OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY . JUNE 5, I9u3 it ivu lit Mountain--riMMr-"""" Mra. Mary Duffy,; pf Wall .Walli; ip isitiDg old friends in .this viciuity la fit Fridaii'lU V'.UiKl,tU -4o Mrs. SavflgflipdsipfruVf Portland, were ehakinii ftanda with . reltivei and - fiunfls heiifSntfda Mr 'i. G'eorgS ; Marr., &nd cliiMrptVpf T6rtlfriuYwere :'lbei"ettata M-$jk T W'tfed arid tpbtl!ier lajitl Sunday , Mrs., faille HWard, iiee ftjis JJul yatiy'l and three children ere. tbe guests nf Aire. Albright t-aiurciay . Everett" Taylor" returned, from The Dalles, Saturday, , W6 aajra obis Anther is able to walk atain. 'H FV'Cookeof1 Marlon cOUrltvw in this bur oVeif 6u,ilday',"the puest of his oldtiffl1 acnlaintancV,, Mr.' DixOtf 'land family. - ' Mrs. Richardson, of Independence, and Mra. Croxton;, of Portland, were vis iting their relatives, Mr. Criig and fam ily last, week. i'A .i.vt Mrs. Tbims IlowitJt, of firesham, was visiting relatives, 8. - A. Gil'ett and S. Francis in this here lat Wednesday evening while in Oregon City at eniiig the state grange. Mr. and Mrs. T. U. McClennan, of PflMlanwffft tUeBeat8 of hWx, Cf Mg ana tamuy pvqr Sunday, Don Dickey Sold his team, harness and wagon tfttiFlnnki'-Krrjgo last week and is talkiig of going to Iowa again. Everbart & Co. haye -their new, deliv ery Wagon fitted but "with1 a 'hew' "cover, ia8lefcdy ior more jraijwi''. fiiiri no tUti) , . , Salina. " " 1 ,V LlllJll nloalnx Exercteei to bs Held at the "ShlVelf June W. WW!- oo a It!) ?, v null II A iit., I a; .bellowing Is the , report of schpql, ,sJif. trict Kd." 40, Needy, for the month eud- WWay, .29: I-.MC No. pupils remaining enrolled, 25. No. days taught; 20:"Ul" ,10 Average daily-tjtendance, .niK; y,Ku. caoea tardiness,. 6. ( ,i n .q tt.si . ; Those who were neither absent nor tardydnring the month are Sylvanus Yoder,,Alviu Yodr, Clarence Jotineon, Johnnie Kropf, Peter Pi ice, Willie Mil ler.' ..'...I:.."- ,8chool cloeed with a literary program in the afternoon, betides races, etc. . i . Robert Gintheb, Teacher. ' 'I firta M hobri la 'an er7pma nf llm ftnuln VArv The Misses Miller and Miss Adams, of tevere sometimes, but it can be cured; 1 Bonn's Teasel Creek, were the ! 2uesta of Mrt.il ointment,. quick mid permanent in, its results. f 1-niir rinnnir Ihfl vranirA. M" ' 7. .. . ; . ... ."i,.'. i' . .,,(,, . nri "mmvmm' how utii'i i nsoiJ ' 11 f I II II VIC YlTIFIM 8 0! ,1(1.1 .1: i lira 1 I HO I711UU-7 ,11 j is'R f nf Me I 111 Itlk'IIUi!! Ul lUlil C.llllir: n llil.lt III 11 ( ;TT I ; hTi-.'- JT V "- "I ITT) ,T-T1 h, U L .Hnn TsiChAfic ih A ' P 11 h K a a Sale will begin onTtiursdayrch 19th at 9 A. M.and cQniijniid uatii all is sold VI t'.i Ws invite all ow friends (and that hieanrf'eVehbodv) in Oregon City arid( thri ugh9,wt Clackamas Couufy, and.' in .1 13 roiuauu to atrcno tnis saie. .ci .'i u i.wtt rt j i " n-.i ,h.j'm Jill Our ticods arellav and VftC'dah 1 i ! We.jVvjlJ, ppt .quote prices here but jf you',' need ' anyT,, thing in the shoe 'line within the "next six rnonths, it will pay ' you to buy how, ''' '" 1 ' Jt.; , .,,;';.,,:,:.,,..;';..!. ',:,;, i ,. Wq take, tliis' opportunity of thanking our many, friends for their liberal' patronage duriug the last fourteen' years. We are' very sorry to have to break the many ties of friendship that has existsd between us for so long a, time we ; but deem it, yvje. to, .exten.pjyj bMsiness tQ :br.oade ;fields...lir. t ,i Anyone finding' themsfelves indebted to us will please call promptly and settle their accounts." h Any parses 1 holdi'flg, ' Pfupoqs fad, better .-use them.at once. 7 H'Xi ,9 ." pencU figures so you can see at a glance what the goods will cost you. A sample pair of ery - nd wijl.be! onl an iopert tm tabl so yon can pick the shoe you want instantly:-1 We will'1 R have.anumbe pf derk on baodi'soithitt allanbe,w2litidl 6hul he closing exercises of trie Barclav High school will take place in Shively's Opera house Wednesday evening, June -10J One of the best, programs ever hehrd in this city will he rendered. Thtre will be no oration delivered at this entertainment. The graduates are Norwood Chaimsn, Ella Dempster, Ida A lik i h , uiga tciimaie, Angie Williams, iena bhannnn, Henry Wilkinson. Geo. SiJllivan, Be'dan Ganone, Ralph Milln. C4rl Moore and Gilbert Charter. The following program will be rendered : Krnno oolo I Miss C L. Hiit'cins. ,yp:al Solo, ' A . May Morning,"Denza' : ? Mrs. Kose Block liauer. Reading, "The Soul of the Violin,",. M Prof. W. M.Rasmus. t Tproador Song ...Carmen J. Adrian EoDins. -: - ' (a) "At Parting,".... Rodijera (b) "Absent" .........Metcalfe ; (c) "Ah, 0 Remember" .; Kjerulf Mrrt. Roie BJoch Bauer. ; Song, "Gypsy Kiss" I. IFraherne j,., J. Aunan Kpping. Mpnologue,"'The Confessional" . ; ;. i i L Miss Ethel H pburn. "$ong of rhankegiving".,.Allitsenl Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer. 1 Dqe', "Calm as the Night".... ....Goetia, ! Mr. V.nnlno nnrtk Mra Ttnnai ,3 ISclene from "School for Scandal",., . Bii Peter Teazle, Prof W.-'M'. Rasmus. Liiidy Teazle.... Miss Ethel ilenbni1: ipReturvelle" f . . . .filigniinvijile ilc) "The irotestaet" Hatton 'i-'H J. Adrian SEppine. Duet, "Meiry, Merry 'Are We," sjt air. ripping auu airs. rcauer.S ft hm ;i What a DifferenceH 1 f AoZS-tej r M 3 -1 THAT WE ARE IN AtfiMlfi .V. 'N'.vk' f Wl Tires; v; t. , , ' , .. , . UD BVlg lu'f .iHll I .A '"1 ..jquTS TO U)mwEmJi(illV 3 s.nij li:N,t ii'.' tacl&ttrlck Thc Shoe Mantf Next Door to Banlf b 'Oegon. City ill! li The ,tlevelry Business w?utjnnmtB'j.T..,i I .VM"'' I'l-'J'1! ATITI O J i n.-. :itJ 'io MiOiuU lu x , w vimvii, Portland .'(VO. KAt.HHY lit 'il(.lGtp vl,V,1 111 Bill Ollhll.l 1 ffl .1 ,rt'lll.'M.l ,M-r"( UPllnilllit My (tiiif, , ;1 Jilil 'Y. ,ll:)-tf,ll.'l l l ' I nifin l:)iiu( tmii irml ii;i dill ill l;wo h) q .IV '.t n1! t'f!,j ;ldl Hit ( . 'lil 11. M oail'ilili Id i i l 'I'l.n, i .if; n -nil oy I)'))k1.-iu c bun liml (i1hd rnr mH .'ili:i 1 ,7 1.111; :till(llUII iii'i1 x-i -nlio-: 01 ,n( tlliv.; ..mMI 11 1 1 ' 1 1 ! ,ii rrivn'i 1 in )'!- him i it.rjiakei to Oregon City-.teeidenti 'who teelify. v Et is pretty hard to prove the state, pautit of some stranger residir)?in" far RB,y parts of the country, buttieti sti niony that lollows, slioul J convince the most skeptical. 'v..,i , iD. U Coify, ni Torlland whose iredencH is at 488 East Thirteenth St., pays: "l have been-a great sufferer from carbunclta or tumors, for years. Every once in' a while i tiey appeared not' only one at a time but broke out in different places, mostly on my arms or about my neck. Three years ago I suf fered from a number of them which pruke out almost at the same time. I WftJ treated by a physician and he stat ed that I would never get entirely rid of;them unleis I had them lanced and theJcore was taken out. He operated on them and I was not bothered with auv more until last fall whenpne made ijg kppearance. I came to.the conclusion thiA my blood was out dlxfrder lnfl that tfheij kidneys were noUpertjifmipst' tbeirl furiptions properly. The nrst ' thing if tlhotight ot was to gt the kidneys right arid I eot a box eTUoji'n'i Kidnev Pills. taking KbemajS diredted, and ntEwfJi all baj;,wag;claiiped Jor them,.!?' Oa plfa4 tioiiB ecCasioh8 ttheri- one Uppeareil if wai followed bv others but Doan'n Kid oej rills checked them. About two weeae agpfone crcBeo,utn my arm ahi I again resorted WDoun Bija they prevented .others ffon fad. I caa.v'cheerullV ei Drmn's Kidney Pills, for I also know ptlieis who have used them with yery iamsfsctoryiresulta," ,vr vli,' CV"-tyi .. Plenty more proof like this, from Qrian go? City citizensi'-' Call 'at O'r'U :' W'unt-i ley's drugs(cfeindask;w(hat)ii8cus.tp erarepcrf. 1 i l.iFof.BBle by1 all' aeVleW;1 piie feOcfents ,aibosiivjrp8tej(libijr'n;Co.ilBufalpiiNi, ole ageat fpt e Knited.Stateg ? Slemember ihe hame-Doan's and take substtota. T,T i a . a iA gentleman was sentv orielof hi .brother toiltrs to the Crown mill for 20 oppces ol strap oil, which-is presumably ofid to lubrifcate'behs to k'efpthem from 'elibping.- -Wbej he;arfive in that part pi joe mm wiiere tne was to receive the oili ah nnieeik' liand (iloft -douched him wih a buckotl of watpr. ( The messenger: avfers that' if, perchance, he can lay his hwnds on the Ecrub who served him that scurvy trick he wilj give uim A barrel of strap oil with his tjs'i'-ijfiVi I "TX A t ? .. -.. y- - r ' 1 - . . , , , , . . , , . i?iw won i ,itr .rv? i ' i k1 1 1 l J t- .. sV 'X' L i si x ' y S ' "-' ,i I.TW j. l?rcTil . -(s F.I635 . . : . 1 BURMilER;;&SWBRB51N if.ev3si , oustsension rnav& Lxjrncr. Sfi'-e n- ; I ti!thnromnrp,kH':i'iCiflrr tf rxn ',""1 What we bavt said 1 i ( : j iThatwc have soldand repaired watches for many years. Our success is because of our 7t broad plan of giving good values at all times , with no intent of making big profits, nor expectation of mak ing our customers think they are getting more than is actually given.! Business has not drifted our iway blindly We !do ! , i j I.. .'.' ; i v " ' :i ' 'i '' nor use the "Catch Penny" methods to' attract; trade. ; We ' 1 want manen business, which means permanent trade and this can only begone by giving the right quality' at the ' right price. We desire to call your attention to our many new Spring 1 Goods, Tfhey are worthy of your inpeption. We have a sausiac- j .tion uom4 Ji A .8. &. . iipo 10 J3S. Silver watch'elffU I LVf . Moo b S20. 00 ,00 $2,50 up 25.00 up 1 .00 to $7.50 $2.50 tO $2.00 Secret catch bracelets, from $i,5jto $5.00 It Nickel watches from f-TVf 7 So,id GoId from 'rak'h'V' . Gold plaited chains from . 0., IMIWa Solid VlmllriuorfaL....l. I il Wl V 'l 1 ',The very-jltefeVfatterni irl' gokl1 filled l$l.ott 0'' t f Remember we are now located in the J6!rc!e Building, Suspension Bridge Corner. Dill JLMS JI. Ils.l M ssr ( v A. pi - 1 w - Kiflhe-rmBr.vi,'.if..njhft;-'fl.s l. , , Krimciifimf i-ariioo inn KnoTinrniiT ipheaj- Iwoti, bo.(iyat'8piiittabv,o9stir,bJI UJIQfllyll , I IUUOU lillllr I lyOLCIlll CHI I Wr. KinK's New Lrte fins na avow uncoiu mis- htw.wti k nrnnTTOTTW nAnurn If ery. ThoyRlve lively livers, active bowels, good JJlCr Y K URii.3a,CP ikUUAVAvJ ! i ,j digestion, fine appetite. Only 25o at Geo. A. ' ) BcWvl nrb!ij.cl zwolf: MatnAlf fiSnH HHOT2 Olfl yd nnfitiillav; anrf Nlnhi unneim ceil nouscv ..." . 1 :i?ricceiaceaaotta0io Top boggles' A . r kLi 5S-ani upi Binders,"-' "Mowers; Open buggiesf.'.'-..;v..L$25 and up -Carriages: "''and ; Haeks,:; ' Milburji ItVagons,' CoVttmbus ' Buggies'V1;1 --ftrl Kl'i'Hltl Rakes: 1 Hay Frqse.'s,.! , IrQfl MA Wood,:, .Pumps Plows ttfrd lifei'r6wsj: Credfii SePaL' ..(! f "ii ! ii"-a i jn-ii.F... tatorsn;,-! mil'.) 1 1 . , : 1. 1 ,IV!!t,'s .i,rr lyfli-i p.!ihlnl' -i 1 I f.i7,'.l mm t kJioni Lmm Fesd HORSES BOUGHT; AND SOLD si in 9 1 noilii uil V A,, BllT t lI'lTIII h , fit 'OrW J rr-, J yiBest? Meals id ihe, Gtynul 0 nlyw First h0lassRestaurant i in the; .Xity Illinois Contral Railroad. ;; he Commencing Feb ruarV 15th and con' tibuing untlt Outi) 16th ..ibVraf'will h lovf rates in effect from the East via the Illinois Central Railroad to all Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho points., If any OUoiu frieutls at !i-lativt! . tri, the East ttrj coinin p .west thop rates ar in . efiect give Us their name and address and we will make it our business to see h:t 'hey are jHivenalip best possible teii-iee. We oaHtthiioifelj pferiuJI.yr Conducted excursion cars, and in fact g've you the benefit of the latest con veniences jknowntqmoj ejifl uifajlrcpdipiri ' Wi rm$ l5 1 (liliiirent routes between (tra E"as and the - West,- and are in poBi'-' i&M t0 g've yu tne benefit of the best 1 K. m-m '.n it ci M-iS'fS. Ins zioJct : -;J;'qnT bns audits j; 'lol .Clf. okt Salqorv in jConricctidrf JjAl Sfft and Wain St., it xi !';, jT Orojrqn .City,- Oire, 4 i? pirimt .tlK'i Ol vllol'lj tiiil ! Mill A'l-VI mi: 'I li-'S iilsiio fl.'i i FineRigstoLet at" Reasonable Prices1 sl'!:; ... - . -ii ,i,., mw I I I I i i V 1 in IlliflOf 111 7,-tMll 1111 , , JlC 'iA jiiikiH t liimil -l": : ; ' D. R; DIMICK;; Manager,;. 1 '1 i 'iuiiii tulj vilirid i.') mi I 'in . ,Hia,wm,ii t.jii Hiui u u 1 ... 1 r-1 1 1. ir.t I-.':' ,! .;td 1 . 1 . .. . .. .. h-.i..- The Best Laundry is the Cheapest H u u V Trie Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best ' Docs not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac tion assured. E." L. JOHNSON, The Barber'Agent. o!tumatipnf(( (Y.ntqTiB aijn we will give yoil full particulars'" fi. JJ." "TfumhiaH", Co in T A gent! Mi'Qeot' IK" R, ,- 142-Ibud Bli.UaiiiQrooi. rltiov ,7.1. S. ts io- Yaquina- i M . Bay p On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co will resume sale rf exuuraion tickets: : to Newport and Yaqaina Bay. .This resort is ibeeomlng more : pop'ulaf ; every' year,' and hotel accomodations are better than ewjr before,, afid 'iat' ieionable''rates, Season tickets from Oregon City to New port $6 or Yaquina Saturday to Mobday tickets to Newport $3 or Ydduina 1 3. ''' Gen 1,'aM Jlgent. New Plumbing , ., and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING 1 AND REPAIRING apeclalty - Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY LARGE p. ,U i" Ami! vl i.'.ti: FAMILIES Are commended by the Presi dent 6(he l United States' and lconjdediundreds of lathers' and metiers as Feedersof Large Families ot nil rlt io',' ' V "Pure Goods and Low P5kel-ThaftuMa'n)K White House Coifee, , Eastern Buckwheat Flour Elk Brand Maple Syrup Mivni ti7 .L'iiniv.io't ?d 1 t;s "Preferred Stock" Canned R "Vegetables' and Fruits; s'! i'i;Jj av jEt,EtC. jvil "luo to ) A. Robertson, Tbe 7thtrcct:0rocer. itz' 'jlii "ni j 2v 3'torn IrJ UA I I A, prop: .Qpposit&SusDensio Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE U jtJO fclo?, cd izjjra aitbntrioisrn to rihow KirJIob vi3v:.l M , n : u- nrmc Nearly Opposite Sunnenslon Bridge First Class Rigs of all Kinds wax 3LJ Oregon 1 1 s rPi i'.yu Tl.,., . v,.,n i vm tl.A 1 mmumi JL 4A.s-.o;.!; Secoiid-lland & J un Store .. HIGHEST PRICE2.PAID FOB, SEP I tOND-HAND O00D3, HIDES. JUNK i METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. , Second-Hand Ooods Bdught nd;So1d ! KING PHONE 416 FOR JUNK. i Sugarman & Co. m Of RED LINE Cough Cure 25 or 50c size :ikt(! brii; .(.O nO J&VfinfiWff ad) sib ;-.t,ociM wid r And we guarantee thiidtcdrLin'd pfeparttc6.olctn iU g i viir-iuiiioii ,vt :MV"UtiUULil l jj .)'j'ju: viuiat tun la p'MtfVMof O Hi' i r o tj t- c I ' 1 (' Mt U tau ykltl- M til i f ,H Pbopbibtobs op tub Vl.-, , -. , , 7th St, Meat Market' A. 0. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON