Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, August 28, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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- 1 - 'ii MiiiliiirtfTiH-'inr-iTf if-r -'w r-tmwi iirr i n-ifcni wii
Mitrli I Wii
$ Democratic Prospects Are
Bright In Many Western
Sta.te irthHHhhKrtttKrtriMr
it ft a it
l.Sul LZH Li No..
Special- Cora poadwice.
ECENTLX I have been on a
lecture tour to the Pacific
coast, .and my observations
make me believe that Democ
racy Is once more on the up grade
throughout the Eocky mountain and
coast states, a fact by reason of which
good Democrats will rejoice every
where. In Colorado the efforts of the Repub
licans to steal the seat In the senate of
that illustrious patriot and statesman
Henry M. Teller have left a bad tastd"
in the mouths of hones't folks of all
shades of political belief an,d have
given the Republican machine in the
Centennial State a severe if not fatal
Jolt. The strange antijes of Governor
' Peabody have split tho Republican
party of Colorado in twain and give
the fusionists a fine opportunity to re
deem the state. Consequently they are
not disheartened by their defeat last
year, but are already lining up for the
great contest of 1904.
I In Utah Democrats are taking heart,
and confidently expect to swing that
young state into the Democratic col-j
jumn at the next election. J
In Nevada we have the governor and I
other state officers, the representative
In congress, the legislature and one;
iTJnlted States senator. The Democrats j
of Nevada are waiting impatiently for i
the next election of a senator of the
lUnited States so that they can retire
f'Santa Claus" Stewart to the shades of
private life. He would not have been
elected the last time if he had not pre
tended that he was a bettor silver man
ithan Francis G. Ncwlands. Soon after
he was re-elected he went back to the
Republicans bag and baggage, horse,
toot and dragoons. "Ichabod" is in
scribed above his senatorial habitation,
i and his finish can be easily foretold.
Francis G. Newlands.
I The most prominent man in Nevada
today is Francis G. Newlands, who,
after ten years of distinguished serv
ice in the house, on the ,4th of last
March succeeded Hon. John P. Jones
In the senate of the United States,
Where he will cut a wide swath. He
la the father of the Newlands irrigation
law, a fact which has endeared him
to the population of the arid region.
President Roosevelt did Newlands and
others a rank injustice by stating that
Mr. Mondell of Wyoming deserved the
lion's share of the credit for passing
the Irrigation bill, and that Mr. Reed
er of Kansas, whom he was pleased to
denominate as "Irrigation BUI Reeder,"
iwas second only to Mondell. I would
not detract fronthe Just fame of Mon
dell or Reeder in tho estimation of a
hair they are good men and did what
,they could; so did many others but
the truth should be told though the
hoavens fall, and It Is this: The men
Who deserve the most credit for the
Irrigation scheme are Frauds G. New
lands of Nevada and John C. Bell and
'John Shafroth of Colorado. Others
Bided them In nn able manner, but
ithey were the head and front of the
enterprise, and were so recoguized by
everybody conversant with the facts,
lble, insistent In season and out of
season, vigilant, tactful, courageous,
harmonious, they won what five years
ago seemed a hopeless tight, and should
have their due mead of praise. Presi
dent Roosevelt has the ear of the coun
try, and his praise nn doubt helped
Mondell, while the nickname he be
stowed upon the Kan win of "Irrigation
Bill Reeder" made that brawny states
man's political fortune, being a thing
that will stick. Newlunds, Bell and
Shafroth are the uieh who led the
movement to a successful conclusion.
Everywhere In California I found
the Democrats In fighting trim. Last
year they came within a few hundred
ivoteg of electing a governor and took
throe representatives lu congress away
from the Republicans. The truth la
that had the ballots been counted ac
cording to the Intention of the voters
the Democratic candidate for governor
would have been elected, but by reason
of some peculiarity In marking the bal
lots enough Democratic ballots were
thrown out to give the election to the
Republican candidate, with whom there
Is now great dissatisfaction among the
Republicans. Therefore the Demo
crats are anxious to get at them ugaln,
feeling confident that they will In tho
next beat pull under the string winners
by at least a neck.
At IOS Angeles I addressed the Iro
quois club, and 1 never saw a more en
thusiastic set of Democrats.
Those who count the electoral vote
of California certainly In the Republic
an column next year reckon without
their host Party lines rest loosely
nnd lightly upon Californlans, and the
Democrats are us apt to carry the state
as not.
Everybody knows that Oregon Is Re
publican by about 10,000 majority;
nevertheless she has a most excellent
Democratic governor In the person of
that splendid citizen lion. George K.
Chamberlain, who amiears to bear a
I'UMIIill'll nil" J " 'III n .i ii, nini in' kr
a veritable Democratic mascot. When- !
ever things political In Oregon get so !
bad that they are Intolerable enough i
decent Republicans turn to Chamber- .
lain as a political purifier and vote for 1
tilm to elect him to some big otllce. In j
IhRt way and for those reasons he was
llected attorney general of the state
t ,t llfV. ....!!.... 11.. wl. !j
it a
When it went Republican for congress
man by about 10,000. In that way and
for those reasons he was elected prose
cuting attorney of Multnomah county,
in which Portland Is situated, when the
rest of the Republican ticket was elect
ed by 5,000 or 6,000 majority. In that
way and for those reasons last year he
was elected governor, while the re
mainder of the Republican ticket was
elected by a rousing majority. Conse
quently Governor Chamberlain must be
taken and accepted as a man of great
possibilities. He is In the flower of, his
years, a tiptop campaigner, a first rate
lawyer and the idol of the northwest
ern Democrats. The national conven
tion could go farther and fare much
worse than to nominate Governor
Chamberlain for president or vice pres
ident. He has the capacity and the
address to fill either position with hon
or to the country and himself.
Those who are in charge of the Dem
ocratic national committee may not
know it, but Oregon is a promising
field for, missionary work. Governor
Chamberlain's triumph has encouraged
Oregon Democrats greatly. Another
source of encouragement is the fact
that the Republican party of Oregon
is split into two warring and bitter
factions the Simon Republicans, led
by ex-United States Senator
and the Mitchell Republicans, led by
the present United States Senator John
Hippie Mitchell. These factions, which
hate each .other worse than the Mon
tagues and Capulets hated each other,
are whetting their knives for a fight ;
to the death a fight in which quarter
will neither be asked nor given. The
chances are that they will be so busy
butchering each other next year that
the Deinocrats will sweep the state, a
consummation devoutly to be wished,
and will land Governor Chamberlain
in the senate of the United States. Still
another source of encouragement to
Oregon Democrats is the fact that they
now have a great newspaper in Port
land to advocate their cause, the Daily
Evening Journal, one of the brightest
newspapers in the land. So, taken all
in all, Democrats everywhere would do
well to keep their eyes .on Governor
George E. Chamberlain and the heroic
Democracy of Oregon. I am proud of
the fact that Governor Chamberlain
introduced me to a Chautauqua audl
enee. Montana. ;'
Of Montana It Is superfluous to say
much. It is Democratic now, has al
ways been Democratic and will in all
human probability remain so. True
that the Republicans stole two or three
terms in the senate from Montana, but
that does not change the general prop
osition that Montana is Democratic.,
At present she has two Democratic
United States senators in the persons
of Hon. William A. Clark and Hon.
Paris Gibson, and her chief magistrate
is Governor Joseph K. Toole, a thor
oughgoing Democrat, who learned his
politics in Montana and whose estima
ble wife is a daughter of that illus
trious soldier and Democrat, General
William S. Rosecrans,
Idaho. '
Ever since 1890 Idaho has been de
batable ground and is still in that con
dition. Notwithstanding the fact that
the state went Republican lu 1900 and
again In 1902, no well informed ob
server of the passing show would be
at all surprised to see Idaho return to
the Democratic column next year under
the load of ex-Senator Heitfeld and
Senator Frederick T. Dubois. They
are Bpkmdld fighters and are liable to
achieve a great victory In the impend
ing onmpalgn. It will be remem
beredand greatly to his credit that
RnnntnP rtllhnla wan nna nf tha
- - ' ,
free silver Republicans who walked
out of the Republican convention at
St Louis In 189(1 He is a man who
possesses the courage of his convictions, i
and he Is one of the most brilliant lead-1
era of Democracy.
Swift Climbing. j
President Roosevelt's disposition to :
stand by his personal friends has, In
Its latest inn ulfes tat ion, stirred up a
hornets' nest of vast proportions. By
promoting Leonard A. Wood to be ma
jor general he has brought down upon
his head the wrath of the old otllccrs
and their host of friends, who declare
that It Is his Intention to carry his
friendship for General Wood still
further by lifting him Into the lleuten
aut generalship as soon as General
Young retires. The otllcers who have
seen more service than General Wood
Would not object so strenuously to his
being lieutenant general If he were an
older man, for, being comparatively
young, his induction hito that office
would shut the door In the faces of
Or a horse or anything pertaining to a first
class livery stable. If you do Gross & Moody
the livcrynien, will furnish it to you at a rea
sonable figure from their barn near the depot.
First-class service. Driver furnished if required.
GROSS & MOODY, smXEv?U8TL & Gros,
op Bladder disease
off medicine. Mo medicine can
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
. TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00
many older men and soldiers, xnere
ire only seventy-seven civil war vet
jrans now holding commissions in the
army, and it is said that all of them
will be retired before Jan. 1. some with
low rank. Of course they are all dis
gruntled by Wood's rapid advance
ment. General Wood, as it will be re
membered, was a surgeon in the army
When the Spanish war began and phy
sician to President McKinley. He he-
came colonel of the
rough riders, of
who'll President Roosevelt was lieuten
ant colonel; hence the close friendship,
hence this swift promotion.
That the Wood nomination will be
confirmed by the senate there is little
doubt. There will be a tempest in a
teapot, but it will soon blow over, for
BeirTy" every senator" Gas a 'pet In' the
srmy for whom he Is "begging" wtth
the president. But the Wood namltta
tion may have political effect. In case
of a close contest the friends of arm 1
omcers might decide the presidency.
Little things count.
A pbbl in th (treamlet scant
Hal turned the course of many a riven
X dewdrop on the baby plant
Haa dwarfed the slant oak forever. '
Republican Wool Pulling.
When the credulous old lady beard
that the cow. had eaten the grindstone
the complacently remarked, "I told
: you so!" .There is a pleasure in the
possession of prophetic gifts. , Some
time ago in these letters I predicted
that the advertising which the Hon.
Joseph L. Brlstow, fourth assistant
'postmaster general, is getting out of
the post office scandals would make
him a very large and commanding
figure in Kansas politics and that the
chances were that be would, unless
nominated for vice president, go after,
the curule chair now occupied by Hon.
J. Ralph Burton, senior senator from
the Sunflower State. That prophecy is
likely to come true. Already, accord
ing to late dispatches from Topeka, the
gossip about the statehouse is that Jo
seph L. will go after J. Ralph's scalp,
and it will be in harmony with the
eternal fitness of things, for in divers
places and on sundry dates the Burton
rooters have boasted that Brlstow was
"going, going and gone." It will be a
pretty fight. Burton Is an indefatiga
ble stumper. First and last he made
more than a thousand speeches in order
to, get into the less numerous branch
of the national legislature, and he will
deliver another thousand to remain
there another term, Of course Brls
tow will depend primarily on his repu
tation as a sleuth at hunting down Re
publican rascjils lu the post office de
not detect
partment. The chances are that he did
a tithe of them, but his
career In that line will form the basis
of his campaign. Ills retainers and
henchmen will also assiduously culti
vate the- theory, already widespread,
tfcst Senator Burton Is persona non
grata at the White House. All Repub
lican pie hunters, especially those from
Kansas, are ravenously hungry, yearn
tor tne nescpots snd are exceedingly
anxious to stand well at court. If
they conclude that Senator Burton is
on bad terms with the president, a
proposition which Hon. J. Ralph denies
vociferously, they will quit him as sud
denly and with as little ceremony as
rats desert a sinking ship. What the
average Kansas Republican most han
kem after Is federal pap, and If the idea
prevails that Burton cannot secure the
pap he will lie as dead as "Beans"
rooieroy or Senator General Jim Lane.
There Is likelv to be somtlilnir doitia
Concluded on page seven.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
1 positively cure
CHARMAN & CO., Oregon City, Ore.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Wlnslow'i
Soolhlng Sjrup has beeu need for orer sixty years
bymilllonof mothrs or tbeir children while
teething, with periect iucoeM. It soothea the
child, softms th turns, allays all pain, cures wind
colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to taste. Sold by druggists In evry part
of the worlu. Twenty five centa a bottle.
. sl"i, lB incalculable. Be sure and atk
for Mra. Wtuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one's
vitals couldn't be mueh worse man the tortnres
of itching piles. Yet there's a cure. Doan'a Oiut
ment never falh"
Coffins, Caskets, Robes,
and all undertaker's sup
plies at reasonable prices.
1 ' ' '
1 Editor
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By a Special Arrangement you
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This'is for cash subscriptions only. All
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If you do not eat at George Bros. Restaurant
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Good service guaranteed. White cooks and white
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JESSE GEORGE, Proprietor
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Passed Stone and Gravel With Excruciating Pains
. A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes!
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
No Other Remedy Can Compare With It
(Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he says there is no remedy that will compare with it.
Sejrember 14-1903
The greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on the Pa
cific Coast.
High Class Racing every afternoon
$12,000 Cash Premiums
on live stock and farm
'All exhibits hauled free over the
Southern Pacific.
Reduced transportation rates on all
Live Stock Auction Sale.
held in connection wjjth fair.
Fine camping ground free and re
duced rates on campers' tickets,
Come and bring your fam
ilies. For further in
formation, write
M. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Portland, Oregon.
3ear tiia ) i tqu Have Always
Oregon City's Leading Wine House
All the leading brands of Cal-
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Sick Headache?
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R MN2UM'9 nVtTfprthe
vuvmdKuiimii u uil
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic B
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vi user 10 you r
potuo .1 "
i Vsi'e ct Grove':
of Kidney
the reach
do more.
of Fruits . . . .
Always carried in stock
by A, Robertson, the up-to-date
grocer. Sweeten
your life with ourstraw
berrics and cherries.
Finest and freshest in
groceries. All staple
Goods. We are after
your trade Our pricer
are right
A. Robertson,
Tbe 7th Street Grocer.
Daily River Excursions
Leaves Portland
8 30 A. M.
Leaves Oregon City
7 co A. M.
io oo i "
I 20 P. M
4 30 "
oo P. M.
15 "
No Way Landings
Oregon City Transportation Co.
, Snbjent to ohane without notic
Best Place
on Earth.
For wagons, buggies, har
ness and all lines of farm
Do not be deceived by those who ad
vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for
120.00. This kind of a machine can
be bought from us or any of our
ueuiera irorn fio.UU to $18.00,
The Feed determines the strength or
weakness of Be wing Machines. The
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strong points makes the New Home -the
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we manufacture and prices before purchasing
B Union 8q. N. Y, Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Gsl,
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C.S. CRANE, Agent,
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ovfc? One ami a KaSf Sr3v"a
:n v,ury. io ra
R.w- Liver P-'i.