Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1903, Image 1

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    ; 21st YEAR
NO. 7
Youthful Burglars
Hanged Herself
Mrs. Qodfried Boese Com mitts the
Rash Act.
Died at Salem
Doors Closed
! Rob the Store of merchant Q. Beebe
Mrs. R. A.- Miller, Wife of Colonel
Attachment on Red Front Compel
of Woodburn.
Miller of Th s City.
Store to Shut up Shop
Absolutely Pure'
Y ur Banking ?
No matter how small, :
No matter how large,
Oregon City
Will give it careful
attention.1 This mes
sage applies to the
men and the women
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbin heating apparatus.
To have both pnt in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Spring Ailments.
There l an aehlna; and tired faeline: the liver
bowoli and kidneys beoome siaggiih and lnac.
tire, the digestion impaired, with little or n ap.
pmlte, no ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind need toning up.
y The trouble Is, that during winter, there haa bean
an accumulation of waste tnautr In the system.
Hwhine will mmove It, secure to the secretions a
right exit, and by it tonic effect, fully restore
the wasted tissues and give strength In plao
of weakness. 60o at Chanuan & Co,
The More We Get
The More We want
We are now doing about three fourths of the,
prescription work of Clackamas Countystill we
are not satisfied we want to do more. . . ,
- We are better prepared to do this work, with our
arrangements and up to date facilities each man
works with a special ingividual pair of scales and
balances, independent of the other. r ... ,
If we are not filling your prescription you are not
getting the best services. We offer you our -fifteen
years' experience and the best and fresh
est drugs in the market.
Ot'B PRICES AH we ask is a Comparison.
Chambers Howell
Arrested in Oregon City by Chief Burns
on Last Sunday.
Sunday afternoon about 1 o'clock,
Chief of Police Burns arrested four
young boys who were stealing a rule on
a freight train and placed them in the
city jail for sale keeping. Burns re
ceived word from Woodburn that four
boys were wanted there for burglarizing
the store ot li. Jjeeoe, 01 woonourn.ana
for him to be on the lookout for them.
All of the boys were mere youths, the
oldest being only sixteen. When cap
tured they carried with them the stolej
go ds amounting to about $75. The
goods were carried in gunny Backs.
Monday morning Mr. Beebe and a Wood
burn constable arrived in Oregon City,
identified the stolen property and took
the boys back with them to Wood
burn, where they were remanded for
The nameBofthe youthful criminals
are Oliver Scott, Charles Sundt George
Frazer and O. C. Dlllenbeck, and they
allbalLfrom Portland. They left their
homes at Portland Mondav afternoon
and boarded the overland train and got
eff at Woodburn. Borne time duiing the
night they entered Mrs. Beebe's store
andpurloired the goods. They were
teen to board ths freight train Sunday
morning and their actions excited sus
picion and Chief Burns was telegraphed
to look out for them.
W. S. Bagley, who has been in Coos
county for the past three months, was
visiting in Arbureta last week. He left
ior Milwaukie Sunday.
Mrs. . Akin Bpent Wednesday in
Robert Ogden joined Central Grange
at Beaver Creek Saturday.
Mr. Hall, of Ely, was in our town on
bu inesf Saturday.
Mr. an I Mrs. D. F I eFtvre were Port
land visitors one day this week,
Miss Mabel DeFevre, of Oregon City,
spent Friday with her parents.
The Erickfon brothers attended the
picnic at Macksburg last Saturday. They
report a good time.
Reduced Excursion Kates to the
Seaside and Mountain
The Southern Pacific Company In
connection with the Corvallis & Eastern
B. R. have placed on sale round trip
tickets to Newport and Yaquina, at very
low rates, good for return until Onto
her JOtb, 1903. '
Three day tickets, good going Satur
days and ' eturning Mondays, are also
on sale from all East Side points, Port
land to Eugene inclusive, and from all
West Side pointB, enabling people to
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Tickets from Portland will be good for
return via East or West Side at opti' n
of passenger. Tickets from Eugene will
be honored via Woodburn, Springfield
and Lebanon branches to Albany, if de
sired. Baggage will be checked through
to destination of ticket.
Season rate from O'egon City to New
port $6, to Yaquina $6.
Three day rate from Oregon to New
port $3, to Mewport $3.
