OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903, Marvelous Escape from Death ! V'"' 11 . " 'v . , '"5 - ! ' ' AV " r. AM... ?... 4(-!utfr . HonoraMe Champ Clark, of Missouri, Whose two lectures, "Rich as Golconda," and "The United States of America in the Twentieth Century," are the at tractions for Friday afternoon and Saturday night at the Chautauqua. ...'j ; Musty File Of Old Newspaptrs Unearthed ' By Isaac Prlndle. Relics of a Day When Journalism Was In Hi Infancy. Through the courtesy of Isaac Prindle the Courier office baa in its possession auruber of old newspapers of aucient .date. The oldest one of the old papers U a copy of the Hartford, Conn., Times, dated Monday, Januar- 13, 1829. Ad ther is the Morning Oregonian of Aug st 26, 1803, while still another is the Weekly Palladium of New Haven. Conn., dated Saturday . morning, October 4, 1862. , . , . One can find many things of a source f great interest in these old relics of the journalistic world in its early infancy. On the first page of the Westfleld News Letter is a speech delivered ; by . Hon. Ueorge Asbmun on the slarery q a est ion, delivered in the House of Representa tives, March 27, 1850. In the Weekly Palladium is a description ol the battle f Antietam from a special correspond ect, taking up more than bait the space of the paper and containing diagrams of Uie battle field. But the oldest, and lor that reason, the most intereBtiniz ol these old mustv newspapers, is a copy of the Hartford, Conn., Cotuant, published Monday, July 9, 13J8.- The paper con tains twe nve-coiuinn pages and is pre served ma ir mac o verea witn glass. The type ia of a style not used In this day and generation. Among other things the paper containsjthe announce ment of the appointment of George Washington to Lieutenant General and Commander-in-chief of the armies of the United btates of America. A Newspaper. A Newspaper 1 It is the cradle of genius me record ot trutn. wood cut en gravuigs adorn it, and the muses smile graciously upon it. A newspaper! It is a pictuie ol the world. Oast thine eye over us grim pages: line mat, all is con fusion and bustle-each one pushing forward to attract attention by no mat ter how trivial Little ships and big nips ; steam Doata wiin uieir roaring wneeis aud Diaca smote, wmzpastus; poet coaches and post boys ; boxes of tea uu Dorreis ol Uoguiao. fraultlin grid irons and LaFayutte bedsteads ; strayed uiuiaii are all mingled promiscuously together. 'Money!' cries the Lottery Ollioe. 'Fire!" -crief 4he Insurance Company. btrange that between both. in cau not get money and keep it. Some applicants for public notice are very modest iu their approaches, only soliciting notice aa long as they deserve it; others are more aware of their claims on public gratitude, and sure some are promoted by the lery spirit of philan thropic. The same diversified scene! In one column a fire, In the next a suc cessful speculation,! Here a man .cats himself to death, there a child is starv ing J the widow solicits a pittance, aud the. rich man offers his loan ; the regis ter of Death numbers the old, the mid dle aged aud the young. Matrimony ! an, mo net is generally long and ap palling. Notice! Alas, some Jonathan is close at baud, adveitisiog his refrac tory nu; what is, the matter . with thy ue, n lend r Is ttiy steak couked too much? Or are thy potatoes burnt up? or y noor loosed at n p.iiii, and thou on the outside? Ot did she love gadding about? she must be a mild creature, for she makes no angry retort. A uewnps. perl It make one love this li tis round ball dearth. All the ships are well built, copper bottome.t, and fast sailing; the houses are in good repair extensive out grounds, delightfully situated; no lime blea. bed