Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 20, 1903, Image 7

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    Oregon city , courier, frieay, march 20, 1903
and union Pacific
Three trains to the east daily.
Through Pullman standard and
Tourists sleeping cars daily to
Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist
sleeping cars daily to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping
cars (personally conducted) weekly
to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis
and Memphis; reclining chair cars
(seats free) to the East daily.
. wo VIA
9:20 a. m.
15 p. m.
DEN a.,
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portlaud. every
6 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points."
Monthly SteamerB to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or addrem nearest
0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Fine Old Whiskies,
Wines, and Cigars
Can always be found at the
new saloon, corner Fourth and
Main, Oregon City,
Some of our special brands are:
Fine Old Green River Bourbon
Old Grand Dad,
Roxbury Rye
And Finch's Golden Wedding
Rye, best in United States
We also handle the celebrated
Wilhot Springs Water. Billiards
and Pool. Courteous treatment
Or;gon City and Caiiby, Oregon
and all points East and South are
best reached from Minnea
polis and St. Paul via
The peer of all fine trains between
these large cities is the famous
. Limited
For lowest 'rates, time of trains and full
Information write to
(Jeneral Agent
mi 8 Alder St., Portland, Ore.
eneral Passinar Agent.St. Ji il,
Have YoiTa
farm Tor Sale?
C. N. Plowman Co.
We sell land by spending money
in advertising. Send us your
Eastern friends address, and
we will mail him our descrip-'
tive pamphlet of Clackamas
C. N. Plowman Co.
Oregon Gty, Ore.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ono end a Half Kffiioa
bottles. Does this record of merit aroeal to vou ? No Cure.
y fcmaowi wiui every come i en sepp package OI u-ove't
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has
r jt&fy'fU s sona supervision since its infancy.
&CVt wivWi Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Ethel 1. Tobin, plaintiff, ys. Esmond D. Tobin,
To Esmond D. Tobin, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed againtt you in the a bore entitled came
within six weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons; service of said summons
having been ordered served upon you by publi
cation, by order of T. F. Eyan, Judge of the counly
couft of the state of Oregon, ior the county of
Clackamas, dated Fob. 23, W08.
The said action is brought to obtain a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tweenplalnt ft and the defendant, and for suoh
other relief as the oourt may seem equitable.
And your are hereby notified, that if you fail to
appear and answer the said oomp.alnt, as above
required, the said plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded therein.
At orney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Feb 27, 1903.
Date of last publlcatljn, May 1 .
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas co.inly.
Ira N. Jaivis, pla lntlff, vs. Bose Jarvls, defend
ant. To Rose Jarvls, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
cause within six successive weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons; service of
of said summons having been ordered served
upon you by publication, by order of T. K. Ryan,
Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon,
for the.eounty of Clackamas, dated Feb. 23d,
The said actlou is brought to obtain a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween the plaintiff and the defendant, und for
such other relief as the court may seem equita
ble. And you are hereby notified, that if you fail
to appearand answer the said oomplalnt, as above
required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court I
fo: the relief demanded therin.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Feb. 27, 1!K)3.
Date of last publication, May 1, 1803.
In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, f o
Clackamas bounty.
Alfred W, Snyder, Plaintiff, vs. MIrr.nda Snyder
To Miranda Snyder, the above named'defendant
Yon are hereby ttuiumoiird to appear and an
swer tho complaint filei ugalnst you in the above
entitled court nnd cause on or before the 14th
day of March, 1903, or ii you f dil so to nppear and
answer said complaint the plnlutitf will thereupon
apply to the court for the relief prayed for In his
said complaint, titwtt: Fo the dissolving of
the bond" of matrimony axisting between your
self and the plaintiff.
This snmmoi s Is published by orderof the lion.
T. A. Mi Bride, Judge of the circuit court for the
i Stale of Uregon, made and entered the 2bih day of
' January, I'JIM.
i Attorney for Plaintiff.
The first publication Is on the 7 day of Feb., 1903.
ine iabi publication on me m aay ot Miircu, iuua.
In the Clrcnlt Corjrt of the State of Oregon, for
uie l-nuniyui iiiacuftinas.
William A. Crisell, Plaintiff, va. William Ratcliff,
In the name of the State of Oresron. yon William
Ratcliff, defendant, are hereby required to appear
and answer the amended complaint of 'aid plain
tiff filed against you In the abore entitled suit, on
or before Tuesday, April 14, 1A03, that beinft the
dav set the ttial ot this case, following six weeks
publication of this summons, and yeu will take
ootlce that if you fail to so appear and answer
BHid amended oomplalnt, for want thereof,
flaintiff herein will apyly to said Court for the re
let praye 1 for in said amended complaint, which
Is in brief, as follows jo wit: For a decree against
said defendant, decreeing the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee nimple of the followlrg described
premises and the whole thereof, to-wit.
