Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 17, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Manufacturer' Sale of
Every season manufacturers close out all odd pieces of Table
Linens. This season Ye were fortunate in securing.the odd pieces,
also a few packages of Napkins for less than cost. They are for sale,
and our patrons will get the benefit of the bargain. ; ;
Restaurant Men, Hotel Men and Housekeepers
Take Notice! w
This Is No Ordinary Sale None of your little freak specials
reduced from $1.00 to 98c: . This is a sale where; you get a 72-inch
Table Linen worth $1.00, per yard for 50c.' Come arid see the grades
of Table Linens that we are showing at 35c, 40c, 45c and 50c per yd.
I; .,;! Come and see What we are showing at 30c, 25c; :20c' and 15c
' : :' Come and see the size and quality of the Napkins at 90c, 1.15,
J1.25 and $1.50 per dozen. ' They are wonders at the price. v.-
As we state, this Is no ordiuary sale. We are noted for Table Linens
J Mc allen &
All trimmed bau reuced at Mrs. II.
T. Bladen.
. Cut rate prices at
Moore's pharmacy
fin seventh street.
Furnished housekeeping rooms . for
rent. Apply to John Schram.
You make o mistake by taking
recipes and prescriptions to Moore b
Pharmacy. Accuracy, Bkill, pure drug
and right prices. . ;
The Courier office guarantees satisfac
tion in its jobbing department or no
pay. We turn out work promptly. Our
prices are reasonable. , , . t , ,
. A "four-horse" mule team started on
Monday morning with a donkey loggingj
engine for the power-bouse ot tbe motor
"i : . i. ii . . i - ,
'imtiuu biio upper vmcaniuno.
- A suit for divorce was filed Friday by
Fred D. Love against his wife, Elizabeth
A. Love, on the ground of desertion.
The parties were married in Portland
-in 1894. .
Miss Lydia May Bigham.a very prettv
Durelle were married Saturday afternoon
,sa bis, office. t- , f ti,f.-., $
j. W, and Cheater Curry, of Portland.
were in Oregon City HUnday tbe guests
were accompanied by their cousins, the
, Misses Barker, of Eugene.
Ira Wishart has moved his family
. from tioutherik Qreaon.and will have
charge of E. E. Charman's drug store,
. until Mr. Charman's health will per
mit him to resume his old position; -
, The county will build a bridge across
Needy. Marion and Clackamas c ;unties
will construct a bridge across Pudding
riverv The cost of the new bridge will
be about $300.
Orinel Jones, the 18 months old child
of Mr. an ' Mrs. Henry Jones, of Cane
; man, died Monday morning of spinal
meningitis, superinduced by whooping
cough. Funeral services were held at
the residence Tuesday and tbe remains
weie interred in Canemah cemetery.
A lawn party was given at Locust
Farm last Friday evening for the bene
fit of the sidewalk fund. Ntsb's band
was ennHged for the occasion and a large
number of people from this city attend
ed. A program consisting of recitations,
readings and musical selections was ren
dered, Icj cream and cake was served.
In the circuit court Friday the suit of
the 0. W. P & Ry. Co. to condemn a
.half acre of land belonging to Mrs. Jen
nie Hamilton was settled by giving Mrs.
Hamilton damages to the amount of
250. The suit was tried a couple of
months ago and Mrs Hamilton secured
$5G0 damages, Qui ttie company secured
' a new trial.
John Matson, an inmate of the State
Heform School at Salem, was arrested
here Sunday evening. Young Matson
was tiyinz to get away and was appre
hended by Nightwatchman Shaw, who
had been notified oi his escape., his
companion, a boy named Vandebogart,
was apprehended at Canby. The two
bovs were taken back to the school Mon-
' day.
Alonzo Wickham, of this city, was a'.
rested Monday for neglecting to make
I sewer connections on his property, as
ordered by the city council, tie will
, have a trial before Oity Recorder Ourry
July 29. This is the second arrest with-
in a week of parso it under a city ordi
nance which authorizes the arrest of
rest of persona failing to make sewer
connections as directed by the city couo-
: cil. ..
