Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 08, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Zl)t Planet Sah n
DlHipt Wfiitkll i8thebest ia the world. It is distilled
lIUIICI TMII3IIJ from eelected grain in the mountains of
Kentucky We also carry all toe other first-class brands.
Old Crow Tit wan' Scotch Yellowstone
Hermitage John Btgg's Scotch Wontlctllo Hv
Cyrus noble WcKane's Purt Walt Wilson Whlskp
punter J(pe Canadian Club Crtam
and the Celebrated RED TOP WHISKY
The finest Resort in the city
Qarde Building, next to the Suspension Bridge:
All goods bought in bond.
Purity and quality guaranteed
Some famous old brands:
James E.
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St
i Jim mill A ill lit in,i.iii iltii.,iiiHli rltti iffli jfliii,ilHii,Miai nil flu Hi nfl ill it, A to,Mi 4n.,A
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304.
Elk Horn Livery Feed I Sale Stable
FmecRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager, SyftTKJi
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Heals at All Honrs Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Newly Oppmite
First Class Rigs of a Kinds
at Reasonable Prices
I Oregon Gty
Kelly A Ruconicb
and when you
XJLA ariok, drink
the SET.
and Cigars
Pepper, Kentucky Burbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
TJpnraa in thn flnnnfw m-ViinV nra
will furnish for less than can be I
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices alwaya reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
Brown & Welch
Pkopribtoks of the
A. 0. U. VV. Building
Suspension Brldga
Once Sentenced to be Hung and Twice
to the Penitentiary For Ufe.
It does not fall tn the Int. nt mnnv man
tribe tried three times lor their livs up
on so serious a charge as murder and
three times to be convicted. James
Howard of Kentucky who was arrested
upon the charge of murder for the kill-
ine of GnTfirnnr William finehul Hon fnr
Uhe third time been found guility by a
tired at confinement in the peniten iary
for life. Howard is believed to be the
man who did the shooting The first
time be was tried be wag setenced to be
hung, the last two trials have resulted
in a virdlct of guilty and his puniih
ment has been fixed" at confinement in
the nenitAntiArv fnr lifo TTai-ommpA In
each instance the Court of appeals has
uiven Howard a new trial and his case
will be appealed to that tribunal airain.
No more dastardly crime has been com
mitterlnn thin onrtHnanr. than thp mnra.
of Governor lioebel from ambush by a
hidden assassin. Every honpst man of
everjereed will rejoice that his murderer
has been apprehended and that his
punishment is a certainty.
No Loss of Time.
I havn Rnlil Ohamhorloln'o ("Villi, nhnl-
era anrl DinrrhnttA Rpmaiio fa voara
and would rather be out of coffee and
sunar ttian it. I sold, five bottles of it
yesterday to threshers that could go no
farther, and they are at ork again this
momiriff. H. R. Phplnn PI
Oklahoma. As will be Been by the
above the threshers were able to keep on
wilh their work without losing a single
da 'fl Limp. Vnn ahnnM toon a Knftla
of th's Remedy in your home. For sale
by G. A. Harding.
W. W. Myers Does Not Want to bt
Called a Leader.
I see by your last issue that "W. W.
Myers, socialist leader of Maple Lane, is
circulating referendum petitions on the
uo tair."
First. We oblect beine called leaders.
The Socialists have no leader. No ob
jection to being called a worker.
becond, If yon have no better argu
ment for the fair, than to prejudice peo.
pie against the petition by trying to
make it appear that it is a socialist move.
you are certainly very short of argu
ment. You are aware ti e socialists as a
party refuse to take sides or to be led
into a controversy nn 'his question,
to-wit, theotatecor. mltte ind the state
paper, The Liberatoi. i, is a fact, how
ever, that the Socialists as a part stand
nrsi, last ana an the time tor district
legislation. Now will you please tell me
wnetner this is not pure democracy?
