4 OREGON r CITY COURIER, FRIDAY",: v MAY 8, 190J OREGON CITY COURIER Published Erery Friday by OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING CO J. H. Wsstovhk, Sdltor and Biulnesa Managw K. Lei WitaiOTEB, Local Editor. HE SLEEPS. fetarad In Oregon City Poatoffloa aa 2nd-olM nattar 8CB8CE1FTION EATK8. PaM In arivnnpA. nr ear 1 50 Six mouths '5 Clubbing Bate. Oregon City Courier and Weekly Oregontan .12.25 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Courier- Journal - - .y0 Oreitou City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.60 Oregon City Courier and the Cosmopolitan 2 25 rw.,,n niiv OouripT and the Commoner K0O fr-Thc aate opposite yonr addreaa on the .per aonoieatne nraeto wuict juuuwc lijthls notice i a marked yonraubscilptlon ia due, OREGON OITY, MAY 8, 1903. THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT IN OREGON. During the last week the sun 1ms kiHsod the hills and valleys and moun tain tops of Oregon and turned them one and all into a blaze of glory. The valleys are rich with the promise of the harvest, the hills and woodlands are covered with bloom and Spring time casts its aroma into the atmo sphere with prodigal hands ; the moun tain tops are pinaoled peaks of virgin snow, pointing their crests into the eternal hluo. No where in all the earth does the sun shine brighter or the world look fairer than here in Oregon. BENEATH A WILDERNESS OF FLOWERS AND FRIENDS' OOOD WISHES. From all over Clackamas county eomes good news anent the political situation. The Democrats where ever they be are up and in line for Mr. Roams. That the Democratio party will poll a much larger per cent of its vote than will Mr. Hermann is a fore gone conclusion. The time for a man to succeed is when the opportunity presonts itself. The time for a party to succeed is when the opportunity is before it. The congressional election this Juno is but a preliminary to the big fight that is to be pulled off next year. The eyes of the nation are now on the First Oregon, district. Let every democrat stand by his convic tions and his party and a victory for right over wrong, for honest govern ment over corruption and rotteunoss, is sure to follow. Brother W. W. Myres, of socialistic proclivities, has broken out in a new spot this week and intimates that the Courier has criticised the socialists and him for desiring to apply the Re ferendum to the Lewis and Clark fair. The Courier lias done nothing of the kind. Any man or set of mon have a right under the laws of the state of Oregon to invoke the referen dum upon any question that has been enacted into law, provided thoy secure a proper number of signatures and put up a sufficient amount of money. While we know that Oregon is badly governed and hopelessly tax riddon we bolieve the people will make a mis tako mid ono that it will tuko yours k correc t if they defeat the proposed Fair cither by the referendum or in any other manner. This is only a bolicf on our part. The more people you have in Oregon the lower will your tax rate be and tho better your roadH, schools and churches. The Lewis and Clufk Fair will advertise tho resources of this state in a single KOHKon more and to a hotter advantage than thoy have boon advertised in all tho years that Oregon has been a state. Tho trouble with Oregon is that her people do not pull together Labor is suspicious of capital, and would strike at capital by defeating the Fair. At tho same timo the moneyed men of tho state and tho cor porat ions and tho city of Portland will put up tho big end of tho money to pay for the Fair and they are not so heart ily inoculated with tho Fair idea but what they would willingly call tho entire matter off. Ono section of Ore' gon is jealous of every other sootiou. Tho country is making eyes at Port Und and calling that city a hog. The town is possibly not doing so much for tho remote parts of tho state as it might. One suction of tho state is docrying and belittling every other part of the state. There has been an order issued in l.he City of Oregon City by the fire department that evory resident must scrape tho moss off his house top. If this order could be made general ami of universal appli cation and evory Oregon inn bo re quired to scrape the moss off of his hack, this great state would take a long step in the right direction. Many Oregonians bolieve in tho old maxim "That all thiugs come to him who waits." That being true, the lap of Oregon ought to bo full of all this world affords. But Oregon has been waiting now for about half a, century for her ship to come in "from sea." The wind is now in tho right direc tion and many things nro coming our way. oliail we miviiviik "r opportunities or shall we let the tide