Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 05, 1903, Image 5

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    OKflUON CITY COURIER lfKlbAV, JUNE, 5 1903
Expansion Sale
Before Winding Up Our 1
We wish to give the housekeepers one grand benefit that will
remain green in their memoryfor years to come.
It will pay you to lay in a year's supply at least In Table
Linens Towels Napkins T.weling Lace Curtains Tapestry
Portiers Blankets Quilts Comforters Draperies or Table
Covers or Couch Covers.
Bt tun and cemt stmt dap ibis wttk, tb seontr tbe better
-v Bazaar Patterns Reduced to 10 cents
McAllen & McDonnell
OwfrttW MMtWtflMWW
ceee e
All Pattern hts reduced. Midi Gold
smith. Men and boys' hats at cost at Howard's
The Red Front. j
Mrs. Seed's mother is quite ill this;
week Ttith pneumonia. j
Famished housekeeping rooms for
rent. Apply to John Schram.
Cups and mirrors free at Uharman &
'Co.'s Drug Btoie. See their adv.
Sailors, Shirt waist hats in all the
latest styles at Miss Goldsmith's.
If you want strickly up to-date millin
ery call on Miss Goldsmith.
Ohildrens' hats and baby caps a
epecialty. Miss Goldsmith.
Ice cream at Moore's pharmacy every
'day. Seventh street on the hill.
The 0. F. R. A. of McMintmlle in--sures
at cost. Office next to Harris' the
We are offering goods in our Dry
roods department at very low figures at
tne Red Eront.
Dr. J. B. Moore, office at the drug
store on Seventh street on the hill.
Phone Main 1541
Anything you can possibly wish for, in
laces, embroideries and dress trimming
at Howard's. Red Front.
Our stock of lawns, dimities, organd
ies and etc., contains all the latest
-designs, at the Red Front.
Call and get our prices in spring and
summer goods, laws, embroideries and
drees triming at Red Front.
Girl wanted for general house work.
Good wages paid for competent help. In
quire at llolmaa's cigar store or resi
dence. , if.
Mrs. Robert Finley, who has been oc
cupying a residence on Tenth Btrset, has
moved into the cottage vacated by Fred
Mr. Graham intends giving a concert
to his many friends who love music at
the Marguam in Portland in the very
i near future.
On June 2nd at ib.3 Congregat'on: 1
Juanga, Isaac hi. Uline and Tlioebe Ral
ston were united in matrimony, E. S.
Bollinger officiating.
During tbe month of May we will
givel09, off on allrejrular priceion drv
goods. Ladies and tints funifliinga.
fchoes, dress lining and etc. Red Front.
The receipts of the office of County
Resorder Henry E. Stevens fir the
' month of May ere $279 4i. Fur the
same mouth in 1'j02 they were $220.
Air, John II Birtih'trd ami Miss
Christina M, Seeder, wore married at
the Congregational Manse, this city, on
June 1st. Rev. IS. S. Bollinger officiat
ed. Mrs. Widby, of Corvallis, was easily
the ablest lady speaker at the session of
the state grai ge. She could have given
many of the gentlemen who addressed
the anditnce pointers in the art of pub
die address.
At the wind-up of the state grange,
'Thuisday evening, last week, nearly
.200 were initiated in the sixth degree.
The finale was a sumntnous lunch in
which were included 30 gallons of ice
Mrs. Ruth G. Sweet and daughter,
who have formerly been located at Can
by, hav moved to and located at Carus.
Mrs. Sweet is a minister of the Evan
gelical church and is an able expounder
of the faith.
Mrs. Annie Fair weather, of Taconra,
is visiting the fam ly of R. U. Beatie.
Sin was tendered a reception on Tues
day afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock, at
which many friends of Mrp. Beatie were
Mm. Peter Pankratz an 1 children left
last Thursday afternoon for Ketchikan,
Alaska, where she will will join her
, husband, who is engaged in lumbering.
They go overland to Stattle and at that
place take passage on the steamer
--Miss Helen Gleason closed her term
of school of the Brown school home,
Kew Era, last Friday. Miss Gleason is
one of Clackamas county's most success
ful teachers, and this is her third term
in this dittrict.
"I have been troubled for some time
with indigestion and soar stomach,"
eays Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass,
"aud have b-en taking Chamberlain's
r-tanuacli and Liver Tablets which have
helped me very much so that now I can
eat many things that before I could
not." It you have any trouble with your
stomach why not take these Table s and
get wed? For sale by G. A. Harding.
