Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 24, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Manuf acturers' Sale of
Every season manufacturers close out all odd pieces of Table
Linens. This season we were fortunate in securing the odd pieces,
also a few packages of Napkins for less than cost. They are for sale,
and our patrons will get the benefit of the bargain.
Restaurant Men, Hotel Men And Housekeepers
- Take Notice!
This Is No Ordinary Sale None of your little freak specials
reduced trom jjSi.oo to 98c. This is a sale where you get a 72-inch
Table Linen worth Jli.co per yardfor 50c.. Come and see the grades
of Table Linens that we are shewing at 35c, 40c, 45c and 50c per yd.
Come and see what we are showing at 30c, 25c, 20c and 15c
per yard.
1 Come and see the size and quality of the Napkins at 90c, $1.1$,
$1.2$ and 1.50 per dozen. They are wonders at the price.
As we state, this U eraluary sale. We are noted (or Table Llaene
McAllen & McDonnell .
j local' ots i nras'j
. H.
All trimmed halt reaeed at Mrs
T. Blade.
Furnished .housekeeping rooms for
rent. Appl y to Jena. Bchram.
Lieut. Lee, of the Salvation army, fell
from a scaffold in .the army ball, severe
ly spraining his ankle and twisting his
wrist. He is laid up for repairs.
The fire laddies express their heart
felt thanks to N. R. Lang aid Dr. W.
E. Carll for the floe lunch of sandwiches
on the night of the Woolen Mill fire.
Altogether B-xty-five marriages have
been celebrated at the bouse of Mr
esmgon. Because ne gave each couple
01 advice only three ol them have turned
out no good. , -,
A child of George Rambo, died of
scarlet fever the first of the week, on the
Abernathy road a few miles from town.
Precautionary measures have been
taken to prevent the spread of the
The harvesting of winter oats and
"wheat will commence ia Clackamas
county this week. Theerepitan un
usually fine ene. Hay harvest has pro
ceeded rapidly duriag la past week
and the greater part ef the erep is now
Miss Metta Hale?, a etaaecraher in
the Willamette Palp aa4 Taper 0., fell
from the walk aear the mill last Friday
afternoon. Whe cat aer aakle So badly
by the fall that the was carried heme
and will be coaflaed to her reom several
Rev. E. L. Fitch' af Corvallis, Oregon,
-will preach next Saterdey evening and
bunilay morning and evening at the
Congregational church in Ely, at which
time he will hold the fourth session of
tne quarterlv conference of the M. E.
enurcn bouth, Oregon City charge.
After being closed down for nearly a
week on account of the fire the Oregon
City Woolen mills opened up one de.
paituieut Moaday and put about
seventy-five girls to work. There in
a large amount of stuff in the mills that
will damage unlesi manufactured with
out delay.
Hundreds of visitors visited Oregon
City Sunday. Every car from Portlaad
was crowded with passengers, while
three boats plying between this city and
Portland had all they could do to ac
commodate the crowds. A steamer ex
cursion was run in from paying which
'brought another big crowd. (Janemah
Park and the hilltops were visited bV
hundreds of the excursionists.
- A freak ia on exhibition in the drug
store of Howell A Jones in the form of a
' calf which bears every resemblance in
shape and forui to a seal. The calf was
born in Southern Oregon near the coast.
where seals are numerous. The calf, is
of a red color, with legs about as long as
a seal's legs and with a head very much
, the shape of those animals. The freak
has been the cynosure for many hundreds
of eyes since it was placed in . the
window. , . . ,
The' New Era I" Spiritualist' Camp
meeting closed last Sunday after a . ses
sion of 15 days. The Spiritualist hold
an annual campmeetmg at .New Era.
The Spiritualists are non-sectarian in
belief, coming from almost every walk of
life. They oelievd that friends who have
passed over the river -can communicate J
with tbeiia throagu the medium.- Their 1
meeting at New Era was devoted to
epeechiuakinrf and lectures by leading
spiritualists from many party of the
state. . .. . !'
. (. !-.. -.r " '.'
