Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 05, 1903, Image 6

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    OREGON -tm - (JOUKliH, -iHlDA J UNE
Saturday, was that
,Wnat a boo); last
nMfnougn ! i i
Grain has dhfeneed color fast,
ffrOfintr riyhUfllnniy. CVi'V-iA
Eirlv DOtalofii are in hlnnm .n
X'eneral lomplaint is mada here of
jjUnien trucf rotting in the:jjQuhd
The FQuaRh hilar in amino, nil tl.o rnnim
beif quashes and has now turned on the
Nibs. Notaing as yet has been found
Knecp lueurjjujis uiey.iuen on any
tiling that has Deen tried yet.
, Dfck Skein railed his new bam last
ThftTHflflV. A Tvanlar ninnaa.. rima ...
ht$i and" abattt--e4mlped7--Alr-hrrF-
uiiiiuuio luEiicu uui aim an tne women.
n1 k .1 L'i i '
uuuui pour uinner, we had it
Ftawe must Be eiven Mr. Ed Rnwmnnn
thejiarpente. His goo4,6rfe HbawM,
f Itself andjwe all left Mr. 'Vnd Mrs.
rtkeln bappyj with smiling faea, ,j
i, Mm Lilliaji Cans' school' closed last
J7iI.air on.l III.- f.J J. A i y. I
u.i. "l".".- I rs
i,". i r, " Dwvi huodu upt w"f.w icueij. against wmut sue rey&rtli
7i ' 7 v . -".w.vM.iuo.ie4i t3 .4iiuiM.in.cbhiiy meres is no woman
Willi h nii'.nirt. . ...i.i -..j. i.i, i . il ... ,
and Mrs. p. Mills cave aeuDner
pi minor oi miss uans, and a general
gtjou time vidn-ht&rmrtYirervnUiia:
?ou;leave many mrm frlunfia in ti,.
Teddy Hammond passed through, lietfl
SOOdflv honiaWaril; hound" lio'l,,.. ,..
attending the state ' grange at Oregon
City. A good and faithful graneer. we
will all miss him when he is gone. , .
rf. "-"-I . ii ticntmuu, TO VIBl.'inE
M- . .. .1 If T v I ri O
nuu mra, uec& mem jjaturua. and
bnnday, ,
.;S. Wright fost a valuable dog Sunday.
It ate a squirrel that was poisoned. '
1 Sky. wasn't that funny when the
haslets were sold to see the young lad v
who tried to.wjnk at him. pud shut both
eyes and her sister thought she had
faintad but he got the right basket just
the tame.
'. Mrs. Ne'lieJIIanston and Mrs. Heidirr
ger, of Spokane, were visiting Mr. Bru
wsr and wife, their parents, last week.
James F. Nelson, our county assesso,
and wife, were out to his place .Sunday,'
to look after his farm affairs.
-Did you seethe eleotrioal '' ditulav'nn
the tnounlains last night? Thpse, who
aw it fiuid ill was grand. .' ihif
"Tierce VVrtulit rAinmml u.;,i.
alter viHiiinu his relatives in Portland
Of the periodic pain whichfniany womeii
expcrjcjjce with every mofath it mlie
-iheSUjfiss and kindnelps always; 'asi
spciated with woniaiihoodi seem tdt.-'b.i
aumewiiauniracle. While In genertfl n
wllO Would not pladlv hp ftoo fmm'Ulii
. o - j -w .
recurring period ot pain. f-t
Doctor Pierre's Vavnrltil
trm kf"mx 1c 1 w i irTftrqn g awl iiplc
women well, and gives them freedom3
from disease. It establishes regularity,;
. . niuiiu, uv.an) iJiiiaiLiiim,
4-tioH-and - wlceration and -cures fettiala
weakness. I t",'i
Sick women are invited (o consult 6r,
Tierce by letter, free. AU corresponds
ence strictly private and sacredly confi
flential. ' Write without fea- and withouf
iee.tor Ifyfcy. fierce, Buffalo, N. V
Mrs. T. bolau. of MnHHr! PAinc rn tu .
writes i : l---as curtd of painful periods bv the
u.i of. lir.k Pierce's Favorite Itescription( nncj
his Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. I tliililt
Dr. Pierce's mediciues the best fa th world." .
"Favorite Prescription" has the testi-
not accept an unknown and unproved
substitute in its nkre . ; i.
.....The siuggiah, Jivcr-made active by the
use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. , .'
(News is scarce thisweek.
Bob Kingb; wife' and cMlSenT'of
Clarkes, were the guests of Dr. Voucher
ftd wife Sunday.
VMrs. Will rimith Tisated with Mrs; Ci
BpanglerSuflday. ' '
i-'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Howrd '.and
family yisitet Mrs. Howard's mother,
mw, H. Morns, of jrfackabgrg,! 8tn
day; j
Jim Buckner was seen in our burg
JTridry. )
fi feaveral from herff" Bttended nie"dflnce'
t Beaver Creek and report a line time.
faerie Jones, of Eldtrado, was the
gnest of Otis Howard ...Monday Tboy
pt the day in felling trees. That's
tight, Merle, tome again. We like to see
littla boys industrious.
ff Norman Howard leSl" for Portland iaf.
Maay morning to work on the boats. (.:
if-01 arlie White went'to' Mulino'on liis
wheel Sunday. What'i the ttraction.
v."0. Merlual was out wheel riding
Ioney Baker and family, of Oregon
going io move out on tne iiaker
Fmuo ueit weex, airs, isaaer is new
wyiiig atner sister-in-law's, Mrs. Case
iy. A mistake was ' made in the color of
the collarette that .was bet betweed the
liurcu and the post ofliee. It was brown
nl black. Obnthal.
Marks FrairiZ. If; I
Grain is looking fine. S t '
V Iialnh (Jrihlifa Una VI ! t ttifT frlarwta a nA
leinuvei irj cariow eunaiy. i ,
Miss Hattie' Irwin was visiting friends
here Sunday. j f
The entertainm:nt given at the school
house was a grand success. f;
Mrs. Wing and daughter, Hosa, were
visiting fritnds and relations here Satur
dy and Sunday. jj ,
Miss Eihel Armstrong lias returned to
her home in Washington.
Mr. Goetz is building a new wood
shed. ft S i
- Mrkind Mrs'i jJK. Gribble was ifisit
ing Mr. YauL'hn's of Molulla S
The ladies of the L. O. T. M.,Ht Vkrn
Hio lMn -ill n.ill i .j
- ..Hi Hive n (Jiuuii;:
Jumt(;e'20th, at Smith' park; good
music, speaking and other, amusements
will be had. The public tire cordiallV
.lie.d.- . j yi
Kosa Dken. J
Jack Wallace had the misfortune to
have his leg broken while logging on the
O.ackaniaa river,
Heletono Ley is making considerable
ncrovoinents ou his place. Things
I ok favorable ami we sincerely hope his
.w fence will hold a cook.
A son wns horn to Mr. and .Mrs. Joe
r riBii a lew Uuys ago.
Amos llarriugton and Frank Nicholas
'oka diovo of cattle to the mountains
Hiram Follows, who has been ill, i
Milo Pollock h:s purchased a new
'u;t!.v. i . . (- j Itl'TK Uazkiw.
1 ---t r
.... i ' i
JliiUno. i
Quite an excitement was raised over
1 1 lightning a lew days ago, 1 '
Mr. Zinaer is working on the' Colum
tin river. ; ; '
Some mi)vemen,ts have been made to
'mild a church here. We sincerily hope
t .f good work will proceed.
Mrs. Hardt'Bty has been ill nfew days;
mIim had an attack of heart trouble.
M s. Manning lias hrr new bay window
uupleted which greatly improves the
Iim kH of the house.
Agn a Wallace who has been away on
i-.it, has returneu home.' -' t i
IjhbySugerwho hasbeea ill,, is 1m.
The dance at Mrs. Manning's was a
oiicees. ,,,, .:! . ,(l f , ,.j ...
Mr. and Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Wallace
vt-re viHiting Mrs. Mallatt one day hist
,.it-k. ."Mill I (;: ' . -. - ..'
V'evaJihesnade a business trip to
town a few day ii'O. J , 1 ,ni Ui
Fnd Woodiide took ftiloador' furni
c lie to Oregon City for Mr. I'ratt. He
tninir t(i Easteru Oremm In i.;
- -- r. ' Br T " U .1 IB
........ I...... i Ikai 1.T '
It "Burner' U'ffi1, our ' h.t' tis
!k. 1 "V V'-'l ii'W 1 ' : " i h .0
Honr Ell "Maddoelt "passed through
town Wednesday distributing ballot
boxes to nearby preciLcts.j ; , ;
Just above the wrist last week.
- Tha M'flniilev lOnartstto 1io Klllni
J V --... 'U UUIIAI U
.aniiv June At. Timv nmo i,;i,i
iiwuiiueuu'.'u hqu so uouov will draw
large audience. i f
cMiss Lhlu Hankins, of Oregon City,
was a guest of Miss Emma Evens Sun
day... 4 , .... y - .
Miss Reed and Minn Tila Pnntiroll tror
the guests of Mrs. H. Evans Sunday.) .
Ivan Diiniptr nt Crecrnn fliin a
shaking hands with old Canhv frlomla
Saturdav. .
A VerV eniovftbln Hnnna ana oiiron hu
the Cttnbv , Dauclmr , : V,
Wftfl a U0lV l.ti,a alluml.
ance from Barlow, Mackaburg, New Era
and Oregon City. i
JnilieS 'SlllllVan anil uifa liavo mnvorl
to Salem.
Mr. AndruU'fl liaa nnrnnon.) a C
driving horse and new buggy.
The Riverside school closed last Fri
day. The teachur aud pupils enjoyed
a lileils;int nicnic in t)i nnmla fhl.
completes Miss tSwnnby's secon J year at
luvursiue, ana sue leaves 1 here many
friends. '
Suinuiors Daugiierty.of Shedds, is vis
iting with John White this week.
W. H Bnir is in the market for wool.
Farmers will do well to call and and Bee
him before selling. i
Election day pafeJ off very smoothly
In Can by. The total vote cast was 155,
of which Kenmes received 9S; Herman.
38; Ingle 9; Eliuure 13; rejected, 2. This
is one of the strongest Republican pre
cincts of the county, '"
Minn F.inmni ftvuna :iurf. n...!....
Hood River, where she inteuds to euend '
a f..t.t .....tl.n ' F ' 'I
in" iiiuuLiio wuii jneuus.
Don't forget the exercises ! at the
Christian church next Sunday evenimf
as it Children's Day, and an excellent
program lias oeen arranged.
L.0I1BU1I, vv . , it. liair in regard to
FOURTH1 e"ul
niK .Riiiivid i ' J Mito JuiJ a'liofiioV
il. llyniliia ,nnn''l mii ,11 1, .' ,-rnQ :-l
Comrfi:ite'o,: Named ''arid W6rk ,WH
, -initio A-,v ,jf ') ,!(!m.oi
:! .il'iiuV ti nln flnd.. ;. ;.i ,.,,,! );
, With a Cood Time Coming.
E. R. Wooodwanrf.l C. Schubel and
Linn E. Jone. the irnneral commif tao
appointed by' May6r Dimiclt td ', aViftrige
the necesiarv preliminaries for th VAloI
pration bf the Fourth M July, rnade'the
ing. Charles Albright was named is'
member of'Ahe (renral comaiittee,ifl)ut
oonldjiotlseiive owing Mia ipressar (of
business. Mr. Albright, however.Aae
contented to.?fjiaie(a)i, pre,eilfint,a;tl)e
rlBV. Ki-pnnd i.l LintAnurtf Ok.lAn.,T?
Burns, Jr., of.Cpmpapy A.,, ,0, 1NP,-.,
has been appoint, grand, , raawli'nl of
the parade ; R. E. Woodward .isi Rrn.
.tat-y1..rjd,4(i.ijC8i,fi Xd: 'iS:i.tw?nrer.
'lheFubcotnmiWce.aiB:i..'. ,,, .... .. .
LPPljfir?Krrri( 4'fW, Jipl),airpw;; r A
BO.HL Ld... lull iiRnn. linnrau. VJ ftat.Wi.lr.
.J.aircloughj Richarareyfag,.,,,,,,!, ,
y ouytji vmiM n noaru, cnairman ;
J.B SltftXPr Frank , Bosch,, Wm Andre-
sen, J H Turney.
l arade h A Harding, chairman ; J
RShaverVFTUriffltb.'T W Sullivan, C
E Burns. . i
General arrancement J V TCpt;ntr
chairman ; R Ko'erner, J W Lbde'r, B (j I
(latiftVld. C G Hunifav: K TE ' (Vhmd., :
TFRyan, Robert A Miller.. "'"' . ,
' Entertainment GT1 Howafd,'-:cH!air-'
man; G C Field's,' R1' E Wood waYd, C G'
Huntley, E E Brodie, i 11 Westovef! J;
P Lovett,' 0 W Evans.' - ' ' u i,
d a zaoa
Iisit OREadS xtVAd coj
fhree Residences Entere,VIoijey enid
viuiiiea Vivien
Baseball Ed Fields, cl lairman ; Cbas
Kelly. E E Taylof; PG Shark. ioward
Firemen Wi iljji JIowell, chairman ;
Bruce Zumwalt, L Riiconich, Chris
Hartman, 0 E Ramsby .
1 x ;RR(!MrrrGl&!es!lfCr.e, ;rv M iG i8t lick
land, H Trembath, S J fyirford, George
Young1,-eha'rlei'"- WbLdMJard',-' 'George
Ely. .bh jiwA
Fireworks C Schuebel, chairman ; T
P Randall, A Robertson, George Horton,
GooRBidwway.ol siihnipi'H viev n v. A
::iMr)ailM A iliftt TlpaMBhlAltavma.n 4 . T.
Moorei. iMrs E E CharmanJ BiNash: Mrs
T T O L I I 1 m , ir. i;
i MnrMirTH jir r w . ri lux n i n airman puui . .. . ,. " . .
II II V -IIM: .1.1,1,.. II, 1,1,.-.. I ll.ll ln.ul.Ur' vu.. ....... IK.IUUIU, UIOBS 1IH
L L Porter. Mrs Clark Ganong. MMkatfe j ?hVrhousV?hrou,h t Xl-nH
Ward PoW.KSMow .Gudlceind ih0j h g . o and
nSportsUiDn W.E DarH;tii0liairmah,r, hiiTl L118 top8, "f
RliMnfllatt..sL'Jnl.iii.ni.riimn,w..H.M P-M odnts in mrtnfey.iwas stolen j Th
non ii
i) Oi(l
'"Ba'r Mi'Hdb,,'Wi:!
oilA learn fwwahtliBaWay'iHyrl 6hnfl
jimcu a KKine r .mmnai4 rrMyf amrr
noon at Parkplace .with, the Parkplare
team,. Two .runs, er(o .made bv each
team in tne"h'i1'rf itmin'fl arid no more
runs were made -nwil- the cevfiith in
pint, when th.e; .farkpl.a.fie pif pher, , gave
pqt.andthOregon City boys baited the
.$,. forty, ' PV . tL e iot.r , TbS final
i"--!l n-il no (rtij ri:it ji -i.-r.i ritAM).T
Notic ia, hereby, glTon .that ii , hve bpen
duly appbluted by the.Cpunty Court of OlankAinas
Co'inty, 'stito of Gref;oit,'iAaniliil8tatht ot -' the
eslateior Sarah, 1J. t'iin'tljer.iideoeMedi and- ihat
iiU, Proij ,h(iving calms flgaiU8tt.iiid. estate
are hereby nouttwl to. proseuf the aame to toe
nt tnwllu, nffinonir Tt .a n rtt ;r..,....... .