We are closing out our stock of shoes
at cost. Red Front.
Mm. O'Neill and son, Randay, at
tended the Catholic Mission at New Era
lait Sunday.
The thools of Olac'namas county have
a splendid pxrubt of the work done by
the pupils at the armory. The public is
iuvited to inspect the work.
Miss Josephine Newton, who has
been attending the Episcoial hospital
in ruiiaueipuia ami raining tor a nurse.
graduated on Wednesday, Jffne 3rd. She
u tne daughter of Mrs. K. L Newtonf
ofjtbis city. Mias Newton will return to
and make her home in Oregon this fall.
The many relatives of Grandmother
Ranch desires to express their heatt
felt gratitude, to the manv deir friends
who were so very kind a nd lovi ng to her
during her recent Bickness, and were bo
generous in their contribution of many
baskets full of natures most delicious
The Grim Iieaper.
Mrsr Elizabeth O. Rauch died June 1,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary
A. Mad dock, in this city. She was a pi
oneer of 1853, and at the time ot her
death was 82 years of age. She was the
widow of the late Jacob Rauch, wnd
died May 30, 1902.
The deceased was horn-in Philadelpia,
Pa., September 10, 1821, and afterwards
removed to St. Claire county, Illinois,
whtre in 1838, she was wedded to Mr.
Rauch. In 1853 she crossed the plains and
locate t on donation land claim in Clack
amas county, six miles south of Oregon
City, where she resided continuously
for more than forty years. During the
last ten yearB, Mrs. Rauch made her
home with her daughter in this city. Be
sides a large number of grandchildren,
the deceased is survived ry three child
ren, as follows : W J. Rauch, of Glad
stone' Mrs. Mary Al Maddock, of Ore
gon City; and Mrs. Margaret L. Telcher,
of Grangeville, Idaho.
Mrs. Rauch leaves a wide circle of
friends among her old neighbors, who
have for the muny Ion; yearn of acquaint,
an.-e manifested the most filial Jove and
unbroken friendship for the epartert.
Funeral seivices were conducted Wed
nesday morning ut Canby, and the re
maius were interred in the Canbp ceme
tery. Died at Clackamas.
Clyde A. Philips died at the home of
his x enis, Mr. and Mrs. William Phil
lips, at Clackamas M:iy 28, at the age of
30 years. He was a well known raiiroad
man, having run for the past ten years
on Washington, Oregon and Idaho
roads. He leaves many friends and rel
atives to mourn his untimely demise.
Base Ball Came.
The Oregon City bise ball team cross
ed bats with bchillers' team of Tottland
last Saturday afternoon. Only a email
crowd witnessed tiK) gnme which was
won by the home tiara by a score of 8
to 4. Sunday afternoon the two teams
met on the Portland diamond when O-e-gon
City was heated in a ten inning
game by a score of 9 to 10.
Last Friday Prof. McCann, assisted by
Mrs. Buck and MisB Cliilds, of Glad
stone, (and Mie8 Williams of Ore
gon City, and Miss Miller for the first
part and Miss Grace Marthall, of Oregon
City, for the latttr part, close1? a very
eucceiaful year's term of school in the
pretence of quite a number of the G. A.
R. and the Women's Relief Corps. The
Professor in speaking of tbe work of the
3 ear said :
"We followed the work laid out by
the state board, which was prepared for
a nine mouths' course, but owing to the
delay in completing the school building,
we have but eifjht month's school, but
we have gone over the whole course,
and the tnorought.ess of the work done
vraa shown by the fact that out of a class
of ten who took the examination seven
recewed state dipl mas. The otheis
failed in one bra ncta ach ."
Aftr a very en'erUinini? program 1 a 1
been carried out the rnce'LiK was turned
over to the commander of Meade Post,
short addresses were made by Mr.
Dauchey, Mr. Ea'on, of Oswego, J. T.
Appereon, Mr. McAithur, of New Era,
and Dr. Marr, ot Oregon City.
The meeting was then turned over to
the W. R. C. and short address were
made by Mesdames Galloway.Marr, and
Mrs. L, W. Ingram read a poem enti
tled "On the banks of the Tennesee."
Mrs. Davis, of Green Point, read an
original poem .
Mr. and Mrs. Marr stayed and spent
the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Brayton.
Several of the young people came in
and tbe Dr. gave a talk on Hypnotism,
illustrating it by hypnotising two young
The Official Vote Will be Published. Next
Week and the Courier Prizes
It is a very surprising to mny to learn
that only twenty-six hundred votes
were cast in Clackamas county on last
The tabulated vote for the Democratic
and Republican candidates can be found
on another page of tbia. issue. To this
must be added about 300 Socialist and
about 100 prohibtiocist. Nearly all of
tbe estimates made on the election were
above three three tho isand. A full and
complete official statement will be
published next issue.
Delightful Evrnlpg.
One of the most enjoyable evening
that has been spent in Oregon City in a
good long time was pulled off by the en
campment of Oddfellows, at their hall
on last Tuesday evening, A large at
tendance was present.
The degree work wa, put on the floor
in royal styls and a bountiful lunch was
served, maktng it all in all an evening
long to be remembered. Judge Thomas
F. Ryan was in his glory as guide and
all the boys did their part nobly and
well The feast was good to look at
and it was a happy bunch of boys who
wended their way homeward in the
early hours of Wednesday morning.
Mirro s Free.
Pepsine Stomach Bitters or Peruvian
Bitters $1 a bottle is an excellent spring
tonic and with each bottle we give a fine
Mirror Free. Churian'a Cut Rate
Wanted a Pumpkln
The Crmrier will pay $5 for the biggest
and best developed pumpkin raised in
Clackamas county this year. Who
wantB the money.
GIRu. WANTRJ); Good respectable
girl to do housework. Enquire at John
In the Circuit Court o! the State ol Oregon, for th
County of ClackamaB:
Rosy Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. Albert Edward
Thompson, defendant.
To Albert Edward Thompson, defendants
In the nam of the Suite of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint fi led against yeu in the above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of June, 1U03, that being
the lime prescribed in the order of publication of
tbit summons, and If you fall to appear and ans
wer snid complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wits for
a decree of diToree from the bonds of matrimony
now existing betwein you and the pla B iff, and
that said bonds be forever dissolved anu held for
naught; and that you be required to pay a reas
onable sum into court to defray tbe expenses of
this suit and for counsel fees herein; and that the
name of plaintiff be changed to Rosy Luce, her
maiden name, prior to her snid marriage; and for
such other and further relief as may seem to this
court meet and equitable; and for her costs aud
d isburseinents herein to b- taxed.
This summons is published by order of the
Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the county
court of the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, aoting- in the absence trom Clacka
mas county of the Honorable Thomas A. Mo
Bride, Judge of the Circuit Court ot the State
uf Oregon, for said County of Clackamas, which
order was duly mane, Ajirii id, iu.i. Anuria
order requires publication one a wck for six
weeks of this summons, tne aate ot tne nrst puo
llcation hereof is the i7th dsy of April, l!HM,
Dated at Oregon Citv, Ore Ron, April 1G, 1UU3.
Koiibkt A. Mim.rr,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
John Weisumiulcl, plntnlifT. vs. Louslnna
Fhelps, Frank O.l'hi'lps and a'arOia Anu I'helps
and Alicie Patterson, defendants
To Frank (. 1'ln Ips mill Martha Ann Phelps
and each of ynu as defcniliuiU:
In the nuinc of the Muto of Oreiton,
you and each of you nro hereby
required to appear answir the eom
plitint tiled turain-t ynu In the above entitled
buH, on or before the expirition of six weeks from
the date o( the hrt iuullcntion of insinions
herein, which date of first pulilii'iilion is Mny 15th,
1(103, and the dale of said eipimtiun af
said six weeks is Juno 2Hh, luo:t, which
last die ishe date of tbe last publication of this
summons, and if you fall to so spptar and an
swer the complaint herein, the plaintiff herein
will apply to the court for the relief demanded in
the oomplaint herein to-v.it: The foreclosure
of a certain mortgage ((iven by all of the
defendants, excepting Alice Patterson to J. 0.
Kiruhem for $iijO baled January 2, 1VH1, due
Jan. 1, 1U0S, upon the following described prop
erly, to-witi
beginning at Ihe N. K. corner of the D. L. O. of
AboIMattoon and Sarah M. Mattoon, his wlta,
being claim No. Ml in Sacs. 23. 24 and 26 of T. 8 S..
It. 3 ., of the W, M. la Clackamas county, stale of
Oregon; Thence S. 67 decrees, 45 minutes W , 44
chains to the N. K. corner of a tract of land con
veyed by Abel Mattoon and w feto Antoinette
Lewis by deed recorded In Book "K" page 461 of
the itecoras of Deens of said county; 'inenee b.
20 degrees, F. 6.SI chains; Thence 8. 7 degrees, K.
4.36 chains: Thence 8. SO degrees and HO minutes
W, to the right bank of (Hear Creek ; Thenee with
tbe meanders of Cl-ar Creek, up stream to the N.
W corner of a tract of bind conveyed by said
Abel Mattoon and wife to K. G. Mattnon. by deed
recorded at pnges 24 and and 2.1 of Cook "V" of
ihe Mi-corn's of iM'ds for mid county; thence N.
84 degrees, :tn minutes. E 23.10 chains; Thenee N.
I'd ileg tes l.8u cnauiB to the K. boundary ofwald
I) L. (J; Thence N. 22 denial's 15 minutes. W 17C
chains to place of beginning, containing 100 acres
of land more or less and for such 01 her and further
re iff as to the court may seem equitable and Just.
Tiiis summons Is published by order of the
above entitled c u t duly made aud entered the
'Jill day of May, VAtt.
C. D. & D. C. LATOCnElTH,
Attorney! for Plaintiff.
Notice i hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the lion. Thomas F,
B an, County Judge of ;lai-kama rounty, Hre-
gon, eiecutrlx of the will anu estate ot Andrew
r. Anderson deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are notified to present the same with vouchers at
the office of my attorneys, O. D. and D. C. Latour
ette, In Oregon City, Oregon, wilhiu tlx months
from this Oat.
Kated this May 15th 1903
baxna E. Anderson,
Kxccntrix aforesaid.
. A Splendid Remedy.
Keuralgio pains, rheumatism, lumbago and
sciatic paius yield to the penetrating iutiuenca of
Ballard's Hnow Liniment. It penetrates to the
nerves and bone, and being absorbed into the
blood, lla healiug properties are conveyed to
every part of the body and effect aoma wonderful
curei. Mr. D. P. Moore, Agent Illinois Central
Hallway, Milan, Tenn.. states: I have used Bal
lard'. .Snow Liniment for rheumatism, backs, he,
etc., in my family. It li a splendid remedy. We
could not do without ft." 25c, 50c and fl at Char
Co on i Co
Following ia the Hit of lettere remain
ingin the Oregon City poatoffice on
June 4th, 1903:
Women's List Mrs C G Evans, Miss
Shersa Hedky, Minnie Miller, Sarah A
Men's List James Buckler, H E Boen
Nikolans Bncker, Jacob Baker, R H A
Eo Lay, E J 8, Sam Fobs, Sidney Hoff
man, Judge L Horlccker, Axel Johnson,
Mart Koontz, C S Long, Vosek Menic,
Bill Ray, E E Tyler, John D Wendt, E
J Weston.
Tom P. Randall, P.M.
Herbert Culpan is visiting relatives in
Mrs. O. E. Bramhall was visiting her
mother, Mrs. Graham, of Troutdale,4-st
Miss Florence Westiver was visitini
relatives in Oregon City Decoration
Report ff district No. 53:
No. pupils enrolled, 21.
No. days attedante, 362.
No. days bient, 58.
No. times lardy, 0.
No, pupils rytther absent or late, 10.
Average attendance, IS.
The following pupils were neither ab
sent nor tardy during the month: Fred,
John and .Etta Taylor, Leah and Rus
sell Jones, Elsie and Lloyd Lowe, Vin
cent Bronhear and Martin Johaneeen.
Florence Wkstovir, Teacher.
You Can Save Monty
By taking advantage of
rates east offered by "The
the cheap
em Line"
Chicago and return $71
St. Paul and Minneapolis and re- .
turn 01 00
Tickets good 90 days. Stop overn al
lowed. Dates of sale June 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30; July 15, 16 and August 25
and 26.
iull information by addressing
H. L. ISisi.br,
General Ageni.
132 Third St., Portland, Or.
Mates .
The Denver Ss Rio Grande, popularly known as
the "Scenic Line of the World, ' has announced
greatly reduced round-trip rntct from Pacific
Coast DOlnts for the benefit of teachers who will
Bpend their vacation in the East, and delegates to
all prominent uouventions fl. n. a., jjosion; a.
O. TJ, W at St Paul; B. P. O. B., at Baltimore;
Woodmen of America at Indianapolis; Kagles at
New Y ork, Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs; K
of P., at Louisville, and T. P- A., at Indianapolis
Tickets at the reduced rates will be bated upon
one fare for the round trip, but will be sold only
certain days. These ticket! will carry atopover
nrivllpucH an tbe foing trin. Etvinfi-rjaasenffers an
opportunity to visit Salt Lake City, Glenwood I
Springs, Colorado Springs ana Denver; ana will
be good to return any time within niuty to days
Passengers going via the Denver Si Bio Grande
are given the privilege of returning via a differ
ent route.
For the rate to the Point von wish to to. and
lor tales of sale and other particulars, as well as I
lor illustrated pamphlets, write,
; ;f VV. (J, McBridb, General Agent,
'"; ' 124 Third St., Portland Or.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the Hon. Thomas 1 Ryan
Countv Judge of Clackamas county, Oregon, ad
minlstratoi of the estate af Elizabeth Clark, da
All- persons having olaim against snid estate
are notified to present the aime with proper
vouchers, at the onlce of my attorney, 0. D. an
D. C. Latourette, in Oregon City, within an
months from this dale.
Dated this May 15th UK)3.
GportoR Ct.ABK,
Administrator aforesaid
in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
Thomas McKwen, plaintiff, vs .Turncs Nowlands
Istibella A. Newlands, his wife, Robert T. M
liillin and Jane Hoe Dillln, his wife, defendants.
To James Newlandi, Isabella A Newlands, Hub
ert T. M. Dilnn and Jane Doe Hinin, defendants.
In the nniue of the state of Oregon, you and
each of yon are hereby required to pieiir and
answer the complaint filed against you in Ihe
above enlMc d court anr! suit on or b'-foie the 13th,
davofJun-. r.KI't. and if you fail so t appear
and answer the complaint, the plnlntin will auoiy
to the couit for thu rolled demanded in the cooi
plnint, 10-wit:
(1) That the claims of defendants and each i f
them nilveise to lilnintltrH title ill the land licrt--bialtiT
d' scribed be determined by decree of sil l
court and that by snid decree it be declared ad-
J HI I ten HUM OCCrOCl'i Him nit- - uinir.ii id h i-
each ol tlKin has no interest in or to me wim
lands oi premls s and that the tille of plaint;!) is
lawful and valid.
(2) That ihe defendants and each of them bB
forever en joined aud barred from asserting any
claim whatever In and to said lands and prem
isesadverse to plaintiff an th t plaintiff's title h.
quieted and for such other aud further relief as
to the court may seem mett and ajineuble to q-
U i I V.
(il) That plaintiff hava judgment for his Costs
anu sua jurstincBis Herein.
The said mentioned lands or premises are dos
erihi'd as follows to-Wit:
Commei.cing eta point on life south line of
M iriiing Hide which laid point is 1319.7 feet norh
ai.il 544 fee-, west of a point where the north line
of the W T. Matlock Imitation band Claim inter
sects the sec.ion line between Seotions 4 and5,
Townshir 2 south of Range 2 east of Willamette
Mpridiaii! thence north 6 degrees, 30 minutes
west along the north line of the (ll'bert tract and
tbe south line of Morning Side 10"i8 feet to the east
line of lands conv-yed to f noePe A. inuen ny
Wei from Kinan Crookshanks dated October W,
Isirj anil recorded on page 6 ot Hook 52 records of
deed-foi Chick iiuiisCountJ'i Oregon; tiiencefoutn
20 minutes eii-d aloliS said easl line of said lands
conv.-v.-it an ii fort-said to Phoebe A. Gilbert by till
snn Crrokshanks 142V5 feet to a point on the
north hue of ti.e Moliowan tract of land; Ihence
south 80 degrees, easr7H2 1 feet to a point ot the
southwest oorncr of the land sold bv It. W. Oil.
bi rt, administrator of the esla'e of Phoebe A. Gil
bert deoasod. to Hans Olsen; thence north 15
dcgrecs,8 nilnnb s east slung the west line of said
Olsen tract ol land 7H2.7 feet to a point in the
norlh line of ithe Oiegon & California Hallway
Company's hd Its assigns right of way; thence
easterly alma-said right ol way 1P0 feet more or
less to point 20 feet south of the southwest cor
ner of the tract of land sold by it. Vt'. fiilbert, iid
niinlsiiawr lo homas W. Krani h s thtncn'orth
along the west lineofsald Iraucis 1. n-1 7eU lei t
to the place of beginning containing 32 acne
more or less in section 6, township 2 south, range
J east of Vi illameite Meridian.
