Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, August 28, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Weiduer-Steiner Nuptials.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, "and -which has been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of
and has been made under his per-
tV j?7- sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The CLildren's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tie KM You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A pretty wedding was solomized
Thursday August 20th., when Elizabeth
Weidper was united in marriage to
Frederick Steiner. The ceremony was
preformed at the residence of Jacob
Weidner in the presence of , a large
ri urn tier 01 irienus uy xmjv. umir, patui
of the German Congregational church
of Beaver Creek. The bride's maid
was Miss Louise Steiner siner, 01 tne
oronm. Fred noizman 01 Vjiiuuv auiou
as best man. The bride was arrayed in
a gown of dove coioren silk elaborately
trimmed with white satin, and carried
a shower bouquet of beautiful white
rose buds.
The room was decorated with roses
and sweet peas. After the ceremony a
sumptions wedding dinner was served.
in the evening me young inenus ui ma
bride and groom gathered mere ano
made things interesting in 'the us al
wav . . ....
Mr. Steiner having introduced bis
bride to the company invited them in
to partake ot the refreshments prepare !
in anticipation of their coming. It is
hardly necessary to add that the even
ing was deligh tf ully spent and the com
pany at their departure wished the
young couple happiness in their new
Keen Competition.
There will be keen competition between
the different counties in this state, mak
ing county exhibits at the state fair this
fall. There will be no less than eight
counties competing for the diflarent
prizes, which will make the greatest
show of agricultural and horticultural
products ever seen in this state. Most
of these exhibits will be taken to St.
Louis in 1904 to advertise Oregon s re
sources, and we predict that Oregon will
have the hnest display she has ever
made at any exposition.
We Want Your Trade
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce
ments to close buyers
Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
AH goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed
this Iffinuk
Some famous Old brands :
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
OldRoxbury Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St
The future can be your own
Results are nevsr in doubt when
you attend our school. We
educate you for praclical business
and insist in getting you a posi
tion when competent. All our
eraauates are employed. There
are not enough to satisfy the
demand. '
Splendid equipment. Up-to-
date methods. ' Sit right down
today and write for catalogue.
BehnMatter Business College
Bf-Beleivine that the Smith
Premier is the most popular typewriter
on the Pacific Coast we have purchased
25 machines for our new school.
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
- The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured. '
. . M . 1. A
E. L. JOHNSON, Barcer, ayem.
Coast Limited
with its Electric Lights, Elec
tric Fans, Elegant Observation
Car, Barber Shop, Bath Room,
Library, Pullman a'nd Tourist
Sleeping Cars, and you will
krtow whv the above cut rep
resents "the Sign of the Best"
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
255 Morrison St., Or. Third,
Champ Dart's Letter.
Continued from paga six.
Z82 K.eeley
Chicago, Ii
ll., Oct,, 2, 1902.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try I knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for niehstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
For advice in cases requiring
special directions, mtdress. giving
symptoms; "The Ladies' Advisory
department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
among the Republican Jayhawkers at
an early date.
New Trusts.
Notwithstanding the decision of
Judge Amos M. Thayer of the United
States circuit court of appeals In the
railroad merger cases, which many
overcredulous people thought settled
the trust question, the trusts, like John
Brown's soul, go forever marching on.
Indeed, new ones are constantly form
ing. The following dispatch, published
in the Oregon Dally Journal of Tort
land, Ore., shows that something is do
ing among the trusts on the Pacific
JuJ"wyki'ti iitf mil
Immediate j
Relief :
and there is not a case of piles
in existence that cannot De
auickly and permanently cured
-1 J . , ml. -- - -it:
bvftrrin a nit sprom-
You take it that's all. New
price One Dollar a bottle ai.
vonr drugKis'- Al ne na8U v l
write to
D; . Perrin Medical Co.,
Helena, Mont.
m 1 h m
San Francisco, July 2G.A colossal deal
which Is of the greatest Importance to
the Pacific coast In general and of tha
northwest In particular Is announced today.
At last a gigantic deal has been con
summated by Frederick Weyerhauser, E.
H. Harriman, T. B. Walker and Jacob
Blodsrett. who have Joined forces with
James J. Hill, president of the Great
Northern, and through this combination
these persons will practically control the
entire production of coast lumDer.
E. W. Eberlin, their agent, took uie
government figures for all timber now
standing on the Racine slope ana Douifnt
through agents until now these five men
with minor associates hold the vast west
ern lumber market In their hands. Wcyar-
hauser was the means of getting Harri
man and Hill together on the deal.
E. H. Harriman s lands go into tne
combine with the provision to protect the
company's creditors which are pledged
as Southern Pacific creditors.
