Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 08, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Mountain Flew.
J. Gillett is building a new barn for
Duane Ely & Co .
Mr, Renner is moving the May store
building this week.
Rev.iCraig will go out to Currinsville
next Sunday to preacb.
The Epworth Leaeue meets here every
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. laylor has taken a rel'pse, but
e bope lor a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Iteilly is dangerously ill and was
taken to the hospital Sunday.
The suc'den change in the weather last
week caused a great many to take severe
Mr. Dodge and wife moved into town
last week, he having sold his shingle
mill at Beaver ureek.
Mountain View peiple can boast of
two wind mills now. George Ely is
erecting a Samson wind mill and a large
water tank.
Mrs. Craig accompanied Kev. Craig
to Molall a laet Sunday and organized a
Women's Parsonage and Home Mission
Society at the TeaBel Creek school
Mr. Wittie continues fo hold English
services every 1st and 3d Sundays in the
month .
Mrs. Weisenborn and Mrs. Anna Po
livka, her daughter, visited relatfves
here last week.
John Schattz, who has been a patient
sufferer for a coupleof years, had to have
tome teeth extracted.
Mte.O. Z. Holton was up from St
Helens visiting f i iends last week, and
returned to tier borne luesday.
gardens, bleating lambs and piping
itinn, ilnibanfl nva. oil tlia htna
smiling canopy of Heaven that's Staf
A man from Dayton wanted to tent a
place her, as he was very much im
pressed with the country. We are too,
so we don't rent. However, some peo
pie from Dakota didn't like the occasion
al rail's, and moved on 10 uaiiiorma.
W. 0. W. Hall was filled to overflow
ing with Pendo people Monday evening
last. The occasion was the election of
a representative to the supreme coun
cil. Everybody enjoyed a plenBant eve-
ing. Ice cream and cake were served,
Maud Seely, who has been a sufferer
for many mouths, quietly passed away
on Friday morning, and was followed to
the grave on ' umlay afternoon by a
long procession of son owing friends and
neighbors, The remains were laid to
lest in the cemetery at Stafford.
Borne of he farmers were generally
"bitten" by a snide commission house
in Portland, who sold their spuds and
pocketed the m-jney. It is said that the
Peters Bros, came out worse than the
other farmers. They lost $150. We did
not learn the name of the firm, however,
It has been closed out, but that is poor
consolation to the farmers who were
swindled. Hanging is too good for such
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has bad experience
with this disease, tells bow to prevent
any dangerous conseq ences from it.
She says: Our three children took
whooping cough last summer, our baby
boy being only three months old, and
owing to our giving them Chamberlain's
Oougli Remedy, they lost none of their
plumpness and came out in much better
health than other children whose par
ents did not UBe this remedy. Our old
est little girl would call lustily for cough
syrup between whoops. Jessie Pinkey
Hall, Springville, Ala. This remedy is
ot sale by G, A. Harding.
Dexter White has a new buggy.
Norman Howard sold his horse to
Clyde Smith.
Mr. Willis and Irving Pratt have gone
to the bunch grass couutry.
Miss Rachel and Llziie Lewis visited
Mrs. Jones of Greenwood Monday.
Some of the Carus boys went to Port
land last Sunday to attend the base ball
Chas. Spangler lost a valuable horse
but replaced itjwith a new buggy and
Mrs. Gardener has improved the looks
of her no v house very much by having
it painted.
John Jones has a foundation for a
new barn, which he intends to have
built soon.
Edwin Howard and family went to
Macksburg Sunday to visit Mrs
llowaid's mother.
Ross Eaton, of Oregon City, took din
ner with his cousins, Ralph Howard and
sister Monday.
Delia White and C. C. Merical went
to Portland Saturday and returned Sun
day with a friend.
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Williams of
Oregon City, were visiting relatives at
Carus one day this week.
