Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 20, 1903, Image 6

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, , The only ( way to get what you have to give is to see
that you understand fully our desire to treat you well.
Our offerings are planned with a view to' giving the best
returns for your money, so that you may feel an interest
in coming again;
Extension Tables
from $4.00 to 20.00
Wall Paper
10c per roll
Spring Stock of
Go-Carts will be
in soon.
Lce Curtains
7c to 6.oo
per pair.
"siSpT Grade
( ilfp 35.00
When you buy your Carpet of
us we see that you are relieved from
the drudgery of laying it. Our men
know just how and our carpet . like
them, are reliable. See what we
offer for 65 cents a yard.
Glass Guboard 10 I
1 i i t" I
Iron Bed (not like cut)
Spring and Mattress
for 6.75
Some of the farmers are nearly through
with their seeding, and the rest of us
are getting a move on ourselves.
Grass has begun to start and stock is
getting restless and they want more.
Fall grain was damaged some last
winter by the freezing weather on low
The new shingle mill started up today.
The two shingle mills and the piling
camps are making business lively in
this section. Let the good work go on.
The sad news was received last Friday
of Ora McUraw's death at Klamath
Falls, Or. She was teaching school at
that place at the time of her death. She
was born in Clackamas county, and has
lived in Clackamas and Marion counties
until hertrip Southi She wasaspleu
dii schoolteacher and leaves mauy rela
tives and friends to moirn her loss. She
was nearly 21 years of aee at the time of
her death. Her death is a sad shock to
her brothers and sisters, who have the
the sympathy of all.
Miss Effie Morey left Saturday for
Portland, wher she is learning pho
tography in all its branches. Retouch-
ne will be her main study. Good bve.
EtBe, you leave many friends in this
Ed Austin, our sawmill man. hauled
out his rew 50 horse boiler and 41-horse
engine last week, and is placing his ma
chinery in place. His mill was too
small for the demand he bad for lum
ber. This mill will turn out 10,000 feet
per day. We ail wish yoa success in
your enterprise.
Mrs. J. O. Coates gave her mother. L.
li. Wright a birthday dinner Sunday
Fred J. Nelson, of Oregon City, was out
hb mey noid their dinners together
Mrs. Wright was 7.4 years old, and Fred
J. jNelfon 25 jears. Grandma, as she
is called, received many useful presents
from her relatives. A good time was
had by all that who were present.
T. Wiles and family. W. Simmons and
family were the guests oi Mr. and Mrs
D. Skeen, of Oak Grove last Sunday.
Miss Sumner has been eneaaed to
teat h the spring term of school at Oak
Mr. and Mrs. Delia ven. of Bridal
Veil are visiting the latter's mother.
Airs, isarnes.
Messrs. John Ridings and Pen v Ad-
ams, of Marquam, were gueBts at the
borne ol Is. Wright last ThuraJaj.
bay, you want to tee some of the
oung men plow. They leave their three
orses to the plow until tliev shake the
harness oti, by getting so cold while the
young man is leaning against the fence
talking to his best girl.
Listen for the wedding bells this week.
so liumor says. May haoDiuess and
proseerity go with you.
J. O. Morris has ourchased a
Winchester rifle to keer the old maids
and widows away. That's right, Jim
they'll eat up all your cherries.
Will be presented by the Courier to the
most Popular Laboring Men in Clacka
mas County
Popularity Voting Contest
There aro three thousand laboring men InOlackamas County who work for wages. The Courier wants to
know who are the four moat popular laboring men in this vast aimy of wao workers. To that end we
will open the ballot to Courier snbscriheis.
On the 30th day ol May, Pecoratiou Day, we will g'va the following prizes to the most popular laboring
men iu this county :
To the Labor tig Man Receiving the Highest Number of Votes $25.00
To the Laboring Man Receiving the Next Highest Number of Votes 20.00
To the Laboring Man Receiving the Third Highest Number of votes 10.00
To the Laboring Man Receiving the Fourth Highest Number ol votes 5IOO
Bow Entitled to Vote
$1.50 paid on subscription entitles you to cast twenty votes
.75 pud ou subscription entitles you to cast ten votes
.40 pid on subscription entitles yoa to cast five votes
Whether yon be an old subscriber or a new one, you can vote for your choice by paying your subscription
to the Courier. You get the Courier one year for $1.50, sis months for 75c, throe months for 40c.