linens or damaged cam brics; no mouldy almonds or musty oranges; Madeira wine and-Spanish el. gars are all of trans. Atlantic urigiu. In short, everpthiug comes from its proper place. Human eings,; too, seem tube very social to many partnerships. Sometimes indeed, we find soma little soul, armed with a patient right, elbow ing his way through the crowd, threat ening "chains ami slavery" to all who invade bis proptr sphere; but generally men seem to have coupled themselves together in loving fellowships. Much as our world' Iihs been tb s.'d by misambropes and despised by poem, we doubt whether they would fiud in the clouds anything half so convenient. Why, here Is everything Tueatres aud Circuses, rope dancers and singers, gar dens and guupowder; doctors for the sick, teeth lor the tooihlea, wigs tor the bald, braces fo' the ill shaped, rouge for (tie pale, and white lead lor the rosy. It is indeed, iright and beautiful world; and we pray, gentle reader, that tUu 1 mayst be preserved ' from the spirit of love and poetry ; only read the newspa pers punctually, and as punctually pay for it, and it v, ill always appear to be bright and beautiful. " '" REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract ft Trust Co. FJU'Een to F L Stevens, nw of sec 18, 2,je $ Q A Hariing, trustee, to A Smith, luts iu, li, iz, u, Ti and 23, blk 6, Edge wood J A Bydamn to J N Sutherland, lot 1 of sec 25, 1, 3 e DCockelreas to H Gibbons of ne of sec 7,2, 3 e. M Bachert to A Konigsberger, 5 as of J Marks elm, 4, 1 e J M White 5o C Gibson, 10 as in sec 2, 2 e. , Wm Dixon et al V Knppen bender 200 990 40 600 115 as in Caufield elm 5400 A O Heyward to D Will ama. lot 6 of bik 55, Oregon City 1000 J ti surface to J Tnade, 3.30 as in Fitherclm, 2, 2 e 500 M A Uacadey to H A Stogsdill, tots 6, 6, 7 and 8, blk 0, Can by 100 F K Peters to J and J Peters. 93 as in elm 45, 3, lw 650 J Myers by admr to J Ficken, lots 8, 9 and 11, sec 13, 7 and 8 and ne of Be of seo 14 aud lots 2 and 3, sec 23, 3,3 e 1500 Will Ld Uo WW A Rittenhouse, lots 1 and 2 of blk 8, Parkplace. . 110 M M Jackson to D C Howell lots 14, 15 and 16 of blk Ml, Windsor 695 J 8 Davis to F H Cross, lot 16. blk 2, Pleasant Hill Ad.... 450 G W Bodisb to D Bodish, 60 as in sees 15 and 16, 4, 4 e 400 H H Johnson by sheriff to A Stoch. 10 as in (Abernethy elm 625 w o DimicK to U n Thomas, e 1-2, nw , b'A of ne of sec. 20, 6, 2 e. . . . J Burkhard to C McGrew, 8 as in 725 elm 59, 1, 1 e 1300 J U McGrew to I B Irwin, 8 as in elm 59,1, 3 e. ....... "... A Smith to J S Smith, 137 as in 28 andV9,2,4e 1300 500 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 7074c; val. ley, 78c. Barley -Feed, $20.00 per ton ; brewing Flour Best grade, $3.95 4 30; grab am, $3.45 dj 3.85. Mlllotliffj Rran (03 nm . II dungs, $27; shorts, $23; chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white. 1.10 ra l.ifi! $1.15 per cental. llay Timothv. 120 a'21; idnv.r normliial j $15 16 per ton. Potatoes Best burhanks. 40(rJ75e ner sack; ordinary, 3545o per cental: growers' prices; Merced sweets. 13 3.35 per cental., 1'oultry Chickens, mixed , 11(312 c young, 13(a)14cj hens 12c;, turkeys ahve, ll)rc; dreHsed, 2022c, ducks $77.S I per dosen ;. geese, $6(0.50. ,r, , Cheese Full cream, twins, lStilOc, Young America;' 1514c; factory pncua, i is i,o less. . Butter tancy creamery, 2lX2bo per pound : extras, 22c; dairy, 2lXa)22' store, 1618o. s Kg s 17020c per dozen. ' Hops Choice, 1820c per pound.""" Wool-Valley, 12,17c; Eastern Oreiion, 814t'c; mohair. 3537o. i Beef Gross, cows, 3X4c ;per pound steers, 65'o; dressed, B0. ' Veal-(28c. 4 '! V ! Mutton Gross, $3.60 per pound ; dressed eBo. Lambs G?oss, 4o per pound ; dresseJ 7''. ? Hogs Gross, 6a6,'c per pound: dreHsed,7So. !. . s Tom Can Saw Money t By taking advantage of the cheaD raien eaar uuereu Dy "ine iNortnwest em L,iue ' s Chicago and return. . .