Mr, Spats is all smiles now on account
of there being a little daughter at his
home. Mother and child are doing nice-
Mr. Burrent raised his barn to-day,
and it took 14 meu and keg of beer to do
thewoik. 1'uncu and Judy.
Sciatlo Rheumatism Cured After Four
teen Years of Suffering.
" Ihave been afflicted with sciatic
rheuiatism for fourteen years," says
Josh Edgari of Germantown, Cal. "I
was able to be around but constantly
sulTered. I tried everything I could
bearot and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did and
was immediately relieved and in a short
time cured, and lam happy to say it
ia not since returned." Why not use
ii liniment and gjt well? It it for sale
y G. A. Harding.
theTsure way
to nrawil riieuruonla nil assumption U to euro
youVeold whcu It lir.1 appears. Acker a Kiigli.h
ltemedr will stop the cough In a night, ej.d
drlle the col.l out of your system. A way. a
niilck end sure oura for Asiuma, Bronchitis, and
i' lhroit Mluu. twnbles. If It do, not satis y
no thadniinrlBt will refund your monty. Writ
L0i forfrm?e, W. U. W.r (!., Bul
flo,N. Y. Howell Jones. (
Fortune Telling
does not take into consideration the one
essential to woman's happiness wom
anly health. There is many a woman
whose future seems absolutely unclouded
who is marked by her own condition for
future disappointment and distress.
1 he woman wno
neglects herhealth
is neglecting the
very foundation of
all good fortune.
For without health
love loses its lustre
and gold is but
Womanly health
may be retained or
regained by the
use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion. It establishes
regularity, dries
the drains which
weaken women,
heals inflamma
tion and ulcera
tion and cures fe
male weakness. It
makes weak wom
en strong, sick
women well.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. All correspondence
held as strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
e I have taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription," writes Miss M. Fyfe, of Orilla,
Simcoe Co.. Ontario, "and two Dottles of the
1 Pleasant Pellets 1 as you advised for congestion
of uterus, ovaries, and weakness, and can safely
Bay that your medicine has been the means of
restoring me to good health again, which I had
not had for over three years, until taking your
medicine. I thank you very much for your kind
and prompt attention to my letter asking advice."
"Favorite Prescription" has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved substi
tute in its place.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
complexion and sweeten the breath.
Potato planting is the order of the
Mr. Larkins and daughter, Tessa,
made a business trip to Silverton fciatur
Our school closed last Friday.
Miss Cora Heal, the teacher bid her
friends good-by and departed lor ner
home Saturday.
Mary Miller went to Silverton one day
last week .
Mrs . Hattie My rs went to Needy one
day last week to Bee her sick brother
There was no preaching here on Sun
day morning as our preacher was called
to attend a funeral at JNeedy .
Mrs. Adams went to Woodburn on
Saturday and on her way back her horse
became frightened and she was thrown
from the buggy and was seriously hurt.
Mrs. Milstead from Missouri Ridge is
taking care of Mrs. Larkins.
Mrs. Ada Bentley has gone to Oak
Grove to her new home.
Miss Lillie Bentley went to Portland
Monday to make Ler brother, Obestly,
a vibit.
G. W. Bentley mads a trip to Wood
burn Monday.
Danger of Colds and Grip.
Tne greatest danger from colds and
grip is their resuming in pneumonia. If
reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. Among the tens
of thousands who have used this reuie
d for these diseases we have yet to
learn of a single case having resulted in
pneumonia, which shows conclusively
that it is a certain preventive of that
dangerous disease. It will cure a cold
or an attack of the grip in tees time than
any other treatment. It is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale byG.A. Hard
ing. Canby.
Thero was a very enjoyable birthday
party at the residence jot Mr. and Mrs
Albee Shank Tuesday evening. The
amusements were music, games, etc.
Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Delta
Shank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattocks,
Mr. and Mrs. Had Perry; Misses Myr
tle and Zura Stalnaker and Alice Arm
strong; Mes rs. John Frede, John Stal
naker and Lee Perry.