Official Ballot
Name .
The Most Popular Laboring Man In Clackamas County Is:
No. of Votes 6ast.
Mountain View.
Charlie Ely shouldered his valise last
Saturday mornn g and started to Salmon
Kiver, where he will work.
Horace Williams and family have
moved into H. E. Cross' house lately
vacaieu Dy ivir. jeuerson.
A family nas moved into the honBe
lately vacatbd by J. W. Currin, but we
nave not learned their names.
Grandma Hart is visitins with her
daughter, Mrs. West, this week.
Mr. Smalley writes from Fremont
Wash., that she does not like that coun
try, but there is lots of work there.
La grippe has a strong hold on the
people of this burg.
Mrs. Darling. J. Everhart. Grandma
Curran and Elwood Frost are victims of
that dread disease, lagrippe.
urannrna ana u ran a pa lieattie v ere
making calls in this burg Sunday.
Mr. Thompson has gone to Portland
to wcrk again.
Mr. banford and son have gone to
isoumern Uregon to bunt for work.
Mr and Mrs. IUy are both quite sick
F. M. Darling has the lumber for
new fence.
Frankurran is biw making improve'
ments on their house and grounds. He
put up new eavt-v and troughs last
W. W. Mavis having the chimneys
and a fireplace built in his new house
this week.
Mahlon Moran and wife, of Portland
spent Sunday here among relatives.
Rev. J. VV. Craig was greeted with
large audience last Sunday, and had two
accessions to the church.
Rev. Pogue will hold services in the
church next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and in the evening at 7 :30. Sun
day school is held every Sunday at
Miss Lennie fieeley went to Portland
Tuesday morning to resume work again
Frank Saaer was in this burg Sunda
and Monday bidding farewell to friends
before starting to Alaska.
John Francis expects to go to Alaska
with Frank Sager. They stait Thurs
Mr. Kuntz has bought a new two-
seated hack.
Mrs. Mack's mother is visiting with
her this week.
All Hands OnTime
The second hand,
the minute hand,
the hour hand, run
in unison on an
Perfect in construction; positive in
performance. Every genuine Pterin
has the word "Elgin" engraved on
works. Illustrated art booklet free.
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and
Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight
to all points east.
3 Fast Trains daily between Ogden and Denver
Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist
Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service....
Stopovers Allowed
For rates, folders and other
information, address ,
W. C. mcBrlde, Gen. Jtqi.
124 Third St. PortiandgOrt.
iniali ll life
We carry the only complete line L
f( nuebfeta Prflina Tfnl.ufl on1
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearee in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embhlming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304. . Main St., Opp. Huntley's. I
i.M"iipll';,yiirliiilfliiiiilBiniiiii flilfiiliilfli"il;llii'iliiiiltpii)iiipiiiil;iiiiiilli'iiirp y yinifpiiiiiiymiiyiiiiy Byntqy
Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager, ?S?g
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
. The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Docs not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barter,-Agent.
1 n)ii'-
At r v .,.,a"':Jx
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
a, o.
u. w.
Looks a little more like spring.
Dr. Dedraan has purchased a
driving mare.
John Clausen died at his home near
the White school house last Monday
morning of cancer. The remains were
laid to rest in the Mount Zion cemetery,
tery. Mr. Clausen leaves a wife, several
children and many friends 10 mourn bis
J. "ullivan ha settled in full with Mr.
Sias for the Huff Orpingtou chickens
that his dog killed last week.
Last Monday the switch engine that
hauls gravel from the pit jumped the
track and tipped over. Ko one was in
jured in the accident.
Last Saturday night Canhy Lodge No.
156, 1. 0. O. F. went to Needy to initi
ate six new candidates into the myster
ies of Odd Fellowship. About 12 o'clock
a bountiful lunch was served after which
the work continued until morning. All
the surrounding lo-lges were well repre
sented and everyone reports a grand
tim. Car by team ii oue of the bett iu
Ui olnt ..
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Frleea Reasoaafcle
Only First Class Restaurant in tha City
Opposite Scispensiot Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
Livery Feed m Sale Stable
Newly Opposite Bmpensloo Bridge
First Class Rigs of all Kinds
at Reasonable Prices
Oregon City : : .. 0rc?on