Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, August 07, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Ever Friday tr
J. H. Wistoveh, Bditor and Buelnesa Manager
E. Lei Webtoter, Local Editor.
kMred in Oregon City PoetotBoe u 2nd-cUs matter
Paid In advance, per yea 1M
mon ha '&
Clubbing Btea
Oregon CI i Conner and Weekly Oreeonlan 2.?5
Oregon City Courier and Weekiy Courier-
joiirnHt -
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.50
ureRon t;ity courier ana me osihummiuu
OrogonClty Courifrand the Commoner 2.00
fUrThe date opposite your address on the
Jor donotesthe time to which you hae paid,
rtrils notice is marked your subsoilption U due.
THE Reliance has been selected
to defend the cup and Sir Thomas
might as well begin work on Sham
rock IV.
WHEN Dr. Leonard Wood be
comes head of the army; the enemy
will have to Iook out for prescrip
tions of iron pills. ,
Five more St. Louis boodlers were
sentenced yesterday to have their
sentences reversed by the Supreme
Court of Missouri.
AS all President Roosevelt's vis
itors at Oyster Bay make only "so
cial ca(lls"of course the President is
doing no work.
California has has "struck oil. "
That is about the onl valuable de
posit not heretofore discovered in
the Golden State.
James R. KEENEsays Wall street
is the only place on the map.
What has become of the spots
knocked out of Mr. KEENE?
WHILE Speaker-to-be Cannon
was conferring with the President
regarding the financial situation,
Danville was lynching a negro.
Apparently Devery has com
mitted political hari-kari. He has
announced that there will be no
"graft" if he is elected mayor.
Governor LaFollette is making so
much noise in Wisconsin that Sen
ator Spooner cannot sleep, even in
his quiet retreat in the New Hamp
shire hills.
THE fact that Charles Rothschild
has offered 5,ooo for the flea of an
Arctic fox is to be responsible for
the rumor that there is gold at the
North Pole.
WHEN it came to a conflict be
tween the union and the Civil Ser
vice Commission, the P,ubllc Print
er chose the organization that con
trolled the most votes.
IT is suggested that the J. Pier-
pont method of financing has passed
m this country. That is a mistake.
Mr. Morgan's method will prevail
as long as the tariff does.
AN Iowa man has invented a
slot machine device for inflating
church pews with air. In some
churches tnis work is most effect
ively done by the preacher.
Senator Aldrich has at last made
an authorized statement which will
be popular with the public. It is
to the effect that he will not be a
candidate for the vice-presidency.
A FRENCH General has sen
tenced a soldier to thirty days' im
prisonment, for kicking a horse.
So tar the government mule has
been left free for such indignities.
THERE are some postoffke of
.ficials whose private lives leave
much to be desired and they are do
ing a lot of squirming for fear the
press will make the facts public.
IF President Roosevelt is really
in earnest about applying business
methods to the Government Print
ing Office he will take steps to have
type-setting machines introduced.
GkOVLR Cleveland and Presi
dent Roosevelt both acree on the
race suicide question. Grover has
a new baby boy at his house and
the President has a family of his
THE most unfortunate feature
of the present outbreak of race an
tipathy in the North is that Sena
tor Tillman has ft It called upon to
air his views on the subject once
THE immigration of anarchists is
barred by the new law which went
into effect July 1, but unfortunate
ly there is no provision whereby
those already in this country can
be" stripped. -
IF it is true that the Jersey mos
quitoes are getting fat on petroleum,
it will not be long before the Jersey
Skeeter Breakfast food, made by
John D. Rockefeller & Co., is on
the market,
Says Pe-ru-na is a Splendid Ca
tarrhal Tonict
Colonel Ii. 1. Livingston, Member of
the Industrial Commission and the lead
ing Democratic member of the Com
mittee on Appropriations In the House
af Representatives, whose home la at
Atlanta, Ga., writes: ,.
" take pleasure In Joining with
General Wheeler, Congressman
Brewer and others In recommending
Peruna as an excellent tonic and
fl catarrh cure. "Col. L. I. Livingston.
Caturrh Cured,
All phases of catarrh, acute or chronic,
are promptly and permanently cured.
It is through its operation upon the ner
vous system that Peruna has attained
such a world-vide reputation as a sure
Mid reliable remedy for all phases of
Catarrh wherever located.
Mr. Jas. O. Morin, 1179 Ontario street
Montreal, Canada, writes :
" Peruna is certainly a great catarrh
remedy. It cured me of catarrh of the
head and I gladly indorse it. 'Canadians
are peculiarly afflicted with this disease
and for years the doctors have tried to
overcome it with elixirs, powders and
pills, but Peruna has solved tho question
and since tho medicine has been estab
lished here hundreds of people have
been cured of catarrh." Jas. O. Morin.
If you do rot derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a
full statement of your case and ho will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
Tiee free.
Address Dr. ITartman, President of
the Hartman Sanitarium. Columbuti. 0
Chicago is already claiming
that the next city directory will
show a population of 4 ,000,000,
If the men who had charge of the
directory for the present year re
tain their jobs, there is no reason
why the hope should not be ful
filled. '
California prisoners, having
learned that taking the Warden's
wife along as a shield was not the
best way to keep the warden from
firing on them, have adopted the
safer course of taking the Warden
The report from Buzzard's Bay,
that Mr. Cleveland has been seen
walking the floor the past several
nights, is perhaps true but it should
not be supposed that he was think
ing about the presidential nomina
tion. , Domestic policy engages the
old statesman's attention.
MORE sensational reports regard
ing the contract of the General
Manifolding Company with the
Postoffice Department might be
forthcoming were it not for the fact
that it involves the Speaker-to-be,
Representative Sibley, personal
representative of the Standard Oil
Company in the House, and nu
merous other influential Republi
cans. NEGROES are fleeing from, Illi
nois and Indiana to the South, and
the colored men of the South are
adopting resolutions thanking the
Southern press for its treatmen of
them and callingthe Northern press
to account for its injustice to the
race. Things have changed since
the days of the underground rail
way. A NEW Pope ' has been elected.
He was a compromise candidate.
Cardinal Sarto, Patriarch of Venus,
was not a candidate for the posi
tion of the head of the Catholic
church. He has selected the name
of Pope Pius X. Of all the Cardi
nals he was the most pius and
learned and it is understood that
the Christian policies of his pre
decessor will be carried out in full.
The Democrats of Clackamas!
county are resting on their arms, I
They are in fine shape for the fijrht :
of their lives next year when the;
great battle for Democratic suprem-1
acy will be on. There will be two!
elections in Clackamas county next 1
year. One in June for county of
ficials and one in November for
President. Politics will no doubt
be somew hat acute and interest
ing. Let every son of Democracy
in the county put his armor on and
get ready for the fray as it is go
ing to be a battle royal. Clacka-1
mas county is not an hopelessly Re-1
publican county. Good honest,
work, a clean ,and manly ticket and 1
a platform of the right ki ndand old
Clackamas will swing back to her '
earlier love and become once more
a Democratic county.
THFRE is a song of plenty abroad
in good old Clackamas county.
The fields are burdened with the
abundance of tthe crops now being
and later to be harvested. The
farmer and rancher is happy and
his happiness permeates all around
and about him, for on his broad
shoulders and in his honest toil the
prosperity of the county and . the
country in a very large measure
THE Socialist vote of Clackamas
county ought next year to be found
in the Democratic column, especi
ally in county matters. It is not
good judgment to throw your vote
away when apart of the very thing
you want to .accomplish can be
done by joining hands with your
Neighbor who is going in the same
irection. The Socialist naturally
belongs with the Democrat and the
two together under the broad, gen-
drous name or Democrat, can make
Clackamas county a Democratic
county, Will they? .
BECAUSE their foreman sought to
jsave: government funds the book
binders "expelled him from their
union and caused his discharge
from the government employ and
when the president reinstated him
after investigating the merits ot
nis case the union refuses to work
with him and threatens to "walk
out" in a body when he returns.
That would be mighty uncivil to
Uncle Sam. But it would leave
some delightfully fine grazing for
Congressmen who have importun
ate constituerts to plac?.
IT is a peculiar condition of these
times that the race question should
have shifted from the South to the
North and that in those old staid
New England states, and the popu
lous states of the middle Northwest
outrages have been committed upon
the negro similar in every detail to
the reign-of lawlessness that has
grown out of the conflict between
the black man and the white man
in the South. The truth of the
matter is that the Anglo Saxon race
will assert its right to rule where
ever it finds a home and that when
the white race and any inferior race
come into contact the white race
will predominate. The solution of
the race question will at last have
to be left with the good judgment of
the people of the South.
Starting a newspaper is a dan
gerous business from a financial
point of view. The Record pub
lished in this city after a career of
six months, has suspended publica
tion. Mr. Brodie, who gave his
best services to it, has thrown up
the job and will find a location in
other fields. The subscription list
of the Record amounted to the grand
total of 64 all told. If Mr. Brodie
with his excellent plant and his
ability and faithfulness could not
make the Record go we can hardly
understand how any other third pa
per could live in Oregon City. Yet
we have no doubt that one of these
days some guy wiser than his day
and generation will come along and
imagine that he has run across a
long felt want and try the third pa
per business in Oregon City again.
The truth of the matter is that the
Courier just about covers the fields
of local journalism and what we do
not cover the Enterprise does so
there is no room for the third sheet
be it Republican or Democratic.
A reader of The Commoner
writes: "Will you please publish
the number of immigrants to this
country for each month?" Wedonot
happen to have the statistics at
hand. An interesting article on
tnis subject will, however, be
found in the American Review of
Reviews for July. Samuel E. Mof
fett, the author of this article,ays:
"We are just now on the crest of
the greatest wave of immigration
we have ever known and many are
iasking whether we shall be able to
f ride the flood in safety." Accord
ing to Mr. Moffett, in April the
Hamburg American steamer,"Penn
sylvania," broke all records by
bringing 2,73i steerage passengers
t New Yck in one day. In June
the Batavia," of the same line, sur
passed that feat with 2,854. Until
this year, the total immigration of
780,92, in iS82, has stood as the
unapproached high-water mark.
That included nearly a hundred
thousand arrivals from Canada, who
are not now included in the returns;
yetwithout allowing for that ele
ment, the immigration for the
twelve months, ending with April,
i9o3, was SO J.272. The contribu
tions fiom Canada and Mexico
would probably bring this up nearly
or quite to S50,ooo. The figures
from Europe include only steerage
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Largest Clothiers in
We get at the value by what other stores are asking
for equal grade. You can make the comparison
just as we did. When you compare keep these two
pointers in mind
Don't get a two-piece Panama hat they are "cheap' '
and look it
A split straw isn't a Panama. The Panama straw is
rounded whole straw.
It's just good luck to pay so little as
$10 for such good values in Panama Hats
All our Sennit split braids,, Milans, etc.,
at half Price
Boys' $5 Norfolks, Sailors and two-piece Ni or
Suits this week only -
THE sugar trust is taking advan
tage of an ante-election session of
Congress to ask further protection
against European sugar. The trust
knows how to strike when the
iron's hot.
TEXAS farmers, driven out of cot
ton raising by the bolj weevil, are
turning their attention to alfalfa
raising and are making at least four
times as much profit as they made
out of cotton.
GOVERNOR Yates, of Illinois, an
nounces that he is not an aspirant
for the vice-presidential nomina
tion. The Governor is wise. He
appreciates that his chances have
been Lorimerized.
A CHICAGO chemist says he has
invented a process which will make
gas four hundred times cheaper. If
he can surpass the University of
Chicago faculty in this respect,
he'll be doing well.
IF Mr. Morgan had been consult
ed, the five-million-dollar toy trust
would not have been formed at the
present time. Mr. Morgan knows
better than any one else that the
people are tired of toy trusts
warned that if they straddle their '
at the Milwaukee horse show. Yet
we hear occasional remarks about
the "emancipation of women in
this progressive age."
There is something suggestive
of ostrich hiding about the strict in
junction against giving publicity to
the postal investigations. But it
has at least saved the county from
further "hot air" dissertations by
the head of the department.
ON more than one occassion
President Roosevelt has said that j
H. A. Rand, confidential clerk to'
the Postmaster General, was not a J
fit man to be in the Government i
service "But why does not Mr
Roosevelt cause his removal?"
castor 1 A
For Infants and Children.
Use Kind You Have Always Bought
the Northwest
summer uoods
Latest Styles
Beautiful Stock
Lowest Prices
At the Fair Store. See our
line of laces. They are - the
nicest in town and the cheap
est. Ladies goods a specialty.
The Fair Store
7f Ycu
Bavtn't Spunk
and energy enough to sit right
down this minute and write for
our catalogue we're afraid you're
not suited for a business life.
This may be the best chance
you have ever had. Don't waste
it. We educate you practically
for business and get you a posi
tion when competent, A postal
card will bring full particulars.
Isn't it worth your while to write
now before you forget.
BeMe-Waller Business College
442 Washington Street
Or a horse or anything pertaining to a first
class livery stable. If you do Gross & Moody
the liverymen, will furnish it to you at a rea
sonable figure from their barn near the depot.
First-class service. Driver furnished if required.
Portland, Oregon
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
delective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both pui in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Take Lavative Bromo Qnlnlne Tablets. All
druggist refund the mouejr if it fails to oure. E.
W. Grove's nignatorn In on tach box. 25o.
Elckel Silver Case
Fully Guaranteed
for sale by
Illustrated, Booklet
on r&juest, chowlae
The Kew England j
Watch Co.
Waltrbory, Conn.
New York, Chlcafo,
aaa rrsnci&co.
Tht I
Low H
Watch fi
Mads H