Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 01, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Are commended by the Presi
dent of the United States and
we are commended by hundreds
of fathers and mothers as . ,
Feeders of Large Families
Pure Goods and Low
Prices That's AH
Headquarters for
White House Coffee, ;: .
Eastern Buckwheat Flour.
Elk Brand Maple Syrup
"Preferred Stock" Canned
Vegetables and Fruits,
Etc., Etc.
A. Robertson,
Tbe Ith Street Grocer.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas:
Rosy Thompson, Plaintiff, v. Albert Edward
Thompson, defeudant.
To Albert Edward Thompson, defendant!
In the name ol the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed agn lust you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of June, 1903, that being
the time prescribed in the order of publication of
this summons, and if you fait to appear and ana
wer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wit; for
a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and the Dla n'iff, and
that Baid bonds be forever dissolved and held for
naught; and that you be required to pay a reas
onable sum into court to defray the expenses of
this sntt and for counsel fees herein) and that the
name of plaintiff be changed to Kosy Luce, her
maiden name, prior to her said marriage; and foe.
sucn omer sna mriner renet as may seem 10 mis
court meet and equitable; and for her oosts and
d isbureements herein to bs) taxed.
This summons is published by order of the
Honorable Thomas Jr. Ryan, Judge of the county
oourt of the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, acting in tee absence lrom uiacaa
mas county of the Honorable Thomas A. Mo
Bride, Judge of the Circuit Court ot the State
of Oregon, for said Countv of Clackamas, which
order was duly made, April 16, iuoj. Ana saia
order requires publication one a wek for six
weeks of this summons, the date of the first pub
lication hereof Is the 17th day or April,
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, April 16, 1903,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Best Meals in the City
Room and Board by the Week
Saloon in Connection
Sixth and ttlain St., '
Oregon City, Ore.
New Plumbing
andTin Shop
apeclalty '
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
Best Place
on Earth.
buggies, har
lines of farm
For wagons,
ness and all
implements. -
'-! r
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been July appointed by the County Court of
tne county or uiacaamas, xiaie oi uregon ex
editor of the last will and testament of Jacob
Crader deceased, and has duly qualified as such
executor AH persons having oiatms against tne
said estate must present them to the undersign
ed duly verified, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Executorof ihe es'nte of Jaoob Craler
decaasfd..-. .
G. B. Dimick. Attorney for Executor.
Du'eu this April Oth, 1 '0;!.
Notice Is hereby civen that the umlenlenod has
been appotmed executor ot tne win ot wiinani
H. Winkle Sr.. deceased. Any and all persons
having claims against the estate of deceased, will
present the same, amy verified at tne nmce i
Hedges & Galloway, n emhani Huuiiine, regon
Cily, Oregon, on or before six months frota the
first tiuolicatior. of this notice.
Executor of the will of William If. Winklo,
di'C used.
H D(its& Galloway, Attorneys fo" Executors.
Date of first publication, April. 10th, 19t3.
Notice is herobv eivn thit Albert Englfi and
Clarence Engle, adiniiiintrators of the estate of
bdiuuel Kngle, deceased, have filed in tbe oounty '
court for C'lankamm county. Orvgon, their final I
account and report and that the said ennrthas set
Monday ti e 18th day of May, U)0:t, at 1 -SO p. m. of i
the said day at the County conrt room In said
county as the time and plice for hearing the said I
final acoouut and report and objections thereto
and settling the same.
Administrators of IheEstate of Samuel
J , t t- .: ri. .1 t
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, Executor of the estate of Ella
Willhelm, deoeased.
all persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me
for payment, properly verified, at the office of O.
D. Euy, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months
from the dste of this notice.
Dated this 17th day of April. M03.
Dock Wiilhsi m,
Executor of the estate of Ella Willhelm, deceased
O. B Eby, attorney for estate.
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Ooods Bought and Sold
Sugarman & Co.
Is now raging
the Range at .
New Restaurant
Where you can
get a first-class
meal in first-class
style at a reason
able price.