$71 60 St. I'aut and Minneapolis and re turn 61 00 licketa good 9t days. Stop overs a lowetl, ., . . Dates of sale June 4, 5, 24, 25,26, 27, in, juiy 10, 10 and .August 25 and 26. .... . . , t ull information by addressing ' C I . i J . II. L. SlSLKR, General Agent. ' 133 Third St.. Portland, Or. No Pity Showi. ' i "ForTr tt wi ftr mo rontlnnounly' write F. A. OullwlifS, V.rtwna, AU.. 'Itidi lrrltio e ol PUm raustiix '.M luraora. W h II (iltHl Bucklo' AriiloaSTcmvd me. Iqual It ShI for luicm ami Hi I ttvhtt ami rauaa, uulj Si cwKMCtaatmu ft Co.'s (tru( ilor. . 1 PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Does a Wondrous Work for a Lady Who Was Almost Crazed witu ' Pain and Suffering. ; ' It is well known that terrible rheumatism, sciatica, and neuralgia cause more helpless ness, acute suffering, and agony, than any of the other diseases that afflict humanity.- The great medicinal virtues of Paine's Celery Com pound make it the only trustworthy specific for the cure of all forms of rheumatism and neuralgia. Thousands of strong testimonial letters from the most prominent people of the land, prove that Paine's Celery Compound has banished these terribly fatal troubles when all other- treatment has failed.' Mrs. Mar garet Bethel, of Brainerd, Minn., after thirty years of agonizing tortures had a desire to end her life, if it was the will of Heaven; she al most prayed for the time to lay it down. Heaven-directed, she made use of Paine's Celery Compound, and is enjoying true life once more. She says: - ' ' " For thirty ytars I have been a great suf ferer from neuralgia in the head, and also with rheumatism in the whole body. I began taking Paine's Celery Compound and soon found I was Much better. Before taking the Compound, my life was such a burden that I almost prayed to lay it down. I was bedfast every two weeks 'With horrible pain in the head,, back; and 'neck, until I was almost erased. I am able to da harder work and more of it today than for twenty-five years. I am .really enjoying life again, thanks to Paine's Celery Compound.' I am satisfied that my life has been prolonged many years by its use." Diamond Dyes Color Anything Any Color There are many ways in which Diamond Dyes will help you. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats, feathers, stockings, every thing wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new. Diamond Dyes are the perfect home dyes; tkey are SIMPLE, STRONG, SURE. W hT a Kpuclal Uprlmmt of dlc, and ill iiwier lint any ijiitiuiii about (JjStbf. Band aample of gooda when poiilbl. Direction book and 45 dyad aamplai re. . DIAMOND DYK8, Burlington, Vt J Ladies ' Appreciate the roomy retiring rooms, cosy com. partments and the many littie con- veniences especially arranged for their cumfort on the Nortb We&tcrn Limited "The Train for Comfort" every night between Minneapolis, fa. r I .1 "LI .! 3i. raui aim vnicago via. Before starting oh a tricM-'nb matter where write for interesting infor matlon about comfortable traveling. n H. lSISLER,": ; t-. -f General Agent. 2218 Alder St., Portland, Ore. , T.W.TEASDALE, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, . ' -' " Minn. i-mthi' t n "iIm,ii Irl let - m - n thf O '-TZmm i"fl A FM Pl ' . I ,1 I m , a a- Mi a i Through Salt Lake City, Lead ville, Tiieblo", Colorado Springs . Denver, and the Farndus Uocky Mountain Scenery .. and by Daylight to all poih'ts east. ( ' :; Modern equipment, through "Pullman and Tourist ... , i n Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining' Car Service ! Sfopootrs Jllhwtd For rates, folders and othtr information address Largest Clothiers