Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 19, 1903, Image 2

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Rotten Game.
Another Suicide.
A New Team to be Organized In
Oregon City.
A very Small crowd witnessed a very
pour exhibition of bull playing at Uane
mah park Sunday afterni on, at least on
tbe part of tbe h"ine icim. With threw
of tbe beet players the home Warn bud
oot ol the game, Rhodes, Patterson and
Letlow, the team was unusually weak,
nd a bunch of country school boys
would have mad just about as good a
showing. The opposition team, the
Moncuram", of Portland, is' just about
one of tbe swiftest tams that has ap
peared on the local diamond this seu
son Bnd even if the full tesra had been
present tt would have given them all
they could do to hold their own.
Young Andrews from the West Side
was put in te box lor locate, and be
was batted deely by the visitors who
commenced piling up runs in the firet
inning and continued until the seventh
TM score ntood at the beginning of tills
inning at 8 to 1 in favor of tbe visitors,
and the score whs a pretty nood indica
tion of the relative strength of the two
teams. In the seventh the visitors
eharfged pitchers.' putting a boy of six
teen in the box, and he waA batted pret
ty freely by the home team. nd they
got several men on bases but were un
able to score unlil the ninth when three
men crossed the borne plate. The gam
was reptete witb errors, of which tbe
Oregon City Uam made a large major,
ity. There were few sensational plays
made. Onto of the Portland boys made
home run by hitting tbe ball ver the
! ft field fence. The hit was one of tbe
longest eer made on the local diamond.
fllss Lillian M. , Hackleman ths Vic
tim of a Highwayman.
Lillian M. Hackleman, stenographer
for Ool. Robert Miller was robben in
Oregon City last Sunday evening. The
robber secired 5 in gold and i"me
looce chsnge.
Mibs Hackleman hud been to Portland
and returned about 10 o'clock. She oc
cupies a room at the Horn residence on
tbe hill aud started up the steps leading
her bourdinc place. After arriving at
to, the top of the steps she had gone but a
little way when she was accosted by a
man who politely said, "sllnw me to
carry your grip?" Miss Hackleman
thinking the man was some smart aleck
told bim to go away and she would carry
her own baggage. The man continued
along by he side and took the bundle
from her hand. At a dark and lonely
place he stopped and laid : "Now don't
say a word." He then to k tbe pocket
book she wfci carrying in her hand and
extracted tbe contents. He returned
the purse and the keys keeping the
money. ; He then told her to go on. She
hurried home and told her story. She
was very badly frightened and the
police were not notified until O'clock
next morning, The robber made good
his escape. .
Miss Harkleman onrried a gold watch
which as ovrlnnked by the thief. She '
says she would recognize the man if she
saw him again. She describes bim as a
tall man of a little more than middle
height with a dark, close cropped mus
tache.. He wore a well-fitting suit of
clothes and a four-in-hand necktie.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
, v . 1 :
wllhWal Application!!, a they pannot reach tl.e
vnt ol llie dismiio. ' ularrli In a blood or t'otintltu
tmnal (lindane, ami In order to cure it you must
take inmrnal lemnliii, Hnll'n Catarrh Curels
taken IntiTiuillj and art" direotly on the Moon and
muoona surfum Hall's Oaliinh Cure is not a
tiiwk imdlcliiu. It was pie-oillmd hy one of the
Ih'kI physlciaiiH in tills cnmilry (or ye, us, and Is a
rt'Bnlur preaonptlon. Ilia oompoaed of the beat
tniilus known, combined with the heat blood purl,
flera, acting direetlv on theiiiucouH mir'acea The
P'Tfoot combination of the two Ingredients la
what pruritics aueli womlerful results in curlu
' a1 anli Kami for testimonials, fren.
i F. J, Oil UN NY A I'D.. Props.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by ilrnirjtlstH, prle 75o.
Hull's Faintly fills are the best.
j. I now have money to pay county nr
rail's endorsed prior to Dec. lt, 1900,
-Isorond warrants endured prior to
VI arch 1 at. 11)0.'!, interest will cease on
-nch warrant on the date ot this notice
regon City Oregon, June, Jllth, J903,.
