Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1903, Image 5

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Expansion Sale
Before Winding Up Our
We wish to give the housekeepers one grand benefit that will
remain green in their memory for years to come.
It will pay you to lay irt a year's supply. at least In Table
Linens Towels Napkins Ttweling Lace Curtains Tapestry
Portiers llankets Quilts Comforters Draperies or Table
Covers or Cauch Covers. t
Bt surt and ttmt stmt dap this wttk, tb sooner tbe better ,. t
In.'V ;., Bazaar Patterns Reduced to 10 cents ' '' ''
McAllen & McDonnell ; j
Hats and flowers greatly reducedat
Mrs. Bladeu's. ,
The outlaok is good for , high prices
lor hopn. ' 'j)'"' i. .
i AH trimmed hatt reuced at Mrs. H.
T. Bladen. ...
Wilson & Cooke will sell you a mower
for $40.
We are closing out our stock of shoes
at cost. Red Front.
Go to Wilson & Cooke if you want to
buy a sickle grinder.
Cut rate prices at Moore's pharmacy
on Seventh Street. .
. Go to Wilson & Cooke forgardeu tools,
euch as boes, runes, etc.
T)rvon want to buv wire fencing? If
go uo to Wilson & Co"ke. -
Furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. Apply to John Schratn
(inns an (1 mirrors free at Charman &
Co.'a Drua Store. See their adv.
Monev to loan at six per cent. J. J .
Cookb, Oregon City, Oreon.
Beatie 4 Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard,
building, rooms 16,17 and 18,
anient vour hats while the stock is
large. Everything reduced i. at Mrs,
Beavers have destroyeda large number
f ivtf tnnwnncl trees on a plantation of
the W. P. & P. Co on Pudding river,
You make - mistake by taking
TBi'iiipB and Drescrictions to Moore b
Pharmacy. Accuracy, skill, pure drug
and right prices,
A larora number of old uioneers from
tliia cnnntv were in attendance at the
nuatino nf thn Pioneers convention in
Portland last week.
Mrs. Ruth G. Sweet and daughter be
can a urotracted meeting at
' The Willamette river is choked with
logs below the falls. The back water
from the Columbia has bee.D favorable
for rafting the logs up tne river and
millions of feet are waiting to be taken
through the locks and turned into pa
The rafts of logs for the paper mills.
(rom the Columbia almost nil the (all
a narrow chauuel being left open1 for
steamers. It is at this time during the
June rise, that the mills eet their supply
The aggregate of logs fu transit Is said to
total about 2,000,000 feet.
Manager Fields reports that he hag
secured the Nashville Students, a col
ored aggregation of Minstiels, to furnish
entertainment at Canemah Park for the
balance of the season. Next Sunday a
game of ball between the Schillers and
the home team will be played in the
Caleb Cross is setting an example of
public spirit and enterprise to property
owners on tne oiurt that is highly com
inendable. " lie is making preparations
to build a concrete sidewalk, a 100 feet
or more in length along the realty he
owns on Seventh street.
and will
Grove school house Tuesday
ho d meeting for a week.
The Native Daughters met at the
home of Mrs. Miller last Tuesday after
moon. Quite a delightlul outing was
iheld at her suburban home.
The Florodora Club will give a dance
at anemah Park Friday evening. In
vitations have been issued to a large
number. Admission 50 cents.
Wilson & Cooke carry a complete line
ol all kind of farming implements, such
as plows, harrows aud cultivators. Also
hay tools of all kinds, Buch as hay forks,
carries and pulleys.
The Fourth of July will be celebrated
at Damascus by the Modern Woodmen
in a patriotic manner. Mayor G. B.
Dimick, of this city, is the orator of the
day. i ,
If not the most elegant store it is a
noted fact that they are selling goods,
the cheapest at tie Racket Store of any
etre in Oregon City; That's right, and
it's no jjdh either.
Rev, 8 P. Da vis, some y?ars ago
n.nnr nf t.hn FUotist church here,' has
removed from Philadelphia to Colorado
nrinu. 111. Health compelled him to
give up his pastorale.
Ohihlren's Dav was appropriately oh
served at the Cougregationrl church Sun-
mninir. In the o.orning rtev. a.
