.,.,,L OREGON CITY COU'.JER FRIDAY APRIL 17, 1903, LARGE FAMILIES Are commended by the Presi dent of the United States and nre are commended by hundreds of fathers and mothers as Feeders of Large Families Pure Goods and Low , Prices That's All Headquarters for, White Hons 3 Coffee, Eastern Back wheal Flour E& Brand Miple Syrup . "Preferred Stock" Canned Vegetables and Fruits, , Etc., Etc, , X. Raberlson, . Tbe 7th Street Grocer. New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING apeclalty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON OITY Best Place on Earth.... For wagons, buggies, ham ' nees and all lines of farm im plements L. Ft Holmes CA.NBY, ORE. Oregon City Second-liana & Junk Store HIGHEST P,I0Ei PAID FOR SE'J OND-rTWo nv"H. riD;ss ruK METALS OF ALL KISDS, ETO. All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. Second-Hand doods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 416 FOR J UNK . Sngarman & Co. Oregon City Fence Works All kinds of Wooden and Iron Fencing and Graveyard Fencing a specialty. Also, window fenders and gratings. Work dee with promptness and dispatch at Reasonable Prices Location of shop on Fifth street near river, back of All bright's butcher shop. If you have fencing to do give us a call. FIRE ! FIRE ! Is now raging in the Range at . . . GEORGE BROS. New Restaurant Where you can get a first-class meal in first-class style at a reason able price. Don't Forget the Place Next door to postoffice, Oregon City, Oregon. Prfcew$J.OO (There has never been a reme 1 .. . ...ll I !!.. m! tnat a.unuy curci 1 this om n dU;jvirjJ b D Perrin. r.uri is nit a p:rsn who surfi.-s frj n this listressin disease wij is not wiilin j to piy li.ooto hiJ thi cajii rem;! pirnnnentiy. lrrm:liate results and you taks it, that s all. 1 r LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas couotv. Ethel J. Tobin, plaintiff vg. Esmond D. Tobin, defendant To Esmond D. Tobin, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the oom p'alnt flleo against you in the a bove en titled cause within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons: service nf mid snminnnn laving been ordered served upon you by publi cation, oy orueroi i . x. nran, juige 01 luecounty couft of the stale of Oregon, lor the county of unicKuimis, a leu ruu. zd, iifutt. - The said action is brought to obtain a df-nren dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tweenplaint ff and Hie defendant, and for such other relief as the onnrt mnv seem eon itabln. And your are hereby notiti-rt. thm if vnufail to appear and answer the, saM c,'iii alui asahove required , the unlit plaintiff will apply to lie court for the relief demsnded thert-in. T EDWARD T, TAGCiABT, ' At orney for Plaintifl. Date of first publication, F-b 27, 1903. Date of last publicati on, May i SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clitckiiraas go. inly. IraN. Jaivis, plaintiff, vs. Rose Jurvls, defend ant. To Rose Jarvis, defendant. Iu the name of tbe state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer trie com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within six successive weeks from the date nf the first publication of this summons; service of of said .summons having been ordered Berved upon you by publication, by order of T. ki. Ryan, judge of tlie county court of the state of Oregon, for ihe .oounty of Clackamas, dated Feb. 23d, 19S. , 1 The said actio'-: Is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other relief as the court may seem eqnlta ble. And you are hereby notified, that if you fail to appearand answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court fo: the relief demanded iherin. KDWaRDT. TAGG.R,T, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, Feb. 27, 1;03. Date of last publication. May 1, 1903. FINAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that we have filed our final report as executors of the will of h, D. C. Latouretle, deceased, with the oounty court of the State of Oregon for Claokamas county and that said court has set Monday the 4th day of May, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m., of said day as the time for hearing said report and ob' jections thereto If any there be. A. E. I.ATOURETTE, D. CLINTON LATOURETTE, Executors of the Will of , . L- D, C. Latourette, Deceased. Dated March 27, 1903. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. William A. Orisell.Plalntiff, vs. William Ratcliff, Dcfendent, In the name of the State of Oregon, yon William Ratcliff, defendant, are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint of ald plain tiff filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before Tuesday, April 14. M0.1, that being the day set the trial of this case, following six weeks publication of this summons, and you will take notice that il you fail to so appear and answer said amended comnlalnt, for want thernnf. i plaintiff' herein wi 1 apvly to said Court for the re I lief praye I for In said amended complaint, which is in brief. a follows so wit: For a decree against , said defenrtaut, decreeing the plaintiff to be the owner In fee lmple of the following desoribed premises and the whole thereof, to-wlt. - - - ...... ui.u "w, iiuii i me fuii httlf of ?jlfon 27 In Township 8 8outh of Ranire "nirmcuo .iieimiHM, ueing ana flituated in rinckftmaa county, Stau of regnn; and de erwlne thai defendant has no fight title, interest iir faafii-t In tT r BuM n rim lc.an t. -i 11 of, and for such other and farther reli-f as to this vniHumj "ccju wjuiuiuiu uu juil ana lor bis cwt and dtabursamenU. This nmmonsii served by publication for six VMki h nrfiPi nf Finn Tknmai v u n Jndf of riaekamas countv, 8tAt of Oregon. iKwmK -m rourunry to, wa, aia oraer being obtained from said Judge because of the absence fmm thm nnnnfv nt Ann 1 a af..T -i i.. i.. j . bi. judw7rir.'trictr ol 19(B? Oregon City, Oregon, February ffith., BOBEKT A. MILLER. Attorney for Plaintiff. FINALNOTICE. : VaMa. I. l. .V. ... it.- .. 1 . eculort of th wll 1 of I. N. Baker, dtceiued have mea won me oouoiy couri 01 in. stats or Oree n fnr Plnplrama. .n.nlv tt.At A.l - w. w.v..u.w men mini icuurt He. Atlltartt nf tha nrll I nf bdM 1 V I.. 1 . .1 . j ... . ..... " mu .1. U..CI UCVCmil, and that the said oourt hu ift Monday th. 4th day ui my, iyi hi Hie nour 01 10 o cloc'k a. m. of said day as the time fc hearing said report and objections thereto If any there be. if i in. Dantn, HIRAM H. BLAKKENSHIP, Executors of the Will of I. N. Baker, Deceased. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Intebiob, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., March 21st, 1903. A sufficient contest affidaTit haring been filed In this office by A. B. Llndqiilst, contestan I, against Homestead Entry No. 13141, made Octo ber 11, 1000, for e4 oIwX, section 17, town ship 2 outh,range 7 east bvJohnH.llicker,Jr.,co0. testee, lu which It is alleged lhal contestant knows the present condition of th same: also tha t said entry man has nevr resided upon or cult 1 vated or improved ta'd claim In any manner since making entry or at all, and that said al leged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army Navy or Marino Corps of the (Juited States as private soldier, officer, seaman or marine daring the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States mav be engaged!. Said parties are hereby untitled to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on May 2nd, HiO.'l. before the Register and Receiver at the United Slate Laud Oftice in Oregon City. Oregon,. The bald contestant having, In -a proper aftV dav tiled Mwh 20th, 1903, set forth facts which show that afterdue diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, was ordered and directed that such notice be given by due an d proper publication. Geo. W.Bihee, Receiver. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the county of Clackamas, tate of Oregon Execute.- of the last will and testament of Jacob Crader deceased, and has duly qualified as such executor All persons having claims against the said estate must present them to the undersign ed duly verified, within six months from the date of this notice. BARNEY FRIEDRICH Executor of the estate of Jacob Crader deceased. G. B. Dimick. Attorney for Executor. Da'ed this April 6th, 190;). EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hat been appointed executor of the will of William H. Winkle 9r., deceased. Any and all persona having claims against the estate of deceased, will B resent the same, duly verified at the office of edges & Galloway, Welnhard Building, rejon City, Oregon, on or before six mouths from tha first publicaiior of this notice. PETER WIKKEL. . Executor of the will of William H. Winkle, deceased. H.dgeb A Giixoway, Attorneys for Executors. Date of first publication, April, 10th, 1903. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Albert Engle and Clarence Engle, administrators of the estate of bamuel Engle, deceased, have filed In the county court for Clackamas county, Oregon, their final account and report and that the said court has set Monday tie 18th day of May, 1:A at 1 50 p. m. of the said day at the County conrt room in said county as the time and plsce for hearing the said final account and report and objections thereto aud settling the same. ALBERT ENGLE, CLARKNCE ENliLE. Administrators of theEstate of Samuel I Engle, deceased. Hedges GairmH, Attorneys. The Kind You Have Always BougM, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the sigiatnre of. Jp ' and has hecn made under his per- jjtfj'jL sonal superidsion since its infancy. MfV J-UtcAtAt Mimv no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. hat is CASTORIA Castor la is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms 4nd allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The CLildren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. :' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought It Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR OOMPftNV, tT SUPPER AND SALE. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church Will Mold Annual Sale of Useful Articles. Bountiful Repast Promised. The Ladie9' Aid Society of the Baptist church on this evening will in the Sun day school room of the church give a Bipper. It will be a good bountiful spread and only a pittance of 15 cents will be charged. Everybody is invited and bhould go out and help the good cause along. ' SALE OF USEFUL ARTICLES. During; the long winter nights th ladies of the Aid Society have been work ing on useful articles, aprons, dusting caps, collar, handkerchiefs and a thous and and one other useful things. After and during the supperthis evening all of this handiwo'k of the good sisters will he offered at private sale to any and all who wish to buy. These articles are useful and will 13 well worth the money asked for them. They will not be auc tioned off but Isold at a regular marked sale price. All friends of the church and the good work are invited to come and inspect this fine line of useful work. ICECREAM AND CAKE. Ice cream and ?ftke will be served dur ing the evening. The proceeds of the supper and the sale will all be used in purchasing a new carpet for the churoit. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From Molalla, Or., March 28th, 1903, one dark bay horse, about 8 years old ; shod all around, weight about 1050 pounds; branded ith " iV" on right r.r left shoulder; foretop clipped; heavy mane and tail. One dark sorrel Clydesdale colt 2 years olds; blazeiljt'aced ; heavy mane and tail , mane parts in the middle; weight about 1000 pounds; had on halter. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the above horst'B, or for infor mation leading to their recovery. F. C. Perry, Molalla, Or. Rev. Nowhall, of Colfax, Washing ton, has opened a sewing machine depot on Main street opposite Huntleys', J. F. ' 208 Front St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon, Portland, Ore. Wholesale and Mllburn Wagon Co.'s Sarvin Patent Wheel, Steel and Cast Skein Farm Wagons, Spring Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Carriages, Columbus Buggy Co.'s Buggies, Phaetons, Stanhopes and Car riages. Hodges, Deering and Buckeye Binders, Reapers, Mower?, Ted- ders, Rakes and Sickle Grinders. Champion Steam and Horse Power Baling Presses. Eclipse Full Grcle Hay Presses. Superior Grain Seeders, Hoe, Shoe and Disc Drills. Aermotor and Butler Steel Wind Mills. Buckeye Iron Pumps, Wood Pumps, Wood and Steel Tanks, Pipe and Fittings. Hero and Mt. Hood Grain Separators with Sackers, Aspinwall Potato and Onion Planters. New Oxford Cream Separators.' King's Roller Bearing Hinged Barn Door Hangers, Canton Clipper and Syracuse Steel and Chilled Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. Hay Toole, Wheel Barrows, Twine, Machine Oil, Monarch Ax:e Grease, Ltc. Signature of MUIMAV STREET, NEW VORK CITY. Sit-aft 3B in EBusiness We have started over three thousand ; boys in various parts of the country in a profitable business on their own account. We want a boy to represent The Saturday Evening' Post In every town. The work can be done after school hours and on Saturdays. It if pleasant, as well as profitable. The maga zines are told among neighbors and friends in offices, stores, as well as in homes. No Money Required (o Bef in The first week's supply is sent free. Thess are sold at five cents a copy and provide the money to order the following week at Wholesale prices. $225 0(1 IK EXTRA CASH PRIZES wno sen nvs or mors copies. Our Frkb booklet gives portraits of some oi our most successful boy agents ana meir metnoas. The Curtis Publishing Co. w e Area street rnuaaetpnia Good for Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a very se vere attack of muscular rheumatism which cansed me great pain and annoy ance. After trying Beveral prescriptions aud rheumatic cures, I decided to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I had seen advertised in the Scuth Jerseyman. After two applications of this Remedy I was much better, and alter using one bottle, was completely cured Sallie Harris, Salem, N. J. For sale by G. A. Harding. Su'iecribe for the Courier. N Jtf IE IL I. Retail Dealer in Bile Ties, Barb Wire, Binder LOCAIi NEWS ITEMS f John Gleason will shortly begin the erection of a tenement house on Four teenth street, near Main. Any bachelor in want of a wife should address "Secretary, Old Maids Union, Gardner's Station, Pa." Mr. Griderand Bert Strickland are engaged this week in fretting 400,000 feet of sawlogs for the Jones' mill. TheW.P.&P. Co. is adding to the southern end of its sawmill with the object of installing two more circular saws. The Planet saloon is having its inter ior embellished with a new coat of paint and several celebrated life size paintings are being hung on the wall. O. Wt Kelly, who has been suffering from a severe attack of sciatica, is now almost recovered and is again mingling with old friends on our Btreets. Melliens' self propelling woodsaw ar rived in Oregon City Friday morning from Portland. The steam saw gets along without 'be use of horses and thus saves tin! cot oi ft eding them. Tiike Vanderhoo's Family Remedies for your complnints. Especially pre pared lor women's use. for sale by Mrs. , Christina Blolim Ely, Oregon. Mail orders receive prompt attention. The dance given by the Artifans or chestra in Woodmen's hall Thursday evening drew a large crowd and the par ticipates n joyed themselves greatly. The merrymaking continued until after midnight. Miss Lottie Mathieson and Percy Mor ton were married liv countv lui'ge Ryan at the clerk's office in Oregon City, Saturday morning, April 11. After the wedding they partook of the weddin g dinner at the Bum 8 nick hotel. The warehouse to be erected on the corner of Tenth and Main by tbe elec tric railway people will have a length of 124 feet, a frontage on Main of 66 feet, and be 12 feet high at the Bides. Tbe walls and roof will consist of corrugated iron. The streets of Oregon City were pret ty well filled with Portland visitors Sunday, notwithstand ing the fact that the air was rather raw and disagreeable. Nearly all the cars in the afternoon carried trailers which were well-filled. A small band of gypsies struck the town Monday morning and uroposed to earn a few shekels by telling fortunes, but quickly abandoned their Intention upon learning that they would have to pay a dally license of $3 each before they would be allowed to ply their calling. Marr Falch has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Martin Falch. She al ees cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual gross drunkenness. Thev were married in Portland in Portland in April, 1900. She desires to be allowed to resume her Maiden name that of of Mary Strasel. Tbe Oregon City Lodge No. 1131, of the United Brotherhood ol Carpenters and Joiners, has withdrawn from the Federal Union of this city owing to a . , , . i. . uiuTencs oi opinion existing ueiween them snd some of the other unions re garding the recent Brownell episode, whereby political differences and griev ances werejpretty well sired. An attempt was made Thursday night of last week to burglarise the residence of Mrs. Davenport, near Gladstone, but tbe burglars were frigStenei off before tbey secured any booty. Tbey cut tbe screen off a side door and then proceed ed to bore through a panel. The occu pants of the house knew nothing of the attempted bnrglary nntil they saw the damaged door next morning. Plans have been drawn for the new ma"8 for the Presbyterian church. The building will be modern in all respects and will cost In the neighborhod of $1500. It will occupy a site in the same enclosure with the nrecbyterian church, on Jefferson street, between Seventh and Eighth. There are ample funds on hand to complete the building which will be colonial in its architecture. The hail storm of last Friday was per haps the heaviest that has visited this sect on in a number of years. Hail fell gimosc inrcg-anlly for more than two hour", si:d part of the time camejdown M great quantities. In places the ice drifted sevtirnl inches deep and remained cn the groum' a 1 ol Friday night. It is feared that fruit was somewhat dam aged as a great deal of it was in bloom. J. C. Fry, of near A'irora, Oegon.but on this side of 1 lie Clackamas county line has adverting) nil ol his ) roperty f r sale and will dispose of all of his per sonul effects on the 2nd , day of May which falh on 'aiunlay. Mr. Fry will m ive fio n tuis cm ty to The Dalles and we ther-iiy will lo;e a good citizen and The Dalles will gain one Mr. Fry Is a resident of Oregon for well ou to forty years and loves the Webfot sta'e and exp els to live and die in 'his state. Last Saturday night the Minnehaha tribe of Red Men came up from Port land forty strong to visit the Wacheno Tribe, A special car brought the Port land boys down and took them home, home. The chief's deg ee was conferred and short talks made by several of the visitors and others present, after hich the jolly redskins gathered round the festal board, upon which stacks of corn and venison were piled and each did am ple duty to the feast. It was near mid night when tbe meeting broke up and all went to their homes in a good humor. The Wacheno Tribe has 120 members and la in a flourishing condition. Thomas Howell, of Oregon City, who has been collecting the flowers of this coast for ruanv years and probably knows more about the flora of tbis Northwest than any other man and who has been at work for some time publish ing an exhaustive work on the flora, has been appointed field collector and cura tor of tbe herbarium of the University of Oregon for the coming year. He do nates his herbarium to the University, containing specimens from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska to tbe the nun, b r of ten thousand and more. Many of these are new species and are the specir.ens from which the original descriptions are taken. Hardwood cases sre being made by D.iy & Henderson to receive 'hese and the oilier siiecimens of the University herbarium. Eugene Daily Guard. Meldrum McCown waj in Oregon City last week. Mrs. Tom MiiW was visiting a sick relative at Barlow last Saturday. Mrs. O. N. Toole, of Eugene, ha moved with his family to Oregon City. I Miss Grace Robinson, of Clackamu?, spent Saturday in Oregon City itb. friends. We make a specialty of printing wed ding invitations. Our prices are reas onable. Mr. and Mrs. Louis HepQeld, of Port land, were visiting friends Jn Oregon City on last Tuesday. Chickens sell atlOcentsa pound, live weight, feathers aud all. Early spring lambs $2 to $2.60. : For all around job printing the Court ier is tbe place to go if you want good work and prompt service. t , U. S." Mail Agent Herman, cousin of Binger Herman, was in ;he city Sunday. He is now on the Northern Pacific. Mr. Charles Parker the mill man left on Monday for Curriuv.lle on a ten day's fishing trip- He went out on his wheel. Raymond Milln returned home from Salem, where he is attending school, to spend Easter Sunday with his patents. W. T. Hankins, who is working in the Bohemia mines at Star, Or., has -been visiting h s parents in this city during the past week. Mr. Hankins,. says there will ba lot9 of work and lots of money spent in tb it part of the coun try during the coming summer. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the noted poet ees and authoiess, was in Oregon City Sunday afternoon, and while h--re was the guest of Mrs. Eva Emery Pye, the celebrated auihnressof ' The Conquest," ' with whom she bad lunch. Mrs, Wil cox (ins been spend ng a few days in Porlhind with tier husband. The salmon fisning season opened Wednesday. Fisherman cam now ply -their calling without fear of being called to task by the ever vigilant water bail iff. Poachers have been catching sal mon during the closed season. Now all can fish without fear of molestation, and - we will all eat salmon that are fresh ami nice. Bailey Hill was very seriously injured last Friday at the woolen mills. Ha was playing with other hoys and felt from a chute striking on his head sus taining a broken leg and a deep contu sion in the lace, ins nose being split open. . He was taken to bis home on bourth and Center Btreets and his condition is critical. Mrs. 0. M. Hiner, formerly Mrs. Mollie J. Brown, of Oregon City, now ft resident of Beattle, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F. McGianis dur ing the last week. Mrs. Hiner was called to the bedside of her daughter, who was quite ill, but has so far recov ered that Mrs. Hiner feels that she can safely return to her home. Tuesday afrernoon, Lewis Farr and his chum, Mr. Silvey , went to W'llson ville in a rowboat to begin their snra mer's onting, that of crawfishing for the Portland market- when tbey catch mora than tbey can eat themselves, Tbey will operate principally in tbe Tualatin and Yamhill rivers. Tbe "walking boas" and other fresh eatables they need they will obtain from tbe farmers. Tbe craw fish will give them plenty of leisure while crawling Into tbe nets and site, gether the two bold fishermen will live in clover. Arrangements are being made for a regular old-time Missouri camp meeting revival at Armory hall, in Oregon City, beginning Tuesday evening of next week. Rev. Glassco and wife, the colored evan gelists of Grand Avenue, Portland, are to be here on the occasion and will be accompanied by a regular troupe of sinn ers ana exhorters from the metropolis. LandlordMontgomery,of a local boarding house, who Is s Southerner by birth, has been quite taken by the manner la which these evangelists do their work, and so has made arrangements whereby Oregon City pople will be favored wil h. their presence." "I tell you, there miiBt be some religious fire when 15 to 20 conversions are made at oneafternoou meeting by these colored people," tio said today, "and although there is con siderable expense at endant upon their coming here, we have been assured of hearty co-operation on the part of our citizens. I look for a numb t pt canycr sionB here before the revival comes to a close." WHAT THIS MAN SAY.'. Only Rc-3clnei tl:e Sontloiants uf Thous ands in Our Republic. The Oregon C'ty reader is a ksd to thoroughly investigate the folbwing: This can readily he done, for the gen tleman whose statement is puolithod below will only be toopleased to answur any communications mailed to htm if the writer really snU'-rs from the annoy ing consequence which always attend inactive or weakened kidneys, J. Jenkins, of 315 East Sixth St , Port land, now retired from active life, saya: "I think very highly of Doan's Kidney Pills. I used them for an attack of acute backache which had annoyed me for som little time. Three days after I be gan their use I knew they had gone to the cause of the dull dragging pains across the small of my back and relief came sooner than I expected. I be lieve the cure is permanent for I have not felt any symptoms of a recurrence. Other members ofvwy family have also used Doan's Kidney Pills with equally good results." I lenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at 0. G. Hunt ley's drug store and ask what , his cus tomers report, For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C 1 1 ') t I IHlllOllI ! ) 1)1 t n 1 r,tl ')'! I ' !" li" ,J ' 1,1 ains. Cares Cuts hals Birnt and Bruises, subdues Infl vnmtion, mas ters I'i'es. Million! of li mes sold year ly. Works wonders in Boils, Uicnra, Felons, Skin hrupiions. It cures or n pay. 25c at Geo. A. llirding's dru store. r