Lot 4 of Section 22' and the West half of the East
half of Section 27 in Township S South of Ranne
1 West, Willf mette meridian, being and situated
in Clackamas county. State of Oregon; and de
creeing that defendant has no right' title. Interest
or eetate In or to said premises, or any part there
of, and for such other and further relief as to this
Courtmay seem equitable and Just and lor bis
costs and disbursements.
This summons is served by publication for six
weeks by order of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, County
Judge of lacltamas county, State of Oregon,
bearing date February 25, l!i03, said order being
oblalntd from said judge because of the absence
from the county of Hon. T. A. 1I( Bride, Judge of
this Judicial district.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, February 25th.,
Attorney for PUintiff.
Tasteless Chill
been made under his per-
Department of the Intertob,
United StateBLand Office,
Oresrnn Citv. Or.. December 18th. 1902,
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
In this otlice by Feler uranaizm, eontestan :
aeainst Homestead Entry No. 12018, made Decern
ber 23d, 18,'ifi, for sw of swji secUon 2ft, town
ship 4 outn, range 4 east oy James jnyiea, cou
tcstee, in which It is alleged that eontestan
knows the Dresent condition of the same: also tha
said James Mvlos has wholly abandoned said
rliilm for the nast two years: that he has not im
proved the same as required by law, nor had any
nne make nnv imnrovements thereon for him: tha
to my best knowledge and belief said Jamea Mjles
never resided or settled upon saia ciaim ai ai
(and that said alleged absence from the said land
was not due te Ms employment in im Army
Nhw nr Marina Corns of the United Statea as
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during
the war with Spain, or during any other war in
which the United States may be engaged!.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said allegation
at 10 o 'clock a. m. on March 26th, 1903, before the
Register and Receiver at tho United States Land
Office in Oregon City, Oregon,.
The said contestant Imviutr. In a proper afft
davit, filed December 15th, 1902, set forth facts
which show that afterdue diligence personal serf
vinpoftbis notice can not be made, wan ordered
and directed that such notice be given by due an d
proper publication.
Geo. W. Bibee, Receiver,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ad
mlnistratrix De Bonis son of the estate of W. A,
fiianhpns. deceased, has this dav filed her' final ac
count in aald estate and that the Honorable
Coiintv Court of Clackamas County. Oreeon, has
fixed and appointed Monday, the 23rd day of
March, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., 01
said day ai the county oourt house In Oregon
City in said county, at the time and place for
hearing any o"jectlon to such final acecount and
lor tne settlement tncie i.
Administratrix De Bonis Non of the Estate of
W. A. Stephens. Dcaeased
Dated this 9th day of February, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my
final report as dminlstratorof tho estate of B,
F. Baker, deceased with the County Court- of
Clackamas county and State ot Oregon, and that
said court has set Monday tne otn nay oi April a.
D., 19U3 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. as the
time for hearing objections thereto, If anythere
H. Blankinship, Administrator of
the Estate of B. F. Baker.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
Susan K. Jones. Plaintiff, vs. Benlamin r
Jones, defendant:
To Benjamin K. Jones, tho abore named de-
ienaant. ,
Iu the name of the state of Oreiton you are here
by required to appear and auswer the complaint
filed airainst you in the above entitled suit within
six weeks after the date of the first publication of
tins summons to-wltt Alter the 18th day of Febru
ary A. D 1WM, and if you ail to so appear and
answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the aboe naed court for the relief demanded In
her complaint to-wit: For a decree diisoMng the
uotian oi matrimony now existing between you
Slid the plaintiff.
1 his summons is published In absence of Cir
cuit Judge Thomas A. MeDride by order of Thos.
F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the state
of Oregon for Clackamas oountv, dated February
11, 11KJ3. Kate of first puh'icat'ion February 13.
1903, last, Maroh 27, 1903.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. Wakeful Children.
For a long Ume the two year old child
of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 69 N. Tenth
8t Harriaburg, Pa., would sleep but
two or three hours in the early part of
the night, which made it very hard for
her parents. Her mother concluded
that the child had stomach trouble, and
gave her half of one of Chamberlain's
stomach an J Uver Tablets, which quiet
ed ber stomach and she slept the whole
night through. Two boxes of these
Tablets have effected a permanent cure
and she is not well and strong. For Bale
by Geo A. Harding.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Black Root. Liver Pin$.
A Legacy Of Th8 Grip.
Is often a ruu-down system . Weak
ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en
ergy and ambition, w ith disordered liver
and kidneys often follow an attack of the
wretched disease. J. he greatest need
then is Electric Bitters, the splendid
tonic, blood purifier and regulator of
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys Thou
sands have proved that they wonder,
fully strengthen the nerves, build up the
system, and restore to health and good
spirits after an attack of brip. If suf
fering, try them. Only 60c. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by Geo- H
Rosebushes', clematis, Ornamental
shrubbejy,- cut flowers at the green
house at Gladstone. James Wilkinson,
Prop . .
