Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 18, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Thomas F. Ryan
Left Sunday For Baltimore and
the East.
Will Attend Grand Lodge of Odd
fellows and Masons.
Judge Tliomn8 K. Ryun lonltintr as
slick and span us a m-w silk tile left Ore
on City on last SinwUv iu minis for an
extensive tn in the east. He is
i deleeatu from the (.iranil in fC'iCHtnp
menl of Oil'H'-ll'.v'.'i oi thi fi'Hiw 10 the
-iovfifeii'n Grand Km-ninniii'-ri' i f O ld-
. t t
i .... -. Aii W
felloH which meetPstt Baliimore, Mary
land. His firt it'jrctivt point will be
Baltimore where he will attend the
Sovereign Grand Encampment and the
Sovereign Uriinri Lodiir( (Wdfellown. He
svill then vi.-it Toronto Canada on busi
ness niHtterp. Afti-rallof Ihis he will
0 to Li' tie Rock Arkanmn and attend
'.he Grand lod;w of Manons which con
ven8 in that city Jucim Kyan will be
-tbsent from this city for about one
month and will have a mrmt enjoyable
and intereHtinii trip.
Making Some Big Improvements In
His Corner Resort.
Mr. J. W. "ole, kuo vn to hm friends
as "Wallace" is making some big im
provements in his corner emporium.
t s.,,,.. "I t
' H '."? ' ' '
' )4-tV"'tf
The building on the out side his been
thorougly repaired and repainted and
will present when finnished quite a
handsome appearance. But it ia the in
side which will appeal to a man with
ood taste. New tine paper has been
nut upm the walls, fine frescoing deco
rates the ceiling, and the private boxes
are draped w ith tine h. avy damask cur
rains and that ia not ail. A new bar and
Glass is being installed which is a novel
ty in this part of the world and will be
the tineHt bar outside of Portland in the
state of Oregon. This is an age of iui
irovementaiid betterment in Oregon
Oity and Mr. Cole is only keeping step
with the procession.
Opening of City, Schools.
The city schools will open September
21st Pupils will report for registration
at follows: Alight-grade and high
school pupils at Barclay building; also
those pupiU of n ades below the eighth
n ho live on Main street, or north of
Seventh and went of Jackson. Pupils
living on the hill uouth of Seventh street
nd east of Jackson will report at East
ham building. All first primary pupils
must enter school during the first week
of this term, as new classes will not be
formed in this grade after the first week
of school.
Addis Clark,
City Superintendent.
Hop Picking.
When tin hops art ripe and ready
And tha harvest time Is here,
See them come, the lads and lassl'S
Boys and girls Irom tar and near.
Men and women too are coming,
With their tacss all aglow;
For the task Is always pleasant;
Working down the long straight row.
Have you ever gone a hopping
In the bright September days,
When the hops so last are ripening
'Neath the sun's brightest rays.
Did you ever see a hop field
With the poles so straight and fine
Bearing up the graceful hop vines
Like the oak and Ivy twined.
Set with me (lit ta.'s and lasses.
Men and women, young and old.
Ere Hit sun hat chasedthe
Mists away before his rays ol gold
With the baskets, props ind hopptrt
Ready for the task In hand.
They ra the Jollies) set of peoplt
Ever seen in any land.
Set how fast the poles are lewtrtd
Set how fast the baskets till.
And tht cry cymes fast and faster
"Hop polel Hop polel Hop polel BUM"
Ohl That ssuch abused pott puller
Sympathise I with thy woes, .
With a duien calling ' hop polel"
From a doien different rows.
There's a sweet-faced, falr-halreil lassie
Over en tht other row.
. He can only stop a moment,
Then there comes the cry of "hop poltl"
I should like to go this summer
Llkt to set tht nelt and row.
Like to meet the lads and lassies,
But I'm sure I cannot go.
fBaho l an all right country.
With htr lakes and mountain! irand,
Bui I wlah wt had a hop field.
With Its jolly, happy band.
Mrs. Addib Tomunson.
Harrison. Idaho.
Business Transacted at Regular Sep
tember Term.
(continued irom last week.)
In the matter of communication of 0.
P. 8. Plummer for tax revision. Order
ed refered to Board of Equalization .
In the matter of subscriptions to Viola
road improvement. Ordered that parties
presenting subscriptions be notified to
collect same and pay it in to County
In the matter of Aurora Electric Light
Company, for permission to erect poles
between Aurora and Barlow. Ordered
that petition be granted.
In the matter of application of com
mittee of Lewis & Clark Centennial for
an appropriation. Oidertd that petition
be denied.
In the matter of the petition ofJohn
Stewart for return of money paid for tax
certificate. Ordered that petition be
In tbe matter of the petition of Wm.
