OREGON, CITY . .COURIER, FRIDAY, , SEPTMBER 4 1903. 11 0 Beginning this minute The futuie can be your own. Results are never in doubt when you attend our school. We educate you for praclical business and insist in getting you a posi tion when competent. All our graauates are employed. There are not enough to satisfy the demand. Splendid equipment. Up-to-date methods. Sit right down today and write for catalogue. BetoMatter Business College PORTLAND, OREQON. B-Beleiving that the Smith Premier is the most popular typewriter on the Pacific Coast we have purchased 25 machines for our new school. CLIflATIC CONDITIONS mm Mege tabic Preparationfor As similating thcfoodandRegula ling the S lomachs andBowels of Immediate t Mil Immediate Relief : and there is not a case of piles in existence that cannot be quickly anil permanently cured bv Perrin'a Pile Sptcifie. You tnke it that's all. New price One Dollar a bottle at your drugisis , If he hasn't it write to Di . Perrin Medical Co., Helena, Mont. New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN 1 JOBBING AND REPAIRING a pecialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine lior Mineral. Not Narcotic. Xeape oT'OldXtSAMVIZPlTCBKa flmjtm SttJ' Mx.Sennm JtodulUSJ- ' Anist Sefd Jjppermint -Hi CarionatSoJm WtmSud- Cfanfud Sugar irwt tlarw. Aperfect Remedy forConsfioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jevensh oess and Loss OF SLEEE facsimile Signature of VTEW YORK. EXACT COPY OT WRAPPEB. MlMi ball 'for Infanta and Children. the" Kind Voir Have Always Bought Bea Signi Which Have During the Past Week, Prevailed Over Oregon mw Use v For Over . Thirty Years THC CCNTAUH COMPANY, NCW TORN CITT. 7 T We Want Your Trade at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce ments to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto. NORTHERN PACIFIC 3 NORTHERN PACIFIC OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY mwm www mmm m wrT m. 2 Daily, Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin Cities 2 MINNEAPOLIS AND PAUL 1 -OVERLAND TRAIN DAILY-J VIA THE ......northern Pacifier-Burlington Route TO Denver, Lincoln, Neb.; Omaha. Neb.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Kansas Gty; St. Louis, and all Points East and Southeast. Only Direct Line to the Famous Vellostone national Part Your Baggage Can be Checked Through to Destination. Union Depot Connections The only Reliable "Pioneer Dining Car Ltoe TRY THE "North Coast Limited" ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC FANS THE CRACK TRAIN OF THE NORTHWEST A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portland, Ore, Good Rains fell daring the first of the week id all sections of the State, aDd last Saturday local rains occurred in the Willamette valley and coast co nties The rains were quite heavy in the east ern sections on the 25ih and 26th, but although tliev interfered with harvest ing and threBhiDg, tbey did no material damage to the grain in shock. In the Willamette valley the rains and cloudy weatbercaused an increase of lice and mold in the bop yards, but no great amount of damage has yet occurred Hop picking bas commenced, and it will become general this week. The conch t una no seemed settled, with good prospects for at least two ur three days of clear and warm weather, which will insure a good start in harvesting the hop crop. Wheat, oats and barley have nearlv all been cut, and threshing is well ad vanced. The yields continue to turn out satisfactory, and the farmers are buoy hauling the crop to the ware houses . Potatoes, corn and other minor crops are doing nicely. Stock is in excellent condition for the season of the year, and the flow of milk in the dairy districts is exceptionally good. The third crop of alfalfa is being cut, with average yields. Apples and prunes continue to drop, as usual at this season of the year, but there is enough fruit left on the trees to give large yields of prunes, and it is be lieved a good crop of apples will be har vested. The prune harvest will begin in about two weens. Evergreen black berries are plentiful in the markets. Willamette Valley The general ef fact of the weather, owing to heavy rains, has been bad on grain crops. Oats are sprouting in the shock anil all straw will be badly discolored. Corn crops, gardens and roots have been much bene, fated ; pastures are also responding and clover is making good growth ; sum . aphis tare appearing on late oats; bop picking is in progress; considerable fly an 1 some mold are reported by