Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 03, 1903, Image 2

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I Extension Tables
from 4.00 to $20.00
' Wall Paper
( 10c per roll
The only way to get what you have to give is to see
that you understand fully our desire to treat you well.
Our offerings are planned with a view to giving the best 1
returns for your money, so that you may feel an interest
in coming again.
Spring Stock of
Go-Carts will be
in soon.
Lace Curtains
75c to $6.00
per pair.
Glass Cuboard $o
IM4 High
ifcc j jyj Grade
jjf Steel
When you buy your Carpet of
us we see that you are relieved from
the drudgery of laying it. Our men
know just how and our carpet1' like
them, are reliable. See what we
offer for 65 cents a yard.
Iron Bed (not like cut)
Spring and Mattress
for $6.75
rep City Bieyole
Successors to
Johnson lamb
1 Dealers in Bicycles, and Bicycle Sundries ft
fi fl . & S
j Guns and Ammunition, Gasoline Lamps S
:: :: :: :: and Supplies
We camj a full line of Warranted Ccitlerij and Agents for
Tribune - - Bicycles, $40 and $50'
Sver Johnson, $30, $35, $40 and $50
$25 and $30
These are the wheels that stand up. Call and see them before buying
We have the best equipped repair shop in Clackamas County, and guarantee first-class vork
at less than Portland prices on Hicycles, Guns and General Repairing, Keys fitted and Locks
repaired. Shells loaded to order. Sole agents for Pal Alto Metal Polish the best on earth
....Main Street, Oregon Cfy, Between 6th and 7tb
The South End Road.
There was a conference between the
citizens of Oregon City and the officials
of the Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany last Friday afternoon, at hich the
subject of a crossing for the south end
road was discussed at some lenght.
The officials of the road assured the
citizens of their hearty good will and
co-operation in the matter, and engine
ers will be sent up witin a few days to
make estimates on the cost ot the crow
ing. The proposed road is to be one
and one-balf miles In lenght and its cost
is estimated at $9,000.
There 'is a difference of opinion as to
who owns the rights of way over which
the Southern Pacific tracks are laid at
the base of the bluff, and a friendly suit
is now pending in the State Supreme
court to settle the matter. The city
claims that the street, winding along the
lower edge of the precipice, in and al
ways has been the property of Oregon
City, and that the railroad company
only has a franchise for its tracks
through there. The company, on the
other hand, claims that it owns the pro
perty by right of purchase of the land
from the John M''Loughlin heirs seven
years ago. The city contends that the
heirs of John McLoughlin had no land
to sell there and that the quit-claim
deed of the railroad company wis there
fore void and of no effect ; that in the
plat of the city Bluff street follows the
base of the precipice ; that the city some
years ago could have bought the Mc
Loughlin interest for $3000, but upon in
vestigation it was found that the heirs
had no interest in the tract whateve r
This new road will mean a great deal
to the property owners and business
men in the southern part of the town
and will likelv have the effect of build
ing up tha end. The town of recent
3 ears has steadily grown nortnwura
while the south end has progressed very
A Modern David Harum.
0. N. Greenman is the David Harum
of Oregon City. We do not mean to say
that he could be persuaded to trade
horses on Sunday; but we do mean to
say that he will sell,trade or"dicker, for
a horse on any other day. A few days
ago he sold a team of very common worn
out plugs for $350. The Oregonian had
it $450, which is just about ' as near to
the truth as a Republican paper can con
sciet ciously get. Well that is only the
beginingof the story. One dav last
week an innocent farmer came to town
with a spanking fine team of young bay
draft horses. They were fine as silk
and to look upon them was good for
sore eyes. When brother Greenman
saw them, he threw away his cane. He
approached the farmer and asked
him how much he wanted for that pair
of "plugs." The farmer said $375 and
they worth every dollar of $300. Mr,
David Harum Greenman however said
he could not see it that way but if be
would take $350 be might be able to
borrow the money from a friend and
make a trade. The fanner fell into the
trap so Mr. Greenman has the best team
that Oregon City has seen in many a
day. It is a peach. It is good to look
at. Thev are like a royal flush. The
old gent has been offered $500 for the
team but says no.
A New Mil!.
The country between Eagle Creek
and High Bridge on the Clackamas is
a perfect hive of industry. More than
200 men are employed along the right of
way of the 0. W. P. .k Railway com
pany's new electric road. At the falls
of the Clackamas a large force of men
are employed in setting up a much need'
ed lumber mill to supply timbers for the
bridges, and ties between Springwater
and bresham. This new road will open
up a splendid country and will add
materially to the wealth of Clackamas
RANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sate, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. fi. Cross, At
torney at Law.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
T n h i it i i 1 n n( ( i n 1 1 a ) a i u o d
ni ) I'll ) o 1 1 1 ir i;m tit Kill
nins. Cures Cuts heals Bums auil
Bruises, subdues InhVuuinution, mas
ters Piles. Millions of Boxes sold year
ly. V0rk9 wonders in Boila, Ulcers,
Felons, tkin b ruptions. It rures or no
pay. 25c at Geo. A. Ilirding's dr,ui
Walks Without Crutches.
I was much alllicted with Bciatiea,
wiites Ed. C. Nud, Iuwaville, Sedgwick
Co , Kan., "going about ou crutches and
eiiUVring a deal of pain. I w s induc
ed to try Ballard's Shot Liniment,
which relieved me. I used three 50c
bottles. It is the greatest liniment I
ever used ; have recommended it to a
number of persons, all express them
selves are being beuetitted by it. I now
walk without crutches, and can perform
a great deal of hlit labor ou the farm."
26c, 50c and $1 at Charman & Co.
tbe Planet Saloon
Kellp t Huconkb
Planet Whisku ia the best in the world' 11 iB distmed
y from selected grain in the mountains of
Kentucky. We also carry all the other first-class brands.
Old Crow Dewars' Scotch Yellowstone
Hermitage John Begg's Scotch Wonticello lfVc
Cyrus noble . WcKane's Pure Walt Wilson Whiskp
Jjunter 1ft Canadian Club Cream fr
and the Celebrated RED TOP WHISKY
The finest Resort in the city
Qarde Building, next to the Suspension Bridge:
Fine Whiskies and Cigars
All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
Old Roxbury Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St.
ii'ifeiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiilhimdi mlii ifcnKiiiii m a m ft, H'hiinftiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii,.,,!!!!, , it,, t
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers
1 Phones 411 and 304. Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
Elk Horn Livery Feed; Sale Stable
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager,
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Brown & Welch
Proprietors op the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattel. 'John W. Loder, at-torney-at-law,
Oiegon City.
Herbine Cures.
Fever and gne. A dose will usually
flop a chill, a continuance always cures.
Mrs. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas
May 31, 1830, writes. "We have used
Ilethiue in our family for eight years,
and found it the best medcinn wa have
ever need, for the lag-ippe, bilioui fevar
nd mn'ari.i." 50o .it Ohnrru.iu & Co.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
deals at All Hoars Open Day and Nighl
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspensiot Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
.S. J.TAU&HA r'
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Kenrly Opposite Suspension Bridge
First Class Rigs of all Kinds
at Reasonable Prices
Oregon City : : Oregon
4 J