Mortenson for lease rf part of Butte
Oreek for logging purposes. Ordered
that petition be laid overuntil November
In the matter of the resignation of J.
S. Birdeall, supervisor of District No 5.
Ordered that said resignation be accept
ed upon full settlement of accounts and
turning over county property to nis
Iujthe matter of the application of
Mrs. S, E. Valentine for county assist
ance. Ordered that said application be
In the matter of tbe petition of theEast
ern InvestmentCo. for return of amount
paid for tax certificate. Ordered that
petition be denied,
In the matter of the petition of G. W,
Stone for re-issue of county warraDt loBt
or destroyed in J897. Ordered that said
matter be laid ' ver to ascertain facts in
connection with tame.
In the matter of Beeson bridge. Or.
dered that bridge be removed, culvert
ten feet wide be constructed, fill made
where it is a five per cent grade, and old
plank placed as covering on fill made.
In the matter of fixing the turn in the
Highland roadr Ordeied that Supervis-
L'l U i ....... I . I . J
ur onauuuu oe instructed 10 pianK same,
said plank not to exceed 4000 feet.
In the matter of the bridge at Fisher's
mill. Ordered tliat Supervisor of district
No. 12, put in five new stringer on Baid
In tbe matter of aid to Thomas Jones.
Ordered that said matter be referred to
commissioners Killen & Brobst.
In the jnatter of subscription work on
Clarks and Bottemiller road, t)r ered
that bid of Mr, Cummins to furnish the
lumber on said road for $6.25 per thous
and feet be accepted anil 6600 teet of lx
10 for stringers and 93500 feet of 3x8 for
covering be purchased and placed upon
said road. Koad to be 8 feet wide .
In the matter of county charges Mr.
and Mrs. Mahan. Ordered that they be
moved from Mr. Ingles to the residence
of Mrs. Hailey. She to recieved $25 per
month for their care, and the moving to
be left with Commissioner Brobst.
In the matter of the petition of road
Supervisor Wagner for help to lay down
plank donated by Proctor & Beers, Or
dered that said petition be granted in ac
cordance with said petition.
In the matter of bridge near Polk
GribbleSj Peferrel to Commissioner
Killen with power toaut.
In the matter of the care of D. W.
Mortimore, county charge. Ordered
that he be placed in charge of J. S. Mc
Comb. In the matter of the hill on Graham
Ferry and Wilsonville road. Ordered
referred to Commissioner Brobst to as
certain what is necessary to be done.
In the matter of tbe appointment of
Sol, Walker and Henry Scott, as deputy
sheriffs. Appointments continued, to
serve without pay other that fees collect
ed for services rendered.
In the matter of aid to Mrs. Emma
German and W. T. Tinsley, county
charges. Ordered that until further
or 'ers of this court assistance to said
charges be discontinued, and warrant
No 14206 lssved to said hmma German
be cancelled.
In the matter of supplies furnished
Goe. F. Crowley an indigent person, a
resident of Polk county. Ordered that
said claims be certified to county court
of said county for settlement.
In the matter of the Perdue and
Struthers road re-survey Ordered that
said road be opened on line of re-survey
and expense account be allowed as
follows i
John W. Meldrum, 4 days 4q miles. .$24
Bud Thompson, 2 " 4
G II Bobbins, 2 " 4
N R Graham, 2 " 4
A P Schneider 2 ' 4
In the matter'of the Eagen and Gar
rett road. Ordered that Commissioners
Killen & Brobst investigate and re
port. In the matter of the High' bridge on
Clackamas river, roads to Firwood. Eagle
Creek and Birings, Ordered that
action on same be referred to Commis
sioners Killen & Hrobet to visit on Thurs
day Sepiember 17th to investigate con
ditions of said bridge and roads.
In the matter of claims of J. Tamblyn
and others for 15 cents per load for
gravel. Ordered that said claimants be
allowed five cents per load.
In the matter of assessement roll for
year 1903. It appearing from the cer
tificate of the Board of .Equalisation that
the assessment rolls have been examin
ed by said board and all comlaints heard
errors corrected where lound and all
matters completed in accordance with
law, and all matters in connection with
the same bem? regular :
It is ordered that said assessment rolls
be now closed.
Notice la hereby ilren that Joseph I. Hedges,
the administrator of the estate of Nancy J ant
Beatit, dcooaaed, has Med his final account and
report in the said estate and that Hon. That. F.
Ryan, Judge ol the County Court of Clackamaa
County, Orvgtia, hat set aud deig nated Monday
Ui Wth day of Ocitber, 1903, at 10:00 o'olock a.
m. of said day at tin County Court room In tht
t'ouaty Court House of said Clackamaa" feuntv
Oregon, in Oregou city of said State, as the time
and plaoe for hearing objections to the said dual
aooouot and rtport ana settling the same.