A dispatch from Seattle says : "A party
of eight persona, left, Seattle July 18 on
the first trip made in a wagon from this I
city to San b rancisco. The object of the
trip it pleasure. The party it composed
of Dr. A. II, Holcomb, his wife and
baby, and C. W. , Holcomb and Mist
Fannie Holcomb,. of Everette. The
party will proceed to Portland, through
the Willamette valley, thence to Shasta,
then through the Sacramento vallev to
Yost mite. From there the party will
travel to the coast and thence to Ban
Francisco." Necessarily the party will
pass through Oregon City. .-
While returning from the Chautauqua
on his wheel Friday nigot, Henry May
was held up by fo masked men and
robbed of $3.60, all the money be had
about his person.- The two men stop-
Eed him and one shoved - a pistql in
is face. The two then went through
his pockets. There is no cine as to who
are the guilty parties and no arrests
have been made. The next night on
the walk leading to the paper mills,
Gallagher Bewers' an employe f the
mills was accosted by a lone highway
man at be was returning from his shift.
He had no valuables on him and was let
go with a kick from tne robber.
Miss Millar, of Portlaad, it visltia,'
her cousin, Mrs. Moller.
Hats and flowers greatly reduced at
Mrt. Bladen's.
Beaded Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard,
Duiiding, rooms 16, 17 and 18, . ,
Money to loan at six per cent. J. J
Cooki, Oregon City, Oregon.
while the ttock is
reduced at Mrs.
Select your hats
large.- Everything
bladen's. ,
.The Modern Woodmen are preparing
to hold a picnic and have a celebration
atDamascus at an early date. .
Jadie Week, who has been visiting
his brothers in this city, hat returned
10 his home in Eastern Oregon.
The Oregon Water Power & Railway
Company's line up the Clackamas is be
ing pushed to a completion.
TT ' ... -
lion, unamp uiarK. the noted eon
gressmao from Missouri, will deliver his
last famous lecture on Saturday evening
"Th fTriitnil Htatoa in H,a vntv. ro
A report gained currency Thnrtdav
morning that good old citizen, Jasper
olovt r watldead, but he appeared on the
street in a yery-mucn-anve condition
little later.
Chat. S. Burns. Jr.. Til aroaaH tnorn
Thurtday morning wearing a very happy
uiiic. xus cause or nit nappiaeea was
me arm ai of a fiae baby girl whieh ar
rived early Thursday morning.
A mysterious cattle disease has been
discovered In the Molalla country. Cat
tle ara aflicted with bleeding at the
note, iouowed by dysentery and death.
& auaoeroi tne Doviae tpectes have al
ready died and others are afflicted with
the disease. Tbettate veteriaariaa has
Deenatked 10 make an lavettigation
Dr. Joe Welch, of Silverton, was visits
ins triends in Oregon City Wednesday,
Dr. Welch was formerly a dentist in this
citr, where he bad a gooo practice and
maae many irienos.
Mrs Sophia Grim has brooeht suit
against her husband, Herman Grim for
a divorce and a division of the estate and
also for the custody of their two minor
children, aged 14 and 18 veart. The
principals in the suit are well-to-do dbo-
ple of the Macksburg neighborhood.
Mrs. Grim alleges cruel and inhuman
treatment in her position. She claims
that at one time the overpaid ten cents
for a sack of flour and when her hus
band found it out he abused her and
struck her in the face, fracturing her
nose. , For this and other reasons stated
in the petition she asks a decree of di
vorce. The Grim estate it valued at
about $20,000.
Herman Grimm, 'be defendant in the
auit, was in town Wednesday, Mr
Grimm is a man of 60 years of age. M
stated to the Courier that he was mar
ried to hit wife in the Lone S:ar State
more than a third of a century ago.
Hand in hand they had gone tbroazh
life together for thirty-three yeart. They
have reared a family .of five children
three of whom are married. The inci
dent to which Mrt. Grimm alludes in
her petition concerning the tack of flou
and fractured nose. Mr. Grimm savt
occurred nearly a quarter ot a century
ago in Texas. Hesayt that he and hit
wife did not net along any too well to.
getber. That bs objected to her attend
ing dances and staying :out latt at night
but? that hit objections snouted to
nothing. He declared that the recent
ly went te a dance and stayed oat all
aigbt. Ha lays that the two minor
children, both of whoaa are boys, stand
by the mother and refuse le obey his
comaianat. -
, Mr. Grimm owns a farm at Macks
Dure and a sectt m of land in the foot
hills. He also hat money ia the btnk
and money out on interest. , .udgeMc-
Bride has issued an order commanding
him to pay the wife $400 to meet the
costs of the suit and $20 per moath for
maintenance until the case it t;ied.
W. S. U'Ren was in Hilltboro Mon-
uay on ousinest.
