Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 11, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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A A. JU. JL.
this Minute
The futute can be your own.
Results are never in doubt when
you attend our school. We
educate you for praclical business
and insist in getting you a posi
tion when competent. All our
graauates are employed. There
are not enough to satisfy the
Splendid equipment. Up-to-date
methods. Sit right down
today and write for catalogue.
BeMe-Walter Business College
8-BeleivIng that the Smith
Premier is the most popular typewriter
on the Pacific Coast we have purchased
25 machines for our new school.
Immediate 1
Relief t
and there is not a case of piles
in existence that cannot be
quickly and permanently cured
bv Perrin's Pile Specific.
You take it that's all. New
price One Dollar a Dottie ai
vour drngKis-. If Jne hasn't it
Hi . Perrin Medical JO.,
Helena, Mont.
is rs " j
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a peci?'ty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
t sonal supervision since its infancy.
? 7. 'tUCAM'. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All- Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
luiants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare'
yoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
tmd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The CtJldren's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
. The Early Catbird.
At 4 o'clock the catbirds have It all
to themselves, and they will not only
sing their hearts out Into the trees and
the sky, but they will give us imita
tions and will sing over again all the
sounds and melodies they have heard.
My nearest neighbor, who builds In the
'.Tartarian honeysuckle, comes near to
me with evident comprehension of my
admiration arid undertakes to tell me
that he is not like other birds, but
understands human folk. He jumps
about the limbs near to me and with
whistle calls back and forth, I envying
his musical ability and he possibly
wondering somewhat about my books
and my balconies. I should be very
lonely In the country without the cat
bird. He Only has the power of com
panionship with us. Independent
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
1 ipMMUWiHWWIW HDJM'W I IIJWIJIHJI.UW) HUtl lltiJ,iBiUJ(iWI'WWllll.ll.'ltfj
We Want Your Trade
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce
ments to close buyers.
Sash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
Daily Through Trains to the B:iutiful Twirl Cities 2
northern Pacific--Burlington ouk
Denver, Lincoln, Neb.; Omaha. Neb.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Kansas City; St. Louis,
and all Points East and Southeast.
Only Direct Line to the Famous
Yellostone .
national Part
Your Baggage Can be Checked Through to Destination. Union Depot Connections
The only Reliable
Pioneer Dining
Car Line
"North Coast Limited"
Assistant General Passenger f Agent,
255 Morrison St, Cor. Third, Portland, Ore.
Playing: on Her Vanity.
Mr. Potts (to his wife) My dear, the
air is chilly. Fermez la fenetre.
The Visitor (sotto voice) Why do
you ask your wife In French to shut
the window?
Mr. Potts (ditto) Because you are
here. If I asked her In English she
wouldn't do it. as she won't take in
structions from me before visitors. But
if I say it in French she gets up and
does it at once, so as to let you see
that she understands the language.
London Pick-AIe-Up.
What Is Life?
In the last analysis nobody knows, but
if e do know that it is under strict law .
Abuse that law even slightly, pain re
sults. Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs, resulting in Consti
pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr.
King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusta
this. It is gentle, vet thorough. Only
25 cents at G. Harding's drugstore.
The Train tor
s the famous
Western Limited '
Every night in the year
between Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Chicago via
The short line between these
three great cities.
Before starting on a trip no matter where
write for Interesting Information about com
fortable traveling
General i Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul
sion gives the nesn and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
tor women Scott s Emul
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists.
409-415 Pearl Street, New York.
60c. and$1.00; all druggists.
An Ingrenloun Operation That I Per
formed by Machinery.
The first pins mtido iu this country
were very crude indeed, merely a bit
of wire twisted into a knot for a head
nt pin1 end and sharpened to a point at
the other. Their successors of today
undergo a surprising variety of opera
tions before they are considered fit for
In comparison with the size of the
object manufactured the operations
seem bewilderingly numerous, but If
there be one process more remarkable
than another it is "papering the pins "
The papers, having been passed
through an ingenious machine which,
at regular intervals, according to the
size of the pin, pinches up a fold and
pricks a hole in it. are ready to receive
the pins.
For this purpose there is another ma
chine, worked by two children. One
feeds the pins, the other the papers.
The first part of the machine is a box
about twelve inches long, six broad and
four deep. The bottom Is composed of
small square steel bars, sufficiently far
apart to let the shank of the pin fall
through, but not the head. These bars
are just as thick as the space between
papered pins. The lower part of the
bottom of the box is made to detach it
self as soon as the row of pins Is com
plete. Ilow after row, at regular in
tervals, is received and passed down a
corresponding set of grooves until It
reaches the ready pricked paper. By
the nicest possible adjustment these
pins come exactly to their places and
are pressed Into them. By this method
two little girls can in one day put up
many thousands of papers. Kansas
City Star.
The (Overland
is the most famous of trans
continental trains via Omaha.
