Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1903, Image 2

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Tom Grace, of Clarkes waa in town
James Partlow has about 70 acres of
laud in potatoes.
Mrs. Jennie May, of Portland, was
lisiting bei mother Sunday.
Chester Curry, of Portland, was an
Oregon Oity visitor Saturday.
John Knapp.of the 0. A. C, has re
turned home far his summer vacation.
Mrs. W. H. Burahardt, of Salam,
it visiting fiieuds in Oregon City. . ,
Frank Newton was up from Ska
mokwa, Wash., Saturday onbiuiuesa.
Merrill Moore has returned home
from the 0. A. C. for his summer vaoa
Miss Cora Hardini;, of LiGrande,
Wis tLe Kuodt of Mids BucS Krumm the
past week.
3. T. Roman, of the St. Helens,
Oregon, Misi, w..s in town visiting last
Mrs. R. A. Proudfoot. of Portland,
was the gueat of Mrs. 0. A. Cuenev last
Miss Clarissa Fancher, of Mt.
Pleasant, is visiting friends in Oregon
Oity this week.
Mrs. C. U. Barlow, of Barlow, vis
ijed her sister, Mas. W. P. Hawley.dur
ing the week.
Mrs. Ada C. Moehnko, of Schubel,
was visiting friends in Oregon City a few
davs this week.
Mrs. Goldstone and family, of Port
land, weie the guests of the bugarman
family Saturday . '
Mrs M. Hall, of Seattle, who bas
been visitioa Mrs. Bruc. Curry, kfi for
her honie Saturday.
Mim Irene McCown.of Portland wn
he irunt of Oregon City relatives latt
Saturday and Kundiy.
Carlton llirdinu and Ronald DoVore
Johnson uraduated at the Portland
Academy last r Hilar.
Mrs W. L. Johnson, of Lafayette,
it visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
A. Cheney of this city.
Miss Gertrude Tairclough and Mrs.
Tom Grace, of Clarkes, are the guest thii
week of M-s. Baker at Warren. N
Hon. J. B Dimick, t. of Hubbard,
was in Oregon City last Saturday, visit
ing hia son, G B. Dimick. '
MrB. Mary McCarver, who has been
visiting her eon in Portland (or the past
week, bas returned home.
Miss Lorene Rarasby and Herschel
Wilson were married at the court house
by County Judge T. F. Ryan Saturday.
Ray Norris, the son of Dr. Norris,
graduated at the Willamette University
fast Friday and returned home Mon
day. .
j.Tames Church, who has been visit-
Inst in this city, left for Walla Walla
Monday evening, where be will study
M. Michael, formerly of the city,
but now located In Baker City, Baker
countv. waa in this citvi this week on
W. R. Lagug, formerly of this city,
bdt now handling toe Keys near uauas,
is spending a few dayi tbia week with
Oregon City people.
0. W. Kellev waa In Vancouver the
firttof the week looking up material for
base hi'. 11 team to play in Hie unantau
qua games next month.
Miss Gertrude Fairclough and Mr
Tom Grace, of Clarke' returned on
Tuesday from a visit to the lutter't rela
tives at Warren Oregon.
Rev. 0. E. Miller, of Linn county,
waa in town the first of the weeks and
while here waa granted a license to wed
Mia Maiy Miller ot tbia county.
Miss Jta White, -vho has hn at
tending the Pacific University at Forest
trove, returned to Uregon Uity rrtuay,
where tie win spend ner vacation.
Miss Addie Clark, who has been vis
king her brother, John F. Clark, re
turned to Salem Monday, where she will
teud her summer vacation on the old
Q. B. Fail dough and Geo. Ogle, of
Molalla, have gone to the upper Molalla
to uroopect for iiold for the Fairclouiih
broa and will remain 10 daya or more,
Mr. lid M a. John Leicbtweit, of
Clarkes, were transacting bucineaa In
Oregon City SiUimlay. Mr. Lalchtweia
i. one of Clackatnaa county's prosperous
young farmers.
Harold A. Rands left Monday night
r Idaho, to make a aurvey of govern,
merit townships. He waa accompanied
i y Carlton li Harding, E. R. Whitlock
George Tucker, Wilfred White and others
bo will assist him in the work
Ed Taylor waa aerlourly inju'edlast
Sunday in the iiama of ball between ' the
barber'' and Teamsters by a ball strik
ing him near the base of the aknll. Ha
has not been able to make h'.s appear
ance at hia place ot buaiueaa during tin
week. .......