8. Bollinger, the p Btor, preached a ser
.nnn t,i the children. T e exercises
were interesting in the extreme
Tue oeiple of Shubel propose to have
a celebration the tourtb of July. Ar
rangement have been made for a grand
riioiiic. olioweu oy a uauuo i.....
The orator of the day is Howard M
Brownell, of this city. ' ' ,
rarriaira licenses were issued to the
following parties Tuesday: Mary a.
Miller and Rev. C. E. Crandall; Gusfie
Maddock and J. D. Wilkins; Sarah O.
Nicklin and Thomas Harlan; Josie Lar
eon and Harvey Davis.
The Orftgm City Hose Team began
practice Tuesday evening for the regatu
which sill be held in Astoria in August.
Chief of the Fire Department Ruconich
expects to carry "ff some of the prizes
for the teams making tae best showing.
The will of John Dolan was admitted
to proba'e in the county court Saturday.
Tnees aUisvilU9databout$2500. Frank
Dolan and Riley Garrett wre appointed
eqeuutor withoot bond. Frank Djlan,
a nephew of the decased, is the princi
pal heir to the estate.
r. t v aud Bertha M. Gib-
Boi were married, on June 18. at 4
o'clock, at the home of the groom. G.
B. Diinicic, myor of Oregon City, offi.-i-ated.
The grojin is the city attorney
f Oreuoo Citv, and a well known busi
ness m in. The bride is a well knowa
leiderof sjc.e.y. Bth are highly re
spected citizens of Oregon City.
Willie Forgeson, the five-year old
Bon ol r tank Ferguson, died at his
father's home at Clackamas Heights last
Saturday night at 12 o'clock, from an
attack of scarlet fever and dropsy. The
remains of the little fellow were laid to
rest in the family burying ground Mon
day morning. , s
A Sunday school picnic will be held
at Wright's picnic grounds at Liberal
June 27th. The picnic will begin at 10
o'clock. Dinner will be served on the
grounds. The program will consist of
readings, recitations, speaking and mil'
sic. 1 be proceeds will go to buy an or
Ban lor tbe bunday school. .
Judge William Galloway was elected
President of the Pioneer Association of
Oregon last week. Judge Galloway' is
one of Oregon City's leading citizens,
and. beet of all. be is a Democrat. The
judge was Receive for the Land OHioe
here for a number of years. The Jugde
is a native of 'he Badger state and came
to Oregon in 1852. Hh was a
graduate at the Willamette University
in 1868.
On account of striking a qiisrry of
stone the steam shovil engaged in fill-
in,! the trestle of the O. W. P. Railway
Company at the Ulackamaa river was
compelled to abandon work Tuesday
The trestle is a quarter of a mile long
and the tilling of it means the moving
of an immense amount of dirt. It also
means a good long job for the large force
of men employed upon it. The steam
shovel will be moved to another loca
tion when the work will be resumed
Come to Oregon City July 4th.
Mr. Hayes and family hav e moved to
Clackamas Heights.
Everbart A Co have purchased a single
horse express wagon. ' ' ,
Misses Martina and Harriet Parker
have returned from Currinsville, where
they spent two weeks.
Mrs. Fredrick gave a surprise part to
Richard Fredrick Tuesday afternoon. A
good time was enjoyed by all present.
The best wasning machine (hat was
ever invented is carried by Wilson &
Cooke. Fully guaranteed.
Rev, W, M. Stover, of Tacoma, er-
ived in Oregon City Tuesday on a visit
to his sister, who is quite ill. '
A great deal of work, is being
done by the O. W. P. & Railway com
pany oo tlitir tracks in this city.
A large delegation of teachers went to
Portland Wednesday to attend the
Teachers Association of Weste rn Ore
G. E . Hayes has sold his property at
the head of Seveuth street to W. H
Godfrey and wife who have taken pos
sesion . ' r ,
Henry Smatters is making prepara
tions to move to Idaho, in which state,
two of his sons are located government
land. 1 ;0
The Predestinarian Baptists will hold
religious services at the home of Mr.
Bruce, at the bead of seventh street, on
Saturday afternoon and Sunday. .