! Administra:or of the Rstate of
Naucy Jane Beetle, deceased.
ipots AGimT
Attorutye for Administrator. -
"I don't think wt eonld kttp
bonae without Thedford't BUok
Dravcht. We have mtttT It 1st tbe
fiwiljr lor over two ytart with the
beat of reeultt. 1 atrt not had a
doctor In tht hojiee for that length
of tine. It ia a doctor ia itself and
always ready to make a person wall
and happy." JAMES ', Jaok
onTiUe, I1L
Because this great medicine
relieves stomach pains, frees tbe
constipated bowels and invigor
' ates the torpid liver and weak
ened kidneys
Ho Doctor
is necessary in the home where
Thedford s Black-Draught is
kept. Families living in the
country, miles from any physi
cian, have been kept in health
for years with this medicine as
their only doctor. Thedford's
Black -Draught cures bilious
ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and
fever, bad blood,, headaches,
diarrhtea, constipation, colic
and almost every other ailment
because the stomach, bowels
liver and kidneys so nearly con
trol the health.
In the Countv Courtof the State ofOregon.for
County of Clackamas:
In the matter of the estate of Lars Anderson
Deceased. s
Notice Is hereby (tlven that the undersigned tins
boen appointed by the County Court of Clackii
mas County, Oregon, executor of the last will
and testament of Lars Anderson, decensed.
All persons having claims against said estate
pre hereby notified and directed lo present tbi
same to me, properly verlfied.as by law r quired
at the offloe of O. W. Eastbam. over the Hank ol
Oregon City, in Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notioe .
Executor of the Last Will and Testament ol
Lars Anderson, Deceased,
O. W. Eastham.
Attorney for Executor.
Dated the 17th day of September, 1903.
In .the state of Oregon for Clacka
mas County.
In the matter of the estate o William R. Robert
deceased. V
Nottoe Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon executrix of the last
will and testament of William R. Roberts, de
ceased. All persons haying claims against said
estate are hereby ne'lfled and directed to present
the same to me. properly veriiied, as by law re
quired, at the ofllre of O. W. Eastham, over the
bank of Oregon City, in Oregon Citv, Oregon,
wihin Bix months from date of this notice.
Executrix of the las will and testament ol
William R. Robbbts, Deceased .
O. W. Eastham. Attorney for Exeoutor.
Dated the 17th day of September, 1903.
In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of Myrtle J. Walt, a
To the next of kin or others interested .
By order of the Honorable County Court of
the state ol Oregon, for Clackamaa County, you
are hereby notified and required to appear in the
County Court room, In the Court House, in Ore
gon City.on Monday 12th nay of Octobor,1903,at t
hour of 10 o'olock, a. m. and show csubo If any,
there be, whv an order of sale of the real prop
erty ol said minor, should not be made In ac
cordance with the petition of the guardian oi
said minor.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and olUcial seal this 12th day of
September, 1903.
Clerk of County Conrt,
By F, W- Ureennian, Deputy.
--upon his petition duly filed In the district court of
the United States for the district of Oregon, has
been adjudged a bankrupt, a meeting of his creditors
to prove their debts, appoint a trustee or trustees of
his estate and to take such further action as may be
lawfully taken at the first meeting of his creditors,
will be held before me at County Court house, Ore
gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, at4U5 o'clock
p. m. on Saturday, Sept a6, igoj.
Referee In Bankruptcy for Clackamas County.
Dated at Oregon City this nth day of September
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, the administrator of the estate of
Sarah E. Houts, deceased. All persons having
claims against said deceased, or her estate, are here
by notified to present them within six months from
the date of this notice, with proper vouchers and
properly verified. M
Administrator of the estate of Sarah
E. Fouts,, deceased.
Dated September 18, too).
HBDUts at Griffith, Attorneys for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Joanna McOarbery plaintiff, vt. W. ,A
McCarbery, defendant
Iu the name ol Uie state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and answer
Ult compiailll met undine juu i ..in,
entitled oourt, en or before the 9th day of Oct
ober 1903, to-wit; on or belore tlx weeke after
August JS 1903, the date ordered by the County
Judge of the County of Clackamas, Oregon, for
the tint publication of this summons herein,
andlfvou fall to to appear and answer the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed In the complain to-wit; For a decree die
iolTliigthe bonds of matrimony existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and awarding plaintiff
the ensuxly of Reginald McOarbery, the minor
Child of plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published for six consecutive
weeks by order ol Thot. I. Kyan County Judge
oftheCotnty of Clackamas, -tatt of Oregon,
made this th day of August 2903.
attorney for Plaintiff,
316 Chamber Commerce,
Portland, Oregou.
