Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 03, 1903, Image 4

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OREGON CITY COURIER for all handicap" was paced oft last
, Saturday. Possibly the mayor was
Published Ever, Friday by ,n rain
OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING CO. ltanght ,,im a f(JW good le880M abont
J. H. W58TOVF.B, Editor and Bu.lness Manager twent.y years ag0 and iie ljag uot for
K. Lek Westover, Local Editor. ' '
gotten mem yet. mere is nouiing
like knowing when "to draw to your
hand" and when to "lay down."
and courageous and will in the end
assert their rights, and that means
that the people will come into their
gotered in Oregon City Poitoffloe as 2nd-clMS matter
Faid in advance, per year 1 60
Six months
What a man's neighbors and friends
'5 . say about him is generally true. If he
is a rascal it does not take long to find
it out. If he makes promises he does
not keep it soon becomes common
J"''7?Hl-nn;rr Jndged fcy this standard
Clubbing Hate.
Oregon Ctty Courier and Weekly Oregonlan .J2.25
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Courier-
Oregon City Courier and the Cosmopolitan.
Oregon City Courier and the Commoner....'
, 2.25
fUy-The date opposite your address on the
p per denotes t he time to which you have paid .
If this notlcels marked jonr subscription is due.
U N I O N ( jfel L A B E L
there would be some pretty "short
skates" in high places not a thousand
miles from the court house of Oregon
8p sweetring, the spring, l the year's pleasant
Then blooms each thing.then frogs sing in a ring,
Cold doth not sting.the birds do sing.
Cuckoo, Jug-Jug, pu-wce, to wita.wool
Our Guarantee.
The Courier guarantees to its adver
tisers a circulation greater than all other
papers in Clackamas county combined.
It guarantees them a paid circulation
nearly twice as great as both other local
papers. It guarantees a circulation ag
gregating 2000 copies per week, and out
side of Oregon City, in Clackamas coun
ty, it stands ready to prove that its ac
tual paid circulation is fully twice an
great as that of both of its contempor
rif!S . The Courier stands ready to give
its adveitisers the benefit of an investi
gation, and if it c hnot prove any and
all of the foregoing statements, will
charge them nothing for their Bpace.
To those who desire to advertise and
want to make an inspection, our lists
are open for inspection. Do you adver
tise for the good of your'papor or to get
business? If for the latter you will see
the pertinency of the above remarks.
Well, it is Lord "Brownell."
What is
a Brownell Republican,
AVhich would you prefer, an honest
man drunk or a thief sober.
"Thero will be a hot time in the old
town" Saturday, April 4, 11)03.
Query? How much will the seven
toon votos of Clackamas County be
worth in the Republican convention
at Euguiio.
There are a good many kind of Re
publicans. There are gold Republi
cans, Free Silver Repbulicans, High
Tariff Republicans, Free Trade Re
publicans, Tariff Revission Republi
cans, Internal Improvement Republi
cans, Socialistic Republicans, ad in-
finitem j but the meanest Republican
of which we have ever heard is a
BROWNELL Republican. He don't
seem to be good for anything in par
ticular except to be shipped as freight
and sold as swine.
The Democrats of Cluckainas County
are going down to Albany on the
11 th of this month to assist in the
nomination of the next Congressman
from the First Oregon district. They
have no axes to grind and are looking
for no graft j they will only be looking
for the best man for the place and for'
the general welfare of the country at
large. Don't you want to go along
with that kind of a bunch of boys. It
worrld do you gpod. There are no
grafters in this crowd.
If Brownell is running the politics
of Clackamas County and is the dear
and brotherly friend of the poor down
trodden masses, why will he allow his
own chosen tribe of Israel to pay
$42. 25 on the one thousand taxes. Un
der the old dispensation the Jews were
only required to pay for serving the
Lord one-tenth of all they made.
Under this new regime the farmersvof
Clackamas County are compelled to
pay all they make and about five per
cent of the capital they own for bend
ing the knee to Lord Brownell. So
be it. One of these days the blind
will see. 1 . . :
Mjl.j mm wnimmmm
Henry Meldrum was kicked out o
a Federal job because some of the
"High-cock-a-lorums" of the Clacka
mas County Republican close corpor
ation said he drank too much. Henry
Meldrum may have dal'iled over the
wine when it was red in the cup but
he-was and is an honest man. More
than that he was and is honest and
true to his friends. All of the wine
and corn juice that is bottled and
barreled between the two seas would
not make an henest man or an honor
able politician out of some of those
Republicans who did the "kicking."
The truth of the matter is that the
place was wanted to further the game
of as corrupt a crowd of political mar
plots as ever robbed a county or stole
the vote of a convention.
Clackamas County is the highest
taxed county in the United Statos of
America, the Philippines, Porto Rico
and Sulu Islands. . A proper exhibit
to verify, this claim will bo filed and
exhibited at tho Lewis and Clark Ex
position in 11)05 sworn to by an thou
sand Republican farmnrs of Clacka
mas County. Be it known also that
this good county, the garden spot of
the "beautiful river," has been voting
the Republican ticket recently and
periodically for some time past.