Don't Forget the Place
Next door to postoffice, Oregon
City, Oregon.
JVegetablePreparationfor As
similating tneToodandRefiula
ncss andHest-Contalns neither
Opnimlorptiine norMrjeral
Rxtpe ot'CRd OSiMLILllTLMS
Pumpkm SmJ'
Carta kltb
Ctmtud Sagar .
Ancrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jevensn
aess and Loss of Sleeb
facsimile Signature of t
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
County Teachers
at Aurora.
For Over
Thirty Years
214 Third St., Cor, Salmon, PORTLAND, ORE.
f (t i .ib:..:-.
A Complete Assortment of
Selected Pattern Hats
a . -
JVnf :
and there is not a case of pile
in existence that cannot be
quickly ar"1 permanently cured
bv ptrrin's PiU Specific.
You take it that's all. New
rri'-e One Dollar a bottle at
vour drnggis'. If he basn t it
write l' ,. ,
Dr. Pernn Medical Co.,
Helena, Mont.
In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for
tbe couuty of Clackamas.
Thomas McEwen, plaintiff, vs Jamas Newlnnrts
Isabella A. Newlauds, hi. wife, Kobcrt T. M.
UilBn and Jane Doe lmfln, his wife, defendants.
To James Newland-i, Isabella A. Newlunds, Rob
ert T. M. DitHn and Jane Doe Diffln, defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon, jou and
eaeh of you are hereby r. quired to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled court a ni suit on or b. fore the I'M,
day of Juni , 1903, and if yon fan bo to appean
and answer tne oomplaim, the plaintiB will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wtt:
(1) That the claims of def. n lants and each of
them adveise to plaintiff title in tbe land here
inaiter described be determined by decree of said
court and that by said decree it be declared ad
judged and decreed that the de'endants have and
encli of tlinu liiis no int restin or to the said
1 nds or prumis s and that the title of plaintiff is
lawful and vat d.
(If) That tbe defendants and each of them be
forever enjoined and barred from asserlii.g any
claim whatever iuanrttoc-aid lands and prem
isesadverse to plaintlif an til t plaintiff's title be
quieted and (or such other and further relief as
to the court may seein meet and areeable to eq
uity. (3) That plaintiff have judgment for his costs
a'ii dls juiseuu-utH herein.
Th.! BJid mentioned lands or premises are dos
erlh.d as follows to-wit:
Jummei.c lug at a point on the gontn line or ,
Morning Side which (aid point is 1319 7 feet nor h
ai d 554 f 'et west of a pofui where the north line
of the W T. Matlock Honxtion Land Claim inter
eecu the s.iclon line between See. ions 4 aud 5,
Township '2 souih of Kance 2 east of Wlllaineite
Meridian; thence north 80 decrees', HI) minutes
west a ong the north line of the Gi bert tract aud
tue south line ot Mornmg Side 10 )G feet to the east
line ol lands eouvayed to fhoebe A. Gilbert by
deed from Susan Cnokstanks dated October 1H,
1U2, aim n o n ded on page 6 of Book bi records or
deed foi Clackamas County, Oregon; tbence
south 2 I east along said east line of said lauds
conveyed as aforesaid to Phoebe A. Gilbert by 8u
s in Crook-h inks 14.18.5 feet to a point on the
north hue ol u.e McUowan tract of laud; thence
south 80 degrees, east 7S2 1 feet to i point at the
southwest corner of the land sold by T. R. Gil
bert, administrator of the esta'e of Phoebe A. Gil
bert deceased, to Hans Ulsen; thence north 15
degrees,8 minntcs east along the west line of said
Olsen tract of land 782.1 feet to a point in the
north line of the Oregon & California Railway
Company's and its assigns right of way; thence
easterly along said right of way 100 feet more or
less to a point 20 feet south of the southwest cor
ner of the tract of land sold by R. W. Gilbert, ad
minis'rator to nomas W. Francis; thence north
along the west line of said Francis land 780 feet
to the place of beginning containing 82 acres
more or less In section 5, township 2 south, range
1 east of Willamette Meridian.
Also the southwest of the southwest of
Section !S9, and the southeast of the sou h.ast
ot Section 80, .11 in Township 1 south, Range
4 east of the Willamette Meridian, in the county
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, excepting the fol
lowing described parcel conveyed to Ursula Y&-
eia.UvAaaA aA nn nerraWA nf r.nnk fill nt
the public records rf deeds of Clackamas county.
Oregon, to-wit; Jonimeucing at a point tn ine s,-c-tiou
line at the soutneast coruer of the southwest
lA of the southwest V of said section 29 and run
ning thence westerly following the section liae
3. 9.65 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the
east side line of the southwest i, of the south
west '4 of section 399. Ho feet; thence easterly and
parallel with said section line J9.S5 feet; thence
southerly M oo feet to the place ot beginning
Tnls summons is published by order of the flon'
T. A. MrBride, judge of the said court dated
April 27, 1903, which order directs the publication
of this summons not less thau once a week for
six weeks. The date of first publication of this
sum mom u May 1, 1903.
Attorneys lor PUlntiff.
Dated, Msy 1,1903.
A little life may be sacrificed to sudden at
t"k of croup, if yon don't have Dr. Thomas
Electric Oil on hand for the emerg noi.
Trimmed Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices
You are cordially invited to ca
and inspect our display ::
"VET"-. WTr 4- Vftii nPto I r
If C f f CVlll JLUUJL JL L tVM.V-
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce
ments to close buyers, J;
Cash and Small Profits ts Our Motto. I
The Clackamas county ter chers ae
eociation had a very enjoyable and in
structive meeting at Aurora last Satur
day. Though few in number the ones
who attended were of the live energetic
class who believe in the advancing of
their professional interests.
The meeting as called to order at
10:30 by Superintendent Z.nser, Mies
Fannie Porter the secretary read the
minutes of previous meeting which were
approved as read.
The committee on "constitution and
By Laws" reported that it would be best
to abolish the office of treasurer and to
strike out classes refering to fee of 25
cents to join the Association and the fee
of 25 cents per quarter and to abolish
system of fines imposed on absent mem
bers. By unaminous vote the resolutions
were adopted.
Tbe next in order was school law con
ducted by our Superintendent, Zinser.
It is sale to say teat no part ol the pro
gram was more appropriate and in
structive than this, many teachers ex
press their thank to Mr. Zinser for
having these courses of school laws in
our Institute and hope that at our next
county institute more, time will be given
to this subject. Following t'ds was a
talk concerning the prizes to be offered
for the best display of school work for
the current year.
Next followed a very Instructive ad
dress by Prof. Prentiss, of West Oregon
City school, on "The Art of Question
Mr. Prentiss said the questions should
be "brief, pointed grammatically coa
strue'ed and school contain no hint con
cerning the answer."
He said never ask a question that can
be answered by yes or no.
All questions should be those that
arouse thought, The teacher Bhould
have in mind tbe Bubject matter and
ask questions in series so to bring out
the intended thoughts.
Tbe institute then adjourned until 1 :30
p. m.
The ladies ot Aurora served an ex
cellent lunch in the Pioneer hall ; thither
Proceeded the teachers in martial array
headed by our worthy Superintendent
Zinser who in addition to being a moBt
worthy superintendent, is a man well
able to represent Olackamas county at
any time, whre there is as good a din
ner as was served ai Aurora can be
The tables laden with good things
that Aurora ladies know full well how
to arrange, we were speedily lightened.
Aurora's popular postmaster, Henry
Snyder came up to see If anything was
needtd in tne way oi neiping us
v, ith the entertainment and waB Bpeedily
captured and nut released until he had
tested tbe dinner and helped . entertain
several of the lair sex.
After lunch a carefully prepared and
well executed program was rendered by
pupils ol the Aurora school.
The next was Nature study by Mr.
Millard Hyatt, of Willamette. Mr.
Hyatt gave an interesting talk and show
ed some carefully prepared specimens,
Prof. E. It. Lake, of tne Oregon Agrl
culural college give an interesting ad
dress on "Relation ot School to Agri
cultural work.
The following teachers were present :
Supt. Zinser, Miss Fannie Porter,
Marion Swansby. Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Winches. M. Hyatt. Prof. Prentiss, K.
Ginther. Howard Eccles. Mr. and Miss
Skirvin, Miss Herman, Miss Olsen, Mrs
S. Buck, Miss leathers, Miss JNora
Many Small and Unimpottant
Being Disposed of.
Clackamas Circuit court has now been
in session nearly two weeks. The docket
is being pretty well cleaned up. Tlw
jury, which was dismissed the first d t
of the Court until Monday of this -k
returned to town and resumed its sit
tings. The jury was again diiitiitw-d
until Tuesday morning.
A decree of divorce was granted Fri
day last to Anna M. Miller from her
husband, August Miller. In the case
Inez Grimm vs Clark Green, a decree
for plaintiff was rendered. The case of
Francis J, Dunbar vs S. A. Diehl, et 1
waa dismissed. The decree for plaintiff
in suit of Catherine Gibbons vs Laura
and George Doll was set aside.
District Attorney Allen, returned &
true bill Thursday against Wm. II. Hall
accused with assult with a dangerous
weapon on Si an Hedges at Sand) seven
months ago. It will be remembered
that Hall brought suit for divorce from
his wife prior to the shooting, and in the
suit Hedges was named ac co-respondent;
The divorce was denied on ac
count of insufficient proof. Hall and
He Iges afterwards met in a store X
Salmon.an 1 Hall fired five shots at HedJ
gip, none of them taking effect.
A tru bill was returned against
chroeder for rape. ,
Divorce decrees have been granted in
the case of Royal B . Holcomb vs Graoa
Holcomb, and Belle Riley vs Joseph
A degree of foreclosure waa handed
down in the suit of A. E . Latourette va
Gustav Dahlke, et al.
John Murdock, James Mutdock and
Grant Nash were discharged from
custody. They were accused of larceny
but the evidence was not sufficient to
convict them.
Jeremiah Evans pleaded guilty to the
charge of assault with a dangetow
weapon. His sentence was suspended
on account of his advanced age, and nil
previous good behavior, He ii 79 yuapa
old. ,
Tbe suit of Ex-county Recorder, Alfred
Luelling against Clackamas cnuutjr lor
$1400 with interest from 1800 to IBM
will be transferred to Multnomah coonty
Tbe case came up last week on a motion
to reopen the Judgement obtained by
Luelling by default. Thursday after
noon of laBt week Judge McBride ruled
that the judgement should be set aside
and the case go to trial. The reason far
tbe change of venue Is that the judge ja
a taxpayer in Clackamas county. The
plaintiff's attorneys will come into court
next week and atk for a change of venue
to Multnomah county.
Organization of Oddfellowshlp
Celebrated In Many Lodges
Saturday Night.
Ciood Selection
and Low Prices
"KMrlected rolda make tit BriTevarfls.' Dr
Wood's Norway Pine Bynip helps men and wo
men to a nti7, vigorous old gs.
Complete stock of men's and boy's suits. The real up-to-date
make and patterns enough to suit every taste at
a price of 2o per cent less in comparison to any other
store. You will be surprised to s -e the good variety in
ladies', men's and children's shoes, sold all the way
from 50c to $1 less on the pair than any shoe stores'
prices. A convincing argument as to our low prices is
the prices quoted on the following staples: Men's un
derwear, regular 50c and 75c value, we will sell for
37 y2c, soft or stiff bosom shirts, regular $1 and $1.50
values, we sell for 60c and 75c; regular 25c neckties we
sell for I2c; regular 25c caps we sell for 15c.
Portland Chtbing douse,
' S. ftosensttln, Proprltter.
The eii-hty-fonrtli anniversary of the
organization of Odd fellowship was cele
brated In lodges all over the country
last Saturday. In Owgon .City there
was ajoint meeting ol thcOddfellows and
Rebekah lo 'ges. A number of visitors
from neighboiing lodges were present.
Speeches were made and a general good
time was enjoyed'. W hist was played
until a late hour. A banquet was ser
ved and altogether the affair was uiOBt
Monday morning judge McBride
struck from the Circuit Ouurt docket
14 equity ccses and two law cases whicU
have encumbered the docket for a nujfT.
berof years. The cases taken Jrom the
docket were :
Eliza J, Thomas vs Douglas W. W 11
liams, et al ; The H. R. Dunlway Ln ru
ber Co vs James Thompson ; Fleich ner
Mayer&CovsJ J. Fowler etaljOha.
RiBley vs J . N. Old ; S . T. Steven w
U. B. Labor et al ; The city of Por tland
vs Frank E. Thomas: Oeo. McNe ar v
George Gustiatn; II. E McGinn vi
Alonzo llunier; Eli Lewelling yth
Lewelllne: F. S. Dtinnintr vs Paul A.
Ozane; Fl ivida Kindel vs W. Kindel;
Oliver Wiley v Jennie wney; tft anci
15. Jones vs Maria Jones; Bertha Arm
buster j W. Carey Johnson vs O f.
Hubbard et al: Columbus Implement
Co s W. A. Shipley.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is cut of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All drugzlati.
Nant yoar ino'jiitach or beard a beautUul
brown or rich black 7 Then nsa
Cures ConsumDtion.Couehs.
Colds, Bronchitis,Asthma,
f neumonia,llayJ ever.rleu
-Sore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
Hc 50c. and SI. TB'L BOTTLES FREft
We will move into more spa
cious quarters in a few weeks. In
order to keep from moving our
large stock we are selling very
low. Now is the ttme to get
bargains. Call and see us.
The Fair Store
Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain
Couth Remedy.
"When I had an attack of the grip
last winter (the second one) I actually
cured myf If with one bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Kennedy," says Frank
W. Ferry, editor of the Knterpriae.
Shortsville, N. Y. "This is the hone
truth. I at times kept from coughing
myself to pieces by taking a teaspoon
ful of this remedy, and when the oongb.
in? spell would come on at ninht 1 would
take a dose and it seemed that in tbe
briefest interval the coush WJUld paw
off and I would go to sleep prfectly free
from cough and Its accompanying pains.
To say that the remedy acted as a moat
agreeable surprise is putting it very
mildly. I bad no idea that it would r
could knock out tbe g ip. simply becaoat
I bad never tried it for ouch a po
pose, but it did and it seemed with tb
secend attack of coughing the remedy
caused it not only be of less duration.
but the pains were far less seveie, and 1
had not uee 1 the contents of one bottle
before Mr. Grip bad bid me adieu,"
For aale by Ueorge A. mrumg,
Cures When Ooolori Fall.
World Wide Reputation.
WhliA's Cra.m'VcrmlfnEebu achieved a world
wide reputation M being the belt of all worm
destrojeni, nn iot in ionic mnuemwou ww m.
nntbrlity etiuaren, m u neuirmiioi ne wtiui.j
sourness ol the stomach, lmprovse their dlirw
tiim,nd Msimllutton ol lood. strengthen! ttieir
iwrvous system Etta restore, luera 10 v" ucm.ii,
vigor did elasticity of splrlti uaunial la child
Mrs. Prink Chlsjion. Puttonoti, I ,
June 8th. Mult "I had malaria fever In
foim. wan tinder tnrtmetitbj doctors, bntssut
as I atoppxd taking their medicine t) tn
woulb return. 1 umd a nainpls bottle of iJiM
f( nud it neioea tn. nun twugtit wo bcln
winch completely cured ma. 1 feel frettu)
ou lor furnishing auch a splendid m dleft,
an honestly recommend It to tit oee ntn '
lrom malnila, as it will surely cur. th re." 1 .
blue, 6uc bottle at Charm an A Co.
hood, xac ai vnrna vo.