Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 08, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Are commended by the Presi
dent of the United" States and
we are commended by hundreds
of fathers and mothers as
Feeders of Large Families
Pure Goods and Low
Prices That's All
Headquarters for
White House Coffee,
Eastern Buckwheat Flour
Elk Brand Maple Syrup
"Preferred Stock" Canned
Vegetables and Fruits,
Etc,, Etc.
. Robertson,
Tbe ?th Street Grocer.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas:
Rosy Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. Albert Edward
Thompson, defendant.
To Albert Edward Thompson, defendant;
In tbe name of the State of Oreton you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in 'he above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of June, 1903, that being
the time prescribed in the order of publication of
this summons, and If you fail to appear and ans
wer said oomplalnt. the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wlt: for
a decree of divoree from the bonds of m atrimony
now existing between you and the pla n Iff, and
that said bonds be forever dissolved anu held for
naught; and that you be requited to pay a reas
onable sum into court to defray the expenses of
this suit and for counsel fees h-reini and that the
name of plaintiff be changed to Rosy Luce, her
maiden name, prior to her said marriage; and for
such other end further relief as may seem to this
court meet and equitable; and for her oosts and
d isburseniente herein to b taxed.
This summons is published by order of the
Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the county
court of the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, aoting in tbe absence lrom Clacka
mas couiuv of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc-
Bride, Judge of the Circuit Court ot the State
of Oregon, for said County of Clackamas, which
order was duly made, April 16, 1003. And aid
order requires publication one a wek for six
weeks of this summms, the date of the first pub
lication hereof Is the i7th day of April, 1(H):).
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, April 16, 1903.
.KOBEHT A. Mil.LttK,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Wilbelm tell fiouse..
Best Meals in the City
Room and Board by the Week
Saloon in Connection
Sixth and Itlaln St.,
Oresron City, Ore.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
Notloe In hereby eiven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the county onjiackamas, 'late oi uregoa jix
ecute' of the hist will and testament of Jacob
Crader deceased, and has duly qualified as such
executor All pen-ons having claims against the
Raid estate must nresent them to tne undersign
ed duly verified, within six mouths from the date
oi mis notice.
Executor of ihe estate of Jaoob Crader
Q. B. Dimick. Attorney for Executor.
Da'ed tins April btn, IMS,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed executor oi tne win of William
H. Winkle 8r deceased. Any and all persons
havlnir claims against the estate of deceased, will
present the same, duly verified at the office of
Hedges Ss Galloway, Weinnard Building, regon
City, Oregon, on or before six months from the
nrst puuucauor oi mis nonce.
Executor of the will of William H. Winkle,
dec 'ased.
Hedges Galloway, Attorneys for Executors.
Date of first publication, April, 10th, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that Albert Engle and
Clarence Engle, administrators of the estate of
Samuel Rngle, deoeased, have filed in the oounty
court for Clackamas county, Oregon, their final
account and report and that the said court has set
Monday the 18th day of May, 11(03, at 1 :80 p. m. of
the said day at the County court room in said
countv as the time and nlce for hearing the said
final acoount and report and objections thereto
and settling tne same.
Administrators of theEstate of Samuel
.' le. ft- if
Best Place
on Earth,
For wagons, buggies, har
ness and all lines of farm
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Ooods Bought and Sold
Sugarman & Co.
Is now raging in
the Range at . . .
New Restaurant
Where you can
get a first-class
meal in first-class
style at a reason
able price.
Don't Forget the Place
Next door topostoffice, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Relief s i
and there is not a case of pilo
in existence that cannot be
quickly and permanently cured
6v Ptrrtn's Pllt Spttihc.
You take it that's all. New
price One Dollar a bottle at
your druggist. If he hasn't it
write to ,,.,
. ueiena, oionv.
Notloe Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, Executor of the estate of Ella
Willbelm. deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me
for payment, properly verified, at the ofiioe of O.
D. Eby, Oregoa City, Oregon, within aix months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 17th day of April, 1903.
Dock wn.LHRi.Bf,
Ixecutor of the estate of Ella Willbelm, deceased
O. B Eby, attorney for estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
Thomas McEwen, plaintiff, vs James' New lands
Isabella A. Newlands, his wife, Robert T. M
Dlffln and Jane Doe Dlffln, his wife, defendants.
To James Newlands, Isabella A. Newlands, Rob
ert T. M. Dlffln and Jane Doe Diffin, defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon, vou aud
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer tne complaint niea against you in me
above entitled court ann suit on or before tbe 13th,
day of June, 190'3, and If you fail so to appeat
and answer the'complaint, the plaintiff will apply
to tne court tor me renet aemanaeo. m we com
plaint, to-wlt:
i) inaime claims oi ueteuuams iuu eacn ui
themadveise to plaintiff's title in the land here
inafter described be determined by decree of said
court and that by said deoree It be declared ad
judged and deoreed that the defendants have and
eaob of them has no interest in or to the said
lands or premises and that the title of plaintiff is
lawful and valid.
(?) That the defendants and each of them be
forever enjoined and barred from asserting any
claim whatever In and to said lands and prem
lsesadverse to plaintiff an th t plaintiff's title be
quieted and for sucb other aud further relief as
to the court may seem meet and agreeable to equity.
(3) That plaintiff have Judgment for his costs
and disbursements herein.
The said mentioned lands or premises are des
cribed as follows to-wlt:
Commencing at a point On Ihe south line of
morning Side which tain point is ui 7 feet nor h
and 544 feet webt of a point where the north line
of the W T. Matlock ontion Land Claim inter
sects the sec. ion line between Beotious 4 and 5,
Township 2 Bouih of Range 2 east of Willamette
Heridiaus thence north 86 degrees, 30 minutes
west along the north line of the (ii bert tract and
the south line of Morning Side 1056 feet to the eist
line of lands conveyed to rhoebe A Uilbert by
deed from Susan Crookshanks dated October 18,
1892, ami recorded on page 6 ol Book 62 reoords of
deeds foi Clackamas County, Oregon; thence south
20 minutes east along said east line of said lands
conveyed as aforesaidto Phoebe A. Gilbert by Su
san Crookshanks 1428.5 feet to a point on the
north line of tt.e McQowan tract of land; thence
south 80 degrees, east 182 1 feet to a point at the
southwest oorner ot the land sold by R. W. Gil
bert, administrator of the esla'e of Phoebe A . Gil
bert deceased, to Hans Olsen; thence north 16
degrees,8 minntrs east along the west line of said
Olsen tract of land 782.7 feet to a point in the
nonh line of the Oregon & California Railway
Company's and Its assigns right of way; thence
easterly along said right of way 100 feet more or
less to point 20 feet south of the southwest cor
ner of the tract of land sold by R. W. Gilbert, ad
ministrator to homas W KranciE; thence north
along tbe west line of said Francis land 780 feet
to the place of beginning containing 32 acres
more or less in section 5, township 2 south, range
least of Willamette Meridian.
Also the southwest y. of the southwest of
Section 29, and the southeast i ot the sou beast
of Section 30, .11 in Township 1 south, Range
4 east of the Willamette Meridian, In the county
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, excepting the fol
lowing described paroel oonveyed to Ursula Ya
ger by deed recorded on page 228 of ..ook 53 of
the public recoids of deeds ol Clackamas county,
Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the sec
tion line at the soutneast corner of the southwest
' of the southwest of said seotlon 28 and run
ning thence westerly following the section Use
31(9.65 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the
east side line of the southwest ii of the south
west U of section 399.65 feet; thence easterly and
parallel with said section line 399.65 feet; thence
southerly 899.60 leet to tbe place I beginning
This summons Is published by order of the Hon'
T. A. Mc Bride, judge of the said court dated
April 27, 19u3, which order directs tbe publication
of this summons not less than once a week for
six weeks. The date of first publication of this
summons Is May 1, 1903
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Dated, May 1,1903.
A little life may be sacrificed to a sudden at
tack of croup, if yon don't have Dr. Thomas
Electrio Oil on hand for the emergent) r.
"Neglected colds make fat graveyards." Dr
Wood's Norway Pine Byrup helps men and wo
men to a happy, vigorous old age.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
ly-z- sonal supervision since its infancy.
f-cccAzi Allow no one to deceive vou in this. .
All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-good"are hull
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
tnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The CLildren's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
214 Third St., Cor. Salmon, PORTLAND, ORE.
A Complete Assortment of
Selected Pattern Hats
Trimmed Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices
You are cordially invited to call
and inspect our display
We Want Your Trade
at Harris Grocery,
And are going to make special induce
ments to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
We will move into more spa
cious quarters in a few weeks. In
order to keep from moving our
lame stock we are selling very
low. Now is the ttme to get
bargains. Call and see us.
The Pair Store
Going East?
It so, it wrl pay you to secure
complete information about the
new overland service via the Union
Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee
and St. Paul Railway. A postal
card to the undrsigned will bring
it to you.
H. 8. BOWE, Geneial Agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
134 Third Street, Portland, Ore
IfgfllllBHtQVnV."" 1
A crew of 15 men is renewing the ties
ol the motor line in Goose Flat.-
The wood scow Vigilant which was
sunk at the entrance to the canal around
the falls Friday morniue was removed
I aftai. mufti harrl lnhni pnrlv in the weak.
The wood with which the scow was
loaded was saved and the damage was
James Barlow recently married a lady
in Multnomah county aud has settle i
down to solid comfort on his Molalla
farm .