John Stalnaker has purchased the
livery stable of William Armstrong and
will conduct the business at the same
Otto Evans made, a business trip to
Oregon City Wednesday.
Herman Vorpahl, Ky Stogsdill, John
Graham and Mrs, Seltz went to Oregon
City on legal business Wednesday.
Mrs. L. T. Batten made a businei trip
to PortlandJWednesday.
Mrs. Henry Smith was in Portland
Tice brothers visited the metropolis
Wiley May is preparing to move his
ware house on the other side of the store
this week.
Mrs Beattie our recent postmistress
was up visiting Mrs. uuira Billiard and
calling on old neighbors last Friday.
Rev. Arnold held services in the
church for the last time last Sabbath, as
he has taken up a new field. Mr . Kev,
Smith of Portland will preach every two
week here.
Mrs, Chas Moran gave a very delight'
ful party for her Sabbath school class
at her home last Saturday afternoon
Irom two to sis o'clock. The house was
beautiflly decorated with flowers and
ferns, Misees Maud Moran, Marybelle
Meldrura and Hazel and Mable Francis
assisted in entertaining the children.
After the dainty lunch was served the
children departed and each was present
ed with a little heart souvenir by their
A Rksidsnt,
What Thin Folks Need
Is a greater power of digesting and as
similating food. For them Dr. King's
New Life Pills work wonders. They
tone and regulate the digestive ergans,
gently expel all poisons from the system,
enrich the blood, improve appetite.make
hoaltby flesh. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding.
C fimirh in nnahln to work now on ac
count of an attack of rheumatism.
Mr. Murphy spent several days in
Portland transacting business
Our school was visited Monday after
noon by the Misses White, of Carus, and
Linebaugh, of Portland.
The library has been transferei from
Mr. Murphy's to the post office.
Taft Vtrrtthora Itift. TiimHav for East
ern Washington, where they expect to
spend me summer.
fin laaf Eviflaw Avanino nrrHirreri one
w II IW), . J x. . w - n
of the best sociable events of the season
at th home of Mr. and Mrs' naruesty.
There were about forty invited guests
and the evening was spent in games and
pleasant conversation mini mie uuui
when all departed for home, feeling it
was good to have been there.
Stab Gazer No. 2.
Maes Meeting.'
The Socialist of Clackamas county are
hereby notified to meet at the office of
Judge Ryan at the court house in Ore
gon City Saturday May 16th., 1903 to or
ganize the county for the Congressional
fight in June and to transact other im
portant business. Ad Socialist are
earnestly requested to be present.
W. M. Beard, Chiirman.
Socialist party of Clackamas Co.
Marks Fralrle,
Grain and hops are looking fine.
William Leach, of this vicinity, was in
Canby Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Kesselring Sunday.
Wood Johnston is working for Mr.
Rdlph Gribble was visiting friends at
Bailow Sunday.
Will Kendall is planting potatoes dur
ing the pleasant weather.
A "Lucky atar" and a
"Lucky Man" who owns
Steel, Galvanized after com
pleted, which leaves no cut
edses exposed to rust. Ball
Bearings, Weight Regulator,
Buy the STAR and make no expen
sive mistake.
m Minis
Champion Draw Cut Mower
Champion in the field for loo3 same
I as in other seasons.
It draws the bar No push.
The most powerful cutter.
Easiest to operate.
Most Durable.
Choose the Champion and get satis
Machinery, including Binders, Mowers and Rakes
, We keep in stock the Celebrated Mitchell
Wagons which we sell at Portland Prices
nfl Wn We carry in stock a full and complete line of Hardware, Tin-
lOLill tl tt til ware, Stoves and, in fact, a thousand and one other things
you need in your business or in your homes that we have not space to mention. We only ask
tha tyou come and see and let us "show you." Bring us your wool, we pay top prices. We
solicit your trade and guarantee satisfaction.
The basket social given in the hell at
Needy by the Dryland school was a
grand success.