- .. u. v. ... ix v.- -w-. uuL,,iiur.io - in
LAreyron (Htw.rtrpfron. nrnnnrlwa.!R...l ,i,hj-l ui.
flOiithe i from the date of this, notice.,., , ,,
Dated, June 5th l'J03., ' - , J ',' " l-nn
in, ii, J rl j, ' -1 1 s . , , v, T,,.n v.-... , ,
AdmiulEtrMor- of the estate of Sarah J Faucherv
-.. , .. .... Tr:- r n-v- -r. rrrrTTH .7777
J ' ,'''fVri',''''''!' ''" ''
S FWind i
ylii'l" I -:-.l ir . I -I' iC
5 l;i:;::-':'M-iMinisM B
a '"i.i rij'i jj. 11 a :i f , ' , 1
Foley's Honey and Tar
ft- Cftifrfrfln rr. Vv nnH
! 1 v nL'. ':' 1 'tn i'v 1 1 ','':-',..'....'
iterW'-trVree hohses (E-bat,1obt
flight, and t
tained little-of Talae.Laft Wdaytghtf--1
Dirti. jor n Ai anifl nenrn a nntaa rimvr
itairs in her residence and" 'thought J:It
ras scat. When morning dawned, how.
ever, she found that thienes Ijad entered
pelfln;gri-2, MirsAdsms jand ,af terj hsv
ng,.,gone.. , through , the, tabekets had
anmned the cl Jt'hes'iri the floor; They ;
paa'eHrriea"antwaJHn(l' 'candle'grease1
narl HrinneH nil ntror tl.a r.lntl,ac v.iln-
ing an overcoat belonging to Mr. Adams
rid' sdwieViotbe'rV BlothingSnUrufeniAk
uigut tun ourgiars went trjropgti the
fesidences of Dr. J . 4V.-' NorrfeJ Sua"1JF.-'
W. Cole. From Mr. Cole's house they
secured six cents, but had not touchsd
fhe silyerware, "Bi'0U5 flyipg'ln iiil
View on' the side 'bbaM' i:nHhe-4Mifin
room. Three dollars were, taken from
Dr. Norrii' house. It is believed that'
the thieves were tramps. - -- -
i-llflfr. Ill .1 1 ' -'II,, i-i , - , ' : '! II
New Society.
K) h
" Mavor Grant R. DimirV anA Ttr M n
Strickland have been seen much
tolirftMVnr lafolu .' Plal, rP lrtrtu
lag better than for a good long time. i lt
is rumored that they have under con-i
sideration the ; organization of a new
secret society and have , been laboring
f.ir several vrplr nn tha ritna anA
written.work of the order. , , ., , j,,; . j
1 An ifff-'x 1 rlrvm -N i "a 'n V i ,', .in A ', ',' a '
'.'Lucky Man-'' who'' owtW
-' ' ' ' ;i,-fl.Ji- 1,, ,-ui, III - . ., ; i y,.,
'one -'i . 1 linn ,.,iiivin,.i .i I,,
I I I.i ,, 1 iIhi I .:,,, 1 1-, . , u ,.j ,-,-'
,li!,S,i;T;;jGsl;,-atjfee4 ;after;corrfi ;
pleted 'whi-, leaves 1 no cut
Bale's exposed,, to r'ustJ.'T.'ljaU
Bay the STAR and mak no xpen"
siYe.mistfiM,,,, ,ii1U!i),n-;;;;;':;,i
A tiff
known all overthis country as the straight
est piece of goods 'put ' bat in the buggy
liHer1 'Made'especlall for" Oregon roads.
New'fcatures addedv i m alt' i h g" i't ! , .t'et tei1,' ,' o r
iqo? than,, ever:.befqre.-':'-A:::iCtmfpTteWe,
tead JllJti the 4 rjial,.r;eatijfe'('i
''Close Ski mm in a1." '
Durable, -;,,
' I'Lfght Running;
in n i" 1 in 1 ni-
.f hi in
!-rl i-l ' lit
III! I in V ul
.0;; .(,,( .