The Same Mistake Is Made by the
Majority of People.
It's a common error
To plaBter the aching back,
To rub with liniment rheumatic
When the trouble comes from the
Doan'a Kidney Pills cure all kidney
Here is positive proof.
A Ammann.showmaker, of 1024 Santa
Fe Ave., Denver, Colo., says: "When
Doan's Kidney Pills stopped an ag
gravated case of kidney complaint in the
summer of 1902. 1 made that fact known
to the residents of Denver so that others
who bad kidnev trouble in any of its
various forms mieht know what course
to pursue to get relief. The opinion I
then exoreesed is the same to-day as it
was when Doan's Kidney Pills were first
brought to my notice. 1 nave nau no
occasion to use anv medicine for my
kidneys sine. When Doan's Kidneys
nils effected a cure in my case tnat cure
was permanent. '
For sale nv all dealers, f rice du cents
Forster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,sole
agents for the U. S.
Kememner the name JJUAJN's anu
take no other.
Free embroidery lessons given free
of charge by an experienced teacher at
Adams' Bros.' Golden Rule Bazaar,
every Tuesday and Friday from 2 to 5
o'clock p. m . Ladies invited to call
and join class.
A Printer Greatly Surprised.
"I never was so much surprised in my
life, asLwas ith the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry
T. Crook, nressman of Asheville (N , U.)
Gazette. "I contracted a severe case of
iheumatism early last winter by getting
my feet wet. I tried several things for
it without benefit. One day while look
ing over the Gazette, I noticed that Pain
Balm was positively guaranteed to cure
rheumatism, so bought a bottle of It
and before using two thirds of it my
rheumatism had taken its flight and I
have not had a rheumatic pain since,
Sold by G. A. Harding. ,
WANTED To increase my list of farms
and landB for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. 11. woss, At'
a Run on Chamberlain's
Between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m.
and closing time at night on Jan. 25th,
1901. A' F. Clark, druggist, Glade
Springs, Va., sold twelve bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He
savs. " never handled a medicine that
sold better or save better satisfaction to
my customers." This Remedy has been
in general use m Virginia lor many
years, and the people there ace well ac
auainted with its excellent qualities
Many of them have testified to the re'
markable cures which it has effected
When you need a good, reliable medi
cine for a cough or cold, or attack of the
bHd. use Chamberlain's Uouau ttemeuy
and you are certain to be more than
pleased with the quick cure which it af'
torus, nor sate uy u. a. riaruing.
Children's Coughs and Colds
Mrs. Joe McGrath, 327 E. let St
Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I have
given Ballard's Horehound Syrup to my
children for coughs and colds lor tne
nast four Tears, and find it the best
medicine I ever used." Unlike many
couifh syrups, it contains no
opium, but ill soothe and heil any
HiHunaa nf thp thrnnt. nr lnnc nnifikpr than
1 any other remedy. 25c, 50c and $1 at
(Jharman & (Jo.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colas, prevents pneumonia.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
takes short roads.
JL iA,nd light loads.
'ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Evarywhara.
Mad. by STA Jf DARI1 Oil. CO, ,
A Full Report of the Money Expended
for the Relief of Fire Sufferers.
The cotnmitte who had in charge the
expenditure of the funds raised for the 1
benefit of the fire sufferers at Spring-'
water submit the following as a full and
complete and final report of their dis
tribution of the said funds. This is done
so that all may know exactly how the !
funds were placed and is published in
full at the request of the committee.
Mrs Albright flOOO
L Anderson 125
Seth Auctin 20
FBusch 1000
f 46 16
s"64 J
29 40
M L J'ridenstien 800
Wm Bard 1700
Chas. Bard 400
12 i
Lewis Barrin 1000
EJ Boweu.... 150
N Boy land 500
Larence Baker. 75
9 40
3 70
19 60
13 41
5 35
16 65
39 87
8 4J
6 07
13 22
39 30
7 79
7 20
41 S3
22 38
48 24
'5 00
6 00
V Baker 100
Wm Baker 400
E Bertleson .(Busch). . 100
Fred Bent 400
George Bowdish .......
Mrs Cherry . 200
PUoyu 100
George Cunningham.. 1000
H E Cross 2000
W L Oornett 400
Widow Charter, 500
AI Carey 600
Ed Clostner 1400
A D Crane.i 50
M Cadnauah 250
Cox...., 50
Denny 25
1 00
15 00
88 61
8 00
19 25
10 31
H R Duboise 400
G E Dibble 500
Duncan.. 200
S Elwood Diet
Johnj Goeble 300
Widow Gordon 500
23 09
5 00
C H Guttridge 300
Jas " 6U0
8 00
Robt " 400
8 00
Gensoroski 150
16 00
1 50
8 56
13 19
Joe and Mary Green.... 200
Uranstalf 50
Frank Haybelt 500
A " 250
Carrol Howell 200
26 65
15 53
DC Howell 500
Mine Holland 50
W F Henderson 400
Joe Kelltr 200
5 35
Wm Kandle 2500
41 60
Geo Reams
.... 75
J A Kiggins...
John Lewellen.
8 00
14 59
W J Lewellen.
Emily Lewellen
39 45
AI Lacy
15 66
11 00
Eb Lacy
E Lay
J Lewis
7 25
41 89
34 30
J T Myers 1000
Ed Miller 500
Mendling 100
Jas Marchbank 400
Frank Grillard 500
John Marchbank 500
JOMattbeus 100
O Matthews 100
4 13
33 97
26 99
13 20
"42 53
Woger& Whitehead... 1300
Green Mayfleld 600
Missouri " 100
It Meibs 800
Joe Myers', place 60
6 65
14 12
wm Myers, sawmill
Henry Myers, sawmill
Miller Bros 200
James Marrs 150
11 25
21 74
10 05
J Meiliki 100
Fred Miller ; 150
Wm Neiman 250
John Nibecker 75
Spencer Nash......... 100
0 W PR RCo 200
M Parks : 400
John M Parks 100
Wm Palmer.... 400
Presbyterian Church... 800
Widow Ried 200
GeoReid 1250
John Ried 1500
E Ridgway 800
8 H Rainv 25
Rowley Place 1200
Mvers sawmill....... ... 1000
JTStrite 500
Wm Snyder 1700
PhilShannan 2000
'ohh 8tormer 1500
A MSInvely 1200
JaaShivt'ly 300
1 D Surfus 60
John Scott, Sr 150
Wm Smith 1000
O B Taylor 50
Wm Tayloi
Wm Tucker 500
Branch Tucker 2500
Henry Turner 25
L W Vandyke
W M Wornkk 1700
Sam " 300
Dr W Walleus 125
Willis place 250
Wm Wilson
Willis Yonce 350
19 63
67 95
33 50
64 20
38 07
2 15
34 30
37 85
30 93
75 40
21 70
17 20
72 70
9 10
37 81
I hereby certify that the above is a
true and correct copy of the proceedings
of the Springwater Are relief committee
as the same appears on our books.
L. W. Vandyke, Sec'y.
The-above does not include clothing,
etc sent prior to September 27, 1902.
Insurance, age and ability were con
W. J. Lewellen,
W. II. Kandle,
Julian Hatch.
For Sale
Bay mare, 7 years old, weighs' about
1200 pounds. Good driver. . Works
ingle or double. Can be seen at the
Shannon place near West Oregon City
school bouse.
"I owe my whole life to Burdock
Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered
my body. I seemed beyond cure. B.
B. B. has made me a perfectly well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Hntton, Berville
Mich. .
A household necessity Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. Heals burnt, cots, wounds
of any sort; cures sore throat, croup,
catarrh, asthma; never fails.
"A 'dose In time saves lives." Dr.
Wood's Norway l'ine syrup; nature's
remtdy for coughs, colds, pulmonary
diseases of every sort.
Hives are a terrible torment to the
little folks, and to some ol 'er one.
Easily cured. Doan's Ointment never
fails. Instant relief, permanent cure.
At any drug store 50 cents.
Pacifc Mutual
Life Insurance Co.
of California
Offers you distinctive
profitable forms of
Life and Endow
ment Insurance....
Payable either In 'a single sum or
In installments. It has the safest
and best organization for Policy-
noiuers oi any American company
Room 5,
Stevens' BIk.
Oregon City
Call or write for Samrle Prlicy.
Turney will conduct a dancing
school at Beaver Creek hall. Meet
every Thurssday evening: dance
starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at
12. , Admission, Gents 50c : :
Ladies Pree
-v... .
f M)!-t ,1 sir V
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbin heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive If the
work is clone by
Oregon City
Second-IIand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Sugarman & Co.
m Bouse and Cot
isr jaw
f nt tOc V fC in iriAcf
Uv desirable residence location
in Oreirnn Pitu T.,,
S tages on lot. One has six
Jj rooms, large pantry and
4 bath. The other house
($ has three rooms, good brick
JiiJ flues, good well of water
ji) and nicelot of fruit. Close
ffe cellars, sawdust walls, and M
good outbuildings. Property IS
I Fnr nnVp and brmc nn. On
B. A
PTk 1
Courier st
1 Office I
I 1
of Shoes and Rubbers
at Extremelylow prices
is now on. Call and
see us.
Krauss Bros.
v-. ti 'jl- j 1 X .
Btari tin A 1,18 l)U Hnv Mmv: