Ladies' Hosiery Muslin Drawers Ladies' drawers made of excel lent quality muslin, deep hem, neatly tucked. ..Yoke brand 19c Children's 10c Sale of Box Hosiery An unusual Hosiery offering which you should not miss; were specially imported for this great sale; 20 doz. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose; very fine quality, of an excellent finish, iegular 45c stockings to be sold by the box only of three pair each 95c per Box Handkerchiefs We have divided our entire stock of Handkerchiefs into three lots 7c, 1 2c and 18c These handkerchiefs are worth from 12c to 50c each. Summer Furnishings Ice Cream Freezers, 3 quarts., .$1. 80 Hammocks , 80 Pocket Cook Stoves 18 Aluminum Pocket Cupt 20 Croquet Sets, 4 balls : 75 ' " 8 " 1.60 Men's Felt Hats Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, regular 35c and 40c...... Regulargi,85, $2.00 and $2.50 light color stylish hats for Now 21 c pair $1.35 Clearance of Summer Shoes Uncommon Bargains in High Grade Footwear for Men, Women and Children. Owing to the immense run made on our regular stocks of Summer Shoes during the past two months, odd lots of the $2.oo to g5.oo grades have accumulated. These we must clear at once to make room for our Fall stocks. And so Cut Deeply and Decisively Broken lots of shoes which formerly sold at $3.00 have been cut to; per pair Odd lots of shoes which formerly sold at upward from 3.oo (Foot Mould Brand excepted), have been reduced to, per pair Among the lots which are to sell at 1.95 are also some discon tinued patterns which retailed at 5.00. A great bargain event for those who care for high grade footwear, but who must practice economy. Best selections, of course, go to thosewho come early 95c. .05 Ladies' Collars Linen turn-over collars.. 5c Embroidered turn-over collars 25c Hand-made drawn work collars 35c Pocket Knives Men's pocket knives, steel in blade, guaranteed to be equal to any made, no mat ter what price. 25c each Glass Tumblers Decorated and fluted tumb lers, extra quality glass 2c each Jelly Glasses Glass tumblers with tin tops full size, t 30c per dozen TOILET ARTICLES Cocoanut oil soap, per cake 2c Cologne Boquet " .ioc Ivory soap " c Snowberry soap ' 4c Castile soap " - 2c Williams Shaving Soap 3c Red "M" scouring soap 3c Castile soap, per bar 15c Florida Water, M&L 18c Swan Down Face Powder 12c Talcum Powder.. . 8c Tooth Brushes, 25c values 10c Straw Hats AH our Men .and Boys 25c and 35c straw and crash hats Now 19c Yarns 500 pounds Shetland Floss, all colors, 12 skeins in box 89c box Men's Sweaters Our entire stock of sweaters at one third less than regular prices. AH colors and sizes 50c. to $3.75 Madras Cloth 1200 yards Madras Cloth plain colors and stripes 5c yard Wrappers A special lot of wrappers re ceived for this sale neatly trimmed and good value at $1.50..... Hdams Brothers, loldeti Huk Bazaar..... Oregon City's Big Cash Store. A Few of the Many Most Extraordinary Specials that you will find at our Great MidSummer Clearance Sale $1.00 Whose Birthday is This? This week we will aen our tntire stock of toys ond games at a redaction of one-third off the regular price, as we need the room for other goods. Table Sets 28 sets of the best imita tion of cut glass made, butter dish, sugar bewl, spoon holder and creamer. 95c set Imported Vases Our entire stock of Im ported Vienna and Bo- hemian glass vases, cost ing from $1.00 to $2. 5y 98c each This "Cracker Jack" Sale Begins Monday Morning. The greatest money-saving - event ever known to Oregon City buyers. Supposing it rains Monday you'll come to this sale of course. Nothing short of a cloud-burst should keep you away. Come, no Matter what the Weather Conditions Kid Gloves On Tuesday we will sell our $1.00 and $1.2$ gloves At 87c Lace Stockings Girls stockings, 3 colors black, blue or pink Now 12c Fancy Lamps Suitable for reading room, parlor or dining room. Table Lamps, richly decor ated with globe to match, very best burner 2.60 Students Lamps, very best nickel plated, liftoutfount with plain white shades. 4.20 Glass Lamps, complete with chimney, burner and wick .23 Stand Lamps, decorated bowls, complete .75 The large sales of the past 3 months have greatly deci- Odd $i?es and Broken Iots $ale mated many lines of men's Plrninrf KlIfTll Q Til TlftQ patterns and styles. The clothing is all new and desirable spring and summer Even if and boy's clothing, furnishing wiuuunvjj iKixii.y , you nave already bought a goods and hats. To these as- .summer suit, you will want sortments of odd sizes and broken lots l-Tiltc ftTl(1 OllOS another when you see these beau have been added several large special i-KltP UliVl- JxiwtK3 ties15 worth for $8.90. lt purchasers, all of which will be placed on sale this I is the time to buy the Boy's Vacation Suit fully week at prices so ridiculously low as to insure their I one-third off now, and we are sure to have his clearance before dosing time next Saturday night. size in one or another of the numerous offerings. The hats and furnishing goods are equally desirable bargains. Read on : $10.00 to $17.50 Suits for $8.90 Your unreserved choice of many hundreds of men's suits, worth $1000, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 each, ii-respeclive of cost and value, beginning Monday and during this sale $8.90-$8.90-$8.90 These suits are the balance of a very large purchase, Spring and Summer goods, made of strictly AII-W00I Worsteds, Tweeds and Vicunas. Cut in the most fashionable pattern, broad shoulders and shape-retaining fronts ; new nobby striped effects, overplaids, checks and mixtures. Some double-breasted coats among them ; not a suit in the lot but what" is good value at $10.00 dozens upon dozens of them -worth $15.00 and $17.50 ; choice Monday and during this sale, Eight Dollars and Ninety Cents Youths' Suits a fi- A" Wool and odd lots left over from the Spring business, for young men 13 to 10 years of age; Blue x uul o .u) cheviotS) nobby stripes in blue and green, regular $6.50 values ; Monday and during this sale $4.65 Jewelery and Tableware Rings, rolled gold, guaranteed 5 years . 42c Cuff buttons, rolled gold 39c Stick pins, rolled gold 39c Alarm clocks, guaranteed 75c Wallace Bros. 1835 tableware best silver plated knives and forks, per set 4.00 Best silver plated teaspoons, per set 1.50 Best silver plated meat forks .85 Rogers 1847 children's set 3 pieces 1.25 Salt and pepper shaker, per pair .30 Nickel plated knives and forks per set.... 1.00 two Dollar Umbrella, ,$1.50 26 and 28 inches, Fancy Handles, Made up on Harvey Steel Rods and Paragon Frames Covered with Royal Taffeta, (Silk and Linen) Vastly different from the Cheap Cotton Glorias J? Good Servicable, ' Well-made Umbrella The best we know of inside the Two Dollar mark Men's Half Hose Fast black seamless, fine gauge, regular 15c, now 9c pair Boy's Waists "Mother's Friend" belt style, Regular 35 and 50c -in grade OC Regular 75c grade.. 49c Men's Shirts "Monarch" high-grade col ored shirts, regular $1.00 and 1,50 ' Now 98c Fancy Shirts Men's shirts with two collars, regular 75c grade Now 49c STATIONERY Tablets, plain and ruled 4c Tablets, wedding plate onion skin, ivory white. values 15 to 25c uc Writing paper, linen, per pound 15c Box paper, 24 sheets, 24 envelopes 12c Crepe tissue, all celors, roll 7c Playing cards, per pack . 8c Lead pencils, per dozen 8c Cribbage boards . . j. 20c Dominoes 7C Chess, perset . 50c Crockery mender, per bottle 20c