And, farther if you will re.d the So
cialist platfo m a id give us any portion
of it that is 1 ot pure democracy I will be
very much oUiged to you for the infor
mation. If the Courier, as the official organ of
the Democratic party, desires to place
itself against the right of ths people to
refer matters of .taxation that con
cerns them, we have no objections. I
am quite sure you would be surprised to
take a look at the petitions. If they
were evidence of the socialist strength,
ye old parties would be short on election
day. This is a matter of business with
us, not politics. I hope, if yau have any
serious objections to referring the 1905
fair appropriation, or anything good to
offer for the fair, you will please give it
to llfr.
Hide not your light.
W. W. Myers.
m m
Reveals a Great Secret.
It is often asked how such startling
cures, that puzle the bst, pbynicWns,
are effected by Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. Here's the se
cret. It cuts out the phi" gin and germ
infected mucus, and lets the life-giving
oxygen enrich ami vitalize the blood Ii.
heals the iuflmied, cough-worn throat
and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn
coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New
Dincovery, the most infallible remedy
for all Throat and Lung Diseases. Guar
ailteed bottles 50c and U.00. Tiial hot
ties free at G A. Harding's.
Poyser's Brick Factory .
G. W. Poyser, of Salem, brother of
W. B. Poyser who operated a brickyard
at the foot of Moss Hill some years ago,
will establish a ptant,with the latest and
best brick-mnking machinery, on the
slope of the bluff to the cant of Mr. Al
bright's slaughter yard. The brick he
will turn out will be ol different grades,
but in every respect of superior quality,
and hia aim is to establish a peruiaueut
business with no close-down at any sea
son of the year. If h? realizes his ideal
it will be a boon to the people of Clacka
mas Heights.
Holds Up a Congressman.
"Atthe end of the campaign," wri es
Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con
gressman, "'rom overworn, nervous
tension, less of Bleep and constant speak
ing I had about utterly collapsed. It
seemed that all the organs in my body
were out of order, but three bottles of
Electric Bitters made m 'right. It's
the best all-around medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter." Over-worked,
run-down men anl weak, sickly women
gain splendid hi tlih and vitality from
Electric Bit eri. Try them. Ouly 50c.
Guaranteed by G. A. Haiding.
Stand Like A Stone Wall.
Between your children and the tor
tures of . itching and burning ecaema,
scaldhead or other skin diseases. How ?
Why, by using Bucklea'a Arnica Salve,
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for Ulcerf, Fever Sores, 8 .tit Rheum,
Cuts. Burns or Bruises. Infallible lor
Piles. 23c at Geo. A. Harding.
! -
The Fair store carries the latest Chif
fon ne k rati"--, white, bbek, price from
$1 to $ti. I
Circuit Court Adjourns Receipts of
Clerk's and Recorder's Office.
During the month of April County
Clerk F. A. Sleight coll cted
fees in his nffic.fi tn tha nmnunt nt tifU 7K
This ie a big increase from the receipts
ui we ouice lor tne same month last
year when only $173.25 was taken
in by the nlerk. County Recorder Ste
vens collected in his office $321.95 as
against $220.25 last year. All of these
fees have been paid over to the treasurer.
These two offices show a net profit to
the connty during these two months of
approximately $400.
One of the most important cases that
has been tried in this court was decided
hv t.hft illrv nn Mnndnv mm-ninn Tf nma
J j j J ' " jt . a. Tfaa
the case of Mrs. A. E Latourette against
H. H. Johnson and others upon a note
given some years ago. Upon this note
ADDerson anil nhftrmnn vara fiiirofiaa
and H. H. Johnson and Henrv Meld rum
were the principals. The jury found in
favor of Annarflnn anil DhaFman onA
against Meldrum and Johnson. The
verdict virtually released the sureties
on the note, The amount involved was
about $5,000,000.
Through the call of allwise Providence
Lillian Bell Thompson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Thompson, passed
from mortality Friday afternoon, April
24, 1903. She was born in Nodaway
county, Mo. In 1882 she came with her
parents to Oregon with whom she has
since resided. Miss LillUn was a kind
and loving daughter and a true friend.
She had a wide circle of acquaintances
who admired her for her faithful friend
ship and quiet and modest ways.
She wai laid to rest in the Rock Creek
cemetery, where a large assemblage of
friends and relatives met to pay their
last tribute to one beautiful in life and
more beautiiul in death. The grave was
bountifully decorated by the most ex
quisite flowers, the emblems of frienship
and love. The Rebekaha of Aurora aid
ed in the services. She had been a
member of this lodge but a short time,
yet a member much esteemed.
We the undersigned, desire to extend
our heartfelt thanks to all our friends
for their :aid and comfort in this our
greatest hour of bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and
George Helvey went to Silverton last
Friday on business.
Ed Oeighten and family left last week
for Iowa, where he intends to reside in
the future.
Miss Mollie Burns, of Portland, is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. H .
John Mohan is hauling hard wood logs
for Mr. Harnig.
Mrs. Josph Perringer went to Canby
last Friday.
School will close at this place May
the 8th.
Mr. Snider the teacher has taught a
very successful term of school, and all of
the patrons of the school are well pleased
with his work .
Illinois Contral Railroad.
Commencing February 15th and con
tinning until June 15th there will be
low rates in effect from the East via the
Illinois Central Railroad to all Wash
ington, Oregon and Idaho points. If any
of your friends or relatives in the East
are coming west wh le those rates are in
effect give ua their name and address
and we will make it our business to see
that ihey are given the best possible
service. We operate through personally
conducted excursiou cars, and in fact
g;ve you the benefit of the latest con
veniences known to modern railroading.
We have 15 different routes between
the East and the West, and are in posi
tion to g ve y.m th benefit "f the hent
coniMna'ion. Write us and we will give
von full particulars. B. H Trumbull,
Com'l Agent, III., Cent R. R., 142 Thir I
St., Portland, Or
Ackor's Wood Hlxlr I'onltlvelv Cures
Cbrunic Blood PoUrmlng and all S'rrolutous affeo
tiiuis. At all times a match system umlo and
puriller. Money rufunUed if you are not stttlslied.
60c and $1.
Department or thr Ihteriob,
UmU-d StutwiLand Otlice,
Or go 1 City, Or., March 21st, 1!K)3.
A suffloient cuut affidavit having been tiled
In thi office by H. V. Campbell, coniestan I,
asaltut Homestead Entry No. 12371, made April
5. iyy for ni'1, ne'4, s1 j .'xi- Sec 4, and nv'.4'
mH. Se Hon 9, Township 3 s Uange 7 e, by Chi-lsi
8inn, iu which It Is alleged that contiwant
la well acquainted with sail tract ot land and
knnwa the present conilitiim of the name; also that
8i I d C'hrlas 8enn died about two years auo and
thatsmoe his death neither his helm or his lrijaL
representatives have In any wise can-d for or
Improved or o Hlvaled said claim In any manner
whatever or at all norauyoue etlng for them.
That the names ol the hetss or legal representa
tlveiof the sail entryman if any exW are un
known to this offtant and thatthey have wholly
abandoned said claim and that said alleged ab
sence from said land waanotdue to his or his
heirs employment tn the Army, Navy or Marine
Corps of the United 8tte us private soldier,
otneer, aeauian or marine during ttie war with
Spain, or during any other war In which the
United States may be engagedi.
Said partti et, the heirs and legal representa
tives of said. i:hriss tenn, decease: are hereby
notified to appear, respond and offer evideuce
touching ald allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. on
June 10, WOS. before the Register and Receiver
at the United Suttee Land Office in Oregon City,
The said contestant having. In a proper affi
davit, tiled Mreh l'.Hh, l!K, set forth facts
which show that efterdue dillgenoe personal eer
vine of ihl mil ice can not be made, was ordered
and directed that such notice he given by due an d
proper publication. .
Geo. W, Bibii, Receiver.
Robiiit A. Mlixmm, attorney for contestant.
Date of flrat publication, Maj. 1st and last on
Mar Mud.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you?
uwaoseo wun every
In mil Illl 111 I III III I 1 1 1 I I I
Ps.Kaufman I .
fcBros. 'A
takers of I f,
Llotnuy ft. V
CNftMO i -X I
Will Dispose of his entire stock of
Boots, Shoes and Rnbbers
Sale will begin on Thursday, March 19th
at 9 A. M. and continue until all is sold
We invite all our frien ds (and that means everybody)
in Oregon City and throughout Clackamas County and in
Portland to attend this sale.
J? Our Goods are Tlcw and Up-to-date
We will not quote prices here but if you need any
thing in the shoe line within the next six months, it will pay
you to buy now,
We take this opportu nity of thanking our m v
friends for their liberal patronage duriug the last fourt
years. We are very sorry to have to break the many ties,
of friendship that has existsd between us for so longa time
but deem it wise to extend our business to broade fields.
Anyone finding themselves indebted to usrwill plea
call promptly and settle their accounts. Any part ies holding
coupons had better use them at once.
Every boot and shoe in the house will be markedinbiue
pencil figures so you can see at a glance what the goods will
costou A sample pair of every kind will be on an open
tablys o yon can pick the shoe you want instantly. We wil 1
have a number of clerks on hand so that all can be waited on
promptly. The earlier you come the more choice you have
Remember the date, Thursday, March J 9th
Yours to Co "land,
McKittrick "The Shoe Man"
Next Door to Bank of Oregon City
N. B. This add. will also appear in next Sunday's Oregonian.
J. F. O'Donnell, 2a
Nl X' V. .ai -Vy- J
' itl y
Top buggies, $ 5 5 and up
Open buggies $25 and up
Carriages and Hacks, Milburn
Wagons, Corumbus Buggies.
Things to be Sure of
All that any drug store can claim to give you, you are sure
of here. Many things that no other store can give you, you are
sure of here. A large progressive business has facilities for serv
ing you that others must lack. Buy your d rugs wheri your
money ?oes farthest and quantity is certain. Look at this list:
Castoria 24c
Syrup of Figs 24c
Celery Compound 75c
Peruna 85c
Carter's, Avers', Pierce's Pills 2i)c
Pure Prepared paint, f I 75 gal., cut to
f 1 .60. 20 per cent off on Cameras.
'Phont 13, Wall Orders Solicited,
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
coiur is i en vn& pactoge or u-ove's
I II Mill III 111 I II II II mrrw nn i
Kaufman Garments
are up to the minute in style, none
of the highest priced merchant
tailors show any more advanced
styles than can be found in the
"Kaufman Garments." Think
ing men will readily note the ad
vanced styles shown each season,
equal in fit and finish to the high
est priced merchant tailored pro
duction, and to tell the difference
would be a difficult task.
If you want the highest class of
artistic tailoring you will surely
find it in a "Kaufman Garment'
The Kaufman Tweedham is a unique idea ia .
a two-button double breasted sack coat
Unusually chic in appearance. Suitable for
high class young men's trade.
Sold by
, Shoe Man"
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Presses, Iron and W.od Pumps,
Plows and Harrows, Cream Sepa
rators. Try our developer, 25c. perbottle
Black ink, two 5c bottles for 5 cents.
Toilet Paper 4c per roll, 7 for 25c
"Jumbo" large rolls, 15c, 2 for 25c
Oueen Toilet, Pkg 4c
Necessity Toilet, Pkg 10, 1 for 25c
Toothpicks per box, 4c, 7 for 25c.
over One and a Half Million
NoCure,Nc:Fy. 50c;
Block R.oot Uver Pills.
1 11