Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1903, Image 7

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T An11 208 first Street,
u. r. u.JLuiuieii,
Portland, On,
ni-Tr& v2f 7v
Top buggies, $55 and up
Open buggies 25 and up
Carriages and jHacks, Milburn
Wagons, Corumbus Buggies. v .
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Presses, Iron and Wood, Pumps
Plows and Harrows, Cream Separators.
We Want Your Trade
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce- i
ments to close buyers.
Sash and Cmall Profits is Our Motto. '
New Goods, Niw Proprietors, and Deceit Treatment
Fine Wines, Whiskies and Cigars. The Celebrated
Eelwood Beer always on tap :; :; :: :; ;:
T. W. COLE, T""
' Till.' f
- Cigars
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed
Some famous old brands:
James E Pepper, Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
OldRoxburv Rye
Cnr. Dailrnad Ave. and Main St
Em 1
the Planet Salon
mtmtnK in and when you
HI yiirl A drink, drink
tbe BEST
m ' 4- IVKicLii i8the be8t in the worl1, 11 is di8tn,ed
Pldn6T ff niSKU from selected grain in the mountains of
Kentucky. We also carry all tue other first-claw brands.
Dtwart' Scotch xtiiemsnnt
JohnBtgg'i Scotch montlctlU Kv
mcKant's Pur Walt Will Wbiskf
Canadian Club Crtam Hyt
and the Celebrated RED TOP WHISKY
The finest Resort in the city
rOarde Building, next to the Suspensl- Bridie
Old Crow
ljirmltaqt .
Cyrus Dtbh
lyunftr Jtyf
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul
sion gives ' the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
ond for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
409-415 Paarl Street, NowYorkv
EOc. .. .; '-i7ffl3ts.
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
, The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Waon will call for your oiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured. . . .
E. L. JOHNSON, Tne uarDer, agem.
Elk Horn Livery Feed i Sale Stable
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMIK, Manager, WTJ.'.
of Fruits
e e
Always carried in stock
by A. Robertson, the up-to-date
groeer. Sweeten
your life with our straw
berries and cherries
Finest and freshest of
groceries. All staple
Goods. -We are after
your trade Our prices
are right.
A. Robcrtsonf
Tbe 7 th Street Orocer.
Meeting of City council.
The City Council met in special ses
sion Mouday evening. Tbe meeting was
in every way a stormy one. The com
mittee's report, uufavoiable to the build
ing of the. tkmtli end road provoked a
storm of protests and a How of oratory.
Tbe matter was finally taken nut ot tbe
hands of the old comuiilteee by their re
quest and a new committee supposed to
be lavurable to the building of the road
appointed. This road question has been
a bone of contention for a good long time.
From time to time it bus been postponed
and referred to committees, but it bobs
up with peisistent regularity. If all
Uiat has been written and printed about
it was paid for at regu ar newspaper ad
vert isiuti rates, the D 1 inter woul have
received enoujjli to have built tbe road.
It was voted by lha council to make a
purchase of 15,000 yards ot crushed stone
and of 15,000 pet ri tied brick for use on
the streets.
The questiou of giving something to
the flood sufferers of Heppnei was dis
cussed and it was finally agreed to give
those stricken people the sum of $100.
The proposition to vote something to
the Fotinh of. July celebration was
turned down.
Thecitizeus of the town who had con
tributed to ttie Fourih of July celebra
tion fund were invited to be present and
to take action relative to giving thefuuds
sube cribed to tbe Ileppner viciiuie. After
due delibeiation thin plan was decided
to be unadvisable and the funds sub
scribed will be used for the uurpuse
originally intended.
Constipated Bowels
To have good hi alth, the body should be kept
In a laxative condition , and the bowels mount
at least onoe a day, bo tbat alt the poisonous
wastes are expelled dally. Mr. (i, L. Kdwaros.
142 N: Main 8t Witchita, writes: "I have used
Heroine to regulate the liver and bowels for the
ptst ten years, and found it a reliable remedy"
50c atlliarman & Co. .
Five Hundred D 11ars Subscribed to
the Fourth ot July Fund,
The city of Caiby has subscribed $500
for a Fourth of July celebration. This
is perhaps the largest amount made up
by any town of a like size in the state.
Canby with her ;t. ree or four hundred
people is always patriotic. She always
celebrates the Fourth and this year she
promises to out do herself in this line.
One man in Canby gave $50 toward the
The S lverton Brass Bund lias ben
B cured for tbe occasion and will dis.
pense sweet music all day. The Silvei
ton band is one of ihnbextin the stnte.
Judge Gordcn E. Hayex, of this cily,
will he the ora' or of the day. Thi jus
tifies u- in making the . isr.ion thf t her
oratory will will tie all right, for the
judge is an orator with no superiors in
Clackamas county.
One of Canby's most charming yrung
Indies, Miss Veva Knight, will read the
Declaration of Independence.
There will be racing, bicycle, foot races
and other sports of a similar nature. In
ihe evening a grand hall will be given
and a Portland orchestra will furnitb
the music Added to the oter attrac
tions is an ox barbecue. At night $200
of their fund will go up in fireworks.
Canny is all right.
Funeral Notice.
I now have money to piy county war
rants endorsed prior to j 'tr, 1st, 1900,
also road warrants piu.oi .l prior to
April let, 1903, iutett will ct-ann ou
such warrants on the ! ii9 ol this it Mice
Oregon City Oregon, June 19th, 1!)"3,
Ekoh CAHii.r.', Treacii er,
2t Ulaikniuud (Mtmt Ore.
The funeral services of late William
Ciiseday were held at the Zion cemetery
last Friday. Mr. Caceday was born in
Ureen countv. East Tenn, 1732 and died
at New Era June 10, 1903
The deceased left a wife and nine
children: Mrs. Mary Hiatt, of West
Port. Mo, Mrs Ben Noyer, of Meadow
broi k.Ore., Ben Casedy, of New Era,
Geo. Caeedy, of lone, Mrs. Baker of
Oregon City, Mrs. Hager of Mulino, Ed
asedav and William Uaseday ot Uanby
and Alex Gaseday Of New Era
Mr. Caseday was an old soldier having
served in the confederate armv during
the Civil War. He crossed the plains
n 1864 and since then has been aresident
of Clackamas county.
Virulent Cancer Cured.
Startling proof of a wonderful advance In
medicine is given by druggist O. W. K Wrts of
Ellr.abeth, W JVa. An old man there had long
buffered with what Rood doctors pronounced tu
curable cancer. Thny believed bis case hopeles
till he used Eleftric Bitters aud and Buckleu'i
Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured
him. When t-tectrio Bittere are used to expel
bilious, kidney and micmlh. poisons at the same
t-me this salve exerts its matchless healinK Dower,
Mood diseases, tkln viuntionM, ulcers aad sores
Tnnish. B liters 60c, salte 2bo at Ueo. A. Harding
Notice Is hereby Riven that tbe underatirned
administrator of the estate of Elissbeth Hhandv
deccaed, has filed his final report ill tbe county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the
said court has set Monday, July 25th, 1093, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the
court house in Oregon Cily. Oregon, as the time
and place for hearing any and all objections to
Bam nnai report, aim 10 nis nuainisciiHW u an
minlst ralor of said estate. O. 8. B0YLA8,
uacea J una n. vw.
Administrator of the Fstate of
Klizabeth Shandy, Deceased,
Robkkt A. Mcllxk A O. B Km,
Attorneys for AdimnlstTator.
First Publication, June,19.
Last Publication, July 17.
Notice Is hereby given that I have been
inly appointed by the Cowbty Court of Clackaauut
County, st te of Oregon, Administrator ot the
estate of Sarah J. Fancher. deceased, and that
all persons having derma against said estate
are hereby notified to presen! the same to me
at the law omoe of C. B. & D. C. Latourette in
Oregon OKy.Oreiron. properly verified, within nil
montns irum tne aate or tins notice.
Dated June 5th 1903. .
David Fanobib,
Administrator of the estate of Sarah J Fandier,
Paine's Celery
The Most Remarkable Remedy
in the World.
Seware of Ointments for Catarrh that
v Contain Mercury.
lit mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell
and completely derange the who.e system whe
entering it Ihrongh the mucous surfaces. Suvh
atttclt-sslioutd nevar Do uui except oil prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, ss the d matte
they will d" Is ten fold to the good yon call pos-
itilv derive from them.- Hal 's Catarrh Cure,
ntanulactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Tnledo, t).,
'OutaiiiB tto mercury, and Is taKen internally,
acting i irectly uim the blood and mu.ains
surfaces ol the system. In luivlrir hall scstarrn
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is tnken
nterna ly and Ib manelr 'ioledo, Ohio, by r. J.
Ch ney & Co. Testimonials free.
LfSold by Drupglsts, price 75c per bottle.
Hairs Family rills are tne nest.
The True Medicine for the Cure of Dis
eases of the Blood and Nerves.