Bavid Kinniard, of Canemah, and
five other faithful souls of that thriv
ing suburb of Oregon City met on the
public square in that city on last Sat
urday afternoon and "shook the box"
as to who should be the four delegates
to the Republican convention from
Canemnh, and David won as of old.
That was a real Democratic method of
settling the matter and was fair to all
concerned provided there were no
loaded dice in the game. Now there
are other Republican precincts in the
county in which the boys got neither
a run for their money or a "shake of
the box. " David you are a gonions
and ought to be kept on Uncle Sam's
pay roll until you survey all of the
We don't wondur that the Republic- arid lands of Oregon.
ans of Clackamas County got sore once
in a while when they look around and
discover that uoarly all of the good
Well, it is Dreiser. He is the Reg
ister of the land office and he has
, , , , , . , t j earned his job. Mr. Moores has made
places have been parceled out by Lord . "
t, , , . j 1-. . an acceptable official. Careful, pains-
Brownell to Renegade Domocrats. , , , . , . .
laKing ana nonesc. vocea tne xvepu d-
Well, wo will all go down to the
convention on next Saturday and see
just how Lord Brownell performs
when in action.
Query? Did Eli Haddock win his
light against Brownell in the Second
Ward or did Brownell win his fight
against Eli. Answer, Eli?
Only a few more years and the rank
and file of the Republican party will
only be "Hewers of wood and drawers
of water" and Lord Brownell and his
satelites will continue to be drawers
of the salaries and the dispensers of
the 'Graft.'
Would you rather bo a Democrat
1 ami be honest and get nothing than
he a Republican and got graft and
help tho other follow to get it.
Wo Democrats don't want anything
hut v are going to try to make tho
)t her f How be honest. Its a big job
iiid bud crowd and wo don't know
what wo can make of them but we
will do our duty to tho country just
the same.
Senator Brownell, tho "Big Thing"
or the U. O. P., will meet at the
Oourthimso in Oregon City at two
thirty o'clock on next Saturday after
noon tind name tho delegates to tho
Congressional convention at Eugeno.
Who wants to go
A Republican in Clackamas county
has no more show of getting an office
.than a Democrat and not as much pos
Bibly. Nearly all of the good places
aro held by ex-Democrats. If a Dem
ocrat iu Clackamas County wants an
office for sure all ho has to do is to
turn his coat and vote tho Republican
ticket. Then ho is picked up as a
stray diamond, nominated to office by
tho O. O. P. and electod with a whoop
and hurrah. Funny, isn't it? Tho
courthouse is full of ex-Democrats.
Wo will not stop to call tho roll now
but later will indulge in a few '"in
congruvial" lvinarkcs along this lino.
lican ticket as often as he could. He
has been too good a man to have boon
a itepbulican, but ho has. In appoint
ing Mr. Dresser the Republican party
has departed from all precedent. Mr.
Dresser is poor, not possibly as poor
as Lazarus, who eat the crumbs from
the rich man's table, but poor, honest
ly poor. Mr. Moores, while not as
rich as the rich man in the parable,
I is as rich as an incumbent of a Feder
al appointment ought to honostly be.
The logic of Republican politics would
have been to have made the rich mail
richer and the poor man be d m,
We are glad that Dresser has reached
the goal of his ambition. Tho fruition
of his years of service have at last
been gathered and it now or soon will
bo Register Dresser and we will all
call him JUDGE. Enter Dresser.
Exit Moores.
do rea t Values in
Golden Tuk Bazaar
r,- J.I. -'. .
1 T I I'
Boys' School,
Sailor and
Uorfolk Suits f,
"W" Ml
Every size and every style no need of
paying $4 or $4.50 in credit stores when
you can obtain such values from us
. Adams Bros.'
Golden Rule Bazaar
Oregon City's Big Cash Store
Miiirii niliM
Clackamas County is a royal vine
yard. Her soil is as rich as tho valley
of Nile. Her 'fields are broad and her
The innocent and unsophistocated
farmers of Clackamas Connrv who
hnone'iiced to he horn Itemihlicnns and prol'8 are ainiliuit .1 unfailing.
11 x l T T . -
don't know any better yet will arrive
in Oregon City on Saturday morning
to attend tho Republican convention
mid wo can imagine that tluy will tie
their horses to the fence and quietly
disperse into tho Courthouse yard and
there they will be met by a gentleman
who will pull out a nice silk badge
and pin it onto the lapel of their coats,
and it will read "I am a Brownell
Republican." The innocent fanner
will look at it for a few minutes and
A man who will lie in polities will
lie in. business A man who will mis-
XoaU ins neighbor and steal his vote probably say "Yes, I guess I am
is an anarchist in disguise. Look is one and so am I. "
around you my friends and see if that " -
kind nl' man is one of your acquaint
If a iu.ui is not a candidate for Con
i gross what, does he want with a del
egation anyway? Possibly it is a val-1
uablo chattel and would ho worth in.
tho open market of the world but '
why discuss the matter. Everybody
knows that Lord Brownell will do the'
fair thing.
Well wo are old enough in Oregon
to vote and that means that wo can
nay a' few things just for fun about
tho common enemy. A man does not
i'i . .1.. . . .
lino io lain too much when lie is so
new in a country that ho can ho called
a carpt-1 bager. We are getting to In
tin old pioneer now.
If a Democrat who lias been born
and bred in tho faith turns over to bo
a Republican for conscience sake why
JS it that tho next shako of the box he
rants an office nud immediately lo
mes a i.andidatc. We presume that
' for eonn'ieneo sake also. These ex
Vmoeruis have a conscience as elastic
.8 a llepuhlieau National platform.
Mayor Dimick .was conspicuous by
Lis uiem:o when tho Ihuwnell "Free
A friend of the Courier who also
happens to be a business man of Or
egon City and a Republican, remarked
to us tho other day: "We are glad
that yon are hero and giving us a good
paper, lint you can t do anything witli
the Republican party ; they have all
of the money and all, of tho big cor
porations areon their side and you can't
touch them. I wish you could." Now
is not that a sad commentary upon
our boasted American Civilization,
"The Land of tho free and the home
of tho brave." Well, wo may not be
able to move them, but we will take a
"little hide off" along at spells just
for fun.
There is a good wholesome senti
ment among tho Democrats of Clacka
mas County. There is a spirit of for
giveness and brotherly love. Thero is
a universal determination to bury the
hatchet and get together for tho battles
of the future. The Democrats of this
county and of this state can win if
they will all "pull" together. Will
they? We hope and believe for the
best. We know that tho Democratic
;arty stands for all that is honest and
Her people aro tho best on earth. Her
laborers aro worthy of their hire. Her
farmers are broad minded and generous
and her women aro lovely to behold.
She ought to bo what sho is entitled
to bo tho best county oil the Pacific
Coast between tho Canadian border
and San Diego. She is what her pol
itics has made her, a poor tax ridden
municipality. In ten years from her
hard handed sons of toil t,hero has been
taken "by the gatherer of the sheaves"
$1,500,000 and and what has sho to
show for it. A dozen wooden bridges
of an anti diluvian period. They look
like they might have been left here by
Noah some years ago. A few miles of
miserably bad roads. Partly plank,
partly sand and mostly mud. Sho also
has a very, very bad political odor about
her Somo body has beeu robbing tho
corn crib Somo political vermin have
been around at night. What has be
come of the coin anyway? If a county
in the East or South were taxed as
high iih is this county there would be
mob violence and some body would get
into trouble. Why does Lord Brown
ell permit his children to be so treated?
the people fhe plain unvarnished truth.
Just tell the people that the explana
tion for the increased assessment is
that we need more money and that we
"have got to have it. " Colonel Brad
ley is an own cousin to Governor Wil
liam O. Bradley of Kentucky and looks
very much like him. Governor Brad
ley had the reputation of being the
meanest Republican in the Blue Grass
state and in that respect he and the
colonel resemble. Ho could also drink
more good bourbon, swear more pro
fanely and tell more unreasonable
stories than any man since the days of
Annias. On those later grounds Col
onel John and Governor Bill aro no
A Hot Protest,
;ood iu our American government and
ve believe that the people are honest to explain tho matter away an 1 tell
Senator John Bradley of Oregon City
who has been in the country for the
last month or more doubling the as
sessments of the common herd and
incidentally rxplainig the benevolent
jxilicy of the Republican party dropped
into Oregon City on Saturday after
noon and reported progress. He thinks
ho will get his end of the county doub
led up by the middle of the Summer.
Mr. Bradley says it is a pretty tough
job to make the"haysecds"understand
why it is that the assessment is doubled
this year when the taxes are alreadv
"higher than the cat's back". Now
Colonel suppose you just Quit trvinu
Editor Com eer I see in the daily Ore-
gonian of Mirch 22d, the following:
"The Oregonian will obtain from the
office of the secretary of stata tin list of
names of those persons who have ao lit
tle pride in their state as to try to aetMt
the Lewis and Clark Centennial ; and it
will publi h the list by couniies. In this
wav it will be shown what dead weight
Oregon is (loomed for the present to
Now. Mr. Scott, do y;m really think
you can scare any on? In the business
world this article would be e ustrued to
be bluc'unniliilg. What are you going
to do with us Mr. Scott, boycot us in
business and politics?
In my neighborhood I heve yet to find
a voter vihois in favor cf the fair. You
suecee led io bulldozing the legislature
lo pass this spuropriatinn without rtfer
ling i to the people. Now you propose
tobuildiiZ' the taxpayers. Perhaps you
will ; may he you will not
Stand iy your guns, boys, the war is
Yours for Liberty,
W. W. Mvkhs.
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