Polk Gribble has purchased a young
team from Mr. Bowers, of Aurora.
Miss Mabel Kocher and brother, Earl,
were visiting at the Gribble home Sun
day. Died at her home near Needy, March
24th, Miss Lillian Thompson, daughter
of William Thompeon. The remains
were interred in the Rock C eek ceme
tery on the following Sunday. The
Western Hope Lodge, D. of R., of which
order she was an esteemed member, had
charge of the funeral after the services
by the minister from Marquam. The
floral offerings were many and beautiful.
The bereaved family have the sympa
thy of this community, as she was uni
versally beloved by all who knew her.
Ed Jones, who has been visiting rela
tives and friends in CaruB, left for Port
land Friday to work.
Mrs. Ben Faust called on Mrs. Fred
Vonderahe Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Howard was the guest of
Mrs. Lthel Spangler Thursday.
Delia White and brother, Charlie, went
to the party at Hardesty's in Mulino
Nevada Dills is now under the car
of Dr. Goucher.
Charlie and Albert White were the
pleasant callers of Edwin Howard and
family inursuay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tresmond, of
Portland, accompanied by Miss Vioa
Graham were visiting friends in Carus
Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, of Mu'
lino, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Caseday Sunday.
Everett H. Green is staying with his
aunt, Mrs. Stedharp.
Charlie Thomas and Edith Jackson
were the guests of Misb Jackson's aunt,
Mrs Spangler, Sunday.
known all overthis country as the stralght-
est piece of goods put out in the buggy
line. Made especially for Oregon roads.
New features added, making it better for
iooi than ever before. A comfortable,
durable buggy. Try it. Prove it.
Evan's Potato Planter
Plant your spuds with it. They will
come up like "pickets on a fence."
Time and
Wagons, Buggies, Farming Implements
Misses Shannon and Havhurst were
the guests of Til lie Thomas Sunday af
Mrs. Faust and daughter, Nevada,
called on Mrs. Spatz and Mrs. Elmer
and family, ol Uanby.
Lucy and Clara Guyer visited their
parents Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. Minnie Fanion, of Oregon City,
visited her mother and daughter Bun
day evening.
The baseball bovs played a very suc
cessful game Sunday afternoon on App
Jones' place back of Mr. Gregory's.
Norman Howard expects to leave for
San Francisco, Cal., soon.
Delia White and brother, Charlie,
went lo Oregon City Sunday.
There will be services in the Evan.
gelical church Sunday afternoon, May
10. Central.
The people of Abequa are farming and
many are in the sawmill business.
The largest eawmill here is owned by
Opsund & Wilson. Caius Herman is
head sawyer, and is prepared to furnish
dressed and rough lumber.
Several salmon have been caught
in the Abequa showing that some
salmon get over the falls at Oregon City,
Trout fishing here is very good, but
would be better if the fish warden would
visit this stream and put a stop to the
sawdust being thrown in the stream and
it is being done by several sawmills that
are located on a stream that flows into
the Abequa. Rambler.
For Those Who Live On Farms.
Dr Bergin, Pana, 111., writes: Ihave used Bal
lard's Snow Liniment: alWays recommetid to my
heads, as I am confident there is no better msde.
It Is a dandy for burns." Those who live on farms
are espeoialy liable to many accidental cuts,
burns and bruises, which heal rspidly when Bal'
lard's Snow Liniment is applied. II should al
wnys be kept in tne house for cases of emer
gency. 26c, 50c and fl st Cbarman & Co.
Lead all in the 4 Essential Features:
Close Skimming,
Easy to Clean,
Light Running.
Cannot beat this combination in any
Separator. Write for our proposition.
Most clever all round grainy
drill yet produced.
Light draft
Easily handled
Accurate and
Positier Force Feed
Will last for years.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures muuc uy ui.
Kilmer's Swamp-
I Kilmer's bwamp
Root, the great kid
.ney, liver and blad-
fW rpinedv.
