Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, September 11, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Implements of Which Bnrarlara Ho,
er Even Get a Glimpse.
"We have tools for opening safes,"
aid the foreman of the machine room
of a safe factory, "that no burglar
could Imitate even if he got them. But
it would be one of the most difficult
things in the world for him to get even
a sight of them. The tool room is
guarded as closely as a bank vault A
watchman stays in it all night We are
ery careful about employing our men.
They must give bonds and have the
best of references. The chance of a
burglar getting into our employ for the
purpose of learning our methods Is
scarcely worth thinking about
"Very frequently we have hurry calls
for a man to open a safe where the
time clock has gone askew or where the
clerk has forgotten the combination.
You, can readily imagine that wlth a
bank or trust company it is an essen
tial thing to have the safe open before
business begins. When we send a
man out he takes i wagon load of tools,
for he must open the safe without ruin
ing the lock, nnd he does not know pre
cisely what the trouble Is. He carries
a photograph of himself with our cre
dentials on It. Nor will he open the
safe while alone. Some bank official
must remain with him, no matter how
long the Job takes. That Is for our own
protection. Some very queer alleged
robberies have been charged to men
sent out to open safes.
"To mechanics In our business it is
laughable to read that a full kit of bur
glars' toolB has been found beside a
safe. As I have said,it would require
an express wagon to carry them, and
burglars don't work that way. If they
care to take chances by blowing up a
safe with dynamite it Is another mat
ter; but those fellows nearly always
get caught.
"A police officer told me that burglars
make their own tools. The big crooks
are all spotted and are afraid to go out
and buy the material for them. Some
of them send their wives and children."
Philadelphia Ledger.
The best way to feed corn to young
chickens Is cracked or crushed.
A good dust bath will go far toward
keeping fowls in good condition.
ClPr, raw corn meal wet with water
la v good feed for young ducklings
at Any time.
Destroy the nest of a sitting ben as
Boon as the chickens are a day old.
Qive ber a new nest and burn the old
Separated curly and raised up by
themselves, pullets are worth at least
25 per cent more for use than if al
lowed to run with a lot of cockerels.
On the farm If more than one breed
la kept It is necessary that they be
kept separate, uud one or the other
must be kept confined part of the time.
It Is Important to keep the young
turkeys dry uutil they are about eight
weeks old, and even then they should
be strong and well. developed. Damp
ness Is almost always fatal to young
Religion Training of Japanese.
Little or no importance is attached
to the religious training of Japanese
children. Whether the parents be
Buddhists or Shintoists it matters not,
for In either case the children rarely
take any pnrt In the religious life of
their parents or eiders, and Indeed
usually grow up In blissful Ignorance
aa to what it Is ull about. True, they
may occasionally be taken to the tem
ple and taught to rub their palms to
gether, clap thrice and incline their
beads toward the shrine as they toss
their offering of rln through the wood
en grating of the huge money till.
They may have some vague notion
that there Is something meritorious in
all thla, but nothing more, although
every Japunese home has a latticed
niche, or kamidana, dedicated to the
service of the household Lares and
Penates, or Dulkoku and Eblsu as they
appear in Japan.
He Htrptllea In Newfoundland,
Everybody knows that there are no
anakea in Ireland, but very few know
that Newfoundland Is Just like Ireland
In that respect, and there is no record
that Newfoundland had a St Patrick
to drive the snakes off either. There
la plenty of game iu Newfoundland,
bat not a reptile of any kind snake,
toad, frog, lizard or even turtle. An
other queer thing ubout the province Is
that while some wild animals are
abundant there no one ever saw a
squirrel, porcupine, mouse or lynx any
where within Its boundaries. This Is
all the more singular because the ad
joining provinces of Nova Scotia and
Cape Breton have all theso animals
and many kinds of snakes and other
An Achievement.
"I don't see why you should be so
proud of winning that case," said the
Intimate friend. "You were plainly In
the wrong."
"You don't understand theso things
at all," answered the lawyer. "That's
the very thing that makes me so
prond." Exchange.
The Wlailuni of WUewell.
Noltt Thai fellow Wlsewell could
have given Solomon a few pointers.
Askitt Come on with the explana
tion. Noltt When he and his family .went
to the country for a month's vacation
be took his gas meter along.-Leslie's
Hlumelf to Hlame.
"Didn't you once xay that your wife
was the making of your
"Only once." answered Mr. Meekton.
Henrietta heard It and said it wai
wy unkind md unjust to blame her
JO thct manner."-Washington tar.
lome of the Qneer Blunder Made
by Famoua Writers.
Now and then one meets with pas
sages in the works of the most cele
brated authors which display an ig
norance of things that every schoolboy
is supposed to know.
Sir Walter Scott in bis "Heart of
Midlothian" speaks of his heroine as
having "the merit of those peacemak
ers to whom it is pronounced as a
benediction that they shall inherit the
earth." Born and bred and passing
bis life in Bible reading Scotland, Sir
Walter was yet ignorant of the fact
that it was to the meek that the in
heritance of the earth was promised,
and the benediction of the peacemakers
was that "they shall be called the chil
dren of God."
Dickens in his "Tale of Two Cities"
eays "the name of the strong man of
old Scripture descended to the chief
functionary who worked the guillo
tine." One does not have to be a pro
found student of the French revolution
to know that the notorious executioner
who chopped off heads in the Place de
la Revolution was named Sanson and
not Samson.
The lowest pupil In the lowest class
In history in the public schools knows
that it was Balboa who discovered the
Pacific ocean, yet Keats in his im
mortal sonnet "On First Looking Into
Chapman's Homer" makes Cortes the
man who stood "silent upon a peak in
Darien" and saw the great "south sea"
stretching away before him.
The great Gibbon, who was so intol
erant of the errors of other men,
speaks in his "Roman Empire" of "the
Oxus and the Jaxartes, two rivers of
ancient renown which descend from
the mountains of India toward the
Caspian sea." Yet every school geog
raphy shows that the two rivers flow
Into the sea of Aral, and the Jaxartes
most certainly rises In no "mountains
of India."
Shakespeare wrote of "the coast of
Bohemia," and In his "Gertrude of
Wyoming" Campbell had tigers prowl
ing through the Jungles of Pennsylva
nia. Such "ignorance in high places"
cannot be excused, for, with ordinary
ease, Gibbon, Shakespeare and Camp
bell could have ascertained the facts.
Woman is the masterpiece. Confu
cius. Shakespeare has no heroes, only hero
ines. Ruskln.
Women teach us repose, civility and
dignity. Voltaire.
Woman is the most perfect when, the
most womanly. Gladstone.
If woman lost Eden, such as she
alone can restore It Whlttler.
There is a woman at the beginning
of all great things. Lamartlne.
Woman is last at the cross and ear
nest at the grave. E. S. Barrett
A handsome woman Is a Jewel; a
good woman Is a treasure, SanldL
The sweetest thing in life is the un
clouded welcome of a wife. N. P. Wil
11s. For where is any author In the world
who teaches such beauty as a woman's
eyes ? Shakespeare.
Heaven has nothing ' more tender
than a woman's heart when it is the
abode of pity. Luther.
"Anglo-Saxon EnglUh."
There is ao old fallacy that Anglo
Saxon words are the best. The fallacy
Is based on the belief that words of
Anglo-Saxon origin are more simple
and vigorous than those derived from
Latin. In point of fact, some Anglo
Baxqn words are obscure and long, and
many of our commonest, moBt simple
words are from the Latin. The Lon
don News tells a story in point
A barrister more remarkable for the
vigor of his address to Juries than for
his learning was commenting on the
proceeding of the other party in a case
under trial.
"I do not know what gloss my
learned friend is going to put upon this
matter, but I will not mince my words.
I denounce It In plain, downright Anglo-Saxon
as a nefarious transaction."
Bavlr Mention of Niagara Falla.
The first historical notices of Niagara
tails are given in Lescarbofa record of
the second voyage of Jacques Cartler,
in the year 1085. ; On the maps pub
lished to Illustrate Champlaln's discov
eries (date of maps either 1613 or 1614)
the falls are indicated by a cross, but
no description of the wonderful cata
ract Is given, and the best geograph
ical authorities living today doubt if
the 'explorer mentioned ever saw the
falls, Brluton's work to the contrary
notwithstanding. Father Hennepin Is
believed to have written the first de
scription of the falls that was ever
penned by one who had personally vis
ited the spot.
Solemn Warning.
Uncle Archie Have you formed a
pinion as to the cause of Colonel lliv
n's suicide?
Tom Yes, sir remorse. His noptu"
needed money, and the wealthy unci
failed to advance It. The result was
that the unhappy young man ran awaj
and was never heard of afterward
iCanaas City Journal.
JJLb 11
Unless they are, good health is impossible-
Every drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes. Sound
kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY b KIDNE Y
CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of tne
many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned.
Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Bright's Disease,
and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine
in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your
kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright s Disease
or Diabetes develops.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and
Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results.
If You are a sufferer, take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once. It will make you well.
Had Lumbago and Kidney Trouble
Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury,Mo., writes:
"I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a sufferer from
lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no
relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use of
three bottles I am cured."
Some Pronounced Incurable
Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111., writes: "FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE is meeting with wonderful success. It has cured
some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am
able to testify to its merits. My face today is a living picture of health
and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made it such."
Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00.
CHARA1AN & CO., Oregon City, Ore.
Ootntr Too Far.
Mr. Bo (Tin I read In the paper that a
woman. In looking after another wom
an to ace what she had on, fell out ot
Mr. Roffln-Well, that only goes tc
now that some women In trying to fol
low the fashions can go too far. Illus
tested Bits.
There 1b more Catarrh In this section of the
country than ail other diseases put together, and
until the last few years was supposed to be in
curable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, had by constantly failing to cure with
looal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci
ence has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and, therfore requires conititutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnre, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney Co. Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.
Ir acts directly on the blood and muoous surfaces
of the system. They offer one one hundred dol
lars for any case it fails to cure . Send for circu
lars and testimonials. Address
F.J.OHENEK &CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by PrugKists. 76o. 1
Hall's Family Pills ate the best'
Not Docmed for Life.
"I was treatfd for tree years by aooti
doctors," writes W. A. Greer, Mo Oon
nellsville, 0., ''for Piles, and Fitnla,
but, when all failed, Bucklen's A nica
Salve cured me in two weeks." - Cvirei
Burns, Bruises. Outs, Corns, Sorts,
Eruption, Salt Rneum, Piles or no pay.
25 cents at G. A. Haidinit'a drug store.
Foley's KisSnvy Cure
wakes kidneys and bladder r:ji:i.
21 Years a Dyspeptic.
K. H. Foster, 318 S 2d ht.. Salt Lake City, writes:
'1 have be en bothered with dyspepsia or Indiges
'lion for 21 yean; tiled many doctors without re
lief; recently I got a bottle of Herblne. One bot-r
tie cured me, I am now tapering offonthesec
ond 1 have recommended it to my friends; it is
curing them, too." 60c at Charman & Co.'s.
Choicest Meats
R. PetZOldS Meat Market
Easily Recognized and Easily Cm ed, as
Many Oregon City Folks Know.
You've had a cold , so has everyboky.
Did it ever settle in your back
In the "small"' just over the hips?
Stay there, with a steady ache,
Make life miserable?
That's a "Kidney Cold"
You can stop it.
H.R. McCarver, of 291 Cherry St.,
Portland, inspector of freight for the
Trans-Continental Co , a man who is
well known among the railroaders of
Portland, says; "Doan's Kidney Pills
are among the few patent remedies
which do all that is claimed tor tnem,
and they have my thorough confidence.
I used them for headache and other
ver- marked symptoms of kidney troub
le which bad annoyed me for months.
I think a cold was lesponsiblefor the
whole trouble. It seemed to settle in
my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills root
ed it out. It is several months since I
used them and up to date there has been
no recurrence of the trouble. I have
recommended them to a number of the
boys about the freight bouse and I know
if they give them a fair trial they cer
tainly must have been pleased with the
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call atC. Q. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what his cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co. '
Hemembei the name Doan's and take
no other.
To bo distributed among subscribers to tbe
Cincinnati Daily Enquirer in November, 1903.
On Tuesday the 3d day of November, 1903, there will be a state elec
tion at which a Governor of Ohio will be voted for. To stimulate interest
in this election, the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer ha set aside $10,000. This
will be distributed, according to the schedule annexed, among the subscrib
ers on and after this date .until the close of the contest, who estimate nearest
the vote which will be cast for the office of Governor of Ohio. The num-
ber of the total votes cast for the office of Governor will be determined as
! final and conclusive by the official certificate of the Secretary of State.
