Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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1st YEAR ,
NO. 4
Your Banking ?
Nd matter how small,
No matter how large,
Oregon City
Will give it careful
attention. This mes
sage applies to the
men and the women
Have You a
farm for Sale?
C. N. Piowman Co.
We sell land by spending money
in advertising. Send us your
Eastern friends address, and
we will mail him our descrip
tive pamphlet of Clackamas
C. N. Plowman k Co.
Oregon'Gty, Ore.
1 O er Etk cl ( re.cn. ity.
cannot be enjoyed in baBin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason oi
defective plumbin heatwig apparatus.
To have both put .n thorough working
order will not proye expensive if the
work is done by
Spring Ailments.
There Is an aehlnit ana tlrea feeling; the liver
bowols and kidneys beoome 8lugL'ii.h and Inac
live, the digestion Impaired, with little or n np
petite, no ambition for anvthlng and a feeliiijt
tliat the whole body and mind need tonlns; up
The trouble Ib, that during winter, there has been
an accumulation of waste matter in the system.
Herbine will rrniove It, secure to the secretions a
right exit, and by Its tonic effect, fully restore
the wasted tissues and give strength in jt.u
of weakness. 60o at Charman & Co.
The More We' Get
I The More We want
We are now doing about three fourths of the
prescription work of Clackamas County still we
are not satisfied we want to do more. '. . .
We are better prepare'd to do this work, with 'our
arrangements and up to date facilities each man
works with a special ingividual pair of scales and
balances, independent of the other
If we are not filling your prescription you are not
getting the best services. We offer you our
fifteen years' experience and the best and fresh
est drugs in the market
OUR PRICES All we ask is a Comparison.
Chambers Howell Linn E. Tones
County Democratic
Herman Carries the Dlstsict by Over
Two Thousand Votes.
The following is the vote of Olacka
mas county as polled in the election on
last Monday. For the first time in
yeara the county went Democratic.
Reams' plurality in the county is over
250. A very Binall vote was polled, lt?ss
than 2 500 votes being cast in the coun
ty.. The vote will be couned and certi
lied to next week.
The following comparative table shows
the vote for congressman at the general
election in 1902, and that of Herman and
Reamei: t
Hermann Reames
Abernethy 29 58
Barlow 17 33
Beaver Creek 30 32
Boring 1 13 4
Bull Run ,. 15 5
Canby ; 38 93
Canemah. 19 27
LaDVon (Jreelc..... 14 7
Cascades 4... ... 33 6
Cherryville 12 1
Clackamas 43 48
Damaicui 20 25
Eat-le Creek 25 41
Garfield 8 34
George. 13 10
Harding ." 22 16
Highland 22 13
KilW 27 20
Macksburg . 18 33
Molalla 29 ib)
Milk Creek 11 23
Msrquam 19 44
Milwaukie 33 43
Maple Lane 9 23
Needy 44 20
New Era. 30 20
Oswego 68 10
Oregon City No. 1 72 88
" No. 2 127 142
" No. 3 32 73
Pleasant Hill. 24 22
Soda Springs .'. ... 19 14
Springwater 13 25
Tualatin 21 43
Union 13 5
Viola (13 5
West Oregon City 31 45
Totals 1025 1278
The vote cast for Furnish for governor
in Clackamas county was 2112.
Ranch for Sate.
393 acres of land, 20 acres in good cul
tivation, Ml in crop; 400 be.ring fruit
treees; 2 barni and all necessary out
builpingi ; 2 fine mountain atreami run.
ning throujh the place; all land easily
cleared , everlasting outrange for stock;
i miles from schoolhouse, store and
poitoffice limited on public road ; good
ueiguoornooa; situaiea is miles south
east of Oregon City near Colton, Clack
amas county, Oregon. Will make a fine
stock ranch. Price $3000. x For further
particulars, address W. E. Bonney, Col
con, Oregon, or apply on premises. Can
give good title.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with Local ApDhcationl. as thev cannot reach the
eat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or conitltu-
tinnal disease, and In order to cure it you must
take In ernal lemediea. Hall's Catarrh Cureis
taken Internally and acts directly on the Hood and
mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a
qusck medicine. It was pre-cribed by ene of the
best physicians In this country for years, and is a
regular prescription. It is composed of the lies
tonics known, combined with the best blood purl,
flers, acting directly on the mucous sur'aces. The
perfect combination of the two Ingredients Ik
what produce such wonderful results In cuiing
Caiarrh Send for testimonials, free
f. 3. CHENEY & CO., Props .
Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by druggists, price 75o.
nail's family rills are the best.
Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard,
uildmg, rooms 16, 17 and 18.
Bean the Ml M"u m mw ml
TtiB Kind You Have Always Bongjli
V !
. Decoration Day
Wlttrfluslc and Flowers the Graves
, of the Soldier Dead Are
Last Saturday was a beautiful (lav. It
was decoration day and Oiegon City
that always does things well, celebrated
the day anil the ocassion in becoming
mannir. roulace in the world has more
beautilul roaes than Oregon City. They
are ahutlant ami mi l i
Thousands of these beautiful flowers
were gathered and strewn on the waters
of the Willamette and banked on the
graves of the soldier dead who are
burned in Mountain View ceme'ery.
The exercises were impressive and eleg
ant. In additicn to the decorating of
tbe graves 01 the soldier dead many pri
vate parties made trips to the cemetery
and paid their tribute to their loved
ones by placing flowers on their graves.
The pupils of the public schools and
of St John's school marched to Wil-
lametlH hnlt'in the mirnim uhmA thav
Drenelited Meade Posh Ami Mantis Relief
Corps with flowers.
j.ue procession was formed on Main
street in front of the G. A. R hall and
the line of march was taken up to the
bridge where the ceremony of strewing
the water 0 the Willamette river with
flowers in honor of the deceased sailors
of the war of the rebellion took place.
The Parkplace band headed the pro
cession, then carre Company A( Third
Regiment, Oregon National Guards in
command of Captain J. U. Campbell,
followed by Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R,
Meade Relief Corps, children from va'ri
our pchools and people in carriages.
At Shiveiy's opera house the follow
ing exercises were held :
Mmical selection. Band; Address,
(Ritual), Post. Commander; Prayer,
R-v. Grim; Vocal music, Quartette;
Recitation, Miss Nettie Bradley; Me
morial address, Mrs. Emma Galloway!
VoCal 11111611 Olinrna " A morintj" utlili.
enc: Address, Major William Hancock
After the exercises in the opera house
the procession moved to Mountain View
cemetery, wiiere the following services
took place.
Dirge, Band; Address, (Ritual, page 9)
Commander; Addres (Kitual) chaplain,
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. Ray.
Mixiell ; Crowning Monument, Officer
..f.u- r . r . , it '
mo uay; response, "uur UO Known
Dead," Rev. Hammond: Ceremoaiee.
Meade Relief Corps No. 18; Prayer,
(Ritnal page 11) chaplain; 8lute,- Co.
A, O.- N. G. ; Roll of honor, Adjutant J
iapi; decorating graves ol the Com'
A'x w Era.
The Meneley quartette gave n excel
lent eniertartainraent at Brown's school
house Tuesday night. A large crowd
was in attendance.
Karl Wink returned from Battle
Ground, Washington, onndav.
Mrs. Hoffman and Miss Heartle
spent eaturuay in uanoy.
Mr. Kahili's, smiling face was seen in
t tie city on election day, also John
Mej-rel Davis." of Beaver Creek, was
visiting old friends of this place last
weea. - 1
Mrs. Wink spent Sunday with Mrs.
Grace of Oregon City.
Mr. McArthur attended the encamp
ment lodge in Oregon Citv Tuesday
Calvin Kocher and Miss Bates, of
uanoy spent Saturday afternoon with
Misses Kaiieand Laura Newbury.
J. Meindl, of Abernethy, visited Mr.
Friedrick Sunday.
Cbas. Slyter and Miss Lena Bchindler
took a trip to Aurora Sunday.
Cnas. Bowman met with with an sc.
cident and lost his mustache a few days
Mi-s Katie Newhurv soent Sundav
ard Monday with her aunt.
Mr Ohrock, Fred, Herman and Oscar
Burgoyne and Miss Casry Burgoyne and
Maud Obrock spent Sunday Sunday at
the Burgoyne farm.
Mr. Stephens, of Portland, was a
visitor at the Schindler farm Sunday
1 St.
Hundrods 0 11t6s saved every year by having
Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Jil in the house Just when
It is needed. Curfs croup, heals burns, outs,
wounds of every sort.
Fnergv all gone? Ilcadcher Hloraach out of
order? ftmply a case of torpid liver. Burdock
lllood Bitters will make a new mau or women of
Absclutcly Pure
.For Ffifty Years
An Honored and Respsctad Citizen
and Good Fel;ow,
Mr. Clark N. Greenman is a paradox
in mere ways than one. If there has
ever been a "horse tra 'er" who is an
honest man fince the dayB of David
Harru-n it is Mr. Greeuman. Perhat s
no man in Oregon City or Clackamas
county U more widely known or better
lined. -
On New Y ars dav 1836 he landed in
Oregon City and became a resident here.
trout that good dav until now be lias
lived in Oregon City and has witnes-ied
the growth and development of tiie city
from a mere village to the second city
in Oregon and one of the busiest places
on the coast. .
'J' M s . it
if S:
Mr. Greenman is a "Buckeye" 'by
birth having first seen the light of day
in Summit county ef that state. on the
6h., day of August 1831. Hia father
wai Squire Greenman a native of
Pennsylvania, and hia mother was Miss
Sallie Uetlin. His father died when be
waa but four years of aire and a part of
the burden of providing for the family
of tb aider Greenman fell to the lot of
tbe vpunser boy. Having reached hit
manhood and being desirous ef better
ing bis fortune Mr. Greenman decided
in 1853 to move with his mother and
sisters to the Pacific coast. In those
days that was a big undertaking and
meant not only much expense Dur ai
moat a year of oreoaration and travel,
However the vouna- man was not to be
deterred by tbe difficulties in the way
but with a brave neart ana a sienoer
ourie he set out in tbe purine: of 1853 on
the long trip of 8,000 miles.which bad to
ue an 111 aue nil u au ua icaui uu noguu.
It took Un long months to make the
trip acroea the plaint. Tbe trip was a
pleasant one aside from its difficulties
and danger! .
Mr. Greenman cent his family into
Oregon but himself went to the Sound
country and there be spent the winter
He came to tbe coast to go into the 111 in
ing business and in 1854 went to Cali
fornia and there engaged in mining. He
later worked in the mines in Idaho. It
was not unfit 1805 that he went into
business for himself. He then establish
ed the business of freight handler and
teamster in this citv and from that day
until now has continuously followed his
Mr. Greenman was united in marriage
to Mips Isaphena Collard of this county
at Parkplace, on April lltb, 1856. To
this union three children have been
born all of whom are living, Fred W
Greenman who is 110 Deputy Ctunty
Court clerk of Clackamas county, Lillian
M. Sheapard, Ernest Clark (Bert)
Greenman. v
Mr. Greenman has been a very suc
cessful business man anc is rated as one
Oregon City's most substancial business
men. He is a hale fellow "well met"
and loves his friends and is kind and
genial to bis neighbors and all who
know him. He is now past seventy
eats, threescore and ten yet be 11 kale
and heartv and eveiy day can be seen
on tbe streets of the city attending to
the multifarious duties of his business.
Saved From an Awful Fate.
Kvervbodv said I had consumption." writes
Mrs. A. M, Shields, of Chamhersburg, Pa., " I
waa ao law after six months of severe sickness,
caused by hay fever and asthma, that few thought
1 coula get well, Dull learnea 01 me marvelous
merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, used. it and was completely cured." lor
desperate Throat aud Lnng diseases It Is the safest
eureinthe world, and is liifalllable roriCoughs,
Colds aud Bronchial affections. Guarauteed
bottles 6O0 ane $1 . Trial bottle free at Ueo. A.
Between June 4th and Aagnst 2f!:h. The Illi
nois Central will sell round irioll.iketsl from Ore
gon and WMhlneU'B pelnu to Chicago, Cairo,
Memphis and Mew Orleans at okiati.t bcoucbd
Tickets good for three months. Going llssit
ten days. Returning limit leu dais after starting
west. Stop over privileges eitk r way, weot ef
the Mikwurl river.
S ile dates ere arranged t be convenient for
delegate to convention of National Rilucaaonal
AsKOciation at Boshm; F.llts at luitlinore; Wood
men at Ind.i.ap"ljs; F.agles at New York; Shrn
cm at Harutoga; K-lrhts of I'.vthlai at Loulsvile
and Coniiuerclal travelers at Indianapolis.
You can take your choice of Huteen differen
r .uts. Write us. We will cheerfully give you
any detailed Information you want.
Yours truly,
, ' B H. Tkcmhuli,,
Commercial Agent.
142 Third St., Portland, Oregon,
Maj. and Mrs, Clark
Willamette Hall the Scene of the
Mainr Handbook (11
wife of hint, ric fame, the grandson of
William (Murk of tlio I
u'ia4 UIIU Villi Di
exoedition t)iii Drutrim Pif a tyiotf
last rrit.uv.
While in Hiin nitv ihpv
guests of Hon. C. II . Dye and wife at
ttieir elegant home on the hill. -
un inday nidht Ihev were tendered
a reception at Willamette hall at which
many of the best people of Oregon City
wcio present, major uiarK anu his wife
were preeented by (he ladies of the
Lewis and Clark Woman's club of this
city. Major Clark was introduced by
Mr. Dye and responded in a most in
teresting and entertaining Bpeech.
Other speeches were made by Mrs. Lutke
state president of the Woman's Lewis
and Clark clnbi, Judue William Galla-
wKv.rars. noun Tower Wheatherford,
Mrs. M. M. tharman. Hon f! R
Moores, Rev. Frank Mixsell, Rev E. S.
Boihnger and Rev. J. H. Beaven. Piano
sum were rennere a by Miss Edna Cau
field and Mies Edna Daulton.
The affair as a moet interesting and
entertaining oyie and the visit of Col.
Clark and his good wife to Oregon City
will be lorg remembered by those who
had the opportunity to meet thtm and
hear the Colonel's speech. Colonel
Ulark has seen much of the world, he
bus been in sciion all his life, was in the
war of the Rebellion and terved with
distinction as a Confederate Colonel. He
is a courtley old time gentleman whom
it is a pleaeuie to meet. He will re
turn to Oregon ei d ast-ist ie the opening
ui me gicatru'i ill 1ULO.
Election of Officers and Other Items
of Interest.
Willamette Falls camp. Woodman of
the World, elected the following officers
Friday night to serve for I be eninine
sixmonthi: J. K, Morris, council
commander ; C.E. Tate, adviior liniten.
ant; G. B. Dimirk, mensger; Robert
juurry, sentinel; Harry Stevens, etcort
j. a. rrost, watchman.
Court Robin Hood, No. 9, Foresters of
America, will hold a anmmonB meeting
on Dndav, June 5th. Election of
efflcerg will take place. The financial
secretary and treaiurer bold tffice for
one year, but the Court will elect all
other officers.
Mokl Tm Pasltlrely Cures Sick Headitotie
indigestloi and Constipation. A delightful licet
mm, nmuvaa mu eruptions ol uie siln. pre.
Mi-.uini iiwirut mpi.xieu or money rerundeu
26c and 50c. Write t us for free sample. W.H
Hooker A Co., Buffale, N. I.
Corvallis &. Eastern Railway.
una cid no. 21.
No. 2ror Yaqnlana:
Leaves Albany n4 f, w,
' Corvallis 2:oo . M
Arrives Yaqulea r. u,
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulna :4S A. H.
Leaves Corvallis n;to a. H
Arrive Albany 12;1 p.
o a lor ueirou:
Leavts Albany 7:()a.m.
Yrnves Detroit lo-iss u
No. 4 from Uetroit: , '
Leaves Detroit 2M t. u.
Arrives Albany 6:36 1. M.
Trnln No. 1 arrives In Alb nnv In tluio to en .
liect with the 8. P. south bimml tmln w.ll ,
giving two or three hours in Albany before de
parture of 8. V. North bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P, trains at
Corvallis and Albany glvlngdirect service to New
port and adjaoetu hearties.
Train 8 for Detroit, Breltehbush and other
m.'tiiualn resorts leaves Albany at 7 (10 a. m.,
reaching Detroit at noon, glvlnir ample time to
reach tne reach the Springs snmc da .
r or lurtner lniurmatlou apply to
Agent Albany,
II H Ckonisk,
Agent Corvallis.
Constipated Bowels
Tn have fffind hi alh tha Virtyl.. t.. 1 .
in alaxstive condition , aud tiie bowels moved
at least ouoe a day, so that all the poslsonous
wactes are expelled dully. Mr. O, L. Edwards
142 N: Main Hi., Wilchlta, writes: "I have used
Herbine to rejulate the liver and bowels for the
ntBt ten VPAm and fmiml It a roll. 1. 1.. ... 1..,
r j. -wu.iu w .v...... IClUTCf
5Uc at Charman & Co.
Choicest Meats
R. PetZOlds Meat Market
We are still In business at the same
old place
See our Truss Frame before buying
Guns and Ammunition
Blcvcle, Gun and
Main Stcect, Between Gth and 7th
What ajdifference there is
in 5cjcigars? Well, just"5!
"smoke one of those exten
sively advertised cigars, then
Rough and Dressed
DlxBr$ihtr$ of Scbubtl,
Are now prepared to furnish all kinds of
... , Rough and Dressed Lumber. ,
Yellow Fir Lumber cut
out of the best tim-
ber, and furnished 'at
reasonable prices : : : :
LnmlierlCnt to. Order oh Short Notice.
Write or call.
Dix Brothers m
Scbubtl &rr
Daily River Excursions
Leaves Portland
Leaves Oregon
7 00 A. M.
IO 00 "
1 20 P. M
4 30 "
8 30 A. M.
11 30 "
3 00 P. M.
6 15 "
No Way Landings
Oregon City Transpariation Co:.
I'iione40 porti.aice
Su'jJ j.it to chmijre w ilnout notlcs,
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Best Place
on EarthA.
For wagons, buggies; har
ness and all lines of fai ti
and there la not a case of I
in existence that cannot be
quickly and permanently cure'I
by Perrln't Pilt Sptcttic.
You take it that's all. New
price One Dollar a buttle at
vour druKia'. If ho hiiaii't it
write to
Dr. Perrin Medical Co.,
lltlena, Moiit.
. ',i
A...' v'
1 Immediate