ICnoh Caiiii.l, Treasurer,
2t Clackamas county Ore.
Moiart at the Am of Four Composed
DUIluult Concerto.,.
As a child of three Wolfgang Mo
tart's wonderful playing on the harp
sichord was the talk of Salzburg, and
a year later his compositions were e
Ing played In public by his father. Ha
was only four years old when he com
posed a concerto so difficult that even
his father, one of the most skilled vio
linists In Germany, could not play it
"Of course," said the Infant magician,
"no one can be tipected, to play It with
out diligent practice." A year later,
, when . Wolfgang was only five years
, old, he was Invited to give a recital la
the hall of the university, when, the
magic of his tiny ' Angora worked hit
auditors to a pitch Of the wildest en
thusiasm, i, '
At six he made a tour of Germany
and becaue the idol of the courts, the
empress . herself taking him on hei
knees and tugging bim la an ecstasy
of admiration, while' Francis L em
braced hlui and called him "my little
magician.'' Shortly after he had pass
ed his eighth blrthtUiy Moiart was
electrifying England, was being petted
und caressed by George III. and his
iufn and was publishing sonatas, a
symphony and an anthom, which creat
ed n furore among music lovers from
one end of the country to the other.
If you desire aifood complexion use Mokt Toe, a
itlir" herl drill k . It hits oil the liver and lllke
the skin sin olti and clour. Oiresstck In-mUi'tics.
5 els and 6; ois. Money nfitiultsi it it does not
itlsfy you. W rite lo '. II. Hooker A Co., liuiralo
S. V., lor lie 1111 lc, a t Howell Ji Junes,
It Hai th Ordinary Roof Inatoad of
the Very BiptulTt Round Oae.
This round barn. Illustrated In Orange
Judd Farmer, Is described as sixty feet
In diameter, with a basement eight
feet blgb, tbe walla of which are stone,
raid in cement. As the silo has given
so much satisfaction In the northern
states, two round silos are placed as
Indicated in tbe illustration. In the
basement are stalls with swinging par-
tltlons for forty-five animals. Tbe up
per stories are used for storing feed
and farm machinery. The basement
la well lighted with good sized win
dows, arranged so that the ventilation
Is excellent The posts are twenty feet
high from top of basement to lowest
pert of the eaves. This with tbe eight
foot basement and the comparatively
steep roof brings the peak of the barn
about forty feet above the surface of
the ground.
The round roof for a round barn la
very expensive. The arrangement
shown In the Illustration la just as ef
fective and in many ways more con
venient For example, It la much easi
er to arrange a hay carrier with this
form of roof than with a round one.
The swinging stall partitions are
three feet high and suspended about
twenty Inches from tbe floor. At the
outer edge a sliding bolt is so ar
ranged that the partition may be made
stationary by pushing the bolt into an
opening In the floor. A chain hangs
slack across the end of tbe stall to hold
the animal In place. Three feet la
about the correct width, as the stall is
wider at the back. If the floor of the
stall is given a proper drop and a
trench la provided, the animals will
remain clean and have plenty of room.
When tbe cows are out of the barn,
unhitch the chain and swing the par
titions around Into a manger. Drive
in with a horse and cart and clean out
the stable. The windows should be
provided with shutters, so that the
stable ean be darkened during fly time
and when the weather la very hot
In building the basement tt la desir
able to start It about six or eight feet
below the ground; then If necessary
run It up to the roof. The part below
OltOtJND rLAN OF 11A11N.
the surface of the ground cuu be made
of stone in the same way as the base
ment walls. Of course, the Interior
must be cemented much ns a cistern.
As the silos are located near the man
ger, the work of feeding Is reduced to
the minimum. Silage Is always heavy
to handle, and they should be as near
the heads of the cattle as possible. A
baru of this kind will cost all the way
from $2,500 to $3,000. It provides more
space than a rectangular barn in
which the same amount of material
has been used. ,
Feeding; Problem.
Lately sheep and hogs have been go
ing up and cattle have been coming
down. Cattle feeders have lot money,
. and sheep aud lnmb feeders have made
money. Not all of them, however. The
skillful cattle feeder saved himself per-
i haps, while the unskillful sheep feeder
did no better thnu that. Now, farmers
are getting the sheep fever, hearing
and reading of the nice profit that
has been made by feeders and per
haps seeing some of It Sbeop feeding
j Is all right If done properly and all
wrong If not A hog will lay on nesb
l lr go ta V llten 1 f a chjfl c4
a snoop won t umo t anner.
, '- 11 1 't ,
Nstir e s7ssoorte).
According to, the Suxaf Trade Jour
nal, there are eleven new factories con
tracted for to be bu in .the5 United
State Tor the coining season of; 1903-04
on which work. lus ftarted and of
which six are lu Wcplgun, three In
Colorado, one In Bear River valley,
TJtah, and one la Idaho. The prospects
are good for the establishment of a
factory next year at Thenix, Arts.
HT7 Cattle Sell Slowly,
After listening all winter to advice
to make their cattlo ripe It Is pretty
tough on feeders to ship in finished
steers now and be told that they are
too heavy! that the market demands
lighter cattle. Rut It is a fact that
Just now buyers prefer light and me
dium weights, though if there were no
i heavy ones coming It would seem to be
' the reverse. National Stockman.,.. ....
Mrs. Tlltle Will Takes Carbolic Acid
With Fatal Results,
Broods Over Recent Criminal Assault
for Weeks and Then Sought
; ' Peace In Death. " '
Canny was tbe scene of a snicide
last Thursday afternoon. - Mrs. Tillie
Wills took a large dose of carbolic acid
and when discovered wa c Id in death.
Her eldest son, a hoy of twelve years,
discovered the body.
Mrs. Wills was left alone in her hou e
al Canby! Thursday morning. About
three o'clock in the afternoon her son
returned and found tbe door locked
He looked in the window of his mother's
bedroom and there saw a sight that
made his blo"d run cold. The woman
had undressed and gone to bed after
taking a fatal dote of the poison. She
had undoubtedly done the deed deliber
ately and with premeditation.
The coroner was summoned and a
coroner's jury empanelled and a verdict
returned in accordance with the above
facts. The funeral was held Saturday
and the interment was at Needy.
Mrs. Wills was the daughter of Col.
Bair, of Canby, She was about 35 years
of age at the time other death. She
was the recent victim of a criminal as
sault and from then bad brooded and be
come despondent, and thiB is supposed
to have caused her to commit - the rash
Hei assailant made good his escaped
and was never captured.
, , i . ,
Yot Know What You Art Taking.
When vou tke Grore's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
became the formula Is plainly prl ted on every
bottle, showing that tt is simply Iron and
Quinine in a tasteless form, no uure, na r .
60 cent. '
The Fine Draft Stallion
Will make the season of 1903 at my stable
near Currlnsville, and close to Eagle Creek,
in Clackamas county at $6.00 to Insure a
mare in fold. Description and Pedigrse:
Bob is a fine draft stallion, chestnut, good
build, fine form and action and a sure foal
getter. He is by Imported Cubldon, who
weighed 2,16o pounds. He is twelve
years old and in the very prime of life.
He has made the season in this county fo
many years, and has as fine a lot of coalts
and draft horses as can be seen in this
part of the world. If you want to raise
the best draft and farm horses to be found
breed your mares to Bob.
Money Is due when mare Is known to
be In foald or parted with. '
. Currlnsville. On
Virulent Cancer Cured.
proof of a wonderful advance In
medicine is given by drupelet G. W, I( Lerts of
Elliabetb, W.JVs. An old man there had long
suffered with what good doctors pronounced In
curable cancer. They believed his case hopeless
till he used Electrlo Bitters and and Bucklen'i
Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured
him. When Etectrlo Bitters ere used to expel
bilious, kidney and microbe poisons at the same
fine this salve exerts Its matchless healing Dower,
blood diseases, skin ettiptions, ulcers and sores
vanish. Bittern 60c, salve 25c at (jeo. A. Hard
Notice ia hereby given that I have been
duly appointed by the County Court of I'lHi'kmnas
County, st te of Oregon, AilmhiiMrntrr of the
estate of Sarah J. Fancher. decensed. and that
all persons having claims against s-id estate
are hereby notified to presen' the snun to me
at the law oflloe of C. 1). A I). C. Lalourctie in
Oregon Clly.Oregou. properly verllkd, within six
mouths from the date of this notice,
liated June 6th 1IW3.
David Fancher,
Administrator of the estate of Surah J Puncher,
, , deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
John Welsuiandel, plaintiff vs. Lonelana
Phelps. Frank O.I'holps and Marlhii Ann l'helps
anil Alice Patterson, eiureminnts:
To Frank O. Phi rui 'ki.d Martha Ann Thelps
and cn-h of you as.defetidmiis: , ,
In the name of the Vstnte of 1 Oieailn,
you aud each of ou are ,,, lnn.hy
required to appear answ r ihe . com
plaint filed against you hv the above fiitlt el
suit, on or before the expiration oi six weeks from
the date of the first publication of siiMimons
herem.n liiuh date ol first pul lication is. May lMh,
l'.liW, and the dale oi said expiration of
saiil six weeks Is June 2tith. which
last dhte Is the date of the Inst publication of this
summons, and it you an to so appear ami an
swer the complaint herein, the plaintiff herein
will apply to the oourt for the relief demanded In
the eouiplaiut beretn to-wlt.: The foreclosure
of a certain mortgage given by all of the
defendants, excepting Alice Patterson lo J. C.
Kircheui for $n.riU Dated January 2.1901, due
Jan. 2, 1U03. upon the following described prop
erly, to-ttiti 1
lleglnnlng at the N. E. corner of the D. L. C. of
Abel Maltoon and Surah M. Mattoon, his wife,
being olaim No. 60 in Sees. 23. 24 aud 2ti of T. i 8.,
R. 3 K., of the W, M In Clackamas county, state of
Oregon: Tlienee 8. 67 degrees. 45 mluutes W 44
clialm to tbe N. K. corner of a tract of land con
voyed by Abel Mattoon and w fe to Antoinette
Lewis by deed recorded In Hook "K" page 4fil of
the Kccorda of Deeds of said county; Tlienee 8.
20 degrees, E. 8.M. chains: Thenoe S. 7 degrees, K.
4.W! clialus; 1 hence tt. so Uwtree and HU minutes
W. to the right bank of ClearOreek;. Thence with
the meanders of Clear Creek. tn stream to the N
W comer ot a tract of laud ronveved bv said
Abel Maltoon and wife to E. U. Mattoon. by deed
recorded at pages 24 and and 24 of Book "V" of
the Records o! Dwds for said oounty; theuoe N,
(H degrees. 30 minutes. K 23.79 chams: Tliejioe N.
til deg.ees K.30 chains to the K. bouudara of said
1) L. C; Thence N. 22 degrees 16 minutes, W 17.KC
chains to place of beglumng, containing 100 acres
of land more or less and tor such other aud further
relief as to the court may eeeiu eouitableand Just.
This summons Is published by order el the
above entitled court duly made aud entered tbe
9th day of May, llaia.
V. U.m V. C. LAlUUKr.1 IK,
Attorneys for Haiulil
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Piils will clean
your tongue, cure yot:r dys
pepsia, make your liver riht.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
2Sc. A.:: dni'rVs. "
am your inouit;
brovrn or rit-.i: !ii.d '.'
oi d a ue.iuiiinl
p:irrf,!i'??;'c twer tho
UUwrviHUflNiil OUIL.W
Cloud Burst! I
Such, a flood as that which occured at Heppner this week
clothing stockcoming down with terrific force and washing out j the, old 'prices, . We
have remarked them, less than the old price; this is , an opportunity to select a smart
summer suit at a very small price. ,
Men's Smart All Wool Worsted Summer Suits
in checked patterns real dressy good tail
oring. Regu'ar price $12,50
Special Price $900
Men's All Wool Worsted Summer Suits select
patterns a suit that is good for
regular price $14.00
Special Price 950
Men's Scotch Tweed Suits all wool a better
pattern could not be made up for a business suit
attractive and clean regular price $12.50
Special Price 8.50
Do You Use Shingles?
If you do, let us supply your
needs. We have an up-to-date
mill, located five miles east of
Molalla and two miles from
Meadowbrook, with all the
latest and best equipments.
s Lane's automatic machinery. :
We cut our shingles from the
very finest cedar and turn out
, , as good shingles as there are
in the world. Our prices are
as low as the lowest. We t
want your trade. 11
Mall orders promptly filled. '
; Ball Sbingle Co.,
Bp 59 molalla, Ort.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a pecialty
Opposite Oaufleid Block OREGON CITY
Oregon City
Sccon tl-Hand & J unk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
':v ' Machinery."
Second-Hand Goods Bought andJSold
Sngarman & Cj.
Are You Goi.:g to Build?
(, Do you use Lumber ?
.' We want to furnish you.
We are located near the" Eldorado
School House,'near the postoffice of
Carus. . "" ' ,' "'' . ' ' :
We have a good mill, fi
, are cutting lumber out , ,
of the best yellow fir, '
1,.. ..... Can fill your order on
, x short notice, for v an,y
kind of lumber '
If you need lumber don't fail to write to us
' otcome to see us. It wilt pay you
.. , Sturges Brothers,
Cans, Owrjtfif.
Dregen City's Leading Win Hovtt
All the leading brands f Cal
forni Wines kept in1 stock.
Come and see us. ,
Choicest Meats
R. PetzoldS Meat Marlist
Men s Scotch
of green just
price $1300
all occasions
and tasty a suit
price $14,00
S. J. T A UfiM -W'S.
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Naarly Oppoalte
First Class Rigs of all Kinds
at R e a s o n a b 1 e Prices
Oregon ity : : : Oregon
As long as they last we will give with each bottle
Of RED LINE Cough. Cure.... 25 or 50c size
Or " " Condition Powders 25c size
" " " Sarsaparilla... $1. 00 size cut price 60c
And we guarantee the Red Line ' preparations.
17. .;BrownI&lWelch
J t-J 1 '
iriekd BUtw Cue .
Fully Gunt4 .
For ia kf
IllutnUd BoekM
00 qut, ikowlaf
The New England
Witch Co.
Wiitrburf, Com.
New York, Chluto,
sia rruciKO.
Folev's Money and Tar
trie caildrea s'e. sura Vr P?fcS.
" V T ff i ,
Urn B
PriM4 H
Watck H
has occured in our spring
Tweed all wool smart mixture
Ihe suit for this season regular
Special 900
Men's Swell Blue Worsted all woo! solid col
or with a tiny green stripe or plaid very smart1
for the swell dresser regular
. ; : - i s; , . ;
Special Price 9.50
Just such values throughout our entire spring'
clothing stock. These suits are, the best madel
and this season's goods . You can not better
yourself elsewhere and to show you these goods
we can easily convince you that these prices real
Suspension Bridge
-Pkophibtoks OF THB- f
.Building a
Oregon ' city,
Best Meals in the City
Room and Boarri by the Week
$3.73 t
, and
Saloon in Connection
Si(b and main St., 3
Oregon City, Ore.
Filthy Temples In India." x
Sacred cow often defile Indian tmrlM, bnt
worse yet is g bodv that'll polluted by constipa
tion. Uon't permit it. Olennse your system wilh
Dr. King's New Life Pills n oid untold mis
ery. They uive lively liters. ctive bowel, good
digestion, fine ppeiite. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Hurding's ,ra store.