To the one making' the nearest correct estimate of the
' exact total of the vote for the office of Governor of Ohio. $5,000.00
To the Second Nearest. 2,500.00
To the Third Nearest 1,000.00
To the Fourth Nearest 600.00
To the Fifth Nearest 250.00
To the Sixth Nearest 200.00
To the Seventh Nearest 150.00
To the Eighth Nearest 125.00
To the Ninth Nearest 100,00
To the Tenth Nearest 75.00
To the Eleventh Nearest 50.00
1 To the Twelfth Nearest 25.00
To the Thirteenth Nearest io.uu
To the Fourteenth Nearest 10-OQ
In all fourteen premiums amounting to $10,000.00
If there Is a tie In the estimate of two or more persons for any one
Of the prizes, the amount thereof will be equally divided.
of Fruits . . . .
Always carried in stock
by A. Robertson, the up-to-date
groeer. weeten
ycur life with ourstraw
berrics and cherries.
Finest and freshest in
groceries. All staple
Goods. e. are alter
your trade Our pricer
are right.
A. Robertson,
Tbe 7th Street Orocer.
Daily River Excursions
Devoured by Worms.
Children often ory, not from pln, but from
hunger, although led abundantly. The entire
trouble arises from Inanition, their food is not
assimilated, but devoured by worms. A few
doses ot White's Cream Vermifuge will came
them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once,
very much to ih surprise and joy of the mother.
26o at Ch'irmau 4 Co. a.
Stomaoh Trouble.
"I have been troubled with my atom
acb lor the past four years.', says D. Li
Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield.
Mass. "A few days ago I was induced
to bay box of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of
them and feel a great deal better." If
you have any trouble with your stom
ach try a bos of these Tablets. You are
certain to be pleased with the result.
Price 25 cents. For sale by G. &..
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
istipated? Tongue coated?
, your liver ! Aycr's Pills
; liver pills; they cure dys-
vpsia, biliousness.
25c. All druggists.
Occasionally one meets an IndtvMuf
to grouchy that ta. teems to think li
would be nrn'sted for burglary if U
rpk into a smll.. Ohio Stn:c Jourtv
Want your imusl:n-he or tward a beautiful
brown or l U'li bliu'k? Thru tua
BUCKINGHAM'S D'Ewhishifer,
Coffins, Caskets, Robes,
and all undertaker's sup
plies at reasonable prices.
1883 718,168
1885 731,810
1887 744,150
1689 775,52ft
1891 795,831
1893 8)S3,658
1895 837,460
1897 854,084
1890 908,150
1801 81,5M
$1.50 for a month's subscription entitle! to one estimate.
For estimate blanks and full particulars, see Daily or Weekly Enquirer.
Address all estimates and communications to
St. w. cole,
I Whiskies.
. "d Cigars
Leaves Portland
8 30 A. M.
11 30 " ,
3 00 P. M.'
6 15 "
Leaves Oregon City
7 00 A. Ml
10 00 " ,
1 20 P. M
4 30 "
No Way Landings
Oregon City Transportation Co.
Subject to chance without notice '
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed
Some tmous Old brands t
James E Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
OldRoxburv Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main &t
Best Place
on Eartlii
For wagons, buggies, har
ness and all lines of farm
If you do not eat at George Bros. Restaurant
you are not getting best value fory our money
Good service guaranteed, hite ccoks and white
waiters. Everything clean. Board $3.50 week.
JCSSE GEORGE. Proprietor
Do not be deceived by those whoaoV
vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for
f 20.00. This kind of a machine can
be bought from us or any of our
dealers from f 15.00 to $18.00.
The Feed determines the strength or
weakness of Sewing Machines. The
uouoie eea comDinea wiin otner
strong points makes the Aew Home
showing the dif
ferent styles of
we manufacture and prices before purchasing
18 Union Sq. N. Chicago, IU., Atlanta, Qa,
BL Loui,Mo., Dallas.Tex., San Francisco, Oal
C. S. CRANE, Agent,
350 Morrison St., PORTLAN'D,ORE
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 years. Averse Annual Sale? otr One and a Ka!f ?SMyn
Lnck-! with every DOttfe s - Tv ,-. vr;e of CrO"? v H,cs Liver PU.
'TOJtlTOSJTK'r? 7'". . . . . r-'Wf" ."""TV