1 1 . . i- v V. i.h V. I , V. - nnilarvlfrnj-l till
notice l avrvuj nn-i, - .-...p. ..
wen oj " iiuvin'.v vv-..., , : : .
mat county, Oregon, dnlv appointed executor of
uie win aim esiaie oi juhh .vv.-w,. -
persons navuiK viniu" -
notified to present thea, duly verefled, at the
office of my aitonwy H. K. Croat, Oregon
Citv, Oregon, wiltliu tlx moutha from the dale
of this notice,
HI llf !1
$1, r KAisa. iiwiiAn
What amount ouzht
the U. S. Government
appropriate for Lewis
and Uark Fair, 1905?
Think it, over.
1 285 and 287
Is the question that' is now on many men's minds You may
not be able to say just what it will be, but we can settle that
question for you for we show purely custom tailored-made clothes
bearing the Custom Garment porker's label, and are the only
house in the West that shows over 2500 styles of colors cloths
and designs of fashion. Come to Strain and decide on wnat your
Fall and Winter outfit shall be AND SEE HOW MUCH WE
Is a price that this store will secure
you the very best uncalled-for Cus
tom -Made Suits, hand tailored
throughout, bearing the masters cus
rom tailors' sewing label (Union).
Not a suit In this new Fall lot from
Lamm & Co.. Dizie Tailors, Royal
Tailors and High Art McCarty but
was made to order at $40 to $75.
They Include the finest materials
that money can buy, in full silk or
Italian cloth lined; Tuxedo, Full
Dress.Prince Alberts.Clerical Modes,
Chesterfields or Three-Button
Frocks; the single and double-breasted
Sacks, with all shape-retaining
fronts and square shoulder effects;
also yoke or Saxton design, in over
1000 styles of materials and patterns.
$ 1 2.50
A moderate sun, but it secures a
princely suit of genuine custom-made
clothes from the best tailors known.
The variety is unlimited when we
say 500 it Is not all. Elegant im
ported materials in the very newest
fashions of plaids, stripes, checks,
hairline, black, blue, gray, drab, and
mixtures. You cannot wish a style
that we cannot show you In this lot.
Sack, ,frock, Prince Albert and
Tuxedo' Lamm & Co., and the
Great Royal Tailors made them to
order at from $25 to $3$. They are
theMargest first-class tailors in U. S.
andnerit of merchandise places
them at the top of all tailors.
Suits are just what any tailor In town
will charge you f 18 to $25 for, if not
more. They come in pure wool
worsteds,cassimeres,union worsteds,
cheviots, serges, vicunas, tweeds,
etc; 300 styles to select from; made
by M. Boru, Royal, Continental,
Garden City, Monarch, Howard,
Rose & Co., and other tailors of
National reputation.
Show thcr Union label of Garment Workers of America. This is not the high -art sewers'
Ufed. STRAIN, AND STRAIN ONLY, shows the Union label of the Custom)
Garment Workers of America. This is the artist journeymen's label, and don't you let it
slip your mind, and it can only be found on Simon-pure, real custom-made clothes.
i " i i
Washington Street, Portland, Oregon
Wkesmim w las
Have you any good
Ideas for the 1905 Fair?
If not, do some thinking
If good, we will put It
In our adv. and let the
people know It.
Pall and Winter Style
Untill October 1 not a day later
we will allow you to select the finest
Fall or Winter overcoat in the store,
comprising a number of garments
that were made to order at $5o and
$60, none of them less than $30.
There are 300 to select from. Also
over 200 that we will sell at $10 and
$7.50 until October 1. After that
day the Fall prices go into effect.
You will do yourself justice by buy
ing now.
I G00 Separate and
Distanct Styles
$2.50, $3.50, $5.00
We can show you finer trousers than
any house in Portland. We display
10 styles to any other house's one,
and are the only house selling genu
ine custom-made clothes. The styles
for Fall comprise everything you
can think of and hundreds besides.
Every one of them bears the maker's
mark: Lamm & Co., Dixie, High
Art McCarty, Royal Born & Co..
etc., and were made to orderat from
?5 to $15 a pair. We fit everybody
or anybody, no matter if you weigh
70 pounds or 470, or are 4 feet or 7
feet tall, at Strain, the King of Good
Places to Buy Clothes.
Fflerchant Tailor
Sale 1903
You can choose any suit or overcoat,
marked $30 to $38, out of 200 styles
we show at that price, on condition
that you alow us 10 days to deliver
' it to you. Our fast-growmg tailor
ing department is the busiest tailor
ing spot In Portland. Why? Why,
try us and see.