Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 05, 1903, Image 3

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    UK(iLM Oil? OOfJHl'ER Fl-tiT)A.Y, ,JUNEf .ISQ', fa
tmitVi- n-v-'J 1,1)1 r"T-"T"
unit tii i mm .i.mm.1
II i .. e Tv if &
f i -S.-. -X. ."N. ,"" V f
1 k J.L O.
We are making strenuous efforts,, tfiis season for more pants customers more custo-
f If l 1 - if Ji i.- 1 1 J.1 i. J J 1 i it
mers ioi tnose iineworsiea ganxs ojours-ne, ones inn set at xne waist tne ones tg?
that se $J& Chb ait&RTupi tfie ies as JouM1 theY were chiseled to the jj
form; sffenousyefforjs toieTOjpeDl.to wgar ou7j$3.5o trousers, and in our mi
strenuous efforts we have marked theja.
na war &
f SsbuOSib SditeOTaWMnd assortlnrin that are
if "
.tnily beautiful from an. artistic sense as well as ki keepfng wkfithes
jWYft you (avabpuj Jritryprig hats smart . appearing -ones--
why,,wh.en vpu-haye-.a.tle time just wander in-, our Hat
paftment. We will show you some of the smartest looking
tcksinMtraws' that are shown this s
x bidet
$4 ioi.s
Sole Agents for the "RED STAR"..Shoes fof! Ladies Children and Gents all styles-all prices
;.j ' ,;
' 1 I I ' 77.
'upll of
r. Sr. vonj
3 William Wallace braham. son of ihe
late J. W. Graham of thjg county, hit
Just returned from aB$rM,h$fjy4iK
2tay in Berlin, Germany, "where he has
fceen dtudvine the violin under the great
est living maater.Prof.JQr., Jpgeph,Jpch.:
Imb factor tfihe Royal H&h Sohoot'of
j "...The fact that Mr:. Graham has gained
entrance to and received instruction in
this, the most exclusive music school in
art a nuiriKliHnr v tt
Of tfi V!feV who gjaifftrtwfl'iw'W
school there are but u bibhII proportion
who attain the much coveted honor of
ieceiiVtf Wessons j rk)n thj Wh 4'lIpVr
to ns the verv best recommendations.
The Royal Conservatory and its pupils
'are unaer Jine proieccion oi rim riupor
ial Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm If, from
whos private purse the school is main
tained, the anly requirement "made to
gain entrance being talent, but this one
It is a fine art to produce a piano that possesses all the desir
able qualities and none of the poor ones. It involves; the assem
bling of the right woods, metals, felts and leathers, and the proper
seasoning, shaping and proportioning of them, the exact regula-,
ion of the thickness of the sounding board to give it the proper
tresonance, the right tempering and winding of the steel strings to
give them the finest tone, the xiicest adjustment of the action,
and we might truthfully say, millions of other matters of minu te
detail. . i j V ' i; V,; ,', ; I ,: .
Now, if thejsoiind !of a, piano. possesses all the desirable
qualities, it follow' of cdurseVthat ' it '..'has been properly con
structed. Such afpjano is a gem.' If will 'be as much satisfaction
to you 20 years hence as it 1? how., -.1 . ; (e j . Z. ".
Come in ani'lfet us explain td you. ;the ednstr'uetion of our
instruments, and.tHeir fe.burAcJ .cjuaifities.;, Ouj-s are!l;he fiaest made,
and include sucfr' perfectly; constructed pianos as the' Weber of
New York, the CkerIJH.:..&9iit, E4l'.H4l.m'baitl;:af: Chicago, '
Pianos whose sound qualities) are not .equaled the 'wprld over,
and many other .WljbrHnn,qs.(i Igh.pceijiji,'.' . V
Our busineSfooting, too,' is bh 'a"s'6uhd basis'.'" '"We 'sell
asmall margin of, profit andoori the lowest payments' and easiest
terms of any p aho store on the Coa'st;"1." u i ;! ':,."'l'
You will fiKj.'rt greatly to. your advantage to. make , your
piano purchaselhere ."' . t &i ) L'3 ' t . J 2 A J L
The Largest, Lowest Priced Piano Concern on the Coast.
Washington St. Corner Park, PORTLAND, OREGON
No. 653 Market Street, San Francisco, Ca!., No. 605 Sprague
Avenue, Spokane, Wash., 9th and J Streets, Sacrajnento, Cal.
1 Call on us or write for circulars.
SO RHVrn thdf Bn..,al.. tX 111
l?fn- whocom from ail jjaruot
ut.,u lur aumuiance, gain the much
prized goal. t-s
r,Mrf.G.rljm,U the happy possessor!
of t6.W;BoeA)ld Italian violins, om
"r,u8 uuaiiBrma josepnael Jesu 1732)
otner a Guteeppo Granoind,
1 1 Miss Gnpgie Maindock; m qtlite'ilt ait
ner borne in. this nvjjo liunift . "fi
'''-tibn' GhberfL? Hedges1' is inOa
ifornia ori a bdsinesB trip '1'1' '''"
itibg friet ds in this city. ,: ' -
'"-Arnfiv" Franklin t. Griffith made
aibusiness trip1 to Vancouver Friday)
'"Mrr;:"G.1' B:Dim!c returned from 'a
wfeek's visit in SalemSaturdaw;.' aw
Senator George Hurley! of
Wash., was in Oregon City several days
.lnK...t..n..k.. u:.t.i. .. i. r ' - . m ,
M iss Greta Strickler.of Portland, was
the puest of a Aliss Amy ; JSeiJy Saturday
to Miss Edifh nHbershain,,, pf Astoriae
vim, th ftue. .of , Misaveda William,
,l.Uta I'Oijl.l Jf.'i.'ll '": UU"it
. oTTfttifiS.Msry Raffy.a fwniejr 'resident
of jhiscityhas been visiting ibeMuweB
: U) H! J l.lUJ.S'j j I U'l y
and the
w understand that Mr. Graham in
tends to locate in Portland, doing notti
ing but solo -work -and 'teaching, for
which be should find a wide field, as be
is the first Joachim pupil whu ever came
to the Northwest to loc-aler1 f
Furnished Every Week by Clacka-i
mas Abstract & Trust Co. 1 1
G W Force to H Force, 1 6 as in sec
16 and 17, 4,2 6 52300
W B Jennings to E J Miller, 5.15
as in Jenningi elm, l,2e 1
E A Lawbaugh to W Coast Timber
Co lots 1 and 2 of and b'A of ne
of tec 2, 8, 3 e j
Sellwood L & I Co to II C Cone, '
lots I hnd 2, tract 150
OA Gengelbach to A MatthieB.'l
acre iu sec 9, 2, e 0500
H A Kingsbury to II Glenn.'ne of "
10, and Be of sec 2, 2 s, 0 e 2000
j u Anderson to K H Schubel, part
of sec 9, 4, 2 e ...
C Goldstine to S M Andeison 21 as
in sec 25, 2, 2 e
State of Oregon to J ClauBenlptof
icummuq cim ana ot sec 20 and
J 29,: ?, d i 3095
uuer ion. UUDer, ne of ne and
bb 01 sw 01 sec 2, 3, i e
O A Kruee, et al to J L Kruse, 49
as in ecc is, 3, 1 e and sec 13 in 3
1 w..., '
B Jack to A F Jack, 8.88 as in Al
len cim, 0, e, 1 e 200
n oiraitiDt by Bhenif to M E Mc-
o e,r' rm 71 r,ignn City ... 507
P T uragea to A vv Pick, ne of ne !
of see. 29; 1, 4e ,
a w ricato B J; BriJaes, same
land l it .,k
A W Pi'lik'to C O Pick,' sa'me'l'ami.'.'
A W Picktto W Pick, nw of bw of
see 2i 1, 4 e
J Striteto.G Polistowski.'lot'f ,'sec
3, 4, 4 ei
J T StrilB to W Jagmiu, wj ol'nw
of sec 3, 4, 4 e
WGlMeCraitr toG- Schmidt'wii
of se of , Sec 12, 4, 2 e
J M Hecliart to D Hart, lot 1, blk
1. ParkUddition .
M J Jonel t to F A Jones, 2'A aVin
Vance elm, 3,2 e
A White lb PPetzold,25 as in Vance
elm, 3, 2 .
M H Bingfran to Hedgss & Griffith",
lots 5, 5, 7 And 8, blk 30, Cane-
mah ,
A Bolander to,0 Bolandei, 40 as in
sec 26, 3, 2 e
Hot Weather Weakness.
Hrmfo el fugue 1 out, llitteis and larklnir III
f..?(?r..,r; Perl'ap" "" 'rom the debl 1.
tatlng effects of Bummer weiillier. Tnen. ivn i
torn, indite that . toulc Is needed I that wlU
create a healthy .PUI, m.k, . f 'n"
ri Ku.aie ir,e Ui.wels and impart natural activit
olWer. Thl.He.bine will do: i" i, a touK
laxative and restorative. II. J. Freeeard Pro, r'
Grand Vie- Hotel, Cheney, Kap . rite.' ' S
u.edHerbiD. frthetaat l2 year., ,d nr.thfnS
by Dr. Newton, ewton, K.u." 6O0 at Charms
, Willium Bissell returned this week.
from Can by,, where he has been on a
fishing -trip;1 J ' ' ' ;
Mrs. Casev, c!f, Portland, visited rel
atives in trjia city Saturday and Snn
day. hiv ll V.li I' '-'I 'Ml
' --Mies Ethel Cheney enent Saturday
and Sunday in Portland the gue&t of Miss
ttesSi arurnm. j . , , . . t
Mr?. J- W.Norris, who has been vis.
iting in Seattle, duripg the week, has re
turned home. , . , i: ,
; K"rp, Richard Glasspool and daugh.
ters, fif Portland, ; were Oregon Oity vis.
itors Saturday ." ' ; v
, Norwood ' Charniau left Tuesda
night for Chico, Calif.,1 where he im
probably remain for a year.
Misses Ethel Graves ann Jessie Bi
bee le:t this week for McMinhville, where
they Will visit with Inends,; ;i ... ,;
The Misses Veva and' Vesta Knight
of CanVy Speutlseveral days in this city
the past week) the gtieets of the Misses
(.'Miss Elmai Albright, who has been
visiting in Portland for the past two
weeks, has returned horne and i much
improved iii tiealtlh'
m v.. 1.1:. I ' 11 ,.1 !,,.!! .. li.iV.' .
,, Nprmiin R .Lang and family, affpr a
a several montjis visit 1q Oikland, CM ,
returned 'hftme 'Saturday.'- They Were
(iallod to UalMbrui toy1 the death of Mrs
Wn.8 '.M0.U8r.ti, ,.:!.rl ;loil vi!V ,u
Wilfred' White lias returned frarb
San Francisco, , where . he has been at
teiKjipHijlUark Hopkins' , Accadeniy, of
Art. " After visitina with, bis parents for
a feW Weeks be Will join the 'Hands" stir
veyibg'party that leaves for Idaho. ! cii
; ;,-Mr. arid' Mrs: George Bolehih arrived
.this morning from1 Minneapolis and will
Ipqatein ithjs city. n.WrBoilBolehin is. a
sistfr 9! DrT, Beard apd pfWilUarn
Bard, of Maple Lane. Mr.1 Bolhein was
, in 'the groeerf bnsineBS in1 ;Minhea p6liB.