Also the southwest !4 of the south w-st 4 of
Section 29 and the southeast !4 of the sou heast
WcffBectlon 80, dl in lownshlp 1 south, Kange
4 east of tbe Willamett Meridian, In the mint
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, excepting the fol
lowing d-scrlbed parcel conveyed lo Ursula Ya
ger by aeeu recorded on pae V!2S of ook 5.1 of
the public records of deeds oi Clackamas county.
Oregon, to wit; Commencing t B point In the sec
tion line at the soutneaet corner of the southwest
V. of the southwest of said s. ctlon 29 and run
ning tbeiio. westerly following tli section hae
309.65 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the
east side Una of Ihe southwest of the south
west U of section ;SCJ.5 feel; thei.ee easterly and
parallel with said section line auu.ttf feet: thence
aontherly 8U9.65 feet to the place -I beginning
Thl mimmoin ispublished by ordcrof iha Hon'
t a m.uh.u l a dire of the said com' dated
Aprll'27, 1U"3, which order dlrectathe publication
ofthle aunniio' not less than once a week for
Ix weeka. The date of first publication of thla
.,.,nm,.. Ik Mil 1. 100:1
Attorney! for PL-iutuT.
Dated, May 1, 1903.
on June I 3th
You are invited
June 13th for it.
You will wish to attend
a week from next Saturday
You are expected
about ready for June 13th
We hope you will be ready
Huntley Brothers
have a hand in it
next week all about this
event for June 13th
Huntley Brothers
In ill Itrl'fr of tlnldsle of Walter I,. Hol
coinb, Deceased.
Notloe Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed executrix of the last will and
testament of Walter I,. Ilolconib.deceased, lata of
Clackamas county, Oregon. All peraoi having
claims against snid estate are hereby lie'ifled to
present tliem for allowance to ihe imilerfiiiii'd
du ly verified ai-conling to law at Ihe late resilience
in tne sniu aeceiient on me lluleoiub road, 4
miles cast ol Oregon t'lly within six months from
duto of this notice.
piana iioi.roiin,
Executrix of Aforesaid.
Hated Oregon City, May loth, Uu3.
C. H. live, Attorney.
In the County Conrt of the state of Oregon, for
iiacKitmas county.
In the matter of the Estate of Aaron E. Wait
It appearing to th Judre ol said Court bv Ihe
petition this day presented by Cbas. N. Walt Kx-
ecitioroi tne t-staieoi Aaron . wall. Deceased
praying for an ordir of Court for the sale of Heal
estate, that It Is necessity la sell the described ri al
estate to pay the charges and claims against said
eslale as set furtk In said petltien.
II is 1 hcrefora Ordered by the Judge of said
Court, that all persona Interested in the estate f
said deceased, appear before said County Court
on ntn nay 01 June, imb, at ten o clock in me
forenoon of said day, at the court ro m of said
CountyCoart at the County Court bouse, In the
cu ty of Cla kamas state of Oregon, to show
causa why an oruer fhnuld not he granted to the
said Kxecutnr to sell Ihe hereinafter described
real estate of the said deceased to wit. Lota 1, 2,
0 and 4. in block number 4 in the town of Kug'.uie
Oregon; also a small strip of land situated along
the river trout containing tne Iracilou v a lot
In laid town of Kngene, Oregon,
lia'ed May, (ith 11103.
Tnou. F. RYi-f,
County Judge.
Is now raging in
the Range at . . .
New Restaurant
ou can
get a first-class
meal in first-class
style at a reason
able price.
Don't Forget the Place
Next door topostoffice, Oregon
City, Oregon. -
Klckel Silver Case
Fully Guaranteed
For sale by
Illustrated Booklet
on request, showing Kf
The New England
Watch Go.
Walerbory, Conn.
Mew York, Cblcifo,
saa rranciico.
Are You Going to Build?
Do you use Lumber
We want to furnish you.
We are located near the Eldorado
School House, near the postoffice of
We have a good mill,
are cutting lumber out
of the best yellow fir.
Can fill your order on
short notice for any
kind of lumber
If you need lumber don't fall to write to us
or come fo see us. It will pay you
Sturqts Brothers,
Carus, Ortgon.
For Sale.
One yearling Jersey bull. A fine one
Will register if desired.
J.W. Dbapib,
Oregon City
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