She iff Shaver Monday turned over to
Oountv Judee Ryan, as assignee, th
stock of groceries and other assets owned
bv Geome T. iiowara, a lormer grocery
man of this city. This property was at
tached by Sher H Shaver about a montn
atn and the assianmentby Mrs. Howard
was made subsequently. The rightful
Docseseion of the property has been in
" cootroversv until today. Assignee Ryan
will proceed to close up the estate which
will probably pay about 60 per cent of
the claims.
A street car on the Oregon Water
Power and Railway Company, well
loaded with passengers, left the rails
and bumped along on tbe ties for quite
a distance on the big trestle near the
Clackamas river on Saturday afternoon
What would have been adistressinu and
dantjeroiH accident was prevented bv the
lo n speed at which tbe car was runnine
and the coolness and presence of mind
' of the moterman. A car ran off of the
track at Gladstone Station on Thursday
evening while trying to run npon the
switch and delayed traffic for quite a
-J .206 Ffrst Street,
goods' atm4j. nA
McDonnell :
Hats and ' flowers 'greatly reduced at
Mrs. Bladen's. 1
Try Tillmans' Roasted. Coffee. If is
delicious at Harris Grocery, '
Beatie "4 "Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard,
building, rooms 18, 17 and 18.
Get the beei Coffee yon ever drank at
Harris' Grocery. Its Tillmans.
Money to loan at six per cent.' J. J.
Cooke, Oregon City, Oregon.
' Select your hats while the stock is
large. Everything ' reduced at Mrs.
Bladen's. .
We have on band a eocd supply of
Rough and Dressed Lumber and will
carry a stock at all times and can fill or
ders on short notice. Lindsley & Son,
Ely, Or. .' ,
. Falls City Lodge, A: O. IT. W., in
stalled the following officers at their last
meeting, Saturdav evening: C. Schubel
master; B. R, Kimmel, foreman; Joe
Beaulieu, overseer; Guide H. Williams,
recorder; H. J. Harding, financier; O.
0. T. Williams, receiver; O. H Dye;
inside watchman; Sam Roake, outBide
watchman. James Dryer.
R. D. William, "Wm Wrights, Harvey
Farmer and W. 8. Smith went on a fish,
ing trip to the headwaters of Eagle
Creek .Saturday night. '. The speckled
beauties were in a ' pretty ; good humor
for biting and the quartette arrived in
Orgeon City Sunday night with a catch
of 137. Several other parties fishing
still further up the stream report good
catchers. "'
f David H. Close, 'through Hedges &
Galloway; his attorneys, has filled a suit
in the Circuit Court against Mary Olsen
to recover lots 6, 7 and 8, in block 4, in
Edeewood. The complaint alleges that
on November 11, 1901. - Cloee delivered
toa third person a deed to the property
to be held in escro until bis death, when
it should be given to tbe defendant.
Mary Olsen wrongfully obtained pos
session of the deed which she had re
corded. The plain iff askB for the an
nulment and cancellation of the deed.
A runaway automobile was the cause
of some excitement at an early hour
Saturday rooming. A party from Port-
lanu was coming across me suspension
bridge when the sprocket chain broke.
There is a grade of about 5 per cent on
the bridge, which is a quarter of a mile
in length. The machine spurted oier
the bridge at a lively rate, crossing Main
and on no Railroad Auenue to the de
pot, where it ran Into a stone wall and
cnme to a stop. The two men in the
auto were pretty badly shaken up, but
not inured. The machine was slightly
The f accabees both elected and in
stalled officers Thursday evening. The
new officers are; Commander: Jesse
George; lieutenant-commander, Robert
Vaughan; record-keepe. , E. Taylor;
'finance-keeper, M. Hyatt; chaplain, M.
L. Miller; sergeant, l). H. Courtney ;
master of of arms, J. M. Turner; first
master of guard, Charles Catta; second
master of guard, G. 8. Batdorf; senti
nel, Eli Deck; picket, J. 0. Weston.
State Commander J. W. Sherwood was
present and did the installing. . After
the routine work a banqust was served
and a general good time. enjoyed.
The Courier published a communica
tion last week from Liberal which dealt
out to Fred Nelson, of this ci-y, a pretty
warm roast. The artic e mentioned
took Fred to task for the manner in
which he bandied human remains. Judg-
ng by the tone of the letter it mignt be
imitnated that the whole neighborhood
was up fn arms against Nelasn. Fred
declares that this . isn't so, that this
isn't so that the party who wrote the
letter did not understand th sentiment
of the people of the neighborhood and
expressed only their own views through
the letter The Courier does not desire
to injure Nelson in any way and is of the
opinion that while he acted rather in
discreetly in the manner of handling the
remains" that he did not at the time
understand the situation" and did not
think of the hullabaloo he v,ould raise.
Tualatin Tent. Knights of the Mac-
cabbee. installed its oth'cers last Thurs
day night. A large number of the I
Knights were present and an enjoyable !
time was had. State Commander Sher
wood was present ani made an inter.
eating address and announced that he
would place a deputy in tnis neio lor tbe ,
purpose of increasing the membership
made a happy apeech. Refreshments
wt.re served. The following officers were
installed: Jesse George, commander;
Robert Vaughn, lieutenant corcmander j
Ed E. Taylor, record keeper; .viillara
Hyatt, finance keeper; M. L. Miller,
chaplain ; Dr. E . A. Sommer, phyBician ;
D. H. Courtney, sergeant ; J. M. Tur-
ner, master at arms; liiaries (Jatta,
first master of guards; Hani Batdorff,
second master of guards; Eli Deca,
sentinel, t. O. Weston, picket.
gji n. d. ieaiie is rusticating on
t Jnch on Bnaver Creed. He will be
of the city for several daysT
Save money by dcing your trading at
the Racket store, they are selling goods
ten cents on the dollar less than actual
cost price. ; ' It
'Fountain Hose company No. 1, gave a
ball at Canemah park Wednesday eve
ning which was fairly well attended.
The music was furnished by Turney.
Dr. G. W. Welsh, of Portland, was
in Oregon City on Wednesday looking
alter his many business interests at this
place. The doctor in the future will be
m his office in this city ton each Wed
nesday . 1 .
Dorris Curl and G. C. Reddick, a pop
ular young couple of this city, were
married , Wednesday evening at the
Episcopal church. The marriage was
witnessed by a few of the intimate
friends of the contracting parties. ' The
groom is only a young man of nineteen
sammers while the sweet voung bride
is two years younger. , '
I. R. Wishart.late of BakerOirv. hm
bsen employed byE. E. Cbarmah as
head clerk in his drug store. It will be
remembered that Mr. Wishart lived in
Oregon City some five years ago and
that he was a popular and deserving
citizen. He was then in the employ of
Mr, Charman in his drug store. ; He
left here and went to Baker City, where
he was .engaged in a like calling for five
years and now comes back to his old
friends and first love. He is a, gentle
man whom we all welcome to our midst. I
Late Tuesday night Mrs. Charles Ber
nier, of Green Point, was seized by a
burglar at her home and almost choked
into insensibility. 8he had been to the
fire at the woolen mills ana had returned
home about 11 o'clock. The other mem
bers of the family had retired and Mrs.
Bernier was locking up the house for the
night when she was Beized by a man
who was standing in tha hallway. . The
man had evidently entered the house
while the family was away for the pur
pose of theft and was surprised by their
return helot e he could make hie escape.
A party of eight hobos made them
selves especially obnoxious here Wed
nesday. Along in the evening they
werei waited on by a delegation of voung
men and told that they had better "make
tracks." One of the lot declared that
he had traveled from end to end of the
United States and had never left a town
until he got good and leady. He was
seized by a half dozen willing hands
who began stripping him of his clothing
and calling for tar and feathers. He
beggpd for mercy and was released, his
captors admonishing him to get out with
his gang; The hobo crowd very sud
denly departed for other climes.
A speci 'l meeting of the city council
was held Friday evening. The princi
pel business before the council was the
consideration of Judge Ryan's elevator
franchise.' An amendment was tacked
on to the original and it was referred
back to the committee and it will be
adop'ed at the next meeting of the coun
cil. The franchise will give Judge'
Ryan the privilege of building and oper
ating an elevator 'no. the bluff for the
purpose of carrying passengers at & price
of not more than 5 cents, for each passen
ger carried. The elevator is to be run
at least once an hour from 6 o'clock in
the morning until 10 o'clock in the eve
ning. No charge will be made' on the
levator line until the the year 1911, and
after that time a charge of f 100 per an
nnm will be fixed, until the year 1916.
after which time , the city council will
have the privilege of fixing, the taxa
tion. Judge Ryan has been trying to
secure this franchise for a period of 10
years, and that be will secure it at the
next meeting of the city council is a
I wish to announce to my friends and
the general public that I have associ
ated myself in the practice of dentistry
with Dr. Louis A. Morris, D M. D.
who will conduct my Oiegon City of
fice, next to the Currier building in the
future. I can recommend Dr. Morris as
being an efficient workman in all the
branches of his profeHsion. I will be in
personal attendance at the office on
Wednesday of ev-ry week.
Dr. John Wehh.
The ability to make
sell them equally close. Our goods ore mostly bought in large quantities at first hands ; we save one pg
profit for you there. Then our constant eftort is to sell close. It is close prices which have built this business. Ifi
When you get it here you
Soap Beef, Iron aud Wine and safety razors Your choice from all i and $1.25
We want to get out from under Another lot of that excellent For the seaside for the mount ladies pock etbooks 75c
an over-load of toilet soap. , We summer tonic. Regular 75c per ajns Qf at home' The 65c, 75c and 85c are put in
should at these prices : pint, special sale ;, 10c shavins sticks 7c' one lot, take your choice....5oc
25c bar Castile ;....20c 50c ,nf chavino sticks isc
25C boxes 20C - .XlSs lie , COING JO THE SEASIDE?
5c cakes ..3torioc Nail Clippers and Nail Files. " ' I jake a suppiy of our bath
' all sizes and prices save 25 per ' LEATHER BRUSHES ' . towels at these prices: ; '
75C Hair Brush cent by getting them now. AND RAZOR STROPS 35c towels ' " 2$c
A good all bristle, solid back hair ? Our regular prices on these goods 60c "ZZZZZc
Iftr Brushes. Take e'm now for are low enough and yet during 7c ,
JUC two bits-We guarantee the this special sale you can save 20 'foweiing."' "
A fine rapid flow Fountain bristles will stay in. to 4o per cent. Bath rags 3c 7c and 11c
Syringe. Our regular $1.00 ; .
leader, during this sale ; - .
75c Bicycles at Cost or Less.
this month at some price.
member every wheel goes
' Mj
No Soda Water quite
so good as Huntley's
You know If you
have tried it
FRIDAY, JULY 17. 1903,
eO0ooo99Mfe q see
John Talberl and wife, of Clacka
mas, were Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. John Gleason left Saturday
morning for a visit to friends in Eastern
Mies Bertha" Clough, of Salem, is
the guest of Dr. and Mrs. George Hoeye
this week.
Gilbert L. Hedges left Monday for
a business trip to Lake county and will
be gone sevbral weeks.
Mayor Grant B. Dimick visited his
old home near Hubbard iu Marion
county last Sunday .
MisB Annie Welch, daughter of Dr.
John Welch of Portland, was visiting in
this city on Sunday. t
Miss Eunice Donnelly, of . The
Dalles, has been the guest of Miss Nell
(Jautield for the past week;' u
Chas. Price, of Highland,, left this
week for lone where he will work with
a threshing machine this summer
. , Mrs Harry r A. Symmes, whohaB
been visiting relatives in Salem for the
past two weeks, has returned home.
Percy Cross' and his twa sisters
returned last night from Hood River,
where they have been rusticating for .
some time.
James Church, who hat been in
Walla Walla for several months, has
returned to this city, where he will re
main. Miss Vara Caufield will leave Sun
day fer Seattle, irhere she will visit with
relatives for a few weeks. Miss . Can
field will visit Whatcom before return
ing home., . , ,
Mr-. John McDonell, of West Ore
gon City, returned last night from
Alaska, where he baa been extensively
interested in mining the past five
years.,.. ;..,...!,.;,(
Mrs. J. W. Meredith, Miss Pauline
Adams and Miss Jeanette Meredith, of
Salem, are the guests of friends in Ore
gon City and attending the meeting of
the unautanqua.
Miss Neita Bennett, daughter of
Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, is
the gaeet of Judge and Mrs. William
Galloway, of Parkplace, and will remain
during the Chautauqua.
'Miss Hannah Stromgreen, ot San
Francisco, arrived in this city Fri
day lait. She went from here to Colton
to visit relatives. " MisB Stromgreen will
camp at the Chautauqua during the as
sembly. .
' Hon. John Dimick who has recently
been admitted to the bar will likely
locate in some part of Eastern Oreg.n.
He has a ranch on the east side of the
Cascades and 1b very favorably impress
ed with that part of the world. He is a
bright young lawyer and his friendB pre
dict for him a brilliant future.'
' Mips Florance Westover who has
recently closed a school at Aims,
together with Harry Westover have been
visiting her sisters and brothers at
Renton near Seattle in Washinitton.
They returned to their home in Oregon
Cit on Tuesday of this week. Miss
Westover will likely teach near Seattle
in Washington this year. .
' Mr. 8. B. Johnson, of Gresham, waB
in Oregon City on Monday on busiieis
connected with the selling of some of
his houses and lots. Mr. Johnson Bays
that crops near hie place were never bet
ter than they are this year. That the
new railroad passes right through the
hep' part of Gresham and that the out
look lor the future in that part of the
county is splendid.
George G. HCsb, of Beaverton,
Washington county, was in Oregon City
Monday on business. While here he
subscribed for the Oregon City
Courier and had it sent to his sister who
is employed at Seattle, Wash. Mr.
Hess has recently sold out his property
at Beaverton and will in a few dnys make
a trip to California where he will prob
ably locate and make his future home.
Prices Must
low prices depends upon the
get right quality at the lowest
Don't walk any longer,
The stock is not large, better make your selections first,
at cost or less than cost. No reservations.
Ladies', Wheels, $18.50 to $29.50
Huntley Brothers
. T. B. Fairclough is home after a fw
months' stay in the mountains.
Rev. Frank Mixsell came home
Saturday evening after a pleasant stay
at Ocean Park.
Miss Minnie Grace, of Olarkes, is
visiting relatives in Oregon City and at
tending tbe Chautauqua.
Miss Bessie Luelliog, of IVMinn
ville, is visiting her graudoarenis, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Luel.ing.' .
( Newton Tompkins and Misses 8adie 1
and Maude Baker, of Warren, Oregon,
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. W.
Grace the first of tbe week and attending
the Chautauqua.
Ex-State Senator J. B. Dimick, of
Hubbard was in Oregon City on last
Friday visiting his son Mayor Dimick
of this city and his son Gus Dimick who
is in the emplyee of the Oregon Water
Power and R. W. Co., at Milwaukie.
Mr. Dimick has been in poor health and
had been so for some time on account of
a fall he .happened to last year. This
week he, will go to Wilboit Springs where
ha will remain for some weeks hoping to
be benefited by drinking the waters of
that heal h giving resort. If lie im
proves at Soda Springs he will go on up
into the mountains to Hot Springs where;
be will remain during the heated term
of the Summer. . His many freinda in
Oregon City hope to see him permanent
ly ret, ored to health. .( , ...
J. L.' Randall, of Randall, Wash.,
on the upper Cowlitz, is in the city look
ing for a small residence property in the
suburbs He has one of the best farms
in the Cowlitz valley, at the foot cf the
Cascades, near the Yakima pats. That
locality being SO miles from the nearest
railroad, 'he only farm product raised
for the market is cattle and bogs The
opportunity there for a creamery or
cheese facto'ry is awaiting the right man
to awaken tbe people to tbe profitable
ness of such an enterprise, .
E E. Charman, 8 8. Mohler and I.
LeMahieu left yesterday Jon a hunting
and fishing trip to the eastern part of
the county in the heart of the Cascade
mountains. They will go up the Mo
lalla river to Hot Springs, where they
will camp several days. The party will
be gon several weeks and expect to
speed their time in hunting deer and
fishing. The party is piloted by I . Le
Mahieu. Mr. Charman, who is not In
good health,' will make the trip on horse
horse back while the other two
will walk. The distance tbey
expect to traverse is about a hundred
and twenty-five miles. Blankets and
provisions will be carried with them.
C. R. Myers, of Coquille, Coos
county, has been visitihg his old home
in Clackamas county during the past
week . Two years ago J. D, . Myers and
family moved from Clackamas to Coos
county and there engaged in stock farm
ing which induBtry they now follow. His
sonwho iiow is visiting hieuncle, W.
W. Myers, and Other relatives in this
county and Portland and is much en
amored of. Coquille and.. Cool county.
He says that part of the country has a
great future before it and that stock
farming, dairying, lumbering and coal
mining will make of Cool County one of
the le iding counties ot the state. Mr.
Myers will remain here during the Chau
tauqua and then return to his home in
Southern Oregon.. . , ;. , , .
j John B. DeJarnette, of i Williams
town, Kentucky, who has been visiting
friends and in Oregon City and touring
the coast left for his home in Williams
town, Kentucky on last Saturdav after
noon. When he returns to Kentucky he
will take a course in law at the Cin
cinnati law school and later engage in
the practice of the profession of which
has father is now oneot the leading light
in Northern Kentucky. Young De
Jarnette is a brilliant and well educated
young feliow and carries with him back
to the Sunny South very' lively im
presslona of Oregon City and her good
Eeople. The Courier of course wishes
im well in all of his undertakings
Take Lavatlve Bromo Qnlnltu Tablets. All
nnuist rpfnml the monej if It falls to oure. .
lirove'a ilgnaturo in on inch box.
be Lowest
ability to buy goods close and
prices obtainable.
Men's Wheels, $18.50 to $37.50
Absolutely Pure.'
Haunt and Grin at Those WK
i v Desecrate Ihem. . ..
' Mr. Editrr: Will you please publish
the following letter, which' I received
from Fred Nelson for the benefit of hit
old friends? , .. . ' .'
Oregon City, Ore., July 13.
E. A. Mulvaney
; I ara in receipt of your communica
tion through the medium of the Courier
and i" reply will say that 1 will not risk
a possible disappointment by coming to
Molalla unannounced, but if you will set
a date that suits their convenience, I
shall be pleased to come out and receive
the donations of "my former friendi."
Very Truly Yours,
F. J.NL80H.
Now Fred let us come to terms. You
tell us where you got those bones, and
if you got them honestly, which some
people doubt very seriously, I for oae,
am ready to compromise, and treat you
to only two three-cornered rails instead
of six, if you will promise to keep your
self out of this part of the country and
not interfere with our little home study
Of course you are somewhat in ad
vance of ub. as you have begun boil
ing people, while we aie boiling chick
ens, cattle, hogs, etc. And you have al
so beBn christeued by your friends, "the
bone icraper."
. I understand that your city Wends
Bay that if it had not been for Lize Mul
vanv and "Bill" Vaughan there would
have been nothing of thia affair. Billie
and I don't min I being roasted while we
are alive, but we beg of you don't boil us
when we are dead.
I say, had it not been for Fred Nelson
that poor unfortunate man, who was
boiled on the banka of itbe beautiful
bank of tbe Molalla, would, no donbt,
have been resting in his grave tonight,
and this unpleasant affair would not
have been. .
You will have to look to your mascu
line friends for the date on which the
promised donat ons will ho cieerfully
delivered with variations. ' '
Fred, now that you have taken the
trouble to write to me. why did you not
tell me where you V"' that body, or part
of oe. ' You knew I wanted to fciow. I
am very sorry some one did no tdig in
the straw stack, where you had it cached
previous to cooking There miuht have
been more of it found. The coroner said
you hastened to' explain. I think yon
hastened to to remove the bone.
When you come out again veu had
better fetch lunch with you, for you
might get nothing betlei than cold
shoulder out here.
Freii, I hope you will not waste your
time on uie, for I certainly have no time
for you. And if this is k he continued
I hope your Molalla friends will take it
up. ' .
Youre Truly,
Miss Emha Mulvant.
then the disposition to
- mm
Remember every wheel is guaranteed. Re-
Two kind of drugs
--Our kind and the
kind you don't, waat