Beautifully illustrated pamphlets de
scriptive of those charming resorts can
be obtained from any agent of the South
ern Pacific Company or 0. & E. R. R.
Also by addressing W. E. Com an. Gen
eral Passenger Agent of Southern Pacific
Company, Portland'Oregon, or Edwin
Stone, Manager C, ii E. lty., Albany,
. Yours Truly,
W. E. Coif an,
Genera! Passenger Agent.
Constipated" Bowels
To have good hf alth, the body should be kept
in s laxative condition , and the bowels moved
at leABt onee a day, so tl'at all the porisonous
wastes are expelled dally. Mr. G, L. Edwards,
U2 N: Main Bt Witchlta, writes: - "t hare used
Herbine to regulate the liver and bowels for the
put ten years, and found It a reliable remedy"
60c atCharmao ii Co.
( .m.
Linn E. Tones
Husband Suicided Less Than Two Months
Mrs. Godfried Boese committed suicide
by hanging hernelf last Thursday morn
ing. She went to a room in the upper
story of her home, tied a rope to a nail
in the ceiling and the other end around
her neck, stepped off a chair and choked
to death.
Mrs. Boase is the widow of the late
Godfried Boese who recently hanged
himself t a fence near his home. Ir. is
said that she had been in bad health and
mentally deranged for some time and
that she had frequently threatened to
kill herself.
Coroner R. L. Holman was summoned
Thursday morning and immediately
went to the scene and held an inquest
The Corn jrer's jury returned a verdict
in accordani e with the above facets. - De
ceased was 59 years of age.
The Bses were well-to-do German
citizens Toe family consisted of three
membi-rs, Godfried Br., Mrs. Boese ana
Godfried Jr. The son is the only re
maining member of the family and will
inherit all the property. The estate
consists of several hundred acres of good
land in the Damascus and Borings
For Benefit of Heppner Sufferers.
A concert will be given at Shively'e
Opera bouse two nights, Tnesday, June
30, and Wednesday, July 1. inis en.
tertainment shouid appeal t) every loyal
citizen as the en t:'re profits from both
evenings will go to the Heppner suflvr-
era. The entertainments will both be
given under the direction of the Juanita
Concert Company of Chicago, assisted
by a largo number of our talented young
l.dies One of 'be most interesting
features of the program will be a Japa
nese wedding, given in its original foim
in lull costume. This alone is well
worth the price of admission. Another
number in which Bixteeu girls of Ore
gon City will take part is a fancy drill
which has beer given many times under
the direction of the the Juanitas moBt
successfully, In addition to the local
talent will be several selections by the
Juanitas. , The artistic club swinging
by Miss Pbelps given in subdued light
has a very pretty effect and is particu
larly worthy of mention, Little Louise
Couksy will render a cornet solo with
much satisfaction to all. Miss Con key
was formerly cornet soloist of the Cali
fornia Browuies in Faityland. The sing
ing will consist of trios, duets and solos,
all being of a high standard and executed
by experienced an is a To sum up the
whole entertaiumeut for both evenings
we can safely say thai you will laugh,
you will cry and you will go away satis,
fled. Among those who will take part
are the following : Jessie Bidie, Helen
Bollinger, Neitie Kruse, April Miller,
Beatrice Carlisle, Lncile Bacon, Grace
Beaven, Nellie Swafford, 'Millie Kruse,
Angie Williams, Miss Koerner, Winnie
Yuung, Gertrude Hamilton, Ethel Jack
son, Ona Recnor, Maggie Williams, Ella
empster, Louise Walker, Lulu Badie,
EulalieBchuebel, Genevieve Caoen, Car.
rie Warner, Moreita Hickman, Myrtle
Cross, Maud Woodward, May Egge,
Veta Bacn, Olga McOlure, Bay Jack
son, Ida Roppel, Myrtle Welch, Peth
Cooper, Ethel Blanchard. Hazel David,
son, Leta Edmondstoo, Ida Straight.
The price of admission for both n'ghta
will be 75 cents for the best seats and 50
cents for all others. Children under 12
at half price. Single admission fsr one
night will be 50 and 35 cents. Children at
baif price.
No extra clarge will be made for re
served seats which are now on sale at
Huntley's Book Store.