It is tne great mea
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after year9
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
tuccessf ul in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if youhaye
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trou
1.1. uti .....;;, mpntifiTi readintr thia
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. Binghamton, 1
N. Y. The regularf
dnllar R17P bottles are Home of Swamp-Root.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
The month of May is opening with the
moBt pleasant weathor in the Paradise
of Eden country any human being can
wish for.
Crops of all kinds look well and prom
ise a bountiful jield,
Mr. Brier, of Rosebuag, who is run
ning a profitable fish market in that
place, was transactine business in these
narts, and also visited his brother-in-law,
tlans Spar, near Needy, last week.
Judging by the rate Mr. Marsii is tak
ing beef hides to town, leather will be
cheap and plentiful in the near future.
Died on April 25th, at Phoenix, Ari
zona, Leonard Heinz. The remains were
laid to resi in the Zion cemetery near
Canby on the 30th. Deceased was 23
years old and leaves one brother and a
sister besides a host of friends to mourn
his sad demise. This is the Bixth vic
tim the Angel of Death has claimed in
tht grief stricken family within a period
of not quite three years.
Carl Da mm has presented his mother
with a bran new organ on her birthday.
Chris Yost passed through our burg
last week with a new two-horse "ultiva
tor. That's right, Chris, that's the way
to make the tubers grow.
The Misses Julia and Millie Kabourek
are visiting Misses Emma Damm this
Otia Morris ia talking of joining the
old maid's union since the girls are
all taking the Faithful Messenger.
Fred Yohann passed through our burg
last week v itb a new Columbia mower
and rake. He ii bound to have tb
best. Fred sayB he has everything h
needs now but a little "squaw."
Mr. and Mra. Peter Uornick, of Can
by, visited among friends in our burg
John Kabourek built a new front gate
and says the boys had about cut the old
one in two.
I - Spring Ailments.
There Is an aching and tired feeling; the liver
bowels and kidneys beoome sluggish and tnao
live, the digestion impaired, with little or no ap
petite, no ambition for anything, and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs toning ap.
The trouble is, that during winter, there has been
an accumulation of waste matter in the sysBt.
Herbine will remove it, secure to the secretioas a
right exit, and i-y its tonic effect, fully restore th
wasted tissues and give strength In place of
weaknesa, 60c at Charman & Co.
Balock ia a new town. Just watch
her grow.
All of the farmers are done seeding
and summer fallow plowing ia in full
Smith Brothers are the big farmers 0
this oart of thecountry. They are plow
ing with seven ploss and twelve horses
i to each plow-
E iKUeorge Michel, of Qervaia, has been
visiting in this couutry during tha past
week. He will shortly return to hia
Every one in Btlock is in favor of the
Portage road at Celilo Falls.
Walter Hess, of Newburg, is working
in this place for Smith brothers. He
expects to return home this coming
Chas, Smith, of Eagle Creek, is locat
ed fo. the present at this place.
William Dillaboy took a flying trip to
the John Day coun ry the otner day re
taming home Sunday.
James Agee and many others are wish
ing for more rain.
Qrain is suffering. More rain means
more grain and more beeta.
The boys who are working on the)
Smith place caught a cayote and seven,
Joe Barnes of Qervais, Marion county,
has been here all spring, and he is now i
wishing that the Fourth of July would
soon come so he could go to web Foot
and buy a car load of hogs.
ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residenta
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law .
pOR RENT.fumished and nnfurnished
rooms for rent. Inquire of Chas.
Schram, Cor. Sixth and Water St.
If yon are troubled with Impure blood. In 1!
caled b sores, i imples, headache,etc , we would
reoommend Acker's Bool Elixir, which we sell
under a posture guarantee. It will always enra
Scrofulous or Svphilitio poisons and all blood dis
eases. 50c and $L Howell & Jones.
Terrible plagues, those Itching, pestering dis
eases of ihe skin. Pot an end to misery. Doan'l
Ointment cures. At any drug store.