Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 22, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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m IttfliKiN Oi'lV OOUKiEK FRIDAY, MAY 22, J903
the Planet Salon
IHflllP't Wllikll isthe beBt in the wor'(l- It 8 distilled
rlUMl'1 YTIHCJIYIJ from selected grain In the mountains of
Kentucky. We also carry all ttie other first-class brands.
Old Crow Dewars' Scotch Yellowstone
Hermitage John Begg's Scotch montictllo 7fp
, Cyrus noblt mcKane's Pure Walt Wilson Whisky
dunterJiyt Canadian Club Cream fye
and the Celebrated RED TOP WHISKY
The finest Resort In the city
zOarde Building, next to the Suspension Bridge:
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed
Some famous old brands t
James E.
Old Sam
SSSS OldRoxbury Rye
Cor, Railroad Ave. and Main St
mW lIllliuilfllMilllll Illllnimlllll illl illli ilfcialll f,n.
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304.
w iHpi""iHiinHlimiiHlliii mpium nptin iiiBiiniiigiiiiwimriiniirjinmimiiniiimpiBf
Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable
FmeRigstoLct at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager,
The Best Laundry is
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Docs not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Heals at All Hours Open Day and Nlghl
Prlcea Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
Li very Feed
Nearly Opposite
First Class Rigs of all Kinds
at Reasonable Prices
Oregon Gty : : : Oregon
Kelly & Huconicb
and when you
drink, dr In k
the BET.
attd Cigars
Pepper, Kentucky Burbon
Harris Kentucky Bourbon
iil"l''''''J'"J-''''lft"'ii;;ii;fiii;:'NiiLliiiiiitliirA': Ilium,
We carry the only complete line
of Caekets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming? a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
SatiBfaction guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
the Cheapest
Brown & Welch
-Pkoi'kiktors of tub-
A. O. U. W. Building
and Sale Stable
Suspension Bridge
A Woman's Wealth.
Paine's Celery
It is maintained by many distinguished
writers that the greatness of a nation depends
much upon the physical condition of its
women. The general conditions which con
tribute to health and long life, are those which
do not imply a rapid and unequal exhaustion
of those powers by which life is maintained.
While we assert that the women of our land
stand peerless for beauty and the virtues that
make them lovable, we cannot hide the fact
that there are thousands in our midst who,
owing to overwork, worry, household cares,
and an unequal exhaustion of life power, have
become weak, nervous, sleepless, and debili
tated. We bring to the attention of all weary,
despondent, hopeless, and sickly women
earth's great rescuer and health builder,
Paine's Celery Compound. Thousands of
healthy women around us owe their present
vigor, activity, . and robustness to Paine's
Celery Compound. Mrs. Stephen Smith, St.
Paul, Minn., tells how she was snatched from
the grave; she says:--
" I had a bad attack of la grippe this spring
and was at death's door, and no one ever
expected me to recover. I was so weak that
as soon as they brought me out of one faint
I was in another. I could not lake any
nourishment, and doctors' medicines did me
no good. A friend advised my husband to
get me a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound,
which be did, but had no faith in it. The
second day after taking the Compound, I
began to get real hungry and took an interest
in things. I had everything that money and
loving care could supply, and with that and
Paine's Celery Compound, I am now doing
my own work, while three months ago I was
almost in the grave. I know that I owe my
health and strength to Paine's Celery Com
pound, and shall always recommend it."
Diamond Dyes
They are easy to use, and
are made for home use and
home economy. Diamond
Dyes never disappoint and
will make the old clothes
look new. 50 different colors.
Direction book and 45 dyed eemplee free.
DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt.
Central Grange
The leading spirits of Central Grange
have so fully succeeded in making its
monthly met tings both interesting and
entertaining that it can, in this respect,
teach a v luable lesson to other subor
dinate granges who are less successful
in devising features that will hold the
minds of members.
Central's strong point is music and
plenty of it. Brother Hughes is the
guiding and impiring spirit in the mnlti
tude ol rousing, lively songs tha' are rung
Musical success of others is Ins -idy re
ward. At present the lecturer's hour is made
doubly interesting by a literary and
oratorical contest, and if Central Grange
intends to continae this until all its
oratorical and histrionic talent is ex
hausted, it will never get through, for
the genius of its numerous young
members is rapidly developing.
Fun, amusement youth is optimistic
and laugh gather in the humanity that
is growing up and it is then where the
noble ordrr of the Patrons of Husbandry
fulfills its high mission, in building for
the future. The nope of the order lies
in the future.
Last Saturday Central voted in five
new members and received two applica
tions, and next quarter its total mem
bership will be 70 or over.
The Speed of a Quail.
While the writer was riding a bicy
cle on the road near the base line bridge
he startled two Oregon quails, one of
which took flight and the other one
started to run along the load. The bi
cycle was travelii g at about 11 miles an
hour and the quail was able to keep at
the same distance ahead. The rider
tried speeding up a little, to about 12
miles, when the quail was se n to be
losinu ground. After maintaining this
speed lor about 200 feet, the eutire dis
tance xas about 4"0 feet, the quail's
wings were seen to slowly move out from
the body and a slight fluttering to take
place. At the same time the biid gradu
ally raised from the ground until the
wings were about half spread, the feet
were nseiess lor propelling purposes,
and the bird turned aside and entered
the brush just as the bicycle was passing
At no time did the quail use its wings
while running, Hnd when the wings were
used at the last end the whirr was not
heard. The thought in the mind of the
writer is what is the possible speed that
quails can attain, and are there other
birds in Oregon that can run as fast as
the quail. H. CulpaN.
The South End R .ad.
It does look likn Orounn Pits nm.ltt ,
1 have more than 0110 way to get out of
lunu.. ine uourier has personal or
direct interest in the south end road.
That it it a feasible project there can be
no question. That the cost ol the road
will not be large in proportion to ,he
benefits to be derived from it is a con
ceded fact. Th Council hurt ahnnf
made up its min.t to build the road and
it will be a good day for Oregon City
when this thoioughfare is opened up for
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
Pasture for Rent.
WmHahn to A L Carson, lots 3,
4 of blk 13, Baalows...: $ 1
A L Caron to A R CarBon, lots I, 2.
blk 30, 2, 3 of blk 30, 2, 3, blk 46
of Oswego 1
Springwater Presbyterian church to
J P Bepen, 1-2 as in sec 5,4, 4 e. .
A Lawsonto J tScbram, n 1-J of sw
sec 11 and 43 as sec 14, 4 3 e. . . .
Gower to J G Kutizie, lots 1, 2, 7
J and 8, blk 63. Oak Grove
F oeorge to C H Johnson, n 1-2 of
n 1-2 of ee cf sic 29, 1, 4 e .
OBrunnto E F Riley, 1-6 int in
Blks 61, 63. 79. 80 and Omo
place, Milwankie 175
iierteison to (Jlackamas Abstract
Trust Co s 1-2 of se, s 1-2 of sec
22,4,4 e
O&CRCotoJ LThomas'swof
se 01 sec 1, e, 1 e 320
j jacoDson to u E Noble, n 1 2 of
nw of sec 36,2, 6 e 1
M Cathero to A F Siokes, lot 6 of
blk 2, Canemah 200
Wm Sturm to B Johnson, n i-2 of
sw of te of sec 34, 5,2 e 150
0 W P & R Co to M Greaves, pt of
lot 4, elk 1, Green Point... 1
J P Ward by sheriff to State Land
Board, sw of nw and Intn 1 9 s
9 and 10 in sec 19, 3, 4 e ' !
A F Knoght to O B Mack Int. 9. bit
2, Canby
J C Carson to E A Johnson, lots 9
to 13, 1 and 2 in blk 36. lot 4. blk
45, Oswego 40
Kj fceott, assignee to J T Aapperson,
lots 9 to 16, blk 83, Minthorn. . . .
F Aldredge to J N Harrington, lot
2, blk 3. Randall's Sub
J F Wilson 10 F W Lehman, a 1 9.
of n 1-2 of sec 12, 2, 5 e 1
Wm Barlow to C Huiaas, 32 as in
sec 41, 3, 1 e
J Vertrim to M V Wetz II, tract' in
sec 33, 2. 4 e
Wash Bldg & Loan Assctn, to J VV
Harrison blk 8. Sellwnnd Add
F A Cochy to J Johnson, s 1 1-2 of
0 II Warthen to 0 D Elliott. 80 as
in sic 8 and 17, 4,5 e 1500
S A tucker to A Gary, 41 as in La
cy elm 4, 4 e
8 L & I Co to C Richter, lots 2 and
3 in blk 62, Oak Grove
G&CRRtjo toCG FoBter, sec 1
o, o e
S Tanner to G B Dimick. lot fi 'hlt
19. Bolton 115
Kj u uimick to D fcoisberg, same as
H Pamperin to M Pamperin',"70 as
in sec; 31, 2, le ....
J Wilkinson to Wm McLarity, lots
1 auu o, oik BO, U U
A Stock J Finnucan. lots 6 and 7.
blk 17, Park Addition 775
A M Singleton to C Hettman. lot 6,
blk 20, Bolton 200
E Charman to J A Bauer, blk. 15
Clackamas Heights 300
J J Johnson tt al to A L CarBon,
lots 1 and 2. blk 30. 2 and 3 in 45
of Oswego 70
U A hteel to A L Carson, lots 2 and
3, blk 45. Oswego 495
Some land buj ers have been In our
A. Swales and Philip Kohl have made
some new fence.
It is reported that Philip Kohl is about
to sell his valu .ble Portland properly.
Manv Logan Granger will attend the
State Grange in Oregon City on the 26th
ft the two days thereafter.
Patrons of the cheese factory are
pleased to know that the price of cheese
is still at the high-water maik.
Road supervisor, J. Sprague has been
smoothing up the grading machine.