Dr. Strickland ia building a new el"
flea building on bis lot on the hill. It is
reported that the doctor win move to
his new office when completed.
Mrs. Bert Harrington, of Bandon. is
visiting relatives here this month. She
is a delegate Irom Agate lodge No. 67 D.
of H to the Grand lodge which meets
in Portland in July,
Mrs Margaret Tbornton. who
formerly ran the New England home in
this pity, and who went to Rellwood
some months ago, has removed te her.
property in Green, roint.
Mr. and Mrs. Gasner white, who
Were married ai the Baptist church in
this city last Sunday morning, left for
their home at Monitor Wednesday. The
gioom owns a large ranch at that
Dr. Strickland performed an intricate
and dangerous operation on J.T.Dow.
ty, of Currinsville, a tew weeks ago.
The young man is rec vering and re
turned to his Currinsville home yesterday.
Please remember that the 34 pretty
girls, the Japanese wedding, the Hepp-
ner horror.the juamta Concert company
at Shivelv's opera bouse are all to be
considered as one on Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenirgi, June 30 and July 1.
Tickets at Huntley's book store.
Sheriff John R. Shaver was given the
third degree in the K. of P. lodge Wed
nesdayeveuingandlii.il. JobnBon was
given the rank of Esquire. About forty
visiting Sir Knights from Portland camk
over on a special car to witnesstne wore
and assist in it. After the degree work
a lunch was served.
A Japanese wedding will take place
next Tuesday eAeniug, June 30th, at
Shively's opera bouse, the contracting
parties are as yet unknown, but it is ru
mored that they are well known in this
city. Psrticular interest has been
aroused and it is expected that a large
number of people will be present. De
tails will appaar in our next issue,
Midsummer Camp Meeting.
Midsummer campmeeting by the Sal
vation Army of Oregon City will com
mence Saturday. June 27th, and close
J uly 13th. The hall will be decorated
witb evergreens, so as to give the ap
pearance of a grove. All ministers will
assist by preaching each niget in turn as
Sat , June 27 Lieut. Maness, of Port
land. . -
Sun., June 28, 4 p. m., Ensign Crahtree
Hun., " " 8 "
Mon. July 29 Rev. Davis.
Tues., " 30, Rev. Beavens.
Wed., July 1, Rev. Bollinger.
Tliur., July 2. Rev. Hammand.
Sun., "
Sun., "
Mon., "
Tues., "
Wed., "
Tbur., "
Fri.i "
Sat., "
Sun.,. "
3, Rev O. A. Willey.
4, Re". F. Mixsell.
5, 4 p. m., Mrs. Sweet.
6,8 p. m., " "
6, Rev. Willey. '
7, Rev. J. H. Beaven.
8, Rev. Bollinger.
' 9, Rev. P. K. Hammond.
10. Rev. Grim.
11, Mrs. Sweet, evangelist.
12, 4 p. m , " "
" 8 p. m., " "
ft ; ' . , il ,
Arrangements-are being made for good
singing ' during the camp meeting.
Please all pray that the meeting may
cause a goodly number to embrace sal
vation and live it the rest of their days.
Ensign Crabtrkb,
Lieut. Wiemann.
Headache Talk
No. 1 g
Few people escape headaches, allthough most people jXjJ
might. This is not theory, but facts founded on ample ex- fl
perience with a remedy that cures all kinds of headaches.; jj
This remedy is .
An amusing Incident accurred on an
Oregon City street car last Hunday even
ing. A large crowd of Oregon City peo
ple were returning trom roiuana ana
coming down a heavy grade a trolley
wire broke and began to beat upon the
roof of the car. The noise made by the
broken wire resembled a seriers of
pistol shots. On the alert for holdups
the entire crowd jumped from their
seats and started for the door. One man
shoved his pocketbook down the leg of
bis pantaloons and ciawied under tne
seat. .
An elecrtic freight car on the O. W.
P. & Railway Company's line became
derailed Friday evening snd delayed
traffice for several hours. Tbe accident
occured on the trestle this side of the
Clackamas river. Carpenters were en
gaged in lepainng the ire-tie Mt a 12
x4 stick ol timber in the middie of the
track which caused the difficulty.
No one was iojured, but it was a narrow
escape, for if tbe car had gooea few feet
further it would have tumbled over the
trestle a distance of fifty feet to tbe
ground below.
Electrician C. G. Miller is the owner
of a reinavkably weil-tiained dog. Every
evening the dog delivers his daily paper
to him. A few evenings ago tbe boy
failed to appear with the paper and con
sequently tbe dog did not bring it. The
dog is given his given his supper when
the paper is deliv red. On seeing a
newsboy going down theVreet he ran
over to him and tried to tike a paper
out of his band. Failing In this he went
to a neighbor's doorstep, picked up a pa
per that bad been left there and ran
back to his owner's home with it in his
mouth .
A new lodge of Workmen has been in
stituted at Willamette Falls. The new
lodge starts off with 17 charter members.
It will sail under tbe name of Crystal
Springs Lodge, Ho. 140. Tbe following
fibers will preside during toe first six
months : &rne i Mass, past master work
man; Frank Hants, master workman;
A. Bujkles, foreman; James O Brien,
(overseer; M. Manning, recorder; J. T.
! Gary, financier; E. P. Burdine, receiver;
J. Christensen, guide; Harry Burdine,
inside watenman , j. naucn, a. rro
mong, A. Buckles, - trustees, for one,
two and three years respectively ; T,
Beard, medical examiner.
Ed Rimer, contractor on tbe sewer
work, was arrestedWednesday morning
charged with having assaulted one of
his men. A dispute arose as to wages
when tbe man claims that Rimer chok
ed and struck him . The case was tried
before justice Mipp and a small One im
A. ' J.' Mcintosh, of the steamship
Dollar, was a visitor to his father's
home on the Kedland road last r riday
Mr. Mcintosh has bean on board the
Dollar for the past three years and is
now one of tbe petty officers on board
that vessel with good chances of further
promotion. The Dollar is a coast
A man named Robinson, whoso reel
dence is Canby, was thrown in jail by
Chief of Police Burns Wednesday morn
ing because be was acting in a disorder
ly manner. Ho resembled a party
wanted in roniana tor toigery and Mr.
Burns telephoned to Portland to have
him identified. An officer in company
withthemanwho.se name was forged,
arrived here Wednesday fteruoon and
Robison was released.
Conductor Labrtque waB fined $8 and
costs by J tistice ot Peace, Livy Hupp
Tuesday for assaulting J. W. Gardner,
ajewler of this city. The trouble arose
Sunday over a dispute over a book of
commutation tlx.ets. Gardner was
coming into town and tendeted his book
of tickets to the conductor, ibe con
ductor dei lared they were not good an
a dispute arose which did not end until
Oregon City was reached. Then as
Gardner was getting off tht car Labreque
struck him with bis hat.
A timber deal involving several bun
drtd thousand dollars was made this
week by which H. L. Pittock and F. W
Leadbetter. president of the Columbi
River Paper Company, have purchased
approximately a half interest iu the
Charles K. Spaulding Logging Com pan j,
owned by Spaulding and a C. Miles
Tbeobiectof the deal is to enlarge the
scope of operations ot the company
which owns a mill at Newberg, severa
steamboats and a thousand acres of tim
ber landB. The carmcityof the New-
burg Mill ii about 30,000 feet daily and
this will at le et I e dot. bled, as the ( om
pany wishes to increase its lumber out'
The Allen Stock Company completed
a week s engagement here last Saturday
night. Every play put on during the
entire week was up to tne expectations
of the audience. There was not a tingle
"bum" performance during the whole
week, the production of "the Blark
Heifer ' Saturday evening was as amus
ing a farce comedy as was ever put on
the local stage, and literally brought
down the house on more than one oc
casion. Tbe specialties introduced be
tween acts were all good. The songs
of George Walsh were highly commend
able, while as for little Verna Feltoo,
she was a decided "bit" of the show.
While a mere child of ten or twelve
tender summers she is an actress with
more expression than ordinarily, falls to
humankind. Her appearance was al
ways a signal for prolonged applause!
and she was repeatedly encored. While 1
tbe company was good tbe show was not
a succeas financially as the crowds who
witnessed the performance were not
large enough to support a company of
20 people. They promise to make Ore
gon City again, however, and it is to be
. I hoped that their patronage will be better
inext time.