in We are I V .:! Mil WEML of Men's Clothing, Furnishings i Hats Never did a Semi-Annual Sale witness greater saving . opportunities, never were such enormous quantities of men's and boys' apparel selected for sacrifice. The far reaching price-reductions enables the public to buy almost any desired apparel at a great saving. Don't fail to Attend this gale! ' '' The Perfect Liver Medicine. J Mrs. M. A. Jolley, Noble, O. T., writes: "I have ed Heroine lor a number of years, and can cheerfully rerommend it i the muet perfect liver mmllctne, and the greatest blood purifier. It la a medicine ol positive merit, ana ruuy acoonv nlishes all that Is claimed for It." MalarlH can not find n lodgment In the system while the liver Is In perfect order, for one uf lis runclloi.s is to prevent the absorption or ever producing poi sons. Heroine is a moat emoient uver regulator oc at (jnarman a uo. a. Foley s Honey and Tar cures colas, prevents pneumonia. THE SIGN OF THE BEST TRY THE North Coast Limited i i .... , Hvith its Electric Lights, Elec- -trie Fans, Elegdnt Observation ; Car, Barber Shop, Bath Room, Library, Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars, and you will know why the above cut rep-' ' resents '"'The Sign of the Best" -f...'. i A. D.CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St., Cor, Third, , V PORTLAND, ORE. W. C.MeBritle, 421 Third St. Portland, Ore. the Northwest, Now Having Our Great t3 flA kill . M,P -ml ' ; (HP ' HI fk unnrr 1 "'"1 ia bna wvi't " ui lot t'i ms'ii and Boys' Migh-gradc ' ' .... ' V. i''' SHANK & BISSELL Undertakers a ' . 1 P""e-4i 304. ' Main St., Qpp. Huntley 'a. V Jl'J"".rlll''P't'f'""tll"r"l'rlllll''ll'"l'"lfl'W irBin'niBJIii wajp. rnnTr)rjnn1giii wrBnlinTii1i,i,,,npni layia s-"r jrx --y MJX it j I twit m tmu . I'."i m in 'll Are You Going to Build? K .A i Do you use Lumber ? We want to furnish you We a'Ye located near ie,. Eldorado School House, near the postoffice of We have a good mill," v. .. are cutting lumber out , ' of the best yellow fir. . , ' Can fill your, order'on short notice for- any -kind. of Jumber .: . If yoO need lumber don't fall to write to us r cone to see us. It will pay you . . i:" Sturqes Brothers, ' Cam, Oregtu. t? Oregon City Second-IIand & Jnuk Store SOgarman & Co, now have a full line of camping stoves on hand at $i.l5up. Also all .kinds of sacks cheap. Call on us and we will convince you of our bargains. All inds of junk bought and sold loth and Main Sts.", Oregon City, Or. .J.!' : Portland, Oregon .vl ,U 1 ,rt I ':' .' , I Mil! II ' I ' adaaSlllluaJluaallliuallui ddSuirlftlii 4 ine L inrl W We carry the only complete line of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Linings in Ulackamas County. We have the only First-Class Hearse In the County, which we will furnish for kss than can be had elsewhere. Embalm!) ? a Specialty. Our prices always reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. l . Brown & Welch Pbopribtors OF THB 7th St Meat : Market A. O. OREGON U. W. Building -CITY, , OREGON Do You :Usc Shingles? If you do," let Us supply your needs. We have an up-to-date t mill, located five miles-ast of ; M6laIIat arid" two 'miles I "from ' Meadowfirbokr " with'" all"the . j, latest and best ecjuipmentsJl -' ' f LaneY airtomatic machtnerv!' i We cut our shingles from the very finest cedar and turn out as good shingles as there are In the world. Our prices are as low as the lowest. We want, your .trade. Mail orders promptly filled. BallSbitigleCo., Bo $9 i'h .i it molalla, Or. "l"i"ai'iir1iiiiiitiii ailiii mtaiiS D L, Trullfnger ' , Manufacturer of " 1 x ' ' liiimber A large stock pf, of all kinds of Lumber kept'" constantly on nana.- rnces very reasonable k U UNION MILLS, ORE: " v W Sjr- . I H