The following dispatch, from the
Evening Telegram of Portland, Ore.,
tells of the formation of still another
gigantic trust in still another necessary
of life:
San Francisco. July 24. Another step
in the formation of a trust to control the
coal supply on this coast was taken yes
terday when the Western Fuel company
was appointed wholesale distributer for
the Beaver-Hill Coal company. This
means that the Western Fuel company
now controls the output of tho Beaver-
Hlll mines in Oregon and that the retailer
will henceforth be compelled to pay for
the coal such prices as the Western Fuel
company may dictate.
The Western Fuel company now is a
merger of four different companies, n
was formed six months ago, when tnree
local coal companies pooled their Interests
and issued stock. The companies which
combined were the John Rosenfeld & Sons
company, G. C. Wilson & Co. and John U
Howard, and the mines controlled by the
company were those owned by the Rosen
felds at Nanalmo. The Beaver-Hill Coal
company owns mines near Coos Bay, Ore.
John D. Spreckels Is the president 01 me
company and W. G. Stafford has been
the distributing agent in this city. Tho
company operates the steamer Caarlna,
and the bunkers are located at Howard
street wharf No. 2.
RemarkabliFeatof mountain Climb.
Ing by S. S. Mohler.
On the ninth dav of Aueuat S. S.
Mohler of this city performed a moet re
markable feat of mountain climbing. In
the morning at seven o'clock he left his
camp at the snowbanks near the foot of
tne mountain. He was in his shirt
leeves and wore a pair of iuht tennis
shoes, and carried a uine-foot pole on
which to unfurl a flag when he reached
the top. For six hours he dumb, the
tour d force being the scaling of the
pinnacle, about 500 feet in heitrht
and eo steep that snow will not
stick to it, the pitch of the same being
about iU degrees.
In tact, the awful clinb differed hut
little from m-junting the roof a colossal
skyscraper. And indeed colossal is this
Mount Jefleraon sky-scraper. When he
reached the crett of the pinnacle, Mr. '
Mohler straddled it and looked over on
the other side, expecting to lwok down
into the gigantic cavity of a dead crater.
He saw only the steep mountain flank
on the other side. Southward he count
ed eight snowpea'ks and nMthward six.
J he panorama ot eastern and western
Oregon lay before him. For the want
of a patriotic emblem more appropriate,
he unfurled one of Charles Howard's
flour sacks to the thin air, and began
the painful descent, as full of toil and
peril as the ascent.
The snow and ice covering the bulk of
Mt. Jefferson is cut up bydeepcreva ses
running in eve y direction and slidina-
don is entirely out of the question.
immense, yawnin; ice caves, some
many acres in extent, emit steasi, being
a reminder of the latent volcanic forces
which threw out the lava of a dirtv red
color of which a large part of the moun
toi n is composed and which lies scatter
ed in every direction for mjles The
only evidence that a human foot had
eve. preceded his on the lofty perch
which he reached, if it really was one,
wan two half finished flint arrow heads.
If Mt. Jefferson were formed of solid
material, climbing it would be far less
dangerous and difficult. Aa it is. the
foot slideB and slips on the loose pieces
of nek scattered everywhere, in some
placeB many feei deep on top of the
snow, and daily large quantities of them
rattle dowu to i he base of the mountain.
It is up to the boldest of the Mazaraaa
to follow Sidney Mohlet up Mt Jefferson,
to replace his flag with a sack from
another brand of flour.
"As the
Crow Flies"
The shortest line between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Chicago is
the route of the famous
- North
Western Limited
"The Train for Comfort"
Every night in the year.
Before starting on a trip no matter where
write for Interesting information about com -fortable
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
n vo
: the tormulft is plainly vr luted on erery
bottle showing tbat it ii simply Iron and Quinine
n taalelassform. .No (Jure. No fay. aoo.
AbouT. Upton.
Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable
FincRigstoLct at ReasonablePrices
D. R. DIIrTnCK, Manager, wveA
oiEEG-oiisr omr, obegoh
Oregon Citij Macbine&hoj)
Having First-class Machinery
' Doing First-class Work
Keeps in Stock a Line Shafting and Pulleys, New and Second
Hand. Also Engine and Saw Mill Machinery
atSsrSin GRAN
it ii
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs
Denver, and the Famois Rocky . Mountain Scenery
and by Daylight to all points east.
3 ks tt&lna My ktmnOi&o osd Bsaiei
! Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist
Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service
For rates, folders and other
Information address
Stopovers JWowed
1 Bi
42i Third Street, Portland, Ore
Those who are gaining flesh
and strength by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
In hot weather; smaller dose
and a little cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which is attached to fatty pro
ducts during the heated
Send for free sample,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chembts,
409-415 Pearl Street, New York.