! "tee'eiver (jeOrge W. Bife'e and1 family
left 'Friday 'fair Slierldan.' Yamhill coun
ty, and attended memorial service tbera
aalurday. ition Unsrles; ,,V,v,,iGalIoway
(jelivered the Memorial, adtress,",. j .,,
iirfeMre, J.Hi Lawrence and daughter
Mjrioq, lt(t for Bend. Eastern Oregon,
Tuesday evening, where they will join
Mr. Lawrence, who was recently ap
pointed land commissioner. "While in
'his city Mrs.. Lawrence. was the guest
of ber parents,, Mr, and Mrs. C, O,. T
Villiams. ( ( t . (.'.'( ' .t
Hon. Grant B Dimick and Hon. G.
E Hayes attended the memorial day
services at Hubbard on last Saturday
Mr. Hayes delivered the memorial day
address andi it was a good one at that.
Mr. Hayes is an orator of fine ability
and his address was an eloquent tribute
to our soldier dead.
cinct;1uw w .3Jniroo iDO ai
the Strite7l3lrri?es1tSr AfSOOf1"
P Riv BrffcUWsnnl
neia 01 uiacuBUiAsywrfrWOTteyfky.
-'Redla'nd 'aiorinlw'af
will move in ' Sfrtirigwffter' Itift
week. .- .;. .x$. Im Mit iao lis
!bban8ti J6hB'UWdt' f J)fe'XI-tomt:o'f,Ta'
' ' James Marc
moving on thai
- Branch Tucker;' JWfiWrMffif?,
John Stormer, John Kie, W:ffl"-) IflW!
and Alary are;buildngei ieinoloa bio
1 Miss Ora iLeewel len i of (fttffslrnlaf firs
not improving. liji,helth.,r'oc;mifn di
.( John Storirter and 'family, Wftry.
lev and :wif and A J;U.. ShiblefwtTiF
d.the-State.Grane Xlli1 ,. TD HCXClij
Ewaa Camer, Erine Shibley and Sti4
Shibley spent Pecor;wavpay atfttM
goii City. , .
'I '.' ' " .J'0.,:i'iV , r 1' :i',V 1'U.CIV
Jn ""gwater basebalj team play
ed'ihe Llwood boys and'' Elwobd bovs
in,t,wo weeks, 13th at 'Springater. ' .
Decoration Day was observed here. "1'1
ioJames DuhoysVfriend writes htm that
he has. recently taken out itwo nuaetsi of
gold that are worth $)0O. ,
They have built the fences (h
burnt last fall.
that were
For Sale. , . . j ' . ,,
' I have for sale one fix8 Russell traction
engine; one 24 42 J. I. Case sepcrator
run two reasons and good as new one
chop mill and one No. 17 Ross ensilage
cutter. All of 6he above machinery iu
good running order. For information
write to or call on W. E. Mumpower,
stone, OrtgDn. . ,.. 4t.'
t.UililjUjiv ,Ja!4w.Bi-4iii 8Cjif.'.i'rfviil:l'
1 , 1
sn,u Drir,
When. ..worU u hard ml
When v
the plurriWM&j
It is M Uva thia-Ad-p oi Mia
when you-tota it, ap'q.catvT. tii-
v,tiO n-iiC
srest"Vtfx'"'1,8C1 fca
1 'jSc6t?fl;Jnn ffCvl
Liver 'Oil fs'tliefoocl tKatmat,
you forgt-youF.'&tomach. " '
. If you hav.eTriit5trtdirt.,:send Shrj
rrea sample. Its afrroeablc.taste wt
surprise youi- rjifliumo.i t-..f 4j--
scott & BOyjjiE,,ck"?m;sts.
409 Pearl Strett,'' r' ' New Yorfc:
.50o. and $1.00 skll drufftflBts
Foley's Hoiiey m Tar
cures colds, prevent 'BetooroW
1 .1 11. i'.:1'".': t Mali.') ei '.'TvT-i
" "i-i
, 1
111 M!Eg mi AftSl?
llll i . . I 11
:c tnt) rest n.i'ui i:.1ta "h
II . , -w , H J illi IV
To braze cast iron
H :: v :'We'h'aVo!th!rpRf;'n.'