Mountain View Tent, K. O. T. M..
i. xuuuiano, win give an out door pic
nic Augutt 1st. Among the prominent
speakers who will be present are Mavor
G. B. Dimick.of this city and State
Commander, J. W. Sherwood. Dinner
will be served on the eround and a
general good time is expected.
The fire loss of the Orecron Citv Man
ufacturing Company, estimated last
weeK at a hundred thonnaad dollara. ia
found to be substantially correct. The
insurance companies havn hnn bnav
during the past few days adjusting the
losses acid find that these tiunrna hta
about right.
The farm of Capt. Phil Shannon at
Springwater. has been sold in A. ff
Campbell, of Eureka, South Dakot, for
a consideration of $6,500. The nlaca
consists of 320 acres with 90 acres in cul
tivation. 1 he farm is one of the finnst
n Clackamas countv. C. N. PI
& Co. negotiated the deal.
The retail erocers will eive a nfonln af.
Canemah Park on Sunday, July 26.
There will be two baseball games, one
in the morning and the other in the
afternoon. There will also be a tug of
war, loot races, and a swimming race in
the basin. This will be one of the most
delightful picnics of the season. Be
sure to attend.
Miss Dora Stover died at her home
near - the Barclay school, Thursday
morning at 4 Jo'clock. The young lady
had been il with consumption for a
long time. She was well known and
highly respected young lady and bad
many friends in Oreeon City. The re
mains will be interred in the Mountain
View cemetery today.
stonewall Jacxson Vaughan, who
has recently disposed of his livery sta-
V. 1 : -t i -. . 1 , . J . . .
j" iiruii vuy, oas leeBed of bis
father, W. H. Vaughan, his , upper or
mountain farm and will move to it at an
early date. This farm lies in the foot
hills of the Cascade mountains on the
headwaters of the Molalla and finely
timbered and is very productive
Notice to Ceatracters.
I will receive bids on Saturday. An.
1, 1903. for the construction of a camont
sidewalk along side of the Weinhard
ouiiding on Kignth street in Oregon
City. Same walk will be 110 feet long
aim eigni ieet wme. wot plant and all
iniormation call on me in Oregon City.
Privilege reserved to reject any and
an outs.
U. Haktman.
What About Your Pumpkin Crop?
The Courier wants the largest and best
developed pumpkin grown in Clacka
mat couaty. It will pay $5 for the hi.
gett and best. So your pumpkin crep.
M. W. Dreyfuts. of Portland.
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday,
Miss Stewart, of Eusren. la
guest of Dr. and Mrs. I. W. iforrit.
W. S. U'ren was in Rlm nn Krm!.
ness before the snnremn mnrt nn tv,,.
Messrs. I aac Pursifnl and J. n.nn.
roy lett Tuesday morning on a fishinir
trip. .
Mrs. J. D. Belt, of 8heridan, it the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Mackleman, of
this city. '
Mrs. Gasner White, of Monitor, is
visiting relatives in Oregon City tbit
Miss Aids Broeghton, of Portland,
vitited Miss Neita Harding during the
Mrs. Collins, of St. TTol.np t. in
Oregon City visiting her mother. Mrs.
Robert Finlev.
Mrt. W. P. Hawlnvatul ann Will. .J
left Monday for a ten dayt''trip to
Yaquina Bay.
Warner vitited Mrs.
nee ceua fonts, in
Miss Clara
Brown Lamont.
Poitlaad.thia week.
Miss Reva Grar nf Pnrt liij i.
til 1-1 " "Ar " "M -
lUBg inenat in uregoo uty aid attend,
mg the Obaatanqua . -
Miss Millie Grant, of Pn.tl.nj
wat the guest of Miss May Withart Sat
urday and Saaday.
Mr. and Mrt. Job a Humahm hn
were camped oa the upper Clackamae,
nave returned home. ,
Miss Marv Brail in y r;. i u...
Horn left for Newport Tnt h.
they will spend the eummer. . a
Mrs. Hale ot Waitahn rtr tat ' 4Vtt 1
home of W. W. H. Samson la
mother, who is in her 89th year.
George Gaum and Melvina Kearny
ere granted a license to wed Monday.
They are Clackamat county partiee.
Mrs. J. N. Miller arrived Mnnri
morning from Jacksonville. Ornmn nn .
vitit to her son, Col. R. A. Miller,
J. !, Cleveland, foreman of a nun.
paper offic at Vancouver, was In nr..
gon City Monday taking a look around.