Between Omaha and Chicago
it runs via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Double daily service Port
land to Chicago via this
route. All meals served in
dining cars.
General Manager.
134 Third Street, Portland
M WW mW w mum t l . . ?
a KID 1 r5
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Spring8
Denver, and the Famois Rocky Mountain Scenery
and by Daylight to all points east.
3 hi tt&im Mlj between. Ogi?o eoi tkum
Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist
Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service
Stopooers JJIhwed
For rate, folders and other W. C. MCBRIDE,
Information address 421 Third Street, Portland, Ore
' Conducted fcy J, V. DARRO V,
Pre Corrtxpondrnt line York Utatt
The Problem of Improving the Con
dition of the Southern Farmer.
With the exception of South Caro
lina, my own state of West Virginia 'la
is far south as any state that has con
tinued to hold its place in the national
grange. I know something of what it
has cost to hold my state in line and
am acquainted with the influences and
cause? that produced dormancy south
of Mason and Dixon's line and the
Ohio river. It would profit little to re
late those causes. Grange history re
cites that the conception of the Order
originated in the mind of Brother 0.
H. Kelley while on a visit to the south
ern states soon after the great civil
war and because he saw the need of
a fraternal organization that would
bind the southern planters together
and help build up their shattered for
tunes. Those southern planters need
ed the grange then, and they need it
now even more than then. I have nev
er lost faith that the grange would
again become strong among the south
ern farmers, and I am firmly of the
opinion that if the proper effort were
made many, if not all, of the southern
states could be brought into the grange
sisterhood of states. Ilow to do it is
the problem, and it does not seem to
me to be impossible of solution.
The work must be done by southern
men who are able and willing to be
sacrificed for a great humanitarian
principle men above reproach, capa
ble of being leaders of the southern
farmers in every effort to develop
southern institutions and without per
sonal political ambition. Such men ex
ist in every state, and the problem of
reorganizing the grange in the south'
will solve itself if such men are quietly
found and induced to interest them
selves In the grange cause. How this
is to be done and who is to do it I
leave for some one else to determine.
Every true Tatron in the country
would gladly welcome our southern
farmers into the grange brotherhood.
Master West Virginia State Grange.
The Granite Lecturer Fllla an Im
portant Poaltion.
Grange work is a part of farm and
school work. It means buying together
and selling together, meeting together
and talking together. It means to de
velop the brain as well as the muscular
powers of man. It means much more,
but this is Illustration enough to prove
its right to a share of your time.
The lecturer who directs the mental
improvement of the members of their
grange should aim to instruct and up
lift as well as entertain. We are look
ing to the common school as the place
where the future men and women will
receive the education necessary for
them to perpetuate this republic. We
are looking to the grange as the farm
ers' high school where the great class
of agriculturists shall receive that prac
tical training which is fitting them to
ably fill any position of trust or honor.
It moans much to assume the position
of teacher, but does it mean less to as
sume the position of lecturer of a sub
ordinate grange? Mrs. F..D. Saunders,
Lecturer Michigan State Grange.
Co-operate In Da-Tina.
That many more dollars might be
saved grangers by co-operation In buy
ing their farm supplies than they do
save seems cjulte evident, The fact is
ce-opcintioii Is too much a theory, too
little a practice. But here Is a concrete
Instance f h en In the words of a West
Virginia l'alron:
"I have just unloaded 14,500 pounds
of barbed wire and some nails. My
book shows this wire went to thirty
five farmers at a saving of 80 cents on
the hundred iKiuiuis, or .fll,".
"Our orders this firing have reached
nearly $7()() for wire, nulls, plows, sug
ar and building material, at a saving
of from 2.1 to til) per cent. The mer
chants are asking the question, Ilow
does it come the grange can pet these
articles delivered here for less than we
can buy at?
"We are bunching our orders and get
ting the middleman's profits. We are
proud of our Order and very enthusias
tic over our success."
An Old Ball.
Enfield (Conn.) grange has recently
dedicated the town ball to its use. This
ball Is 128 years old, the building hav
ing been finished in 1775 and largely
paid for In produce. Town meeting
have been beld regularly In this build
ing for 128 years. From 1775 to 1845
it was used for church services.
Mrs. B. B. Lord, lecturer or New
York state grange, is one of the most
energetic and successful state grange
lecturers In the cdtmtry, a good pint
form speaker and a resourceful leader
in her line of work. American Grange
Past Master Levi Booth of the Colo
rado state grange is the earliest living
graduate of the University of Wiscon
sin, being a member of the first class,
that of 1854. State Master Westgate
of Kansas is a graduate of Dartmouth.
The lecturer of the national grange,
Governor Bachelder of New Hamp
shire, and the president of Cornell uni
versity are booked for addresses
Grange day, Aug. 18, at Thousand Is
land Park, N. Y.
There were ninety Tatrons of Hus
bandry in the Connecticut leguilatuit
its past session.