the, growers whose pUces are on bottom land; ii 'general, however, the burr's maturin well and gives indications of rich quality. The fruit crop will be be low the average. Coast District Week cool and cloudy with showers sufficient to moisten the ground thoroughly : all crops progress ing, but ripening Blow! v ; Evergreen j minIster ui&UKuerritfB turn ijuguu uBmea n iuii crop; apples light and of poor quality. (Southern Oregon Fair and cooler weather during the week; potatoes, cirri and tomatoes doing- well; berries are nearly gone ; melons are now in or der ; the rivers and creeks ate quite low and pastures are drying up. Columbia Eiver Valley Fore part of week rainy latter part fine ; thresh ing well under way ; both fall and spring wheat yielding well, and as a general rule much better than expected Defore threshing Plateau Region Good rains first of week; haying about all done; average crop of wild bay ; timothy extra good ; stock looking well. Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. " Men of oak " are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to Jay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy constitution. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. SOo. and $I.OOi all druggists. Short Frarera. According to the Philadelphia Rec ord, three Methodist ministers, as they were dining together the other day. talked about short prayers. "A prayer short as it was irreverent," snid the first, "was offered m by a soldier'be fore the battle of Waterloo. It was this, '0 God, if there be a God, save my soul if I have a soul.' " "That prayer," said the second minister, "reseaiblod one composed by Bishop Attorbury In the early part of the eighteenth centu ry. It was a prayer for the soldiers about to engage In battle, and It was brief and Impressive. '0 God, it rnn. If, in the day of battle, I forget thee. do not thou forget me.'" The third after a moment of thought. smiled and said: "When I was a lad I one day dined with two stranger aunts. They.net me at the head of the table and bade me say a grace. I was taken aback, for '. knew no grace to say, but a text popped into my mind, I rattled It off, and after it was"bver I realized that it was appropriate enough, ft was, 'O Lord, open thou our Hps, and our mouths shall show forth thy praise.' " What Is Life? ' In the last analysis nobody knows,but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain re sults. Irregular living means derange ment oi the organs, resulting in Consti pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It is gentle, yet ihorough. Only 25 cents at G. A. Harding's drug store. A Wild Dock Preserve. . A number of rhlladelphlans are en deavoring apparently to monopolize tbfi duck shooting in Elslnboro, near Sa lem, N. J., this season, as the Taylor farm, purchased by a syndicate, Is now being made Into a duck preserve, says the Philadelphia Tress. This Is the only artificial preserve of its kind in the state and is a desirable location. Wild celery, oats and other feeds have been planted, and hundreds of tame ducks of the mallard variety are being raised as decoys. The Train tor Comfort is the famous Nortb We&tcrn Limited Every night In the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago via The shortline between these three great cities. Before iterdn? on i trip no matter where write tor Interesting Information about com fortable traveling T.W.TEASDALE, General Passenger Agent, St Paul, Minn. Corvallis and Eastern Railraod TIME CARD NO, 33. No. 2 For Yaquina Leaves Albany 12:45 p.m. " Corvillis 1:60 p. m. Arrives Yaqjiine 6:35 p. u. No. 1 Ret irning: Leaves Yaqnina 7 :30 a. m. Leaves Corvallis 11 :30 a. m, Arrives Albany 12.15 P. m. No. 3 For Detroit : Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m, Arrives Detroit..., 12:20 p. u. No. 4 from De'roit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives Albany 6:55 p. m. Train No l arrives in Albany in time to connect with the 8. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of 8. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P trains atCorvalli and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and other mom tain resorts leaves Albanv at 7 :00 a. m , reaching Detroit about noon, giving ample time to reach the Springs the same dy. For further information apply to Enwi firosi, Managers T. Cockrsll, Agent Albany. H. H. CaoNrSi, Agent Corvallis. Foley's Honey ad Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE IS A HEALTH BRINGER. ANU '.fTbU in rriAMnr tiff-i I Liu THE SCENIC LlNE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, and the Famoj Rocky Mountain Scenery and by Daylight to all points east. 3 feat ttalffij Mi ktsesaOijiso wiBsaiei Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service ' StOBOPtri HHeuntA J For rates, folders and other f W. C. McBPlDE, Information address 42 1 Third Street, Portland, Ori THEGKANGE Conducted ky J. V. D ARROW, CtorT(tpodnt- JVeep YorH Stott QratiQt HON. GEORGE S. LADD. Master of the Mnanahuaetta State Grange. George S. Ladd, mnster of Massachn- setts state grange, has been' a faithful worker In the grange for many years, being a charter member of Sturbridge I (Mass.) grange. He was deputy many j years, then state lecturer four years ' and in December, 1901, was elected mnster of the state grange. He has al ways advocated better ritualistic work j HON. GEORGE 8. LADD. and several years ago originated tab leaux for the first four degrees, which are extensively used In Massachusetts. Mr. Ladd was born in Sturbridge, Mass., where he has lived all his life, lie has been honored by his town with toany important offices, and in Novem ber, 1002, he was elected to represent his district in the state legislature. The County Deputy. From an article in the Itural New Yorker by J. V. Durrow we make the following extract: The growth of the Order of Tatrons of Husbandry depends very largely on the efficiency of the work performed by the county deputies. This Is one of the most Important positions In the Order, and the best men In each coun ty, the best organizers, the most Influ ential and energetic, the ablest in men tal equipment, should be chosen as dep uties. Much depends on the grange getting the right start, and without a' althful, intelligent and hard working deputy thus to start it the chances are that It will have a puny, weakly growth. No grange should be organ ized and then left alone "to work out Its own salvation." The wise deputy will make frequent visits upon It for Instruction and to help in various ways. Once started right. Its progre' will be easier and surer. Ohio's Co-opera (We Department. The Ohio state grange co-operatlv' department Is a live institution. Prizes were offered by that grange for the four subordinate granges whose pur chases were greatest during the year. What they did is an index of what the trade of the granges of Ohio Is worth or would be worth did very grange make so good a use of the op portunity offered through this depart ment tis these four granges have made the past year. The combined purchases of tlicsf four granges amounted to $15.yl!J.17, the average of which would bo $.J.s:7.2!). There are more than 400 granges in Ohio, KtipKse 400 of them had each itvcraged $3,000 worth of trade orders for our financial agent to contract for last year-$1,200,000 worth of business. This would make the Ohio state grange trade worth contracting to supply, iu the opinion of tho Ohio Farmer. The Granire a Tearher. Elbert Hubbard fays. "The teacher Is one who wakes two Ideas grow where there was only one before." If his definition Is eorreet the iriuige must come near being a teacher of men. The benefit we derive from a (range meeting Is not so much the number of abstract facts we pick up from the discussions as it Is In the Im pulse It gives ns to think for ourselves. Anything which will crack our shell of Indifference and mediocrity and set ns thinking for ourselves is worth while. It Is not necessary that we ac cept as gospel all the statements we bear In the grange meeting. If It make us think we will be able to sift th wheat from tbe chaff, and it will prevent w getting Into a rut and will all the time lead ns toward ultimate trnUv-G. A- F. Gruren student. Michigan state grange has adopted amet "Practical Agriculture" as a , textbook for lecture work during the resent year. Tbe lecturer of the state grange will bare the cooperation of j the profemors and teachers of agricul ture at tne Michigan Bute Agricultur al college lu assisting In presenting t subjects of the several chapU;. m t' the granges may obtain the most pr tlcal taloe possible from the use tbe book. Two hundred and twen three copies of the textbook used la year were sent to subordinate granges Jn that state, and a much larger num ber will probably be called for. Thus are slowly forming the habits of ttndv In the farm home. The average cost of grange Insurance In New York state per thousand for three years Is $J.74. The average smount carried for three years Is $08,- v