1A6ni auu Jlcayy bastings Brazed and Guaranteed
'iIt;"!' '"";? in fact, 'most any old thin?" ' '
n,M The largest stock of BICYGLH TIRES AND SUNDRIES in
.Clackamas countv. GUNS, REVOLVERS -fWHirVi c
;h,r.gKt. ,H Come and , see. the NevviMorroW Brake fLPEK
and sav. 11 vnn , want . 9..n 1 ""wrv7r.
1:;; . 1 ,i uny tt. 1 !)t.hh,ijiui 11 wiicci, uon i ran TO 51
tWJ'VIUIO!.'.lU 1... i'.iH """I 1,1 ""'"'M
,Give Us 1
a Call:
Tiribunes .at. $40 and $50 , ,
Iyer Johnspn from $30 to $50 1
uays to 3dU ' ' Arden $25 tn (
;:, LAMP & sawyer
Qrego Sun Store
Zbi Phntt Salon
Kelly & Jjuconicb,
My little son had an attack of who tying dough
and was threatened with pneumontv, but for
Chameei lam's Cousin Kemedy wo would havo
had a erious time of It. Italso saved him from
several uovore at'acks of croup H. J.Strickfadeu,
editor W'orld-ll.Tald, Fair Haven, Wash. For
sale by U. A. Uurdiug.
Notlne Is herahy given that. I will on and after
Simmlay the l.itti day of Jn, l!iu;t, i proceed to
sell the following described property of the eslato
of John Mvers. dec'aed, in Claekamas eouniv.
Otwiiu, at private silo on the fullowiuii terms for
casn or on tne greNtest uossibie payment with
the balance reinaiid r utiniii on not mora than
one years time to he secured by a morttiune on
the properly sold, the balance to bear Interest at
o per ecnt or more ner annum, the (mid proporty
being the following or aur Portion thereof.
. The southwest quarter of th southeaM, quarter
an ioi o section iownsnip.1 soutn, range z east
als6 lots 8 and 4 said section, township range
(except Beginning at the southeast corner of
sotilhe.ist quarter oi the norlhwest quarter of said
section 2 1 thence wist 20 rods; thence south rods
thence east 20 roiU: Ihene north 6 rods to place
oi iwginning.) aihu ueginniug ai ino souinwest
corner of the southeast quarter of th northwest
quarter said section i thence north 1H.6H rod-;
theuoe east 20 rods; thence south W.6H rods;
thence west 20 rodB to the plaoe of 11 nnlng iu
Clackamas County, Oregon, In all U4.H'J acres.
2. The north half of tiie northeast quarter
tha southwest quarter of tbe northeast quarter and
the n trthfast qua 'ter of the northwest quarter
of section 8C, township 4 south, range 8 east of
Willamett meridian and beginning at Ihe north
east corner of the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter of sectiOB Mtrwnshlp 4 south. range
S eastot Willamltto meridian; . thenco west 20
rods;then south 1ft reds, thence, east 20 rods;
rheuee north 111 rods to the place of beginning.
eoi tainirig t acres, aituatod in ClackauM county,
iregon,. .tu u iw acres. . '
3. Ihe tuuthwest anarter of the southeast
quartet" hf SecUou 1l, township 4 swuth of range 3
east of Wlllnmett meridian in ClaekauuM county
Oregon, cuutainlng 40 acres. , ,, i.
. me nprtneasi quarter oi tne 1 snntnwHt
unVter of section 82 in township 4souih of range
east of Willamette uicridiaa lav Clackajuas
county, .Oregon, eontaioiiig Mt sveres. ; . i . . .
o. The nr.rthwcst ouarter of fl ctlod 32. 'town
ship 4 south; range east of Willamette meridian
in Ulaocaaiae oeantyi, iunicn.i. i J n. v;
t. . tlnrthwcetiqiutrter of southeast quarter , and ,
noiiheaat quarier of southwest quarter secllou 2.
townhhipM south of rang2 east, i0 acr..' .
