Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1903, Image 3

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Interchangeable Tickets
A Remarkabe Monstrosity.
Dr; Pierce's
rr , IVt rorv01 A"n, Ionoke
"Vf-faa XT 11.1 . ....
"n.ii(r nve mouths of
""? wh female wkn I
wme th.s for & : benefit of other"ffe"rs
'f0 ,T.,c,i0?-. ' -ioctored with
H"j-iiu wunout any eood re-
suit, so ny husband utfed me to try
P1erce's medicinta-ich 1 did, with
wonderful ri1tu t . . . w"?
Prerition. four of hi. GoSfen M-SfaS
fXt and two Yial, 0f hU ' Ple"'
The Comtnnn S.. vt.j: 1 . i
, '"" iucuim au
Vlser. leinS J
, 111 paper
covers, is sent -?? on receipt of ai
one-cent stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Address Dr. Pierce.
JJuttalo, N, Y,
Mere tain, more rest seems to be
the happy shout of the farmers.
,Ch"' B""i?er is visiting his sister,
Mrs. Manning at present.
Misses Veda Jones and Agnes Wal
lace spent last week in Portland visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fish have rented
a house from C. T. Howard and moved
, in last week.
1 A. Erickson and family spent Satur
day and Sunday visiting friends on
Dickies prairie.
Mae Davis who has been attending!
school at Willamette has returned home
accompanied lyr Beatrice Carlisle.
The party at Hardesty's was the best
I the neason. A lunch oi strawberries
and cream was served.
Improvements are still going on as
Fred Woodside is doing some slash
ing. DeEtta Hardesty spent last week at
'the White house at Cams.
John Darnell was in our midst lasi
Farr Erickerson is able to go fishing
Maud Burley is visiting her niece,
Veda Jones.
, J. J. Mallatt and family F. Erickson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Chas.
and Ida Boy u ton and Homer Rowan
were the guests of M. Wallace aod
family Sunday. Music was furnished
by Boy n ton Erickson and Kowan. All
enjoyed a good time.
Louis Buckner was visiting Agnes
tvauace Monday.
Minnie Trullinger, who has been
away teaching school has returned
Mrs. Wallace spent a few days in Ore-
gon City the first of the week.
Accidentally Killed.
Art' ur Knepper, a laborer, was killed
by falling off a cr at Borings Sunday.
He was turning a brake and using
stick for the purpose, when the stick
broke and he fell off the car backwards,
the car passing over his boqy killing
him instantly. So far as known the
dead aan had no friends or relatives in
this part of the country. Cornorer
H ol man and John W. Loder went to
Boring Monday morning and held a cor
oner's inquest. A verdict of accidental
death was returned.
Hot Weather Weakness.
If you feel fggJ out, listless an lac king In
ei.ergy. vuu art; perhapa sufferlnv from the debili
tating fffectfc of summer westher. Tnese symp
toms iuUicatethat tonic is needed that will
create a li 'allhy aiinellle, maaa digestion perf Kit,
reiiuhile tl.e In .wela and impart natural activity
tolivsr. This Heibiue will do: it is a tonic,
laxative aud restorative. H. J. Freeuatd, Proor.
Gland View Hotel, Cheney, Kan., write: ,'I ave
used Herbina lor the last 12 Jim, and nothing
on earth can beat it. It was recommended to me
by Dr. Newton, Newton, Kan." 500 at Charman
For Sale.
I have for sale one 6x8 Russell traction
engine J one 24 42 J. I. Case seperator.
run two reasons and good as new ; one
chop mill and one No. 17 Ross ensilage
cutter. All of the above machinery in
good running order. For imformation
write to or call on W. E. Mumpowiib,
Stone. Oreg3n.
Chamberlain's 8tomach and Liver
Tablets are just what you need when
you have no appetite, feel dull after eat
ing and wake up with a bad taste in your
mouth. They will improve yonr ap
petite, cleanse and invigorate your
stomach and five you a reli"h for vour
tsod Fo b? A. iUaIui
Happy Time In Old Tew".
W, felt very happy.", wjt 'd
Town, Vs., "when Bueklen is Arnica Salve whollj
cored oor daughter of a bad oase of Maid head.
It delights all who use it for Cut., C om,ftin
Bruise. Boils. Ulcera, Eruptions. Infallible for
Piles. Only 26 cents at 0. A. Hardinj drug
, The M Yea Hart always BocjH
Teamsters Defeat Bar bers by One
sided Game.
By a scoreof 8 to 1 the Vancouver Ma
roons trimmed the sail oi the home team
at Vancouver last Sunday. An eye
witness who went over to see the game
remarked that the game was a regalar
circus and that the Oiegon City pi yets
were the clowns. He said that the Ore
gon City boys tiad no more chttace to
win the game than a snowball has to
exist in the infernal regions. Several
new players were in the game anil about
nail oi mo old oads have "bucked ' and
refuse to play longer.
Up to the preset t time Oregon City
has won one game in the interstate
vague and lost four
Next Sunday Schiller 'steam will cross
ts with the locals at Canemab park,
and it is. hoped and expected that by
that time the team will be strengthened
enough to make a respectable showing
The benefit game played at Canemah
park last Sunday afternoon between the
barbers and teamsters, resulted in a
score of lOlto 6 in favor of the teamsters.
A steadv rain fell during most of the
game, making the gromul slippery and
good playing impossible. About sjo
was realized,..; which . was donated to
the Heppner sufferers. -
The Aashville Students, a Colored
Minstrel troupe, dispensed music dur
ing Hie game. They wil' be an attract
ion at l ie park during the remainder of
the season.
Barney Cronin is erecting a residence
on his lot near the school house. -
A great many Canbyitea attended the
L. 0. T. M picnic at Macksburg and re
port and enjoyable time.
The Canby Junior Baseball Club de
feated the Molalla Baseball Club at the
L. 0 T, M. picnic at Macksburg by a
Bcoie of 25 to 1. The features of the
game was the excellent team work and
the remarkable showing made hv t an
by's battery, Claude Baty and Volney
White. The boys have an open chal
lenge to any team in the ssate com
posed of boys their size and age.
Strawberries are setting scarcer now
as many of the growers have stopped
shipping and are selling them in the lo
cal market.
Do not forget that Canby is going to
celebiaie July 4lh in grand old style.
All the prominent citizens are giving
tl eir support to this and we have ar
ranged a good program in regard to
sports, amusements and a good time
for all. Come everybody and we will
insure you a good time and courteous
treatment. The parade will foim on
First Street and will include the Silver
ton band, Liberty car and all local and
visiting lodgee. See the big posters for
a list of sports and prizes.
News has been received that Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Karllon, former residents of
Canby, are the possessors of a new 12
pound boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dedmsn, of Clacka
mas were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. A.
Don't forget that Otto Evans is in the
undertaking business and has a select
stock of coffins, caskets, etc.. Mr Ev
ans can provide a hearse for funerals and
save you money. See his ad in our next
Thel.O. 0. F. held memorial ser
vices last Sunday at Knight's hall, after
which they proceeded to the cemetery
and decorated the graves of deceased
Mrs. White, Mrs. H. Eccles and Miss
Ella Klinger were Portland visitors
See Oanby's large posters for list of
sports July Fourth. Two items have
been left out, viz. : Greased pig and ham
mer throw
L. Grazier and Harry Gillmore left
for Hubbard Tuesday to commence
work on the Hubbard school house.
To those wishingo have stands on the
Canby celebration grounds July 4th
Stand rights aie$5. Five dollars paya
ble on or before June 30. Alter June
30, alljstand rights are $10.
! Committee.
that getB your lungs tore and weak and paves the
was for Pneumonia or Consumption, or both,
Acker's English Bemedy will slop the cough in a
day and heal yonr lungs. It will cure Consump
tion, Asthma, Broncliltii, and all throat and lung
troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money re
funded if you are not satlslled. Write to us for
free sample. W H. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N.
Y.j at Howell & Jones.
Corvallls & Eastern Railway.
No. 2 For Yaqulnna:
Leaves Albany 12:44 v. m.
' Corvallls 2:li0 p. h.
Arrhea Yaquiea 6:!iS p. u.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 8 45 A. if.
Leases Corvallls.. ...,11:;X) . m.
A rriv a Albany fi .16 p. H
0 3 lor Detroit:
Leaves Albany... 7:00 A. M.
Yrnves Detroit 12:06 V. u.
No. 4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 12:45 P. if.
Arrives Albany 5:35 p. M.
Trnln No. 1 arrives In Albany In tlmo toco -nect
with the 8. P. south bound train as well as
giving two or three hours in Albany before to
parlure of 8. P. North bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P, trains at
Corvallls and Albany giving direct service to New
port and adjacent beaches.
Train S for Detroit, Breltehbush and other
mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1. 00 a. m.,
reaching Detroit at noon, giving- ample time to
reach the reach the Springs same day.
For further information apply to
Agent, Albany. --H
H. Obokise,
' Agent. Corvallls.
Best Place
on Earth.
For wagons, buggies,Thar
ncss and all lines of farm
Beginning with this week the electric
car line ret wpen OregonCiiy and Por lnn l
commonlv known as the Oregon Water
Power and Railway Company and the
hoat line from Oretton Cily to Portland
better known as the Oregon City Trans
portation Company will Bell interchange,
able tickets. That is, a ticket bought
over one line will be good on both. You
may buy a round trip ticket to or from
Oregon City and go on the car line and
return on the hoat or vice versa. The
ticaets on week days will sell for 45
cents lor tne round trip and on Sundays
and special holidays for 2o cents. This
will he a great accommodati n to the
people travelling to and from Oregon
Have Your 8 ien The Seanerpent?
Wa'oh for the unique and catchy
pamphlet jnat issued by the General
Passenger Department of the Astoria
andOolumhia River Railroad Co., which
tells a little summer tale about the
Summer Girls, tieaserpent and Sunsets
at Seaside. The story is short but well
told and handsomely illustrated. Place
vonr order early and avoid the July run.
Copies mailed free npon application to
J C. Mayo, G. F. & P. A.,Astoria, Ore
Energy all gone? Headache? Hloroach out of
order? Simtily a case of torpid liver. Burdock
Blood Bitters will make a new man or women of
you.. ... , ., ,
Champion Rakes
, Lock Lever, Self Dump
and Hand Dump.
Easy to operate. Strong and
durable, r !
Many desirable improve
ments for 1903. ,
On Lock Lever, may be
locked down or not for gather
ing, as desired.
Interchangeable wheels.
Teelh can be set any desired
height, but return instant.
Many other convenient fea
tures. Send for special circu
lar. ' ,
of ,
I Champion Draw Cut Mower
Champion in the field for loo3 same
I as in other seasons.
It draws the bar No push.
The most- powerful cutter.
Easiest to operate.
Most Durable.
Choose the Champion and 2et satis
darvest is Coming on Jlpace
And you will soon need NEW HARVESTING ;
.MACHINERY. Fairclough Bros. & Company are
. headquarters for all the latest improved harvesting
machinery and guarantee their goods to give satis
faction, A full line of hardware, tinware and almost
r, anything from a threshing machine down to a knit
ting needle, is always kept on hand. Your patronage
is invited.
Mitchell, Wagons kebt in stock and sold at Portland Prices
TairdOUgb Bros. & Co., main Stmt, Oregon City
Take Laxative uromo siwnme Tablets.
a turrm vuu .u t 1 9 aiaailit T"Vt"e citmatrrra
mmmimmmmmmmimmmmMiMmaMmmwm)MMwm.i... w. JlJjJMmiSMi-s
Something About Crawfish .
One of the peculiar industries on por
tions of the Willamette and some ot its
tributorv streams, is trapping crawrinh
for the few Portland restaurants which
make a specialty of them. It is carried
on also on the Colunibie river. The
fisherman leads the lile of a gypsy, mov
ing from one place to another on the
stream with his tent and traps, as his
judgment dictates. In the dry weather of
nunimer, when most of the crabttshing
is done, this sort of existence has many
advantages; one needs no broom to mop.