Among ih'iM who attended the fu
neral and burial of Mra R. A. Miller
Uat Sunday were Mr. and Mra. 0. B.
Moores, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. duality,
0. H. Dye and Mra Will Miller. Sev
pral costly floral pieces were atnt from
Oregon City. One was sent by the aU
torueya In the landottice building and
another bp the lorceof tba United Slatea
land office.
J. M. Ramsbv, of Klamath FaJIs,
Or., was In Ornn City lat rrulay vis
, ', i ,.t ! " . . i , l
llinil OUl irieuui auu iriauves ami mains
' i"iT.....h hi. oU m, .... I
K. fnrmrl lived in Oreaon Cltv. and i
he ia a euhew of S. M. Kauisby. of this '.
city. For tne past six year lie, has re.
sided ia Klamath Falls, Klamath couu-
tv. Hecently his wife wai stricken with
...ruimilli'iHa and it liarania nereirarv for
pi"' - I r 1 I a
u.m to tiring ner 10 ne 1. a u .1 at 1 or -
ti,d where a diflicult and tlaneeious op-
jiation wsa perfumed. Tbia was some
two month ago and idr . Kamsby has
in w almost entirely recovered, and she
with her huibaud will return to their
. me next w.ek. Mr. Eaiwsby is loud
in hia praise nf the many tine opportun
ities to be enjoyed iu the Klamath
Falls country and the wonderful sctusry
ound Orati-r Lake.
Dee Wright and several other boys
left Monday after ioou for Walla Walla
! wnere they will remain for the sum
lohn. Dimick, brother of Mayor
Grant B. Dimick, was in Oregon Oity on
business and v siting bis brother last
Fr day. Mr. Dimick has recently gradu
ated at law and has been admitted to the
bar, but haa not yet essayed to prac
tice bis profession He is thorough
ly grounded in the profeasion he has
chosen for his life's work but has not as
yet selected a location or solieieted a
case. He ia an expert onion set raiser,
and thia year has many acres platited
to onions and produce 'ander favorable
condition something like 75,000 pounds
all ot which are engaged at G cents
'per pound. For many years Mr. Dim
ick has given thought and ' attention to
the cultivation of onion seta and he has
become an authority on that subject of
agriculture and has made quite a bit
of money in the businets. lie will not
eagage in the practice of his profession
uatil this season s crop is boused and
dried. If he is nearly as successful
growing at the bar aa he has been in the
onion patah he will be a shining light
and a strong figure at the bar and in the
forensic arena, and the Courier hopes
he will succeed better at the law than he
haa with the onion.
A Remarkable Incident.
Mra. Scbindler, of New Era, had a
remarkable experience in Oregon Oity
last Tuesday. Mrs. Scbindler came
down to doHsome shopping at a local
store and in paying tor purchases tender
ed a f 20 gold piece in payment. The
shopkeeper in making change gave her
bills instead ot gold. Mrs. Scbindler
did not like the bill and told tbe shop
keeper so, but be prevailed upon her to
take them. Thrusting the bills in her
pti'se, they amounted to about $15 in
all, Mrs. Scbindler started across the
suspension bridge to take a car for Wil
lamette Falls. About the middle of the
bridge she stumbled and the purse alip
ed from ber hands and fell into the
water a bun' I red feet below. Looking
over trie railing she discovered that the
purse was still floating on tbe water.
She then rushed to the other side of the
of the river where a number of en
were working on a scow and told her
troubles, offering any one a dollar who
would capture the purse. Immediately
one of the men in m perl into the boat
and put out into the stream and seized
the purse just as it was sinking from the
effects of its soaking, the purse and
money whs returned to the owner ana
Mrs. ochindler will not again object to
taking bills in change.
Mr. Brum and aons have completed a
fine barn for Mr. Waespe. They alio
will erect a house for Mr. Nelson, aoon
after the Fourth,
Mrs. Robert Jonsrud and daughter, of
this place, and her sister, of Portland,
with her daughter,' were among the
number, who narrowly escaped being
hurled into the Willamette from the
West approach of the fiurnaide bridge
by a motor car jumping the track Sun
day. Tbe railing was demolished and
had it not been for a telegraph post the
occupants of the car would have met
wilha fatal accident.
The entertainment, ice cream and
strawberry festival given by the Sandy
Sunday school Saturday night waa a
grand success. A good program wis
rendered and which reflected good ci ed
it upon pupils and teacher. The sum ot
$35.15 was realized after defraying all
ex ponies which were not heavy on ac
count of the patrons' co-operation in
tbe movement. Five dollars of this
sum was contributed by Mr. Hornecker
and to whom we wish to extend tur sin
cere thankB and deepest gratitude. He
certainly is a f iend of education and is
plpatd to see and willing to help that
wiiicb leads in that direction, and we
also wish to thank the patrons and a
everyone who deserves credit for their
kindness iu assisting in making the ef
(oat successful one. The proceeds
will be used in eec'iring a flag and start
ing a library. This all noes to show that
the patrons appreciate school and are
taking an active interest in the welfare
of the school which every energetic, en
terprising and patriotic community
iho'ilj do. District No. 46 is all right.
All are entertaining hopes for good
weather on the Four'h, aa everyone
bereexpecta to have a good time. A
grand celebration will be given in Mein
ig'a park during the day, and in tbe
evening a bail will be given at each ball.
If yon d eel re a rood complexion use Mnkl Tea, a
pun herb drink. H acta on the Her and makes
the skin smooth and clear. Cures nok headaohes,
26 eta and 60 on. Money refunded If it does net
Mlaly you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Oo., Buffalo
N. v., lor rreaainpie, at llowell A Joues.
Croaalnic tha Bar.
Tennyson's fumous poem, "Crossing
the Bar." waa written, aaya tbe present
iord Tonuyson, In tbe poet's eighty
firat year, "on a day In October when
we came from Ahlwortb to Farrlng
ford. Before reaching Fnrrlngford he
bad had the 'nionnlujc of the bar In bla
mind, and after dinner be showed me
tbe poem written out." "That Is tbe
crown of jour life'a work," antd hia
on. who wna the first roan after tbe
poet to read "Crossing the Bar." and
who punned tbe flint criticism upon It
in aucb fitting and generous language,
"It came In a moment." said the poet,
and ho explained tbe pilot aa the Dl-
vtne and I'liwen who is always gnila
lag ua. A day or two before he died
the poet calling bis sou to bla bedside.
wild, "Mtnd you put t'rtKwlng the Bar
t the etwl of all editions of my pooma.
How Ale Acta Mrrrarj.
When the air around us bwomoa con
aui auriuks uuo a ainauer voium
-It become heavier, puts gtvnter pres-
" on the surface of the uwrcury and
makea It nacend In tbe tube; then the
1 mercury la mild to rise. When tbe air
ctpandB-awella Into a larger volume
lt bo, lighter, tbe pressure on the
. . .1... ..... 1..
mercury in leu, niv invrvuij nur. iu
ftm, tJm lmrolmtor u sttj t0
full. Therefore every change of height
of the qukkullver wl.lcli we observe is
a sign and nienmire of a chaugo in the
volume of uit- uivuml us.
tha moot hesllno salve in tha world, j
A $4.00 Treatmeut Free.
No death comes more suddenly than
that from heart disease. Thousands die
unnecessarily each year because most
physicians do not understand these
troubles. Startling improvements have
been made during tbe last few years in
the treatment of heart disease. Former
y digitalis was the only remedy employ
ed, through it injured many cases and
cured none. Dr. Mies, the Specialist in
heart and chronic diseases, finds it nee
esoary to employ eighteen heart reme
diesto cure with cei tainty tbe manyforms
of heart trouble
To demonstrate the un.usual curative
power of h's new treatments. Dr. Miles
will send a $4 course free. Every suf
ferer from short breath, pain inside, op
pression in chest, irregular pulse, palpita
tion, smothering snells, puffing ankles
or dropsy should take advantage of bis
Mr. H. H. Asliburn, of Redding, Cal., six
months after he had taken the Special Treat
ments, writes: "I feel as well as I ever did In
my lite. If 1 ever have another attack of heart
trouble I shall write you at once, for no other
doctor oan treat me.'1
Jas. E. Adama, 2714 Magnolia Ave., Chicago,
says: "Your Special Treatment oil red me of
heart disease of 25 years standing? after several
reputable physicians of this city tailed."