1 1.' In the H.iC. Krowu UotiatMii' Land claim; '
Alio lots , and 11 nl section la, lots 7 and 8 and
tlie iiyrtlicafl qilaruir of the sou the ask fjuii'rler of
Mellon 14 and lots 2 slid :i of section1 ? si! 'In
ttiwiishipi waitil o raage H mi of. Willumoito
neinUam Uackamaa county, prcgouj i) f,, ,. ;
aiso commencing at a isjiatomn degrees
MOTirp Tr lu.Trr, ,,., I j .east 10.15 chains distai.t from the Northerly
rxUIICti IO WATER CONSUME cornVr.oi IJlj'iAMlonVlJnntioiLand.01alm ou
i j ;the county road from Spring-water loOregon City.
ti . . - 11
xue use oi water for lawn, garden nn.l
of VMZ
Kunuini: thence with the said Btone
it v! 1 K ,or ttle 8eeon of liKlg
w... ..oguverneu Dy tlie rules n form
last season. 4
Conaiimeri are required tj pay tha
EXTHACUAHOF for rUctl UBe, during tl j
first ten davgin June. u
Bo abo or Wateb Commissionkks
Ijind claim lino, aiul north 4u jlxgn-
chains th"Wett1H(f,'tif: liiinV
est bM
Sormer v
ow.icd by L, r. ijaiin; thence with said line north
O ch'ttUrsto fhesst line of .ld rwd: thenoxwlih
ssijlTi.d'(ic'it,i:V'ldehri.iBasC 11 Hi ehainstoUie
p'nee of llefjitin Injr r"ninlii4Ti- 1.1 1 urea ino e or
leK.:' Y.tn, bm aenns desenbel In. .hook 44
page '43 deed recordsot Clkckamrf' noufltv, Ore
gon;'' e li ii I, .,. . ,,,(. ... yli.6 I .
Administrator of the Estate of John Myers, de-..el.
Hn.T&ntVP and when you
drink, drink
tbe BEST
Planet Whisku i8tLe be8t in the worlJ- . u diiued
, , , J 'rom "elected grain a the mouataing
Kentucky. We also carry all tlie other first-class brands.
Old Crow Dewars' Scotch v,
Old Crow Dewars' Scotch
Qtrmitaat John Btag's Scotch
Cyrus noble ltlcKant'a Pure Walt
J)unttrRft Canadian Club
and the Celebrated RED TOP WHISKY
Wentlctllo 1vt
Wilson Wblskf
Cream Jfye
Tlu finest Resort in the city
rOarde Building, next to the Suspension Brld2
1. W. COLE,
, . . i .... 1 1 i . i
and Cisinuc
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed ,
Some famous eld brands t
James E Pepper. Kentucky Burbon
. Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
Old Roxbury Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Muin St
! t'l Hi
..gatCjeJii liilmalarakMiaiNifriai ifflalallfcaA
jlfVv a 'A '--.'. ' i ' ,Ve,a"y "ie ouly complete line
:ififl fi Aa '' ?f. CuBkets, Coffin;,. r.JL. 'a
'A.' ' ' V Hlu'M-7'-S ' ' ,"'n" ,n Clackaman County. hi
Jt-- .-4 ' v'.. I f11 furnish for Jess ,a0 iti X,
.''ii'ii-,-. (.'I'V'il .Ir.-iii li'iuii
; I
"I .f . Phones 4ii and 304
a S'ricnialfv
1 uur pneeb-jjlwayn reH6ua'lj'(j.
, 9"tisfiictioo guarauteedj .!
i !:. ' IU' I ' . I ! I Hi I.'. Ml '. j.i 11 . '
Main Stt, Opp. Huntley's!