Orespn City's bronze fountain is invit
ing all of the world to drinfr these beau
tiful summer days. The water is as clear
and sweet as W. H. Howell, superinten
dent of the water works can produce
and is "a thing of beauty and a Joy for
ever" to all passing wayfayers.
The Willamette Valley Choral Union
will hold its annuai festival at Eugei e
May 12th to 14'h. Tickets at reduced
rates from all points on the Oregon lines
of the Southern Pacific Company will be
sold May 11th to Hth inclusive, return
limit May 15th, 1903.
If vou want the correct time call onT.
F. Cowing and Fred Miles at the West
ern Union telegraph office. T ey have
recently installed an automatic regulat
ing clock, which is adjusted each day
from the Lick observatory. Mr. Cowing
says that the correct time is the exact
thing and that any "old time" is a back
number in Oregon City.
Joe Amarine,wLo has been a fixture
in Oreaon City for the past half dozen
years left on Tuesday mo'ning on an ex
tensive i rip to his home in the old world.
Mr. A marine is a printer by trade and
has been foreman of the Enterp'ise
printing office and more recently of The
Record printing office, which latter
place he resigns to take his departure
for bis birth place in the Swiss Alps.
His sisters and all of his kinspeople are
Swiss and be has eome property in that
mountain country.
G. Fryer, of Dickey Prairie, was in
town on Monday and paid the Courier
office a very peasant call. Mr. Fryer has
lived in Oregon for the past 15 years.
He owns one of the best farms on the
Dickey Prairie and is a hustling live
awake citizen. He is a German and
came to this country in 1870 living in
Pennsylvania for a long time and work,
ing in the iron mills. He now has some
good stock, some 35 head of cattle a part
of which he has already placed on the
mountain range.
The exhibition of the wonders of
liquid air and the marvels of wireless
telegraphy at Shively's opera house on
last Friday evening was well attended
by the business, professional and scien
tific men and women of Oregon City. One
of the best crowds of the season was out
to see the many wonders performed, in
every deteil the exhibition came up to
the expectations of the audience all were
well pleased with tbe marvels of nature
uncovered .before their eyes. Ice was
made to boil, mercury and alcohol frozen
solid, steel and copper burned and many
other marvelous (eats performed. The
future is rich in possibilities for both
liquid air and wireless telegraphy.
As we go to press this week tbe ban
some new business and cnurcn property
of the Methodist Episcopal church at
the corner of Main street and Railroad
Avenue is nearing completion and within
a few days will be turned over by the
contractors Johnson & Andrews to tbe
church committe in a completed condi
tion. Tne block as flu is tied presents a
very handsome appearance and is a
credit to tbe town and the church both.
It will be occupied at once by W. L.
Block wbo secured tbe lease on tbe prop
erty bi fore the improvements were ac
tually begun, me ttore room win oe
one of the finest in the state. Messrs.
Johnson and Andrews are to be con
gratulated upon the completion ol the
work in its present satisfactory manner.
Mr. 0. B. Moores, who has for the
past five years held down the job of
Register of tbe land office in Oregon
City and wbo has recently given way to
the new appointee, A. S. Dresser, was
presented with a beautiful black ebony
gold headed cane by the clerks of tbe
land office, who have worked under him
during bis incumbency in office. A
party of Mr. Moores friends surprised
himself and bis good wife early in the
evening by taking possession of his home
and making merrvment lor the evening.
Speeches were made by Colonel Ii. A.
Miller, Bruce 0. Curry, and the cane
was presented by Judge William Gallo
way. Ices tmd cake were served and a
most enjoyable evening spent. Judge
Moores was deeply touched by the mani
festation ot regard upon the part of his
old employes and friends.
One Thousand People Cheered the
Oregon City Boys on to
Sunday was a gala day at Canemah
ball park and Manager Fields inspite of
his "game" foot and the further fact
that hiB dancing paviliion had been
burned to the ground only a night be
fore was in exceedingl good humor.
The bill of fare was Oregon City against
the Schiller's of Portland. The game
was agoodone from start to finish andthe
finish was just tbe thing to semi the big
crowd home in an excellent good humor.
For eight innings tbe two t' anu were on
practically even terms. Nefzger who
was in the box for Oregon City team
demonstrated the fact that be is the
real thing and one o! thete days he will
be in professional company,
The game was won for the Oregon City
boys in the last half on the ninth inn
ing. With the score a tie, two and two
Nefzger won bis own game by lining out
a three bagger over third base that
brought in two runs. All of the Oregon
City boys played good ball. To down
tbe Schil er's was no easy mutter but
tbey took their measure in fine style.
McGregor who played first for the
Oregon City boys never let a "high ball"
getaway. The Score:
Lee, 1 f......4
McFarland.Ib 5
Kreitz, c. ..4
Rhoades, 3b.. 3
Case.C f 3
E. Uallfl, r I..4
Nefzger, p. . ,
Graham ,s 8.