Painc's Celery Compound cores
cases given op as hopeless j it feoilds
up, strengthens, restores. When
tired and discouraged, this great
medicine will give new life and
vitality. Faille's Celery Compound
is the ideal medicine and should he
in every home.
The Fine Draft Stallion
Will make the reason of 1903 at my stable
near Currlnsville, and close to Eagle Creek,
in Clackamas oounty at $6.00 to Insve a
mare in fold. Description and Pedicree
Bob Is a fine draft stallion, chestnut, good
build, fine form and action and a sure foal
tetter. He Is by Imported Cubldon, who
weighed 2,16o pounds. He Is twelve
years old and m the very prime of life.
He has made tire -season In this county fo
many years, and has as fine a lot of coatts
and draft horses as can be seen tn fhis
part of the world. If you want to raise
the best draft and farm horses to be found
breed your mares to Bob.
Money Is due vhen, mare Is. known to
be la foald or parted with.
. ' ' J. W. DOWTY.'
CrrlnvlU, On
Foley's Kidney Cure
make kidney aad bladder fight.
. Dizzy?
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Jill.
Small doses cure, aw jt
" VViMit yTn7"uwi!oivT.e or lH.rd a Iwauulul 1
bMuor rirh Mack? Then on j
in your
Hundreds ol housewives who nev
er dye anything, who tfhlnk they
can't dye, or imagine it s a task,
arelosing the goodof castaway fab
rics that cooEd be made new with
It is an extremely easy process to
color with Diamond Dyes, and
the cost is bert a trifle. They are
for home use and home economy
tr fcua a inadsl denartment of adrlce. and
will answer fra aoj quastioaa atsaut dyeing.
a end ssmpla of gmot wneo poasiDM.
, Dirsctlon bookvnd U dy.d aamiflM fra.
L DIAUOND CTBS, Burlington, Vt.
nd there U not a case of piles
in -xitence that cannot be
quickly und pprmanwntlv cured
b Ptrrln'3 Pllt Sptclfle.
You take it 'hat' all. New
prite One Dollar a bottle at
vmir fl ruKiiU' . If he hasn't it
write to
Dr. Perrin Medical Co.,
Helena, Mont.
you at 6 per cent and 7 pur cent on
and or clmttelp. John V. Lodkr, at-
orrey-at-law, Oregon City.
Tbe Hearr, Fat Hob Considered t
Be Worth More Money. -
One of the biggest concerns In thel
United States, located at the Chicage
stock yards, Is quoted by Orange Judd'
Farmer to the effect that for bacon,
hogs It consWers the Tamworth most
suitable. It thinks hog raisers are not
producing any larger percentage of ba
con hogs than ten years ago, but ad
mits that there may be a slight In- .
crease. The trade calls for hogs of thla
class at certain seasons, but the de
mand Is not a steady one and Is gov
erned by the English lunrket. Pack
ers desire the bacon hog when condi
tions are favorable, but at most times
the heavy, fat hog is worth more mon
ey to the packers than the b;;con hog.
So long as corn is one of the chief prod
ucts of the central west bacon hogs
will not predominate. This firm fur
ther does not believe that a steady sup
ply of bacon hogs would give a sub
stantial premium over fat hogs.
On the other hand, It believes that
mon'th in and month out the fat hog
will net more money and be more prof
itable for the American farmer to
raise. The value of the hog to the
packer is governed entirely by the price
at which he can sell the product liY'lien
lard Is scarce and high, the fat hog
which will produce the largest percent
age of lard Is the most profitable.
When Danish and Irish hogs are scarce
and the English market is not lively,
then as a rule the bacon hog is very de
sirable; but, taking it all in all, thla
packing house finds that with the di
versified demands and requirements we
have to consider in the United Stntes
prime fat hogs will, as a rule, produce
better results than hogs of the bacon
Saves Time and Trouble.
I have built a turnstile according to
the Inclosed sketch that does the busi
ness. It will admit a man with a bas
ket on his shoulder and at the same
time will not let a hog pass through.
The angle form
ed by the two
wings of fence Is
bo acute that a
hog caunot pass
through unless it
is a very small
one, says an Io
wa farmer. If
the hogs in the
fitnA lot nrpamnll.
a board a foot
high Is put at the bottom, and no shote
can jump over aud turn the angle at
the same time. No mora room than
will admit of the body of the feeder
will be necessary. ' .
lot C'oh .Safe Jlforu-y
the cheap
By taking advantage of
rates east offered by "The
em Line"
Chicago and return $71
St. Paul and Minneapolis and re
turn 6 ) 00
Tickets food 90 days. Stop overn al
Dated of sale June 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27
28, 29. 30; July 15, 16 and August 25
and 26.
lull information by addressing
II. L. ISI81.KB,
General Aitent.
132 Third Bt., Portland, Or,
Excursion Jtn'ea to Yaquina
On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co
will reeume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport am Yaquina tsay. This resort
is becominu more popular every year.
and hotel accomodations are better than
ever before, anil at reasonable rates
Season tickets from Oregon City to New
port (6 'or Yaquiua $6. Saturday to
Honilay tickets . to .Newport i or
Yaquina $3. . ,
ours rrmy,
W. K Com an,
' Gen Pats Ageut.
- n i.
torwoTVijn, Oct. 17, 1901.
I consider WIm of Cardal npcaior
to mar doctor's adlain I
aaa 1 kaaw whoraot I speak. I suf
ferad for niav monthi with suppressed
menstruation srhiok aompleUlr pros
trated ma. Pains woaldaboot thraaaa
mr bask aad aides aad I would hats
Winding haadaoaes. Mr Hmba woald
swell a and I woald feel so weak I
eonld not stand as. I naturajl lelt
disennraced for I seeawd to bs beoad
ills help of phrsleians, bot Wins 0
Cardul cams as a God-send to ate. I
fait a efeangs for the better within
week. After nineteen days treatment
I menstruated without suffering the
agonies I asaallrdid and soon became
regular aud wlthoat pain. Wine of
Ordul la sfmplr wonderful aad I wish
that all aa erin woaaaa knew of Its
good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland Economic Leagus
Periodical headache tell of fe
male weakness. Wine of Cardui
cures, permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cuam of irregular
menses, bearing down paini or
any female weaicneas. If you are
discouraged and doctor have
failed, that i tbe beat reason in
the world you hould try Wine of
Cardui now. Remember that
headache nipan female Kciknos.
Secure a $1.00 boUi of Wine of
(Jaxdui today .
Coat of an Acre of Strawberrtea.
For blowing, $3; harrowing, $3;
marking, 50 cents; plants (8,000), $25,
average price; plants are scarce this
year. Trimming and preparing plants,
$5; setting plants, $4; cultivating with
horse, $7.60; hoeing six times, $18;
fertilizer, half a ton, $15; four tons of
straw, $20; applying straw, $5. This
makes the cost about $100 for the first
year. . Of course the increase of plants
can be used to set a new bed the fol
lowing year, which will make the cost
on fourth less. The straw is worth
as much as it costs almost to the, soil.
In these figures we are actually giv
ing what It would cost the farmer to
hire the work done by men w ho know
how to do it. If the farmer does the
work himself, he does not feel the cost
any more than were he putting in a
crop of potatoes. We advise setting
the strawberry bed near the buildings,
o It can be attended tp without golnfj
far. The usual gross sales frcin an
acre of strawberries are about four
times the cost ot the acre for the first
year, concludes a New York state" cor
respondent In Rural New Yorker. '
Prevention of Onion MaaTgrofs.
Professor Smith of New Jersey has
given two methods of treating onion
beds to keep away or kill the onion
maggot. For small patches in tho gar
den he would take fine sand aud mois
ten it with kerosene and sow it along
both sides of the row near but not
touching the plants. This not only
drives , away the fly which lays tho
egg, but kills many of the maggots as
they leave one plant to go to another,
as they will when the first one Is dead.
The fly looks like a small house fly. A
cupful of kerosene to a pailful of sand.
Is enough. For larger fields he wouldl
make a furrow alongside of the rows
turning tbe soil away from tbe plants
using a hoe or band plow for that pur
pose; then sow broadcast about 60(J
pounds of kalnlt and 200 pounds of ni
trate of soda to the acre, after which
level the ground ajjnln. Tbe first rain'
will carry the fertilizer to the plants,
killing many of the maggots and in
creasing the crop. ...
Alfalfa and tae plsa.
' At tbe Nebraska experiment station
alfalfa fed pigs as compared with corn
fed bad more lean meat, stronger vital
organs and much stronger bones.
One Talnsr and Anotber.
Professor J. A. Craig says one acre of
rape, with grain, will fatten twenty
wethers in two months. Ten bogs will
eat about one-third of an acre in two
The Cheviot, a beautiful sheep, is
said to be gaining In favor.
One year old asparagus plants are the
kind to set.
Good draft horses are good property.
Shallow culture Is tbe latest fashion
for corn, yet some people still favor tho
deep working.
Soak parsley seed In warm water for
a few hours before sowing.
In spite of unsatisfactory beet sugar
yields in some sections last sen ho u the
total yield is figured at 32.3U7 tons
more than lastjear. ....