50c. and $1.00 1 all druggists.
Bun tht ? ttB KM You Have Always I
Corvallis and
Eastern Railraod
Abou T. LiptoD (may his tribe in
Awoke one night from a deep dream of
peace 1
And faw an angel with a fountain pen
Scribbling upon a sheet of foolscap.
Regaining hif) composure, Tom sat up
And asked the angelic one to have a
Of bia best tea. The angel shook his
"I'm on the water wagon now," he Baid
AbouT. Lipton waved his hand; "I
But, by the way, what writest thou?" '
said he.
The heavenly vision answered, "Well, I
write - '
Here on this little sheet, in black and
The man whose' boat will get the need
ed place
The winner in the coming yacht race."
The gallant Lipton brightened up,
' Pray tell,"
He queried, "does the name begin with
"I'm eorry," said his guest. "It is a
But as things stand, I cannot write your
T. Lipton made reply, "Would I were
But put me down as one who nBver
quit I"
The angel wrote and vanished. The
next night
He called on Tom again, but not to
Said he, "I have ou this large, hand
some chart
(A fine example of the engraver's art,
The names of some true sportsmen
just the best,"
Ana 10, 1, Tipton's name leu all the
. M.
, li.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
No. 2 For Yaquina
Leaves Albany 12:40 r
" Corvillis 1:50 p.
Arrives Yaquine 6:35 p.
No. 1 Ketirning:
Leaves Yaquina T.SU a,
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 A,
Arrives Albany 12 .15 p. m.
No. 3 For Detroit :
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m,
Arrives Detroit 12 :20 p. m.
No. 4 from De'roit:
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m.
Arrives Albany..... 5:55 p. m.
Train No l arrives in Albany in time
to connect with the 8. P. south bound
train, as well as giving two or three
hours in Albany before departure of 8.
P. north bound train. '
Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P.
trains atOorvalli and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent
beaches. ' .:
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaVes Albany
at 7:00 a. m.. reaching Detroit about
noon, giving ample time to reach the
Springs the same day.
For further information apply to
Edwin 8ton,
' Manager,
T. Cockbexl, Agent Albany. ' 1 '"
H. H. Cbonisi, Agent Corvallis.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Cc.
your Strength
a pleasant potent, and permanent mvigorator ior wvjw
P '-hime to C R Johnson.
Uswego: iu.
F 8 Nortlirup to E A Johnson, lot 16 hlk
1 lot 10 1 aau 10 oik Oswego :
$20. 6 '
F B Riiey to E A Johnson, lots 5 and
6, blk 31 Oswego; $75.
R Kelland to C W Kelland et al. 115
aces in M Brown Co 3-1 e: 10.
W T Bm.th to 8 8miih, 62 acres of lots 1
and 2 sec 3, 4-3 e: $260.
Wm Blount to R L Sabine, se of seo 88
we; muu.
A Blair etal ti A E Nicholson e of
clm 45 6-Je; $200. "
J P Menafee to W J Llddell, part of lot
4 Pleasant Hfll park ; $1.
J W Meldrun to N 8laden 7 acrs In
Rinearson c 2-2 e : $1200.
WA Hedges to A 0 Oamdy.se of ne and
ne 01 se 01 se 00, z e ; $350.
AMTaylortoTHartwein.se of le of
sec 21 4-3 e; uo. ,
E Hlcenbothora to 0 Hicenbotbom,
ui k u iuuio, t.ana 0 sec wt nw of
nw and lots 4, 6 and 9 of sec 15, 3-3 e ;
J B Yoder to R L 8tewart, 72 acre In
se of sec 6, 6-1 e ; $4500.
J R Lewis to J A BelUer, n of ne and
e'A pf nw of tec 22 4-4 e r $1. 1
J Ball to D W Feeby, 'A ot 5 acres In sec
o z-z e. tzzo.
' A Beers to D W Clark, ne of se of sec 6
z-2 e;
M Limlorf to ii Wills part of Kellogg
din 2 2 e; $000. "
E F Riley 10 J M Hnyder lor- C! 02, CD
7 and HOMilwauMe; $1100. '
J Cansll 10 A Cabell, putt of lilk 3 Ore
gon Cilv; $1000.
0 Kutier to W J pw;ll, 21 aeiea in sec
31 M e! $25il.
F M Kreidriok to T Brodger, lots 3 and
4 blk 3 Weslynn; $iH).
Law. tar