William Hankint arrlvnl
Bohemia mines in Southern rrnn
i.jj.t r.. .
iaBi ui uie wees: on a visit to his
rents. "
W. Wllhnit a .
-. .nuK-, was in town Stturdav
He is now enga8ed in working in a log!
ging camp at Oneita, Wash. g
MISS Dftl'flT T.oao0 . l ,
from BonnievilleTha IbiSZ. "M
r orouier ano sister in-law, Mr.
Mrs. Fred Leavens, this week
1? t Tr ?i -
WiT. -n' 01 Sele. and W. T.
Wilton. Of Harr ann Mi.). ,
chyon Saturday 00 kshoriVisetotheir
ceusin, M s. C. A. Nash, ef Gladstone.
,t7"J:.p- L?en. formerly a resident of
this city and count hni .. 1 .
finralli. A. ' -"j ',7. "X" a ai
Tuesday. Mr. Logan was forZrl' n
T.na nnm-inn :n i
u m,,, uusiness nere and is
the tame business in Corvallte.
n cDinL nil l i-rflnora Munnrt... Mr t
Hawley. of the Crown p:".8D,v- r
hasrtnrnH t.Z A"F . "r7,
" ' "u'""''e wnere be
uicu uii a mnr ni ino,vi; .
Pninmhi .1 t Vt . r i K . . .. m me
-.. ,,Dr a aonaera uailroad.
: H. A. Le-I. a DrAmin.iit J I, .
r'"7"' vanoy, wat in Oregon City
Tuesday on business. Mr. iL i. I
pioneer of '47. having cnnuj i .1-.
SjKf!,?. During nearly the whole
. ub aas resided near Canbv.
John F. Clark a ad
w"nD"Dd 'k Ellis, of Dallat
. , . . "vr UavUIUgfi Klin
hunting trip t the headwaters "f the
-.vn.ou.io river. lM party will be
away about a month.
thR.L,i. ' HW1.1' r-sident of
thaRebekahAttaaablyo! Oregen, left
Monday morning for Astoria te inspect
the Ateembly at thai place. Oa berre
tnra eaa will go ap the valley oa a tear
of inspection to the lodges on the east
tide ol ihtriftr, and will return oa the
west tide. , . .,
. Tm. nan 'j
r. c. a. ssommerand wife, who
have been ia the Eatl for the past two
montht, will retu.n toOrgoa City the
first ef August. The Doctor ha. taken
a post graduate course in one of the
leading medical colleges in the East,
ne tpent over a month of m. .1 i
,U 1" k . .. , , 7 WUIB 1U
... u nupKins nospitai in Balti-
morb. He comes back to take up his
extensive practice better fitted and
eqipped for the work than ever before-
it o S ?M been iit'J'8 her old home
n DUnalo and nthuo p.i.: .
friends in different puns of the East and
has spent a very delightful summer.
Ihe doctor reports that he too has had
a very enjoyable time as well as the
hour when all went home expressing
'satisfaction at the evening enj'py-
Three young men started from th'n
neighborhood last Sunday morninir
fata In U. . "
'" Big"ia. 01 rortiand arm
vicinity. Judging from the factthatthr
came driving home at 5 a. m the nert
morninsr, we feel justified in saying the
succeeded in their mission. Names a
not in order, by special request.
Miss Inza Thompson who it teachir,;;
very successful term of school at a tow
wi'h a big name wnich vournorr.vw
ent is 1 unable to spell situated in U.
JNebalem valley.is spending a two week
vacation at ,her home at this nla. Sh..
expects to go to the Normal school a
Monmoath next winter to nonfinn tute"
Your corresnnhrlnnt nnMnir,,. M. 1
Dekein walking around with a prou i
bearing head errect and a smile over
spreadint; his beantifnl fnntnrura inrn;.
ed the cause and was rewarded with to
startling information that Mr. Dekei
is the proud father of a oouncing babv
Dy- ... . '
Mr. Trabv's reRidenna tniaril x .
Si jwere toUIy destroyed by fire latl
Monday at noon. The carpentert we
at work on the tower and hart tt no.,i,.
completed, when the fire broke out o
the roof of the old house. Every effort
wat made to extinguish the fire but
aid wat in vain. Soma thi
od the first floor nd thi ncra nn 4K..
UOPer floor waa Vim-no,! i- U..-A o
dollart damage and no inturance. H,
it going to build af tin soon.
Classified AdTertteeraents.
Fr Sal tr Exthattt For n,,nt.v
property east or mit of h.
a 6-room house and t lots Good we)
Darn and chickan hnnaa Hi.l.tl- ,n ,
JoBstoH, Oregon City, Ore., Box 134.
I with to announce ta mv friaaJa earl
the geaeral public that I bare eeeeei
ated mynlf in the practice of tteariatry
with Dr. Louit A. Morrit, D. M. D.
who will conduct my Oreiroa Tit nf-
fiee, next to the Currier building la the
future. I can recommend Dr. Mania ne
oeiag an emcient workman in all the
branches of hit profession . I will he in
per total attendance at the office on
Wednetday of every week.
Dr. John Welth.
You Can Save Money
the cheap
By taking advantage of
rates east olfered bv "The
ern une '
Chicago and return $71
st. raui and Minneapolis and re.
turn 61 00
Tickets eood 90 davs. fitnn nvara al
Dates of sale June 4, 5, 24, 25,26, 27,
,29,30: July 15. 16 and Auirust 25
and 26.
full information by addressing
H. L. Sisler,
General Agent.
132 Third St., Portland, Or.
Evalin Califf . pitcher for tha h.
gon City baseball team, has accepted an
offer to play with Salem faturdayand
Mrs. J. 8. HarlbuH and tfster, Mias
Jeteie Smith, of ftrtlaad. were visiting
JJwEthel aad Keith Cheney Monday
Miss Vera Csnfleld left Sunday
morning for Seattle, where the will re
sain far twa week! visiting bar aunt.
Mrs. Abernethy.
Cbarlee Hamphrey, of Astoria, wat
vltiting his parents, Mr. and Mrt. John
athan Humphrey, of the Wett Sidedur-1
ing me weex. ' 1
Mrs. C. H. L. Burmeister and Mils
Mary Reeoe left for Newport Monday
morning, where they will remain teveral
weekt by the tea.
Mrs. r.. T). Williams f n 11
Point, arrived in Fregon City Wednes
day and will be the guest of her ton, 0.
F. Williams, during the next two weeks.
Abel Meresse, formerly an Oregon
City boy, but now of Forest Grove, has
been in the city attending tne Chautau
qua during the past week. Abel it now
connected with the News, a new paper
recently established in Forest Grove,
and is doing the local work on the pa
per. He thinks the prospects for the
News is bright indeed.
"oa raxs."
The many readers of the "Courier."In
thit beautiful little hamlet are complain
ing of not getting their just space in your
v5j bLe P,P"r- I' might be well to
add right here that the fault is not the
editor t, but comet from lack of energy
"nbe 5rt of your corre,Pondeai, who
auiui tu overcome tnia grave
fault, and gwe a few of the maay items
af interest that have occuretl in our
.Mi.V Thc-mpton who recently gradaat
ed with high heaore. frsta the Ntete
Hormal school at Ashlaad, ia ana at the
most popular young ladies af Ihle aeigh
borhood . A few weeks bel.re the m
meacemeat exetciaet at that ackaal, M,te
Thompsoa played the diltcult ar of
Tilly in the popular comedy "My Friend
Frem India,'- with marked tuccesa. Her
many friends here are proud of her
Mr. Aden wat unfortunate enough !
h r. 10090 , f',ori'e diving
horee. The animals had been kicked
"y "oother horse about a week ago
The Sharp Bros are having a ' well
drilled on their place which bids fair to
eclipse any well in this section of th
country. It is now about 121 feet in
depth. They are going to drill 140 feet.
That,s what they allowed the contracts
u "11 y n 1 8trik9 watf tl
wmprouaoiy lettnem drill
Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Abo Petert were treated to a pleasant
surprise party in honor of their gue"s
the Misse. Molelery, of Minn. The
party wa9 a success in every tease of
th wnrH A 1 .. -A... j
. ,1(so UIWU was present
and games were indulged in till a late
Strayed Bay horse about. 1 a(V) IK. . -
years old j right hind foot leathered nV
?. Wotlfy 1 0r"on Fir Lumber-
0. 736 Chamber of Oommerce, Poa
lnd, Oregon. ; Phone No. 562. 1 -,.
Bearding Htuse for Sale-Mrs. Adamj
of the Union House, willgive a good ban
gain to anyone wanting to buy a boaif
ing house. Terms given on applicatit
on tifth street, back of postofflce. 8t-S t
Must be Sold Seven-room house ani
either one or two lots at corner of Elev enth
and Madison Streets. Also one lo
in Oentral Addition. Inquire at reei
dence or write P. 0. Box 307, Oregon
Money to Loan 7 per cent interest , 1.
lowed on money left with me to loan
Principal with accrued interest returned
upon demand. Ahatra. uj
. n T d t . . .uiiiiqukhi.
Oit n ' Attorney-at-law, Oregoi,
-J I wa VI ,
Cord Wit, WMted-We want ten
cords of good wood on tubtcription ac
count Mind you we prefer the money
but if any of our subseribert are in Jar
rears and prefer to pay iii wood !we will
accept ten cords.
Waitee; a fttiiiencs Would like to
rent a good -sized, centrally
pcated residence. Want electric
ghti i and bath. Will pay good rent
s&fAsrJti la untilthe ltBf
, Fer Sale 12 room hnnss nearly new.
pltHtereu thMualmnr 91 .
garden and ' flawers. barns fin ,.!! '
brick cellar; Bubstantial, home place.
hP'Te bevoa(1 EHMtham school on
right of ,ly ruad. Call forenoons A
J. Johnton.
Ranch for Sale-393 acres, 21) acres jj,
culuvation, all in crop: 400 bearing fruit
trees; 2 barns and all necesxary out.
buildings; 2 fine mountain streams run
ning through the place; all landeaaily
cleared, everlasting outratge for stock ;
l4 miles from schoolhouse, store and
postollice situated on'public road: good
neighborhood; situated 18 miles south
east of Oregon City near Col ton, Clack
amas county, Oregon. Will make a flrj
stock ra ch. Price $3000. For further
particulars, address W . E. Bonney, Obi-
wu, uregon, or apply on premises. Can
ta to guuu 111 tit.
'" 1 - ""aaBsssasssniitaininnB,t,,,i.,w.MtMMMMj gUUU blLIt.
More and more all the time.
The Oregon City Manufacturing com
pany has given to chief .of the Fire De
partment, Lswrence Ruconich, $150 to
be distributed among the members of
the fire company who put up so valiant
a fight last week at the fire in which the
woolen mills suffered such a heavy lost.
Someof the boys think the sum of $150
is quite small considering the services
rendered and the amount of damage
done the clothing of the firefighters,
rr 1 . .. ..
ueorie airKWOod waa nicboH ,m nn
the banks of the Willamette river Friday
evening of last week in a condition that
warranted the suspicion that . he had
been drugged. He was taken to the
county jail and medical attendance
summoned. It waa tome hours before
ne couia give an account of himself.
When he did so he claimed that he bid
txen robbed of some money and a check
about fifty dollars in all. He said that
he was given a glass of soda water at
Frits't place in Portland, and when he
woke up was in the Oregon City jail.
Kirkwood came out from St. Paul. Minn .
tome weeks ago.
TEe trade grows because of th. o-nnH .. :v B?
We no trouble or expe.se in making our soda perfect. 71-, Hf
S3 they sre used with skin .d Moment. We .W to have .7r ,., . JarZ MUrT,lTh.T M
SH many people teU us that we succeed. We w..M liv. ,J.L ' W."ft average, and a good OS
Fishing Tackle .
. , If you're going to the mountains or to the Seaside or any
where else fishing better look over our stock of tackles before
you start. Don't fail to land a good big fish for the want of a
hook; a leader or a line. . ',
Fly .Hooks. .: 25c to 1.50 per dozen
Leaders.. ..:....'....... ......5c to-50c each
Split Bamboo Rods........ ..$1.00 to $10.00
Reels.;....;.......;. i5c to I7.50
Baskets ; ..Ji.ooto I2.00
A lot of odds and ends of best silk lines from
5 yards to 25 yards long............. .15c to 50c
Hooks small enough for the smallest trout
but strong enough for a salmon, 35c half doz
.Drinking Cups...,. , 25c
Bait Boxes 25c
Fly Books ; ....$1.00 to $'2.00
and Saving
The straightforward methods we employ and the quality
of drugs we handle would make it worth while to come here
if our prices were high., '.'T-X' .
V' But they are always low, so low' that
trade of hundreds of buyers who are both
1 i ' (I tn;. : J'
we have won the;
careful and saving.
, ",'Jhe first requisite is quality w'hen drugs are wanted, but
fair price Is also desirable. Here youe sure of both. ' ' . ",.4
of course !'
Get the habit,
go to Huntley's