Portland market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7074c; val
ley, 77c.
Barley teed, szu.uu per ton ; brewing
Flonr Best grade, 13.95 4 30; grab
am, 3.45 (s !.8o.
lMlliBturrs Bran, 123 per ton; mid-
dings, $27 ; shorts, 23 ; chop, $18
Oats INo. 1 white, H.JO 1.15; gray.
$1.13 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $20 21: clover,
norminal ; $15 16 per ton.
Potatoes Best burbanks, 4075c per
sack; ordinary, 3545c per cental;
growers' prices; Merced Bweets, $3
3.35 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1112
young, 1314c; hens 12c; turkevs,
alive, 10rc; dressed, 2022c; ducks,
$77.5U per dosen ; geese, $6(s6 50.
Cheese b ull creaji, twins, lbml c ;
Young America, 1514c; factory
prices, ll'Ac less.
Butter tancy creamery, ziwAic
per pound : extras, 22c ; dairy, 2022
store, 1518c.
kg s17(j20c per dozen.
Hops Choice, J820c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12"4l7c; Eastern
Oregon. 8(a4c; mohair. 3637o.
tseet ros, cows, 3M(2J4i5 ; per pound
steers, owc; dressed, 86o.
Veal 78e.
Mu tton Gross. $3.50 per pound:
dressed 66Wo.
Lambs Gross, 4o per pound ; dresse 1
We sold it two or three years before. We said much about
it. We are how sure that too much cannot be said in its
favor. Taken at fhe first sign of pain it prevents all head
aches. Taken after the pain starts it cures in from 10 toad
minutes. Used consistently it 1 has : repeatedly cured sick
headache. . ,
When you need a headache remedy
7 remember that Huntley's tablets cure .
. 25c ' : .
Made and sold only by .7 .
Huntley Brothers g
Lawn Party.
A lawn party will be given at Social
Farm, the home of Mrs. Elizabeth War
ner at Mt Pleasant on next Thursday
evening July 2. The services of a
genuine old witch have been secured
for fortune telling.
The popular H ash's band will be in
attendance and play at intervals during
a program consisting ol songs, recitations
and instrumental music. Ice cream and
Mt. Pleafunt cakes will be served in
abundance. The proceeds of the enter
tainment will be devoted to the com.
pletion of the sidewalk.
ogs (Iross.
6a6Jc per pound;!
t3 A S P O XI I .A. .
fcuttfce ' f lhl Kiul Hm Haw Always BanE
Coffins, Caskets, Robes,
and all undertaker's sup
plies at reasonable prices.
,. To teach battenberg, rennaisance and
point lace, also Mountmelick etnbrold.
ery or take orders for work. Coronation
work 'or waists, nits or scarfs solicited.
Annl'X Crnr 1 on-
111 I
1 1 jt s
We Have
Developed) y&f
Our Watch Business
In the last few years to a high degree of perfection, but we are not going to sttnd still, we
propose to double it this year, and in order to do so we are offering special inducements such
as enlaiging our stock, selling 0.1 the installment plan, making a payment when you pur
chase the watch and the balance in monthly or weekly payments, sellng at special prices
and guaranteeino; every watch, both the price and the qua'ity. And you cart depend upon
our guirantee as we have had years of experience in dealing in watches and repairing watch
es. If you do not know us'ask your neighbor about us; he ha aWays found us reliable.
We are especially proud of our stock of gold filled watches at this time, it is by far
the largest we have ever shown before. We have just received a lot of the newest patterns.
They are of the best makes, such as Boss and Crescent cases fitted with Walthum and Elgin
movements. We are offering a good reliable gold filled watch for $12.00. This is not a
chop gold plattd case with an imitation movement, but a good gold filled case guaranteed
to wear 2 ) t;.rs, fiitted with an Elgin or Waltham movement. Then we have others of bet
ter shades at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Silver Watches from $600 up. Nickle Watches
from $2.50 up,
We brlieve in doing work right. Our workmen are skilled and concientious. You'll
nc t grumoie ; t the prices either. All our work guarnateed.
Suspension Bridge Corner
f 9 3j