of emigration flow around and about 08 while and the car of human pro gress paFses on iuto other states. We hope not. Joe Fromong.Who Lived and Worked, Has Paid Na' ure's Last Debt. Joe Fromong is dead. The jolly.good natured, honest workioimian has paid Nature'tt last deb. Strong ol body and loving all the world he has laid bis bur den down and will sleep until that great day "When the dead shall rise and walk." He was an bonest man and loved all men with whom be cam in contact. He laughed in the face of all the world because in his heart there was nothing of which he was ashamed. He was a laboring man, an honest son of toil, and earned his right to live by the sweat of his face. Tre burden he car ried in life he hag laid down and will await the "Swe3t bye and bye" to meet the good wife and loved ones. Less than two weeks ago that most dread of all diseases, typhoid fever, laid its hands upon bim, Its ravages the s'rong man could not withstand and Tuesday morning he passed away. xi is funeral was conducted Dy tne A. 0. U. W .of which he was a member, and the Knights of Pythias to which he belonged. The ceremony at the Wood men hall was under the auspices of the A.O. U. W.. and the services at the grave was conducted by the Knights. Many friends of the dead were present at the hall and marched with the funeral cortage to the grave Hat Mountain View cemetery, where the body was kid to rest. Tne services were impressive to all of those wl;o knew and loved the good, honest man, whose life had gone out and who awaits the great awaken- ng. Mr. fromong leaves a wife and family to mourn his loss and many, many friends who will miss his smiling face and cheery greeting. ICE WORKS WILL SEND $4.00 FREE. Franklin Milts. M. D., LL. D., the Cele brated Chicago Specialist, Will Send $4.00 Worth of his New Special Treatmeut Free to Each of Our Readers MACHINERY STARTS ON SUNDAY AND ICS IS BEING TURNED OUT. Twenty Five Tons Is the Capacity of tht New Plant. When an experienced physician offers to give away $40,000 worth of a New Treatment for diseases of the heart, nerves, stomach or dropsy, it is conclu sive evidence that tie has great fait n in iV Ad'J when hundreds of prominent people freely certify to his unusual skill and the superiority of His New Special Treatment, his liberality is certainly worthy of serious consideration. That Dr. Miles is one of the world's most successful physicians is proven by hundreds of testimonials from well known people. One patient cured after failure of eleven Grand Rapids physi cians, two after being given up by six nd seven Chicago physicians, another after oine leading doctors in New York City, Philadelphia and Chicago failed. 1000 testimonials sent upon request. The eminent Rev. W. Bell.. I). D. of Diurtan. O., Oeu. 3ec'y of Foreign Mlnloni, writes editori ally in the Slate Sunday School Union: "We desire to attte that from rarsonai acquaint, anco we know Sr. Milt'B to be a moat skillful specia'ist a man who haa spared neither labor nor money to keep hinuelf abreast of the great ad vancement iu medioal science.', The late Prof. J 8, Jewell, M. D., said: "by all means publish your surprising results.'' Prof. J. e. Rose, M. D., Kx Pres. of Rush Medical Col lege, wrote in 18 H: "Dr. Miles hns taken two courses of my private instruction in distaaes of the heart and lungs." Mr. Truman UeWeese, editor ol Chicago Times-Heiald, states: "Dr. Miles cured me ot Inherited headache and dizzl rest," The well-known manufacturer of Free port, 111.. J. C.Scott, says: "1 had iruitle sly spent thousands of dollars on physicians until I consult ed Dr. Miles." Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, writes: Dr. Miles cured me of drupsy after five eadiug physicians had given me up." This new system of Special Treatment is thoroughly scientific and immensely superior to the ord nary methods. As all afllicted readers may have $4 00 worth of tre tment free, we would ad vise them to send for it at once. Address, Dr. Franklin Miles, 203 to 205 State street, Chicago, III. JUST IN TIME. Molalla. Farmers in this locality sre principal ly all through seeding. Prospect so far is promising for a good harvest of both grain and fruit. All the fruit trees here are loaded with blossoms. Neatly all of the stock men on the Molalla have taked their cattle to the mountains. They report that the fields have started in ?ood shape. Ernest Russell took a bear hunt on the upper Molalla a few days ago. He returned in a short time with a bear and two cayote cuhs, they were captured la rock cliff. The cavity in the rock was some ten or twelve feet in length. In order to reach the young cayotes Ernest had to take his shoes off and en ter the den. P. M. Boyles and wife have gone to Polk county to visit Mrs. Boyles' father. Mr. Vernon the old gentleman is very sick and not expected o live. F. C. Perry has gone to the mountains to get a photo of some falls on Fall Creek a ti ibutary of Butte Creek . Mr. Perry has the fi jest collection of negatives of falls scenery of any one in this section if not in the county he has a picture of all the falls of any conse quence In this part of the mountains. I F . . ... ne n sb spent several years in getting his collection. The Russell Bros have over ten thous add ties banked on the Molalla. They expect to commence putting them in the river next Wednesday the 6th. , They have an eight hundred foot boom in the Molala near Canby and are ready to commence the drive. . ' 0 8. Boyles has returned from South ern Oregon where he has been engaged in timber cruising. He will return in a few days. X. Y. Z. The Oregon City Ice Works, the prop erty of J. P. Lovett, with brand new ma chinery in every department, started ud lor the summer's run on Sunday last. While not a large plant it is n first-class one in every particular. The machinery and equipment is new. The plant has Deen reconstructed lrom the ground up and everything about the plant is in fine condition. The capacity of the works is 25 tons of ice per day. Only the purest of filtered water is used in man ufacturing this ice, and the product is as fine as can be turned out artificially or natural)! any where in the land. Mr. Lovett will not only supply the local trade but he will also ship considerable of the product to nearby points. To one who has not inspected the inside of an ice plant its workings are Bomewhat ot a mystery and a curiosity. The plant at Oregon City, however, will do credit to any small town on the coast. A. Baumann with his wife and fam ily left Oregon City on Thursday for San Jose,Cal., where he expects to make his future home. Mr. Baumann has been a resident of Clackamas county for the past ten years. He has been a good farmer and a good Democrat and for both reasons we are loth to Iobo him. He has sold his 17 1-2 acreBof land near Elv to Georse Avery, a newcomer in these parts. Mr. Baumann saBthat reason wuv lie is leaving Oregon is the high rate of taxation in these parts. He likes the country and the people, but he he says he will not stand for the tax rare. It is too bad that Clackamas county should lose so good a man as Mr. lSuummin, but we can't expect all of the good people to live in Oregon, and we hope that Jthe new man from the East who has taken lus place will be ss good a citizen and make as fair a name as has Mr. lieaumanu. Mr. Beaumann ex pects to take up a homestead in South ern California, where the sun shines 3t5 days, 6 hours and 24 minutes a year. T. E. Beard, of Ely, sustained painful . injuries from a fall on Tuesday. While1 painting his trees the leg of the Btool on ' which he was standing slipped into a 1 gopher hole, and he was caBt headlong 1 against the tree, striking on his side and badly bruising himself. While! able to be about he is quite a cripple. The Oregon City High school baseball team crossed bats with the B. S. A.'s of Portland, bst faturday afternoon. The home boys had very little practice and went d wn to defeat by a lop sided score. Ttiey will meet the same team on the local diamond on the afternoon of the sixteenth inst. The raffia tea given by the ladies of St. Paul's Guild last Priilnv allnrnn.ni nl the reBi ence of Mrs. G. A. Harding' was a successful affair. Many pretty iiats ana unsKetswere on exhibition and were admired by all attending. The house was tastily decorated with ratlla, feruB and flowers. Mr. Jones, the Oklahoma man who bought Kd Payne's 52-acre farm on the Molalla road at $50 an acre, has a Bnap. There are 1G acres beariug hops on the place and plenty of good buildings, and if he had paid $1000 more it would still have been a good bargain for him. The Carpenters' Union, which has for merly met Wednesdtyof every week, will in the future meet the second and fourth Monday of each month. The place of meeting will beat Willamette hall. David McLoughlin, one of the earliest pioneer residents of Oregon City, and a son of the illustrious Dr. John Mc Loughlin, died at Point Hill, Idaho, last week, at the age of 82 years. Charles Grider Is sacking his potatoes. Though 'sprouted along the top of the pileB, they are, on the whole, coming out of the pits in pretty good Bhape. Anythfng you can powdbly wirh for, in If ce, embroideries nd dress trimming at Howard's. Red Front. Farming implements at Fairclough Bros. A Co. Some Oregon City People May Walt Till It's Too Late. "on't wait until too la'e. Be sure and be n ime. Just in time with kidney ills Means curing the back before backache btcomes chronic; Before serious urinary troubles -et in. Doan's Kidney Pills will do this. Here is testimony to provt it. G. H. Springmeyer, expressman, re siding at 1016 First St., Portland, says: "Exposure to rough weather and the the constant jarring of the wagon while I was riding brought on kidney trouble. My back ached aimost constantly and the muscles controlling the bladder ap perred weak and thair action far too noijueui.. uuau s Jiuney fins came to my notice and I got a box. The pain in my back was relieved and the kidney secretions became normal. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills brought about this result ami it la -virh nWa lira that 1 recommend this effective preparation to umera. Plant? mnra nrvW lllro rlilo tmm gon City people. Call at the drug store ui v. u. jriuuiiey ana asK wnat las cus tomers report. For flftln hv all rlaalara Prtna Rft nanlo Fobter-Milbuiu Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents lor ine united States. Remember the name Doan' and take no substitute. For Sale. Thirlv flvA flpraa nf lanrl frtllr mllaa South of Orcrnn Oitv Twnntw lirn acreB under cultivation. $2000 without crops or $2200 with crops. William McDonald, New Era, Oregon. Men and boys' huts at cost at Howard's The Red Front. Feed stuffs at Fairclough Bros. & Co. BANNER 3 A LVE the most healing salve in the world. NOTICE TO SHOW" CAUSE. In the Circuit Court of the slate of Oregon, for Clackamas co.mly. lu the muttor of the Estate of Aaron E. Watt' deceased. It appearing to the .Indite ol said Court by (he petitiou this day presented by t his. N. Watt Kx ecillor of the KsUle of Aaron E. Wait. Deceased praying for an ordir of Court for ihe sale of Heal esiate, that it is necessary to sell thedescrilwd ri al estate to pay the diaries ami claims against said eslaie as sot forlu in said petition. I Is Therefore Ordered by the Judge of said Court, that all persons interested in the esiate of salii duoeaaed appear hufore said County Court on 8th day of June, l'HVI, at ten o'clock In the forenoon oi said day, at tho court ram ofsnd County Court at the Comity Court house, in the cou tyol'Cla kamas stale of Oregon, to show cause why an orjer should not be granted to the salii Kxeciitor to sell tho hereinafter described ro il estate ot the said deea ised to wit. Lots 1, 2. 8 and 4, in block mini her 4 in the town of Einrene, Oregon; also a small strip of lauii situated along the river front. containing the fraotiju ol a lot in said town of Eugene, Oregon, Dated May, 6th I'M. Thomas. F. Ryin, County Judge. 5c Can Prize Medal Baking Powder A beautiful piece of graniteware given with each can 12 12c Pound Good Bulk Coffee I5c Pound "Our Blend" Coffee 25c Pound Equity Blend Coffee 35c Pound M. & M. Blend Coffee 25c j cans good salmon WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES 4. McGLASHAN northwest tmts" I Men's Summer Apparel "' Mi i Heavyweight garments cannot be discarded too quickly. It's time to don the summer suit There's only one safe course to follow. Buy your 1 Uotning where the reliability of the fabrics and the cor rectness of the workmanship are backed by the guar antee of a responsible firm. Outing Suits . . . in single or double breasted and Norfolk styles, made of homespun, serge, flannel and tropical worsted materials and equal to Portland best custom tailor work $10, $12.50, $14.50, $15, $16.50, $18 Men's Medium-weight Suits and Topcoats extreme and conservative styles $J0 to $35 We're headquarters for straw and Panama hats and furnishings for men--boys, too STTJilSlffl SU9E9UBR SACK SUITS F Its a pleasure to lay asiJe the heavy winter clothes and don a stylish light weight summer suit like we are now showing for j q In addition to the comfort of a summer suit, there is satisfactio n in knowing that you are wearing the proper garments. QTJ, "PT?Tn H i affords you the opportunity of wearing a stylish sum mer suit at a very small tax on your pocketbook. The suits that we offer at this price are all-wool summer-weight worsted and we could not say enough as to their style and quality. Boy's ILoitg Trouser Suits Some real smart numbers in tweeds, the newest spring colorings, made up with the newest ideas clean cut and refined in style age3 12 to 19 years. $3.50 AND UPWARD Its Just as Saucij as You Please Mothers tell us. that we have the happy knack of displaying such smart looking SUITS FOR THE LITTLE FELLOWS and they must know, because they are the ones wre aim to please. We are showing some of the cleverest summer suits for lads that has been shown in this city and not only that but they are really cheap. M. MICHAEL SUCCESSOR TO M. fllCHAEL The Uj to Date Gent's furnisher