The recent rains are causing the cher
ries to spoil on the trees. ,
Mrs. J. Bargoyne went on the excur
sion to Seaside Sunday.
Grandpa Slyter went up to Marion
last w ek, where she will remain for a
Mr. Fried rich and family, of Port
land visited his brothers of this place
Antone fiew.ltr. nf PnrtlanH mam m
town Sunday. ,
Mr. Truesdalle and ladies, of Port
land, snent Sundar with Mies Mahal
Conaiderahlft ha will annll If tr,. nln
continues much longer.
Grain looks fine In this vicinity.
Mm VovKht. mrA 'IT.it. .a.. -I,
ping in Portland Monday.
Mr. McArthur attended the G. A, R.
meeting in Oregon City Saturday.
Oscar Burgoyne is borne for the sum
Mr. OWr-k PnrtlonH
i - iVuU ga wa myuv-
nograhic entertainment at Mr. Bur
goyne' home one night last week.
Miss Agnee Reif has returned borne
Aug Bcheer had a valtiahla halfor
killed by the train one dav last wmi. '
Mlai Kmnta WsHa n Piiumih
Sunday with Mrs. Grant Crileser.
Mark Slyter and friend, Mr. Liuiel,
of Oreeon Citv. arxmt Knrwlaw mUh h
former's parents.
Mm. Maeiriii Rrnnrn Vn Vt,n
and Miss Katie Newbury attended the
eastern Mar uwge at Oregon City Tues
day night.
Heppner Sufferer Will be Relieved.
To know that ths Juanita Concert
Company is working hard to send tbem
money. The program that will be givrn
atShively's opera house next Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings is worth all it
coets, and the proceeds will go to re
lieve the Heppner sufferers.
A Good Womau Gone to He. Last
' . Account.
The Deoole of Orpcrnn Pits
shocked and grieved Saturday morning
to learn of the death of Mrs. R. A.
Miller at Ralem. The death of Mrs.
Miller followed an operation performed
ior a tumor. Btie went to Salem some
weeks auo to visit wi h relatives and
wa iTimediatalv tnknn ill VVhiU .i
first not much uneasiness was felt as to
her recovery, her symptoms gradually
grew worse until fears began to be enter
tained for her . Towards the
end her husband was with her almost
continually. At 11 o'clock Friday
i i.ii..
uiKut sue cruaseu me aara river.
Mrs. Miller was 44 years of age. She
was a datiffhternf I.. I! (4ri(Rfh a
of the Waldo Hills, and one of the most
prominent citizens of Marion county.
Mrs. Miller was for years one ol the
most nrontinant'. tAnohara in Cira.rnn
The served as superintendent of the
Salem city schools for a number of years
She was very highly cnltured lady and
nao mo ruung spirit oi me BuaSespeare
Club Of thianirV. nnH fronnontlu n.ra .a.
citals which delighted all who knew het
nr name stoou ior ail mat was good in
this life.
A husband, lather, mother, three
brotters and four sisters survive her.
Her death is the first one in a family of
einht children, all of whom have reach
ed honorable manhood aui woman
hood. Funnral services were held Sunday
and the remains were laid to rest in the
in the family hurrying grounds at Wn.
lard cemttery.
Mountain View.
Miss Pearl Bennett has returned to
this berg again.
Laurence Mack has returned home
from Corvallis lor his vacation.
Mr. A lain and son, of Highland are
visiting her mother, Airs. Brooks.
Mrs. Taylor of Portland, was visiting
her mother, Mrs. Brook ladt Saturday
and Sunday, i
F. A. Ely is the proud possessor of a
brand new light wagon. . .
Geo. Ely and wife are visiting Chaa.
Ely and family out on the 8almou
rlver. i
Mrs. Jefferson's mother and sister are
visiting here this week.
Miss Julia May is staying with Mrs.
Geo. Ely's children this week. .
The mountain View boys have organ
ised ball earn at Ely, ,
Mania Lane inam will nl i Dimi nl
ball with the Ely boys next Sunday at
una place.
Re V.Stark will hnlrl anrvlnna at tha
church next Sunday at 4 o'clock.
Geo. Everhart is driving delivery
wagon for Everhart & Co.
Mr. Joseph Wilkins and Miss Gussie
Mad slock were united in marriage at
the residence of E. Oi Maddock in Ore
gon City on Wednesday evening at one
o'clock p. m. They left 'or their future
home at Spokane Oregon later in the
afternoon. Mr. Wilkins is a traveling
salesman and a most excellent citizen.
Miss GuBsie Maddock is oae of Oregon
City's most popular young ladies. The
nappy couple have the best wishes of a
host of friends and admirers, The
nuptial knot was tied by the lie v. W. B
Uollinshead of Portland. No e but
relative were invited to attend the cere
Bert and Harrv Hibbard have re
turned home from Washington, where
iney nave neen at work.
Mrs. Moody baa returned home after
visiting her parents three weeks.
Tbe Ice cream social eiven bv the En
vorth League laet Friday evening was a
grand success and a good time waa had
ny those present.
Quite a number of our youngfolks at
tended tbe picnie at Macksburg Satur-
aay. . . .
Tbere Is going to be a wedding here
in jour church on Wednesday at 11
o'clock. Tbe contracting parties are
aaias nary wiiiernd liev. Crandle.
Qran4 Concert,'
Considerable credit is due many pea.
oi mis city as wen as tne Juanitauom
pany fo their donations. Mr. Shlvely,
tbe presses and the religious organiza
tions have generously donated the opera
uouse.uie advertising and the work con
nee'ea with making tbis entertainment
a success. Theretore, if the people of
Oregon Ulty win now be as generous or
if they will turn out in a body there is
no reason why we should not send to tbe
people of neppnerat least 200, that Is
if you will attend the entertainment we
promise that you will have your money's
worth and we will as a committee ac
knowledge and send the proceeds to tbe
needy onee at Heppner.
At Shively's Ooera House one nieht.
Tuesday, June 30
Tne price of admission is 35 and 50c,
children 15c. No extra charge will be
uia U for reserved seats wbicti are on
sale at Huntley ' book store.
For Sale or Exchange
For country property east or west of
the mountain i, a 6-room house and 8
lota. Good well, barn and chicken
house. Sightly.
C. B. Johnsok,
Box 134, Oregon City, Ore.
Geo. T. Howard, the Manager, Missing
Since Saturday Evening.
Geo. T. Howard, nroorietor of the
Red Fsont, haa gone from Oreuron Citv
and there are many anxious creditors
here who mourn bis departure. Mr
Howard disappeared laet Saturday and
up to the present time his whereabouts
are not known.
M. Michael, cf Baker City, who a few
monthB ago was in business here, came
over Saturday. He held a note against
Howard lor goods sold him when he
closed out his business here, for $19o0.
tie came to Oregon City with the pur
pose of seeing Mr. Howard and arrang
ing about the note, lie waited until
Wednesday morning on being informed
that Howard was out of town and would
not be back for a day or two and then
had an attachment issued on the store.
Tbe stock of good was locked up by tbe
nuerm penoiiig some sort oi an agree
ment with the creditors. The Latour-
ettes weie retained by Michaels and
rortiand creditors as attorneys.
, It was only a short time until It be
came known hat the $1900 note was but
a small part of the liabilities of Mr.
Howard, in Oregon City alone he owes
creditors Bums aggregating four or five
thousand dollars, while wholesalers in
Portland and San Francisco are said to
be numerous. Tbe total liabilities of
the firm are variously estimated at be
tween five and ten thousand dollars.
Probably the latter figures would be
nearer the correct ones.
Afler Howard left and up to the time
of the enforced closing, Mr. Howard's
wife had charge of the store.
Just what the assets of the firm are it
is impossible at this hour to state.
Some aay that the stock of goods is
worth four or five thousand dollars, but
tloit unO'-r a forced sale it would not
bring iiioie tlidU thirty per cent of its
fa value.
It is presumed that the reason Howard
l it was that I e had obtained money
from various parties by giving checks
when he had no funds in the bank to
meet them. Altogether these checks
will not amount to quite 1)00. If the
parties to whom the-e checks were
given choose tbey could proaecute him
lor obtaining money under false pre
tenres. Nearly all the parties who h Id
these checks, however, nave agreeq that
they will not prosecute but prefer to take
their chances on getting the money if
he should return. '
Just where Mr. Howard is, is a myst
ery. He was reported to nave gone
down on the lower Columbia on a pleas
ure trip, but tbe consensus of opinion
now is that he js In 13 ri lieu Columbia.
Geo. T. Howard was for a number of
y ears connected with the Red Front
Trading company s a salesman. Later
he nurchaaed the stock of that company
and began business for himself, His
store was known as the Red Front, and
is tbe fartheit clothing Btore
north on Main street. He has been
liberal in this expenditures but hit
business ability has been questioned by
some. It is said that he frequently gave
checks several days in advance, thus
discountins the future. He is a notary
public and did coueiuerable business
along that line.
An invoice of the store is being tken
and untillitlsfinniBhed will the assets
be known.
Benefit Dance.
The Heppner benefit dance given
Wednesday evening at Canemah park,
by Court Robin Hood.order of Foresters
was attended by a very large crowd,
noUlthBtandlng the (act that rain fell
rltlrlntf mniL nf ihsAmnlnff Fnlltf tVA
hundred persons must have bem pre-
- i ..i. i mi
aentoi wnora a majority were lauiei. iuo
receipt of the ball have not bet-n footed
up at the pi remit time, but they will
nrnlKlv nmnilnr tr atrriAt 111 nrr bm S7K
Nash's band played for tbe merrymakers
aaialso did the Parkplace band and Tur
ney's orchestra. Nfsh's band looked
particularly fine in their new uniforms,
&i n . .i I .1.1- i
wuru tut) urst time ior hub ocua tuu.
OregoD Citij Mlacbine Sbo)
Having First-class Machinery
Doing First-class Work
Keeps in Stock a Line Shafting and Pulleys, New and Second
-Hand. Also Engine and Saw Mill Machinery.-
i A iffiim A- -fii fsi'--.-ia.-. .A.
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304.
There's a good deal
in having a cigar
burn even and smell
Rough and Dressed
Dlx Brotbtrs ot Scbubel,
Are now prepared to furnish all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Lumber. . .
Yelloy Fir Lumber cut
outof the best tim
ber and furnished at '
reasonable prices : : : :
LnmliGrlCut to Orler on Short Notice.
Write or call., vi
Mx Bntbets,
' Scbubtl, Or
Knergv all goner Hdcht Htomwh out or ,
order! Simply a case of torpid liver. Burdock
Blood flitters will maks a new mn or women of
Reductd Summer Excursion
Ths Denver ft Rio Grande, popularly known as
the "Sosnln Line of the World." hs announced
gr.atly reduced round-trip rates Irom Paul 10
Coast points ior ins oenem oi iwuubi.wuu m,.
spend tneir vacation in me r-anw u yw-w
.11 nrnmlnonf r!mi.ailllnna N. It. B.. BoStOHI A,
tt w ui Dixi. r p. rv at Hflltlmora:
Wooumen oi America Kimnni"'i'i -
Mew Uork, Mystic Blirlne, at Saratoga Springs; K,
of P., at Louisville, and T. V- A., at Indianapolis,
TICKelS at Hie riui'ou ratt win w K..
one fare for ths round trip, but will be sold only
certain days. Thew tlokcta will carry stopover
tk. ,.ln oltrlnnmaaHlinffflra Sfl
opportunity to vUlt Salt Lake City,
bprints. uoioraou rjpniina wm umnu "
bt good to return any time within nlnty 0 dava
Passengsrs Koinn via ths Dsnver Bio Grande
are jlven til. privilege of returning via a dlflsf
ant roite. - - , . . .
For Ihs rate to ths point yon wish to go, ana
lor lales of sale and other particular!, M weU M
lor i.'lustrauid pamphlets, write,
W. C. McBridi, General Agent. , v
tl Third St., 1'ortlaud Or.
How to Avoid Tronble.
Now Is the time to provide yourself and family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almostosrlylu to bv
neeiltd beforth summer la over, and If procur
ed now may save you a trip to town in the night
air or In your busiest season. It Is everywhere ad
mitted to be the moataiiccessfiil medicine lu use
lor bowel eomplaluta, both lor children and adulu
No tamtty en afford to be without It. for sale
by (i. A. ilardiug.
of Casketa. Coffins, Rotes and
Linings In Clackamas County.
We have tbe only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our pricei always reasonable,
DatiDiBuiiuo guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
pmiipi, v