, ;,:i'i;i Mil
Caxiriot1 .beat ' Ellis' 'combination In1 'inV
PRitWMfn ;.!T !He,'
1 ni 11 iiv; !n
for " '
in ,
lii i re I rll eviH
Trouble and Never" Suspect it,
8 Fihd 0t.
5lx?tiid!T5Jiss with you:
ijtlwnjy-four hours
unnealthv con
111 01 the kid
; if it stain a
linen it ia
nee of kid-J
liev trouble : tod
frequent desira
to pass it or pair!
lsq rnvirfciijgjprtl that the kidueya
, , What To Do. ' j
1 J'There' W cotttfb.rb in t&ei Jsnowl'edee sd
Dfte-ioCTJr,esfpdO fJ?at . pr, ((ilaief'd
.Q.irn tr.t-.-R rrvf lif orrAtif l-lfmf.tr rf,t.i,ltT(
j IIU1VVVJI vywR), nja M-fiMiiiaLia.ii
: :i. 41... i..i. !.:..
and fVRry 'pirf 'of 'theurliiary 'pasyage
If cbrrects ' Inability'' 'to - bbldi J ate
nnd spnlrlidilif Virth) irt iltiliiinfr ifc.Mnr,'lin(l
. p, j .n -.t,,. , --
.effects following use of liquor, wine o
uoery ann ovcremneB anuouniittabaiii. ne
cessuy, or, Jjenii' cuiiiijciicu iu yu oiiei
uitfiiithe1 day'ahd to get up manJ
a, c ,,;i,f ti, r.,i
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Roo
is.spn leaftidJ M .-vjiab.lhejjighesi
iottis womieriui vF:i.r-i;ue most uis-j
tressiug. cases, . If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug-
gia.a ill lllly-llt auu vu-Mvun, Diwnp-
k You m;ty liave a sample bottlo-and, 9
lnnlr tViot tollo oil .1
about it,, both senttree
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co.: Binir-
linttirntt M V H7ti Hnmin. B.m-.nAn,
writing 1 mention1 this' paper1 and don't
ttlaVp Qrlfr til i l f o 1.' o Viif , l-lrtii
aiime Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,, and
t. ,1.1 m i.- 't!-.. .t it
Barbers and Clerks Azalnst Team-
Thft Ion tr talkrl almnf vatiJ
I'eu.KiQO Oi tli barbers .aginat the
tosillBtvri ramrt off at Ponar...., nn.u
vHuviiiau UU
lH8tbundrty.ri:Bttrbram) Klerks won
tne Rftint by a score of 9 to. 7. . The game
, .vm tivii Dim iu 11I1UIHII.
Some remarkably Rood playiou as well
astolerMy ioBrn eanj .Tim lln...iiti
8 teafliu'w-s aa fullown:
1 . umuara a tlerki
M 1 MlaT'l 'and , , AJW.k; Krickeon
tt 'iilied Hii'lH'h at Molalla Siiuday,
lini3' vYafftica' 'called on Veva Jones
a lew days -nVA
. lyanttal,, ..;i ..,
To touch biitft'nlii'w.runniiiiianoe mini iciil
... , 1 J
01 tne teailiu w
R lee
0 liovlan
W Wilson
fll llanitlton
1. fi.i.i
i It nivs
P Stokes
-.. -m n',V Froit
a ltedw Wiirams
1 b' W. F. Marshall
"21,1 mil, K'KTavlor
lio,'i;;!ih Ji,
.'1 vl
I 01 !i Ikr.i'l
A'an Hvs
Tun idte
Champion Draw Cut Mower
CJiampion in the field fqr lgo3 same
as in other seasons, 'i .i. . -.
It Jraws the.baiv-No push; ..'i, ' ' '
' '" The most powerful cutter. 1 .', ,
" Easiest to operate. ,
Most Durable. . , '
Choose the Champion and get satis
faction..;' , ; . , . 1
uimi'nui f 1 m inn 111 mini in im
' ; Evan's Potato ' Planter
, Plant your spuds with it.' Thev win
come up like "pickets on a fence." i n ,
SAVES-Seed, '
,, " Time and ,.'.-,
1, . ' - , Labor. .
Most clev'er all
Iril' yet produced. '
', ! Light draft .!!'!'." m".
j Easily handled " ! :"
Accurate and ,;
Positier Force Feed
Will last for years."
It. ii
I'll! i
Stafford-,,, ,i,i f,'nj
The VOlln? fnlkR ,arA,nrflrMntncT annrya
- - - " .hu..u.,.q , vuga-
for Children's Py,!t. j v,,,;7, ,),
Miss L. .Walhte ,waa the guest of her
friend, Miss M.;, Joker pu day day las);
n st rv.
mlClark Pol -.a met wilh a rather severe
acciilent lant ti k. t His 1 horse -ha d his
foot utor by a scraper while woikine
on 'the road, and', had to b'killed )t
Moontnin roid haulers are coin!?' to.
begin to hauling , as soon as' the weafaier
deai s oil. They tlte ( yoiilg to, - batch at
i ., Kahukey 's, and F. Gross is going to,
be'dobk ahj niad swampeij, ; ()
vVtrede'ricks'" bugy does not look
as empty oa Sunday, evening ajiit osed
tOi) 'i-.ini.ll i j j,,,, n ,j;;o ,Ha n k tn.ft
William Joster started out for a horse
biwkqdend.sre, beard, that he landed
-1 v"" tf wttB,ai cdiierj, at ,tfte
Bockman home. ' iJ,,,;,j (JI)
Charles Jfoblett was seen on our.streetS'
qneeVenlfig last vfe'ek. ' ",r
''il'j , )" ii-H'iv'Kj ihi'ii ';;
AdOlDll (lalniripvpr , naoca 1. ,t l.m.tnk
btattord one day last week with a load
ot shingled yiiie ..matt bei thinking of
building laicaga. luui neiwl lillKllll:) ,fi!J(ll
Guy Gross and' F !2immernikh0,we'r'e-
thf) fiues's of ijJpster, 9Qe evening lst.
fferr piiii KiicliKiD ..iiift liiu' H'.i
J. Denoy rude his fyounu horse to the,
post office one day last wtek, and it.
teemed rather tbyvf ix I-i ik 1
ii ,,i , -i i i , , ... i,j 1 1 1 ,, , i ( - , ,!,
.,,.,,, JUNB WEATHER. , i,;.-,
, What We May Expect In the Month
01 MOWers. .i.-myo
The following!' data : which has Been
gathered during the pait31 vean by the
weather bureau gives us a pretty1 good
line on what we may expect in June of
this year. ; .", ; ,
Mean or normal Um'peralure, 66. . '.,
The coldest month wag in 1885, 58. ','
The arme-it month was in 1889,66.
! Tbe highest temperature, 99. i
The loAest temperature in 1875 39
Average date of killing frost in prin'e.
March 17. ,-.
precipitation, ,
Average of month, 1.74.
Averi'2B nnmhpr nf ilno
7 . v uftia Wliu ,v 1'
inches tf rain,. 10 . .
The greatest monthlv nron;nii.u t
- Z " 1 f.vv.ujinuuu lur
J vw U1V11LU, U.OO,
The greatest amount of precipitation
for any 24 hours, 1 85. v r
Average number of clear days, 8.
Partly cloudy days, 12.
, . Wiling directions of the wind from
the Northwest.
-Highest velocity of (he wind 53 miles
1894 ,he 8?uth on the 2nd dly of June,.
' And you will , soon need : NEW, ; HARVESTING
MACHINERY. : ' Fairclough Bros. ;.& Company' are
liead()uartors for all the latest improved harvesting ',
. ' nlaclunery and guarantee 'their goods, to give satis
. faction.' - A full line of hardware, tinVare and .almost 'i
anvthina- from "a threslilnc machine down td"a' knit-':
. , tuix needle, i$ always kept on hand. Your patronage
is mvited.,1. .. ' ' , '" Ii. i-, -., ,!,.;
i ' i
o'nt limt'lv.,iHi,,Ai)tiiitniolick eiuhroid.
!iy jvj akH OWHi-s for work. Coronation
'5-k for waictB nitL or ;-c;irfi solicited,
p, . t v..i ir..; .".t :,
Iv.lu w lM.m:.... ... - .i
.,.uiiU(,,liui .ffverai, veais
friniiht 1'iin 1ii,ih ,M, 1 il, ,..i. , u..
. . :. . " 'o iH'inuptii ru- , i.
itit'il at the lumiH .nf hiw ),TiiiiJi I
,,, ,..-.,.,,.-.,..- , , .,-..,,! ,,,,,,,,, 1,1, . lll-.-.'l) l.:u I't'llll.li-.LllilMjJ
MUcbcll. Wacjoos kebt in stock and so!d af PorHand Price ' i n. . t Chamberlain
,i.. i 1..,, , ., wyi..v or.,. ..:., . ,i. ,', -,n i ;A, ,, ,v., i .'loiVK-.t i -i l'. if'i ;.iif.v J j Tiib-etsi e ,jiisc
fRllior. i Hiiin l'lullii.j i i'i,.i,
htition, odnesday nijilit. His iwe was
i. l I : , il-i . '.I-, it rn T
,:-in ... r..-,,'-.-!,, $
i,:i .,1 i -i-ii,! v , I i T
I,- - i Ii. ; .; ..I J
.i tr i;iii,.i vm iii.i' A
) !!!. i: u. ,KV I t I T
Close of Parkplace School.
Tllft Prlrnl ia a. .l...l l' . . ..
Appropriate exeroises were h-ld in mni
. iL1, uo ruu 0, lne term.iThern
were no graduates as the eleventh grade
was added at the first of this ear and
thetwelvth grade will W-.U.T"'?
year, ' when , the! will , ha
Mass pradmted,,' M.mhers of the Grand
Atrnr o' ihRepnillcStid the WornQr-:
KeuelLorps from Oregon City were , p,?
ent an l.addrwed the combined rooms.
Walter, Xalyor .dehyered, an , addrew of
m "-""""in louai auet bv
Amy Thomas and Juliet Cross and a drill.
uj . o primary pupils. Mi88,Mar.
Frederick sang tne "Star Spangled Ban?
If an editor rna'ei a mintake he haa
to apolo, for it, but if a doctor m.k"
one he bunes it. If ,he editor Sakee
one there ii a law Buit, swearing and a !
sme 1 of nn nhnr :t ' "JH?naa
make8 0 " doctor
and a emdl of Tamiah,,, The doctor ell
ue a word a yard long without kDow'ntf 1
Wllt It meant k... II .t . ... """"IDg
he ha. to.iM.ll.it. If ib. doctor goe8 el
T'TtV'' wif9 charge.?, !
"nip iraui ino editor tnv-i
another man's wife h. iiJ" t?"fee
d.buckihot.n-Anr bld' Sii 1
(Ri make doctor . Yon Tan'r m i l,e"-'
eaitor, , He has td ''be -borh - VV", l "
a, t j, . :i"Yrnr VV lien . a ,
kuuic uy tell
prtea'' r-'ii ' -'"I
Anil ,firr ' .LOVei-.,:
.dies' tVar.: "nddfhe
-ir"" '-."T. '"'V-V t'W'"''? 'a' ': ' " ''' ''' " ' ":r ' I f 'ii-- ; n:i' oiU i 1 iinX ' you, havelno ft 'Ie;V'w'hea",
V 't:.'! 1 "" .' - ""''- ', 1 lipetite,: vleanee .dnir raf.,:y.ouf.- Pv...
-4- viiviiii4iiv.Mt'iime 4A.AAAAAAAj.kr i 8tniach and i!ive vnn ...h i. . vc)ur
... 1 im.-- 1 A
i-O v.. ,4 j ,