ttnS V manufacture and prices before purchasing THE MV HOME SEVM 11SHIRE (X RANaC, MASS. ft Union 8q. If. Tn Chicago, 111., Atlanta, G, Btloaiaio Dalla1Tex.,8an Kraoioo,aa rOH BALE SY . 5. i KANE. Aenl, 350 Mo rrixiii St., PCWTLAND, ORE with VERMIFUGE, Invigorator for WOMEN, DRUGGIST. J. W. COLE, - All goods bought in bond. Puruv and quality guaranteed Sami fimus Old brani St James E. Old Sam flee Old Roxburv Rye Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St ion TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lavatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the m jney If it falls to oure. E W. liroe'8 igDatur in on fach box. 23o. Mention The only ond-hand i'ifj- Class Sec dealer in Furniture i STOVES and UTENSILS !T It is wDnh your time to come and examine the stock. Vuu w'l! fui'l a fu 1 line uf new anJ occor.J-IIiad Furniture Stoves, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. Highest tih Fricc; Faid I T0I4J0IAR, Brunswick House Newly Furnished Rooms. 'Meals at All Hours Prices Reasonable. ...Only First-Class Restaurant in the City... Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City.'Ore. r -Rif j,! 0 T" woisKies, an Cigars i Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon Harris Kentucky Bourbon j CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought t t t t for Second Hand Goods. MAIN STREET, i door north Commercial Bank r and Restaurant Open Day and. Night mmm Brown & Welch PaOPRlTTORS OP THI ' Meat Market 7th St A. O. OREGON U. W. CITY, Building OREGON . . i. I . . V