Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 05, 1903, Image 2

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! S
Tho Kind You Have Ahvajf
in use for over 30 yearl
Expei fiifeAfs thatVTae WjtK sml endanger the health of
Infants Mud UldriiyE-Vpcrlence against Experiment.
t IS UAd I uniM
tiToricrfl5ioi)S andSoothiriflr
n ...
Castorlrt ia a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
contains neither Opium, gJIorphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its ttiiarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. Mt cures Diarrhoea and Wind 1
VA $ r($0ty TXjeJJng Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ,
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
. Th'0l41denlPaiaacea The Mother's Friend. - y
i w flSASTQ R I A : always
Bears tbe Signature ot; 1 ,
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
New Goads;1 Nt Proprietors, and
Fin Win:s Whiskies ani Cigars.,
SelwDoi'B:lr zwvfs on tap :: ::
214 Third St., Cor, Salmon, PORTLAND, ORE.
A Complete Assortment of
:: -iSeleeted-Pattern Hats ::
Trimmed Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices
Ybti are cordially invited to call
and inspect our
cl "t .,j at Harris Grocery
are'lping to make special induce-
..Ui,.' 1 r. ij 1; t(Ti t 1
merits to, close buyers.
Cash and . Small Profits is Our Motto.
Eat yiath 3 ;Ty in C i ti ps
- TTiWVCcr :' Limited -is- -thr
Irain of tr;tmswi
lis, ftSt. raul- and' Chicago 'It 'is
most handsomely cqui-cu am.
1 1
Milwaukee & St. Taul
H. 8. UOWH, Uncinl
t'iitc.ig., Mllwiiiikoi' nnil St. 1'n'il RiiiHviiy
i:u1vlr.l Btii.Tftrlltd.Ori'
For Infanta and Children.
WXM You" Mava Always Bought
th moat healing aalvt In th worltf.
HeAdadic ?
Food doesn't dices:'
Appetite poor? Bowels.
,j your liver! Aycr's Pills
. liver pills; they cure dys
.vpsia, biliousness.
25c. All drugglit.
Hint ytmr nuMinirtc bo r ticnrd a beautiful
BouaTu. and which has been
has horp th feature , of .
lias' Been maae under his per
supei'J&ftnr' Snce'lts infancy.
no one to deceive you in this,
and "Just-as-good" are hut
Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
Signature of 1
For .Over 30 Years.
t The
r ri r
Do You Use Shingles ?
"Ifyrtu j0( et us supply your'
needs.' We have an up-to-date
. mill, located five miles cast of
.Npl:ll!;t and two miles from
"Ateudowbmtik, with all the
"," latcst'and best equipments.
Lane's automatic machinery.
Wf. l-uI mir from the
very finest cedar and turn out
r'Jshini's.yUthere are
,os are
want your
Mail orders proinjitly fiJIeJ.
nan S'i
lllcMla, Ore
1 11
II M..l...no It. ... . . I
ghnjoy your life ! and have pood liealti
dTes. iMeilieiiies euiieciallv in-euaraiUi
NWraodVtf.WCll'V'Mile. fty Mrs.'OiVii
kill 6
VWl lAordei
TffiUIEK discovery
L! 1 .nt "it 1
jqre Throat, Croup and
)mg i;oup:h..
Vjiiros C6nsumptiori,Coughs
Colds, Bronchitis-, Asthma!
(To the Seaside and Mountain Be-
- mvfa t'tw the. RilAitn.Pifl. 'A
"0n find after June 1, 1903,1he "South
ern l'adlic. in . conof ctioo , with ihe the
liCorvaHis fe Eastern Railroatf Will have'
on sale-round. trip .Uckuts from, f ointa
on their lines to JNewport, 1 aciuina ana
Detroit at very low nts, gpoiTfor re
ourm until Oiitobet 10, 11)03.
Three day tickets to Newport and Ya
quina, good gning Saturdays and return
iug Moudays ace; also, i on tale .from all
East Side points, Portland to Eu?ene in
clusive, and froni' 'all West Side Points,
enabling people .to visit their families
tnd upend Sunday at the seaside.
" Saason tickets lrbm all East side points
Poitlund to Eunen inclusive, and from
all West side points are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates with stop over
privileges at Will Uity or any point e.ist
(enabling tourists to visit the Santiam
land Breitenbush as well as the famoue
Breitenbush Hot Soriniti" in tbe Caicade
' Moun'mns, which can be reached in one
J j
uy- .. . ....
Season tickets will he good tor return
from all points until October lOtb. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days and returning Mondays only.
Tickets from Portland and vicinity will
b- g iod for return via the East or West
Bide at option of paBsenger. Tickets
from; Eugene and vicinity will be good
iroing via ' the Lebanon Springfield
branch, if desired. Baggage on New
port; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
m S. P. trains connect with tbe 0. & E .
TfbaTiy Slid
Newport., Trains on ths C. & E. for De
troit will leave Albapy at 7:00 a, rii.,
enabling tourists to the Hot Springs' to
reach thee the same day. j
Full information as to rates, time
tables, etc., can be obtained on applica
tion to Edwin : Stone, mariegerQ. & E.
R. R.,Albanv; W. E. Ooman, G. P. A.,
S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P.or
C. E. Agent. - . ' ';; '4 )
Hate from Oregon City to Newport,
Ua'e from Oregon City to Ytquina,
$6.oo. ;
Kuie from Oregon City to Detroit,
$1 80.
Three r'ay rate fiom Oregon City to
Yaijiiina or Newport. S3 i0.
Tickets at Low Hates to the East
The Chfcago, Milwaukee & St.
I'aul Hallway '
ill be on sale at all ticket olliceson June
4th and 6th, June 24ihlo 30th, inclusive;
,'uly 151h and 10th, and August 25th and
Tickets good for going passage for ten
days from date of sale, with final return
limit of 90 days, from date of sale.' '
For further information address ;
. . ' H. S. Rows'.
'' General Agent.'
' I'o'rtinndOr: 1 !'"; ' -''
'of pintmenta for; Catarrh that
! Contain Mercury.'-
As mercury will surely destroy llio eenee of smell
and completely derange the whole system wheV
euterluK It tlirouxh tha mucous tuffneas. Such
articles should nevr ba used enoertt oil i-prcsorin-
tioiis-from reputable physicians, as. the .d..niage
thej will (to is ten lota to the good you con pos
stbly derive from them. Hut!" Oatiirih Cure,
manufactured by Y. J t Uliiuiey S-Co.., TiiL(lo, U.,
contains bq Jueroury, and i taken internally.
acting diractly upon the blood and mucous
auifaoea of the system. In buying Hull's Cst&rrli
Cure be Hire yoi get the genuine. -I t in- taken
Internally and-Js made In 'Joledo, Ohio, by.
Cheney &Oo Testimonials free.
lUold by lirugRiBts, price 7"ic per bottle,
Hull's 1'anilly Tills are the beat; . ' '
Magazine Notes.
. .' ins JUNK COSMOPOLITAN., , , , '
The lover of fiction esiiecially in the
form of, short Btories will ..turn willi
pleaiuro to the latest iasut of tho .Cua
uiopolitan. Here.. ap)cr n cu.triiiuig
love-story by dramas Wiling Wliuitn
and beautilully illustrated by Thoina
Mitohell lVirce; a dramatic , railr ad
tory by K. H.i iarnliuiu ; a romance of
the business world by Trumbull White,
and contribution! by 11. d. Martin and
Henry eton Wernman. In the same
number, which is remarkable for the
great of topics that are discussed, Ed
ward Everett Halle wiites on "Old-Age
reunion ; Dr. Albert haw, editor ol
the "Keview ot Keviews, (liecusies
"Joiiriialism"as a inulVs.-iuii ;H.U. Wi lis
advances some morn of his idiM i n
"Love anil the Culnv itioa of the lni.i i
lialtott ; ami ftiarv h. ltirnlon gives
some practical advice pii " llov tu (Jait
for tho Sick in the Uomt'. An essavon
''The Kase ol Yi-blenlay and To-U'.iy"
is sniH'tlj illnntrati'd ith photographs;
some hue lllusirutions tieing also a le
tore of an article on "tiateways :' Artis
tic and Characteristic ;" a contribution
on 'Tloral Head-dress," and an inter
eatino account .of ''An, English, Clarden
Oitv.1' Tho personal articles include
character sketches of, George "Gilbert
Williams, the j;reat, bauker; tlhaui
Barclay l'areons, chief eu).'itieer ot the
New ork Kapia iransit Commission
and Baron Stralhcona and Mount Royal
llmh OoiniLissioner of Canada. There
are also contributions by William li
Lighton, Antoinette Vani Hosseti, Johu
Unsbeti Valker and Julian Hawthorne.
In all, there are twenty-one Stories and
articles in the June Cosmopolitan, , ,
" 'A . . Money to Loan..v
- '? per cant interest allowed on money
left with tue to loan, l'nncipai witn ao
cnied interest jHturned upon demand,
Abstracts lurnisued.
i -i ." i :. 'i'. IT tl Oregon City, Ore.
For Sale.
Thirty rive acres of land four miles
South1, 'ol Orren 'City: 'Twenty two
acres under cultivation. .$'2000 without
crops or t'JiOJ with crop --: T
' ' . " ' '. New Era, Oregon.
No nel to fear sinMvn tttnoki of Vholera In-
fHiiuitn, dysinlry, iliiirrttoA, or summer con
pl&lnt, if you have Or. t'owlpr't Kttnot of Wild
stmwborry In tb rimlU'.iue client
Bmh tha - At md You Havt Always Bscdl
Qolden Wedding Celebrated.
On Monday last,' May 25th, at tbeir
country home on' Elliott Prairiet tltie
county; twp otxnrf eldest ancU most re
Bpectea-cit!zenB''celebrated the 50th an
idverarry .of their- wedding . surrounded
by lelativesand near and dear friends.
Thenar) -wjj.B fttada a banpj ; and a
memOrUbfe' k one "to 'all who wee
On the 125tli day qf May, 1853 in Linn
County, ntfegof,! ft j hr lTotiie i of tbe
bride' J father, Kicholas Spreuger, a pio
neer of 1850, Captain John W. Cochran
aud.MarURi Kprenger, wer , united in
marriage. It was a memorable occasion
for at the eametliiie and ' with the rtiue
certmouy ihe late Judge Aaron K. Watt
and Mary Ann Soreji.ge,r weie united in
marriage. ' Immediately ;tWter the cere
mony and the old timo dinner which
followed, both couplers left to make tbeir
homes in Oregon City. '
The Captain and his estimable wife
are known, respected and loyed by all
of the o der settlers of this county and
of Uregou City, where they m-ula their
home for many years. Captain Coch-
rau will be remembered by many of cur
citizens as one of the earlieet,mo3t popu
lar and successful steamboat men of
Oregon. .
Alter some timepaised 10 extending
congratulations ant) good wishes for the
future , to tbe hocored .couple, thoae ;
present adjourned to the dining hull,
and, partook of the elegant and bounti
ful repast prepared for them ;on a ta
ble which had been decorated with
flowers and ferns, and embeljshed with
ornaments and souvenirs of the occasion.-
At the head of the 1 table, surrounded
by lpVed ones, who werp oniy tpo, happy
to be permitted to help celebrate the joy
ous occasion, Bat thu Captain, and his
wife, and looked back upon, the hard..
ships and privations of , the ,itrip: acrotsa
th plains to Oregon, at an. early day as
upon a passing dream.: lue .banquet
was enlivened by. songs 4 halt were com .
posed, and sung for the occasion, and in:
the relation of incidents that had oc
curred since that time of long ago Thfye
were present Hon. Joseph : A. Strow-
bridge and wife, Miss Fannie Podman,
Captain Jas. B. Cochran, Mrs. Jas..
6. Cochran, Miss Kowena Cochran, Mii-s
Abbie A, Hprenger, John II Middle
ton, Mrs. J. H, Middleton, Master Jack
Middleton, of Portland, Wrs. b. B. Fish
er, of Oakland, Calif., County Commis
sioner H. B. Sprenger, Mrs. H. B.
Sprenger and Thomas B.' Sprenger, of
Linn county, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N.
Wait, Miss Annett wait, Miss Myrtle
Wait, Charles E. Wait, Masters Aaron
Ei Wait and George N. Wait, of Canby.
The good couple were the recipients
of many gifts and mementos of the oc
casion together with telegrams of con
gratulation. As the shades of evening
began to fall, goodbyes were said, ac
companied with many wishes that the
; Sale ol Spring . Suits and Topcoats
' We call your
.;,.,! ailor-madc SdW.fapd.Topcpatsfor Spring ever ; g
y - shown in Portland, just opened up from Tbe Royal
' ' Taylorsof Twelfth and Michigan Avenue, Chicago ' i
. v. '-..1',. -; ' -.v-i'l ,.!!:....:- ; ,'-,' - ' fM
1 1200 Spring Su
That Aveye made to
latest sliades and patterns, in Cheviots, Worsteds, Cassimeres,Tveeds, ?
' Ilomesp and Four-but-
ton, Single and Double breasted styles, ail cut by the Royai ' lylors' .' '
Cutters, vith.the new, long,- narrow lapel and one of the features in " .
, the swell Tailor-made Garments. Now, Strain'"! )Oint is, bi Q
Clolhin i all Tailor-made, bearing the labels of such tailors as '' (
.'. , Laminct Co., the Royal Taylors, The Continental TailorsTlie Dixie ,:
The international Tailors and hundreds of other famous'malcers of
men's High Art'Clothing to measure. ' . ..... a x
Wc' sc'l you the teal. Tailor-made,. Custom-made Article at one-half the price
that the rcady-mdj clothier asks you for an article that he himself acknowledges to be
mierior or iniiakl x
Cpmmo i sense will teach any one- that a 'Suit Made to Order fllCvcar longer; hold the shape
better and look better thn(any ready-made suit will, because the ppods are superior, the linings
Trimmings are superior, the workmanship is supcijjor They MiVshrung 1'j 'y jj $
and sponged, hand-made, andiiand-finished. ' JTllVs-..-C5 fl ..iiii-.-i.nn-i
ttie sort ot suits and lopetfats btiain sells at r "
-' .... t f tfl&W
$10.00 Taylor-meTroIisefirfaso
" i- .,('t . -t-pot -Witi Uo; '.Hi v,-; . , A
, J'.aromsp,n ojyatuei,'-$iO tycuVersQf 56, Jju'havehe strongest kind of
ihVjmem-'bchmdltr have exactly whai we advertise. 800 pairs of pants iust received
from, oai lilcagbuyer, picket-up here and there fromJ tailors: who wanted cash worse than they -SJ)
wahted tVeipahtsj f!,Kotone pair of the lot that would not be a bargain1 af $7:6," and'' most of
Q) them worth. $ 16. ,ahd $121.50,
Q) imported vvcriWd cut to jfit,
Speclal--fciU thli "ail" out aud g
f$ andluy nvhat you wnt. When
hill itivi altfurriamiianf. a.'ill
ten pr cent of your purchase
has stood the test 25 years. Avenge Annual Sales
Does: this record
Lnclvl wiUi every
good couple would iee and celebrate
niny-aiore anftl,er8ar(f3beir wed'
ding, if it were not possible torcleb'rte
many anniversaries of tbeir golden wed-
fV tn Rntnvahle Evenln: f t.
he'socTal' meelTria"bf the Knights and
T.Bilind of S(r.nritv at Willamette hall on i
last 'Thursday evening was a decided
success m,everv wajw,A gootuit nuiuoa
was present. The program vas very in
teresting nd ,e?cef 3jngly;well recu'rred.
Afier.tba-tirograia iwmei the musie and
the dance, and the boys and girls, both
old and young, enjoyed themselves un
til the early-' hours of 'tbeHnloroin'g; A .1 J
, V if. I i . I'.''- j(l !''::' r B SIT
The Merry-Qo.Round,
The merry goround boy are located at
the West end of the Willamette bridge
and have a nice out fit and are keeping
good order. The young and old are
flocking to see them and ride on tbe
merry wheel. It is an innocent amuse
ment and an hour well spent.
Veterans' Reunion.
The Veterans of the First Oregon
Cavalry and 'Infantry will hold their
second reunion,, in conjunction with tbe
encampment of the G. A. R., at Port
land, on Saturday, June 27, 1903. , :i
All survivorBof these rtgiments are
cordially invited to attend . ' ,
Newspapers of Oregon and Washing
ton are requested to publish this notice.
: r Geo. B. Cl'RRV, ,;
Wr-M. Hillary, ,Opm.
,. . Adjutant. I, ,.'V
: Turner, Ore., May 291903, '. '
; t '. ". ' : : -) :
Hates to
Ori June 1st the southern Pacific Co.
will resume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. ' T'his resorti
is becoming more popular every; yejr,'
and hotel accommodations (ire better
than ever beforoi'nd at reasonable rates.
veason tickets from1 Oregon City to New
port or Yaquina $6. ' 'Saturday to Mon
day tickets to Newport or Yaquina $3.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels. Joun W. Lodkr, at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
How to Avoid Tronble.
' Now is tlio time to provirto yourself and family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and .Diarrhoea Remedy. H is almost oertain to he
neoiled. before trtfi summer Is over, and if procur
ed now may save you a trip to town iu the night
air or in your busiest season. It is everywhere ad
mitted to be the most successful medk'ine In use
for bowel complaluts, both for children and adult
No family can afford to be without it. ,1'or sale
byU.'A. Harding. . ,,
order for $25.00,,, .30 QQ, and
uuuu as
In, new Spring stripes, made of best,
800 - pairs
to pick from at Strain's
to Straina'
you pay Jllllli .1 U11U1 1UU VUllLIJalLUi K
not orftrrh
285 and 2$7
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
of merrt ztveA lo vou?
kotlle N m Tetv rJenU package of Grovt'i
A $4.00 Traafmeut Free. jg j
iriiNo death-ecrmes- more ("nddeiily 'than
that from. b.ear.t-diiea6e-Tboueaudadie
unnecessarily each year became most
physicians do not understand these
troubles. tar,tlig improvements, tyave
beven rqirfp jdatfiny ihe lasli few? years in
tha trefttroanJ!o heart disease.' 'Former
ly digitalis was the only remedy employ
ed, through it injured many cases and
cured none. Dr. Miles, the Specialist in
heart and chronic diseases, finds it nec
essary to employ eighteen heart rme.
diesto cure with cei tainty the many farms
of Jieart trouble. - - -
To demonstrate the unusual curative
power of h's new treatments. Dr. Miles
will send a $4 course free. Every suf
ferer from short breath, pain in side, op
pression in chest, irregular pulse.palpita
tion, smothering euells, pufhngj ankles
or dropsy should take advantage of his
Mr. H. HvAshburn, of Redding, Cal., six
mofitjil if tenAe hKi Hilfc'B. the Special Treat
ments, writes: "l feel as well as I ever did In
my life, tf I ever have another attack of hear
trouble I shall write you at once, for no other
doctor oail treat me.l'i n ;!, .t w
Jas. K.Adams, 2714 Magnolia Ave., Chicago,
says: "Voar Special . Treatmei-t cured me of
heartdtsease of 25 years tanding' flfler several
reputable physicians of this city tailed. "
The president,! a leading State College who had
been treated without benefit, writes: "Your
treatment has wonderly relieved my heart
difficulty.! M.y stomach kino is In excellent con
dition, aud my general health Is greatly im
proved. I am feeling much better than tor years.
(Writer's name given on requesti) -"
11, E. Bennett, Montioell, Ind., reports: "I
had valvular heart disease, stomach and nervous
troubles. Five leading physicians gave me up;
Your treatment savijil. iu"
A thousand teitinibnials will be sent
free on request. These include many
who have been cured after from five to
twenty or more physicians and profess
ors had pronounced , them incurable .
Send at once for free treatment before it
Ts too later 'Addtefs, Franlilin Miles,
M. D , LL. ?03 q 203 State street
!Chicago !ll' rieaee 'menHim Oregon
Citj, Courier in your reply.
: v,iJt' v ' - ' . .
that gets yojir lui'gs Bore and weak and piives the
was for Pneumonia or Consumption, or botu.
Acker's Kufflish llemedy will slop the couh iu a
day and heal ynnr lnnas. It will cure Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung
troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money re
funded if you are not Sdttstied. Write to us for
roe samtile. W 11. iIooker& Co.,- Buffalo, N.
' V.J at Howell & Jones. ' ,
f - . ' ' ' ,.
If you desire a good complexion use Moki Tea, a
purehi-rbdrinkv It acts on the liver and mak.es
the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick headaches.
26 cts and 50 els, ) Mpney refunded if it doe not
satisfy you.' Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo
'N. Y., for free sample, at Howell & Jones.
$40.00, in - all the
rfvv p a t
3mA Sil
Washington St., Perth nd
ova One and a Half MUlIon
No Tnre. Ne
JMack Koot. Liver Pills. h
A "9