The great desideratum is to know where
to place the trap". The hlack bass in
troduced in the W ill a met te it death on
the baby crawfish ami catch will become
small in all but ihe larger streams, it
may not peetn a striking fact that the
male erawti-h is handsomer than the
female and epicures say that he has the
belter flavor
My little son had an attack of whoiplng cough
and was threaten, d with pneuraontt; but tor
Cliamee : Iain's Oomth Remedy we would have
had a serious time of it. Italao saved him from
several severe attack of croup. H. J,Strickfaden,
editor World-HVrald, fair Haven, Wash, for
sale by O, A. Harding. , 1
Mothers and Daughters.
Enjoy your life and have good health
by using Vanderhoof's Family Reme
dies. Medicines especially prepared lot
women's use. For rale by Mrs. Chris
tine Bluhm, Ely, Or. Mail orders
promptly filled.
known all overthis country as the straight'
est piece of goods put out in the buggy
line. Made especially for Oregon roads.
New features added, making it better for
1003 than ever, before. A comfortable,
durable buggy. Try it. Trove it.
There is no binder iihead of the
Champion for strength and dur
ability in usual conditions and
increased capacity in difficult
conditions of gnin,
Force Feed Elevator
Eccentric Power giving wheel, giving
increase in power of 16 over com
mon wheel.
Oilier practical Improvements. Illus
troted in Catalog. Mailed tree.
v 1 1111 iyipaimi!iin
- -'i-YftS' lililni
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
- M IH HU1U.IU Wft
E. T. Farr, of this city, exhibited to a
few f lends the other day a peculiar ai d
most remarnanie monstrosity. It rep
resents a doubla ca'f, weighing nearly I
20(1 pounds, which came into the world '
ou tun r.itner s pi ace, siaejny side, in
the eastern part of the city, on the 14th
of February of last year. The double
brute died shortly after birth. Elmer
Farr had the remains carefully stuffed
and mounted, and the sexless montros
ity looks s real as life. It has three tails,
two hanging naturally and the third
curled over the back of the left twin
The four front legs are free and properlv
developed, but the two hind legs wnere
the bodies come togett er are turned over
the back. The two heads and the four
ears are free and normal. The twins are
of a roan color. The cow that gave
birth to tnem is still a good milk giver.
For Sals.
'At a low price the Methodist church
property, including one acre of land in
all, situated on Molalla road, near O .rus
Oregon. Fine point for starting country
store, building being well adapted for
that purpose. If interested make an
offer to O. T. Howard, Mulino, Ore
gon. . " St.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Lead all in the 4 Essential Features:
Close Skimming,
Easy to Clean,
Light Running.
Cannot beat this combination In any
Separator. Write for our proposition.
The best possible wagon that
can be built. Ihe materials are
well seasoned having been bought
5 years ahiad of requirements
This alone means investment of a
furture in wagon stock. '
fcxpert labor used In the construction.
Their splendid reputation all over the
country the Northwest, in particular
demonstrates the fact that I
Cam Crip
b Two Day.
So JZsVl
An avpnf
frpin box. 25c.
Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderfal
cy fth. SEL recT?-
Root, the great kid
ney, liver and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
discovered af teryeass
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidnev and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
mmended for everything but if youhava
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will b
found just the remedy you need. It haa
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and haa
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how te
find out if you have kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send yonr
address to Dr. Kilmer fMP
& Co., Binghamton, aHHii
N.;Y. The regular f "T' ' j
fifty-cent and one- Sf
doll lar size bottles are Boaw of 5nuaiaat.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name.
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
M Iss Effie Morey is visiting her sister
Mrs. Hannagen for a few days.
Next Saiurday.June 27th,there wlllbea
Sunday school picnic at Wrights' springs
and everything will be in first class
shape. Come and enjoy yourselves
and eat strawberries and cream.
Levi Stedman had an operation on his
face last week. He Is getting along
Fall wheat is heading fast and will
be a good crop.
Grass will be a short crop.
Apples keep falling and the crop will
be short, prunes will be half crop.
If some of the farmers will cut their
dog fennell and cure it a little and
house it they have a goat feed for the
Dr. M. O. Strickland of Oregon City,
showed his skill as a physician on a
case at Liberal. Last Monday Pierce
Mi right was in the last stage of mem
branous croup with Diptheiia in attend
ance and in 12 hours he waa out of
danger after the Dr. took charge of the
cafe. s
W. H. Hurburt President of O. W. P.
B. Co and J. B. Wilcox, of Portland,
were fishing for a couple of days at this
. We are greeted once more with pleas
aiii mowers.
Nellie Stevens and Bertha Spangler
went to Maple Lane Sunday.
Winifred Howard rntnrnarl li..,,, flat.
nrday from a two weeks' visit at Macks-bur-,
Several from here took in the picnic
at Macksburg.
There will be services in the Evangeli
cal church Bunday afternoon, Juue 28.
Chu ch Wedding.
Miss Mary Pursifull ami Mr. Gasner
White were united in marriage at the
Baptist church in thia citv last Sunday
morning at 10:30 o'clock in the pres
ence of a lartte number of friends and
acquaintance, kev. J, H. Beaven per
foimed the ceremony In a few well
spoken woidf.;The bride is a very hand
fotne young lady of high accomplish
ments and lumbers here friends by the
e'ioie in Ogon City The groom is
quite I rcniouiinent young man and
worthy 01 t e charming bride he baa
won for a wi'e.
nnla Cmtrnl will atll rumid trip II faew from Ora-
j..ii nii n-mtiKii hiiiii lu ('liinago, Cairo.
Mi-,ii,bii and Naw Orltaiia at obkatly buduuid
TIf kll fmml fnr tliPLa' mnnll.. lii.
ti'ii rlava. Hcturliinir limit tan il. .fi..r !.,, i-
wesi. Htnii over prlvllaaaa eith r way, ran of
tnt MlKHoini Hvit
Hh Ip fllttl'M RrA H rrunirnrl ti. 1. ... l .
anleKBtealoC'iiivoiiilmiof National .idncaKoiial
A.,,iliiil.)ii at liMioii; Klkn at ll.iiimur: Wiiorl.
ruhll tl llirllailwih Jin b-uoliiu ki .. v..i. . ui
- - - n. i in; oiirm-
era aiharaiuiia; K-lithia ot I'.vihiax at Louiavill.
n.i-1 i.uiiiiiii-ii'ini inivtiHTd at lll'ltanapolla.
ym uan take your chiiii-a of Hln.n Hlir..FU-
rullla WrltM tin W will .l.a..r..ii- i
any dotallad liiformatlnn jrou want.
1) H. Triimbou,
Oonnni.reial AtranL
M2 Third St., Portland, Oregon. rc""ABn'
We would like to nab l,i, ti..
colomnsofyour paper, if there is any
irr.c.ii nuu nun UBBU ureen S AUgUSt
Flower for thn cure nf in, li, A...
pepeia and Liver Troubles that has not
luilin lllirill .n .. 1 . . . .
no ,nu innan meir re
sults, sucti as sour stomach, fermenta
tion of food, habitual costiveness, ner-
youi uyspepsia, Headache, despondent
feelings, sleeplesKness in , fact, any .
trouble conner-rprl with , .im.-i. '
HverTThis melicme has been sold for
many years jn all clvihwd countries.and
we Wish to corrnanonil -alii, on a
send you one of onr books free of cost.
ii you never tried August Mower, try a
25 cent bottle first. We have neri
know ofits falling. If so, something
more serious is the matter with you.
The ?5 cent sine has just been Intro
duced this year. Regular size 75 centa.
At all druggist.
G. CLGrmn, Woodbury, N. J.
For sale by Charman & Co., Druggists,
Oregon City, Ore.
GIRu WANTED; Good respectable
Irl to do housework, Enqnire at John,