The president of a leading Stale College who had
been treated without benefit, writes: "Your
treatment has wonderly relieved my heart
difficulty. My stomach also is In excellent con
dition, and my general health is greatly im
proved. I am feeling much better than for years.
(Writer's name given on request.)
II, K. Bennett, Montioell, Ind., reporti: "I
had ralvular heart disease, stomach and nervous
troubles. Five leading physicians gave me up.
Your treatment eaved me."
, A thousand testimonials will be sent
free on request. These include many
who have been cured after from five to
twenty or more physicians and profess
ors had pronounced them incurable
Send at once for fee treatment before it
is too late. Ad'l-ere, Franklin Miles,
M. D , LL B., 203 'o 205 8tate Street
Chicago 111. Please mention Oregon
City Courier in your reply.
No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera In
fantum, dvHeniery, diart-hnei, or summer con
plaint, if you have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry iu the medicine chest.
For Sale.
For sale cheap a second-band 10 horse
power engine,one boiler feed pump. In
quire at Oregon City Machine Shop.
Yot Know What You Are Taking.
When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlfi
heoause the formula is plainly pri ted on every
bottle, shotting fiat lt is simply Irou and
Quinine In a tosieless form. No Cure, Ho Pa. .
&U cents.
Lord Klrchener 3293 5.
Mr. W.E. Condon,- of Portland, was
in Oregon City on Tuesday Uii week on
a business trip. Mr. Condon is the
proud owaer of Lord Kircebner one of
tbe beat bred stallion on the Pacific
coast with a trotting record of 2:29
and a public trial of 2:19. Lord Klrch
ener ia a beautiful specimen of horse
flesh a id is almost pei feet in every par
ticular. He is a three-year-old, coal
black and one of these days will be very
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with Looat Applications, as they cannot reach the
eat of the diseaMe. ''atarrh Is a blood or eon.tltu-
tional disease, and Iu order to enra It you must
take iniernal lemedlea, Hatl'e Catarrh Cureis
taken Internally and act direotly on tha Ulooa and
muoous surfaces. Hall's Oatarth Cure is not a
quack medicine. It was pre-eribed by one of the
best physicians In this country for years, and Is a
regular presorlptton. Ills composed of the lies,
tonics known, oombined with the best blood purl
Deri, acting directly on Ihe mucous sur aces Tue
perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is
what produces inch 1 won.let ful results In oudnff
Cai an u fcend for testimonials, free,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by dnurglkts, price 75c.
llall's family tills are the best.
School Report
Tbe following 1b the report of the San
dy school for the month ending June
No. pupils enrolled, 'J8.
No. ilays atteii laiiCM. 493.
No. days absence, 22.
No. tardiei, 7.
Thosttwho were neither absent nor
tardy are Henry Wwer, Johnnie Mit
chell, Joseph Cl'rk, Roy and Clara
Mitchell, Frances Wewer, Fred Waespe,
Alma Mayhe, Manila and Minnie Kuhn,
Uerlrude Meiuig and Peter C'ark.
Anna Baciimav,
Mokl Tn Paallivaly CnraaHIrk Hfartaeha
lndlteell.a and Caaitlpation. A dll(httal herb
urlnk. It-moves ill eruptions ol the skin. ra
tfucinr a parfaet mvlezlan or money TatuBded
o and SOc. WrlMtausfor fraeaaatple. W. H
Uwiker Co.. Buffal. N. I.
Wanted a Pumpkin.
The Courier will pay 5 for the biggest
and best developed pumpkin raised in
Clackatnaa county this year. Who
wantt tbe money.
' Read It In Hit Newspaper.
Oeorza Srhaub. a well known German cltlsen
of hew Iiehanoa Ohio. 1" a constant reader of Hie
layton Volktrltiiut. lis kuows that this paper
alms to aavertlM only me Deal in tta columns,
and when he saw Chan berleia's Pain Balm ad
Terti.ad therein for lama back, ha Id not beal
umi In buyina a eoi.le of it for his wife, who for
elirht weeks. had intTered with the most terrible
palm ia hrr back 'and oould (at no lellef. He
says: "At er ulis- tha fain Balm lor a few
days my wife i.ld to me. 'I feel aa though born
anew,' and before lining the enilre contents of the
bottle the uabarable pains had entirely vanished
and she coum aaaln lake up her houavhoias
duties.' He is very lli.uk nl and hopes that all
suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful re
ci ry This valuable liniment Is for sale by O
A. Hardn.a
Manufacturer of
1 A large stock of of all kinds of
Lumber kept constantly on
hand. Prices very reasonable
V D. L. I rullmecr '
1 f
I Cloud Burst ! I
Such a flood as that which occured at Heppner this week has occured in our spring
clothing stock coming down with terrific force and washing out the old prices. We
have remarked them, less than the old price; this is an opportunity to select a smart
summer suit at a very small price. t
Men's Smart All Wool Worsted Summer Suits Men's Scotch
in checked patterns real dressy good tail- of green just
orin . Regular price $12,50
Special Price $900
Men's All Wool Worsted Summer Suits select
patterns a suit that is good for
regular price $14.00
Special Price 9.50
... .
Men's Scotch Tweed Suits all wool a better
pattern could not be made up for a business suit
attractive and clean-regular price $12.50
Special Price
Do You Use Shingles ?
If you do, let us supply your
needs. We have an up-to-date
mill, located five miles east of
Molalla and two miles from
Meadowbrook, with all the
latest and best equipments.
Lane's automatic machinery..
We cut our shingles from the
very finest cedar and turn out
as good shingles as there are
in the world. Our prices are
as low as the lowest. Wt
want your trade.
Mall orders promptly filled.
BallSh'mqU Co.,
Box S9 molalla, On.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
Opposite Caufleid Block OREGON OITT
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Ooods Bought and Sold
. Sngarman & Co.
Are You Going to Build?
Do you use Lumber ?
We want to furnish you.
We are located near the Eldorado
School House, near the postoffice of
We have a good mill,
are cutting lumber out
of the best yellow fir.
Can fill your order on
short notice for any
kind of lumber
If you need lumber don't fail to write to us
or comt to see us. It will pay you
Slurges Brothers, 1
Cans, OrtQt.
Ithe cobweb 1
I Oregaa City's Leading Win Ham
& All TheloairKt Kranc f fol. if.
WIN. at ax. 14.1411 1 (VltAllUJ VI Va
h forni Wines kert in stock. ?
55 r ?3
Cone and tee na.
Choicest Meats
R. PetZOldS Meat Market
all occasions
and tasty a suit
price $14,00
Livery Feed
Nearly Opposite
First Class Rigs of all Kinds
at Reasonable Prices
Oregon City : T ' : : Oregon'
250 Cups Free
As long as they last we will give with each bottle
Of RED LINE Cough Cure 25 or 50c size
- it ' - it "" ha: n j .
ui nonunion rowaers 25c size w
" " " Sarsaparilla
And we guarantee the Red Line preparations.
eusmim mm
1 1
Klckd Silvsr Cua
Tolly Goarantaeel
Far uit ky
Dutrated Booklat
OS rcquaat, abowln
Tte New England
Watch Co.
Wattrkarr, Caa.
Nrw Yark. Cllcaro,
Polev's Honey and Tar
Tweed all wool smart mixture
the suit for this season regular
price $1300
Special 9.00
Men's Swell Blue Worsted all woo! solid col
or with a tiny green stripe or plaid very-smart
for the swell dresser regular
Special Price 950
Just such values throughout our entire spring
clothing stock. These suits are the best made
and this season's goods. You can not better
yourself elsewhere and to show you these goods
we can easily convince you that these prices real
and Sale Stable
Suspension Bridge
$ 1. 00 size cut price 60c M
Brown & Welch
7th St.
A. O. U. W. Building
Wilhelm ttll Bouse.:
, Best Meals in the City
D J TJ 11 , TT .
ivuuiu iuio ooara Dy tne weeic
Saloon in Connection
Sixth ni mala St.,
Oregon City, Ore.
Filthy Temples In India.
Sacred Cowa often dpflla Indian temtilps bat
worse vet la a biv that's polluted by onn-tii.
lion. Dont prt-mlllt. illeana yonr antrm wltli
Dr. Klnu'a Sew Life Pilla ani4 av.M untold miir'
erv. They sive llvelv livera. actlva boweln good
rtitieation, due aupe:ite. Ouijr 25c at Geo. A
Hmding's i.rug itoru.