H. An lerson and J. Sprague use disc
plows and consider them a success,
W. W. Austen, formerly of Logan,
has become a perman ent resident of
Hamilton, Graut Co.
Henry Swales is improving the land
I19 recently purchased.
A rbureta .
From all indications we will have
good crops this year.
Arthur Erickson has returned from
Molalla, where he has beeu working
with Mr. Gibhs.
Dale Mitchell has been on the sick
list this week.
R. J. Oirilen sold his hogs to Mr. Dick
ereon at Ely.
Abel Thomas, of Beavercreek, sheared
eheep forD. F. LeFevte and Dr. James
Little Misa Martin, of Beaver Creek,
wsb in Arbureta Monday calling on
The choir of Central Grange met at
Mr. LeFevre's Monday night. Tbey
are preparing for the State Grange at
uregon City.
Mr. Judd was here assessing last week
and the increase in the valuation of
property jince his departure is wonder
ful. Axiom.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four
teen Years of Suffering.
'.' Ihave been afflicted with sciatic
rhematism for fourteea years," says
Josh Edgari of Germantown, Cal. "I
was able to be around but constantly
sutftred. I tried everything I could
hear of and at last waa told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did and
was immediately relieved aud in a short
time cured, and I am happy to say it
ia i not since returned." Whv not use
ii liniment and g t well? It is for sale
y G. A. Harding.
Sick Hendfti-he Hbsoluteljr and permanently
oiirnl by uitit Mold Te A lasant herb ilrluk
nir Constipation and Indigestion, makti you
cat, ilep, work and happy. Satisfaction gunrHti'
ao W. 11. Hooker & ''i.. Huffulo, N. Y., for a tree
ample, nowou oz .loues,
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine i Tablets.
Seven Minion boxes sold in past 1 2 months. This Signature,
Kaufman Garments
and Custom Tailoring are
On a Par.
No merchant tailor makes
clothes that wear better, that
look better or fit better.
Each suit or overcoat has that
out of the ordinary look which
immediately stamps it as the
peer of any ready-to-wear gar
ment manufactured. To wear
a "Kaufman Garment" means
comfort, style, economy and
The "Kaufman" overcoats are recognized
everywhere as the highest order of tailor
ing and draping. No other make of over
coats give such universal satisfaction, and
best of all the cost of these garments is
very moderate. Ask to see the "Kauf
man" Topscot.
Look them over at
Will dispose of his entire stock of
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
Sale will begin on Thursday, March 19th
at 9 A. M. and continue until all is sold
We invite all our friends (and that means everybody)
in Oregon City and throughout Clackamas County and in
Portland to attend this sale.
Jill Our Goods are flew and VptO'date
We will not quote prices here but if you need any
thing in the shoe line within the next six months, it will pay
you to buy now,
We take this opportunity of thanking our many
friends for their liberal patronage during the last fourteen
years. We are very sorry to have to break the many ties
of friendship that has existsd between us for so long a time we
but deem it wise te extend our business to broade fields.
Anyone finding themselves indebted to us will please
call Dromptly and settle their accounts. Any parties holding
co upons had better use them at once.
Every boot and shoe in the house will be marked in blue
pencil figures so you can. see at a glance what the goods will
cost you. A sample pair of every kind will be on an open
tabl so yon can pick the shoe you want instantly. We will
have a number of clerks on hand so that all can be waited on
promptly. The earlier you come the more choice you have
Remember the date, Thursday, March 19th
Yours to Cor" "land,
McKittrick "The Shoe Man"
Next Door to Bank of Oregon City
N. B. This add. will also appear In next Sunday's Oregonian.
J. F. 0'Donnell,
Top buggies, $55 andup
Open buggies $25 and up
Carriages and Hacks, Milburn
Wagons, Corumbus Buggies.
Things to be 5ure of
All that any drug store can claim to give you, you are sur
of here. Many things that no other store can give you, you are
sure of here. A large progressive business has facilities for serv
ing you that others must lack. Buy your drugs whert your
money goes farthest and quantity is certain. Look at this list:
Castoria 24c
Syrup of Figs 24c
Celery Compound 7?c
Peruna 85c
Carter's, Avers', Pierce's Pills 2i)c
Pure Prepared paint, f 1 75 gal., cut to
$1 .60. 20 per cent off on Cameras.
'Phone 13, mall Orders Solicited,
To Cure a Cold in One Day
si tiros.'
covKiefrr not
Shoe Man"
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Presses, Iron and Wood, Pumps
Plows and Harrows, Cream Sepa
rators. Try our developer, 25c. perbottle
Black ink, two 5c bottles for 5 cents.
Toilet Paper 4c per roll, 7 for 25c
"Jumbo" large rolls, 15c, 2 for 25c
Oueen Toilet, Pkg 4c
Necessity Toilet, Pkg 10, for 25c
Toothpicks per box, 4c, 7 for 25c.
Cores Crip
fat Two Days.
on every
box. 25c