H. SH,
A. E.
.34 4 9 1 27 7 2
8 B.
Mott.l b
Goins, r f.
Miller. 3b.
Lander, 1 f
Grfius,, c 3 0
uase, 2 D., i u
VanNortwck cf3 0
Keller.p 3 0
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Hava Always Bought
Sears the
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
All druggist!.
Want your moustache or board a baauttfui
brown or rich black ? Then me
Cures Consumption.Coucrhs.
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
rneumonia,Hayi ever,rleu-
now T .e d-r rrf TToicnr.A
-Sore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
Pric 50c. and $1. Tl'l BOTTLES FREt
Totals 29 2 4 1 24 10 7
Buns and Hits by Innings.
Oregon City.. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2-4
Hits 1 0 13 1110 1-9
SchilleriB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02
Hits , 00 0 0 1 1 0 2 0-4
Three case hits Nefzger.
Sacrifice hit Rhoades.
Bases on ball off Nefzger 2; Keller
Struck out by Nefzger 25 ( by Keller
First base on errors Oregon City 5,
Time of game, 1:25.
Umpire Fields.
Scorer Stipp.
Mrs. Graves has given her house a coat
of white print.
Mrs. Harold M. Westervelt, of Saleo
accompanied by her daughter, Miss Loir
is v. Biting Mrs. Keddick, who is serious!
Mr. Bernier ia adding a wing to hu
Bert Schoonover baa moved with his
family Into Mrs. Gibbons' house.
A few weeks hence Mrs. George Dall
will follow her husband to Sissons, CaL,
with the object of permanent residence
there. Their relatives and those; not a
few, attached to them by the bonds of
friendship will deplore their departure
from us.
Mrs. B. Baxter has been ot Wooilbnm
for a couple of weeks visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lavier.
Political Notice.
The Socialists of Olackamas county
will hold a mass meeting at the county
court room in Oregon City on Saturday,
tbe 16th day of May. All are invited t
attend; the back precincts, especially,
are requested to send representatives ta
this meeting. Win. Beard, j
Chairman County Committee. ,
Hiul blood and InillgONllon are rlxaitly ennmiM
to good health, llardock Wood DiUura (lustroyl
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our heartfelt
thanks to all of our friends and neigh
bors wbo were so kind to us during the
last illness and the death and burial of
our beloved husband and father.
Mas. Elizabeth Brown,
and Children.
World Wide Reputation.
Whlte'i Cream',Vermlfii(!chM achieved a world
wide reputation as being the belt of all worm
dedtroyera, and for Ha tonic Influence ou weak anil
unthrifty children, an It neutraillea the acidity of
sourness of the itomach, Improved their dlguK
tlon, and aolmllatlon of food, itrengthent their
nervoutayaiem and reatorei them to the health,
vigor and elasticity of nplrlts natinral to child
hood. 25c at Charraau a Co,
Public Speaking
of Oregon City, will address the
voters of the Stafford precinct at
Saturday Even'y May 9th.
at 7:30 o'clock,
In the Interest of the candidacy of Hon. A.
E. Reames. Democratic nominee for con
gress in this district.
Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlaii
CourIi Remedy.
"When I had an attack of the grip
last winter (the second one) I actually
cured myself with one bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank
W. Perry, editor of the Enterprise,
Shortsville, N. Y. "This is the honest
truth. I at times kept from roughing
myself to pieces by taking a teaspoon
ful of this remedy, and when the cough.
hit spell would come on at night I would
take a dose and it seemed that in th
briefest interval tbe cough would pass
off and I would go to sleep perfectly frra
from cough and its accompanying pains.
To say that the remedy acted as a mo -it
agreeable surprise Ib putting it vi'ry
mildly. I bad no idea that it would or
could knock out the g i p. simply because.
I bad never tried it for such a pur
pose, but it did, and it eeomed with tha
sect nil attack ot coughing the remedy
caused it not only be of less duration,
but the pains were far less seveie, audi
had not nsed the contents of one bott
before Mr. Grip had bid me adie,'
For sale by George A. Hardin;,
Cures When Doctors Fall.
Mri, Frank ChlMaon. Pattenoa, U., wrtm
June 8th, Molt "I had malaria fever In vary bad
foim. wa under trertmeutby diwtora, but aaenna
an I stopped taking their medlelne the fever
woulb return. I used a sample bottle of Herhlna.
found it helped me. Then bought two bottle,
which completely cured me. I feel grat.fulu?
jou for furnishing aueh a splendid medicine
can honently recommend It to thoee aufferln
from malaiia, aalt will eurely cure them " Hk
line, 40c bottle at Charman A Co.